March 1, 2015 Second Sunday of Lent Here are selections from the Mardi Gras Carnival Photo Booth. As you can see, a fun time was had by all! Aquí son selecciones del Carnaval de Mardi Gras cabina de fotos. Como se puede ver, un tiempo divertido fue tenido por todos. St. Pius X Catholic parish 1280 NW Saltzman Rd., Portland, OR 97229 (503) 644-5264 MASS SCHEDULE Horario de Misas Saturday Sabado Sunday Domingo 4th Sunday 5:00 pm 7:00 pm en Español 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 1:00 pm en Español 5:30 pm Youth 8:30 pm Contemplative 2:45 pm Adapted Mass Daily Mass Misa Diaria 8:15 am Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri & Sat Wednesday Miercoles 8:15 am (& also 9:15 am during the school year) Thursday Jueves 7:00 pm en Español Communion Service: 6:30 am Monday - Friday RECONCILIATION Confesiones Saturday 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm or by appointment Pr ayer Chain Email requests to [email protected] or call the parish office (503) 644-5264 Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Questions - Roberta Schreck (503) 645-4607 or [email protected] Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm We are Called to be the Eyes and Hands and Hear of the Risen Jesus. pastor’s note ADMINISTRATION DID YOU KNOW… One cold winter evening a priest was walking through a dangerous neighborhood. A man hiding in the shadows didn’t recognize him as a priest because the priest had his topcoat buttoned up to his chin. The man came out of the shadows with a gun and asked the priest to give him his wallet. When the priest opened his coat to get it, the man with the gun saw his Roman collar and apologized. He said “Sorry Father, I didn’t know you were a priest. I can’t steal from you. Just go on your way.” The priest was so relieved he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a cigar. He said “Thank you my good man. Let me give you a cigar.” The robber said “I appreciate that Father, but I can’t take it. I gave up smoking for Lent.” Your weekly bulletin is provided at no cost to the church by the generosity of businesses who advertise on the back of the bulletin? Bulletin advertising provides an inexpensive and effective opportunity for you to promote your products or services within your parish community. It’s true…people like to do business with people they know and trust. If you would like to advertise in the bulletin and support the church, please call Tom Ott at (503) 650-6347. Support the businesses that help make this bulletin free to the church. The Advertiser of the Week is: Well, the obvious point is that whatever spiritual practice we choose to take on during Lent, it is supposed to change us, it is supposed to make us better people. Changes come in many ways. Some are good, some are not. Some are gradual, some occur with amazing speed. Today’s readings deal with the most profound change any human will ever face: the end of life in this world and the beginning of life in the next. Did you notice how the themes of death and life are part of each of today’s readings? (Guiding Light, Reflect on the Word, Cycle B, Homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson, pgs. 49-50) Liberty Coin & Currency (971) 229-1828 Beaverton (360) 852-0643 Vancouver Worship and Liturgy SCRIPTURE FOR MARCH 8 Exodus 20:1-17, 1Corinthians 1:22-25, John 2:13-25 With God’s Grace, Fr. Sean Weeks Pastor Jesus disrupts the non-religious activities in the temple. What might I need to disrupt to restore a more religious attitude when I go to Mass? Leadership ST. VINCENT DE PAUL REFLECTION CHURCH Lent is a call not just to “give up something” but more important to “give something for the poor.” Wherever you live in the parish, there are poor families within walking distance of your home. When in need, they ring the rectory bell. They are, in effect, ringing your doorbell. Rev. Sean Weeks, Pastor (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] Rev. Francisco Bringuela, Parochial Vicar (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] Rev. Peter Siamoo, Priest in Residence (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] A very small amount of your time and energy can make a huge difference to someone in need. Come and see how you might give through St. Vincent de Paul. Our next meeting is March 2, at 7:00 pm, in the Church Hall. Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 / [email protected] 2 WORSHIP AND LITURGY, CONT. Holy Thursday -- April 2. Mass is 7:00 pm (Bilingual). Afterwards, pray until midnight with the Blessed Sacrament in the Community Center. LENT TO EASTER Fasting and Abstinence -- All Catholics 14 years and older abstain from meat on the Fridays of Lent and Good Friday. • Catholics between the ages 18 and 59 fast on Good Friday. To fast means to eat one full meal; the other two meals that day should be less than the normal amount unless they are already at a minimum for good health. Eating between meals is not permitted; however, liquids including coffee, milk and fruit juices are allowed. Good Friday Walk of the Cross -- Friday, April 3, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, beginning at Bethel Congregational (Faith Cafe). Good