Saint Peter Catholic Church 2835 MANOR ROAD, WEST BRANDYWINE, PA 19320 Phone: 610-380-9045; Fax: 610-380-9049 e-mail:[email protected] February 1, 2015 Lenten Schedule Forty Hours Adoration in Church with Evening Prayer & Benediction Sunday, Monday & Tuesday February 15, 16 & 17 Ash Wednesday February, 18 February Theme: Two Become One Mass - 6:15, 7:00, 9:30 a.m. & 7 p.m. Prayer service with ashes (no Mass) 12 & 4 p.m. Stations of The Cross February 20, 27, March 6, 13 & 20 at 7 p.m. Leadership Commission Our Parish Vision Statement: We are a Vibrant and Prayerful Catholic Community Welcoming you to Worship God in Spirit and Truth. Enlivening the Vision of Faithful Stewardship, Charitable Outreach and Dynamic Evangelization. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Register with us and learn about our Parish on Sundays in the parish office after the 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Masses and Monday - Friday at the parish office during business hours. REV. MICHAEL J. FITZPATRICK, PASTOR Rev. Emmanuel Iheaka (Chaplain in Residence) THIS WEEK AT SAINT PETER PARISH Fr. Emmanuel serves at Coatesville Veterans Hospital Deacon Todd Smith: Permanent Deacon Deacon Jack DuBois: Permanent Deacon Commissioned in Service of the Parish: Mrs. Robin Burckhardt: Director of Parish Services [email protected] Mrs. Dorothy Pepe: Business Manager [email protected] Mrs. Susan Kenna: Administrative Assistant [email protected] Mrs. Debbie Forrest: SCRIP [email protected] Mr. Steve Forrest: Buildings and Facilities Mrs. Kathy Hoffman: Parish Organist Mrs. Veronique Hadfield: Adult Choir Director Mr. Austin Flinn: Youth & Young Adult Music Ministry Commissioners: Serving on the Parish Pastoral Council Jim Mulry & Dwane Moseley: Outreach Barbara McCleary: Welcome Ed Lis & Brian Ferraro: Witness Greg Newell & Austin Flinn: Worship Tim Perry & Kathy Kelly-Borowski: Education Annette Moran & Susan Moran: Stewardship Parish Finance Council: Jim Mackrell, Chairman Tom Stern, Phil Moran, Jeff Gilbertson, Ted Mirenda, Bob Hagenow, Don Courtney, Joe Keating (Dottie Pepe, Business Mgr.) Our Catholic Education Programs POPE JOHN PAUL II REGIONAL CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY : PHONE: 610-384-5961 FAX: 610-384-5730 PRINCIPAL: SR. ANNE MCGUIRE, IHM SCHOOL WEB SITE: WWW.POPEJOHNPAUL2SCH.ORG PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM (PREP): OFFICE AND CLASSES AT POPE JOHN PAUL II SCHOOL: PHONE: 610-384-3145 FAX: 610-380-9049 DIRECTOR: MRS. PATRICE PETERSON [email protected] Religious Education Advisory Council Father Fitzpatrick, Pastor, Patrice Peterson, DRE, David Duva, Karen Givens, Sue Krick, Jen Murphy, Pat O’Brien, Tim Perry, Tracy Philips, Jason Reed, Joe Stubblebine, & Ginny Fennimore. Hall Construction Committee: Fr. Fitzpatrick, Chairman Scott Cresmer, Ron Ruffini, Alex Byard, Mario Dickerson, Joe Adams, Chuck Burckhardt, Jim Mackrell and Phil Moran. (Steve Forrest, Buildings and Facilities) Sunday February 1 Stewardship Spotlight on “Worship” Rms A & B Hoagie Pick-Up from 9 - 1 p.m. at PJPII 8:45 a.m. PREP Classes - PJPII Monday February 2 7:00 p.m. Extraordinary Minister Training - Church 7:00 p.m. District Boy Scouts - Rm A Tuesday 6:15 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m. February 3 Confessions - Shrine Room PREP Classes - PJPII Evening prayer & Benediction - Chapel The King's Men - Rooms A & B KEPHAS Lectio Divina - Chapel Wednesday February 4 6:45 p.m. Cantor Practice - Music Rm 7:15 p.m. Choir Practice - Music Rm 7:30 p.m. Al-Anon - Rms C & D 7:30 p.m. SPREE Council Meeting - Rm A Thursday 9:15 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5;30 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. February 5 Legion of Mary - Rm B Heatherwood - Nursing Home “New Evangelization” - Rms A & B Clean Team (Dust Bunnies) - Church PREP Classes - PJPII Boy Scouts - Rms A & B YaYa Music Ministry - Church Serenity Group / AA - Rms C & D Friday February 6 11:00 a.m. “Following Christ” - Rms A,B,C, & D Saturday February 7 3:30 p.m. Confessions - Shrine Room Page 1 - 0146 Saint Peter Parish Apostleship of Prayer Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life –2015 O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of Faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen Please join in prayer for those remembered in our Mass Intentions for the Week of 2/2/2015 Monday 8:30 a.m. James V. Gallagher. Sr. Tuesday 8:30 a.m. Patricia Orton-Kuhy Wednesday No Mass Thursday 8:30 a.m. Raymond Emerson Friday 8:30 a.m. Elaine Flood Saturday 8:30 a.m. Members of the Memorial Society 5:00 p.m. Charles Trofe - 5th Anniv. Sunday 8:30 a.m. Louis Colagreco - 5th Anniv. 