REVELATIONS Oak Grove United Methodist Church February 2015 SIGNS OF THE KINGDOM A Word from Our Pastor During the Season of Lent leading up to Easter, I will be preaching on “Signs of the Kingdom.” The scriptures will look at different indications Jesus gave us of signs of the Kingdom of God breaking in upon this earth. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to be people of God’s Kingdom even as we live on this earth. We don’t have to wait to join God’s Kingdom when we die because we are already part of it here. We know that the Kingdom of God has not been fully established on this earth as it someday will be, but we see glimpses of God’s Kingdom as we observe God working in this world. Jesus taught about and demonstrated the Kingdom through his encounters with others. Some of those demonstrations were miracles he performed while others were conversations he had with people that led to changed lives. Leading up to and during the Season of Lent we will look at some of those different signs by exploring the following scriptures: Philip Yancey is a Christian author and journalist. In his book, The Jesus I Never Knew, he challenges conventional wisdoms about our perceptions of Jesus and our perceptions of the world. In his section on the Beatitudes, he makes the claim that the Beatitudes are to be understood not only as pointing to some future reality, but can serve as an ideal for our present reality as well. Maybe his discussion of the Beatitudes strikes me so hard because I confess that the Beatitudes disturb me. It seems too easy to dismiss the Beatitudes as metaphorical or as pointing only to the future, in part because these explanations seem designed primarily to allow us to say that we believe in the words of Jesus without feeling bound to have to do anything about them. February 15: Luke 9:28-36 (Transfiguration of Christ) February 18: Romans 3:21-26 (Ash Wednesday Service- Repentance) February 25: Matthew 4:1-11 (Jesus Tempted) March 1: Matthew 9:2-8 (Healing of the Paralyzed Man) March 8: Mark 5:1-20 (Healing of the Demon-Possessed Man) March 15: Mark 12:28-34 (The Great Commandment to Love) March 22: Matthew 16:13-20 (Peter’s Declaration that Jesus is the Christ) March 29: Luke 19:28-40 (Palm Sunday) April 5: Luke 24:1-12 (Easter!) What signs of the Kingdom of God will you observe during this time? As an example of the present reality of the Beatitudes, though, Philip Yancey writes the following words about “Blessed are the poor in spirit” and Blessed are the meek:” “My career as a journalist has afforded me opportunities to interview ‘stars,’ including NFL football greats, movie actors, music personalities, bestselling authors, politicians, and TV personalities. We fawn over them, poring over the minutiae of their lives: the clothes they wear, the food they eat, the aerobic routines they follow, the people they love. Yet I must tell you that, in my limited experience, I have found that our “idols” are as miserable a group of people as I have ever met. Most have troubled or broken marriages. Nearly all are incurably dependent on psychotherapy. In a heavy irony, these larger-than-life heroes seem tormented by self-doubt. I have also spent time with people I call “servants.” Doctors and nurses who work among the ultimate outcasts, leprosy patients in rural India. A Princeton graduate who runs a hotel for the homeless in Chicago. The Ph.D.s I met in Arizona, who are now scattered throughout jungles of South America translating the Bible into obscure languages. As I reflect on the two groups side by side, stars and servants, the servants clearly emerge as the favored ones. Without question, I would rather spend time among the servants than among the stars: they possess qualities of depth and richness and even joy that I have not found elsewhere. Servants work for low pay, long hours, and no applause, ‘wasting’ their talents and skills among the poor and uneducated. Somehow, though, in the process of losing their lives they find them.” What a powerful statement of faith! And a reminder that whenever we go about chasing what the world tells us is important and valuable, we lose who we are. But when we seek what God tells us is important and valuable, we find ourselves and become more fully who God created us to be. