St. Edward Catholic Church La Iglesia Católica de San Eduardo 801 Sherman St. Little Rock, AR 72202 Telephone 374 - 5767 Fax 374 - 5839 E-mail: [email protected] Parish Office Hours 8:00 am - 4:00 pm WELCOME TO ST. EDWARD CHURCH St. Edward Mission Statement St. Edward Church is a Catholic community of believers, rich in tradiƟon and growing in diversity. Recognizing the equality of all persons in the eyes of God, we provide an atmosphere in which parishioners of all ages and cultures share faith through sacramental and Liturgical celebraƟons, ongoing faith-formaƟon, support of our school and other social and spiritual events which enable us to connect our faith with the world in which we live and lead our members to eternal salvaƟon. Parish Directory Fr. Jason M. Tyler - [email protected] Rev. Msgr. Richard Oswald - [email protected] Dc. Dan Hennessey - [email protected] Dc. Danny Hartnedy - [email protected] Dc. Marcelino Luna - [email protected] Dc. Efrain Vargas - [email protected] Parish Manager, Scott Sparks Parish Secretary, Teresa Mendez Rel. Ed Coord., Lilia Hernandez Director of Music, Phillip Quick 374-5767 374-5767 374-5767 223-3122 Parish Council Chair - Beth Collier [email protected] Vice Chair - Phillip Gallaher Members - Edward Dodge, Claire Miller, Cissy Johnson, Al Schneider, Russ Matson and Robert McDonald Other Contacts School 374-9166 Director Coro Hispano, Cissy Johnson 690-0608 Director Coro Hispano, Manuela Negrete 771-9104 RCIA Director, Dc. Dan & Beth Hennessey 868-4091 Liturgy Assistant Training, Dave Kern 664-5376 Wedding Coordinator, Elaine Lienhart 312-1119 Eucharist Adoration, RoseAnne Smith 228-9947 Eucharist Adoration, Martha Roberts 603-0133 Christian Mothers Sodality, Annette Rogers-Gary 541-0949 Coordinadora de Bodas, Maria Ruvalcaba 590-3895 Marriage Encounter, Elaine & Steve Lienhart 312-1119 Men’s Club - Phillip Isgrig [email protected] Social Concerns - Al Schneider [email protected] Cub Scout Leader - Jeff Neal 374-9166 442- 0201 Boy Scout Leader - Ed Williams Coordinador de EPJ - Leobardo Martínez 310-1727 Coordinador de Jovenes - Francisco Martínez 590-0813 Sr. Hermana Annual Fund Gift - Scott Sparks 374-5767 Bingo Coordinator - Tina Pilkington 772-3632 Confession Schedule Tuesday/Martes 5 PM to 5:45 PM Wednesday/Miércoles 5:30 PM to 6 PM Saturday/Sábado 3 PM to 3:45 PM Sunday/Domingo 12 PM to 12:30 PM St. Edward Catholic Church Registration Form __New Registration - Nuevo miembro __Moving Out of Parish - Moviendose de la parroquia __Change of Address - Nueva dirección __Want Envelopes - Quiero recibir sobres de la Iglesia Name - Nombre_________________________________________ Address-Dirección________________________________________ City - Ciudad___________________ Zip - Codigo Postal_________ Phone# - Número de Telefono__________________ Please drop this form into the offertory basket or email to the parish office FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – FEBRUARY 8, 2015 Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas, Readings for the Week/Lecturas de la Semana 4Saturday/Sábado February 7, 2015 4:00 PM Mildred Krauskop† By Virginia Hall Sunday/Domingo, February 8 , 2015 9:00 AM Spec. Int. Wayne Williams By Dana Garre† 11:00 AM Maria del Carmen Sandoval Cassillas† 12:30 PM Spec. Int. Familia Mendoza Hernandez 2:30 PM Spec. Int. Tita Galindo 5:00 PM For all the Parish Tuesday/Martes, February 10, 2015 6:00 PM Christian Mother Sodality For living and deceased members Wednesday/Miércoles, February 11 , 2015 8:00 AM Maxine Lance† by Jean Wilson 6:00 PM por todos los fieles difuntos Thursday/Jueves, February 12, 2015 8:00 AM Spec. Int. Maria de la Luz Moran Vargas Friday/Viernes, February 13, 2015 8:00 AM Jerome Deuerling† By Freda Harness Saturday/Sábado Saturday, February 14, 2015 Lector: Ronnie Stone Ministers: Marie Brakebill Mary Ann Rose Kay Barre, Jose Blanco (choir) Altar Servers: Jeff & Madison Straessle Ushers: Doug Virden, Joe