April 12, 2015 Second Sunday of Easter St. Pius X 2015 Easter Vigil. San Pío X Vigilia Pascual de 2015. St. Pius X Catholic parish 1280 NW Saltzman Rd., Portland, OR 97229 (503) 644-5264 www.stpius.org MASS SCHEDULE Horario de Misas Saturday Sabado Sunday Domingo 4th Sunday 5:00 pm 7:00 pm en Español 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 1:00 pm en Español 5:30 pm Youth 8:30 pm Contemplative 2:45 pm Adapted Mass Daily Mass Misa Diaria 8:15 am Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri & Sat Wednesday Miercoles 8:15 am (& also 9:15 am during the school year) Thursday Jueves 7:00 pm en Español Communion Service: 6:30 am Monday - Friday RECONCILIATION Confesiones Saturday 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm or by appointment Pr ayer Chain Email requests to [email protected] or call the parish office (503) 644-5264 Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Questions - Roberta Schreck (503) 645-4607 or [email protected] Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm We are Called to be the Eyes and Hands and Hear of the Risen Jesus. pastor’s note ADMINISTRATION Christ destroyed the old man in us by His death, but when He rose from the dead, our life was born again in Him. I speak here of the life of justice and the spirit, which embraces not only the beginning of justice when a sinner begins to live righteously, but also its growth and increase and ultimate perfection, until man receives immortality of the body and complete freedom from sin. When Christ rose from the dead, all this began in those of us who were in Him as in our principle. Both aspects are clearly and briefly stated by St. Paul: “Who was delivered up for our sins and rose again for our justification.” It is as if he had said that Christ took us to Himself and died as a sinner so that we sinners might die in Him; He rose to a just, immortal, and glorious life so that we might rise in Him to justice, glory, and immortality. Thus, St. Paul says: “Even when we were dead in sins, (He) hath quickened us together in Christ (by whose grace you are saved) and hath raised us up together and hath made us sit together in the heavenly places.” (Louis of Leon, OSA, The Names of Christ, Tan Books and Publishers, 1955, pp. 102-103) (St. Andrew’s Missal, pg. 397-398) TAX IDENTITY FRAUD INFORMATION The Archdiocese of Portland has provided further information for those who have been victims of tax identity fraud. Please follow the URL below to obtain this important update. Alternately, you can access it from our website: www.stpius.org, on the home page. http://stpiusweb.org/2015-IRS-FAQ DID YOU KNOW… Your weekly bulletin is provided at no cost to the church by the generosity of businesses who advertise on the back of the bulletin? Bulletin advertising provides an inexpensive and effective opportunity for you to promote your products or services within your parish community. It’s true…people like to do business with people they know and trust. If you would like to advertise in the bulletin and support the church, please call Tom Ott at (503) 650-6347. With God’s Grace, Fr. Sean Weeks Pastor Support the businesses that help make this bulletin free to the church. The Advertiser of the Week is: Laidlaw Orthodonics (503) 648-0859 www.laidlawortho.com Leadership CHURCH Rev. Sean Weeks, Pastor (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] Rev. Francisco Bringuela, Parochial Vicar (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] Rev. Peter Siamoo, Priest in Residence PHOTO CREDIT (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] Bob Little, Deacon Front page photos courtesy of David Kinder, Kinderpics Photography. (503) 213-1447 / [email protected] 2 Worship and Liturgy FIRST COMMUNION WEEKEND: APRIL 25 & 26—MASS TIME CHANGE NEXT ANOINTING MASS WILL BE IN MAY Our celebrations of the Sacrament of First Communion at St. Pius X will be: The first Friday of April was Good Friday and we could not have an anointing Mass on that day. So, the next anointing Mass will be on May 1, at 8:15 am. • • Saturday, April 25: 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm (Spanish). Sunday, April 26: 9:00 am, 11:00 am and 1:00 pm (Spanish). SCRIPTURE FOR APRIL 12 Acts 4:32-35, 1John 5:1-6, John 20:19-31 Please note that the 10:30 am Mass has been changed to 11:00 am for Sunday, April 26, to help with parking lot movement between Masses. Thank you. ADAPTED LITURGY You are invited on April 26 to the St. Pius X Adapted Liturgy, a shorter Mass that celebrates the lives and gifts of all people, including those with physical and developmental disabilities and illnesses. Every effort is made to accommodate the inclusion and participation of each person. The church is accessible for wheelchairs, and listening devices are available. The Adapted Liturgy is offered the 4th Sunday of every month at 2:45 pm at St. Pius X, 1280 NW Saltzman Rd., Portland, OR; call (503) 644-5264 for more information. Future dates are May 24, June 28 and July 26. All are welcome to this joyful gathering! SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION FOR ADULTS We will celebrate Confirmation at our church on Wednesday, May 6, at 7:00 pm. Catholic adults who have never been confirmed can call the church to register for the sacrament. Preparation sessions will be on Wednesdays, April 8 and April 15, at 7:00 pm in the Parish Office Building. Please register online (stpius. org, click on “sacraments”) or at the Parish Office. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY PRAYER CHAIN If you are unable to attend Mass for any reason and would like a home visit to receive communion, please call Fr. Kiko Bringuela, or Deacon Bob Little, in the Parish Office at (503) 644-5264. Our St. Pius X Parish provides prayer support for the critical needs of parishioners and their loved ones. If you have a request for prayer, or if you can be one of the people praying for the requests of others, please send an email message to [email protected]. CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY The Chaplet is prayed at St. Pius X on Wednesdays at 3:00 pm in the Church. This hour recalls the hour of the Great Mercy of Christ’s death on the cross, the hour of grace for the whole world when mercy triumphed over judgment. In this hour of prayer you can pray for others and for yourself. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL REFLECTION In the Gospel today, Jesus stands in the midst of us and says: “Peace be with you!” During Mass, we turn to each other and say “Peace be with you!” When you give to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, you say “Peace be with you!” to those who are poor and hungry. Thank you for your continued support. For information, call Kris Steven (503) 297-0524. PRAY THE ROSARY Please join us in praying the Rosary. We meet every Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 pm in the Community Center Room S1, second small room on the right as you enter the Community Center. Have you considered answering the call to serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? All are invited! Join us on Monday, April 20, at 7:00 pm. in the Church Hall. Meetings last no more than an hour. 3 YOUTH MINISTRY SANCTITY OF LIFE FIRST 1,000 DAYS - A CATHOLIC CULTURE OF LIFE INITIATIVE Where All Are Welcomed and Loved With Mercy - Day 28: The regulations and all efforts to reduce the impact of climate change should respect human life and dignity, especially that of the poorest and most vulnerable: from children in the womb to the elderly. Middle School Youth Nights: April 12: Youth Night. April 19: Youth Night. April 26: Youth Night. TODAY IS DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Questions: Janell Hoekstra, Middle School Youth Ministry, [email protected]. In 2003, Pope John Paul II issued an Apostolic Blessing to all who pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet “for mothers, that they not abort their offspring; for infants in danger of being put to death in the womb; for a change of heart of providers of abortions and of their collaborators; for human victims of stem cell research, genetic manipulation, cloning and euthanasia; and for all entrusted with the government of peoples, that they may promote the Culture of Life, so as to put an end to the culture of death.” Priests for Life High School Youth Nights: April 12: Youth Night. April 19: Youth Night. April 26: Youth Night. Questions: Kristin Mombert, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, [email protected]. On this day we are reminded of God’s abundant love and mercy. Cathedrals and parishes throughout the country are encouraged to join together in prayer and adoration seeking God’s mercy for ourselves and for our nation for offenses against life, marriage, and religious liberty. www.usccb.org SCRIP GIFT CARD PROGRAM “Who can say that he is free from sin and does not need God’s mercy? As people of this restless time of ours, wavering between the emptiness of self-exaltation and the humiliation of despair, we have a greater need than ever for a regenerating experience of mercy.” - Bl. Pope John Paul II FUNDRAISING FOR ST. PIUS X CHURCH AND SCHOOL A new westside location of Craft Warehouse will be opening later this month in the Cedar Hills Crossing shopping center. Scrip will be available in $10 denominations at 8% contribution to St. Pius X once the store opens. Stay tuned! “I think we too are the people who, on the one hand, want to listen to Jesus, but on the other hand, at times, like to find a stick to beat others with, to condemn others. And Jesus has this message for us: mercy. I think — and I say it with humility — that this is the Lord’s most powerful message: mercy.” — Pope Francis, Homily on March 17, 2013 Still looking for opportunities to earn volunteer hours? The Scrip Team is seeking an afternoon seller on alternating Mondays, as well as on Friday afternoons. Please email Dawn O’Rourke at [email protected] if you are interested. 