February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time We are called to Share God’s Blessings. The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common. With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great favor was accorded them all. – Acts of the Apostles 4.32-33 Page 2 Community of Saint Helen 1600 Rahway Avenue Westfield, New Jersey 07090-3615 Office 908-232-1214 Fax 908-317-5459 Website: www.sainthelen.org Pastoral Ministry Rev. Michael A. Saporito Ext. 120..............................Pastor Rev. Frank J. Fano Ext. 122.........................Parochial Vicar Rev. George Klybus Ext. 121.......................Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. James A. Burke .....………........Pastor Emeritus Rev. Msgr. William C. Harms…….......…...Pastor Emeritus Rev. Mr. Jack Lynch Ext. 124................Permanent Deacon Marilyn Ryan Ext. 113..……..….............Pastoral Associate Religious Education Mrs. Kathy Dulan Ext. 110...…...…………Elementary K-5 Mr. Mike Fusco Ext. 103....................……...Middle School and H.S. Confirmation Program Youth Ministry Patti Gardner Ext. 115.….......High School Youth Minister Music Ministry Cindy Brogan Ext. 119.................................Music Minister Inter-Parochial School 908-233-0484 Sister Maureen Fichner, SSJ…….....…...…..……..Principal Mrs. Leslie Lewis….Early Childhood Director (Pre-K & K) Counseling Program Liz Migneco, L.C.S.W. Ext. 105………....….....Counselor Michael McMahon, L.C.S.W. Ext. 105...……….Counselor Trustees Mrs. Helen Guididas……….……………….…….....Trustee Mr. John Sheehan…….…….....………………..…...Trustee Pastoral Council Mrs. Claudia Andreski……...……..……...…..….. President Celebration of the Eucharist The Lord's Day Saturday - 5:30 PM Sunday - 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM, 12:30, 6:30 PM Weekday Masses Monday through Friday - 7:30 (except Summer) and 9:00 AM Saturday - 9:00 AM Holy Day - As announced in the bulletin Reconciliation Saturday - 4:30- 5:00 PM or by appointment Parish Library The Library is open whenever Burke Hall is open. Prayer Network 908-232-1214, ext 109 Please leave a message. From the Pastor Sharing God’s Blessings Annual Appeal This weekend, we are inviting you to share your blessings with Catholic communities and ministries of the Archdiocese of Newark. Our Annual Appeal is one way we can share with other Catholic communities. Let’s tell them we care by offering a gift, any gift of any size, by making a pledge to the Annual Appeal. Below is a summary of the Appeal and its mission. I have made my pledge, will you? Who does the Annual Appeal serve? Seminarian Education & Formation: The Archdiocese of Newark is blessed with three seminaries in the Archdiocese of Newark that educate and train our future priests. These seminaries are currently educating and forming over 125 men for the priesthood. In several recent years, the Archdiocese of Newark has ordained more men to the priesthood than any diocese in the United States. Priest Retirement and Health Care Costs: After dedicating their lives to the Church, many retired priests continue to serve local parishes. We currently care for and serve over 200 retired priests who have faithfully served our local Church. The Annual Appeal helps to supplement the increasing healthcare costs for our retired priests as well as provide funding for two retirement homes. Catholic Charities: Each year Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Newark helps more than 80,000 individuals with food, clothing, shelter, special education and social programs from sites around the four counties we serve. This includes the 52,000 people served through its Emergency Food and Nutrition Food Pantry Network and nearly 6,000 people who were placed in temporary residences while they found jobs and were able to get back on their feet. Campus Ministry: Campus Ministers are based at 10 different college campuses throughout the Archdiocese and are charged with the task of bringing our Faith to thousands of college aged students. These campus ministers help to engage young people in their Faith and bring others to the Catholic Faith through retreats, special events, and the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Youth Ministry: CYO provides young people with the opportunity to attend retreats, increase their knowledge of the Catholic Faith, and participate in a wide variety of sports and recreation programs, both summer and year-round. Summer Youth Service Trip – July 19-24 There are still several spaces available for any teenager in grades 9-12 who are interested in attending Catholic Heart Work Camp, (CHWC) in Roanoke, Virginia this summer. Since the camp begins making its plans well in advance, youth intending to go on this trip must make a commitment now. If you are interested in attending, please see our web site and click on the side tab: High School Youth Ministry for more details or contact our youth minister, Patti Gardner, as soon as possible. There is also a need for adults to chaperone and participate at the camp this summer. CHWC requires a specified ratio of adult to youth participants. If we do not obtain enough adult support, we will be forced to reduce our number of continued Page 3 607 Page 3 From the Pastor cont. participants. Interested adults may check out the same tab as our teens and take a look at the adult guide pages. Please consider serving through this great opportunity! Oremus (Let us Pray) Begins Next Week Our parish-wide, small group series devoted to developing a personal prayer life begins next week. This eight week study, just slightly more than the Season of Lent, will begin the second week of February. Once again, this study will encourage us to stretch ourselves to not only learn about prayer but to do it. A workbook with reflections for every day, as well as a discussion guide for your group, goes to each participant. Having a