Melio, John Murphree, Maurus Jones Sunday, February 15, 2014 Lector: Judy Hoelzeman , Al Schneider Ministers: Phillip Gallaher, Reggie Rogers, Carol Wrape Janie Krone, (choir) Altar Servers: Adaleigh Gallaher, Anna Palmer, Ale Mendez Ushers: Reynaldo Mapili, Mary Palmer, LeAnn & Joe Wellinghoff February 14, 2015 4:00 PM John A. Gunther† HEALING MINISTRY During Jesus’ minisBy Raymond Gunther try “he cured many who were sick with various Sunday/Domingo, February 15 , 2015 diseases, and he drove out many demons.” This is the case in today’s Gospel. Jesus fulfills the vision 9:00 AM Vernon Harness † of Psalm 147: “He heals the brokenhearted and By Freda Harness binds up their wounds.” Jesus knew, however, 11:00 AM Spec. Int. Spec. Int. that he couldn’t possibly heal all the illness in the Karen Salguero and Karina Orellana world. No matter how many people he cured or 12:30 PM Juanita Rizo & Francisco Gonzalez† how many hours he ministered, there always would be more suffering people like Job who 2:30 PM Por todos los fieles Difuntos Readings for the Week February 8th through February 15, 2015 Sunday/ Domingo Jb-Job 7:1-4 Ps-Salmo 147:1-2,3-4,5-6 1Cor-1Corintios 9:16-19,22-23 Mk– Marcos 1: 29-39 Monday/ Lunes: Gn-Genesis 1:1-19 Ps-Salmo 104:1-2A 5,6,10,12,24,35C Mk-Marcos6:53-56 Tuesday/ Martes: Gen-Genesis 1:20— 2:4A PsSalmo 8: 4-5, 6,7,8,9 Mk-Marcos 7:1-13 Wednesday/ Miércoles Gn-Genesis 2:4B-9 15-17 Ps-Salmo 104:1-2A,27-28,29 BC-30 Mk 7:14-23 Thursday-Jueves Gn-Genesis 2:18-25 PsSalmo128:1,2,3,4,5 Mk 7:24-30 Friday/ Viernes: Gn-Genesis 3:1-8 Ps-Salmo 32:1-2,5,6,7 Mk-Marcos 7:31-37 Saturday/ Sábado Gn-Genesis 3:9-24 Ps-salmo 90:2,3,4,ABC,5-6,12-13 Mk-Marcos 8:1-10 Sunday/ Domingo Lv-Leviticos 13:1-2,44-46 Ps-Salmo 32:1-2,5,11 I Cor 10:31—11: 1 Mk-Marcos 1:40-45 craved his healing touch. His primary mission was not to rid the world of all suffering. His “purpose” was to preach the coming of the reign of God that heals, yes, but ultimately transcends and transforms earthly suffering. With Paul, Jesus could have said, “Woe to me if I do not preach” that good news. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. A battling, fraternal Christianity. From Jesus and from St Paul we learn what it is to fight every day to bring the message of salvation entrusted to us to all people. What Pope Paul VI proposed to young people is valid for us all: "It is up to you, young people of today, to renew the prodigious Messianism initiated by the Catholic youth of yesterday, and develop it for today; that is, the passage from a routine and passive Christianity to a Christianity that is conscious and active; the passage from a timid and inept Christianity to a Christianity that is courageous and militant; from an individual and private Christianity to a Christianity of community and fellowship; from an indifferent Christianity that is insensitive to the needs of others and our social duties to a Christianity that is fraternal and is pledged in favor of those who are weakest and those who are most in need. Courage! It is up to you!" . Copyright 2008, Legion of Christ Domingo 15, de Febrero 2015 LECTORES 12:30 Rosario Dulanto, Roberto Gonzalez 2:30 Martin Sanchez, Francisco Martínez MINISTROS 12:30 Graciela Amaro, Norma Ventura Juan & Tere Barrera 2:30 Leobardo Martínez, Karla Robles Josefina Marañon MONAGUILLOS 12:30 Maricruz Negrete, Jessica Reyes Vazquez, Juan Ventura 2:30 Jisell & Nathaly Barragan Ángel Álvarez THE WEEK AHEAD Sunday February 15, 2015 Basketball Practice 12 - 4 PM GYM Monday February 16, 2015 Asamblea de Oración 7 PM – 9 PM Tuesday February 17, 2015 Mass 6 PM Church Basketball Practice 4 - 9 PM Gym Wednesday February 18, 2015 Estudio Biblico Dc. Vargas 7 - 8 PM Cafeteria Thursday February 19, 2015 ESL Class 6:30 – 8 PM Church Office St. Edward School Open House 5-7 PM Friday February 20, 2015 Basketball Practice 5:30 PM GYM Welcome to St. Edward Church We are glad to have you join our community!!! Please have