10:30 a.m. Anne Wilhohl 12:00 p.m. Dr. Richard Stoneback Also in your prayers please remember: Rev. John F. McCole, Charles Popma, Charles Bradford, Anna E. Puleo who have recently died. FEBRUARY 2015 PRAYER INTENTIONS OF POPE FRANCIS Universal: Prisoners: That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity.. Evangelization: Separated Spouses: That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. I n your prayers, please remember the sick of our parish including… John Bolendz, Gayle Jacobs, Patricia Fox, Rosemarie Banning, Romaine Pleban, Jenna Cummings, Toni Sharpless, Bill Pashinski, John Eby, Frances McMinn, Leo Kenny, Mary Reilly, Donna Everts, Linda Belmonte, Diane Rhodes, Virginia DiLibero, Emily Pezzulo, John Samoylo, Kathryn Stanton, Barbara Schober, Joseph D’Angelo, Gerry Cazillo, Naomi Petruska, Lillian Eckbold, Mary Ann Forrest, Georgette Kenna, Laura Pavelik, Tom Sandri, Jay Griffin, Nora Franks, Barbara Turner, Tom Olsen, Allen Renish, Nancy Masterson, Trudy Skibbe, Anne & Bob Reeder, Laurel Scagliola, Donna & John Byrne, Pat McGarvey, Julie Lanigan, Carol Miller, Megan Meehan, Ed McLaughlin, Nancy Thomas, Matthew Helm, Michael Miller, Mia Hostutler, Melissa Miller, Jeanne Clark, Michael Soroka, Ann Beury, Jim Munn, Louise Pinketti, Jim Boumann, Gerry Goerlitz, Jim Riccio, Rick Hartfield, Theresa Fabrizio, Michael Soroka, Nancy DeFelice, Elizabeth Dunn-Couch, Sean Andrew Stefanowicz, George Miller, Eileen Lang, and all the residents of our nursing homes. The publication of the intention of the Mass in the Parish Bulletin fulfills the obligation to “announce” the intention of the Mass. Every Tuesday from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. Jesus is available for all to come and visit with him in the Most Blessed Sacrament at the daily Mass chapel. We are in need of parishioners to commit to one hour of their time to spend in prayer with Jesus so that he will not be left alone, as he was in the garden of Gethsemane. Please prayerfully consider offering one hour each Tuesday, or whatever your schedule will allow each month, for this wonderful grace by contacting Mike Altschuler at [email protected] or 610-496-6464 to volunteer your time. PLEASE REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR ALL OUR YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE ARMED SERVICES: Chad Alvord, Rebekah McCandless-Bates, Cristin A. Goerlitz, John Kerstetter, Ryan McGuckin, Molly McGuckin, Ian Miller, Jeremy Miller, Marvin Otto, Jr., Joshua Spirko, Bobby Stewart, Brandon Twiss, Claudia Twiss, Jason Twiss, Matthew Twiss, and Erick Williams Page 2 - 0146 Stewardship Commission Sunday, January 25 $ Annual Fund Annual Fund to date Director of Parish Mission Advancement 22,414.23 2,194.00 19,684.00 The practice of tithing provides a regular reminder of your dependence on God. In good times, tithing helps you remember that God is the source of all blessings, and it allows you to demonstrate your gratitude for His care. In hard times, tithing motivates you to remember God’s faithfulness, and enables you to demonstrate trust in God to provide for all of our needs. When you tithe you enable those whom God has called to serve as pastors, ministry personnel, band parish leadership to faithfully build up the church accomplishing the works of Christ in our parish! “Not what we give, but what we share. For the gift without a giver is rare. Who gives himself with alms feeds three, Himself, his hungering neighbors, and Me.” James Russell Lowell (1819-91) American author, poet, and diplomat Stop back for coffee, bagels, egg rolls, & donuts! In addition to the bagels, eggrolls, and donuts we also sell healthy alternatives. Your purchase helps support the funding of scholarships for students in grades 7 through 12. We look forward to seeing you in Meeting Rooms C & D after the 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Masses or before the 12 p.m. Mass on Sundays. Words like Mission, Vision, Strategic, Pastoral Planning, and the like are becoming common parlance in Catholic Parishes. More than just “buzz words” this vocabulary and the concepts they represent are indicative of a new attitude shaping the landscape of faith life. On the light of the New Evangelization of the Catholic Church called for by his predecessors, Pope Francis is inviting the church to a vision of welcoming and joyful catholic witness which many of us, indeed many people in the world, find very attractive. Our Holy Father is a living example of the simple, straightforward, and joyful life of the church which he invites us to share here at St. Peter Parish. Deacon Todd Smith recently finished his career with the Hilti organization. The end of his professional work life in the business world has made him available to our parish in a new way. Recently the Parish Finance Council approved