personal prayer life is important for every believer in Christ, not just for the ordained or religious professionals. Yet, many of us have never been taught any techniques for prayer or even what to do besides some memorized prayers from our youth or devotions we might enjoy. This small group time will be a chance to grow that prayer life in a much deeper way. Any group of people can decide to meet together to take part in this study. Groups should contain a minimum of three people and a maximum of ten for best results. Simply go to our website and click on the Oremus banner at the top, and you can sign up as both as a host or participant. If you don’t have a group and would like to join a small group, just sign up as a participant and our team will work on providing you a group to join. Sign up now! In God’s Peace and Love, Fr. Michael Eucharistic Adoration Friday Night Come, join us Friday evening, February 6, from 7:30 to 8:30 in the church and allow yourself an hour of peace and serenity in the company of our Lord. Feel the comfort his love in the Eucharist and listen to what he has to say to you. Lenten Prayer Time on Wednesdays On Wednesdays evenings during Lent there will be a one-hour prayer time in the church for all the parishioners of St. Helen. It will begin February 25 from 7:30 to 8:30 pm and can be a special time for members of the Oremus small groups of Lent. It will be a quiet and prayerful time with the Blessed Sacrament. Oremus participants can fill in daily journals or experience a time of prayer as presented that week in Oremus. A priest will also be available for confession. Please encourage your members to attend. 2016 MASS BOOK The Mass Book for the year 2016 will open on Tuesday, February 10. You may stop by the Parish Center at 9:30 am beginning February 10. Special Mass Time February 1, 2015 ONLY As we did last year, we will offer the Sunday evening Mass on Sunday, February 1, at 4 pm FOR THIS DAY ONLY, instead of at 6:30 pm. Blue Horizons Senior Women's Group The Blue Horizons Senior Women's Group will be meeting on Friday, February 6, at 12 noon in Meaney Hall. We will have a speaker on the topic of “Arthritis and Its Pain Management” followed by a fun Bingo game. New members are always welcome. Refreshments will be served. Thank You from Fr. Frank As many of you know, I lost my grandmother, Terri Balesterri, to cancer on Dec. 20. Three weeks later, we lost her husband, Ernie DeBlasis, who was a grandfather to me all my life. It was a tough time for my family. But because of our faith and such amazing support from family and friends, we have a hope not born of this world, but a hope born from our faith in Christ: a hope that never disappoints. We have this unshakable confidence that they are both at rest with the Father. So I want to thank all of you for your prayers, handwritten notes, e-mails, Mass Cards, financial donations to Helping Hands and Hearts in my grandmother’s memory, and of course, just for being you. I haven’t been able to personally respond to each of you, since the outpouring of support was so huge! But please know that I treasure your love, care and friendship. Always. Always. Always. In Christ, Fr. Frank Welcome to our Parish! I am interested in renewing my faith as a Catholic I am interested in becoming a Catholic I am interested in becoming involved in my Parish Please pray for _____________________________ Other ____________________________________ Please include your contact information below: Name: ______________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ Phone Nos: __________________________________ E-Mail: _____________________________________ 607 Page 4 Women’s Cornerstone ... Calling all women of our Parish and/or your friends to join us for the upcoming Women's Cornerstone Retreat: February 27-28…. 26 hours to spend with ordinary women like you sharing their faith through personal story to bring hope, encouragement and inspiration as you journey in your life. If you've not attended this Retreat before, maybe you are feeling the "nudge" to participate this year. If you've already been on this Retreat and would like to experience it again, we would love to have you. Either way, we eagerly await your "yes"! Sign up online at www.sainthelen.org under Cornerstone tab. You may also pick up a brochure at the back of the church or in the Parish Center. Men’s Cornerstone 26 The men of Cornerstone XXVI would like to invite you to put the 26-hour Cornerstone weekend on your “must do” list. It is a perfect chance to step back and rethink and recharge. The long-term benefits can be remarkable. The weekend is March 6-7. See St. Helen's website www.sainthelen.org for registration info, contact Ellen Murphy at 908.322.3411, or e-mail [email protected]. Cornerstone 26 - is really Cornerstone 25 + 1 and you are the ONE. Cornerstone Help Needed The Cornerstone 26 Men's Team is looking for alums and volunteers to help out the Kitchen Team on retreat weekend, Friday night and/or Saturday, March 6 - 7. Come out to support the retreat and join in the kitchen camaraderie. No experience necessary; will train. Email your name and contact information to Jack Sheehan at [email protected]. DEAR VISITORS: If there is something that we, as a Parish, can do to assist you in your faith journey, please let us know. Fill out the reverse side of this form, tear it off, and place it in the offering basket or give it to an usher. A staff person will contact you this week. Thank you for attending our Parish. Your Staff at Saint Helen’s How can we help? If you are attending our church for the first time, be sure to stop by the Parish Center and pick up a copy of our Parish Ministry Book. “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under Heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 A Time to Be Baptized Brynlie Anne Boran James Thomas Brennan Santino Francis Cerullo Giorgio Francis