Friday Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion -- April 3, at 5:30 pm, English; 7:30 pm, Spanish. See previous column regarding fasting and abstinence. Morning Prayer Services will be celebrated on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday at 8:15 am. Fridays of Lent -- will include: • Stations of the Cross – 5:45 pm in the church. • Soup Suppers – Every Lenten Friday, at 6:30 pm, in the Community Center. See page 8 for details. • Abstain from Meat -- See above explanation. Easter Vigil -- April 4, 8:30 pm (Bilingual). Our most festive, solemn Mass of the year. Gather around the Easter bonfire, process with the light of Christ into the Church, hear the singing of the Exsultet and the proclamation of the Scriptures of salvation. Celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist with the newly initiated adults. Ignatian Evening of Prayer with Ed Plocha. Prayer is simply tuning in to God’s presence. Over the centuries people have found different ways of doing this. One such example is termed “Ignatian prayer” developed by St. Ignatius Loyola and articulated in his Spiritual Exercises. This form of prayer uses the imagination and senses to develop an intimate relationship with God. Easter Sunday Mass Times -- April 5. Note that the underlined time is adapted for Easter: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm (Spanish), 5:30 pm (Youth) and 8:30 pm (Contemplative). FREE LECTURE WITH BROTHER MICHAEL CASEY Please note date change: Tuesday, March 10, at 7:00 pm, in the Church. Ed Plocha will offer reflections and prayer and lead us in experiencing Ignatian prayer. Brother Michael Casey, a Cistercian monk of Tarrawarra Abbey in Australia, will offer a free lecture at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, 147 NW 19th, Portland, on Wednesday, March 18, at 7:00 pm. Brother Casey is a well-known retreat master and lecturer on monastic spirituality, as well as author of many books including Seventy-Four Tools for Good Living. Ed’s background includes ten years in the Maryland Province of the Jesuits. He remains actively involved with Christian Life Community, a Jesuit-affiliated Pontifical lay institute. He and his wife Helen have been members of our parish since 2012. Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) The Church encourages the celebration of Reconciliation during Lent. • March 16, at 7:00 pm, is our Lenten Communal Reconciliation Service. Many priests will be on hand to hear confessions. • Saturday Confessions are from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm, but will not be heard on Holy Saturday, April 4. Chrism Mass for Archdiocese -- March 30, 2015, at 7:00 pm, at St. Mary Cathedral on NW 18th and Couch Street, Portland. (Continued in next column) ANOINTING OF THE SICK Friday, March 6, 2015 8:15 am Mass On Friday, March 6, we celebrate the sacrament of the anointing of the sick at the 8:15 am morning Mass. Please come to be anointed if you suffer from chronic illness, a psychological condition, advanced age, or any serious illness. Several priests will be on hand for the sacrament. A reception follows after Mass. 3 SANCTITY OF LIFE LIFE AND SOCIAL ETHICS Pope Benedict XVI writes in Caritas in Veritate that “The Church forcefully maintains this link between life ethics and social ethics, fully aware that ‘a society lacks solid foundations when, on the one hand, it asserts values such as the dignity of the person, justice and peace, but then, on the other hand, radically acts to the contrary by allowing or tolerating a variety of ways in which human life is devalued and violated, especially where it is weak or marginalized.’” (no. 15). Abortion is the leading cause of death in the world, ending more lives than cardiovascular disease, cancer, AIDS, war, hunger ... or any other cause.* You can change that. *Based on data from the World Health Organization and the Guttmacher Institute As a gift from God, every human life is sacred from conception to natural death. 40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil to end abortion. The mission of the campaign is to bring together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity during a focused 40 day campaign of prayer, fasting and peaceful activism, with the purpose of repentance, to seek God’s favor to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life, thus bringing an end to abortion. CAMP JOSHUA Camp Joshua (March 22-25, 2015) is a 4-day camp in Salem for pro-life students ages 16-21. They come together to learn about the pro-life movement, how to help save babies, and best of all to meet other pro-life youth from all over the state! For more information about Camp Joshua, or to apply online, go to www.ortl. org. There will be a daily prayer vigil outside Lovejoy Surgicenter at 933 NW 25th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, from February 19 – March 29, 7:00 am - 7:00 pm. Please consider signing up for an hour of prayer vigil, which will be a peaceful and educational presence. To sign up, please: SCRIP GIFT CARD PROGRAM 1. Go to portland/. 2. On the upper right side of the screen, click on “Log in”. Use “stpiusxforlife” as user name and password. 