respect for our Church. Please dispose of your bubble gum in the waste receptacles at the entrance of church rather than on the steps. Thank you. Tengamos un poco de respeto a la casa de Dios. Por favor ponga sus chicles en los botes de basura que están aun lado de la entrada de la Iglesia, en lugar de tirarlos en los escalones o en la Iglesia. Gracias Si todos cuidamos tendremos una mejor parroquia. Mass Count Mass Count for January 31/ February 1, 2015 4 PM 9 AM 11AM 12:30 PM 2:30 PM Total 93 105 275 316 _ 789 Stewardship Prayer Ministry Please pray for all who are discerning God's call, especially our parish's seminarians, Martin Amaro, Emmanuel Torres and Isidro Negrete. Por favor, rueguen por todos los que estan aceptando el llamado de Dios. En especial los seminaristas de nuestra Parroquia, Martin Amaro, Emmanuel Torres y Isidro Negrete. Heavenly Father, You have created each of us to love You and Your people. You have chosen some to serve by responding to the particular call to diocesan priesthood and religious life. Send Your Holy Spirit to stir the hearts of those You have designed to follow this path of spiritual leadership. We pray this petition, faithful and most gracious God, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord. PRAYER LIST—LISTA DE ENFERMOS WEEKEND COLLECTION/COLECTA DE LA SEMANA February –Febrero 1, 2015 $4,960 Weekly Need/Presupuesto Semanal $5,300 Budget Shortfall as of December 31, 2014 (-$4,774) Por debajo del presupuesto Diciembre 31, 2014 (-$4,774) CAP CAMPAIGN COLLECTION/CAMPAÑA CAPITAL Febrero 1, 2015 $2,861 Weekly Need/Presupuesto Semanal $1,850 Budget Shortfall as of December 31, 2014 (-$946) Diciembre 31, 2014 (-$946) Por debajo del presupuesto Diocesan Loan Balance Balance del Prestamo de la Diócesis $ 991,811 1/1/15 Sunday Sales $ 556 In order to keep our bulletin prayer list up-to-date, names will remain on the list for four weeks. To continue for another four weeks, please call the church office. 501 374-5767 Para que podamos tener nuestra lista al día, los nombres de los enfernos estaran en la lista por solo cuatro semanas. Si quiere que la persona continue en la lista favor de llamar a la oficina al 501 374-5767 Lily Moore, Lindsey Crowder, Jamie McCullough, Zoe Crofford, Jim Goodhart, Ashley Gibbs, Arthur Kerns, Aminta Berry, Stephanie Starnes, Frank Bryant, James Davidson, Janelle Tarine, James Daugherty, Rick Johnson, Judge Donald Corbin, Joey Lutz, Maxine Durst, Patricia Stuart , Mae McNally, Alma Martinez, Walter Gould, Earnestine Barnes, Jane New, Helen K Hunte, Delores Gunderman, Ray Natcher, Kim Weber, Tony Hughes, Claire Miller, Familia Vargas, Garry Callahan, , Mary Ann Stiefuater, Maritza Rodriguez, Adrian Burke, Jessica Stedman, Pam Winslow, Maria Lopez, Stacy Walker, Diego Arias, Santiago, Tomas Faro, Ana Arias, Henry Cordova, Ben Edmondson, Tony Swartz, Cassiel Aldia, Luz Arias, Victoria Mendoza, Gladys Rose, Libba Rose, Evangelina Anaya, Greg Kitterman, Vivian Nolen, Don Fitz, Maria Mapili, Tercero Treviño, Sacramento Alvarez, Al Schneider, Alice Isgrig, Joe Wellinghoff, Freda Harness, Nancy H. Smith, Caridad Martínez, Julia Bunten, Remy Spinger, Josephine Tomboli, Donna Gay, Carolyn Kelly, Caroline Miller, Martha Miller, Ana Maria Cervantes, Janelle Widel, Judi Minicozzi, Ashley Henry Pido a todos los que han sido fieles contribuidores a la colecta dominical en el pasado que consideren en oración aumentar su donación este año. Y a todos aquellos que no han contribuido a la colecta anteriormente, que por favor consideren hacerlo este año. Es una donación que no solamente ayudará a nuestra parroquia a alcanzar su meta pero que beneficiará a todos nuestros hermanos de nuestra parroquia .Si solo diéramos el 5% de lo que Dios nos da cada semana , y cuanto es el 5%.? What I $150 earn each week My (5%) $7.50 offering would be Lo que $150 gano por semana Mi ofrenda $7.50 sería $200 $300 $400 500 $600 $10 $30 $15 $20 $25 $200 $300 $400 500 $600 $10 $30 $15 $20 $25 Parish News and Events/Noticias y Eventos Parroquiales/School News/Noticias de la Escuela SCHOOL NEWS We appreciate you! A very special thank you to the Men’s Club for sponsoring the pancake breakfast in celebration of Catholic Schools Week! Our week was filled with events emphasizing the gift of Catholic education and continuing to be a community of faith, knowledge and service! Thank you for your continued support of our great school and church community! May God bless you! Save the Date! The 10th annual It Takes a Village dinner and auction is Saturday, April 11, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. This year’s theme is A Taste of St. Edward’s ~ International Delight. This is one of our primary school-wide fundraisers. Ticket cost is $25 in advance and $30 at the door. If you are interested in sponsorship or donating an item for our live or silent auction, please contact Mrs. Dana Dodge, PTO Secretary, by phone at 501-749-6039 or email [email protected]. Open House Dates: Please invite your friends and family to our Open House Sunday, February 8 – 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm and Thursday, February 12 – 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm. Early Bird Registration 2015-16 We are now in the beginning phases of registration for the 2015-16 school year! We are offering an early bird registration discount to returning and perspective families now through March 15! Take advantage of this great opportunity and reserve your child’s place today! VENGA CON TODA SU FAMILIA ¡CONVIVA, DIVIERTASE Y COOPERE! LOS FONDOS RECAUDADOS A BENEFICIO DEL CATECISMO. Volunteers are needed for child care on Monday and Thursday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for the children of the students of our English as a Second Language (ESL) program. VIRTUS training is required if you haven't done it already. If you're interested and able to help, please contact Lilia Hernandez at 501-3745767 or [email protected]. Necesitamos voluntarios para el cuidado de niños para el programa de clases de Ingles si estas iteresado en ayudar y ya tomaste el programa de Virtus favor de comunicarte con Lilia Hernandez al 501 374-5767 o [email protected]. Interested in traveling to Italy this summer? A group pilgrimage is going with Father Tyler from July 19th-27th. Cost is $3,850, which includes airfare, hotels, breakfast and dinner daily, sightseeing and entrance fees, and tour guides. For more information, see the brochures in the church vestibule or call Kathy Primm at 501-771-0987. Early Bird Registration (Feb. 1 – March 15) $100 per student/$25 each additional child After March 15 $140 per student/$30 each additional child As you consider how much to give this year to CASA 2015, please note that our parish has benefited directly from CASA 2014. We received $4,138.89 in support of our religious education programs. Additionally, our school received $10,000 from CASA to help with tuition assistance. Al considerar su donacion este año para CASA 2015,considere esto. Nuestra parroquia recivio la cantidad de $4, 138.89 para nuestro programa de educación religiosa y $10.000 para ayudar con becas a las familias con niños en la escuela de San Eduardo Fish Fry 2015 St. Edward’s Men’s club Fish Fry February 20 and March 13 more information soon El club the varones de San Eduardo tendran su famoso pescado frito el 20 de Febrero y el 13 de Marzo mas información pronto. “I see clearly that the thing the church needs most today is the ability to heal wounds and to warm the hearts of the faithful; it needs nearness, proximity. Pope Francis Read more at St. Edward Online Giving Visit the St. Edward Church website at and look for the image below. This will link you to our secure site where you can find more information and sign up for online giving. Many options for Regular Collection, Capital Campaign and Memorials. Set up a one time, weekly or monthly gift. Parroquia de