Cerullo Logan Alexander Fuentes Preston Graham Lubenow Thomas James Whelan Welcome to our newly baptized and congratulations to their proud parents! Caregivers’ Support Group A support group for those caring for elderly or chronically ill loved ones meets on the first non-holiday Monday of each month at 7:30 pm. These are information and sharing sessions. For more information, please call Marilyn Ryan at 908-232-1214. The next meeting will be on Monday, February 2. Twelve: A Support Group A support group for those impacted by a loved one abusing alcohol or drugs meets weekly on Monday evenings at the Parish Center from 7:30 - 9:00 pm. Any questions call 908-232-1189. Confidentiality respected. Catholic Men’s Conference: Saturday, March 14, 2015 Seton Hall University This year’s theme is “Be Not Afraid: He is With Us!” Speakers for the English track will be Thomas Peterson, Tim Staples and Damon Owens. Spanish track speakers will be Rev. David Vargas, Rev. Sergio Valverde and Mr. Roberto Ramirez. We will also feature our Young Adult track for the second year in a row. The day begins with registration at 8:30 am and ends at 4:00 pm. Registration is $25 for adults, $15 for college students (18-22) and $20 for senior citizens (65+). Priests and religious are free. The day includes continental breakfast and lunch. For registration please visit www.rcanmenscommission.org or contact Bob Albino [email protected] , 908 654-9458. Mark Your Calendar 3rd Annual Women’s Day of Reflection Saturday, April 11 9:30 am - 2:00 pm Theme: The Women Followers of Christ Details to follow. 607 Page 5 Parish Mission Statement OREMUS Small Group Lenten Campaign 2015! The Parish Community of St. Helen is a Roman Catholic Church dedicated to Saint Helen Lenten Faith Sharing Program, designed to teach you the essentials of a fruitful prayer life, “Oremus” beautifully presents a uniquely Catholic approach to having an authentic conversation with God. To help us prepare for this Lenten experience please sign up early to be a participant or host. Hosting requires: Have an open heart for people. Open your home. Serve some coffee. Tell your friends. Oremus (Latin for LET US PRAY) will begin the week of February 8, 2015 and end Easter week. To get your Journals on time, we would like to see as many parishioners sign up as possible. This is the one program you do not want to miss. SIGN UP TODAY! For information and to register as a Host or Participant please visit www.sainthelen.org and click on Oremus. Worshipping God by sharing the saving message of Jesus Christ Serving Others by supporting, comforting and assisting those in need Making Disciples by fostering the spiritual growth of all its people STRATEGY St. Helen’s Church has the most registered families in its history, yet currently, we report a pattern of lower Mass attendance. • Our strategy is to make Church matter to our parishioners. • Central to our plan is making Sunday Eucharist the source and summit of our faith community as envisioned by the Second Vatican Council. • We commit ourselves to providing a weekend message that is relevant and well-prepared. • We commit ourselves to music that inspires the hearts of those who join us while encouraging active participation among all. • We commit ourselves to the children of our parish by inviting them to age appropriate experiences of faith formation. • We commit ourselves to reaching out to inactive parishioners, encouraging those who attend Mass to engage in ministry and spiritual growth, and challenging dedicated disciples to invite newcomers to our community. VALUES • As a Roman Catholic faith community, we are shaped by both God’s Word and our Sacred Traditions as handed on to the successors of the Apostles. • The Eucharist and the Sacraments are central to our faith. We value ongoing conversion to Jesus Christ. Daily prayer, scripture readings, small group participation and ministry are the desired goal of all our members. We aim to make disciples. • We believe that service to others flows from our call to discipleship. We believe in serving those in our parish community, in our surrounding area, as well as those in special need in our country and in the world. • We believe in a missionary spirit. • We have a special place for those that are searching for a Catholic faith community where they will find a warm welcome, personal pastoral care, and faith development opportunities that are of high quality. We love seekers. Annual Blood Drive Our annual Blood Drive will take place in the Parish Center on Sunday, March 1, from 8 am to 1:30 pm. If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. A Big Surprise at Christmas – A New Church Organ We have known for some time, particularly during rain storms, that our church organ did not properly function. Parts for it were increasingly hard to find and the repair person told us that one day we would go to turn it on and it simply would stop working. When we priced a new one, we found organs to be quite expensive; we decided to take our chances. Since we had inquired about an organ from a dealer, they were aware of our situation; and in early December, we were given an opportunity we could not refuse. An organ was made for another client whose financing became troublesome. We were offered the organ at half the price of what we had been looking for, totally installed, if we took delivery by Christmas. Even then, we did not have the cash reserve to purchase the organ. Two days later, and totally unexpectedly, the parish received an extremely generous gift that provided a significant down payment for the organ. We decided to purchase the organ and it was installed the second week in December. Isn’t that incredible? We have three payments left to complete the purchase of the organ. We are seeking to raise $38,000. If you are interested in offering a restricted gift for this purpose, simply write out a check to St. Helen Parish, clearly mark the check memo “church organ”, and send it to the parish office. A special thank you is being planned for all contributors. Thank you for your generosity! Prayer Shawl Ministry This Ministry knits and crochets shawls, tangible signs of God's comfort and peace and a source of healing, hope and courage for those in need. We would love to have you join us. We will meet Monday, February 2 at 9:30 am in the Parish Center Library. Questions? E-mail Lori Gewirtz at [email protected] or call 908-322-8140. 