S aint Anthony Church North Providence 353-3120 Saintanthonychurch.org C S hurch of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary aint Edward Church North Providence 722-7140 Presentationchurchnp.org Providence • 331-4035 Saintedwardchurchpvd.org February 15, 2015 Reverend Edward S. Cardente, Pastor Reverend Nolasco Tamayo, Part time Associate Diocesan Director of Intercultural Ministries Reverend Mr. Louis Vani, Deacon WELCOME If you are alienated or upset, we welcome you lovingly. If you are in need of forgiveness, Jesus forgives you completely - with uncondional love. If you have been hurt by the Church, we are truly sorry. If you are angry, Jesus offers you peace. If life has become burdensome, we are here to support you. We are happy you are here and want you to stay. We would like to share our lives with you. Come join us each week so we can worship God together. WEEKEND MASS CELEBRATIONS SAINT ANTHONY CHURCH - 1413 Mineral Spring Avenue, North Providence Saturday Vigil 5:15 PM, Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM, 11:30 AM Angelo Minervino, Sacristan CHURCH OF THE PRESENTATION - 1081 Mineral Spring Avenue, North Providence Saturday Vigil 4 PM, Sunday 10 AM Stephen Campbell, Sacristan SAINT EDWARD CHURCH - 997 Branch Avenue, Providence Saturday Vigil 6 PM (Spanish), Sunday 9 AM, 11:30 AM (Spanish) John Arena, Sacristan HOLY DAYS - as announced WEEKDAY MASS Monday through Thursday (Trinity Chapel) 8:30 AM St. Anthony Novena Mass: Tuesday 8:30 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:15 PM - 3:45 PM (Presentaon Church) BUSINESS OFFICES - 5 Gibbs Street, North Providence, 401 353-3120 401 353-5126 (Fax) Monday - Thursday: 9 AM - 4 PM Karleen Celona, Administrave Assistant Informaon about the Sacrament of Marriage, Ministry to the Sick and Dying, Parish Records Bullen submissions should be emailed to [email protected] by 9 AM Tuesday. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION MINISTRY OFFICE – Saint Anthony Parish Center, Pope Street, North Providence, 401 353-5215 Maryann Palloa, Elementary Coordinator Mary Ann Dempsey, Junior High Coordinator Sr. Carol Ann Murray, RSM and Sr. Diane Marie Pederzani, RSM, First Eucharist Coordinators Cheryl Anderson, Bapsmal Preparaon Informaon about Infant Bapsm, Adult Sacraments, becoming Roman Catholic (RCIA) YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE – Saint Anthony Parish Center, Pope Street, North Providence, 401 353-5216 Evere Downing, TIP Baseball Tom Malloy, CYO Basketball 330-7021 ABBA-AVE PRAYER MINISTRY 401 353-3059 MINISTRY TO THOSE IN NEED Saint Anthony Kitchen – Gloria Mamis, Director 353-0688 Saint Anthony Mobile Lunch - John Greene 854-6070 Social Acon Commiee 621-3805 Saint Edward Food & Wellness Center, 1001 Branch Avenue, Providence, Lori Porcaro, Director Mary’s Meals to the Poor, Church of the Presentaon, David St.Hilaire MUSIC MINISTRY DIRECTORS St. Anthony Church - Kim Nixon, 573-0685 Toby Andrews, Assistant Church of the Presentaon - Kim Stanzione St Edward Church, (English Mass) - Judy Laffey CONVENT 3 Pope Street, North Providence Daughters of Mary, Mother of Mercy MINISTERIO EN ESPAÑOL Rev. Nolasco Tamayo 331-3833 Asistente Pastoral: José Aponte 919-6572 Programa Confirmación: Mayra Vizcaíno 347-5545 Catequesis de Adultos: Guillermina Arias 499-8387 Bausmos: Ibeth de Aléncar 868-8004 Matrimonios: Hablar con Fr. Nolasco con un año de ancipación. Grupo de Oración: Ibeth de Aléncar 868-8004 Grupo de Lectores: Salvador Pérez 474-9802 Confesiones: Antes de las misas o por cita THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Having faith does not mean having no difficulties, but having the strength to face them, knowing we are not alone. - Pope Francis Every Mass is offered for the intenons of the faithful present. SAINT ANTHONY CHURCH MONDAY February 16 8:30 AM Mem - Ector Campellone by the Family TUESDAY