St. Frances X. Cabrini Catholic Church 12687 California Street, Yucaipa, CA 92399 Phone: 909·797·2533 • Fax: 909-790-5803 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: Office Hours/Horario de Oficina Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday/ Lunes, Martes, y Jueves 8:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. St Frances X Cabrini Church Yucaipa StFrancesChurch Tuesday/Martes - 8:30 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. Friday/Viernes - Closed (Lunch 12:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.) stfranceschurch Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time • February 15, 2015 Mass Schedule/ Horario de Misas Saturday/Sábado Vigil 4:00 P.M. - English Sunday/Domingo: 7:30 A.M. - English 9:00 A.M. - Español 11:00 A.M. - English Daily Mass/Misa Diaria: Monday through Thursday Lunes a Jueves 7:30 A.M. Communion Service/ Servicio de Comunión: Friday/Viernes 7:30 A.M. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament/Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento: Friday/Viernes 8:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. Rosary/Rosario: Friday/Viernes 12:00 P.M. Sacrament of Reconciliation/ Confesiones: Saturday/Sábado 3:00 P.M. and by appointment/ y si hace una cita Leadership Team / Equipo De Liderazgo PASTOR/PÁRROCO Rev. Santos Ortega 797-2533 ext. 228 [email protected] DEACON/DIÁCONO Peter Bond 797-2533 ext. 505 [email protected] DEACON/DIÁCONO Dan Hudec 797-2533 ext. 506 [email protected] Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time STIGMATIZED In Biblical times any skin disease was labeled leprosy, and lepers were forced to live in isolation, ostracized from the rest of the community. Any illness was thought to be the result of sinfulness, either the sins of the sufferer or of his or her parents and ancestors. People with mental illnesses were believed to be possessed by evil spirits, and they too were shunned and driven out of towns and villages to fend for themselves. These attitudes were common throughout the ancient world. The open sores of skin diseases and the strange behavior of mentally ill persons were a stigma all could recognize. “Stigma” is a Greek word that originally referred to a tattoo or brand that was cut or burned into the skin of criminals, slaves, or traitors in order to identify them as blemished or morally polluted persons. Many of us today fear people with diseases such as AIDS; similarly, we are uncomfortable around someone who behaves oddly because of a mental illness. Those who have such illnesses often suffer more from people’s negative attitudes toward them than from the condition itself. In today’s Gospel we hear about Jesus’ encounter with a leper. We see that Jesus does not turn away from this suffering man, but walks toward him. He talks to him, takes pity on him, and stretches out a healing hand. Today, the Catholic Church is a world-wide provider of care for suffering people, including those with HIV/AIDS and mental illness, through Catholic hospitals and clinics, organizations such as Catholic Charities, and the hospices of Blessed Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity, to name but a few. There are many opportunities in our local communities for us to step in and help. Let’s be like Jesus and walk toward the ones in need. February 15, 2015 1 Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule February 18, 2015 7:30 A.M. English Mass 12:00 P.M English Service 6:00 P.M. English Mass 7:30 P.M. Spanish Mass Stations of the Cross & Lenten Suppers February 20, 2015 5-6:30 P.M. Lenten Supper 7:00 P.M. Stations of the Cross Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Fasting and Abstinence Guidelines Fasting and abstinence are obligations for all Catholics during the season of Lent. They begin the process of purifying and making us receptive to receive the Lord. At the same time the spiritual practice is not for everyone. FASTING: Fasting was recommended by Jesus both by example and teaching. The least we are to do when we fast is to eat one meal at midday and two small snacks during the day. