Sacred Heart Catholic Church Fifth Sunday of Lent – March 22, 2015 FR. PATRICK REILLEY Sacred Heart Catholic Church 302 South B Street Arkansas City, KS 67005 MASS SCHEDULE Tuesday - Friday 8:00 a.m. Saturday 6:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. MISA EN ESPAÑOL Domingo 11:00 a.m. Reflection from the Pastor: This Sunday, called Passion Sunday because Jesus speaks about his upcoming passion and death, also begins our final weeks of Lent. In order to help us to focus ourselves ever more earnestly on entering into Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, we fast even from sacred images. This is why all the statues and the crucifix are covered with simple purple cloths. CONFESSIONS/Confesiónes Tuesday - Friday 7:30 a.m. Martes - Viernes 7:30 a.m. Saturday/Sabado 5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Sunday/Domingo 8:30 a.m. – 8:50 a.m. OFFICE/OFICINA 302 South B Street 620-442-0566 Monday/Lunes 9:00 a.m. -3:30p.m. Tuesday-Friday/Martes-Viernes 9:00 a.m. - 4:00p.m. [email protected] SCHOOL/ESCUELA 312 South B Street 620-442-6550 [email protected] For the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Matrimony, and Anointing of the Sick contact Fr. Reilley at 620-442-0566. Couples planning marriage must contact the pastor six months in advance of the marriage. For homebound visits or RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) call the office, 620-442-0566. 24 hour Adoration weekly from 8 a.m. Tuesday through 8 a.m. Wednesday in the Chapel. Readings for the week of March 23, 2015 Tuesday, March 24 8:00 a.m. † Fr. Francis Cox by Grace Lujan Wednesday, March 25 8:00 a.m. † Johnnie King by Gerald & Lois Lobmeyer Thursday, March 26 8:00 a.m. † Dorothy Brinkman by Richard & Marci Drees Friday, March 27 8:00 a.m. † Eugene Hoag by Sally Hoag Saturday, March 28 6:00 p.m. † Tony Korte by Mary Korte Sunday, March 29 – Palm Sunday 9:00 a.m. † Pauline Gonzales by Dee Gonzales 11:00 a.m. For the people of the Parish Monday Tuesday Dan 13:1-9,1517,19-30,33-62 Num 21:4-9 Wednesday Isa 7:10-14;8:10 Thursday Gen 17:3-9 Friday Jer 20:10-13 Saturday Ezek 37:21-28 Sunday Isa 50:4-7 Ps 23:1-3a,3b-4,5,6 John 8:1-11 Ps 102;2-3,1618,19-21 Ps 40:7-8a,8b9,10,11 Ps 105:4-5,6-7,8-9 John 8:21-30 Ps 18:2-3a,3bc-4,56,7 Jer 31:10,1112abcd,13 Ps 22:8-9,17-18,1920,23-24 John 10:3142 John 11:4556 Mark 14:115:47 Luke 1:26-38 John 8:51-59 Liturgical Ministers for March 28 & 29 MAR 28 &29 6:00 PM Mike Kuffler Dan Snowden Denny MacLaughlin ALTAR Jacob Montgomery SERVERS Josh Montgomery Seth Zimmerman Tommy Prater OFFERTORY Tim & Kim Ford GREETERS Bob & Karen Pate EM LECTOR March Gift Counters Church Cleaners for Next Week Jason Rolf Family John & Chris Clemente 11:00 AM Maria Mendez Lety Varela Héctor Alcón Yosedaq Esparza Jesus Lopez Aurora Lopez Max Mendez Ivan Mortero Family Nickelus Brookshire Family Doug & Amy Lawson, and Joi Jay Bob & JoLynn Foster, Joi Jay, and Dee Ann Goodson Stations of the Cross Thursday ~ 2:30 PM Friday ~ 6:00 PM . 9:00 AM Jamie Metzinger Sammi Webb Jack Blatchford Breanna Ruyle Braylee Ruyle Braden Norwood Porter Gregory YOUR GIFTS TO GOD & PARISH Collection March 15, 2015 Envelopes…………………..…....…………….. $6,388.00 Loose Cash……………...……………………..... $ 1,986.00 Votive Candles………………………………….. $ 49.50 TOTAL…………………………....................... $ 8,423.50 Budgeted……………………….…………………..$ 7,670.00 Above ………..…..………………..……..