3. Click on box “View more openings” under heading “Vigil openings”. 4. Click on date you wish to sign up. Choose an hour and click on box indicating “+ Add Me”. FUNDRAISING FOR ST. PIUS X CHURCH AND SCHOOL During Lent, keep in mind the many great seafood and vegetarian restaurant options available through the Scrip program: McGrath’s Fish House, Newport Bay, Red Lobster, Pastini’s, Sweet Tomato, Veggie Grill, Baja Fresh, Chipotle, Portland Seafood Company, and Manzana’s! For assistance in signing up and any other questions, please contact Tony D’Silva at [email protected]. Scrip sales now occur inside McMahon Hall on school days during pick-up and drop-off times. Scrip buyers may enter McMahon Hall early to conduct their purchases. Sunday Scrip sales occur inside the Community Center from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. ITEMS FOR THE BULLETIN? If you have an item to be considered for inclusion in an upcoming bulletin, the deadline is the Friday (10 days) prior to the weekend during which you want the item to be published. Email submissions or questions to [email protected]. 4 YOUTH MINISTRY OUTREACH/PEACE AND SOCIAL JUSTICE LENT SERVICE PROJECT Faith Formation, Youth Ministry and St. Pius X School We will be collecting New Utensils and Dinnerware for the Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement Program. This program assists individuals and families that must leave their home lands due to fear of persecution because of their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, and political opinions. Refugees come from all parts of the world. Middle School Youth Nights: March 1: Youth Night in the Community Center. Questions: Janell Hoekstra, Middle School Youth Ministry, [email protected]. Donation bins will be available in the Parish Office and at Sunday School throughout Lent. High School Youth Nights: March 1: Catholicism, Christianity & World Religions. For further information, or if you have furniture, bedding or other home necessities you wish to donate, please contact our Parish Coordinators: Mia Fast and Maeve Eynard, St. Pius X 7th Graders, at (503) 213-1450, or [email protected]. Questions: Kristin Mombert, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, [email protected]. BABY CORNER AT ST. PIUS X As you are cleaning out your closets, please remember Baby Corner. Baby Corner provides assistance to mothers for babies and young children who are in need in our local community. COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS PRUNING OUR HEARTS FOR LENT BRINGING FORTH GOD’S BLOOM IN YOUR LIFE Current Needs of Baby Corner: PACK & PLAYS, strollers, books, used clean clothing newborn to size 4T, diapers sizes 2, 4, and 6 most needed at present, diaper cream and wipes. Please no car seats, cribs or stuffed animals. All widows of the parish are invited to join the WOW/Widows of Wisdom group for a day retreat on Thursday, March 5, from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm, in the Community Center Main Hall. Bring donations to St. Pius X Church office Monday Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Questions? Call Marty (503) 614-9630, or Jennifer (971) 404-8040. Mary Jo Saavedra from the Franciscan Spiritual Center will be the Facilitator. Morning coffee, tea & snacks on arrival and lunch at noon will be provided. BABY BOTTLE FUNDRAISER FOR MOTHER AND CHILD To register, please send your check for $25 by February 27 to Marilyn Fullmer 10400 NW Alphorn Lane, Hillsboro, OR 97124 Mother and Child Education Center and its clients THANK YOU! Our St. Pius X parishioners have been most generous and all of you are appreciated. As of the first 2 weeks of collections, $3,221.79 has been donated. If you still have baby bottles (empty and filled), please drop them off soon in the square containers in the vestibule of the church. Thank you all again! Questions: Call Marilyn at (503) 647-5888, or Barbara at (503) 747-4034 5 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. St. Patrick’s Day Family Dinner Saturday, March 14, 2015 St. Pius X Community Center Enjoy a traditional Irish feast & a special performance by the Comerford Irish Dancers! 5:30 pm Social HourȈ6:30 pm DinnerȈ7:30 pm Performance ƬȈƬȈȈȈ Catered by Claeys ȈBeer & wine available for sale Tickets Only $20 ǯȋͻǦͷͶȌǣ͈ͺȈͻǣ ϐ ͳƬͺǤ Ǥ ǡǤ̷ ǤǤ 6 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. SAVE THE DATE: A CELEBRATION OF SOUTHERN CHARM All are invited to the St. Pius X Women’s Club Annual Spring Tea on Saturday, April 25, in the Community Center. Table viewing begins at 12:30 pm and the tea begins at 1:00 pm. Tickets are $26 per person. Special guest appearance by Julianne Johnson-Weiss. For table and ticket information, call Mary Campbell at (503) 929-1788. For general questions, call Janice Garbayo at (503) 319-0597. A few words about Faith Café… We will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary in April! We thank the St. Pius X parishioners and staff for your financial and volunteer help over the years. We couldn’t have done it without you! Our hope is to make this Anniversary dinner a very special evening for our guests. ST. PIUS X CYO TRACK AND FIELD Here’s how you can help… • Maybe you or a