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Peace in Christ, Chris ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE What is Ash Wednesday? Ash Wednesday is the first day in the Season of Lent, which is a forty day period (not counting Sundays) leading up to Easter. The season of Lent is a time to focus in a particular way on the ministry and sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sins. Sundays, by the way, are not counted because they are like “little Easters,” reminding us that even in the midst of trial, suffering, and even death, the promise of the Resurrection is always with us. We will begin the season of Lent with an Ash Wednesday Service in the sanctuary on Wednesday, February 18, beginning at 6:30 p.m. On this night, we will still serve supper, but we will not have our regular children, youth, or adult programs. A nursery will be provided. This service focuses on our need for repentance and the mercy of God that forgives our sin when we confess our sin before God. While more somber in tone than other worship services, this service is a meaningful and important one in helping us realize the depth of our sin but also the greater depth of God’s forgiveness. Adults FILL MY CUP Hey Moms, Fill My Cup meets on Monday from 9:30-11:00 in the church parlor. Need a little “grown up” fellowship and Bible Study? This is the place for you. Childcare provided. PRAYER TEAM The Prayer Team meets each Wednesday at 5:00 pm in the Church Library to pray for our church, our community, our nation and our world. MEN’S CLUB All men are invited to Men’s Club on Monday, February 2 at 6:00 pm in the Family Life Center. MES CIRCLE All ladies are invited to the MES Circle on Monday, February 23 at 6:30 pm in the Family Life Center. Hostesses for the meeting are Rita Burks, Joyce Lee, Sara Pimm and Judy Shelton. GOOD TIMERS The Good Timers Steering Committee will meet on Monday, February 2 at 2:00 pm for a planning session. All Senior Adults are invited to a potluck lunch in the Family Life Center on Monday, February 16 at 11:30 am. After lunch, we will travel to the Meador Homestead for dessert and tea. Join us for this special treat. And remember as you are preparing your delicious dish for lunch, no desserts please! GROCERY BAG SUNDAY February 8 is Grocery Bag Sunday. Bring a bag of non-perishable food items to fill the shelves of the food pantry. Much needed items: Canned Meat, Pasta Sauce, Pasta, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Canned Vegetables, Canned Fruit, Soup, Crackers, Cereal, Mac n Cheese, Meat Dinners, Rice, Dried Beans, Grits, Oatmeal, Powdered or Boxed Milk, etc… BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING The Health and Wellness Team will be doing blood pressure screenings on February 1 and 15 at 10:00 am in the Foyer. KETTLEBELLS Where can you get a great workout and have lots of fun at the same time? Kettlebells! Every Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30 pm in the Family Life Center. Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal 5:30 pm-6:15 pm Adults ($6) Child ($3) Family Plan ($16) February Menu: 4: BBQ Chicken, Loaded Potato Casserole, Baked Beans, Tossed Salad, Rolls, Assorted Desserts Children’s Menu: Chicken Drumsticks 11: Blackened Catfish, Veggie Rice, Lima Beans, Fruit Salad, Yeast Rolls, Assorted Desserts Children’s Menu: Pizza 18: Hamburger Steak w/ Onions & Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, English Peas, Garden Salad, Yeast Rolls, Assorted Desserts Children’s Menu: Same 25: Chicken Spaghetti, Green Beans, Garden Salad, Texas Toast, Assorted Desserts Children’s Menu: Same Grocery Shopper: 4: Fred Boudreaux 11: Adelia Powe 18: Susan McQueen 25: Evelyn Wesley Class to Serve: Young at Heart Dessert List: 4: Margie Farlow, Kay Cook, Rita Burks, Judy Shelton, Wendy Greene 11: Angela Jones, Kim Napier, Kathleen McCormick, Judy Brown, Stephania Zeigler 18: Pam Baas, M.J. Cain, Belinda Jo Mathias, Sandra Scardino, Sheryl Bazemore 25: Carol Standland, Lyndsey Sims, Trista Boudreaux, Theresa Scardino, Leigh Shelton The Knit-Wits of Oak Grove United Methodist Church Women’s Ministry are so excited. On Saturday, February 7, 2015, we are bringing Café Chocolat to the Family Life Center from 8:30 am until 4:30 pm. We’ll enjoy a lot of food and fun, make new friends, worship, and learn from each other during meaningful activities and devotions. So what is Café Chocolat? Café Chocolat is a retreat where women of all ages slow down and enjoy time with each other and with God. It’s an in-depth Bible study, an unforgettable worship experience, and an open invitation for women to delight in God’s goodness and grace. Throughout the retreat we’ll use chocolate as a metaphor for God’s grace—so even though we won’t eat more than a few bites, we’ll taste God’s goodness in abundance! Lunch is provided. The cost of the retreat is $20. Scholarships are available. Register in the church foyer this Sunday morning. Sunday, February 22 @ Oak Grove UMC 9:30 –1:00 pm Sign up Begins Soon! Students STUDENT SMALL GROUP 2015 SPRING SCHEDULE: FEBRUARY 4 — MAY 6 SUPER BOWL PARTY DNOW WEEKEND 5pm – FEBRUARY 1 $25 – FEBRUARY 27-28 JOIN US AND WATCH SUPER BOWL XLVIII Which team will win it all? “HIT PAUSE” AND SPEND TIME GROWING YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. Meet at the church at 430PM for a ride. Be sure to sign up today! Registration/Forms are due Feb 8th CONFIRMATION CLASS If you have a child in the 6th grade, or if your youth has not gone through Confirmation, we will have a meeting on February 8 at 5:00 pm in Room 212 to discuss what Confirmation is, the Confirmation process, and the meaning of it for your child. Please contact Brother Chris or Dylan Carpenter, our middle school youth intern, for