607 Page 6 Children's Books Needed for Confirmation Project I am collecting gently used children's books for Westminster Preschool in Fanwood for Nursery & Preschool children. There will be a box labeled "Books for Westminster Preschool" in the Parish Center until February 15. Thank you for your support with my Confirmation Service Project. Shannon McDermott HTIS News -The grandparents, special guests, parents, staff and students ended Catholic Schools Week with a wonderful Grandparents Day celebration. In the evening, the children showcased their many talents at the HTIS Talent Show. All were pleasantly surprised by the dancing of the Mountainside staff during their skit! -The Holy Trinity Interparochial School Chess Team finished in 2nd place in the Novice II section at Princeton Day School’s Chess Tournament in Princeton, NJ. The Team is continuing to prepare for the NJ State Elementary Championships on February 22nd. Representing HTIS at PDS were: Sebastian Cortes, Hannah Cumming, Alex Cumming, Angelika Demetrick, Ryan Berg Thies, Alec Touhey. - Several students from HTIS participated in the 28th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Interfaith Commemoration Service. Catherine McGovern (Grade 6) and Olivia Keating (Grade 8) received a Certificate of Achievement Honorable Mention for Poetry and Art. Way to go!!! -The third graders have become tour guides! After studying about our nation’s capital, they designed informative DC brochures filled with famous monuments, memorials, and places of interest. -We are now taking new registrations for all grades for the 2015-16 school year. Please call (908) 233-1899 to set up your tour or for further information about Full Day Kindergarten and Pre-K. The HTIS Mountainside Campus provides the youngest in our Catholic community with an age-appropriate education anchored in a faith based program. Please call (908) 233-0484 for information about grades K through 8 at the Westfield Campus. Your Parish Library News St. Helen’s is offering many wonderful programs January through March. Discovering Christ, the Cornerstones and Oremus give us the opportunity to enhance our spiritual journey. A visit to your parish library can provide books, DVD’s and magazines to add to the experience. Books on spirituality, devotional literature, church history, biographies and old and new testament are available. All books and DVD’s may be taken out for four weeks, but we ask that magazines and reference volumes remain in the library. The library is very user-friendly and we invite you to stop by and browse and borrow. If you can’t feed a hundred people, feed just one. Youth Ministry News Grades 9 - 12 Patti 232–1214 ext 115 [email protected] Shelter For our weekly Tuesday visits to the Ozanum Catholic Charities Shelter in Edison, please be sure to sign-up in the Shelter Book that is located at the front desk. Permission slips are located in the back, once filled out it will be good for the entire school year. February Info and all info going forward can be found on-line www.sainthelen.org under Youth Ministry! Sophomore Retreat Registration for the Sophomore Retreat has begun! This year the retreat will be held at the Archdiocesan Youth Center, Kearny, on Saturday 2/21 - Sunday 2/22. All info can be found on-line. You may print out form and return or stop by the YM Office to register. Sophomores don't miss this great, fun, spiritual event!! Adult Help Needed on the Sophomore Retreat: If you are interested in helping out as an adult on the sophomore retreat as we explore with them their " Wonder Years", we would love to have you! The retreat overnight Saturday 2/21 leaving St. Helen's at 8 AM and returning on Sunday 2/22 by noon. The retreat this year is being held at the Archdiocesan Youth Center in Kearny. Please call or stop by the YM Office if you can help. Thank You Jr/Sr Retreat Registration has begun! This year the Jr/Sr Retreat is once again being held on the beach in LBI at Maris Stella Retreat House. Permission Slips can be found on our website under Youth Ministry. You do not have to be a peer minister to participate! All are welcome :) Ash Wednesday Prayer Service(s) 15 minute prayer services will be held in the Youth Room on Ash Wednesday, February 18 at 4:30 pm, 7:15 pm, 7:45 pm and 8:15 pm! All Youth are invited and welcome to attend. Passion Play Casting: Casting for our Annual Passion Drama that is portrayed at all Masses on Palm Sunday Weekend, will be held in the Youth Room at 6 PM on February 22nd. You do not need any acting experience, there are speaking and non speaking roles. Rehearsals will be held in the church after 6 :30 Mass until 9 PM, the Sundays during Lent. One year later....this time last year we helped a family move from to shelter that we visit on Tuesday to a house in Westfield that the parish is renting for them. Both parents have been employed for a year and they are now able to pay almost all of the rent on their own, although it is a bit of a struggle with six children We still continue to help them every month with the rent, food donations from the people of our parish, and our youth continue to babysit the children during the week after school. Thank You for all of your prayers and support to help our youth help this family! Please continue to prayer for them. Bulletin Submissions Items for the Sunday Bulletin can be e-mailed