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are fast days for the universal church. ABSTINENCE: Abstinence means not eating meat, meat products, and poultry. It is meant to allow us to eat simpler, basic meals. Ash Wednesday, and every Friday during Lent, and Good Friday are days of abstinence. AGES AND HEALTH: All persons who are in good health and have completed their fourteenth year (the day after one’s 14th birthday) are asked to abstain from meat on the days mentioned above. All adults (those who have completed their 18th year) are asked to fast up to the beginning of their 60th year. If one’s health is not good, no matter one’s age, they should not fast or abstain from nutritious foods but should spend the days of fasting and abstinence doing other spiritual practices (for example, reading the Bible, praying the Rosary, doing acts of kindness for others). Notice: The parish office will be CLOSED on Monday, February 16th, 2015 in observance of Presidents’ Day. Aviso: La oficina parroquial estará CERRADA el lunes, 16 de febrero del 2015 en observación del día de los presidentes. Stephen Ministry You may wonder why we Stephen Ministers often quote passages from Scripture, psalms, or direct quotes from Jesus or one of the apostles including St. Paul. Our ministry is faith and scripture-based as our own faith is scripture-based. We reach out through God’s assistance to those who are hurting, providing them with emotional and spiritual care. We try to find passages that will be encouraging, inspiring, and meaningful, leading to greater awareness and knowledge of God and our faith, helping our care receivers and our readers form a more personal relationship with Him. On January 4th we celebrated Epiphany, a glorious event for those of us who are not Jesus. As Fathers Santos told us, Epiphany is the manifestation of Jesus as Messiah of Israel, Son of God and Savior of the World, with all implies, God's great love for us and all people with His mercy and grace extending beyond Israel to all nations and people throughout the world. St. Paul, a Jew prayed for the Romans (his gentile converts) and for us living today, “May the God of Hope fill you with you joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:1-13) and in Romans 8:14-17, “All who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. The Spirit Himself gives witness with our spirit that we are children of God. Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time February 15, 2015 2 Guía para Ayuno y Abstinencia Miércoles de Ceniza El ayuno y la abstinencia son obligaciones para todos los católicos 18 de febrero del 2015 durante la temporada de Cuaresma . Comienzan el proceso de 7:30 A.M. Misa en inglés 12:00 P.M Servicio en inglés 6:00 P.M. Misa en inglés 7:30 P.M. Misa en español Vía Crucis y Cena de Cuaresma 20 de febrero del 2015 5-6:30 P.M. Cena de Cuaresma 7:00 P.M. Vía Crucis Patrocinado por los Caballeros de Colón purificación y hacernos receptivos a recibir al Señor . Al mismo tiempo, la práctica espiritual no es para todos . AYUNO: El ayuno fue recomendado por Jesús , tanto por el ejemplo y la enseñanza . Lo mínimo que debemos hacer cuando ayunamos es comer una comida al mediodía y dos pequeños aperitivos durante el día . Miércoles de Ceniza y el Viernes Santo son días de ayuno para la iglesia universal. ABSTINENCIA: La abstinencia significa no comer carne , los productos cárnicos y aves de corral . Tiene el propósito de permitir que comamos más sencillos , comidas básicas. Miércoles de Ceniza y todos los viernes durante la Cuaresma, y el Viernes Santo son días de abstinencia . Se pide a todas las personas que gozan de buena salud y que han cumplido catorce años (el día después de un cumpleaños número 14 ) a abstenerse de comer carne en los días mencionados anteriormente : EDADES Y SALUD: Se solicita a todos los adultos (aquellos que han completado los 18 años ) a ayunar hasta el comienzo de su 60 aniversario . Si su salud no es buena, no importa su edad , que no debe ayunar o abstenerse de alimentos nutritivos , pero deben pasar los días de ayuno y abstinencia haciendo otras prácticas espirituales ( por ejemplo, leer la Biblia, rezar el Rosario , hacer actos de bondad para los demás). Easter Egg Hunt We have started to collect Easter items in order to be able to hold our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday. The Young at Heart Ministry will be having a “Valentine/ Fat Tuesday” Bingo Potluck on Tuesday, February 17th at 12 PM. All Seniors and young at heart are invited. If your last name starts with the following letters please help us by bringing the following dish: A-M Main Dish N-T Side Dish T-Z Desserts Items we need include: Plastic Eggs • Candy • Stickers • Small toys *All items must be small enough to fit into eggs. If you would like to donate any items please drop them off at the parish office during the week. Gracias a todos aquellos que ya se han comprometido a nuestra Campaña de Corazones Generosos en Deuda. Si usted se perdió la oportunidad para acompañarnos en la Campaña de Corazones Generosos en Deuda, no se preocupe. Los materiales aún se encuentran disponibles en la oficina parroquial y en las bancas de la iglesia. Su compromiso y contribuciones siempre son necesarias y de mucha ayuda. • The Spring Church Softball League season begins March 7th through May 16th If you are interested in having fun and playing with people of faith, please consider joining this ministry of fellowship and good sportsmanship. Team managers: Steve & Crystal Abasta 909.747.5312 Thank you to all who have pledged to our Generous Heart Campaign. If you missed the opportunity to join us in pledging to our Generous Hearts Debt Campaign, don’t worry. The materials are available in the parish office and in the pews of the church. Your commitment and contributions are always needed and helpful. Sexto Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario ESTIGMATIZADOS Antiguamente a cualquier enfermedad de la piel se le llamaba lepra y a los leprosos se les forzaba a vivir en penuria y retirados del resto de la comunidad. Además, cualquier enfermedad era considerada como resultado del pecado, ya fuera del pecado propio o de los padres, o antepasados. Se creía que las personas con enfermedades mentales estaban poseídas por espíritus malignos, y también a éstas se les rechazaba y se les forzaba a salir de su pueblo o ciudad y a arreglárselas por sí mismas. Todo esto era lo común por todo el mundo antiguo. Las llagas consecuentes de las enfermedades de la piel y los comportamientos extraños de los enfermos mentales eran estigmas que todos reconocían. “Estigma” viene de una palabra griega que originalmente se refería a un tatuaje con que se marcaba la piel de los criminales, esclavos o traidores a fin de identificarlos como personas de mala reputación o moralidad corrompida. Hoy muchos de nosotros sentimos aversión por las personas afectadas por el SIDA e igualmente nos sentimos incómodos en presencia de alguien que se comporta de una manera rara debido a una enfermedad mental. Las personas afectadas por tales enfermedades a menudo sufren más por las actitudes negativas de otras personas que por la misma enfermedad. En el Evangelio de hoy escuchamos el encuentro de Jesús con un leproso. Vemos que Jesús no le da la espalda a este hombre que sufre, sino que se dirige a él; le habla y tiene compasión de él, y le extiende una mano que cura. Actualmente la Iglesia católica provee asistencia a través de todo el mundo para las personas que sufren, incluso las afectadas por el VIH/ SIDA y enfermedades mentales, por medio de hospitales y clínicas, y organizaciones tales como Caridades Católicas y las residencias para desahuciados de las Misioneras de la Caridad de la Madre Teresa, entre otros. Existen muchas oportunidades en nuestras comunidades locales para nosotros ayudar. Seamos como Jesús dirigiéndonos hacia los necesitados. 15 de febrero del 2015 3 Reunion mundial sobre la familia 2015 Philadelphia En preparación para esta reunión Mundial sobre la familia existe una encuesta puesta por el Vaticano para reunir opiniones de todas las personas, cualquiera que sea su estatus y relación con la Iglesia. Usted puede tener acceso a esta encuesta yendo al sitio Web de la Diócesis, y haciendo click en Synod on the Family Survey. Aquí en St. Frances nos estaremos reuniendo para formar los grupos de enfoque para responder a nuestra encuesta. Si usted esta interesado en participar y quiere que su voz sea escuchada, por favor únase con nosotros, este Martes Febrero 17 en el centro parroquial a las 6:30pm . Por favor traiga su Tableta o Laptop para usar y responder la encuesta. Para cualquier pregunta llame a Linda Ornelas [email protected] or 909-797-2533. REUNION MUNDIAL SOBRE LA FAMILIA - SEPTIEMBRE 2015 TE GUSTARIA UNIRTE A UN GRUPO QUE COMPARTE LA FE ENFOCANDOSE EN LA FAMILIA. ESTAREMOS INICIANDO UN NUEVO GRUPO USANDO EL LIBRO EL AMOR ES NUESTRA MISSION; LA FAMILIA PLENAMENTE VIVA, COMO PREPARACION PARA LA REUNION MUNDIAL DE LAS FAMILIAS. ESTE GRUPO CONSISTIRA EN ADULTOS Y SE REUNIRAN AQUI EN EL CENTRO PARROQUIAL LOS MARTES. INICIANDO