February 17 8:30 AM Birth Rem - John Magnuski by Wife WEDNESDAY February 18 - ASH WEDNESDAY 8:30 AM Mass with Distribution of Ashes 7:00 PM Mass with Distribution of Ashes THURSDAY 8:30 AM SATURDAY 5:15 PM SUNDAY 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM February 19 3rd Anniv - Dr. Anthony Guglielmi by Wife and Family February 21 1st Anniv - Anthony J. Geremia by Wife February 22 Mem - Albert B. Cordeiro by Wife and Family Mem - Antonio Guerra by Joanne and Steven Carlino 7th Anniv - Frank Aceto 6th Anniv - Ellen Aceto by the Family ASH WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE Masses: St. Anthony Church 8:30 AM and 7 PM St. Edward Church 7 PM (Spanish Mass with Distribution of Ashes) Prayer Service with Distribution of Ashes: Church of the Presentation 3 PM SAINT EDWARD CHURCH WEDNESDAY February 18 - ASH WEDNESDAY 6:00 PM Exposicion del Santisimo 7:00 PM Spanish Mass with Distribution of Ashes SATURDAY February 21 6:00 PM Spanish Mass SUNDAY February 22 9:00 AM Mem - John J. Sulkowski, III and Gilda and Sam Catalano by the Family 11:30 AM Spanish Mass Please note: The 9 AM Mass at Saint Edward Church will be celebrated in the lower level of the Church through the heating season. STEWARDSHIP February 7 and 8, 2015 Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Budgets $ 2,952.00 from 134 envelopes Includes mail ins of $ 715.00 Donations for the Poor: $ 142.00 Saint Anthony Church Budgets $ 5,137.00 from 331 envelopes Includes mail ins of $ 1,156.00 Donations for the Poor: $ 156.00 Saint Edward Church Budgets $ 1,893.00 from 111 envelopes CHURCH OF THE PRESENTATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY WEDNESDAY February 18 - ASH WEDNESDAY 3:00 PM Prayer Service with Distribution of Ashes SATURDAY February 21 4:00 PM For the Parishioners SUNDAY February 22 10:00 AM Mem - Alfred Breggia by Catherine Medeiros THE VIGIL LAMP The Vigil Candle will burn from February 14th through February 20th as a Birthday and Anniversary Remembrance of Salvatore and Joan Lombardi by Children and Grandchildren. REST IN PEACE Lord, let perpetual light shine upon Donald Labutti, Roy Manzo, Cecile Konicki, Marie Lessard, Albert Latour, Jr. and Ronald Cardin. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through Your mercy, rest in peace. PARISH MEETINGS – WEEK OF FEBRUARY 15 St. Anthony Church Knitting Ministry Monday @ 1:00 PM Parish Center Adoration Thursday @ 9:00 AM Trinity Chapel Choir Rehearsal Thursday @ 7:00 PM Church YOUTH MINISTRY Our Youth Ministry program is alive and well! Our youth programs involve our students on a variety of different levels including altar serving, religious education, youth basketball, Outreach Ministry, teen masses, trips to La Salette, guest speakers, community activities and even a missionary journey to Guatemala. These activities were just a few of the many efforts we have made over the last two years to offer young people the opportunity to be authentically involved in the Church. I am grateful to Andrea Aiello who help us along this past year and wish her the very best in her teaching career. As we continue to build on last year’s efforts, I would like to welcome Mr. Michael Murphy as our new Youth Ministry Coordinator. Michael is not a stranger to us. He is a lifelong resident of North Providence, married with five children. He is a graduate of North Providence High School and Springfield College. He is a former college football coach, high school teacher, athletic director and has coached a variety of youth sports in our town. If that isn’t enough, he was a former volunteer firefighter in North Providence and life member of the Centredale Fire Department. Michael is currently a CCD Teacher and involved in our Sunday Van ministries. He will be working to organize a comprehensive youth ministry program, building on what we have already accomplished. He will be looking for