……….. $ 753.50 PLEASE KEEP THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR PRAYERS: Jackson Weathers, Lito Bearsot, Summer Flowers Davis, Sara Boyd, Barbara Bernhardt, Darci Tauscher, Caiden & Camden Boyd, Roarke Monroe, Roseann Livingston, Sue McNinch, Karson Lozano, Patti Randa, Larry Prichard, Darren Dalton, John Gearhardt, Amanda Wiegman, Bernice Neises, Gilbert Ramirez, Juan Ramirez, Isabelle Demaree, Herron Oyala, Sherley Lopez, Zachary Wheat, Larry Schwartz, Billie Johnson, Malin Riel, Kurt Kampbell, Joseph & Barbara Thompson, Bob Mayhill, Judy Eastman, Connie Lane, Cliff Waggoner, Cindy Neises, Marie Ternes, Tom Barnhouse, Madi McGee, Marge Hernandez, Sherry Posy, Sally Wright, Thomas Simpson, Randy Bruton, Cipriano Aleman, Jeanette George, Judy Michael, Jacob Shepherd, Bobbie Del Core, Grady Priest, Mandy Shook, T.Simpson, Sylvia Hess, Kamila Verdin, Lisa Munson, Betsy Rush, Karen Johnston, Dustine Weston, Larry Schwintz, Kathryn Jones, Marc James PARISH NEWS Penance Service: Wednesday, March 25th, 7 PM (See insert) Memorial Easter Lilies We are offering the opportunity to remember a loved one/ones by purchasing an Easter lily to adorn the Altar for the Easter season. The cost will be $15.00 each and the flowers are yours to take at the end of the season. You may come by the Parish Office (302 S B St) to fill out the order form and pay for the lily. The deadline is Monday, March 23rd. NO ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN AFTER THIS DATE. If you have questions, please call the office at 620-442-0566 Confirmation Class 2015 Students, please be working on your Saint Report, Letter to Fr. Reilley, and Sponsor Form. It is very important that these be turned in as soon as possible. Also, those who still need to bring a copy of their Baptismal Certificate, please bring it to the Parish Office to have a copy made. If you have any questions, please call Theresa at 442-0566 CRS Rice Bowl - Lent 2015 Hungering for a Healthy Harvest CRS Rice Bowl brings our Lenten journey back to Africa this week, to the Democratic Republic of Congo. We join our fasting in solidarity with people who go hungry, and we remember in prayer the importance of building a community that is willing to support those most in need. Spiritual Life Center Programs PALM SUNDAY RETREAT: DIVINE MERCY IN MY LIFE Mar. 27-29. Karla Salp of Divine Mercy Ministries this this annual retreat that prepares us spiritually for Holy Week. Please join us for a prayerful and lively weekend regarding the Divine Mercy of our Lord. Regular Retreat Pricing. SPIRITUAL LIFE CENTER PROGRAMS; For more information and to register please visit or call (316) 744-0167 Religious Education Confirmation Class Wednesday, March 25th – 7 PM Drinks: Jacob Montgomery Food: Vicente Ramirez PSR (Grades 1-8) Sunday, March 29th - 10 AM RCIA Sunday, 7 p.m. Sacred heart school news Pre-School Pre-Enrollment: We are now taking enrollment for the 4 and 5 year old Pre-School program that will begin in August. There will be a morning class (8 AM – 11 AM, M-F) and an afternoon class (12:10 PM-3:10 PM, M-F)). Please stop by the school office or call 442-6550 to pre-enroll. Kindergarten Pre-Enrollment: We are now pre-enrolling students for the 2015-2016 school year that will begin in August. Please call (442-6550) or stop by the School office to get your name on the list. We will send out Enrollment Forms in February. Knights of Columbus News Our next regular meeting will be Monday, March 23rd, at 7:30 PM. Altar Society 1. The Altar Society will be hosting the breakfast for the IHM Sisters on March 22nd, at 10 AM. Please plan to join us and help the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Camp Totus Tuus - Register Today! Camp Totus Tuus is a way for youth entering 5th thru 12th grade to engage in their Catholic Faith in a fun and exciting way! The witness of the camp counselors, inspiring talks, prayer time, and of course, the Totus Tuus Olympics make for a life changing experience at Camp Totus Tuus! Registration is now open and camps are quickly filling. Scholarships are available. To register go to: [email protected]. 