ESTE MARTES FEBRERO 24 HASTA MAYO 12, 2015 DE 7:00PM A 9:00PM. Búsqueda de huevos de Pascua Hemos empezado a reunir artículos de Pascua con el fin de mantener nuestra búsqueda anual de huevos de Pascua el domingo de Pascua. Los productos que necesitamos incluyen: · Huevitos de plástico · Dulces · Calcomanías · Juguetes pequeños * Todos los artículos deben ser lo suficientemente pequeños como para caber en los huevos. Si usted desea donar algún artículo por favor de entregarlos a la oficina parroquial durante la semana. Pregunta de la Semana 6to domingo del tiempo ordinario Tema: Jesús quiere sanarnos. Pregunta para los niños: ¿Qué quieres pedir a Jesús que haga por ti? Pregunta para los jóvenes: ¿De qué maneras Jesús ha tocado tu vida? ¿Cómo has cambiado a causa de eso? Pregunta para los adultos: Mencione un momento en que experimentó la caricia sanadora de Jesús. Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time Sunday: Readings of the Week Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11; 1 Cor 10:31 — 11:1; Mk 1:40-45 Monday: Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21; Mk 8:11-13 Tuesday: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b, 9c-10; Mk 8:14-21 Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25 Friday: Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15 Saturday: Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32 Sunday: Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15 February 15, 2015 4 Catholic Daughters of the Americas Mark your calendars for our regular meeting Tuesday, February 17th at 6:30 pm in Alcove 11 of the Center. Remember, Catholic Daughters are one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the world. We work to serve our brothers and sisters through various charities that we choose. Catholic women 18 years and older are invited to join. Please extend an invitation to a friend to come and check us out. Upcoming RE Schedule PRIMARY GRADES K-6 Tues., February 24 Wed., February 25 4:30 - 6:00 pm 6:00 - 7:30 pm MIDDLE SCHOOL Mon., February 23 6:00 - 7:00 pm HIGH SCHOOL/CONFIRMATION Tues., February 17 6:45 - 8:45 pm FAMILY CATECHISM Thur., February 19 6:00 - 7:30 pm Respect In preparation for this world meeting of families there is a survey put out by the Vatican to gather feedback from all people whatever status and relationship to the church. You may access this survey by going to the website at, and clicking on Synod on the Family Survey. Here at St. Frances we will be gathering to form focus groups to respond to the survey in a group effort. If you "From my mother's womb, you have been my God." (Psalm 22:10) want to participate and have your voice heard please Reflection: Abortion supporters sometimes ask, "Why join us on Tuesday, February 17th in the Parish Center don't you focus on caring for people who are already alive?" But if children in the womb are not already alive, @ 6:30pm. Please bring your laptop or tablet for use in inputing and responding to the survey. To RSVP and for why does it take an abortion procedure to kill them? any questions call Linda Ornelas [email protected] or When we speak about unborn children, we are not speaking about "possible" children; we are speaking 909-797-2533. about real children who are already quite alive Prayer: Father, open our eyes to recognize our brothers WORLD MEETING ON THE FAMILY and sisters in every place where they live, including in SEPTEMBER 2015 their mothers' womb. Open our hearts to love them as Would you like to join a Faith Sharing you do. Amen "Desde el vientre de mi madre, mi Dios eres tú" (Salmo 22:10) Refleccion: Los que apoyan el aborto algunas veces preguntan, "Por qué no se enfocan en cuidar a las personas que están vivas?" Pero si los niños en el vientre no están vivos, por qué el procedimiento del aborto para matarlos? Cuando hablamos de los niños no nacidos, no estamos hablando de "posibles" niños; estamos hablando de niños que ya están vivos. Oración: Padre, abre nuestros ojos para reconocer a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en donde vivan, incluyendo en el vientre de sus madres. Abre nuestros corazones para amarlos como Tu lo haces. Amen. Group focusing on the Family. We are starting a new group using the book Love Is Our Mission; The Family Fully Alive, as preparation for the World Meeting of Families. This group will consist of adults and will meet here at the parish on