4 OUTREACH/PEACE AND SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS ST. PIUS X HABITAT FOR HUMANITY BUILD DAY APRIL 18 – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ST. PIUS X WOMEN’S CLUB MEETING NOTICE The next meeting of the Women’s Club is scheduled for Monday, April 13, 6:30 pm - 8:15 pm, in the Community Center. All women of the parish are invited to join us for a fun and informative time. The next St. Pius X Catholic Habitat for Humanity Build Day is Saturday, April 18. We have two shifts to fill. We need 10 volunteers for the 8:00 am - 12:00 pm, and 10 volunteers for the 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm shift. We also need several volunteers to assist with hospitality and provide lunch for the construction volunteers. The meeting starts at 6:30 pm with a presentation by Cecelia Luciana demonstrating fruit carving techniques. Those attending are asked to bring a small watermelon (individual size), cantaloupe, orange, or cucumber. Also bring a small cutting board and small knife for carving. This a great opportunity to make a difference in a family’s life while having fun working with fellow parishioners. To register to volunteer or help out with hospitality at the work site, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator Maureen Orr Eldred at moequilts2@ comcast.net, or (503) 646-5970. Our regular business meeting will follow at 7:00 pm. Come at 6:00 pm for some social time and refreshments. Hoping to see you there! SPRING CLEANING FOR BABY CORNER AT ST. PIUS X Colleen Lucas SPXWC President Baby Corner provides assistance to mothers for babies and young children who are in need in our local community. Please remember Baby Corner when you are cleaning out your children’s closets and drawers for spring. MOTHER & CHILD EDUCATION CENTER’S ANNUAL DINNER AND AUCTION Current Needs of Baby Corner: PACK & PLAYS, strollers, books, used clean clothing newborn to size 4T, diapers sizes 2, 4, and 6 most needed at present, diaper cream and wipes. Please no car seats, cribs or stuffed animals. Mother & Child Education Center’s Annual Charity Dinner and Auction is set for Saturday, May 9, from 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm, in the Madeleine Parish Community Center, 3123 NE 24th, Portland, OR. This year’s items include gift baskets, trips to the beach and mountains, and more! MCEC helps women facing unplanned pregnancies choose life; and lowincome families who are experiencing unemployment, lack of stable housing, or domestic violence to receive connections to much-needed resources. Proceeds fund pregnancy testing, counseling, workshops in prenatal health, labor and delivery, newborn care, parenting, budgeting, and the distribution of diapers, food and baby clothing. Tickets are $35. Call (503) 249-5801 to purchase tickets or make a donation. Bring donations to St. Pius X Church office Monday Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Questions? Call Marty (503) 614-9630, or Jennifer (971) 404-8040. ITEMS FOR THE BULLETIN? If you have an item to be considered for inclusion in an upcoming bulletin, the deadline is the Friday (10 days) prior to the weekend during which you want the item to be published. Email submissions or questions to [email protected]. 5 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. You are cordially invited to join the St. Pius X Women’s Club for their annual spring tea Saturday, April 25, 2015 Community Center 12:30-1:00 Table Viewing 1:00-3:30 Tea Cost: $26 per person Menu Scones y r r e b n a r Orange C t B r e a d s Swee ou n d s R r e b m u Dill Cuc ger Sandwiches d Fin a l a S g g ndwiches E a S d a l a S Chicken i c h e i n T a r t S h e l l Qu S p i n a c h Fresh Fruit Cut Puffs m a e r C e d Whit ries B l a c k a n ipped Strawber eD Chocolat C a r a m e l B a r s Pecan eys Specialnce a Appear Julianne Johnson-Weiss, a two-time nominated Grammy artist, is a Portland icon. She is Director of Vocal Music at PCC. She is wellknown for her collaboration with Michael Allen Harrison and their holiday shows at The Old Church in Portland. Come to the tea and be WOWed by her charismatic vocals. a red by Cl cate Tastefully For table or ticket information, please call Mary Campbell 503-929-1788. For general questions, please call Janice Garbayo (503) 319-0597 6 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. 7 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. ANYONE FOR BRIDGE? THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING IN CRS RICE BOWL! The St. Pius X Social Bridge Group is in need of some substitutes to fill-in on occasion at our Tuesday games. We play from 10:30 am – 2:30 pm weekly in the Church Hall. You could be scheduled once a month (or more or less) depending on our need, and your desire and availability. Our parish helped make a difference in the lives of millions of people around the world suffering from poverty and hunger. To ensure that our donations will be put to use as soon as possible, please return your Rice Bowl this weekend or next weekend. Please count the money in your Rice Bowls, and make a check payable to St. Pius X. Please write “CRS Rice Bowl” in the memo line of the