2nd Annual Life Run – Saturday, May 2nd Register now for the 2nd Annual Life Run on Saturday, May 2nd! Located at the Sedgwick County Park, there will be a 5k chip-timed run beginning at 9:30 a.m., a 1.5 mile fun run/walk beginning at 10:00 a.m., and family-friendly activities available throughout the event. Prizes to first and second place winners in each age category of the 5k. Medals for all children! T-shirt included in registration and for sale on race day. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to run for life!! Proceeds from this event will benefit A Better Choice Crisis Pregnancy Center in Wichita. Register now at Call 316-269-3935 for more information. Meditación del Párroco: Este domingo, llamado Domingo de Pasión, porque Jesús habla sobre su próxima pasión y muerte, también comienza nuestras últimas semanas de la Cuaresma. Con el fin de ayudarnos a centrar en ello cada vez más intensamente en la celebración de la Semana Santa y el Triduo Sacro del Jueves Santo, Viernes Santo y Sábado Santo, nosotros ayunamos de las imágenes sagradas. Es por eso que todas las estatuas y el crucifijo se cubren con telas moradas sencillas. CYM, PSR, y Clases de Confirmación Clases de Confirmación Noticias de la Parroquia Clases del Bautismo en español: Las clases pre- Miércoles 25 de marzo – 7 p.m. Bebidas: Jacob Montgomery Comida: Vicente Ramirez bautismales son obligatorios para todos los padres y padrinos. La clase dura una hora y está en la oficina de la parroquia (302 S B Street). Se celebra los bautismos en español el último domingo del mes después de la misa en español. La próxima clase será el 28 de marzo a las 7 pm. Clase para Confirmación 2015 Estudiantes, por favor continuen trabajando en su Reporte de Santidad, Cartas para el Padre Reilley y su formato de los Padrinos. Es muy importante que todo esto sea entregado tan pronto como sea posible. También, para todos aquellos que necesitan una copia de su Certificado de Bautismo, por favor traigánlo a la oficina de la Parroquia para hacer una copia. Si tienen alguna pregunta por favor llamen a Theresa al 442-0566 Nuevo Directorio de la Parroquia Todavía hay disponibilidad de tiempo el 28 y 30 de Mayo para ser parte de nuestro Nuevo Directorio de la Parroquia. Por favor aprovechen la ventaja de registrarse en línea para que tengan la oportunidad de que les tomen su foto para el Nuevo directorio!. Vayan al sitio de Web ( y entren en el enlace o llamen a la oficina de la parroquia al (442-0566) PSR (grados del 1 al 8) Domingo 29 de marzo-10 AM Noticias de la Escuela de El Sagrado Corazón: Pre-Inscripciones de Kindergarten: Estamos ya preinscribiendo a los estudiantes para el ciclo escolar 2015-2016 que iniciara en Agosto. Por favor llame al (442-6550) o deténgase en la oficina de la Escuela y denos su nombre para la lista. Nosotros enviaremos el formato de Inscripción en febrero. *Compren sus Lilies de Pascua* Estamos ofreciéndoles la oportunidad para recordar sus seres queridos con la compra de Lilies de Pascua para adornar el Altar para la temporada de Pascua. El costo será de $15.00 cada una y pueden venir para eso a la Oficina de la Parroquia (302 S B St) para llenar el formato de la orden y pagar por la planta. La fecha límite es el lunes, 23 de Marzo. NO SE TOMARAN ORDENES DESPUES DE ESTA FECHA. Si usted tuviera alguna pregunta, por favor llame a la oficina al 620-442-0566 CRS Plato de Arroz - Cuaresma 2015 Hambre de una cosecha sana 22 de marzo 12-2 PM Cursillistas están invitados a la reunión del grupo todos los lunes a las 7:00 pm en la iglesia. Plato de Arroz de CRS lleva nuestra jornada de Cuaresma de vuelta a África esta semana, a la República Democrática del Congo. Unimos nuestro ayuno en solidaridad con las personas que pasan hambre, y recordamos en oración la importancia de construir una comunidad que está dispuesta a apoyar a los más necesitados.
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