St. John Neumann Catholic Church February 8, 2015 / 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 100 Polo Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Office Hours Horas de oficina Monday - Friday Lunes - Viernes 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. C. Alexander “Sandy” McDonald Telephone (Teléfono) Church Office (Oficina): 788-0811 Gillin Hall (Salón Social): 788-1478 Parochial Vicar Vicario Parroquial MASS SCHEDULE Horarios de Misa: Saturday (Sábado) - 5:15 p.m. Sunday (Domingo) - 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, 5:00 p.m. Monday (Lunes) - 12:00 noon Tuesday (Martes) - 9:00 a.m. Wednesday (Miércoles) - 12:00 noon Thursday (Jueves) - 12:00 noon Friday (Viernes) - 12:00 noon Spanish/Español Sunday (Domingo) - 2:00 p.m. Thursday (Jueves) - 7:00 p.m. Korean/Coreano 7:00 p.m. 2nd & 3rd Saturdays 2do & 3er Sábado Pastor Javier Heredia Barbara Cole Principal, SJN School - 788-1367 Parish Office And School Address Dirección de oficina y escuela 721 Polo Road Columbia, SC 29223 Reconciliation Confessions: Saturday 4:15 - 5:00 p.m. or by appointment (call 788-0811 to make arrangements) Reconciliación Confesiones: Jueves de 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. y Domingos de 1:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. o comuníquese con Padre Javier Baptism Call the parish office at 788-3252 ext. 18 for information. Bautismos Requisitos: Estar registrado con SJN; tomar clase de preparación para padres y padrinos; copia del certificado de nacimiento del que va a ser bautizado; identificación de los padres y padrinos; padrinos deben ser católicos practicantes y deben presentar fe de bautismo y confirmación, y acta de matrimonio por la Iglesia si son casados. Deben de presentar los documentos a María Correa, en la oficina de la Iglesia, y ella le informará la fecha de la siguiente clase de preparación para bautismo. Marriage The Diocese of Charleston requires preparation for marriage to begin at least six months prior to the wedding date. Call Fr. Sandy at 788-0811 to make arrangements. Matrimonios Requiere preparación de por lo menos 6 meses. Debe hablar con Padre Javier. Parish Mission Statement Declaración de la Misión de Nuestra Iglesia St. John Neumann “To strive together to be Christ for each other and our neighbor.” “Esforzarnos juntos para ser Cristo el uno para el otro y para nuestro prójimo.” From Our Pastor We welcome all newcomers to our parish family and invite you to register with us. Registration forms are available on our website, in the church vestibules and in the parish office. Bulletin by E-Mail If you would you like to receive the Bulletin by e-mail, send an e-mail to [email protected] with Bulletin Sign-Up in the subject line. Diocese of Charleston Website SJN Website Dear Parishioners, At the end of this month, we will hold a parish town-hall meeting (for details see the advertisement). After a year of establishing a Commission Structure for pastoral planning for our parish, we would like to tell the entire parish about the work that is being done and to solicit ideas and feedback for our going forward. The meeting will last no more than three hours, and it will begin with prayer and a plenary session at which I will sketch some outlines of where we are as a parish. This will include demographic, pastoral, and financial data, and we will review our current pastoral goals. This presentation is also intended to help everyone understand better the structures that have been created. Once this presentation is complete, we will break out into six areas of parish life, each area with its own Commission. The Commissions/Areas are: Administration, Adult Faith Formation, Youth Faith Formation, Prayer and Worship, Community Life, and Outreach & Social Justice. Participants will have to choose one area to focus upon because participants will not be rotating through all areas. Rather, it becomes a way to express interest and have a deeper discussion about that area of parish life. The Commission will describe its work and facilitate the discussion. Toward the end of this period, participants will be invited to consider whether they are interested in serving on the Commission. Lastly, we will