company contact can supply items to put in 100 gift bags for our guests. Examples: $5 gift cards, TriMet bus passes, T-shirts, water bottles, chocolate, any nice item will do! • Connection to a rental or party store for water glasses, red cloth napkins, or decorations. • Fresh cut flowers or items for centerpieces. • Any discounted items: Examples: beverages (sparkling cider) or desserts. • Someone who can videotape and/or photograph the event. It’s that time of the year......registration is now open for the 2015 St. Pius X CYO Track and Field season! Participants compete in one of three groups: • • • Roadrunners - 3rd and 4th grade Cubs - 5th and 6th grade Cadets - 7th and 8th grade To register, please check out the St. Pius X Track website: Deadline to register is March 13. Looking ahead… Save your unneeded clothes for a clothing drive we will be having this late spring to benefit Faith Café. Watch for announcements in the bulletin. If you are registered, please plan on attending the Parent Information Night on March 9, at 7:00 pm, in McMahon Hall. Thank you in advance for your support to Faith Café in this milestone year! INTERFAITH CLIMATE ADVOCACY DAY Allan Wells Faith Café Board Member Email: [email protected] Join us at the Capitol in Salem on Tuesday March 3, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Your moral voice is important and influential and needs to be heard by our legislators. For carpooling, contact Chris Kondrat at chris@kondrats. com, or (503) 644-4816. Faith Cafe is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and an equal opportunity provider. 7 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. HUNGERING FOR A BOUNTIFUL EARTH START A NEW LENTEN TRADITION – JOIN YOUR PARISH FAMILY FOR ST. PIUS X LENTEN SOUP SUPPERS! Every Friday in Lent, we gather as a community to share a simple meal of homemade soups, breads, macaroni and cheese and peanut butter sandwiches. We pray together and eat together, followed by a short program for adults and activities for the children. Parish groups host each supper, providing delicious food and fellowship. There’s no charge for the evening. Donations are collected for Operation Rice Bowl, the Catholic Relief Services Lenten program that reaches out to people in our own neighborhoods, as well as around the world. This week, CRS Rice Bowl takes us to the coffee highlands of Nicaragua, where we’re called to protect both the goodness of creation and the livelihoods of struggling families. How will this week’s fast remind us of the sacredness of God’s creation and our duty to protect it? KIDS PLAY Supper begins in the Community Center at 6:30 pm on Fridays, following Stations of the Cross in the church at 5:45 pm, and we are usually done by 7:30 pm. Children are welcome – we have child-friendly foods and activities. Come be part of your parish family, and celebrate Lent 2015 with us! Are you a parent or caregiver to a child age newborn to 5? Are you looking for a play-based group to be a part of? If so, we meet most Mondays in the Youth Center from 10:00 am - 11:30 am. If you would like to join our email list, please contact Lisa Williams at [email protected]; or Kat Wright at [email protected]. March 6 – soups by the St. Pius X Combined Choirs; in the Community Center with Music for the Lenten Season. Additionally, we are always looking for gently used toys. Please email us if you would like to make a toy donation. March 13 – soups by the Latino community; Catholic Charities guest speaker on El Programa Hispano. March 20 – soups by Habitat for Humanity; Willamette West Habitat and the NW Quilters Project. INTERFAITH ADVOCACY DAY 2015 March 27 – soups by the Filipino Community; Pia DeLeon speaks on Pope Francis’ visit to the Philippinesmessage of hope. State Capitol Building - Salem, Oregon On February 11, members of our Parish Outreach Commission joined several hundred Oregonians of many religious traditions for a day of interfaith worship, dialogue, education, and advocacy on behalf of Oregonians facing hunger, homelessness, or lack of access to affordable health care. For more information, contact Anne Hanchek at (503) 526-9693, or [email protected]. BUILDING A CULTURE OF VOCATIONS Activities included an interfaith panel on “Confronting Poverty, Promoting Economic Equality and Preventing Gun Violence, Expanding health care” training in advocacy skills, issue briefings, and meetings with our legislators giving voice to our issues. “IT IS REALLY GOD HIMSELF, the ‘Lord of the harvest’, who chooses his laborers. His call is always undeserved and unexpected. We are called to cooperate with his providence, and to use the powerful tool which he has placed in our hands: prayer. Jesus said ‘Pray the LORD of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest!’” Interfaith Advocacy Day is an annual event held each February in Salem. Raise your voice of faith to strengthen Oregon Communities. Join us 2016! 