to [email protected]. Please use the word “Bulletin” on the subject line. 607 Page 7 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT The Parish Community of St. Helen is a Roman Catholic Church dedicated to: Worshipping God by sharing the saving message of Jesus Christ Serving Others by supporting, comforting and assisting those in need Making Disciples by fostering the spiritual growth of all its people ALL ARE WELCOME We are happy you are here…. and want you to stay. We would like to share our faith with you. If you are alienated or upset, we welcome you lovingly. If you are in need of forgiveness, Jesus forgives you completely – with unconditional love. If you have been hurt by the Church, we are truly sorry. If you are angry, Jesus offers you peace. If life has become burdensome, we are here to support you. Join us each week so we can worship God together. Infant Baptism: Celebrations are held two Sundays a month. Please contact Terry Vinanskie at the Parish Center three months before the expected birth. RCIA: RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process the Catholic Community provides to Infant Baptism: are heldCatholic one Sunday welcome adults whoCelebrations wish to become and toa month. Please Terry at the Parish Center prepare adult contact Catholics to Vinanskie receive Confirmation (and, three months expected birth. when needed,before First the Eucharist). Please contact the Parish Center more information. RCIA: for RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process Confirmation: the Catholic Community provides welcome Adult Confirmation for toAdults is adults who wishRCIA to become Catholic and to prepare adult included in the process. Catholics to receive Confirmation (and, when needed, First Matrimony: Arrangements shouldforbemore made one year Eucharist). Contact the Parish Center information. before the proposed date of the wedding and before Adult Confirmation: Confirmation for Adults is included concluding other arrangements, to allow sufficient in the RCIA any process. time for the Marriage Preparation Matrimony: Arrangements should Program. be made one year before Pastoral Care Sick: We want toconcluding help anyone the proposed dateof of the the wedding and before any other cannot arrangements. who celebrate Mass with us because of illness, age or handicap. If you a family wishwho to Pastoral Care of the Sick:or We want tomember help anyone receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Eucharist cannot celebrate Mass with us because of illness, age or Anointing of you the or Sick at home, please the Parish handicap. If a family member wishcall to receive the Sacrament By of Reconciliation, Eucharist Anointing the Center. law, hospitals cannotornotify us of when Sick at home, call If theyou Parish Center. member By law, parishioners areplease admitted. or a family is hospitals cannot notifynotify us when are admitted. hospitalized, please us. parishioners Urgent calls will be If you or at a family member hospitalized, attended any time of the is day or night. please notify us. Urgent calls will be attended at any time of the day or night. Inter-Parochial School: TheThe Parish Community of Inter-Parochial School: Parish Community of Saint Saint in conjunction Our Lady of and Lourdes Helen,Helen, in conjunction with Ourwith Lady of Lourdes Holy and Holy Trinity co-sponsors Parishes, co-sponsors HolyInter-Parochial Trinity Inter Trinity Parishes, Holy Trinity -Parochial School Grades K Street, - 8 atWestfield, 336 First908-233Street, School Grades 1 - 8 at 336 First Westfield, 908-233-0484 andKGrades at Our 0484 and Grades Pre-K and at OurPre-K Ladyand of K Lourdes, Lady of Lourdes, Mountainside, 908-233-1899. Mountainside, 908-233-1899. Next Sunday's Scripture Readings Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Job 7: 1-4, 6-7 1 Corinthians 9: 16-19, 22-23 Mark 1: 29-39 Please pray for those who are sick: Joanne Arena, Patricia Baran, Tom Black, Terry Blanchard, Linda Brinkmann, Mary Campion, Dorothy Chesnok, Gene Corcoran, Adrian Corriette, Jemma Corriette, Dolores Courtney, Kevin Jack Daly, Will DeGregorio, Edward Dowling, Barbara Drescher, Larry and Marie Fama, Mary Flood, Richard Gagńe, Matthew Garretto, Vincenza Gialluisi, Baby Juliette Gismondi, Brendan Glynn, Dawn Goldberg, Andrea Gordon, Helen Greenberg, Steve Greenberg, Norman Heim, Tom Hogan, Alexis Homer, Lenore Huff, Stephen Huff, Carol Hughes, Vincent Johnson, Dan Kelly, Barbara Kemps, Elaine Leporiere, Judy Lonseth, Audrey Lutz, Sal Macaluso, Melissa Mansfield, Cara Mayberry, Jean McCarthy, Hank McFarlin, Joanne Mulholland, Teresa O’Keefe, Domenica Paparatto, Lucy Paiva, Anne Petrusko, Susan Phillips, Marie Picinnini, Dan Pugliese, Marion Rabbitt, Brian Raszka, Carmen Riera, Jose Riera, Nancy Robinson, Arlene Rutenbeck, Craig Rutkowski, Michael Ryan, Rusty Ryan, Margaret Schnitzer, Kathleen Schulman, Roz Sica, Jeff Smith, Helen Splitt, Margaret Strand, Ella Tatreau, Karen Goski Vitale, Virginia Waters, Patti Williams, Vivian Wilson, Ted Wirkowski, Debra Wisniewski, Ashley Wodhanil, Grace Wolak, Gertrude Wood, their caregivers and all in need of our prayers. Stewardship of Treasure “Give and gifts will be given to you...the measure with which you measure will in turn be measured out to you.” Luke 6:38 Offertory Collection Budget Amount Collection Weekly on-line Giving Donations Mailed In Surplus/(Deficit) 5% Outreach Year to Date Budget Actual Surplus/(Deficit) 1/18/15 $ 26,250.00 $ 13,881.00 $ 8,693.00 $ 1,613.00 $ (2,063.00) $ 1,209.35 $ 727,500.00 $ 753.247.97 $ 25,747.97 Christmas collection to date: $129,423.00 607 Page 8 MASS INTENTIONS Friday, February 6 Monday, February 2 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM Donna Peterson Licia Wood Saturday, February 7 9:00 AM 5:30 PM Tuesday, February 3 7:30 AM 9:00 AM Effie Lobo Bernie Gewirtz 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 