check. Your contributions can be placed in the baskets in the Church vestibule. Thank you for your generous support. For more information, please call Hilary at (503) 5260650. KIDS PLAY Are you a parent or caregiver to a child age newborn to 5? Are you looking for a play-based group to be a part of? If so, we meet most Mondays in the Youth Center from 10:00 am - 11:30 am. PREPARING FOR MARRIAGE? If you would like to join our email list, please contact Lisa Williams at [email protected]; or Kat Wright at [email protected]. Always Faithful is a course for couples considering marriage. It provides couples with an opportunity to discern their readiness to marry, learn important skills to be successfully married, and to gain an appreciation for marriage in the Church. It includes two private counseling sessions. Additionally, we are always looking for gently used toys. Please email us if you would like to make a toy donation. A new series begins on Thursday, May 7, at Northwest Family Services, 6200 SE King Road, Portland, OR 97222. To register, or for more information, call Northwest Family Services at (503) 546-6377, or e-mail [email protected]. You may also register online at www.nwfs.org. ST. FRANCIS DINING HALL Our mission is to provide a hot meal to those in need with dignity and peace. Please like St. Francis Dining Hall on Facebook and find out ways you can help, along with a list of needed items. Donations are accepted Monday through Friday from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm; Sunday 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm. St. Francis Dining Hall is located at 1131 SE Oak Street, Portland, OR. BUILDING A CULTURE OF VOCATIONS PARISH HOSPITALITY THE VOCATION OF MARRIAGE -- When the Catholic Church teaches that marriage is a Christian vocation, it is saying that the couple’s relationship is more than simply their choice to enter a union which is a social and legal institution. A great internet resource is foryourmarriage.org -- an initiative of the United States Council of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). All parishioners are invited to attend Parish Hospitality in the Community Center after the 7:30 am, 9:00 am and 10:30 am Sunday Masses. Coffee, donuts, bread and bagels will be served. Please join us for this opportunity to meet new and old parishioners. 8 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. The St. Pius X Community enjoyed a beautiful Lenten tradition of Soup Suppers on Friday evenings. Thank you to Anne Hanchek and her dedicated hospitality team and to Pat Montone and her team for organizing all the inspiring guest speakers to visit us during the suppers. A blessing of wonderful fellowship, faith and service! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS REMINDER TO ALL FAITH FORMATION FAMILIES Become a Knight! Interested in finding new ways to get involved with our parish? Come to the Knights of Columbus’ next General Council meeting on Tuesday, April 14, at 7:00 pm, in the St. Pius X Community Center. Please email saintpiusknights@ yahoo.com if you plan to attend – all are welcome! Please remember to check our parish website at www. stpius.org for all faith formation news. We update this every week and it has information regarding classes, community service opportunities, as well as special event information. 9 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. Knights Café Country Breakfast Sunday, April 19, 2015 St. Pius X Community Center Serving the parish after 7:30, 9:00, & 10:30 a.m. mass Made from only the freshest ingredients, our menu features: Buttermilk Pancakes • Blueberry Pancakes • French Toast Chocolate-Chocolate Chip Pancakes • Sausage • Scrambled Eggs Coffee, Tea, Juice, & Hot Chocolate te Only $7 Children 5 & Under FREE! s e p i c e R y l i m a F s u ! o i h c c i t l a r c De S m o r F e d a M 10 Ministerio latino la Nota del parroco Esta fue una noche de vela para los discípulos y las discípulas de Jesús. Noche de dolor y de temor. Los hombres permanecieron cerrados en el Cenáculo. Las mujeres, sin embargo, al alba del día siguiente, fueron al sepulcro para ungir el cuerpo de Jesús. Sus corazones estaban llenos de emoción y se preguntaban: «¿Cómo haremos para entrar?, ¿quién nos removerá la piedra de la tumba?...». Pero he aquí el primer signo del Acontecimiento: la gran piedra ya había sido removida, y la tumba estaba abierta. Cristo destrocito el viejito en nosotros por su muerta pero cuando se levantó de entre los muertos nuestras vidas estaba nació otra vez en él. Hablo aquí de la vida de justicia y espirito que embrazo nunca más el comienzo de justicia cuando un pecador empieza a vivir en la mejor manera pero también es crecimiento y aumentar y último perfección hasta que el hombre recibes inmortalidad del cuerpo y completad libertad del pecado. Cuando Cristo levanto de entre los muertos todo empiezo en nosotros que estaba en él como en nuestra principal. Los dos aspectos son declaró claro y brevemente a San Paul: “Quien estaba entregado por nuestras pecados y levantó otra