St. John Neumann Catholic Church February 22, 2015 / 1st Sunday of Lent 100 Polo Road, Columbia, SC 29223 Office Hours Horas de oficina Monday - Friday Lunes - Viernes 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Telephone (Teléfono) Church Office (Oficina): 788-0811 Gillin Hall (Salón Social): 788-1478 Fax Number: 788-1501 C. Alexander “Sandy” McDonald MASS SCHEDULE Horarios de Misa: Saturday (Sábado) - 5:15 p.m. Sunday (Domingo) - 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, 5:00 p.m. Monday (Lunes) - 12:00 noon Tuesday (Martes) - 9:00 a.m. Wednesday (Miércoles) - 12:00 noon Thursday (Jueves) - 12:00 noon Friday (Viernes) - 12:00 noon Spanish/Español Sunday (Domingo) - 2:00 p.m. Thursday (Jueves) - 7:00 p.m. Korean/Coreano 7:00 p.m. 2nd & 3rd Saturdays 2do & 3er Sábado Pastor Javier Heredia Parochial Vicar Vicario Parroquial Barbara Cole Principal, SJN School - 788-1367 Parish Office And School Address Dirección de oficina y escuela 721 Polo Road Columbia, SC 29223 Reconciliation Confessions: Saturday 4:15 - 5:00 p.m. or by appointment (call 788-0811 to make arrangements) Reconciliación Confesiones: Jueves de 5:00 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. o comuníquese con Padre Javier Baptism Call the parish office at 788-3252 ext. 18 for information. Bautismos Requisitos: Estar registrado con SJN; tomar clase de preparación para padres y padrinos; copia del certificado de nacimiento del que va a ser bautizado; identificación de los padres y padrinos; padrinos deben ser católicos practicantes y deben presentar fe de bautismo y confirmación, y acta de matrimonio por la Iglesia si son casados. Deben de presentar los documentos a María Correa, en la oficina de la Iglesia, y ella le informará la fecha de la siguiente clase de preparación para bautismo. Marriage The Diocese of Charleston requires preparation for marriage to begin at least six months prior to the wedding date. Call Fr. Sandy at 788-0811 to make arrangements. Matrimonios Requiere preparación de por lo menos 6 meses. Debe hablar con Padre Javier. Parish Mission Statement Declaración de la Misión de Nuestra Iglesia St. John Neumann “To strive together to be Christ for each other and our neighbor.” “Esforzarnos juntos para ser Cristo el uno para el otro y para nuestro prójimo.” From Our Pastor The parish welcomes all newcomers and invites you to register. Registration forms are available on the church website,, and in the parish office. Bulletin by e-mail To receive your Bulletin electronically, send an e-mail to [email protected] with "Bulletin Sign-Up" in the subject line. SJN Website Dear Parishioners, “Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart.” We were challenged with these words on Ash Wednesday. As we make the journey of Lent this year, we are invited to make it an “affair of the heart.” In turning away from unnecessary comforts, by engaging in deeper prayer and meditation, and by showing a more generous charity, we open room in our hearts for a deeper conversion. We gain a more focused awareness of our desire for God, and our hearts can become all the more deeply in love with the One who loved us first. Therein is a catalyst for a change of heart! May Lent be a time of blessing and renewal for us all. I’d like to encourage everyone to participate in our forum next Saturday starting at 9 a.m. in the School Cafeteria. We are calling it a Town Hall Meeting, and it will be an opportunity to hear about what is happening in our parish and to provide feedback to parish leaders. It is our plan for this type of event to become something done annually. I look forward to hearing the exchange of ideas for what we can be as a parish. Sincerely, Diocese of Charleston website Bulletin deadline: Noon Tuesday Send print-ready information to [email protected] Si necesita publicar algún anuncio en el boletín relacionado con su ministerio favor de enviarlo a Maria E. Correa en o antes del lunes a las 12:00 p.m. [email protected] Please pray for the repose of the souls of Fr. Sandy McDonald Raymond Gonda and Frank Bondeson VIRTUS Class A VIRTUS Class will be held on Friday, February 27, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon in the Teen Room. You must be pre-registered to attend the class. To register, please go to For questions, please call Cherie Smith at 788-3252 x 21 or e-mail her at [email protected]. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Financial Contributions Offertory - $ 16,399.14 Ofertorio (Comunidad Hispana) $1,479.22 Children’s Offertory- $37.00 2015 Lenten Penance Services St. John Neumann is scheduled for 6:30 p.m.: March 23, Tuesday Services listed below are scheduled for 7:00 p.m., except for St. Joseph: March 9, Monday, Our Lady of Perpetual Help March 11, Wednesday, Transfiguration March 12, Thursday, St. Joseph * 6:00 p.m. March 16, Monday, Our Lady of the Hills March 18, Wednesday, St. Martin de Porres March 19, Thursday, St. Peter’s March 24, Tuesday, Our Lady of the Lake March 26, Thursday, Corpus Christi Youth Ministry HIGH SCHOOL All are welcome to join us for youth group this weekend! It’s a Parent Night. Parents are invited and encouraged to join us for a great youth night. Come see what we do on Sunday nights. 5:00-Mass at the Church 6:15-Dinner (Bring your own) 6:45-8:15- Youth Night 8:15-9-Dodgeball If any parishioners, groups, or restaurants are interested in sponsoring and/or coordinating meals for our young people, please contact Chelsea Breeden. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Chelsea Breeden. [email protected] 803.575.0081 Parish Calendar February 21-28 Saturday, February 21 Rite of Election for the Diocese Church 7:00 pm Korean Mass Church Sunday, February 22 6:00 pm Youth Ministry Teen Room Monday, February 23 4:30 pm Tai Chi Gillin Hall 5:30 pm Legion of Mary Teen Room 6:30 pm Commission Meeting Library Tuesday, February 24 6:30 am Men’s Group Gillin Hall 9:30 am Cenacle of Mary Church 10:30 am Exercise Class Gillin Hall 1:00 pm GriefShare Gillin Hall 2:00 pm My Catholic Faith Teen Room 6:30 pm RCIA Teen Room 7:00 pm Theology of the Body Room 22 7:00 pm Open Heart Prayer Group Church Wednesday, February 25 10:00 am AFF Lenten Series Gillin Hall 6:30 pm CCD School 6:30 pm English/Second Language Library 6:30 pm Adult Bible Study Room 17 Thursday, February 26 2:00 pm Adoration Church 4:30 pm Tai Chi Gillin Hall 7:30 pm Knights of Columbus Gillin Hall Friday, February 27 9:00 am VIRTUS Class Teen Room 10:30 am Exercise Class Gillin Hall 1:00 pm Bulletin Stuffing Teen Room 6:00 pm Mass Church 6:30 pm Way of the Cross(Stations) Church 7:00 pm Lenten Meal Gillin HallSaturday, February 28 9:00 am Adoration Church 4:30 pm Town Hall Meeting Cafeteria Flower and Plants Bring Tuna and Canned Meat to the Table During Lent, we are reminded of the Catholic tradition of sacrifice. The Crisis Ministry is asking each parishioner to bring three cans of tuna or canned meat to the altar basket during Lent. This protein will be appreciated by the parish’s Hispanic Ministry as well as God’s Storehouse. You may also put the cans in the containers in Gillin Hall. Each year, SJN parish donates hundreds of cans. This year, the goal is 1000! Thank you. Opportunities to remember or honor loved ones and special occasions with flowers and plants for our church and sanctuary are available for upcoming weekends. For more information or to check on the availability of dates, please call Silvia at 788-0811. St. John Neumann Catholic School SJN Catholic School Happenings SJN Catholic School thanks all who helped towards the successful Blood Drive, Mardi Gras celebration, and Ash Wednesday Mass. Lent is a very special time for the children as they address, in their