plenty of parents to help assist him and he will be keeping us updated on a regular basis in the bulletin. Upcoming youth activities will be published in an upcoming newsletter. Welcome aboard Michael! Fr. Ed and Fr. Mark SAINT ANTHONY BASKETBALL FAMILY DAY AT THE DUNK The First Annual Saint Anthony Basketball Family Day will be held on Saturday, March 7th at Noon at the Dunkin Donuts Center for the PC Friars (vs. Butler) basketball game. Tickets are $ 9 per person and must be purchased by February 21st. Please contact Tom Malloy at 330-7021. All are wclome! NEXT YOUTH MASS: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 at 11:30 AM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION INFORMATION Religious Education Office: 353-5215 RCIA (First Eucharist) for Children: Parents of children in grade 3 and up who have not received First Communion should contact the Religious Education Office to register their child(ren) for classes and further information. Schedule of Classes: All classes are held in the Saint Anthony Parish Center. First Eucharist: Classes will not meet on Monday, February 16th. Classes will resume on Monday, February 23rd from 6 PM - 7 PM. Grades 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6: Classes will not meet on Monday, February 16th or Tuesday, February 17th. Classes will resume on Monday, February 23rd from 6 PM - 7 PM and Tuesday, February 24th from 3:30 PM 4:30 PM. Confirmation I and II: Classes will not meet on Sunday, February 15th. Classes will resume on Sunday, February 22nd. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - GRADES 7 AND 8 Sunday morning classes for grades 7 and 8 are complete. The schedule for this group includes a session in the Spring for each grade. Grade 7 will attend a workshop on Saturday, February 28th from 9 AM - 11 AM. Grade 8 will attend a workshop on Saturday, March 21st from 9 AM - 11 AM. WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES WITH POPE FRANCIS IN PHILADELPHIA Join the Diocese of Providence as we celebrate this once in a lifetime event! Families from around the world will come together on September 21st through September 27th for prayer, speakers, celebrations, and activities for all ages. The conference theme will be “Love is our Mission: the Family Fully Alive.” Join our Holy Father Pope Francis in his first visit to the US for the Festival of Families and a Papal Mass to conclude this event. For more information, please contact Keith and Lisa Kline at 349-0428 or email [email protected]. PASTORAL PLANNING TODAY: IT’S CHALLENGES AND IT’S OPPORTUNITIES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23RD, 7 PM - 8:30 PM SS. PETER AND PAUL CATHEDRAL HALL Did you know that over the next eight years in our Diocese, there are 21 projected ordinations to the priesthood while at the same time 63 priests will be eligible to retire? This problem will require great collaboration between priests and parishioners. Mr. Mark Mogilka, Director of Stewardship and Pastoral Services for the Diocese of Green Bay, has much experience in this area. He will present a session for lay people on Monday, February 23rd at 7 PM at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral Hall on Fenner Street in Providence. As people who are spiritually invested in the future of our Diocese, please come to this important presentation… and bring your questions and concerns. If you plan to attend, please respond to Fr. Michael Najim([email protected] or 331-1316 PARISH RETREAT AT MARY, MOTHER OF MANKIND CHURCH There will be a parish retreat featuring reflections lead by Tom Kendzia on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 23rd through February 25th at 6:30 PM each evening at Mary, Mother of Mankind Church. The theme of the retreat is “Change Our Hearts, this time: Answering the call to Discipleship.” Everyone is cordially invited to attend any or all