St. Andrew Roman Catholic Church 827 Sheldon Rd Channelview, Texas 77530 281-452-9865 Parish Office 281-452-2157 Fax Rev. Christopher Shackelford, Pastor Deacon Javier Gomez / Deacon Michael Muench Pastoral Staff LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE SERVICIO CUARESMAL DE PENITENCIA Wednesday/Miércoles 5:00 PM – 6:55 PM Saturday/Sábado 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM or by appointment/ó con cita Note: March 25, 2015 NO CONFESSIONS OR MASS Irma Cruz Ext. 10 Bulletin questions, Baptism ([email protected]) Rosa Solis ext. 16 Weddings/Quinceañeras Mary Jasso ext. 20 Bookkeeper Deacon Javier Gomez ext. 19 Director-Liturgy/RCIA Ext. 21 Director of Youth Ministry Rosa Guerrero ext. 18 Director of Religious Education Ext. 13 Co-Director of Religious Education Esveida Martinez ext. 26 Parish Safe Environment Coordinator Ben Lintag ext. 30 Facilities Management Mary Frances Morua ext. 11 Receptionist/General Questions Hazel Lintag ext. 14 Pastoral Planning Deacon Michael Muench ext. 17 Parish Administrator Bulletin Deadline Fecha Limite para el Boletin *Two weeks prior to publication; *Dos semanas antes de la publicacion: [email protected] Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas: Church/Iglesia Saturday/Sábado 8:30 AM (1st Sat. of the Month) Bilingual – English / Español 6 PM - English Sunday/Domingo Family Life Center/Centro de Vida Familiar 10:00 AM English/Ingles 12:30 PM Spanish/Español Church/Iglesia 5:00 PM English/Ingles 7:00 PM Spanish/Español Office Hours/Horas de Oficina 9:00 AM– 5PM Monday, Tuesday & Thursday Wed./Miércoles 9 am - 8 pm Saturday/Sábado 9 am - 12 pm (Wed./Mié. closed from 10 am -1 pm) Social Ministries Mary’s Kitchen 281-452-2027 Open: Monday—Friday 11:00 am-12:30 PM St. Vincent de Paul 281-457-2245 Open: Tuesday Only 6:00 PM– 7:00 PM Prayer for Blessings & Collections: Oración para la Colecta y Bendiciones: Most loving God from whom all things come, all that I have is a gift from your abundant love for me. I trust in your Divine Providence that You will always provide for me and my family. Please accept this offering of gratitude I hold in my hand. I surrender all that I am, and all that I have, into your hands with total faith that You will bless me with an even greater abundance of success and prosperity. Bless the works of these hands and manifest your abundant blessings upon your most grateful servant. Amen! Dios amantísimo de quien proceden todas las cosas, todo lo que tengo es un regalo de tu abundante amor por mí. Confío en Tu Divina Providencia, que siempre vas a proveer para mí y mi familia. Por favor, acepta esta ofrenda de gratitud que tengo en mis manos. Te entrego todo lo que soy y todo lo que tengo, en tus manos con una fe total de que Tu me bendigas con una mayor abundancia de éxito y prosperidad. ¡Bendice las obras de estas manos y manifiesta tus abundantes bendiciones sobre tu siervo muy agradecido. Amén! 2nd.Scrutinies/ 2do. Escrutinio Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 (Psalm 137) " The Debt Reduction Campaign Kick Off Weekend March 28th and 29th." READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23; Ps 137; Eph 2:4-10; Jn 3:14-21 Monday Is 65:17-21; Ps 30; Jn 4:43-54 Tuesday Saint Patrick, Bishop Ez 47:1:19 Ps 46; Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Is 49:8-15; Ps 145; Jn 5:17-30 Thursday Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2Sm7:4-5a,12-14a,16;Ps19;Rom4:13,16-18, 22; Mt 1:16,18-21,24a or Lk 1:41-51a Friday Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Ps 34; Jn 