classes, its meaning and their Lenten promises. Please keep these young people in your prayers as they enter this special time of the year. Ursuline High, Catholic High and Cardinal Newman Alumni: Save the Date It’s an event you won’t want to miss! Final Farewell to Forest Drive Celebration Saturday, June 6, 2015 As spring approaches, the school invites you to visit the gardens outside the main classroom building. These gardens are part of the school’s “going green” efforts. Each class will have a raised bed, built by parishioner Lynn Verzwyvelt. They have creatively given their gardens such clever names as “Peter Rabbit Garden” (you can guess what will grow in that garden); “Very Berry Garden” for strawberries and other berries; and a “Pizza Garden,” full of tomatoes, rosemary, thyme and other herbs. The school is also “vermicomposting” to provide natural fertilizer for these gardens. This involves raising red wigglers and feeding them lunch-fruit skins and leftover vegetables. SJN Catholic School has completed the process of becoming a Certified South Carolina Green Steps School through recycling, restoring, and “protecting-the-environment” projects. Do drop by and see how the gardens are growing! More details to come, but let’s just say “it will be EPIC!” One Night to Remember For questions, e-mail Terry Hodaly at [email protected] or call (803) 782-2814 ext. 39. An Evening to Remember the Forest Drive Campus with Trivia, Food, Dancing and Friends Create a team or come on your own! (Cash Prizes! Most Spirited Contest!) Saturday, March 21, 2015 6:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. 4701 Forest Drive Jim Braun from Messner Publications is offering opportunities to purchase advertising space in our new Bulletin. The ads will be published in color each week for 52 weeks! If you are a business owner or business professional, who would like to advertise in our new Bulletin, call Jim at (262) 893-9899. $60 per person Visit our website,, for more information. Question of the Week First Sunday of Lent 2/22 A Change of Heart Reading I: Genesis 9:8–15 (covenant with Noah) Reading II: 1 Peter 3:18–22 (the purpose of Christ’s suffering) Gospel Mark 1:12–15 (Jesus’ temptation; the call to conversion) Adult: When or how could you step away from your daily responsibilities to renew yourself, so that you can do a better job of following in the footsteps of Jesus? Child: What good habit could you work on during Lent so you could grow closer to God? Ap 3:30 ¿Sabe convertir audio cassette a formato MP3? Padre Javier necesita su ayuda. Por favor comuníquese con él. Jn 6:48 Adoremos en comunidad a Jesús sacramentado este y todos los jueves a las 6:00 PM Durante los jueves de cuaresma haremos un recorrido bíblico sobre los 10 Mandamientos. “¿SERÁ POSIBLE QUE NO HAN SIDO CAPACES DE ESTAR DESPIERTOS UNA HORA CONMIGO?” Queridos feligreses, "Incluso ahora, dice el Señor, regresa a mí con todo tu corazón." Se nos desafió con estas palabras en Miércoles de Ceniza. A medida que hacemos el camino de la Cuaresma de este año, se nos invita a hacer una "aventura con el corazón." En alejarse de las comodidades innecesarias mediante la participación profunda en la oración y meditación, y al mostrar una caridad generosa, abrimos espacio en nuestros corazones para una conversión más profunda. Ganamos una conciencia más precisa de nuestro deseo hacia Dios, y nuestro corazón puede llegar a ser aún más profundamente en el amor con aquel que nos amó primero. En eso es un catalizador para un cambio de corazón! Que la Cuaresma sea un tiempo de bendición y renovación para todos nosotros. Me gustaría animar a todos a participar en nuestro foro el próximo sábado desde las 9 de la mañana en la cafetería de la escuela. Estamos pidiendo una reunión de ayuntamiento, y será la oportunidad de escuchar lo que está sucediendo en nuestra