THE COMMUNICATOR Volume 68 Issue 2, February 1, 2015 Ministers…………….……Members of West Albemarle Baptist Church Senior Pastor……….…Rev. Adam Hatley Associate Pastor……...….Rev. Brent Pope Director of Music...….….Tamara Chambers Children’s Ministries…...…Abby Dillingham Financial & Educational Secretary ………………………...Teresa Pope Publications & Promotions…....Faye Blalock Custodian……………..….David Tucker Staff Intern………………...Austin King West Albemarle Baptist Church 336 Church Street Albemarle NC 28001 Phone: 704-982-5127 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From our Pastor 2 Activities & Events 3 Ministry News & 5-6 Needs Monthly Stats 4 Church Family 6-7 Prayer Needs 7 Calendar 8 The Communicator published monthly by West Albemarle Baptist Church, 336 Church Street. Entered as second-class matter June 23, 1948, at the Post Office at Albemarle, NC, 28001 under the Act of March 3, 1879. (Postmaster: Send address changes to The Communicator, 336 Church Street, Albemarle, NC 28001). Also in February: Greeter/Usher meeting & training Wednesday, February 4 (see page 3) Praise Team & Sanctuary Choir will begin practice for Easter music Pastor Brent will preach a ONE-hit wonder - Sunday, February 8 Youth Ski Trip, Friday-Monday, Feb 13-16 (see page 6) Page 2 T he Co m mun i c ato r ...from our Pastor If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. 4 Love boast, it is not proud. 5 It is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13 In the month of February we celebrate God’s gift of love. Certainly the words of Paul above are a wonderful reminder of what love is supposed to look and act like. For many of us, these words were read at our wedding as a reminder of how God wants a husband and wife to love one another. Contextually, however, 1 Corinthians 13 is not about how spouses are to love one another, but how believers are to love one another. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul is writing on the subject of spiritual gifts and how believers have differing gifts given to them by God for what is best for the entire church. Instead of using their gifts to glorify God, they had chosen to put a value scale on what they thought were the most important gifts. In doing this, they were essentially valuing (& devaluing) one another. In other words, if a person didn’t have a particular gift, they were less important than one who did. And that is why as Paul concludes chapter 12 he writes: And yet I will show you the more excellent way. This more excellent way is LOVE! In the Christian community, there is nothing more important for us to do, and no higher calling than for us to love one another. Jesus said our love for one another would be our greatest testimony to a lost world that He is the Savior. For this reason, I want to challenge you to carefully go through each verse above and evaluate your love quotient (especially for fellow believers). Are you patient and kind with others? Do you struggle with envy or pride? Is there anyone you have dishonored or anyone who easily angers you? Have you kept a record of wrongs or even had wrong thoughts toward another believer? If you discover any areas where you are struggling, bring them to God with repentance and a request for God to help you love others the same way He loves you! Friends, I am thankful to be in a church where I see this kind of love expressed among believers. I believe God is honored when we love others in His name and I believe He honors those who love in His name! LET LOVE BE ONE BIG AREA YOU ARE FOCUSED ON THIS MONTH! Pastor Adam Page 3 Volume 68 Issue 2, February 1, 2015 Activities and Events February Schedule Come join us this month for Adult Life Groups are studying the book of Genesis. community, visitor, and member February 1: Genesis 4:1-16, The Way of Cain February 8: Genesis 4:17-26, The Song of Lamech February 15: Genesis 5:1-32, He Was No More February 22: Genesis 6:1-8, Great Sin, Greater Grace March 1: Genesis 6:9-7:24, De-creation: The Biblical Flood outreach 1st and 3rd Mondays 6 pm in FLC Greeters & Ushers Meeting Wednesday, February 4, 5:30 pm in Sanctuary Greeters and ushers are asked to meet with Pastor Adam in the Sanctuary. We will discuss procedures for welcoming our church family and, especially, our visitors as well as ways to help keep order and also to deal with disruptions and other problems that may arise. Whether you are now serving or wish to participate in this ministry, it is very important that you attend this training meeting. BE A FRIEND … INVITE YOURS TO CHURCH! What would change in your life if you were told tomorrow you have One Month to Live? There’s no doubt that for most of us, life would definitely change. Maybe we would worry less and love more. We would certainly want to make those 30 days count! 