6:30 PM People of the Parish Betty Mollica Thursday, February 5 7:30 AM 9:00 AM Kevin Queenan Monday, February 2 9:30 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry 3:30 PM Religious Education 5:00 PM Basketball 7:30 PM Twelve Meeting 7:30 PM Caregivers Support Lib MH Gym Lib 101 Tuesday, February 3 3:30 PM Religious Education 7:30 PM Discovering Christ 7:30 PM RCIA MH MH 101 Wednesday, February 4 10:00 AM Making Music Praying Twice 3:30 PM Religious Education 5:00 PM Basketball 7:00 PM Protecting God's Children 7:30 PM Pastoral Council 103 MH Gym 103 BH Thursday, February 5 3:30 PM Religious Education 4:00 PM Hummingbird Rehearsal 5:00 PM Basketball MH CH Gym 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM Ministers of the Eucharist Altar Servers Centering Prayer Choir Rehearsal 1st Communion Retreat Meeting Soph Retreat Team Meeting Lib CH 103 YR Friday, February 6 12:00 N Blue Horizons Senior Women 5:00 PM Basketball 7:30 PM Holy Hour 103 Gym CH Saturday, February 7 9:00 AM Basketball 10:00 AM 9th Gr Poverty Workshop 12:00 N Pre-Cana 5:00 PM Basketball Gym 103 103 Gym Sunday, February 8 9:00 AM Religious Education 9:10 AM Kids Corner 2:00 PM Baptism Celebration 2:00 PM Baptism Preparation 5:45 PM Worship Team Rehearsal 7:30 PM Middle School Youth Night MH MH CH 101 CH Gym Liturgical Ministers Schedule Lectors Joan Fealy Joan Kernan Assunta Paragano Joan Kernan Jose Maria Garcia Martinez The Sanctuary Candle this week will be offered in memory of: Consuelo de Jesus Bertha Krak WEEK AT A GLANCE Mass David Gorczyca Peter Scalamoni Sunday, February 8 Wednesday, February 4 7:30 AM 9:00 AM Peter and Helen McLaughlin Rocco dePaola February 7-8, 2015 5:30 pm 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm 6:30 pm Bob Albino Tom Cusimano Janet Kobliska Robin Nicol Jessica Miles Don Jones Jessica Blessing Deirdre Gelinne Shane McDermott Gail Opacity Matt.Guarnuccio Paul Jakobovic P. Wolpert D. Black T. Dorch E. Borja D. Cusimano P. Rodihan J. Fietkiewicz K&G Baer ML Massenzio J&L Hamilton L. Rochford M&P Cappio E. Kobliska * H. Pasterczyk R. Swantek *J. Perrotta * M. Mc Enerney * T. Angeles J. Merkel M. Guarnuccio J. Schildge R. Intartaglia P/J Davis P&C Genova K. Kraft B. Harrington K. Travers L. Tweedie P&R Cicero E. Betancourt C. Encarnacion M. Musell T. Mc Glynn C. Savickas C. Queenan K. Morley M. Rizk D. Bash MA Markowski K. O’Donnell E. Forcht Meg Hrinkevich A. Baker C. Caminiti K. Mc Donald J. Spera E. London Will McGlynn Emma Naeseth Faith Hrinkevich Rob Fisher Olivia Blessing 607 Page 9 What is Middle School Youth Ministry? Our program is open to ALL students grades 6-8. We meet once a month to have fun, pray and learn more about our Catholic Faith. Each session will feature a video or song that will be the basis for our core content. We will have time for our students to support each other through prayer and of course have some crazy middle school fun! We also provide opportunities for age-appropriate service so they can go out into the world and serve those in need. All of our programs are free and open to anyone regardless of school, parish or religious affiliation. Contact Michael Fusco at [email protected] or Cell/ Text 908-265-2169 or office 908-232-1214, x 103 MS Youth Nights/Events: Mass at 6:30, Youth Night 7:30 – 9:00 2/8/15 - Middle School Mass and Youth Night – Topic: Forgiveness 3/22/15 - Middle School Mass and Youth Night – Topic: Honesty Pastoral Care of the Sick We want to help anyone who cannot celebrate Mass with us because of illness, age or handicap. If you or a family member wish to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Eucharist or Anointing of the Sick at home, please call the Parish Center 908-232-1214. By law, hospitals cannot notify us when parishioners are admitted. If you or a family member is hospitalized, please notify us. Urgent calls will be attended at any time. Saint Helen’s Counseling Project Licensed Clinical Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists Michael McMahon and Liz Migneco are available to assist individuals, couples and families who may be experiencing difficulties and stressors in their everyday lives. For additional information or to schedule an appointment, please call 908-232-1214, ext. 105. All calls are confidential. Catholic Charities Donation Bin Please support their many programs by donating clothing, shoes, toys and household items in the donation bin in our back parking lot. If you have questions, need a tax receipt, or want a larger donation pick-up call 877-343-3651. Sorry, no furniture accepted. Find Mass Times Need to find Mass times or a church nearby? Go to www.masstimes.org and search by zip code, address or country. Also call 1-410-676-6000 and enter the zip code where you will be. Respect Life Notes “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” — John 10:10 (NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission.) For Respect Life events, please visit the Archdiocesan website: www.rcan.org/life/ Healing from Loss and Coping with the Holidays “Journey to Wholeness - Healing the Grieving Heart", an 8week grief workshop, will be held at the First Presbyterian Church of Cranford, on Sundays evenings, January 25March 15, 2015 from 6:30-8:30 pm. All faiths are welcome, and no fee is charged. Patti Williams, R.N., and certified pastoral bereavement counselor, and Virginia Waters, PhD. Psychologist, will lead the sessions. Patti and Virginia have offered this seminar for 14 years now, and have helped thousands of people experience healing, find a new purpose for their lives, and feel joy once again. It does not matter if your loss is divorce, death or job loss; loss is loss- it must be grieved. It does not matter how long ago you experienced loss. Bring family members and friends. To register for this life changing event, please call 908-709-1341. Linden Lions Club Eyeglass Collection