parroquia y para proporcionar información a los líderes parroquiales. Es nuestro plan para este tipo de eventos para convertirse en algo que se hace anualmente. Espero con interés escuchar el intercambio de ideas de lo que podemos ser como parroquia. Atentamente, Padre Sandy McDonald Si necesita publicar algún anuncio en el boletín relacionado con su ministerio favor de enviarlo a Maria E. Correa en o antes del lunes a las 12:00 p.m. [email protected] ¿Quiere seguir recibiendo el boletín electrónicamente? ¡Es necesario que nos deje saber! Por favor envíe un correo electrónico a María Correa [email protected]. Nota: Maria Correa no está disponible los lunes. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la catequesis de sus niños comuníquese con Verónica West (803) 788-3252, ext. 20 de lunes a jueves de 9:00 a.m.—1:30 p.m. [email protected]. † Saturday, February 21 Sunday, February 22 Monday, February 23 Tuesday, February 24 Wednesday, February 25 Thursday, February 26 Friday, February 27 Saturday, February 28 Sunday, March 1 PRAYER LIST Sean Abbott Brigitte Adams Angelo Anelli Marianne Anelli Benjamin Basil Valentina Bastias Diana Bray-Leal Ken Beck Eugene Berendsen Bridgett Boher Jeri Boysia Donald Breihan Steve Brown Robert Brown Rev. Will Brown Gary Budry Rowan Bustamante Rose Cabot Cherese Carlson Vic Carilli Gladys Coakley Georgine Collins Barbara-Jay Cornelia Chang Wi Chi David Cummings Karen Davies Millie DeGarcia Paul Dishinger Caroline Donovan Patrick Donovan Betsy Ehret Josepha Elzarad Carmen Flores Isabel Flores Jackie Foley Mass Intentions February 21-March 1 † 5:15 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 noon 2:00 pm 5:00 pm 12:00 noon 9:00 am 12:00 noon 12:00 noon 12:00 noon 6:00 pm 5:15 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 noon 2:00 pm 5:00 pm Klara Seyfrid † For the Parish Joseph Pawlikowski † Amanda Livingstone † Fr. Javier Heredia Charles Bower Theodulo Abrego † Marcela Ybarra Thomas Ruggiero † Fr. Frederick Masad † Terry Rainey † John F. Kinney, Sr. † Mayra Loaiza † Mary Libbey † James Vacendak † Jelena Kralj † Jota Jesus Mata Jacinto † For the Parish To have someone included in the Bulletin prayer list, call the parish office at 788-0811 or e-mail [email protected]. Bing Fores Cielle Fulmer Sylvia Fulton Dean Gahagen Theresa Gaudi Melvin Gordon Crystal Grampus Ensyha Grampus Jimmy Green Lorraine Gullifer Debbie Gurski Buenaventura Hassell Pat Heller Casey Hicks Santina Howard Lorraine Immekus Mareatha Jenkins Faye Johns Nadine Jordan Lori Keivit David Kirvan Karen Kohut Kerri Kohut Jun Hee Lee Craig Luccy Lino Mandanas Bernie Maraghy Theresa Mason Chad McKay Patrick McLaughlin Janice Melvin Nympha Miguel Roberto L Molinary, Sr. Jeannette Mulholland Gloria Neumann Corrine Nylander Joyce Olkosky Meighan Parsh Susana Pasicatan Alex Petroff Faye Price Vivian Quenga Helena Richard Randolph Richard Zachary Rinzel Gloria Rosario Florina Sánchez Ana Santana Jean Schemel David Sotelo Eleanor Sotelo Dr. Scott Sweazy Regina Tomic Bruce Trent Catherine Trent Caroline Vallee Jeffrey Wagner Robert Watts Cecelia Whitley Robert Weigold Lillie Wilson Mary Ann Wilson Helmut Wirth Lawrence Wright, Jr. Allan Zych Bob and Lori Keivit Touma Family McRae Family Hispanic Community Masek Family Collier Family Marcela Ybarra Mike Orland & Famiy Rose Smerdell Fr. Sandy McDonald Janice Kinney Teresa Capps Linda & Roger Treadway Marilyn Vacendak Neda Osterman Berenice Mata Hernandez Daily Readings for the Week The readings are included each week for parishioners unable to join us for daily or Sunday Masses. February 22-28 Sunday: Gn 9:8-15, Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9., 1 Pt 3:18-22, Mt 4:4b, Mk 1:12-15 Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18, PS 19:8, 9, 10, 15, 2 Cor 6:2b, Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11, PS 34:4-5, 