2000 years ago Jesus came into this world to give His life for ours. Starting March 4th we will begin a 30 day journey with Jesus into the final month of His life, culminating on Good Friday, April 3rd. This Easter series will encourage you to live each day to the fullest and challenge you to leave a godly legacy that will outlast you. T he Co m mun i c ato r Page 4 Memorials and Honorariums CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Men’s Study Group IN MEMORY OF: Patricia DeVoss by Mike & Sue Doby; Helen Ingold by Senior Ladies SS Class; GENERAL BUDGET IN HONOR OF: Ron Greene by Pete Whitley; Barbara Klein by Pete Whitley; Jerry & Kathleen Long by Cynthia Lowder; Homer Tindall by Jimmy Thorpe; by Pete Whitley; Walter Thompson by Pete Whitley; Pete Whitley by Jimmy Thorpe; L. Crump group 1st & 3rd Mondays 6 pm in The Lighthouse IN MEMORY OF: Patricia DeVoss by Richard DeVoss; by Mildred Russell; by Dwight & Judy Troutman; Gene Herrin by Pete Whitley; Bob Lowder by Cynthia Lowder; LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS OFFIERING IN MEMORY OF: Patricia DeVoss by D.Yett/R.Gooch SS class; David, Eugene & Mary Helen Whitley by Charles & Sandy Yarborough; Staying fed PROJECT BUILD ON FAITH “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Psalm 119:103, NRSV). IN MEMORY OF: Patricia DeVoss by Carroll & Martha Hudson;; WALLER SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN MEMORY OF: Glenna Dick by Diane & Tony Jordan; WILEY RUTLEDGE MINISTERIAL SCHOLARSHIP IN MEMORY OF: L.W. Bowen by Annette & David Mullis; Patricia DeVoss by Jack & Sylvia Faulkner; by Annette & David Mullis. ATTENDANCE-RECEIPTS & EXPENSES DECEMBER 2014 Church Budget Receipts Church Budget Expenses TOTAL Overage through 12/31/14 $ 81,154.79 57,259.02 $ 50,427.21 OTHER DESIGNATED RECEIPTS IN DECEMBER AWANA Missions $ 785.00 Community Inn $ 300.00 Lottie Moon $ 42,910.00 Music Fund $ 25.00 Odell Russell Mission Fund $ 12.00 Sr. Adult Bus Fund $ 50.00 Waller Scholarship Fund $ 1,095.00 WMU $ 100.00 Youth Ministry $ 100.00 January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 Average JANUARY ATTENDANCE Bible Study Morning Worship 8:30/11:00 Total 251 154/129 283 235 167/141 308 255 161/133 294 256 139/162 301 250 155/141 297 Recently I was confronted with this question: If you fed yourself with food the way you feed yourself with God’s Word, would you still be alive? It gave me pause. Do I eat enough spiritually? - feast regularly enough on Scripture to keep up my energy and the health of my soul? Do I eat nutritiously? — take in a balanced meal of law and gospel, comfort and commandments, prophecy and promise? Do I pass up spiritual junk food? — set aside empty calories that lead to disease, in order to hunger for what truly gives life? Do I drink enough Living Water to avoid faith dehydration? And once in a while, do I splurge on dessert? — savor the sweetness and joy of belonging at God’s table? What abundance God sets before us. May we never skip a “meal”! —Heidi Mann Page 5 Volume 68 Issue 2, February 1, 2015 Women’s Activities Women’s Study Groups WMU/WOM E. Hale/G. Hinton groups meet Monday, February 16 at 1 pm in Talbert SS class February projects: Upward Basketball concessions (contact Barbara Klein or Cindy Wilhoit to help) Fill baby bottles for B. Barnes group: nd th M. Hudson group: 2 & 4 Tuesdays at 10 am in Family Life Center current study Lord, Change My Attitude by James MacDonald 2nd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm in The Lighthouse - current study The Beauty of Aging by Karen O’Connor A. Dillingham group: 1st Tuesdays, 6:30 pm - not currently meeting D. Parks group: 2nd & 4th Mondays , 6:30 pm in Conference Room - not C. Lowder group: currently meeting 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 6:30 pm in The Lighthouse B. Gooch group: - not currently meeting Pregnancy Resource Center 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 11:30 am at The Lighthouse - current study Get Off Your Knees and Pray by Sheila Walsh If you are not currently part of a Women’s study group and would like to be, call the church office or contact one of the facilitators listed above. Seniors’ Luncheon Sweet Sisters in February All ladies are invited to come this month to our Super Salad Night! We will start @ 6:30 in the Lighthouse! We hope to see you then! Thursday, February 19, Bringa’ you favorite Italiano disha’ and come shara’ the amoré witha’ us! Tuesday, February 17 11:00 am in FLC T he Co m mun i c ato r Page 6 Activities and Events for Children & Youth All Things Possible No Tutoring: February 16 AWANA Feb 4th - 1/2 Book Completion Night Feb 