nights. ATTENTION: PARISHIONERS Have you signed up for online giving through Our Sunday Visitor? You can log onto any of the parish websites and follow the online giving link. Have you officially registered as a parishioner of Saint Anthony, Saint Edward or Presentation Church? In order to officially register, you must call the parish office (353-3120, 722-7140, 331-4035). If you are not receiving budget envelopes you may not be officially registered for the parish. TUNA FISH AND PEANUT BUTTER FOR SAINT EDWARD FOOD AND WELLNESS CENTER The St. Edward Food and Wellness Center is in need of tuna fish and peanut butter for their clients. Donations may be brought to Mass and placed in the basket located at the entrance of the Churches. PLEASE NOTE: Anonymous donations of food or clothing left outside the entrance of the building can never be accepted and will be immediately discarded. 2015 CATHOLIC CHARITY APPEAL Have you given prayerful consideraon to your gi for the 2015 Catholic Charity Appeal? Won’t you help us by being the “Hands of Christ” in supporng the people and the work of the Diocese of Providence? Many of you have responded to the Catholic Charity Appeal mailing from Bishop Tobin. On behalf of those served by the ministries funded by the Catholic Charity Appeal, we thank you for your gis. If you have not made a gi to this year’s Appeal, you will be able to do so through our in - pew solicitaons which will take place on the weekends of February 28th / March 1st and March 7th and 8th. Our parish goal is to aain 100% parcipaon - a goal that can only be reached with your sacrificial help and support. All gis, regardless of size, help to make a difference in the lives of so many individuals. Parish Goals: Saint Anthony Church Church of the Presentaon Saint Edward Church $ 84,000 $ 40,950 $ 19,950 LENTEN FAST AND ABSTINENCE REGULATIONS Abstinence from meat on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent (for those 14 and older) is required by Church law. Also, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are fast days: those between the ages of 18 and 59 should eat less, meaning take no solid food between meals and only one full meal that day. Serious reasons such as one's health can excuse a person from these rules. Parents are encouraged, by the law of the Church, to see to it that minors who are not bound by the law of fast and abstinence are educated in an authentic sense of penance. READINGS AND CELEBRATIONS FOR THE WEEK Monday – Weekday Gn 4: 1 – 15, 25; Mk 8: 11 – 13 Tuesday – The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order Gn 6: 5 – 8, 7: 1 – 5, 10; Mk 8: 14 - 21 Wednesday – Ash Wednesday Ji 2: 12 – 18; 2 Cor 5: 20 - - 6: 2; Mt 6: 1 – 6, 16 - 18 Thursday – Thursday after Ash Wednesday Dt 30: 15 – 20; Lk 9: 22 - 25 Friday – Friday after Ash Wednesday Is 58: 1 – 9a; Mt 9: 14 - 15 Saturday – St Peter Damian, bishop and doctor of the Church Is 58: 9b – 14; Lk 5: 27 - 32 Sunday – First Sunday of Lent Gn 9: 8 – 15; 1 Pt 3: 18 – 22; Mk 1: 12 - 15 REGÍSTRATE EN LA PARROQUIA Bienvenido a nuestra comunidad de San Eduardo. Nos sentimos muy contentos de tenerte entre nosotros. Si vienes a la misa regularmente o si apenas llegas y quieres quedarte, por favor regístrate! Ventajas de registrarte… * Te presentas en la Parroquia como miembro activo VI DOMINGO ORDINARIO MIÉRCOLES DE CENIZA ESTE 18 DE FEBRERO Comenzamos la cuaresma en 2 semanas. Estamos invitados a comenzar nuestro caminar hacia la pascua con entusiasmo y un renovado corazón. La misa de imposición de la ceniza será a las 7.00 p.m. En el templo. Tratemos de salir un poco más temprano del trabajo para llegar a tiempo a la celebración. Recordemos que es día de ayuno y abstinencia. REGULACIONES DE LA IGLESIA SOBRE ABSTINENCIA La ley de abstinencia: Se exige a un católico de 14 años de edad y hasta su muerte, a abstenerse de comer carne los viernes, en honor