7:1-2,10, 25-30 Saturday Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7; Jn 7:40-53 Sunday Fifth Sunday of Lent Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33 Entrance Antiphon: Rejoice, Jerusalem, and all who love her. Be joyful, all who were in mourning; exult and be satisfied at her consoling breast. Communion Antiphon: Jerusalem is build as a city bonded as one together. It is there that the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord, to praise the name of the Lord. THANKSGIVING OFFERING FOR February 28st & March 1st , 2015 6:00 PM $2,963.55 22% 10:00 AM $4,237.57 32% 12:30 PM $3,013.94 23% 5:00 PM $1,682.93 13% 7:00 PM $2,017.78 15% Total $13,915.77 105% Actual: $ 13,915.77 105% Budgeted: $ 13,276.82 100% Loss / Gain: $ 638.95 4.81% Debt Reduction Collection: $ 13,862.12 DSF 2015—Meta: Paid: Deficit / Shortage: $70,000.00 $10,763.77 $59,236.23 - 85% TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — In those days, all the princes of Judah, the priest, and the people added infidelity to infidelity, practicing all the abominations of the nations and polluting the LORDS temple which he had consecrate in Jerusalem. (2Chr 36: 14-16, 19-23) Psalm — Let my tongue be silenced, if I ever Forget you! (Psalm 137) Second Reading — Brothers and sisters: God, who is rich in mercy, because of the great love he had for us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, brought us to life with Christ. (Eph 2: 4-10) Gospel — Jesus said to Nicodemus: “Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that every one who believes in him may have eternal life.” (Jn 3:14-21) Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma 15 de Marzo, 2015 (Salmo 136 ) Iglesia Católica San Andres Dios Nos DARA LA FORTALEZA Campaña de la Reducción de Deuda Face II Cuando Nosotros Tomemos Un Salto De Fe Tome un Salto de Fe "La Campaña de Reducción de Deuda empezará el fin de semana del 28—29 de Marzo". OFRENDA DE DAR GRACIAS PARA LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Hoy: 2 Crónicas 36: 14-16, 19-23; Sal 137; Efesios 2: 4-10; Jn 3:14-21 Lunes Martes Is 65: 17-21; Sal 30; Jn 4: 43-54 San Patricio, obispo Ez 47: 1: 19 Sal 46; Jn 5: 1-16 San Cirilo de Jerusalén, Obispo y Doctor de la Iglesia Is 49, 8-15; Sal 145; Jn 5: 17-30 San José, Esposo de la Santísima Virgen María 2Sm 7: 4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Sal 19; Romanos 4: 13, 16- 18, 22; Mt 1: 16,18-21,24a o Lc 1: 41-51a Sab 2: 1a, 12-22; Sal 34; Jn 7: 1-2,10, 25-30 Jer 11: 18-20; Sal 7; Jn 7: 40-53 Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma Jeremías 31: 31-34; Sal 50; Hebreos 5: 7-9; Jn 12: 20-33 Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado Domingo Antífona de Entrada: Alégrate, Jerusalén, y todos los que la aman, reúnanse. Regocíjense con ella todos los que participaban de su duelo y quedarán saciados con la abundancia de sus consuelos. Antífona de la Comunión: Jerusalén es una ciudad armónicamente construida. Allá suben las tribus, las tribus del Señor, según la costumbre de Israel, a celebrar el nombre del Señor. Febrero 28 y Marzo 1ro, 2015 6:00 PM 10:00 AM 12:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Total $2,963.55 $4,237.57 $3,013.94 $1,682.93 $2,017.78 $13,915.77 22% 32% 23% 13% 15% 105% Actual: $13,915.77 105% Pagado: $13,276.82 100% Déficit / Faltante: $ 638.95 4.81% Reducción de la Deuda Colecta: $ 13,862.12 DSF 2015—Meta: Pagado: Déficit / Faltan: $ 70,000.00 $ 10,763.77 $ 59,236.23 - 85% LECTURAS DE HOY Primera Lectura —En aquellos días, todos los sumos sacerdotes y el pueblo multiplicaron sus infidelidades, practicando todas las abominables costumbres de los paganos, y mancharon la casa del Señor, que el se había consagrado en Jerusalén. (1-2 Cró 36, 14-16.019-23) Salmo—Que se me pegue la lengua al paladar si no me acuerdo de tí. (Salmo 136) Segunda Lectura — Hermanos: La misericordia y el amor de Dios son muy grandes; porque nosotros estábamos muertos por nuestros pecados, y él nos dío la vida con Cristo y en Cristo...