8 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. ST. PIUS X PARISH NURSES and PROMOTORES DE SALUD will sponsor a FREE LIONS CLUB HEALTH SCREENING For adults age 18 and over Sunday, March 8, 2015 9:00 am to 3:00 pm St. Pius X Community Center APPOINTMENTS ARE NECESSARY Screening tests for: Eyes: Visual acuity to see if you need glasses. Glaucoma test eye pressure: if too high and left untreated, it can cause blindness. Cholesterol Screening: Screen for risk of heart disease. Blood Pressure: If pressure is too high, it may lead to stroke or heart attack. Diabetes: Blood glucose test. Do not eat any food for 3 hours before this blood sugar test. You may drink water. APPOINTMENTS ARE NECESSARY SIGN UP AFTER MASSES FOR AN APPOINTMENT TIME OR CALL Fran Breiling (503) 645-3775 EN ESPAÑOL CALL Lupita (503) 270-9794 9 Ministerio latino SAN PIO X 1280 NW Saltzman Rd. Portland, Or. 97229 LAS ENFERMERAS DE LA PARROQUIA En Coordinación con EL CLUB DE LEONES Y PROMOTORES DE SALUD Ofrecen una revisión de salud GRATIS Para mayores de 18 años. El domingo 08 de Marzo del 2015 de 9:00 am a 3:00 pm En el Centro Comunitario de la Parroquia LOS EXAMENES QUE REALIZARAN SERAN: OJOS: Examen de la vista con prescripción escrita. Prueba del glaucoma este examen lo realizan para detectar a tiempo este problema y evitar ceguera en el futuro. PROYECCION DE COLESTEROL: Pantalla para riesgos de enfermedades de corazón. PRESIÓN ARTERIAL: Revisión para saber si su presión arterial es normal, si su presion arterial es alta: puede provocar un derrame cerebral o ataque al corazón. DIABETES: Examen de la glucosa (azúcar). Favor de no comer ningún alimento 3 horas antes, recuerde de no masticar chicle antes de el examen. Usted solo puede beber agua. ES NECESARIO HACER CITA PARA QUE LE ATIENDAN PUEDE HACER CITA DESPUÉS DE CADA MISA, PARA MAS INFORMACION FAVOR DE LLAMAR AL Fran (503) 645-3775 (Ingles) Lupita (503) 270-9794 (Español) 10 Ministerio latino cont. la Nota del parroco Una noche frio en invierno un cura estaba caminando a través de una vecindad peligroso. Un hombre escondido en las sombras no se reconoció el cura a una cura porque el cura tenía su sobretodo abrochado hasta la barbilla. El hombre se salió de las sombras con una pistola y le dejo que fuera darle su billetera. Cuando el cura se abro su abrigo para conseguirle el hombre con la pistola se vio su cuello Romano y disculpó. El hombre dijo, “Discúlpame Padre, no sabía que era un cura. No me puedo robarle. Continuar en su comino.” El cura fue relevado y agarro una cigarro de su bolsillo de su abrigo y dijo, “Gracias mi mejor hombre. Permítame a darse un cigarro.” El ladrón dijo, “Me apreciar eso Padre, pero no me puedo aceptar. Me renuncio de fumar para prestado.” Meditación del Papa Benedicto XVI La Transfiguración no es un cambio de Jesús, sino que es la revelación de su divinidad, la íntima compenetración de su ser con Dios, que se convierte en pura luz. En su ser uno con el Padre, Jesús mismo es Luz de Luz. Pedro, Santiago y Juan, contemplando la divinidad del Señor, son preparados para afrontar el escándalo de la cruz, como se canta en un antiguo himno: “En el monte te transfiguraste y tus discípulos, en cuanto eran capaces, contemplaron tu gloria, para que, viéndote crucificado, comprendieran que tu pasión era voluntaria y anunciaran al mundo que tu eres verdaderamente el esplendor del Padre”. Queridos amigos, participemos también nosotros de esta visión y de este don sobrenatural, dando espacio a la oración y a la escucha de la Palabra de Dios. Además, especialmente en este tiempo de Cuaresma, os exhorto, como escribe el Siervo de Dios Pablo VI, “a responder al precepto divino de la penitencia con algún acto voluntario, además de las renuncias impuestas por el peso de la vida cotidiana”. Invoquemos a la Virgen María, para que nos ayude a escuchar y seguir siempre al Señor Jesús, hasta la pasión y la cruz, para participar también en su gloria. (Benedicto XVI, 20 de marzo de 2011). El obvio punto es que cualquier práctica espirito elegimos tomar durante de prestado, se supone a cambiarnos, se supone a hacerlos a mejor personas. Los cambios vienen en formas varias. Algunos que son buenos y algunos que no son buenos. Algunos que son gradual y algunos que ocurrir en tiempo rápido. Los lecturas de hoy tratar con el cambio más profundo que cualquier humano va a enfrentar, el fin de vida en este mundo y el comienzo de la vida en el próximo. ¿Te diste cuenta que los temas de vida y de muerte son aparte de cada lecturas de hoy? (Guiando Luz, Reflexionar sobre la Palabra, Ciclo B, Homilías de P. Joe Robinson, págs. 49-50) REFLEXIÓN ¿Has tenido alguna vez en tus manos un diamante o una perla preciosa? Brilla por todas las partes por donde la mires. Pues así es el Evangelio de hoy. Podríamos mirarlo desde muchísimos ángulos y descubriríamos una belleza y un brillo muy singular en cualquier dirección. Pero hoy tenemos que contentarnos con una sola mirada. La semana pasada meditábamos en la realidad del desierto como imagen y camino de la vida cristiana. Hoy, el Evangelio nos ofrece un escenario distinto, pero que es como otro símbolo paradigmático de nuestro itinerario cuaresmal: la montaña. En el lenguaje bíblico y espiritual, la montaña, al igual que el desierto, es un lugar privilegiado para la oración y para el encuentro personal con Dios. El Sinaí, el Horeb, el Tabor son nombres de las montañas más sagradas que nos recuerda la Biblia. En ellas tuvieron lugar acontecimientos