more information if you have questions about what Confirmation is, or if you are not sure if your child qualifies for this year. Confirmation is an important time in the life of the youth in the church as we spend this time talking about what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ and a member of the church. CHILDREN We are looking forward to a wonderful 2015! During the month of February we will be teaching our children how much God loves them! Below is our lesson overview! We are always looking for great volunteers to help. If you are interested, please contact Erin at (817) 597-9493. Sunday, 2/1 - Sour Candy. Kids will learn that some things that seem sweet will turn sour on us because they are not God's plan for us. Kids will learn the story of the Israelites trying to take the Promised Land after God said no. Wednesday, 2/4 - Gum. Kids will learn from Solomon that nothing on this Earth can make them happy for very long. Only Jesus can give eternal joy. Sunday, 2/8 - Mints. Kids will learn they can't cover up their sin, but they need to confess it and let Jesus make them new. Wednesday, 2/11 - Chocolate. Kids will learn how Creation reminds us of the goodness - and sweetness - of God. Sunday, 2/15 - Cotton Candy. Kids will learn to put their faith on a firm foundation, not one that fades away, from the parable of the wise and foolish builders. Wednesday, 2/18 - Ash Wednesday, everyone will meet together. Sunday, 2/22 - Jawbreakers. Kids will learn that there is no sense in arguing with God. He is unchanging, and his will is unbreakable. The story of Jonah. Wednesday, 2/24 - Taffy. Kids will learn how challenges in life help to stretch and shape us into the people God wants us to be through the story of Joseph. Upcoming Events - Sign up sheets are located in the children's hallway. Sunday, 2/8 - Pajama Day - Kiddos wear your Pajamas to church! Mama’s enjoy the extra time in the morning! Saturday, 2/14 - 6p to 9p - Date Night - Dinner will be provided. Please sign your children up no later than 2/11 CONTACT INFORMATION LINKS FOR LIFE Oak Grove United Methodist Church Hospitality Creed Since hospitality means “love of a guest” and since Jesus said, “I was a stranger and you took me in,” I will always remember to… Oak Grove United Methodist Church 4915 Old Hwy 11 Hattiesburg, MS 39402 Phone: 601-264-8850 Fax: 601-264-2308 Website: Email: [email protected] Facebook: Oak Grove UMC, MS Office Hours Monday-Thursday, 8:00 am-5:00 pm Friday, 8:00 am-12:00 pm Worship Schedule 9:00 am Early Worship 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship HOSPITALITY CREED Oak Grove UMC, MS Church Staff Reverend Chris Young Pastor Dr. Jamie Standland Minister of Music Margie Farlow Pianist Roy Windham Student Minister Dylan Carpenter Student Ministry Intern Erin Burks Children’s Minister Eva Ratliff Nursery Director Laureen Tuck Nursery Gloria Watkins Secretary Welcome others, especially the guest, as though I was welcoming Jesus. Receive no one merely as a stranger, but rather as a dear friend. Demonstrate through every means available that my new friends are valued and an integral part of our fellowship. I gladly join with others at Oak Grove United Methodist Church in affirming hospitality as an integral part of the Christian witness. “Freely you have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8 SERMONS AVAILABLE ONLINE Oak Grove Student Ministry The Sunday morning sermons are now available online by following the link found on the OGUMC Facebook page, Oak Grove UMC, MS or on our church website, ALTAR GUILD 1 Tish Edwards 8 Esther Attkisson 15 Anitra Turner 22 Belinda Jo Mathias HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 2 Jackie & Lisa Shelton 14 Grover & Vickie Durant 25 Hoppy & Pat Bennett HAPPY BIRTHDAY 1 Becky Shelton 4 Stacey Hagenson 5 Jesse Lang 6 Caroline Burnett John Wichman 7 Andrew Lott 9 Caleb Gunter 11 Sebe Dale, III 13 Elizabeth Lucas Mary Lou Powell 14 Andy Langford 15 Matt Lamar 15 Rayleigh Shelton Chris Walters 16 Anna Kathryn Colbert Jonah Mathias 17 M.J. Cain Christy Maistros Jonathan Sims 18 Laura Baird Beth Meador 20 Dean Smith 21 Jim Ratliff 22 Tommy Thomas 23 Ashley Carpenter 24 Doug Lambeth 25 Emery Burch 27 Esther Attkisson Ryan Hagenson 28 Susie Barefield GREETERS 9 AM 8 Bill Norris 11AM 1 Esther Attkisson 8 Jane Boudreaux 15 Jimmy Carpenter 22 Mary Ann Cox WELCOME CENTER GREETERS 9 AM 1 Tommy/Rita Burks 8 Jason/Wendy Greene 15 Rae/Anitra Turner 22 Laura Baird/Grover Durant WELCOME CENTER GREETERS 11 AM 1 Gloria Bynum/Peggy Carpenter 8 Evelyn Wesley/Esther Attkisson 15 Dwain/Mary Ann Cox 22 John/Ann Bailey FOOD PANTRY 2 Betty MacFarlane 4 Evelyn Wesley 6 Olivia Farish 9 Judith Biggert 11 Mary Ann Cox 13 Susan McQueen 16 Carol Guidry 18 Lynda Arban 20 Dawn Nuss 23 Margie Farlow 25 Gloria Bynum 27 Adelia Powe MEETINGS 2 Good Timers Steering Cmt 8 Health Wellness Cmt 15 Children’s Council 15 Finance 15 Trustees 15 Admin Council 2 pm 4 pm 4 pm 5 pm 5 pm 6 pm
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