San Eduardo donando en linea Visite el sitio de internet de la parroquia de San Eduardo y busque la imagen que aparece a continuación. Esto le llevará a un sitio seguro donde usted puede encontrar más información y registrarse en línea para donar su donacion a la parroquia Muchas opciones para la, Campaña de Capital y collecta regular Configurar una hora semanal o mensual, para su donativo. St. Edward Church Monthly BINGO This is a family event in the cafeteria This Sunday February 22, 2015 Food 3:30 p.m. (Philly Cheese Steak Fries and more) Bingo 4 p.m. Juego de BINGO en la Iglesia de San Eduardo Este Domingo 22 de Febrero, 2015 Comida 3:30 p.m. ( Hamburgesas y papas fritas y mas) Bingo 4 p.m. Este es un evento familiar los esperamos en la cafeteria de la Iglesia BAPTISM CLASSES 2015 will be offered in English on the second Saturday of alternate months in the parish office building. Each class begins at 9am.The dates for 2015 are as follows: March 14, May 9, July 11, September 12, November 14. Please call ahead to register for the class at 501 374-5767 With Lilia Hernandez FECHAS DE PLATICA BAUTIZOS 27 de Febrero 2015 7 p.m. Cafetería Bautizos Febrero 7 a las 10 a.m. 27 de Marzo 2015 7 p.m. Cafetería No tendremos Bautizos En cuaresma PRE– CATECISMO Sunday-Domingo 10:30 AM Wednesday –Miércoles 6:45 PM Grupo de oración Todos los Lunes en la Cafeteria a las 7 p.m. todos son bienvenidos Aquí compartimos la palabra de Dios y oramos unos por otros, por nuestras familias y sus necesidades. Jesús espera por cada uno de nosotros y cada día nos pregunta ¿ni una Hora pueden orar conmigo? Te invitamos a orar juntos. El grupo de jóvenes de San Eduardo está invitando a todos los jóvenes mayores de 18 años, a tener una nueva experiencia, habrá dinámicas, momentos fuertes de oración, conocerás más de tú Fe católica y lo más importante de todo conocerás mas de Dios…Te esperamos!!! Todos los Sábados a las 7 p.m. en el edificio del Kínder Para más información communicate con Francisco Martínez al 590-0813 ¡Sólo Dios puede crear, pero tú puedes valorar lo que él ha creado.! From the Parish/ de la Parroquia & Around our Community The Little Rock Marathon is Sunday, March 1st. The race passes by the church on 2 sides: Ferry Street and 9th Street. Those streets will likely be closed from around 8:30 a.m. until 10 a.m. Therefore, for the 9 a.m. Mass, please be prepared to leave home earlier than usual. The following procedure is recommended to arrive at church that morning. Driving to St. Edward from I-30, take the 9th Street exit (NOT 6th Street). Turn directly into MacArthur Park, where you can park your vehicle and walk across the street to the church. If you're coming on I-630, take the 15th Street exit. Turn left on College, left on 9th Street, and park in MacArthur Park. Feel free to check out the race map at The route has been changed a bit this year, passing more miles through downtown Little Rock. PARKING--In previous years, we have been told that those who need the disabled parking spaces on Sherman Street can approach from the north, going past the regular roadblock set up at the corner of 8th and Sherman. El maraton de Little Rock sera' el domingo, 2 de marzo. La carrera pasa por San Eduardo en la mañana, a lo mejor entre 8:30 y 10 a.m. Entonces, para las Misas en español, no habra' problema en llegar o estacionarse. Pero, atencion! Si el maraton pasa por tu barrio, quizas necesitaras salir de tú casa más temprano para llegar puntualmente a la Misa. Se puede ver la ruta en The University of Arkansas's Schola Canotorum, under the direction of Dr. Stephen Caldwell, will have a free concert here at St. Edward at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 21st. The concert lasts about one hour. Also, the schola will be here to sing at our 4:00 p.m. Mass that same day. La Schola Cantorum de la Universidad de Arkansas, bajo la guia del Dr. Stephen Caldwell, hara un concierto gratis aqui en San Eduardo a las 7:00 