gather again as a full group in order to have further interchange of questions, ideas, and feedback. I hope many can take time to join in this day. It is a great opportunity to be heard and to learn about some good things happening in our parish. Bulletin deadline: Noon Tuesday Send print-ready information to [email protected] Si necesita publicar algún anuncio en el boletín relacionado con su ministerio favor de enviarlo a Maria E. Correa en o antes del lunes a las 12:00 p.m. [email protected] In Christ, Fr. Sandy McDonald Save the Date! St. John Neumann Parish Town Hall Meeting February 28, 2015 9:00 A.M. to Noon SJN School Cafeteria Financial Contributions Offertory - $ 22,178.50 Ofertorio (Comunidad Hispana) $2,543.81 Church in Eastern Europe 2,914.05 Children’s Offertory- $21.00 Harvest Hope BackPack Ministry at SJN Church Did you know that every two weeks, a team of St. John Neumann Church volunteers pack 80 bags of food for 40 local elementary school children who are at risk of going hungry? Across Harvest Hope Food Pantry’s 20 county service area, there are over 157,000 students in 70 schools on free/reduced price breakfast and lunch programs. For these children, their schools offer them sanctuaries from hunger. The bags that are packed at St. John Neumann are filled with nutritious food for children to take home for the weekend, during school vacations, and on holidays. The bags are typically distributed on Fridays or the last day children attend school for the week, and help to sustain the children until school starts again. If you are interested in learning more about how to help with the "BackPack Ministry" at St. John Neumann Church, please visit the BackPack Ministry display in Gillin Hall. We'll provide more details in next week's bulletin as well. We extend a warm welcome to the newest members of SJN: Carly Seitz Dennis and Diane O’Connor Steve, Jean and Sean Cronin Heu Trong Hoang Robert, Davis, Troy, Cale and Hallee Ramos Emily Emmons Lydia Rice, Rosa Carnesale Ward, Yasmine Carnesale Ward and Benjamin Rice Richard and Freda Crawford Tony, Betsy and Joseph Zelasko Thomas, Karen, Eleanor, Matthew McDonell and Eleanor Kane Amanda Polis, Delaney and Berkley Johnston John and Patricia Betley Adelfo, Maria and Sofia Ruiz Scott, Melissa, Sean, Kevin, Marie and Riley Hancock We welcome the following new members into the Church through the Sacrament of Baptism: Brooklyn Paige Davenport Parish Calendar February 7-14 Saturday, February 7 9:00 am Adoration Church 10:00 am Comfort/Care Teen Room Fellowship Weekend Sunday, February 8 1:00 pm Health Cabinet Teen Room 6:00 pm Youth Ministry Teen Room Fellowship Weekend Monday, February 9 4:30 pm Tai Chi Gillin Hall 5:30 pm Legion of Mary Teen Room Tuesday, February10 9:30 am Cenacle of Mary Church 10:30 am Exercise Class Gillin Hall 12:00 pm Blood Drive Gym 2:00 pm My Catholic Faith Teen Room 6:30 pm RCIA Teen Room 7:00 pm Theology of the Body Room 22 7:00 pm Open Heart Prayer Group Church Wednesday, February 11 12:30 pm Senior Luncheon Gillin Hall 6:30 pm Christian Formation School 6:30 pm English as a 2nd Language School 6:30 pm Adult Bible Study Room 17 Thursday, February 12 2:00 pm Adoration Church 4:30 pm Tai Chi Gillin Hall 7:30 pm Knights of Columbus Gillin Hall Friday, February 13 10:30 am Exercise Class Gillin Hall 1:00 pm Bulletin Stuffing Teen Room Saturday, February 14 9:00 am Adoration Church 4:30 pm Valentine’s Day Babysitting Gym 7:00 pm Korean Mass Church Columbiettes' Corner The Columbiettes welcomes its newest members, Chelsea Breeden, Lillian Chester, and Janette Cruz who became Columbiettes in January. The group also welcomes a returning member, Josie Elzarad. Welcome back, Josie! Also, due to parishioners’ generosity the Bake/Soup Sale raised $818.24 and the Christmas Cards/ Wafers sale showed a profit of $164.75. The Columbiettes sincerely appreciate all of your support. They will be having another Bake Sale in April, after Easter. Watch the Bulletin for more info later. St. John Neumann Catholic School President’s Day at SJN Walking down the halls of St. John Neumann Catholic School is a trip down history’s path these days. The school is celebrating President’s Day in many different ways. Classes