a la Pasión de Jesús del Viernes Santo. Como carne se considera a la carne de res, cerdo y pollo. También se encuentran prohibidas las sopas, caldos, cremas y salsas que se hacen a partir de ellos. Los peces de mar y de agua dulce, anfibios, reptiles y mariscos están permitidos. Es aconsejable que se enseñe a los niños mayores de 7 años el sentido y valor del ayuno y abstinencia para que crezcan en su compromiso. REGULACIONES DE LA IGLESIA SOBRE EL AYUNO El Ayuno consiste en una sola comida completa al día las otras siendo algo ligero (como pan y agua) estando obligados todos los mayores de edad (18 años), hasta cumplir los 59 años con excepción de los enfermos. (Canon 1251). Se recomienda que los padres motiven a sus hijos mayores de 7 años a participar en el ayuno para que aprendan a asumir su compromiso de renuncia y auto-sacrificio. INTENCIONES DE LAS MISAS No olviden sus intenciones de misas por sus necesidades particulares. Cumpleaños, aniversario de difuntos, enfermedad de un ser querido, acción de gracias, petición de favores, etc. Es lo más grande que podemos ofrecer a Dios, La Eucaristía. Hay unos sobres blancos destinados para este fin en la iglesia. Por favor háganlo siquiera con 2 semanas de anticipación para guardar los espacios. CÓMO SABER SI HAY O NO MISA DURANTE TORMENTAS Los invito a que se conecten con nuestra página de internet parroquial www.stedwardchurchpvd.org Ahí tendremos información actualizada si acaso nos vemos obligados a cancelar los servicios eucarísticos de los sábados o domingos debido a tormentas de nieve… Es la manera mas fácil y todos estaremos enterados de lo que ocurre.. * Podrás recibir correspondencia de la Parroquia y los sobres marcados con tu nombre y dirección para la colecta dominical. * Si necesitas un certificado, carta de recomendación, visto bueno para ser padrino/madrina en otra parroquia, podrás conseguirlo solo cuando estás registrado. * Solo quienes están registrados podrán presentarse para recibir un sacramento, presentar hijos para los sacramentos, la catequesis, etc. ¿Cómo hacerlo? Puedes pedirle a uno de los ujieres, asistente pastoral o al sacerdote la aplicación correspondiente y devolverla completamente diligenciada para ingresarte a la base de datos de la Parroquia. La información que recibimos es confidencial y no podremos compartirla con nadie respetando tu privacidad. ¿Para qué sirve el Diezmo? El Diezmo sirve para sostener la misión evangelizadora de la Iglesia y es fundamental para la parroquia porque asegura ingresos fijos para tres dimensiones específicas: * Dimensión Religiosa: Representa los gastos para el mantenimiento del templo y sus actividades litúrgicas y pastorales. De esta manera, la comunidad pasa a tener más medios para vivir y profundizar en su fe. * Dimensión Social: Los aportes en esta área permiten desarrollar mayores obras de promoción humana. Es así como cada diezmista vive la caridad y la efectiva solidaridad con los hermanos más necesitados: los pobres, los huérfanos, enfermos y viudas. * Dimensión Misionera: A través de esta dimensión, el diezmista proyecta su evangelización, por medio del apoyo a las misiones parroquiales, el aporte a la manutención de vocaciones sacerdotales y religiosas y el apoyo a la misión de la Diócesis. ¿Cómo puedes dar tu Diezmo en la Parroquia? * Diezmo de tu Tiempo. Si participas como servidor en la parroquia de forma regular como miembro activo en los diferentes ministerios, estás construyendo comunidad. Como voluntario aportando de lo que sabes hacer o simplemente ofreciendo tu tiempo para mantener el tiempo en buen estado, limpio y organizado. * Diezmo de tus Talentos. Si sabes pintar, si eres músico, si sabes cantar, si eres carpintero, plomero, electricista… Qué mejor forma de construir comunidad y poner al servicio del Señor lo que sabes hacer. Tu comunidad te lo agradece de corazón y Dios bendice tu generosidad