vez para nuestras justificación.” Es como si dicho que Cristo se trajimos a él y murió como un pecador para que nos pecadores puede morir en él. Se levantó a un justo e inmortal y gloriosa vida para que pudiéramos levantar en él a justicia y gloria e inmortalidad. Por ende, San Paul dice: “Incluso cuando estaban muerto en pecado, (él) se vivificado nosotros juntos en Cristo (para cuya gracia eres salvos) y nos resucitó juntos y nos hizo a sentar juntos en lugares celestial.” (Louis de León, OSA, Los Nombres de Cristo, Tan Libros y Editores, 1955, pág. 102-103) (San Andrés Misal, Pág. 397-398) «Entraron en el sepulcro y vieron a un joven sentado a la derecha, vestido de blanco» (Mc 16,5). Las mujeres fueron las primeras que vieron este gran signo: el sepulcro vacío; y fueron las primeras en entrar. «Entraron en el sepulcro». En esta noche de vigilia, nos viene bien detenernos en reflexionar sobre la experiencia de las discípulas de Jesús, que también nos interpela a nosotros. Efectivamente, para eso estamos aquí: para entrar, para entrar en el misterio que Dios ha realizado con su vigilia de amor. No se puede vivir la Pascua sin entrar en el misterio. No es un hecho intelectual, no es sólo conocer, leer... Es más, es mucho más. «Entrar en el misterio» significa capacidad de asombro, de contemplación; capacidad de escuchar el silencio y sentir el susurro de ese hilo de silencio sonoro en el que Dios nos habla (cf. 1 Re 19,12). Con la Gracia de Dios, Padre Sean Weeks Parroco Entrar en el misterio nos exige no tener miedo de la realidad: no cerrarse en sí mismos, no huir ante lo que no entendemos, no cerrar los ojos frente a los problemas, no negarlos, no eliminar los interrogantes... Entrar en el misterio significa ir más allá de las cómodas certezas, más allá de la pereza y la indiferencia que nos frenan, y ponerse en busca de la verdad, la belleza y el amor, buscar un sentido no ya descontado, una respuesta no trivial a las cuestiones que ponen en crisis nuestra fe, nuestra fidelidad y nuestra razón. REFLEXIÓN VIGILIA PASCUAL EN LA NOCHE SANTA HOMILÍA DEL SANTO PADRE FRANCISCO Basílica Vaticana Sábado Santo 4 de abril de 2015 Para entrar en el misterio se necesita humildad, la humildad de abajarse, de apearse del pedestal de nuestro yo, tan orgulloso, de nuestra presunción; la humildad para redimensionar la propia estima, reconociendo lo que realmente somos: criaturas con virtudes y defectos, pecadores necesitados de perdón. Para entrar en el misterio hace falta este abajamiento, que es impotencia, vaciándonos de las propias idolatrías... adoración. Sin adorar no se puede entrar en el misterio. Esta noche es noche de vigilia. El Señor no duerme, vela el guardián de su pueblo (cf. Sal 121,4), para sacarlo de la esclavitud y para abrirle el camino de la libertad. El Señor vela y, con la fuerza de su amor, hace pasar al pueblo a través del Mar Rojo; y hace pasar a Jesús a través del abismo de la muerte y de los infiernos. (Continua en la pagina 12) 11 ministerio latino cont. Todo esto nos enseñan las mujeres discípulas de Jesús. Velaron aquella noche, junto la Madre. Y ella, la Virgen Madre, las ayudó a no perder la fe y la esperanza. Así, no permanecieron prisioneras del miedo y del dolor, sino que salieron con las primeras luces del alba, llevando en las manos sus ungüentos y con el corazón ungido de amor. Salieron y encontraron la tumba abierta. Y entraron. Velaron, salieron y entraron en el misterio. Aprendamos de ellas a velar con Dios y con María, nuestra Madre, para entrar en el misterio que nos hace pasar de la muerte a la vida. CONCIERTO PARROQUIAL. Invitamos a toda la familia a participar del concierto parroquial con la banda Josh Blackesley, el próximo 17 de Abril a las 7:00 pm en l Gimnasio de nuestra Parroquia. Costo $10.00 Niños menores de 5 años $5.00. Para comprar sus entradas por favor de ir a: www.stpius.org o comuníquese a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano, así como también con cada uno de sus coordinadores. Le esperamos a todos. MONOGUILLOS. Si su hijo desea ser un monaguillo, por favor comuníquese con la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano al tel. (503) 213-1446 o con la Señora Patricia Hernández al Tel. (503) 828-7014. © Copyright - Libreria Editrice Vatica PLÁTICAS PRE-BAUTISMALES • • • • • • • • • RICA/RCIA. Les recordamos a los Catecúmenos y candidatos a las reuniones todos los Viernes a las 7:00 pm en el Centro Comunitario. Mayores informes con José Flores. La plática es de 9:00 am a 1:00 pm. Solamente tiene que asistir a una sola plática. No tiene que registrarse antes para tomar la plática/clase. Traer una copia del acta de nacimiento de su hijo(a). Durante la plática se le darán los documentos necesarios para bautizar. Si va a bautizar fuera de nuestra parroquia, le daremos un comprobante de pláticas. El cupo para tomar la plática/clase no es limitado. Padrinos de fuera, pueden tomar su plática de donde son, y traer un comprobante. No tenemos cuidado de niños. Favor de dejar sus niños con alguien a cuidar. CLASES DE FORMACIÓN DE