(Ef 2,4-10) Evangelio — En aquel tiempo Jesús dijo a Nicodemo: “Así como levantó Moisés la serpiente en el desierto, así tiene que ser levantado el Hijo del hombre, para que todo el que crea en el tenga vida eterna” ...(Jn 3,14-21) Marriage Conference “Together in Holiness” An Inspiring Event for Couples! May 2, 2015 * 9AM-3pm You don’t want to miss this… the first Together in Holiness marriage conference offered in the Archdioceses of Galveston Houston! As an initiative of the John Paul II Foundation for Life & Family, this one day event includes insightful presentations, Mass, Eucharistic adoration, and conversation with the one you love. It will help your marriage and family not just for survive but thrive in holiness! Learn about encountering God in your spouse and children, receive practical guidance for living your faith in the home, and discover how Catholic spiritual traditions can benefit your family. Cost: $ 45.00/ couple, $ 25/ Individual. Free childcare! (Space limited) Learn more and register at Retiro de Nueva Vida El Grupo de Oración Llamas de Amor Les invita a participar en el Retiro Vida en el Espiritu Santo!! El Sábado 28 y Domingo 29 de Marzo, 2015 Sábado de 8:00 AM—8:00 PM Domingo de 8:00 AM—6:00 PM Finalizando con la Misa de 7PM Lugar: Iglesia de San Andrés Salón Parroquial 2015 LENTEN SCHEDULE LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE TWO HOURS OF CONFESSIONS SATURDAY (3:30 PM-5:30 PM) MARCH 21, 28, 2015 WEDNESDAY (5 PM-6:55 PM) MARCH 18, 2015 APRIL 1, 2015 HORARIO DE CUARESMA 2015 SERVICIO CUARESMAL DE PENITENCIA DOS HORAS DE CONFESIONES SABADO (3:30 PM-5:30 PM) MARZO 21, 28, 2015 MIERCOLES (5 PM-6:55 PM) MARZO 18, 2015 ABRIL 1, 2015 LAST CHANCE TO CONFESS BEFORE EASTER APRIL 1, 2015 ULTIMA OPORTUNIDAD DE CONFESARSE ANTES DE PASCUA 1 DE ABRIL, 2015 Note: March 25, 2015 Nota: 25 de Marzo, 2015 NO HABRA CONFESIONES NI MISA NO CONFESSIONS OR MASS MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK REUNIONES DE LA SEMANA FAST Sunday/Domingo March/Marzo 15, 2015 GIVE 2nd Collection– Cath. Relief Serv. PREPARE Breakfast/Lunch: Mary’s Kitchen AND 8 AM— Faith Formation (Eng.) (Rms. 1-8 & FLC) PRAY 8 AM—Sp. K of C (Conf. Hall) 8:30 AM— Adult Faith Formation (Eng.) (Ch.) 10:30 AM— Faith Formation (Sp.) (All Rooms) 10:30 AM— Formación de Fe Adultos (Esp.) (Ch.) 3 PM—Jr. Catholic Daughter (Conf. Hall) 3PM— Passion Play Practice (P. Hall) 5 PM—Youth Mass (Ch.) 6:30PM—Junior High Youth Time (Rm. 6) 6:30 PM—Youth Night (FLC) Monday/Lunes March/ Marzo 16, 2015 6 PM—Rosary (Eng.) (Chapel) 7 PM—Bible Study (Eng.) (FLC) 7 PM— Defensa de la Fe (Rm. 1) (JL) 7PM— MFCC Zona Mtg. ( Rms. 2-4) 7 pm—Social Committee Mtg. (CCE 8) 7 PM—Sp. Choir (F. Ascension) (Cry Room) Tuesday/Martes March/ Marzo 17, 2015 8:30 AM —Mass (Chapel) 7 PM—No CCE Sacrament Prep 7PM—CDA Meeting (Conf. Hall) 7 PM—Eng. Bible Study (FLC) 7PM — K of C (P. Hall) Wed./Miércoles March/ Marzo 18, 2015 10 AM—Sp. LOM (Conf. Hall) (MM) 10 AM—Staff Meeting (Admin Conf. Rm.) 5 PM—Confessions (Ch.) 7PM— Grupo de Oración-Comunidades (P. Hall) 7 PM— No Youth Confirmation 7 PM— No-Faith Form. 7 PM—Mass (bil.) Ch. 7 PM— No RCIA Adult Thursday/Jueves March/ Marzo 19, 2015 8:30 AM—Mass 6 PM— LOM Help of Christians (Rm. 10) 7PM—MFCC-Prep. 3ra. Etapa 7 PM— Choir Practice (Eng.) (Ch.) 7 PM—Sp. Adult Comm. & Conf. Classes (Rm.3) Friday/Viernes March/Marzo 20, 2015 8:30 AM—Mass (Eng.) (Ch.) 6 PM—Jr. LOM Mt./ Carmel. (Conf. Hall) 7PM— Grupo de Oración (P. Hall) 7PM—Jr. LOM Rosa Mística (Rm. 9) 7 PM—Sp. YAG Peregrinos de la Paz (Conf. Hall) 7 PM—Stations of the Cross (Eng.) Ch. 7:30 PM—Via Crucis (Sp.) Ch. Saturday/Sábado March/Marzo 21, 2015 2nd Collection– Sprint Festival 8 AM—OLOMT Carmel Mtg. (Conf. Hall) 8AM— KPA- Workshop (Eng..) 11AM—MPV ( KPA) Taller (SP.) 1 PM—Sp. Music Trng. (Conf. Hall) (Pepe) 3:30 PM—Confessions (Ch.) 4 PM— RCIA - for Children (Rms. 2 & 3) 6 PM—Mass (Ch.) Sunday/Domingo March/Marzo 22, 2015 2nd Collection– Sprint Festival Breakfast/Lunch: Knights of Columbus (COBB) 8 AM— No Faith Formation Class (Eng.) 8:30 AM— No Adult Faith Formation Class (Eng.) (Ch.) 10:30 AM— No Faith Formation Class (Sp.) (All Rooms) 10:30 AM— No Formación de Fe Adultos (Esp.) (Ch.) 3PM —Passion Play Practice (P. Hall) 5 PM—Youth Mass (Ch.) 6:30 PM—Youth Night (FLC) MAY 3, 2015 RAFFLE TICKETS Raffle Tickets will be distributed NEXT Weekend March 22, 2015 after all masses. Please make sure you pick yours up and sell, sell, sell! BOOTH CHAIRPERSONS NEEDED Please consider chairing a booth! We still have LOTS of open booths (including BBQ). Please contact Raymond Hernandez TODAY! To sign up! Cell (713) 906-6800 or Email [email protected] 03 DE MAYO 2015 BOLETOS DE LA RIFA Los boletos de la rifa serán distribuidos el próximo fin de semana 22 de Marzo, 2015 después de cada Misa. Favor de asegúrese de recoger sus boletos y venderlos! SE NECESITAN PERSONAS QUE SE ENCARGUEN DE UN PUESTO Favor de considerar encargarse de un puesto! Ya que todavía tenemos varios puestos disponibles (incluyendo el de BBQ). Favor de ponerse en contacto con Raymond Hernandez HOY! Para inscribirse! Celular (713) 906-6800 ó por correo electrónico [email protected] “Keeping the Promise Alive” is a mandatory refresher course that went into effect 2011-2012. Employees and volunteers are required to attend “Keeping the Promise Alive” after 5 years of attending the “Protecting God’s Children”® program. It is a 1.5 hour session with one video that provides ongoing awareness for the prevention of child sexual abuse. The material covered in “Keeping the Promise Alive” is designed to identify and reinforce the lessons of the original “Protecting God’s Children” program by clarifying some of the more challenging aspects of the sessions and strengthening the participants’ ability to recognize risky behavior by adults in their environments and take action to intervene in potentially threatening situations. A “Keeping the Promise Alive” workshop will be held at St. Andrew on March 21, 2015 Where: Rm 2 & 3 Time: 9:00 AM – English (Check in at 8:30 AM) 11:30 AM – Español (Repórtese a las 11:00 AM) Registration Instructions Important note: Must be registered to attend. No walk-ins will be accepted. Please log into your original account created when you attended a VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children® workshop. If you do not remember your user id and password, please contact Esveida Martinez, Parish Safe Environment Coordinator at 281- 452-9865 or via email at [email protected] Mantener la promesa viva, es un curso obligatorio de actualización que entró en vigor en 2011-2012. Empleados y voluntarios están obligados a asistir al taller "Manteniendo La