decisivos del diálogo de Dios con los hombres. Eventos de alianza, de salvación, de revelación divina y de redención. En el Antiguo Testamento, el pueblo de Israel ofrecía sacrificios a Yahvéh en la cima de las montañas: Abraham, en la tierra de Moriáh, sube a un monte para ofrecer a Dios en sacrificio a su hijo Isaac; el Horeb es el lugar elegido por Dios para manifestarse a Moisés y luego también a Elías; en el monte Garizín los israelitas solían adorar y elevar oraciones al Señor. Los mismos paganos preferían los picachos y las cumbres de los montes para ofrecer allí el incienso a sus dioses. Y en nuestras culturas americanas nos basta sólo recordar ciudades sagradas como Machu(Continua en la pagina 12) Con la Gracia de Dios, Padre Sean Weeks Parroco II Domingo de Cuaresma. La subida a la montaña. Marcos 9, 2-10. 2o. Domingo de Cuaresma. El monte, lugar de oración, es donde Dios te quiere dar muchas gracias. Del santo Evangelio según san Marcos 9, 2-10 Seis días después, toma Jesús consigo a Pedro, Santiago y Juan, y los lleva, a ellos solos, aparte, a un monte alto. Y se transfiguró delante de ellos, y sus vestidos se volvieron resplandecientes, muy blancos, tanto que ningún batanero en la tierra sería capaz de blanquearlos de ese modo. Se les aparecieron Elías y Moisés, y conversaban con Jesús. Toma la palabra Pedro y dice a Jesús: «Maestro, bueno es estarnos aquí. Vamos a hacer tres tiendas, una para ti, otra para Moisés y otra para Elías»; pues no sabía qué responder ya que estaban atemorizados. Entonces se formó una nube que les cubrió con su sombra, y vino una voz desde la nube: «Este es mi Hijo amado, escuchadle.» Y de pronto, mirando en derredor, ya no vieron a nadie más que a Jesús solo con ellos. Y cuando bajaban del monte les ordenó que a nadie contasen lo que habían visto hasta que el Hijo del hombre resucitara de entre los muertos. Ellos observaron esta recomendación, discutiendo entre sí qué era eso de «resucitar de entre los muertos. 11 ministerio latino cont. Pichu o Tajín, o las elevadas cumbres de las pirámides para comprobar su predilección por los lugares altos para sus sacrificios. Lo mismo sucede en la espiritualidad cristiana oriental y occidental de todos los tiempos: sobre las montañas se yerguen grandes monasterios, abadías, templos, ermitas y santuarios: Subiaco, Montecassino, el monte Athos, el monte Carmelo, el cerro del Cubilete, el Cristo del Corcovado y una infinidad más de lugares santos. Jesucristo nuestro Señor también solía ir al monte a orar, en donde pasaba noches enteras a solas con su Padre. Quiso escoger un monte para anunciar la carta magna de su Evangelio: las bienaventuranzas; en el monte de los Olivos sufrió aquellas horas terribles de su agonía, y en la cima de un pequeño montículo derramó la última gota de su sangre para redimirnos: el Calvario. Y, una vez resucitado, escogió también un monte, en Galilea, para despedirse de sus discípulos antes de ascender al cielo. La montaña, al igual que el desierto, es un lugar de silencio, de soledad, de apartamiento del mundo y de las cosas de la tierra. Exige un esfuerzo fatigoso de “subida” hacia Dios. Allí arriba se está más cerca del cielo. Quizá por eso nuestro Señor quiso escoger también una montaña para realizar los eventos maravillosos de su transfiguración: el Tabor. Jesús sube con Pedro, Santiago y Juan a la cima de la montaña. Y allí -nos dice el Evangelio- “se transfiguró delante de ellos”. ¡Quién pudiera haber estado en ese momento con Cristo! ¿Qué fue lo que vieron, lo que experimentaron, lo que oyeron esos tres discípulos predilectos en esos momentos dichosos? ¡Fueron testigos presenciales de la gloria de Dios! Sí. Vieron a Cristo en todo el resplandor y en la belleza de su divinidad. Por unos instantes Jesús dejó brillar toda la pureza y hermosura de su condición de Hijo de Dios. Como hombre, siempre mantuvo oculta su divinidad. Ahora es como si dejara “explotar” toda su gloria de Dios por unos segundos. No hay palabras para expresarlo. Era mucho más que un éxtasis o cualquier otra revelación. Era un arrebato momentáneo al cielo. Era... ¡el paraíso en la tierra! Por eso Pedro no se contiene y, extasiado: “Maestro –exclama– ¡qué bien se está aquí!”. Y quiere de pronto hacer tres tiendas, para quedarse para siempre en ese lugar bienaventurado. “Y enseguida se les aparecieron Moisés y Elías conversando con Jesús”. Los representantes máximos de la Ley y los Profetas se presentan al lado de Cristo, en quien toda la revelación divina llega a su culmen y a su perfección. Ellos, los más grandes del pueblo elegido, vienen a rendir veneración a Cristo y a dar testimonio de Él como Mesías e Hijo de Dios. Pero, ¿sabemos de qué hablaban? Sí. De la muerte de Cristo, que tendría lugar en Jerusalén. En medio de su gloria, habla Cristo de su muerte en la cruz. Ésa sería su “glorificación”. ¡Paradojas divinas! Y en medio de la visión se deja oír la voz del Padre: “Éste es mi Hijo amado; escúchenlo”. Imposible comentar en espacio tan escaso algo tan sublime. Pero al menos quedémonos con este mensaje: en esta Cuaresma Jesús nos invita a subir con Él a la montaña para encontrarnos a solas con Él y para descubrirnos los secretos inefables del misterio y de la