have done research papers, book reports, trivia-fact games, and oral reports while dressed as their favorite President. Pictures of these famous leaders have adorned the school walls this week as students learned more about the country’s past. Everyone hopes you will enjoy President’s Day as much as they already have. A big thank you to all who plan to participate, helping again to make this a highly successful Blood Drive sponsored by the First Grade and thank you also for helping to make Catholic Schools’ Week so enjoyable for the school’s families AND for being a big part of the parish school. Parents Night Out Do something nice for your Valentine this year! Bring your kids to SJN for a night of fun, food, and games, while you enjoy a night out with your Sweetie! The cost is a minimum donation of $40 and includes activities and pizza for dinner! When: Saturday, Feb. 14th! Time: 4:30 p.m. -10:00 p.m. Who: Kids– Infants-12 y/o Where: SJN School All proceeds go to the Jamaica Mission Team The sixth grade is busy raising funds for Candy Grams that will be shared among the students on Valentine’s Day. The funds raised will go toward the scholarships awarded at the end of the year to some fourth, fifth and sixth graders. Congratulations to our second graders who participated in their First Reconciliation retreat, followed by their First Reconciliation Service on February 3. What an exciting time for these young Catholics and their families, and we appreciate your support as they grow in their faith journey. Cardinal Newman School Cardinal Newman High School will close at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, February 9, for Teacher In-service Training. CNHS will also be closed to students, faculty and staff on Monday, February 16, in observance of Presidents' Day. The Junior Drama Card Players will be performing The Little Mermaid, Jr. on Friday, February 20, at 7 p.m. and Saturday, February 21, at 7 p.m. Everyone is invited to the show! Cost of admission is $4 for adults, $1 for children 12 and under, and $1 for CNHS students with ID. Plan now to join the school for One Night to Remember, an evening of trivia, food, friends and dancing at the Forest Drive campus on Saturday, March 21, from 6:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. For more information on this and other events, visit the school’s website, Pancake Dinner, Shrove Tuesday, February 17 Shrove Tuesday is the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday and is a day of penitence, to clean the soul, and a day of celebration as the last chance to feast before Lent begins. Shrove Tuesday is sometimes called Pancake Day. In this tradition, the Columbiettes will hold their annual Pancake Dinner on Shrove Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. Tickets will be on sale the weekends of February 7/8 and February 14/15 after all Masses. The price of the ticket is $2.00. The menu includes pancakes, ham, potato soup and beverages. Come and help us celebrate! Le damos la bienvenida a todos los que nos visitan por primera vez. A aquellos que deseen ser miembros de nuestrra parroquia les invitamos a que se registren. Las inscripciones se encuentran disponibles en la iglesia o en la oficina. ¡Felicidades a los que celebran su cumpleaños o su aniversario de matrimonio durante el mes de febrero! ¡Bienvenidos a todas las nuevas personas en nuestra iglesia y a los que nos visitan por primera vez! Acompáñenos HOY después de Misa en el salón social para una pequeña recepción en su honor. ¿Sabe convertir audio cassette a formato MP3? Padre Javier necesita su ayuda. Por favor comuníquese con él. Padre Javier les quiere dejar saber que a partir del domingo 1ero de febrero ya no habrán confesiones antes de la misa. Las confesiones serán unicamente los jueves de 5:00 pm—6:45 pm o por cita. Recordatorios: Para información sobre catequesis se deben comunicar con Verónica West (ella habla español). Información sobre bautizos o pedir una misa comuníquese com Maria Correa. Maria Correa no está disponible los lunes. Les invitamos a que participen en el Santo Rosario que se rezará todos los domingos después de misa. Por favor acompañenos. Si necesita publicar algún anuncio en el boletín relacionado con su ministerio favor de enviarlo a Maria E. Correa en o antes del lunes a las 12:00 p.m. [email protected] ¿Quiere seguir recibiendo el boletín electrónicamente? ¡Es necesario que nos deje saber! Por favor envíe un correo electrónico a María Correa [email protected]. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la catequesis de sus niños comuníquese con Verónica West (803) 7883252, ext. 20 de lunes a jueves de 9:00 a.m.—1:30 p.m. [email protected]. † Saturday, February 7 Sunday, February 8 Monday, February 9 Tuesday, February 10 Wednesday, February 11 Thursday, February 12 Friday, February 13 Saturday, February 14 Sunday, February 15 Mass Intentions February 7–15 † 5:15 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 noon 2:00 pm 5:00 pm 12:00 noon 9:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 noon 12:00 noon 5:15 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 noon 2:00 pm 5:00 pm Darlene Gaebel † David Kirby † The Smerdell Family Edward & Jelea Kralj † No Mass Intention For the Parish Darlene Gaebel † Bob Buggee † Thomas Ruggiero † Fr. Frederick Masad † Jim Hay † John Taylor † Edward Pepsin, Jr. † Larry Cabot † Baldomero Penichet † Miguel A. Santana † For the Parish Bob and Lori Keivit The Hunter Family Rose and Carol Smerdell Neda Osterman Jim Gaebel Rose Smerdell Nick & Janis Ruggiero Knights of Columbus #6847 Faye Hay Kathryn Taylor Alice Pressley Rose Cabot and children Gertrude Penichet Santana Family Daily Readings for the Week PRAYER LIST Sean Abbott Brigitte Adams Barb Alberini Angelo Anelli Marianne Anelli Benjamin Basil Valentina Bastias Ken Beck Eugene Berendsen Bridgett Boher Frank Bondeson Jeri Boysia Donald Breihan Steve Brown Gary Budry Rowan Bustamante Rose Cabot Cherese Carlson Vic Carilli Gladys Coakley Georgine Collins Barbara-Jay Cornelia Chang Wi Chi David Cummings Karen Davies Millie DeGarcia Paul Dishinger Caroline Donovan Patrick Donovan Betsy Ehret Josepha Elzarad Carmen Flores Isabel Flores Jackie Foley Bing Fores Cielle Fulmer Dean Gahagen To have someone included in the Bulletin prayer list, call the parish office at 788-0811 or e-mail [email protected]. Theresa Gaudi Melvin Gordon Crystal Grampus Ensyha Grampus Jimmy Green Lorraine Gullifer Debbie Gurski Buenaventura Hassell Pat Heller Casey Hicks Santina Howard Lorraine Immekus Faye Johns Nadine Jordan Lori Keivit David Kirvan Karen Kohut Kerri Kohut Jun Hee Lee Craig Luccy Lino Mandanas Bernie Maraghy Theresa Mason Chad McKay Patrick McLaughlin Janice Melvin Nympha Miguel Roberto L Molinary, Sr. Jeannette Mulholland Gloria Neumann Corrine Nylander Joyce Olkosky Meighan Parsh Susana Pasicatan Alex Petroff Faye Price Vivian Quenga Helena Richard Randolph Richard Zachary Rinzel Gloria Rosario Florina Sánchez Jean Schemel David Sotelo Eleanor Sotelo Dr. Scott Sweazy Regina Tomic Bruce Trent Catherine Trent Jeffrey Wagner Robert Watts Cecelia Whitley Robert Weigold Lillie Wilson Mary Ann Wilson Helmut Wirth Lawrence Wright, Jr. Allan Zych The readings are included each week for parishioners unable to join us for daily or Sunday Masses. February 8-14 Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7, Ps 147:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23, Mt 8:17, Mk 1:29-39 Monday: Gn 1:1-19, Ps 104:1-2a, 5-6, 10 and 12, 24 and 35c, See Mt 4:23, Mk 6:53-56 Tuesday: Gn 1:20—2:4a, Ps 8:4-5, 6-7, 89, Ps 119:36, 29b, Mk 7:1-13 Wednesday: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17, Ps 104:12a, 27-28, 29bc-30, See Jn 17:17b, 17a, Mk 7:14-23 Thursday: Gn 2:18-25, Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5, Jas 1:21bc, Mk 7:24-30 Friday: Gn 3:1-8, Ps 32:1-2, 5, 6, 7, See Acts 16:14b, Mk 7:31-37 Saturday: Gn 3:9-24, Ps 90:2, 3-4abc, 5-6, 12-13, Mt 4:4b, Mk 8:1-10 Hospital and Nursing Home Visits Due to privacy laws, Father may not know that you (or a family member) have been hospitalized or moved into a nursing home. Please call the parish office at 7880811 to let him know. Devotion Opportunities Spend One Hour with Me – Adoration: Thursday 2:00–6:50 p.m. and Saturday 9:00–10:00 a.m. The Rosary: Sunday, 9:15 a.m. The Divine Mercy Chaplet: After Monday noon Mass Parish Nurse: WENDY BOBADILLA, [email protected], tel. 413-4797 February 