enormemente. * Diezmo de tu Tesoro. Tu ofrenda en dinero ha de ser el total de lo que ganes en un día de trabajo al año. Ejemplo: Si ganas $ 10 dólares por hora y trabajas 8 horas, tu ofrenda será de $ 80.00 al año. LLEGAR A TIEMPO A LA MISA Todavía nos falta mucho esfuerzo conjunto para llegar a tiempo a las celebraciones, en especial la del domingo. A veces se empieza con 15 o 20 personas y durante media hora sigue llegando gente, que por supuesto distrae a quienes ya están en la celebración. Además, no olvidemos que si llegamos después del acto penitencial inicial, no debemos recibir la comunión porque no estamos suficientemente preparados para hacerlo. Hagamos un esfuerzo por salir de casa antes de las 11.00 a.m. y tendremos tiempo de rezar el rosario y prepararnos para la misa!!! NUESTRA CO-RRESPONSABILIDAD!!! “Recuerda que la vida, como a un espejo, no se le puede sacar mas de lo que se le pone” Tiempo y Talento: Todos los voluntarios que hacen posible el mantenimiento del templo. Tesoro: Ofrenda de Febrero 07 y 08 $1,893.00 en 111 sobres y $92..00 en ofrenda suelta. Dios les pague!!! 904 A. A. MARIANI & SON FUNERAL HOME “Serving our community Since 1889” TIMOTHY O’ TOOLE ~ FD/RE • MICHEAL SLADEN ~ FD/RE 200 HAWKINS ST., PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND 02904 • 861-5432 CIGAR SHOP NICHOLAS D. IANNUCCILLI, MD SMOKESTACK 2003 Smith St., North Providence BARONE CONSTRUCTION General Contractor Services Specializing in Harvey Windows & Vinyl Siding 401-349-0512 www.mbjrconstruction.com [email protected] 401.231.7243 • Cell: 401.413.8884 X-RAY • FLUOROSCOPY • ULTRASOUND • BONE DENSITY Rhode Island Collision Sales Gourmet Comforting & Relaxed Environment WELLESLEY MEDICAL BUILDING & Service Inc. Italian Deli 1515 Smith Street Unibody Collision Specialist • Insurance Claims WALK-INS WELCOME Hot or Cold Sandwiches • Bakery • Full Service Catering North Providence, RI 195 Valley St., Providence RI 02909 Evening & Saturday Appts. Available. 1290 Mineral Spring Ave., North Providence, RI 401-521-3112 • License #58 Stat Reports Phoned In Promptly 401-722-3222 • www.paulypentasdeli.com www.ricollision.com We MEAT your needs. Nardolillo Funeral Home “Family Owned & Operated since 1906” HACCP Certified 1278 Park Ave., Cranston, RI 02910 • 401.942.1220 401-232-7220 1111 Boston Neck Rd., 401-474-6855 Narragansett, RI 02882 • 401.789.6300 10 LBS. Ground Beef $2250 Robert A. Nardolillo, Jr. • David M. Nardolillo 60 Armento St., Johnston, RI Angelo M. Nardolillo, Thomas M. Norato - Directors DIGITAL MAMMOGRAPHY (401) 353-1600 DiRocco Plumbing Services LLC Commercial & Residential Service, Installation & Repair 401-255-5218 www.DiRoccoPlumbing.com Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. 401-353-0443 Richard & Gina Califano 1538 Smith St. N. Providence, RI “Voted #1 By RI Monthy Best Breakfast” Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 www.duqcapital.com 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 800-999-3416 • 508-362-4348 www.colonialhousecapecod.com Rt. 6A, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Malcolm J. Perna, Innkeeper • [email protected] THE COLONIAL HOUSE INN 21 antique appointed guest rooms with private baths & canopy beds • Serving dinner daily, year round; • Hosting garden weddings, reunions & any social functions up to 150 pp • Specializing in business / association meetings • Heated indoor swimming pool & jacuzzi PLEASE PATRONIZE THE BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONALS THAT ADVERTISE IN YOUR BULLETIN AND THANK THEM FOR THEIR CONTINUED SUPPORT! YOUR ADVERTISERS MAKE YOUR BULLETIN POSSIBLE. ST. ANTHONY & ST. EDWARD IS LOOKING FOR A FEW MORE SPONSORS. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PLACE AN AD IN THE BULLETIN, PLEASE CONTACT JOHN PATRICK PUBLISHING COMPANY 800-333-3166 • WWW.JPPC.NET THANK YOU. 904 St. Anthony & St. Edward, Providence, RI (inside) UPS John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net ROBBINS FUNERAL HOME TOWN LINE SERVICE CENTER 2251 Mineral Spring Avenue 24 HOUR TOWING • P/U-JUNK CARS & TRUCKS 231-9307 COMPLETE SERVICE CENTER 1232 DOUGLAS AVE., NO. PROVIDENCE Funeral Directors - RE Daniel A. Pontarelli • Jeremie R. Thibault • Mark S. Marino • Kelsey N. Casey 971 Branch Ave., Providence, RI 02904 • 401-331-7390 401-353-6610 Rosemont Terrace Simply Elegant Flowers Birchwood Manor LLC, Ledgemont Manor LLC Apartment Complexes Sal Compagnone • Sal Compagnone, Jr. “Where art & nature meet” 10 Cedar Swamp Rd., Smithfield, RI 231-4310 • www.simplyelegantflowers.net GOLDEN CREST NURSING CENTRE Skilled Nursing Care Sub-Acute Rehab Alzheimer’s Care • Hospice 100 SMITHFIELD ROAD NORTH PROVIDENCE GoldenCrestNursingCentre.com 353-1710 VILLAGE MOTORS SALES • SERVICE • LEASING • RENTALS 1040 Charles St., N. Providence, RI 401-727-1700 • F: 401-727.1719 www.villageri.com 41 SHEPARD AVE. • PROVIDENCE, RI 401-724-1786 1669 Mineral Spring Ave. North Providence 353-3577 A. RICCI & SONS, INC. General Contractors & Excavation & Low Rates • Door to Door Service • Est. 1978 Male/Female Instructors • Insurance Certificate Issued 722-1864 A t Robert A. 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Auto Body Work • Estimates • Unconditional 100% Lifetime Guarantee “RHODE ISLAND’S LARGEST VOLUME AUTO BODY REPAIR FACILITY” John & Sandra Petrarca & The Staff Of Providence Auto Body 350 Silver Spring St. • Providence, RI 401-861-2211 • Fax: 401-421-3160 MINERAL SPRING LIQUORS MERRICK R. WILLIAMS FUNERAL HOME, INC. Charlene E. Williams, Funeral Director METRO MOTOR GROUP A Grieco Family Company ENTIRE BILL Fitness & Confidence in a Family-Friendly Atmosphere Call Now for a FREE Week of Classes on our Family Martial Arts Program! LL SU 1005 Mineral Spring Ave. North Providence, RI 02904 401.723.5560 • Fax 401.728.7805 Pre-Arranged Funerals Available 530 Smithfield Ave. • Pawtucket, RI • 723-2042 Generations of Service to the Community 10% OFF • Unibody Specialist • State of the Art Equipment • Environmentally Safe Spray Booths • Substitute Vehicles Available • 24 Hour Towing Services EN PO Geoffrey D. Greene, Director Jennifer L. Fagan, Director Veronica L. Houston, Director PONTARELLI-MARINO FUNERAL HOME IV K AN S AMERICAN Smithfield 401-349-5883 401-728-1972 401-281-9872 EE THRTIONS Lincoln LOCA Providence METRO COLLISION CENTER A Grieco Family Company 181 Putnam Ave., Johnston, RI We Repair ALL Makes & Models with factory parts by certified technicians. ALL repairs are guaranteed for the life of your vehicle. RHODE ISLAND • MASS • FLORIDA www.metromotorgroup.com Call me for ALL you auto needs. Robert T. Grieco, Parishioner (401) 553-6000 CELL: (401) 265-8088 RAMBONE & SPRAGUE OIL SERVICE, INC. We Won’t Leave You In The Cold We meet by accident... Make friends on purpose. Cathy Grieco, Parishioner (401) 231-1118 MortgageAccess Corp JOSEPH P. CALABRO, JR. Scott F. Lacey - Area Manager Cell 401-723-5400 Office: 888-691-6622 Ext. 12 1417 Douglas Ave., 2nd Fl., North Providence, RI Ph: 401.647.1455 • Fax: 401.647.1955 Heating System Installation 1484 Mineral Spring Ave., N. Providence (Across From St. Anthony) BUY 6 GET 6 FREE DONUTS WITH COUPON www.metrocollisionri.com 401.475.1000 www.darlingtonliving.com 1073 & 1081-R Mineral Spring Ave. North Providence RI 02904 904 St. Anthony & St. Edward, Providence RI (back) UPS NAccidentally ORTHEAST AUTO BODY & SALES The Best • Insurance Specialists CPA CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT MASTER OF SCIENCE TAXATION (401) 354-8720 [email protected] (401) 437-8444 • (401) 437-6613 Fax 1 Thurber Blvd. • Suite D 21 Humbert Street, N. Providence, RI 02911 Smithfield, RI 02917 [email protected] John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net
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