gloria de su divinidad. Pero se necesita hacer silencio en el alma para entrar en oración y escuchar la voz de Dios. Y necesitamos también “subir” y dejar abajo las cosas de la tierra: el egoísmo, la vanidad, la sensualidad, nuestros propios vicios y pasiones; en una palabra, todo aquello que nos estorba para ir hacia Dios. Todo esto es parte imprescindible del camino cuaresmal. Sólo dejando el peso insoportable del pecado podemos subir. Y, una vez arriba, en la montaña, contemplaremos el rostro bendito de Cristo y escucharemos la voz del Padre, que nos invita a seguir a su Hijo. ¿Por cuál camino? Por el de la cruz. No hay gloria si no viene precedida antes por la pasión y la muerte. Sólo así, muriendo al hombre viejo y pecador que hay en nosotros, tendremos vida eterna. Por la cruz llegaremos a la resurrección. ANUNCIOS MONOGUILLOS. Si su hijo desea ser un monaguillo, por favor comuníquese con la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano al tel. (503) 213-1446 o con la Señora Patricia Hernández. RICA/RCIA. Les recordamos a los Catecúmenos y candidatos a las reuniones todos los Viernes a las 7:00 pm en el Centro Comunitario. Mayores informes con José Flores. RETIRO PARA LIDERES DE LA PARROQUIAL. A todos los lideres de nuestra Parroquia de San Pio X se les invita a nuestro retiro cuaresmal durante el mes de marzo. Mayores informes en la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano. BODAS COMUNITARIAS. Tendremos bodas comunitarias el sábado 11 de Julio, para mayores informes comuníquese con la oficina del Ministerio Hispano, deje un mensaje con nombre, teléfono y le responderemos su llamada a la mayor brevedad posible. MINISTERIO DE EVANGELIZACION PARROQUIAL. Bienvenidos a los nuevos miembros del Ministerio de Evangelización San Pio X. Se les invita a todos los que han participado del Retiro de Evangelización Parroquia a nuestras reuniones todos los Jueves a las 7:00 pm iniciando con la Santa Misa. CLASES DE FORMACIÓN DE LA FE. Las clases sobre la Biblia se reanudarán el próximo 7 de Enero. Introducción a las Sagradas Escrituras. Las clases de formación son todos los Miércoles, Jueves y Domingos. Los Miércoles estamos desarrollando el curso sobre La Biblia, tanto a las 9:00 am como a las 7:00 pm. Los Jueves estamos desarrollando el curso La Luz de la Fe. Domingos a las 3:00 pm estamos estudiando el curso de Los Sacramentos. Hay cuidado de niños. SERVICIO DE RECONCILIACION. Invitamos a todos a participar de las confesiones el Lunes 16 de Marzo a las 7:00 pm. Los niños que vienen a clase los domingos y harán su primera comunión, deben de hacer su primera confesión ese día. 12 contacts and resources Parish Office (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] Administration Fr. Sean Weeks, Pastor (503) 644-5264 Fr. Francisco Bringuela, Parochial Vicar (503) 644-5264 Fr. Peter Siamoo, Priest in Residence (503) 644-5264 Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Anthony Vuky, Business Services Manager (503) 213-1444 Adult Education and Enrichment Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Annulment Advocacy Bob Little (503) 213-1447 Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon (503) 234-5334 Baptisms Tom English, Sacristan (503) 213-1442 Baby Corner Voice mailbox (503) 213-1376 Bereavement Arlene Lee (503) 579-9822 Bookkeeping Jennifer Brown (503) 213-1445 Bridge Group - Social Hilary Hutchinson (503) 526-0650 Bulletin Items Cheryl Hopkins (503) 213-1449 Burnside Meals Rebecca Gaerlan (503) 372-9176 CYO Anthony Vuky / Don Verzani (503) 213-1444 / (503) 690-9850 Centering Prayer Linda Tombaugh (503) 641-2059 Confirmation (Adult) Bob Little (503) 213-1447 Confirmation (9th - 12th grades) Kristin Mombert (503) 213-1448 Elizabeth Ministries Jennifer Radosavljevic (971) 404-8040 ESL (English as a Second Language) Jaime Sevilla (503) 213-1446 Facility Reservations Jim Shaffer (503) 644-5264 Peace and Justice Mary Ryan Hotchkiss (503) 646-5449 Faith Café Joan Andersen-Wells (503) 642-2764 Prayer Shawl Ministry Geneal Kanalz (503) 646-9547 Faith Formation Molly Washburn, Little Saints - Preschool - K (503) 213-1450 Chris Kirnak, Sacramental Preparation (503) 213-1463 Michelle Schleh, Faith Formation-Elementary (503) 213-1460 Janell Hoekstra, Middle School Ministry (503) 213-1454 Kristin Mombert, High School Ministry (503) 213-1448 Amy Lopez - Faith Formation Secretary (503) 213-1461 RCIA / Returning Catholics (Landings) Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Filipino Community Melliza Palazo (503) 804-6510 Reception / Parish Office / Mass Intentions Jackie LaCasse (503) 644-5264 Sanctity of Life Jo Cooper (503) 646-2250 Serra Club Dan Jones (503) 645-2172 Special Needs Committee Mary Ann Hassold (503) 617-4965 Funeral Coordination Evelyn Gibbons (503) 614-9415 Habitat for Humanity Patrick Wheeler (503) 645-1645 Knights of Columbus Paul Butler (503) 533-2018 La Casita Pat Pitz (503) 806-0389 Latino Ministries Jaime Sevilla (503) 213-1446 Liturgy and Worship Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Loaves and Fishes Anne Fornay (503) 646-0487 Stewardship Anthony Vuky, Business Services Manager (503) 213-1444 St. Francis Dining Hall Debra DiPaola (503) 533-0984 St. Pius X