8 The Nurse will be in Gillin Hall from 9 a.m. – 12 noon February is Heart Month. Do something good for your heart. There will be a Comfort & Caring Meeting Saturday, Feb. 7 at 10 a.m. in the Teen Room and a Health Cabinet Meeting, Sunday, Feb. 8, 1 p.m. in the Teen Room. Griefshare Griefshare is a program new to SJN. It is a 13 week support group that meets weekly to help members face their challenges after the loss of a spouse, child, family member, or friend. The program has 3 components -Video Seminar: Each week we will watch a video featuring experts on grief and recovery. -Support Group Discussion: After viewing the video, we will discuss it and what is going on in our lives. -Personal Study and Reflection: During the week each member will continue to sort out emotions through journaling. You are welcome to begin attending the Griefshare group during any session. Each meeting is “self-contained” so you do not have to attend in sequence. You will find encouragement and support whenever you attend, and you may continue with Griefshare in the next 13 week cycle when it is offered. Registration is required, to make sure we have enough materials available. Please call 803-413-4797 to register and to ask questions. There is a fee of $20 for the 13 week session (this pays for the workbook). If it is a hardship to pay the fee, please speak to the parish nurse when registering. Sessions begin: Tuesday, February 24, 1 p.m. in Gillin Hall and Sunday, March1, 6:30 p.m. in Gillin Hall. Two locations to serve you: Colonial Chapel & Crematorium 5202 Colonial Drive Funerals | Cremations | Preplanning Family Owned & Operated | Est. 1932 803.754.6290 | 4645 Hard Scrabble Road Columbia, SC 29229 7600 Trenholm Road Extension Evelyn Martin REALTOR® (803) 788-3334 803.603.7376 [email protected] Greg, Melanie, Claire & Eva Moseley Trenholm Road Chapel Family Owned and Locally Operated UNITED, REALTORS® Office 803.788.2811 • Fax 803.865.3348 566 Spears Creek Church Rd. • Elgin St. Francis Catholic Shop OWNED BY DEACON GREG & MAUREEN WEIGOLD Catholic Books ? Bibles ? Jewelry ? Statues Sacrament Gifts ? Wall Art ? Videos The only full-service, full-time Catholic store in the Midlands! Columbia’s weekly newspaper and 649 St. Andrews Road (3/10 mile off I-26) Columbia, SC 803.765.0707 Parishioner-owned 803-561-9733 • 803-730-6146 “Try Us Free for 30 Days with this ad....First Time Guest Only” 843 Polo Rd #2 • Phone 803-462-9332 Dunbar Funeral Home 803-771-7990 • Proudly Serving Columbia for over 100 years Continuing the tradition with three locations CLINICAL & SPORTS MASSAGE TECHNIQUE. EXPERIENCE. RESULTS. 803-309-6501 • Providing professional service since 1979 Pedro J. Marzan, realtor® Lifetime Member Million $ Club Cell: (803) 414-1941 [email protected] Hablo Español Where you are #1 Palmetto Tutors Phone: (803) 719.7166 Private Tutoring All Subjects K-12 and College Prep 16-0280-I ANNA SCIANDRA lmt 111 Sparkleberry Crossing, Suite 6 • Columbia, SC 29229 803-699-0288 • Fax 803-699-0264 111 Sparkleberry Crossing Suite 1 803-563-5674 Receive 10% off 2865 Devine Street 803-708-4705 Sunday Brunch The Lees family • Parish Members with this bulletin Raysa A. Sanchez • Agente de Seguros Autorizado • Licensed Insurance Agent [email protected] Mega Insurance Agency, LLC A Macro Integra Services Company 1004 Cermack St (Decker Blvd) • Columbia SC 29223 Seguros de Auto, Casa, Vida, Salud y Negocio Auto, Home, Life, Business and Health • General Liability • Workers Compensation Kid Manicures Comes with a FREE design 803-834-7386 • 803-834-7648 Estoy asociada directamente con las principales compañias de seguros, por lo que te puedo ayudar a ahorrar dinero. No hay intermediarios que te cobran más para ofrecerte el servicio. I am licensed to insure your auto, home, life, health and business. I am associated directly with major insurance companies, so I can help you save money. Servicios: Aseguranzas, Notario Publico, Formación y Asesoría de Negocios, Placas y Titulos, Renta de Casas y Apartamentos. Kid Pedicures Only HALF price of an adult one! • Pedicure chairs especially FOR kids! Andino Law Firm, LLC Robert B. 