p.m. el sabado 21 de febrero. El concierto dura aproximadamente una hora. Tambien, la schola estara' aqui para cantar durante la Misa de las 4 ese mismo dia. Ven a descubrir cómo la obra de Dios en María prepara nuestros corazones para que Dios pueda obrar en nosotros. “María, Encontrando el Favor con Dios” es una tarde de reflexión que está abierta a todos los adultos católicos en el área. Las presentaciones por el Padre Mauricio Carrasco, las oportunidades de oración y discusión reflexiva serán un tiempo bien empleado. Sábado, 21 de marzo, 1:30 – 5:30 p.m. en la Iglesia de Sta. Teresa en Little Rock. Entrada gratis. Por favor llame a la oficina parroquial (501-565-9198) para reservar su lugar. Queremos tener suficiente espacio y suficientes bocadillos. Patrocinado por el Estudio Bíblico de Little Rock. Photo contest Any photographer in Arkansas can enter their photo of a local Catholic church or institution for a chance to be featured on the cover of the 2016 Diocese of Little Rock directory. Arkansas Catholic sponsors the annual cover photo contest. The contest entry deadline is March 20, 2015. Complete rules and an entry form are available on the Arkansas Catholic website, For more information, call Emily Roberts at (501) 6640125 or [email protected]. World Day for Consecrated Life will be celebrated in the Church on the weekend of February 7-8, 2015. Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life, and be sure to thank them on their special day. May they continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God's gift of their vocation. Pray also for those who are discerning a vocation to Consecrated Life, and invite those who may be called to consider it. This winter sure has had some cloudy days! How would you like to know how to put Sunshine in your marriage even on those cloudy days!! Let Worldwide Marriage Encounter help you put more sunshine in your lives. Next Weekend: Feb. 13-15 at Subiaco . Apply now. Space is limited. For more info or to apply, please visit our website or call Steve & Elaine Lienhart at 501-3121119 or email [email protected]. ¿PORQUE SE QUEDAN CONFORMES CON UN MATRIMONIO Otra de nuestras actividades es la venta de LADRIlLOS DE RECUERDO que serán colocados en lugares apropiados alrededor de la Iglesia. Queremos honrar a personas, amigos y familiares; vivos o difuntos, negocios y asociaciones que son parte de la gran familia de la Iglesia de San Eduardo para ordenar su ladrillo de recuerdo y mas información, llame a la oficina de la parroquia (501) 374-5767 MAGNIFICO CUANDO PUEDEN TENER UN MATRIMONIO IDEAL? El Encuentro Matrimonial es un programa de 44 horas en donde las parejas pueden alejarse del trabajo, los niños, las tareas de la casa y el teléfono para enfocarse solo uno al otro. Si están buscando que su relación crezca, sea más profunda, y más enriquecida. Entonces les gustará la diferencia que puede hacer en ustedes un Fin de Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial. El próximo Fin de Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial sera en el Centro de San Juan, Little Rock, AR, febrero 13, 14, 15, 2015. Para más información o para registrarse, llama a Fermín y Noemí Andrade (479) 6441152 o Adrián y Reyna Álvarez (773) 213-9593 o Arnulfo y Alicia Manjarrez (479) 285-1100; (479) 285-9087. Favor de registrarse antes de febrero 11, 2015. INFORMATION SHEET Church name & address St. Edward #202350 801 Sherman Street Little Rock AR 72202 Contact information: Teresa Mendez @ 501-374-5767 Software: MSPub 2013, AA-X Date of Publication: Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 4 text pages + 2 children pages + this page = 8 (1 ad page; 8-T-JL) NOTE: There are not any blank pages as we have inserted two children pages. Special instructions: FedEx shipping address: 801 Sherman Street, Little Rock AR 72202 Special shipping instructions: FedEx tracking e-mail: [email protected]
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