6-7, 1617, 18-19, Mt 4:4b, Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10, PS 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19, Jl 2:12-13, Lk 11:29-32 Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25, Ps 138:1 -2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8, Ps 51:12a, 14a, Mt 7:7-12 Friday: Ez 18:21-28, PS 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-7a, 7bc-8, Ez 18:31, Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19, Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 78, 2 Cor 6:2b, Mt 5:43-48 Hospital and Nursing Home Visits Due to privacy laws, Father may not know that you (or a family member) have been hospitalized or moved into a nursing home. Please call the parish office at 7880811 to let him know. Devotion Opportunities Spend One Hour with Me – Adoration: Thursday 2:00–6:50 p.m. and Saturday 9:00–10:00 a.m. The Rosary: Sunday, 9:15 a.m. The Divine Mercy Chaplet: After Monday noon Mass Parish Nurse: WENDY BOBADILLA, [email protected], tel. 413-4797 February is Heart Month. Do something good for your heart. February 22 The Nurse will NOT be in Gillin Hall from 9 a.m. – 12 noon Griefshare Griefshare is a program new to SJN. It is a 13 week support group that meets weekly to help members face their challenges after the loss of a spouse, child, family member, or friend. The program has 3 components -Video Seminar: Each week we will watch a video featuring experts on grief and recovery. -Support Group Discussion: After viewing the video, we will discuss it and what is going on in our lives. -Personal Study and Reflection: During the week each member will continue to sort out emotions through journaling. You are welcome to begin attending the Griefshare group during any session. Each meeting is “self-contained” so you do not have to attend in sequence. You will find encouragement and support whenever you attend, and you may continue with Griefshare in the next 13 week cycle when it is offered. Registration is required, to make sure we have enough materials available. Please call 803-413-4797 to register and to ask questions. There is a fee of $20 for the 13 week session (this pays for the workbook). If it is a hardship to pay the fee, please speak to the parish nurse when registering. Sessions begin: Tuesday, February 24, 1 p.m. in Gillin Hall and Sunday, March1, 6:30 p.m. in Gillin Hall. MARION C. HANNA-AGENT State Farm Insurance 1700 Decker Blvd., Suite D • Columbia, SC 29206 4645 Hard Scrabble Road Columbia, SC 29229 803-782-1104 (803) 788-3334 PROVIDING INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES Greg, Melanie, Claire & Eva Moseley Family Owned and Locally Operated AUTO • FIRE • LIFE HEALTH • BANK PRODUCTS St. Francis Catholic Shop OWNED BY DEACON GREG & MAUREEN WEIGOLD Catholic Books " Bibles " Jewelry " Statues Sacrament Gifts "Wall Art " Videos The only full-service, full-time Catholic store in the Midlands! Columbia’s weekly newspaper and 649 St. Andrews Road (3/10 mile off I-26) Columbia, SC 803-561-9733 • 803.765.0707 Parishioner-owned 803-730-6146 “Try Us Free for 30 Days with this ad....First Time Guest Only” 843 Polo Rd #2 • Phone 803-462-9332 Dunbar Funeral Home 803-771-7990 • ANNA SCIANDRA LMT 111 Sparkleberry Crossing, Suite 6 • Columbia, SC 29229 803-699-0288 • Fax 803-699-0264 Providing professional service since 1979 Pedro J. Marzan, realtor® CLINICAL & SPORTS MASSAGE TECHNIQUE. EXPERIENCE. RESULTS. 