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Attorney at Law / Abogada Licensed in South Carolina & North Carolina 7340 Parklane Road, Suite 104 • 803.462.4630 [email protected] • • Accredited Buyer Representative • Accredited Staging Professional • Certified Distressed Property Expert cell: 803.446.8788 email: [email protected] “Helping buyers and sellers make their real estate dreams become reality - since 1994” For Advertising Information, call JIM BRAUN at Messner Publications today! 262-893-9899 • [email protected] Tim Sheehan Jim Aussprung Joe Zokan Brent Zokan Family owned and operated since 1991 Over 20 years of serving the SJN Church, School and their Parishioners! Steve Junis Financial Advisor 6911 N Trenholm Road Suite 8 Columbia, SC 29206 803-787-9902 Member SIPC • Unique ShareLife Options • Full Service Memorial Park • Modern Facilities, Crematory on site & Conveniently Located Thompson Funeral Home Next To Fort Jackson at Greenlawn Memorial Park Formerly Greenlawn Funeral Home • Catholic Managing Funeral Director 845 Leesburg Road Columbia, SC 29209 • Retired Air Force Veteran 803-776-1092 Serving Our Local Veterans 123 Calvin Drive Columbia, SC 29223 (803) 786-2003 Open Monday thru Friday, 8am to 5pm Kelly Figueroa: Owner & SJN Parishioner Website: E-mail: [email protected] We maintain and repair Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Lexus / Toyota, Infiniti / Nissan, Acura / Honda, and all Japanese, Korean and Domestic cars and trucks. Published by Messner Publications, Inc. For Advertising Information Call 1-866-651-2111 • Join Us For Sunday Brunch 16-0280-O Lent 2015: Longings of the Heart Change our hearts, Lord! Social scientists say it takes 28 days to change a habit. Lent asks us to change more than a habit. We're invited to change our priorities, the focus of our lives, and our very hearts. Maybe that's why Lent takes a full 40 days and happens every year. Why 40 days? Throughout the Bible, the number 40 holds special meaning, indicating a span of time when significant events took place. It rained on Noah and his ark for 40 days and 40 nights. Moses spent 40 days and nights with God on Mount Sinai. The Hebrew people spent 40 years wandering in the desert upon their deliverance from slavery to the Promised Land. Jonah gave the city of Nineveh 40 days in which to repent. And Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights. Our time of preparation in Lent is akin to Jesus' preparation for his work. We spend 40 days fasting, praying, and giving, longing for Easter. We are called to live as representatives of Jesus today— even when the ashes have been washed away, even when no one is looking. Let’s look at what we do through the eyes of the heart and explore together how, with our assent, God changes our hearts. Try New Heart Habits this Lent! Lenten Longings: Join a Small Christian Communities for 6 weeks, and let sharing the Sunday Scriptures with others inspire you to change how your heart beats with compassion for your neighbor. Lenten Learning Series: The Mass in 4 Movements Longing to know more about the Mass? We’ll spend 4 weeks in March exploring the heart of the Liturgy in great depth: Gathering, Story-Telling, Meal-Sharing, Commissioning. The sessions will be offered both Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings, beginning March 3. The Way of the Cross: The Heart of Lent Every Friday of Lent, experience the tradition of the Stations of the Cross in new prayerful and challenging ways. This will begin with a celebration of the Eucharist at 6:00 pm, the Way of the Cross at about 6:30 pm, and a Lenten Supper to follow at 7:15 pm. More information coming soon! CURRENT GROUPS – MORE TO COME – FORM YOUR OWN! Day TIME LOCATION LEADERS Sunday 6:00 pm SJN School Music Room Brian & Shelly Dunphy Monday 7:15 pm SJN School Teen Room Cathy Meadows Tuesday 6:30 am Men’s Group SJN School Teen Room Roy Bullinger 8:30 am Sandhills Catherine Unterseher Wednesday 6:30 pm Men’s Group SJN School Room 19 Val Loiselle Thursday 10:00 am Gillin Hall Mary Ann Fey 7:00 pm Dove Park Rd. Irene Duheme 4:00 pm Church Cry Room Friday CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE FOR MORE INFORMATION CATHERINE COMBIER-DONOVAN AT 803-788-0811 [email protected]
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