LA FE. Domingo: 3:00 pm Sacramentos Miércoles: 9:00 am Introducción a las Sagradas Escrituras Jueves: 7:00 pm Cristología Viernes: 7:00 pm La Luz de la Fe, comenzando las clases el 10 de Abril. En todos los cursos hay cuidado de niños mayores de 5 anos. Mayores informes en la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano de la Parroquia. Fecha de Próximas Platicas Mayo 9, 2015 Agosto 8, 2015 Junio 6, 2015 Septiembre 12, 2015 Julio 11, 2015 Octubre 10, 2015 CATECISMO. Las Primeras Comuniones serán el último fin de semana de Abril y el primer fin de semana de Mayo. Para mayores informes comuníquese con la Señora Angélica Huapeo. Fecha de Próximos Bautizos Los Bautizos inician y son a las 10:00 am. Es obligatorio estar en la iglesia a las 9:40 am. Abril 18, 2015 Julio 18, 2015 Mayo 16, 2015 Agosto 15, 2015 Junio 20, 2015 Septiembre 19, 2015 MINISTERIO FAMILIAR CRISTIANO ST PIUS X. A todas las parejas, casadas y no casadas, les invitamos a nuestras reuniones los días Domingos a las 3:00 pm. Estamos estudiando el Sacramento del Matrimonio. BODAS COMUNITARIAS. Tendremos bodas comunitarias el sábado 18 de Julio, para mayores informes comuníquese con la oficina del Ministerio Hispano, deje un mensaje con nombre, teléfono y le responderemos su llamada a la mayor brevedad posible. Tel. (503) 213-1446 ANUNCIOS SANTA MISA PARA PERSONAS CON NECESIDADES ESPECIALES. Les invitamos para el Abril 26, 2015, en San Pío X a la Liturgia Adaptada, la celebración eucarística, que celebra la vida y los dones de todas las personas, incluidas aquellas con discapacidades físicas y de desarrollo y las que está enfermas. Se han hecho todos los esfuerzos para acomodar la inclusión y la participación de cada persona. La iglesia es accesible para sillas de ruedas, y dispositivos de escucha están disponibles. La liturgia adaptada se ofrece el 4o domingo de cada mes a las 2:45 pm en San Pío X. Dirección: 1280 Saltzman Rd, Portland, OR 97229. Para mayor información llame al Tel.(503) 644-5264. Las siguientes fechas de las Misas son: Mayo 24, Junio 28, and Julio 26, 2015. MINISTERIO DE EVANGELIZACION PARROQUIAL. Bienvenidos a los nuevos miembros del Ministerio de Evangelización San Pio X. Se les invita a todos los que han participado del Retiro de Evangelización Parroquia a nuestras reuniones todos los Jueves a las 7:00 pm iniciando con la Santa Misa. Estamos estudiando el curso de Cristología. 12 RETIRO DE EVANGELIZACION PARROQUIAL. Invitamos a todos aquellos que deseen tener un Encuentro personal con Jesucristo a nuestro Retiro de Evangelización del 10 al 12 de Julio. Para mayores informes comuníquese con cualquier miembro del Ministerio de Evangelización o en la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano. Jesucristo te llama. contacts and resources Parish Office (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] Administration Fr. Sean Weeks, Pastor (503) 644-5264 Fr. Francisco Bringuela, Parochial Vicar (503) 644-5264 Fr. Peter Siamoo, Priest in Residence (503) 644-5264 Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Anthony Vuky, Business Services Manager (503) 213-1444 Adult Education and Enrichment Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Annulment Advocacy Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon (503) 234-5334 Baptisms Tom English, Sacristan (English) (503) 213-1442 Jaime Sevilla, Latino Ministry Coord. (Spanish) (503) 644-5264 Baby Corner Marty Abts (503) 213-1376, Voice mailbox Bereavement Arlene Lee (503) 579-9822 Bookkeeping (503) 213-1445 Bridge Group - Social Hilary Hutchinson (503) 526-0650 Bulletin Items Cheryl Hopkins (503) 213-1449 Burnside Meals Rebecca Gaerlan (503) 372-9176 CYO Anthony Vuky (503) 213-1444 Confirmation (Adult) Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Confirmation (9th - 12th grades) Kristin Mombert (503) 213-1448 Elizabeth Ministries Jennifer Radosavljevic (971) 404-8040 ESL (English as a Second Language) Jaime Sevilla (503) 213-1446 Facility Reservations Anthony Vuky, Business Services Manager (503) 213-1444 Faith Café Joan Andersen-Wells (503) 642-2764 Parish Nurse Ministry Fran Breiling (503) 645-3775 Faith Formation Molly Washburn, Little Saints - Preschool - K (503) 213-1450 Chris Kirnak, Sacramental Preparation (503) 213-1463 Michelle Schleh, Faith Formation-Elementary (503) 213-1460 Janell Hoekstra, Middle School Ministry (503) 213-1454 Kristin Mombert, High School Ministry (503) 213-1448 Amy Lopez - Faith Formation Secretary (503) 213-1461 Peace and Justice Mary Ryan Hotchkiss (503) 646-5449 Filipino Community Melliza Palazo (503) 804-6510 Prayer Shawl Ministry Geneal Kanalz (503) 646-9547 RCIA / Returning Catholics (Landings) Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Reception / Parish Office / Mass Intentions Jackie LaCasse (503) 644-5264 Sanctity of Life Jo Cooper (503) 646-2250 Funeral Coordination Evelyn Gibbons (503) 614-9415 Habitat for Humanity Patrick Wheeler (503) 645-1645 IT Support Jim Shaffer (503) 644-5264 Serra Club Dan Jones (503) 645-2172 Special Needs Committee Mary Ann Hassold (503) 617-4965 