803-309-6501 • Lifetime Member Million $ Club Cell: (803) 414-1941 [email protected] Hablo Español Where you are #1 Palmetto Tutors Phone: (803) 719.7166 Private Tutoring All Subjects K-12 and College Prep 16-0280-I Proudly Serving Columbia for over 100 years Continuing the tradition with three locations Sunday Brunch The Lees family • Parish Members with this bulletin Raysa A. Sanchez • Agente de Seguros Autorizado • Licensed Insurance Agent [email protected] Mega Insurance Agency, LLC A Macro Integra Services Company 1004 Cermack St (Decker Blvd) • Columbia SC 29223 803-834-7386 • 803-834-7648 SEGUROS DE AUTO, CASA, VIDA, SALUD Y NEGOCIO AUTO, HOME, LIFE, BUSINESS AND HEALTH • GENERAL LIABILITY • WORKERS COMPENSATION Estoy asociada directamente con las principales compañias de seguros, por lo que te puedo ayudar a ahorrar dinero. No hay intermediarios que te cobran más para ofrecerte el servicio. I am licensed to insure your auto, home, life, health and business. I am associated directly with major insurance companies, so I can help you save money. Kid Manicures Comes with a FREE design SERVICIOS: ASEGURANZAS, NOTARIO PUBLICO, FORMACIÓN Y ASESORÍA DE NEGOCIOS, PLACAS Y TITULOS, RENTA DE CASAS Y APARTAMENTOS. Kid Pedicures Only HALF price of an adult one! • Pedicure chairs especially FOR kids! Andino Law Firm, LLC Robert B. Alexander, V.M.D. 8913 Two Notch Road Columbia, SC 29223 Safety is our TOP priority. We dispose of each liner after EVERY pedicure. SPARKLE NAILS & SPA (Across from BB&T building) 10136 Two Notch Rd • Columbia, SC 29229 (803) 865-1414 788-8481 Immigration & Naturalization Law Se Habla Español Jocelyn T. 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Published by Messner Publications, Inc. For Advertising Information Call 1-866-651-2111 • Receive 10% off 2865 Devine Street 803-708-4705 16-0280-O Join Us For Sunday Brunch 111 Sparkleberry Crossing Suite 1 803-563-5674 Volume 2015, Issue 4 The Catholic Diocese of Charleston 2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal Make Your Gift Today Last weekend our parish conducted Pledge Sunday for the 2015 Bishop's Annual Appeal. Thank you for your pledge or donation to help those who are most in need. It is not too late to make your commitment to this year’s appeal. You may use the donation form below to make your contribution to the 2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Thank you! BAA FUNDING: 1. Catholic Charities $850,000 2. Support for Vocations $600,000 3. Youth & Young Adult Ministry $575,000 and Catholic Schools 4. Ministry & Outreach $575,000 5. College Campus Ministry $275,000 6. Retired Priests $125,000 Please consider what you can do to make this campaign successful. Bishop’s Annual Appeal 2015 Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor. Proverbs 22:9 Thank you for making a difference! First Name Middle Initial Address City State Signature Date Parish Pledge: $____________________ Down Payment: $____________________ Last Name One time gift: Zip $____________________ Balance to be paid over ________ months Please complete pledges by December 2015. Balance: $____________________ Please make checks payable to: Bishop’s Annual Appeal and mail to: P.O. Box 300, Charleston, SC 29402 Volumen 2015, 4a. Edición La Diócesis Católica de Charleston La Campaña Anual del 2015 Obispo ¡Haga su donación hoy! El fin de semana pasado realizamos el Domingo de Compromiso para La Campaña Anual del Obispo 2015. Gracias por su compromiso o donación para ayudarnos a alcanzar nuestra meta parroquial. No es muy tarde para recibir su donación. Puede utilizar la forma incluida en este boletín para hacer su contribución. Gracias. Financiación de la Campaña anual del Obispo: 1. Caridades Católicas $850,000 2. Apoyo para Vocaciones $600,000 3. Pastoral Juvenil y Jóvenes Adultos $575,000 y Escuelas Católicas 4. Ministerio y Ayuda a la Comunidad $575,000 5. Pastoral Universitaria $275,000 6. Sacerdotes Jubilados $125,000 Por favor considere lo que usted pueda hacer para el éxito de esta campaña. La Campaña Anual del Obispo 2015 ¡Gracias por hacer una diferencia! Nombre Apellido Proverbios 22:9 El ojo misericordioso será bendito, porque dio su pan al indigente. Dirección Ciudad Estado Firma Fecha Parroquia Código Postal Pago de una sola vez: $_________________ Compromiso Total: $____________________ Pago Inicial: $____________________ El Saldo será pagado en ________ meses $____________________ Por favor termine su compromiso para el mes de diciembre del 2015. Saldo: Por favor haga su cheque pagadero a: Bishop’s Annual Appeal y mande por correo a la siguiente dirección: P.O. Box 300, Charleston, SC 29402 JOURNEYING THROUGH THE HEART OF LENT 2015 GOD · SO · LOVED · THE · WORLD DAILY MASS: MON, WED, THURS, FRI – 12:00 NOON; TUES – 9:00 AM; FRI – 6:00 PM; THURS – 7:00 PM SPANISH MARCH LENTEN LEARNING SERIES: THE MASS IN 4 MOVEMENTS: 1.GATHERING, 2. STORY-TELLING, 3.MEAL-SHARING, 4.COMMISSIONING Tuesdays, [March 3, 10, 17, 24] 6:30-8:00 pm - Gillin Hall Wednesday, [March 4, 11, 18, 25] 10:00-11:30 am - Gillin Hall SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES: Meet Sundays through Thursdays. Contact Parish Office for info. Date Liturgies Time Description 2/20 Way of the Cross of Jerusalem Lenten Supper 6:30p after Mass 7:15p Traditional Stations Meatless meal in Gillin Hall 2/21 Deanery RCIA Rite 11:00a 2/22 Lent 1 Rite of Election/ Call to Continuing Conversion First Sunday of Lent 2/27 * 3/1 Walking the Way of the Cross Lenten Supper Lent 2 Sunday 3/6 * Way of the Cross with The Women of the Gospel Lenten Supper Lent 3 Sunday 6:30p after Mass 7:15p Sunday 5:00p Mass 6:30p after Mass Youth Ministry Meal in Gillin Hall RCIA Penitential Scrutiny For the Candidates Stations with the Women Companions of Jesus 7:15p Saturday 5:15p Mass Meal in Gillin Hall 1st RCIA Scrutiny For the Elect 3/8 *Day of Abstinence: No meat over age 14 **Day of Fasting: 1 main meal, 2 small, nothing in-between; ages 18-58 JOURNEYING THROUGH THE HEART OF LENT 2015 Date Liturgies Time Description 3/13 * Way of the Cross of the Migrant Jesus - El Camino de Jesús Migrante Lenten Meal 6:30p after Mass 7:15p Way of the Cross Bilingual Meal in Gillin Hall 3/15 Lent 4 Sunday 3/20 * Way of the Cross of Rome Lenten Supper Sunday 10:00a Mass 6:30p after Mass 7:15p 2nd RCIA Scrutiny For the Elect Stations of St. John Paul II Meal in Gillin Hall 3/22 Lent 5 Sunday 3rd RCIA Scrutiny 3/23 Communal Reconciliation Service Sunday 12:00p Mass 6:30p 3/27 * Taizé Prayer around the Cross Lenten Supper 6:30p after Mass 7:15p 3/29 Lent 6 Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion All Masses Processions of Palms Proclamation of the Passion 4/1 Sacrament of Penance 5:00 – 6:30p Last opportunity for Confessions Sacrament of Penance Bilingual Prayer and Taizé Music Meal in Gillin Hall The Sacred Triduum 4/2 Holy Thursday 7:00p 4/3 * ** Good Friday 3:00p 6:00p 7:30p 4/4 Great Easter Vigil 1:00p 8:30p 4/5 Easter Sunday 8:00a & 10:00a 10:30a 12:00p 2:00p Mass of the Lord’s Supper- Bilingual (only Mass of the day) Traditional Stations - English Passion & Veneration- English Via Crucis & Passion & Veneration- Spanish Blessing of Easter Foods Easter Vigil Mass- Bilingual Sacraments of Initiation Church 10:00 Overflow in School Gymnasium Church Church - Spanish Change our Hearts, Lord! *Day of Abstinence: No meat over age 14 **Day of Fasting: 1 main meal, 2 small, nothing in-between; ages 18-58 Come to Dinner Parishioners are invited to meatless dinners in Gillin Hall after the Way of the Cross, at around 7:00 p.m., on Fridays during Lent. The dinners are sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and the Columbiettes and are complimentary, although donations are welcome. Knights of Columbus Council 6847 will be hosting a First Degree Ceremony to accept new members on February 26 at 7:00 p.m. in Gillin Hall. Interested Catholic men may call Membership Chairman Al Lucetti, at (803) 736-4924, or Grand Knight Tony Zammarrelli at (803) 738-0862. Becoming a Knight will help you grow stronger in your faith, family and community.
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