11th - Spread the Love Night (Kids wear red) Feb 18th - Verse-A-Thon Feb 25th - Dot Your Leader Night CENTRI-KID June 23-27 for kids in 3rd-5th grades Upward Basketball and Cheerleading Games continue through February 28 Please continue to pray for the love of Jesus to be displayed to these children and to their families! TOTAL COST: $306 $50 deposit due by February 12! Pastor Brent brentpope@ 704-982-5127 Youth Ski Trip Feb 13-16 Happy Birthday! February 2 - Carter Knighten February 7 - Davis Moose Cost: $125 Page 7 Volume 68 Issue 2, February 1, 2015 Prayer Needs Norma Almond Sue Frye Greg Slack Mariel Bargesser Danny Gaston Carolyn Smith Mitchell Biles Scott Griffin Shirley A Smith Hank Chavis Roger Hathcock Shirley J Smith John Clontz Ruby Hatley Clara Stamey Everette Crisco Marie Holt Homer Tindall Kent Davis Don Jenkins Bud Vanhoy Mike Davis Randall Kimrey Diane Vanhoy Christopher Dick Bob Lindley Jim Webb Eli Dick Melanie Little Rhonda Whitley Duane Dunlap Jerry & Kathleen Long Pam Wise Peggy Edge Jimmy Morton* Linda York Mike Efird Vernon Norman Homebound Members & Pam Efird Jean Poplin Members in Nursing Homes Floyd Eudy Amanda & Amos Privette Libby Eudy Josh Ross**** **Serving in Jordan Sylvia Faulkner Jeannette Rothermel *** Serving in Russia Ed Fesperman Angela Sells Donald Freeman** Jeremy Shaver*** SS Life Group Leaders We are deeply saddened by the loss of Mrs. Patsy Page Blalock who passed away Wednesday, January 28. She was 80 years old and had been a member at West for 69 years when she was baptized at age 11. Please remember Amanda Howell, her daughter, and all their family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult *Serving in Afghanistan time of loss. ****Serving in Iraq OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY will not meet in February. to Mrs. Cindy Wilhoit in the loss of her father, Mr. Vernon Norman, who passed away January 20th; Finish reading your books and come prepared to discuss at the to Mrs. Sybil Buchanon, who lost his daughter-in-law, Mrs.Toni Buchanon on January 23rd; next meeting: and to Mr. Horace Coley in the loss of his brother, Sunday, March 1 Mr. Robert Lee Coley, who died December 4th. 5:30 pm in the Please keep all these families in your thoughts and Family Life Center prayers during this time of loss and grief. February 2015 SUN 1 MON Deacon: Rob King 983-5449 3 Deacon: Sid Talbert 983-2348 15 4 9 10 10am:FLC Women’s group 10-12: Old Fell hall & Lighthouse 2pm: Women’s Children’s Bldg - PRC classes 11:30 am: LighthouseFLC– 5pm:Upward practice Women’s group 2pm: Lighthouse-Women’s group 16 17 Deacon: Stephen Chambers 982-8404 Children’s Bldg: 1:00 pm: 11:00 am: Seniors E.Hale/G.Hinton groups luncheon 3:30 pm: Lighthouse WMU meeting FLC– 5pm:Upward practice Lighthouse-6 pm:L.Crump Men’s group 22 WED Deacon: Ryan Hathcock 982-5143 23 24 10am: FLC Women’s group 10-12: Old Fell hall & Children’s Bldg - PRC classes FLC– 5pm:Upward practice 11:30 am: LighthouseWomen’s group FLC– 5pm:Upward practice THU 5 FRI 6 SAT 7 FLC: 9-2: Upward games FLC– 5pm:Upward practice Lighthouse-6 pm: L.Crump FLC– 5pm:Upward practice Men’s group 4:30 pm: Deacons meeting 8 2 TUE FLC– 5pm:Upward practice 11 12 13 14 20 21 27 28 FLC: 9-2: Upward games FLC– 5pm:Upward practice 18 19 FLC: 9-2: Upward games FLC– 5pm:Upward practice 6:30 pm: Sweet Sisters 25 26 FLC: 9-2: Upward games FLC– 5pm:Upward practice FEBRUARY GREETERS 8:30 am CHURCH SIGN Tammy James, Kay Howard RAMP AREA JD & Vann Perry SUNDAY NURSERY INFANTS 1s & 2s February 1 8:30 am Christy & Michael Bargesser Sonya Moose 11:00 am Barbara Klein, Toni Harrison Drinda Holt February 8 8:30 am Cindy & Tom Wilhoit Catherine Flake 11:00 am Justin & Suzanne Carter Andrea & Myron harrington February 15 8:30 am David & Krystyal Dulin ...need volunteers 11:00 am Chad & Stephanie Lowder ...need volunteers February 22 8:30 am Candace Hatley, Teresa Pope Jackie Vanhoy 11:00 am Derrick & Allison Kessinger Sherry Russell March 1 8:30 am Holly & Lawrence Dorsey Brian & Crystal Simpson 11:00 am Diane Fink Bill & Renee Dennis 11:00 am Ande & Gary Dick Susan Bailey, Norita Fields Weekly Activities Sundays 8:30 am: First Worship 9:45 am: SS Fellowship 9:45-10 am: West Shop open 10:00 am: SS Life Groups 10:45-11:15 am: West Shop open 11:00 am: Second Worship VAN MINISTRY DRIVERS Sundays February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 March 1 Jason Carlisle Tom Wilhoit Arthur Walters Sid Talbert Carroll Hudson Mondays 10:00 am: Staff meeting Wednesdays 6:00 pm: Awana; Adults Prayer Time 6:15-6:30 pm: West Shop open 6:30 pm: Adult Discipleship studies; Youth Bible study 7:30 pm: Adult Choir practice NO February birthdays!
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