Stewardship Anthony Vuky, Business Services Manager (503) 213-1444 Indian Community Presenta Almeida (503) 466-4799 St. Francis Dining Hall Debra DiPaola (503) 533-0984 Knights of Columbus Paul Butler (503) 533-2018 La Casita Pat Pitz (503) 806-0389 Latino Ministries Jaime Sevilla, Latino Ministry Coordinator (503) 213-1446 Liturgy and Worship Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Loaves and Fishes Anne Fornay (503) 646-0487 St. Pius X School Mary Thompson, Principal (503) 644-3244 Mary Beth Anderson, School Secretary (503) 644-3244 Fran Wilson, School Secretary (503) 644-3244 St. Joseph Toolbox Knights of Columbus (503) 644-5264 St. Vincent de Paul Bob Weisend (503) 629-2014 Vocations Art Diederich (503) 645-6142 Mary’s Pantry Mike and Nan Fey (503) 626-8772 Wedding Coordination Barb English (503) 643-3144 Meals on Wheels Tess Pimentel (503) 645-3728 Ministry to the Sick and Homebound Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Music Ministry Wendy Reimann-O’Hearn (503) 213-1468 Outreach Michelle Schleh, Faith Formation/Outreach (503) 213-1460 13 Women’s Club Colleen Lucas (503) 645-5646 Community Resources: Care to Share-Food Assistance (503) 591-9025 Child Abuse Reporting (800) 275-8952 Pregnancy Resource Center (503) 643-4503 Housing Assistance (503) 846-4794 St. Pius x community calendar Sunday 7:30 am9:00 am 5:30 pm - April 12 Melliza Palazo Gary Krueger Bella Yau Faith Formation Classes 9:00 am - School High School Discipleship Team Meeting 11:00 am - Parish Office Conference Rm. Youth Choir Rehearsal 3:30 pm - Church Youth Ministry Activities 6:45 pm - Community Center, Etc. Wednesday 8:15 am 9:15 am - Monday 13 Tuesday 8:15 am - Women’s Club Meeting 6:30 pm - Community Center Ladies of Light Night Bible Study 7:00 pm - Community Center Latino Bible Study 7:00 pm - Youth Center Ladies of Light Bible Study 9:00 am - Community Center Social Bridge 10:30 am - Church Hall Knights of Columbus General Council 6:00 pm - Community Center Choir Rehearsal 6:30 pm - Church RCIA 7:00 pm - Community Center Confirmation Class 7:00 pm - McMahon Hall 15 Thursday Barbara Warneke Richard Anctil 14 8:15 am Tom Smith 8:15 am - 16 Pablo Atienza Kurt Binoeder Friday 8:15 am - 17 Vera De Wolfe Latino Adult Faith Formation (Parents) 9:00 am - Community Center Women’s Club Board Meeting 10:00 am - Community Center Chaplet of Divine Mercy 3:00 pm - Church Shared Leadership Night 6:00 pm - Community Center Youth Choir 6:30 pm - Church Confirmation Class for Adults 7:00 pm - Parish Office Conference Room Confirmation Class 7:00 pm - McMahon Hall Old Testament Video Series 8:45 am - Parish Office Conference Room Al-Non 10:00 am - Youth Center Latino Youth Choir 5:00 pm - Church Latino Evangelization Group 7:30 pm - Church Hall Latino Adult Faith Formation 7:30 pm - Community Center Concert: Josh Blakesley Band 7:00 pm - Smoluch Gymnasium Latino RCIA 7:00 pm - Community Center Latino Adult Choir 7:00 pm - Church Latino RCIA 7:00 pm - Community Center Latino Marriage Encounter 7:00 pm - Community Center Saturday Sunday Intercessions 8:15 am 5:00 pm - 18 Richard Weisend Emmanuel Capellan Coyote Club 7:30 am - Youth Center Latino Infant Baptism 10:00 am - Church Latino Adult Faith Formation (Parents) 5:30 pm - Youth Center 7:30 am 9:00 am 5:30 pm - 19 Mary Lajoy Jackie Miller Samantha Burkhead Knights of Columbus Breakfast Cafe 8:00 am - Community Center Faith Formation Classes 9:00 am - School High School Discipleship Team Meeting 3:00 pm - Parish Office Conference Rm. Youth Choir Rehearsal 3:30 pm - Church Youth Ministry Activities 6:45 pm - Community Center, Etc. For additional information regarding our calendar, visit our website -www.stpius.org. 14 For those who are suffering illness . . . For those who have died . . . New members qxd BEYOND OUR PARISH WALLS WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER PORTLAND THUNDER FAITH NIGHT The Portland Thunder is holding Faith Night on May 30, at 3:00 pm! The game is at the Moda Center against the San Jose SaberCats. Questions? Contact David Livingston at (503) 410-7454. Here is a link for discounted rate tickets! MARRIED COUPLES – Does gardening give you a sense of wonder and fulfillment? On your wedding day, you lovingly planted the seeds of a lifelong relationship. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend will give you the “gardening tools” you need to help your marriage grow and blossom. Promo code is FAITH. https://oss.ticketmaster. com/aps/thunder/EN/link/promotion/home/ a94bbbe665944beac0f5fd9d7443e5ff9150f08a Upcoming dates: • April 24-26 at Powell Butte Retreat Center in Central Oregon • May 22-25 at Our Lady of Peace Retreat House in Beaverton, Oregon. SAVE THE DATE! In accordance with Archbishop Sample’s consecration of our Portland Archdiocese to The Immaculate Heart of Our Lady of Fatima, the World Apostolate of Fatima will sponsor a First Saturday Devotion Retreat Day, on May 16. Fr. John Boyle, Pastor of St. Stephen Parish and Director of the Tribunal and Department of Canonical Services, will lead a workshop