Lions Clubs collect used eyeglasses and hearing aids. Please leave donations in the recycling box in the church foyer. Columbian Club Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser The Columbian Club of Garwood is hosting a Spaghetti Dinner Friday, February 6, 6 to 8 pm, with all proceeds going to S.A.R.A. (The Summit Animal Rescue Association). Spaghetti, meatballs, salad, bread, dessert, coffee, with a cash bar available. Door prizes and raffle baskets as well. Location: the building where the Knights of Columbus hold meetings, 37 South Ave, Garwood. (Opposite PathMark) Tickets $10 and can be purchased there after 4:00 pm weekdays. Parking available behind building. Please use side door lounge entrance. Advance tickets strongly recommended. To donate or for info, visit their website www.sararescue.com. Pastoral Ministry with Persons with Disabilities The purpose of the Archdiocesan Department for Pastoral Ministry with Persons with Disabilities is to affirm the integrity of the Baptismal promise of people with disabilities and to work for their inclusion in the life and mission of the Church. It does this through Education, Advocacy, Affirmation, and Collaboration. This includes people with intellectual, physical and vision disabilities. Please phone 973-497-4309 or email [email protected] for information on the support programs available for parents and families. See www.rcan.org/disabilities/ 607 SENIOR LIVING Tara Burns, Director of Community Relations Sunrise Assisted Living of Westfield 240 Springfield Avenue • Westfield, NJ 07090 Main (908) 317-3030 www.sunriseseniorliving.com Sabatino Ciatti, M.D. Christina Finamore, M.D. Stephanie Lehrhoff, M.D. Phoebe Lu, M.D., Ph.D. Susan McFalls, M.D. Rachel Cittone, P.A.-C. ADVANCED DERMATOLOGY, MOHS & LASER SURGERY CENTER, P.A. 240 East Grove Street, Westfield, NJ 07090 (908) 232-6446 www.skinandlasercenter.com RAYMOND JAMES® Steven Criscuolo, CPA • Lawn Maintenance • Landscape Services SNOWPLOWING 908-233-5600 [email protected] Investment and Financial Advisor [email protected] 99 Wood Ave., So., Suite 102, Iselin, NJ 08833 (732) 744-1200 www.burkefinancialstrategies.com “INVEST WITH US AND WE WILL INVEST IN YOU” Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC Five Star Driving School Robert Paul, Parishioner Large Selection of Religious Jewelry Clarkton Shopping Center • 1083 Raritan Road • Clark, NJ 07066 Phone 732.388.8889 Learn From The Best! CELEBRATING 10 YEARS IN BUSINESS! Door to Door Lessons • 7 Days/Week Eye & Written Test Done On Premises State Certified Instructors No Long Lines At The DMV CHOICE OF SOUP OR SALAD • CHOICE OF ENTRÉE COFFEE OR TEA AND DESSERT ALA CARTE MENU ALSO AVAILABLE PARTY ROOM AVAILABLE FOR UP TO 100 PEOPLE Mr. Bagel Says... “Your Prescription to Better Health” Brian Pinto, RPh Owner / Pharmacist in Charge 223 South Ave. East, Westfield, NJ 07090 Great Food • Great Bagels • Great Catering Scott Zilberberg • 908-232-1921 • Fax 908-232-4770 Fala-se Português 1115 South Avenue West, Westfield, NJ 07090 908.233.2200 • [email protected] Interior Design & Decoration Space Planning & Renovation 732-496-2030 Tables • Chairs • Tents • Inflatables & More West Carpets VICKI’S DINER 732-499-8221 Your Hosts: Peter & Helen Rentoulis 110 E. Broad St. • Westfield, NJ 385 St. George Ave., Rahway 908-233-6887 Pete & Adelle Westerlund “Where Good Friends Meet” Parishioners “Where New Friends Are Made” Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 www.duqcapital.com 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Mark F. Swingle, CFP ® Certified Financial Practioner Driven by Your Goals, Inspired by Your Values, Committed to Your Financial Success We specialize in Investment and Retirement Planning Mark F. Swingle Group 201.926.1809 [email protected] www.ezparties.net 15% Discount for Parishioners (Maximum $100.00 savings) 908-389-0600 MOLLY’S INTRODUCES OUR SUNSET SPECIALS! MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY FROM 3PM TO 6PM $14.95 - ALL INCLUSIVE (732) 388-6511 E-Z PARTIES Serving the Area for over 40 years www.fivestardrivingschool.com For Specials & Promotions www.fredericsjewelers.com 1085 Central Ave. Clark, NJ 908-795-3030 133 Prospect St., 1st Fl, Westfield 908-379-2706 [email protected] www.westfieldfinancialplanning.com www.peggyschott.net Securities and Investment Advisory Services offered through NFP 200 North Ave East • Westfield NJ 07090 Advisor Services, LLC (NFPAS), member FINRA/SIPC. NFP Office: 908-654-6666 Advisor Services is not affiliated with Mark F. Swingle Group. PLUMBING, HEATING & COOLING Calderone School of Music Since 1983 1-732-417-4444 Beyond the Front Door CHERYL WINKLER FREE ESTIMATES I will work with any budget $25 Off Any Service N.J. Plbg. Lic. #8411 908-370-1678 Certified Decorator, Redecorator and Stager 607 St. Helen, Westfield, NJ (third) UPS Est. 1975 Cert. 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Complete Termite & Pest Control Service Integrated Pest Management www.arnoldspestcontrol.com 908-276-8062 9 Quine Street, Cranford, NJ 07016 MASTER MEMORIALS Monuments • Markers • Mausoleums • 908-233-2350 We Make Memories Last Forever 524 Central Ave., Westfield, Corner of Park St. Tim Doerr MEARS & MCCULLOUGH, CPA’S ACCOUNTING AND TAX PLANNING & PREPARATION FOR ALL ENTITIES INCLUDING ELECTRONIC FILING ESTATE AND TRUST ADMINISTRATION INCLUDING ACCOUNTING ARBITRATION & LITIGATION SUPPORT 29 SOUTH AVE. WEST, CRANFORD (908) 276-7686 F.J. Domenick PLUMBING & HEATING FULLY INSURED: WORKERS COMP., LIABILITY NJHIC# 13VH06449500 908-232-3566 YOUR LOCAL PLUMBER State Lic. # 7679 FASHION OPTICS Rx Eyewear & Sunglasses Free Adjustments 1063-A Raritan Rd., Clark, NJ 732-815-0040 PAINTING Interior - Exterior & CARPENTRY Maplewood, NJ [email protected] www.wilberspainting.com 973-762-6333 In Office IV & Repass 15 to 130 Westfield Pediatric Dental Group General Anesthesia ioner Special $15.99 Laser Dentistry Dentistry for Infants, Children, Adolescents & Special Needs 10% Parish www.kidsandsmiles.com Discount 3 Banquet rooms Timothy P. McCabe, D.M.D., Board Certified Julie Jong, D.M.D., Board Certified Westfield Avenue 1051 Raritan Road, Clark, NJ 07066 555 Westfield, NJ John Chang, D.M.D. 732.680.1051 (908) 232-1231 Kelly Walk, D.M.D. e Invisciebsl Bra Damo Systenm Jack DiSarro, Optician/Owner MOUNTAINSIDE INDOOR TENNIS CENTER FAMILY INVESTORS COMPANY 1191 Rte. 22 • Mountainside, NJ Georgia Aquila 232-0310 Owner/Manager 265 South Ave., Fanwood PEDIATRIC AND ADULT ORTHODONTICS Thomas M. Burns, DMD, PA NJ Specialty Permit #3299 DIPLOMATE, AMERICAN BOARD OF ORTHODONTICS 525 Westfield Avenue • (908) 789-8858 www.westfieldbraces.com 908-322-1800 www.familyinvestors.com • Mutual Funds • Roth IRAs • Life Insurance • 529 Plans • Annuities • Long-Term Care Ins. Serving Investors Since 1960 Fred J. Chemidlin Darraugh Valli Members FINRA & SIPC 101 South Avenue West, Westfield • (908) 654-0566 THOMAS M. CONNOR, M.D., F.A.A.P., F.A.C.C. Board Certified Pediatric & Adolescent Cardiologist 101 Old Short Hills Rd., Suite 104, West Orange, NJ 07052 973-731-5550 4-14 Saddle River Rd., Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 • 201-794-1366 Did you know... 1300 RARITAN ROAD ~ CLARK SUNDAY BRUNCH STARTING AT 10:30 FIVE STAR CATERING SERVED WITH COMPLIMENTARY MIMOSA, BLOODY MARY OR BELLINI By Thomas Great food & drink, and warm hospitality new name Just Opened An ITALIAN DELI W/ PREPARED FOODS 761 Central Ave., Westfield, NJ (Parking in Rear) 908-654-7827 NJ Lic. #13VH03327200 new doctor Sarah E. Little, D.O. is joining Jose J. Pinto, D.O. F.A.C.O.G. new location 193 Mountain Avenue Springfield, NJ 07081 T 973.218.1579 F 973.218.1589 RIGHTWAY FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured WATERPROOFING CO. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 908-282-0220 www.RightwayWaterproofing.com A. Pigna & son mason contractor Additions, Patios, Steps & Sidewalks, Brick Work, Paver Bricks Waterproofing, Bluestone/Slate, Custom Stonework Free Estimates • Fully Insured Aldo & Enrico 2552 Plainfield Ave. • Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 908-654-8171 www.apignamason.com BRUNCH LUNCH DINNER COMMUNIONS CONFIRMATIONS BAPTISMS Craft Food. Craft Beer. A Craft Experience. 732.931.1776 www.Paragonnj.com 77 Central Ave., Clark, NJ (In the Target Shopping Ctr.) 607 St. Helen, Westfield, NJ (inside) UPS PARISHIONER GENERAL & COSMETIC DENTISTRY 847 MOUNTAIN AVE. WESTFIELD, NJ 07090 (908) 233-6172 WESTFIELDSMILEDESIGN.COM John Patrick Publishing Co. 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net Thomas M. Keiser, Jr., Executive Director Call DIANE PELLINO N.J. License No. 3844 Sales Associate, President’s Club, NJAR Distinguished Sales Club, Parishioner Thomas C. Kenny, Director N.J. License No. 4500 Laura E. Mann, Director N.J. License No. 4947 155 South Avenue Fanwood, NJ 07023 CAPPIO LANDSCAPING INC. LAWN MAINTENANCE • LANDSCAPE DESIGN 908-322-4350 Westfield Linden Cranford www.fanwoodmemorial.com www.GerschOrtho.com PREMIER KITCHEN & BATHROOM DESIGN Bill Tuorto ABLE ELECTRIC “If it’s electric, we do it” FREE ESTIMATES Office: 908-233-5555 ext. 162 Direct: 908-377-8133 908-912-0600 Serving the homeowner with pride PHILIP J. CAPPIO 908-889-6625 www.cappiolandscaping.com PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATES, P.A. SPECIALIZING IN ORTHOPAEDIC SPORTS MEDICINE AND BACK REHABILITATION 613 Central Ave., Westfield, NJ 07090 • www.KitchenEliteNJ.com 124 South Ave., Westfield 908-233-1222 Rossi Funeral Home 908-276-8692 1937 Westfield Avenue - Scotch Plains NJ 07076 Gerry Condez Studio Family Centered Funeral Service since 1954. 908-322-8038 NJ Lic# 11500 PROFESSIONAL EVENT PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO Call Us For Your Wedding! 129 E. Broad St. • Westfield 908-578-3685 • www.gerrycondez.com Bernadette M. Stoecker-Rossi - Senior Director N.J. License No. 3620 • William F. Mariani - Director, N.J. License No. 4324 James T. Simmons - Director N.J. License No.3332 • Jason A. Stoecker - Director N.J. License No. 5003 www.therossifuneralhome.com Ellen Murphy, SRES Sales Associate, Presidents Circle, NJAR Distinguished Sales Club, Multi Million Dollar Club Five Star Real Estate Agent for Overall Client Satisfaction as seen in NJ Monthly Magazine Parishioner for over 25 years Office: 908-233-5555 ext. 242 Direct: 908-447-8134 EXPECT MORE FROM ELLEN! [email protected] NATALE JR. PLUMBING & HEATING Dennis Jr. Lic. #10087 908-286-1013 DOOLEY Since 1913 FUNERAL SERVICE, INC. 556 Westfield Ave., Westfield 908-233-0255 John L. Dooley, Mgr., N.J. Lic. No. 4100 Joseph F. Dooley, F.D., N.J. Lic. No. 2547 • Charles J. Tombs, F.D., N.J. Lic No. 4006 dooleycolonialfuneralhome.com JRP Landscaping & Design & Irrigation 908-577-1229 Call To Make An Appointment TODAY! 525 Central Ave., Westfield, NJ 07090 (908) 654-4252 www.ivyrehab.com Jesus MARRIAGE , FAMILY, CHILD & INDIVIDUAL THERAPY www.hellenictherapy.com 102 Quimby St. • Westfield, NJ • 908-233-3380 HELLENIC THERAPY CENTER 908-322-0112 Day, Evening & Weekend Hours 567 Park Avenue • Scotch Plains, NJ FUNERAL HOMES WESTFIELD 318 E. Broad St., 233-0143 William A. Doyle - Mgr. NJ Lic. 2325 J. M. Jones, Dir. NJ Lic. No. 4869 CRANFORD 12 Springfield Ave., 276-0092 Dale R. Schoustra - Mgr. NJ Lic. 3707 1030 Raritan Road Clark, NJ 07066 Tel: 732-382-7755 Fax: 732-382-3905 www.mannysdiners.com UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP! Let us cater your event! We specialize in Repast, Anniversaries, Communions, Christenings, Retirements, Christmas Parties, Office Meetings, Rehearsal Dinners, Bridal Showers, Baptisms, Birthdays, etc. 607 St. Helen, Westfield, NJ (back) U John Patrick Publishing Co. 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net
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