Promesa Viva" después de 5 años de asistir al programa® "Protegiendo Los Niños de Dios". Es una sesión de 1.5 horas con un vídeo que proporciona conocimiento para la prevención del abuso sexual infantil. El material cubierto en "Mantener La Promesa Viva", está diseñado para identificar y reforzar las lecciones del programa original "Protegiendo Los Hijos de Dios” para aclarar algunos de los aspectos más difíciles de las sesiones y fortalecer la habilidad de los participantes a reconocer comportamientos arriesgados por adultos y tomar medidas para intervenir en situaciones potencialmente amenazantes. Tendremos el taller de "Manteniendo La Promesa Viva. " En: San Andrés el 21 de marzo del 2015 Dónde: cuarto 2 y 3 Hora: 9:00 AM – Ingles (Reportese a las 8:30 AM) 11:30 AM – Español (Reportese a las 11:00 AM) Instrucciones de registro Nota importante: Debe registrarse para asistir. No se aceptara sin registración. Por favor regístrese usando su cuenta original que fue creado cuando asistió al taller de VIRTUS Protegiendo Los Niños de Dios ®. Si no recuerda su identificación de usuario y contraseña, por favor contacte a Esveida Martínez, Parish Safe Environment Coordinator (Coordinadora de Medioambiente Seguro de la Parroquia) al 281-452-9865 o vía correo electrónico a [email protected] St. Andrew Catholic Church Youth Ministry News / Noticias de Jóvenes Youth Office: 281-452-9865 x21 email: [email protected] March 15 7 pm /8:30 pm March 18 Youth Night Noticias de OEC Horas de Oficina de OEC Lunes — Jueves 1 p. m. a 4 p. m. FLC PENNY DRIVE OEC needs new Bibles – both English & Spanish. We will use funds collected to purchase. Please contribute. NO Faith Formation March 22 7 pm /8:30 pm Youth Night FLC March 25 7 pm /8:30 pm Faith Formation FLC Elder Abuse Elder abuse can happen to anyone and it can take many different forms. Most cases of abuse reported to Adult Protective Services involve “self-neglect.” Many of these people are vulnerable to abuse because they live alone or are dependent on someone else for their care. Texas requires by law the reporting of elder abuse or the suspicion of elder abuse. If you know of someone who cannot care for himself/herself, or who is being abused, neglected or exploited, whether they live alone or with a spouse or caregiver, Texas law requires that you report the abuse. The number is 1-800-252-5400; your report will remain confidential. For additional information, please contact the Office of Aging at 713-741-8712. The Knights of Columbus is currently accepting Scholarship Applications from senior level students anticipating graduation from High School, “Class of 2015.” Registered parishioners may pick up their applications at the St. Andrew Catholic Church Office. The deadline for application submission is on Saturday, April 11,2015. Los Caballeros de Colón están aceptando Solicitudes de Becas para estudiantes de nivel superior a graduarse de la escuela secundaria, "Clase de 2015" Feligreses registrados pueden pasar por la Oficina de la Iglesia Católica de San Andrés y recoger su solicitud. El plazo de entregar las solicitudes es el Sábado, 11 de Abril, 2015. OEC News OEC Office hours Monday—Thursday 1 p.m. to 4 p. m. PROYECTO DEL CENTAVO OEC necesitamos Biblias nuevas, Inglés y Español. Vamos a usar los fondos del Centavo para comprarlas. Ayúdenos!! Le agradecemos su contribución.. Junior High Youth Time (Grades 6-8) A time set aside to offer our youth an afternoon of faithfilled fun and fellowship. Sunday March 15th 6:30 pm-8:00 pm *Role Models: Whom Should I look up to Saturday April 