on The First Saturday Devotion. The workshop is hosted at St. Stephen Church School Gymnasium, 4126 SE Taylor Street, Portland, OR 97214. The parking lot entrance is just past the gym (going east on SE Taylor Street). Lunch will be provided at 12:00 pm, followed by the retreat from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. For more information, call (503) 853-2758, or apply on-line at www.rediscoverthespark.org. FRIAR TROT Join St. Francis Sherwood for the 10th Annual Friar Trot 10k/5k and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk on May 16. Entry is $40 for adults and $15 for the 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk. Kids 5 and under are free. The event begins onPM St. Page Francis 11/14/2012 12:15 4 and ends with a party with music and refreshments. Register at: www.friartrot.com. Proceeds support St. Francis School and Food Pantry. Questions? Please contact (503) 234-5019. Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible 2.972 x 2.958 Do You Have Arthritis Knee Pain? Ask Your Doctor About The Bellacure OA Knee Treatment Device Covered by most Insurances~ Medicare Approved ~ 1.800.795.2070 / www.bellacure.com Attention: New Year Special Call Now! Call Donna/Kevin 1-800-867-0660 ext. 253 Push Talk Help is on the way! 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Parent D.M.D.,LLC * You’ll Love the way we clean * Family & Aesthetic Dentistry Dedicated to Your Health Ana Sambrano Free Estimates!!! 971-200-6234 503-640-1056 **References upon request** 730 SE Oak St., Ste. C, Hillsboro Licensed • Bonded • Insured Commercial - Residential Remodel & Repair 503-642-7323 503-644-3101 503-644-3101 Dr. Ken McInnis 21 Years Parishioner Caring for your pets Caring for your pets since1986 1986. since ________________________________ 12790 NW Barnes Rd 1791 NW 173rd #130 Beaverton, OR 97006 AcceptINg NeW pAtIeNts Andrea Laidlaw, DMD (503) 648-0859 400 E. MAIN ST. SUITE 190 WWW.LAIDLAWORTHO.COM HILLSBORO, OR 97123 St. Pius X School Parent and Parishioner FAMILY MEXICAN RESTAURANT Los Ninos comen GRATIS todos Los Domingos y Lunes RENTA de salones y comida para eventos Kids eat Free every Sunday & Monday Banquet Hall Rentals / Catering for any Event •Wisdom Tooth Removal •Dental Implants •IV Sedation 503-643-6607 praisals t Ap Beaverton rs nes Proud Sponsors of St. Pius X 503-672-9124 625 NW Saltzman Eric Duer Window Cleaning, Inc. (503) 737-0649 PRESTIGE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 503-720-0217 Stop in for lunch and a visit anytime! “Serving local Parishioners for over 40 years” Independent•Assisted Living•Memory Care Personal Injury & Accidents Wills Trusts Estates 503-292-8444 (503) 255-8795 1225 NW Murray Rd, Ste. 101 503-643-2010 850 NE 122nd Ave. www.warrenallen.com regencyparkseniorliving.com 8300 SW Barnes Rd. Portland, OR 97225 ppraisals st A FREENO NO OBLIGATION OBLIGATION APPRAISALS FREE APPRAISALS ne ears Ho 6 Y g r1 in ve id r O We’ll your gold, silver,coins, platinum, We’llevaluate evaluate andand weighweigh your gold, silver, platinum, jewelry or watches coins, jewelry or watches to determine individual value. to determine individual value. SELL YOUR GOLD OR SILVER SELL YOUR GOLD OR SILVER Pr ov Fo Join us for mass every Tuesday @ 10:30am Attorney at Law Appraisals est on 6 Years gH r1 in ve id r O We update our pricing daily to ensure that you receive the most We update our pricing dailyWe to ensure that youtoreceive the most price accurate price possible. are happy evaluate anyaccurate type of precious anytocondition, teaanysets, to possible.metal We are in happy evaluate anyfrom type ofantique precioussilver metal in condition, broken gold bracelets and even dental gold! and even dental gold! from antique silver tea sets, to broken gold bracelets SELLING VALUABLES SELLING YOUR YOUR VALUABLES We understand that many items such as jewelry, coins, We understand that many items such as jewelry, coins, heirlooms and antiques heirlooms and antiques may have significant sentimental may have significant sentimental value. We will treat you with respect and value. 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We will treat you with respect and provide youCanyon with honest Rd. and accurate information. 8555 SW 6115 NE 114th Ave. #109 Beaverton, OR 97225 8555 SW Canyon Rd. 971.229.1828 Vancouver WA 98662 www.libertycoinandcurrency.com John Uffelman, Attorney at Law Beaverton Law Group, LLP 503-644-2146 www.beavertonlaw.com 7272-001 6115360.852.0643 NE 114th Ave. #109 Beaverton, OR 97225 Vancouver WA 98662 www.libertycoinandcurrency.com 971.229.1828 360.852.0643 7272-001 ASE Master Technicians All Work Guaranteed •Roof Clean/Demoss •Gutter Clean •Hand House Wash •Pressure Wash (503) 372-7981 esppainting.com Oregon’s Premiere Assisted Living Community is right in your own neighborhood John J. O’Hara Exterior Maintenance Call today for a free estimate: Pr ov Fo Senior in-home Care Happier, Healthier, and At Home Call for FREE in home consultation 10999 SW Canyon Rd. 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