School Mary Thompson, Principal (503) 644-3244 Mary Beth Anderson, School Secretary (503) 644-3244 Fran Wilson, School Secretary (503) 644-3244 St. Joseph Toolbox Knights of Columbus (503) 644-5264 St. Vincent de Paul Bob Weisend (503) 629-2014 Sunday Nursery Michelle Schleh, Faith Formation/Outreach (503) 213-1460 Mary’s Pantry Mike and Nan Fey (503) 626-8772 Vocations Art Diederich (503) 645-6142 Meals on Wheels Tess Pimentel (503) 645-3728 Ministry to the Sick and Homebound Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Music Ministry Wendy Reimann-O’Hearn (503) 213-1468 Outreach Michelle Schleh, Faith Formation/Outreach (503) 213-1460 Parish Nurse Ministry Fran Breiling (503) 645-3775 13 Wedding Coordination Barb English (503) 643-3144 Women’s Club Colleen Lucas (503) 645-5646 Community Resources: Care to Share-Food Assistance (503) 591-9025 Child Abuse Reporting (800) 275-8952 Pregnancy Resource Center (503) 643-4503 Housing Assistance (503) 846-4794 St. Pius x community calendar Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am 5:30 pm - March 1 Joan De Groot Jeremiah Stuart Robert Lafrenz Faith Formation Classes 9:00 am - School High School Discipleship Team Meeting 11:00 am - Parish Office Conference Room Youth Choir 3:30 pm - Church Youth Ministry Activities 5:30 pm - Church, McMahon Hall, Etc. Wednesday 8:15 am 9:15 am - 4 Generoso and Rosita Ebo Robert Lafrenz Monday 2 Tuesday 3 8:15 am Bea Kost 8:15 am - Latino Bible Study 7:00 pm - Youth Center St. Vincent de Paul Meeting 7:00 pm - Church Hall Ladies of Light Bible Study 9:00 am - Community Center Social Bridge 10:30 am - Church Hall Choir Rehearsal 6:30 pm - Church ESL Class 7:00 pm - School Knights of Columbus Officer’s Meeting 7:00 pm - Community Center RCIA 7:00 pm - Community Center Thursday 8:15 am - 5 Friday 8:15 am - Irene Kubaska Nathalie Kuehle 6 Roger and Connie Goodman Latino Adult Faith Formation (Parents) 9:00 am - Community Center Chaplet of Divine Mercy 3:00 pm - Church Youth Choir 6:30 pm - McMahon Hall PTO Meeting 7:00 pm - Parish Office Conference Room Old Testament Video Series 8:45 am - Parish Office Conference Room School Reconciliation 12:15 pm - Church and Church Hall Al-Non 10:00 am - Youth Center Latino Youth Choir 5:00 pm - Church ESL Class 7:00 pm - School 4th Degree Knights of Columbus 7:00 pm - Community Center Stations of the Cross and Soup Suppers 5:45 pm - Church and Community Center Latino Adult Choir 7:00 pm - Church Latino RCIA 7:00 pm - Community Center Latino Marriage Encounter 7:00 pm - Community Center Saturday Sunday Intercessions 8:15 am - 7 Tony Trotti Coyote Club 7:30 am - Youth Center Latino Adult Faith Formation (Parents) 5:30 pm - Youth Center 7:30 am 9:00 am - 8 Harold Seikel Kaitly Noel Shim Faith Formation Classes 9:00 am - School Lions Health Screening By Appt. Only 9:00 am - Community Center High School Discipleship Team Meeting 11:00 am - Parish Office Conference Rm. Youth Choir 3:30 pm - Church Youth Ministry Activities 5:30 pm - Church, McMahon Hall, Etc. For additional information regarding our calendar, visit our website 14 For those who are suffering illness . . . For those who have died . . . New members Ryan and Rebecca Houck BEYOND OUR PARISH WALLS GODSPELL CHRISTIAN IN THE WORLD’S SERIES Godspell, the legendary rock musical based on the gospel of Matthew, will be performed at Valley Catholic Kelly Auditorium, March 6-8 and 13-16. Friday and Saturday performances are at 7:00 pm and Sunday matinees are at 2:00 pm. The lecture Series, “CHRISTIAN ANTHROPOLOGY: The Human Condition–Created/Fallen/Redeemed/Freed” continues on Saturday, March 14, 2015, at 9:00 am, in the Mount Angel Abbey Library, St. Benedict, OR. The cost is $15 for the session; Students, $5. Tickets are available at, or at the school the night of each performance. Sister Gertrude Feick, O.S.B., a member of Queen of Angels Monastery in Mount Angel, will speak on Humans who are Redeemed–Basil Hume’s Theology of the Cross. Basil Hume was a Benedictine monk, abbot, and Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster who meditated on and lived out what “redemption by the cross” might mean for the Christian. Sister Gertrude is presently doing her doctoral thesis on Cardinal Hume. She has recently become a member of the Christian in the World steering committee and will take an active role in determining future topics for the lecture series. VERBOORT RUMMAGE SALE The Annual Spring Verboort Rummage Sale is at Visitation Church Parish Center, 4285 NW Visitation Rd., Forest Grove, Oregon, 97116. The days of the sale are: • March 5, 7:30 am to 9:00 am ($5 early bird entry fee!) / 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (free entry). • March 6, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (free entry). • March 7, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (free entry) 50% off all day / 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm -- Bag sale ($5 per bag full of goods). Bags provided. For information, call Cecile Beckerman at (503) 3935041. Supporting the programs at Visitation Catholic School. For further information, please call (503) 357-6990, or go to 15
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