Tuesdays. Starting Tuesday February 24 until May 12 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time Ministry Staff Business Manager/ Administradora de Negocios Precious Chikulo ext. 227 [email protected] Coordinator of Pastoral Care/ Coordinadora de Cuidado Pastoral Margo Isenberg ext. 225 [email protected] Coordinator of Youth Ministry/ Coordinadora de Ministerio Juvenil Grades/Grados 7th-12th Iliana Garcia Ocampo ext. 229 [email protected] Director of Religious Education/ Educación Religiosa Grades/ Grados 1st-6th Linda Ornelas ext. 224 [email protected] Office Assistants / Asistentes de Oficina Edith Garcia ext. 230 [email protected] Peggy Patterson ext. 222 [email protected] Office Receptionist/ Recepcionista de Oficina Cecilia Newby ext. 221 Ministries/Ministerios ICS (Food Distribution) 797-0007 Annulment/Anulación ext. 225 Baptisms/Bautismos ext. 225 Marriage/ Matrimonio ext. 228 Pastoral Council / Concilio Pastoral Enrique Lima ext. 501 Finance Council Don Averill ext. 503 Jóvenes Para Cristo Elvia Corona 797-8734 Mothers in Faith Teresa Russo 951-534-4001 Altar Servers / Monaguillos Dcn. Dan Hudec ext. 506 Eucharistic Ministers/ Ministros de Eucaristía Jesse & Monica Robles 797-6235 Alfredo Montiel 909-261-3853 Clara Ureña 909-797-6865 Small Faith Communities Lisa Cox 951-295-8088 Health Ministry/ Ministerio de Salud Alicia Sevick 951-285-8199 Lectors/Lectores Dcn. Peter Bond ext. 505 Quinceañeras Iliana Garcia Ocampo ext. 229 R.C.I.A. (new Catholics) Lisa Hudec [email protected] Returning Catholics ext. 225 Catholic Daughters of the Americas Trisha Wright 795-3229 Knights of Columbus Dietrich Rubelius 909-797-3428 February 15, 2015 5 LENTEN PRACTICES: ALMSGIVING Who Needs Food? Your neighbors in Yucaipa and Calimesa periodically need food assistance due to unemployment, illness or family trauma. Give a helping hand. The ICS Food Distribution Center needs: Canned Soup Crackers Boxed Cereal Canned Fruit Canned Ravioli Drop off a few of these items at the ICS Center or in the containers in Church. Interfaith Community Support of Yucaipa Valley (ICS) ICS is a registered charity operated solely by volunteers. All donations are fully tax deductible. Question of the Week 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Theme: Jesus wants to make us whole. Question for Children: What do you want to ask Jesus to do for you? Question for Youth: How has Jesus touched your life? How are you changed because of that touch? Question for Adults: Name a time when you experienced Jesus’ healing touch. 2/14 – 2/15, 2015 Mass Intentions Sat. Sun. 4:00 P.M. 7:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Julius Lopez † Pro Populo Jose Angel † Valentina N. Trujillo † 2/16 – 2/22, 2015 Mass Intentions Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. 7:30 A.M. 7:30 A.M. 7:30 A.M. 7:30 A.M. 7:30 A.M. 4:00 P.M. 7:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Genovefa Rychlik † Hilda Fonseca Eileen Lammers † Jose Rosario Mendoza † Communion Service Leonard & Ron Lardy † Pro Populo Loreto Meza & Florencia Lyva† Leon Cherpin † Mass intentions are available for these dates: 4/30, 5/4, 5/6, 5/7, 5/19, 5/20, and 5/21. Please call or come into the Parish office to reserve these dates before Tuesday for bulletin publication. Update Training for Ushers/ Hospitality Ministers Mandatory Update training for Ushers/ Hospitality Ministers will take place on Saturday, March 7th, 2015 in the Parish Center, alcove # 10, from 9-11 a.m. Please call Joe Scarite at 909-795-0103 to confirm your attendance. Items covered in the training will be as follows: Roles and Responsibilities; before, during and after mass; Usher Identification; Emergency procedures. Refreshments will be served. Share the Faith this Lent season and together we will experience the Lord in a whole different way. Small Faith communities began the week of February 22. Please contact Lisa Cox at [email protected] or [email protected] to join one today. Prayer List (Please note this list is for seriously ill persons. Names can only be listed for two weeks our prayer chain continues to pray for people after this time). Recently we received additional requests for prayers for the following: Mary Lou Kingston, Burt Auzene, Lea Clark, Bill Zimmermann, and Fausto Moronta If you would like to request prayers for your family, please contact Margo at 797-2533.
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