18th 9:00 am-5:00 pm Extreme Challenge Sunday April 26th 6:30 pm-8:00 pm *The Holy Spirit and the Church Celebration Year end Social ENGLISH COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION CLASSES FOR ADULTS Adults in the need of the Sacrament of Communion OR Confirmation, classes begin on: March 26, 2015 7:00 PM (Room # 6) If you wish to attend classes please call or come to the Parish Office and register. MARY’S KITCHEN —Presents its Famous 4th Annual LENTEN FISH FRY Served with all the trimmings Plus Soft Drink and Desert Serving Every Friday during Lent 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm $8.00 Family Life Center Rentals LIMITED SPECIAL Wedding Receptions, Quinceañeras, Anniversaries, Family Reunions, Birthday Parties, or any event you are planning, we can accommodate you! St. Andrew Family Life Center is continuing to have a LIMITED TIME rental special! Rentals include: 10 hour rental time on Fridays & Saturdays; seating up to 360 people reception style with dance floor; stage for a band or DJ; cleaning & storage of personal items after the event; a list of preferred vendors to hire (we've done the research for you); and so much more! With everything above included, half hall rentals start at $1500 and whole rentals start at $2500! Registered & Contributing Parishioners always receive a discount off this low competitive rate. We also have the Parish Hall available to rent for your smaller events such as baby showers, bridal showers, birthdays, graduations, etc. For more information regarding rentals, please email Christina at ([email protected]) or call the parish office at 281-452-9865. We look forward to help you plan your next event! “Acts Retreats for Women” Ladies of the parish, would you like to spend a weekend away from home, and be with Jesus? The schedule for the “ACTS” retreat will be: April 9-12, 2015———April 16-19, 2015 May 28-31, 2015—–—-—June 4-7, 2015 June 11-14, 2015——-June18-21, 2015 September 17-20, 2015——October 1-4, 2015 October 8-11, 2015——-October 22-25, 2015 For more information call the parish office. Intenciones de Misa March/Marzo Sunday 15 Tuesday 17 Wednesday 18 Thursday 19 Friday 20 Saturday 21 Sunday 22 10:00 AM 12:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:30 AM 7:00 PM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 6:00 PM 10:00 AM 12:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Cynthia Trujillo † People of St. Andrew Jose Ruiz De La Cueva † Eridanie Fajardo (Health) Deceased & Sick Eridanie Fajardo (Thanks) Eridanie Fajardo & Fam. Eridanie Fajardo (Faith) Nena G. Perez † Cynthia Trujillo † Aurelio y Maria Inez Jimenez María de la Cueva† People of St. Andrew PRAY FOR THE SICK—Orar por los Enfermos: HOSPITAL: RECUPERANDOSE: Rodolfo Aparicio, Jackie Auzenne, Jose & Josie Chavez, Eva Colon, Elmina & Emory Courville, Dominga Cantu, Sylvia Cusco, Annie Espinosa, Carla Espinosa, Luisa C. Flores, Ramon Flores, Karen Fruge, Roy Gonzales Jr. & Sr., Gilberto & Rosa Guerra, Carolyn Harden, Melvina Hayes, Robert Hayes, William Holloman, Marjorie Hromadka, Irma Jasso, Nolan & Winnie Lefleur, Aurelio & Rosemary Marin, Leroy Martinez, Manuel Martinez, Petra Martinez, Nora Marroquin, Morua Family, Maude Navarro, Raymond Navarro, Charles Orton, Jr., Johnny Pagan, Mary Palomo, Jesus Angel & Claudemira Solis, Gil Tristan SHUT-IN/INVALIDOS: Maria Adame, Rena Alex, , Albertine Cernik, Sherry Coburn, Celena De Leon, Jack Dennis, Thomas Garcia Jr., Miguel Gonzales Jr., Juliet Howard, Mary L. Miranda
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