a new position on the parish staff which Deacon Todd will fill, Director of Parish Mission Advancement. Parish Mission Advancement will have an impact on the way our parish realizes the process of the New Evangelization. We welcome Deacon Todd to the parish staff. Even as he continues his ministry as a deacon he will also help us to move forward with the kind of engagement and relationship building that seems to be the hallmark of successful Christian Churches across the country. In the weeks to come Deacon Todd will be developing among the members of the parish those deeper relationships that have the potential to enable stronger commitments by all of us. As he mentioned in this space last week, Deacon Todd will be inviting families, individuals, men and women to consider their relationship with Jesus Christ in light of their participation in the vibrant life of this parish community. Our hope is that Mission Advancement will build on the successful model of Catholic parish community already present here at St. Peter by growing the joyful and generous community of believers making Christ present in Northwestern Chester County! Want to know more? Why not meet with Deacon Todd and engage in our dynamic, intentionally evangelical faith journey! Fr. Fitzpatrick Page 3 - 0146 Worship Commission READINGS FOR JANUARY 31 & FEBRUARY 1 First Reading Deuteronomy 18: 15 - 20 Moses spoke to all the people, saying: “A prophet like me will the LORD, your God, raise up for you from among your own kin; to him you shall listen. This is exactly what you requested of the LORD, your God, at Horeb on the day of the assembly, when you said, ‘Let us not again hear the voice of the LORD, our God, nor see this great fire any more, lest we die.’ And the LORD said to me, ‘This was well said. I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kin, and will put my words into his mouth; he shall tell them all that I command him. Whoever will not listen to my words which he speaks in my name, I myself will make him answer for it. But if a prophet presumes to speak in my name an oracle that I have not commanded him to speak, or speaks in the name of other gods, he shall die.’” Second Reading 1 Corinthians 7: 32 - 35 Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties. An unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord. But a married man is anxious about the things of the world, how he may please his wife, and he is divided. An unmarried woman or a virgin is anxious about the things of the Lord, so that she may be holy in both body and spirit. A married woman, on the other hand, is anxious about the things of the world, how she may please her husband. I am telling you this for your own benefit, not to impose a restraint upon you, but for the sake of propriety and adherence to the Lord without distraction. Gospel Mark 1: 21 - 28 Then they came to Capernaum, and on the Sabbath Jesus entered the synagogue and taught. The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes. In their synagogue was a man with an unclean spirit; he cried out, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” Jesus rebuked him and said, “Quiet! Come out of him!” The unclean spirit convulsed him and with a loud cry came out of him. All were amazed and asked one another, “What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him.” His fame spread everywhere throughout the whole region of Galilee. The Daily Mass Chapel is open each day coinciding with parish office hours. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE 8:30 a.m. daily except Wednesday WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday (Vigil) 5 p.m. and Sunday 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. Parish Devotional and Spiritual Formation Ministries DAILY: Rosary is prayed after the 8:30 a.m. Mass (Sunday Rosary is guided by a Pro-Life Meditation TUESDAY: Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament beginning after 8:30 a.m. Mass Divine Mercy prayed at 3 p.m. Holy Hour with Rosary and Intercessions 6 - 7 p.m. Evening Prayer and Benediction at 7 p.m. KEPHAS ‘Lectio Divina’ at 7:45 SATURDAY: Miraculous Medal Novena after 8:30 a.m. Mass Parish Sacramental Celebrations Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance) Tuesdays 6:15 to 7 p.m. / Saturdays, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. / *Vigil of Holy Days 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. unless noted otherwise. Sacrament Anointing of the Sick: First Saturday of each month during 8:30 a.m. The Pastor should be notified as soon as possible when a family member or friend becomes ill, is hospitalized or is in danger of death. Sacrament of Baptism: Infant Baptisms are usually celebrated on the first and third Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Prior arrangements for Baptism are made through the parish office at least one month before the celebration of the sacrament. Sacrament of Marriage. Arrangements for Marriage are made with the parish office at least six months prior to the wedding. Music Ministry Gathering Song 5 pm & 8:30 am BB302 Gather Us In 10:30 am BB302 Gather Us In 12:00 noon SS229 Send Your Glory Down The “Gloria” is found on page 8 - Spirit and Song Responsorial Psalm 5 pm & 8:30 am BB795 If Today You hear His Voice 10:30 am BB795 If Today You Hear His Voice 12:00 noon SS81 If Today You Hear His Voice The “Creed” is found on page 10 - Spirit and Song Presentation of Gifts and Preparation of the Altar 5 pm & 8:30 am BB431 Be Not Afraid 10:30 am BB601 Your Words Are Spirit and Life 12:00 noon SS265 Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone Communion Procession 5 pm & 8:30 am BB522 Come Unto Me 10:30 a.m. BB640 Blest Are They 12:00 noon SS371 You Know Who I Am Sending Forth 5 pm & 8:30 am BB423 How Great Thou Art 10:30 am BB641 Lead Me Lord 12:00 noon SS374 Your Grace is Enough Please Note: “BB” Means Breaking Bread Missal “SS” Means Spirit and Song Missal Page 4 - 0146 Education Commission Pope John Paul II Regional Catholic Elementary School Parish Religious Education Program (P.R.E.P.) A St. Peter Parish Program For all children in Public Schools or Homeschooled Classes are held at PJPII School for Grades 1 - 7 Phone: 610-384-3145 Fax: 610-380-9049 E-mail: [email protected] Director: Mrs. Patrice Peterson Grades 1 - 7 offered at all sessions: Tuesday and Thursday 6:15 - 7:45 p.m. Sunday 8:45 - 10:15 a.m. Community Outreach for February “Baby Formula” collection Please be generous! 1st Penance Reminders: Parent and Child Retreat Saturday, February 21, 9:30 a.m. - 12 pm. Confirmation Reminders: Service Reflection sheets now past due! Looking ahead: One and only Confirmation Practice Saturday, February 21, at 6 p.m. Confirmation - Thursday, February 26, at 5 p.m. Candidates and Sponsors report at 4 p.m. PREP CLASS CANCELLATIONS Please remember that PREP does not follow any school schedule. For up-to-date closing information you can: Call the PREP Office: 610-384-3145; Go to the Parish Website (under the PREP page there will be a ribbon at the top of the page with closing information.) If PJPII is closed—there will be no PREP classes; If PJPII dismisses early—there will be no PREP classes; If PJPII has a regular day and the weather worsens later—we will make the decision about PREP classes. “PREP” FAIR SHARE POLICY: Simple justice dictates that families who do not support the parish ought to do their fair share in support of the cost of PREP instruction for their children. Our FAIR SHARE commitment policy requires all non-participating families to pay the actual “cost-per-pupil” expense for their first child in the PREP program and the non-participating family rate for the registration of all other children in the same family. Faithful Stewardship St. Peter PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) Families Monthly Contribution in Support of Saint Peter Parish November 2014 160 Families December 2014 160 Families No Contributions 65 Families No Contributions 52 Families $5 to $59 43 Families $5 to $59 43 Families $60 or more 52 Families $60 or more 65 Families $ 9,166 Total Stewardship Gifts for October Total Stewardship Gifts for September $ 12,545 Phone: 610-384-5961 Fax: 610-384-5730 Sr. Anne McGuire, IHM, Principal Sr. Beverly Pellegrino, IHM, Vice Principal PJPII School Enrollment 669 ~ St. Peter Students 367 New Family Registration Information for 2015-16 School Year Please refer to the registration schedule below for the 2015-16 school year. The school will be adding a PreK-3 program based on a satisfactory number of registrations. Please visit the school website at for registration forms, requirements, and fees. A letter from the Pastor is required for all families registered with one of our three subsidizing parishes. (St. Peter, St. Joseph West End, and Our Lady of the Rosary) or Our Lady of Consolation. Please bring all paperwork to registration or your appointment. Age and Eligibility: PJPII RCES resides in the Coatesville Area School District and complies with local policies. Students entering kindergarten must be five years of age by August 31; students entering 1st grade must be six years of age by August 31; students entering PreK must be four years of age (PreK-4) and three years of age (PreK-3) by August 31. We also accept students from Downingtown, OJR, Pequea Valley, Octorara, and Twin Valley school districts. Transfer Students: PJPII will accept registration for incoming students for Grades 1 - 6 on a space available basis. To register, students must have a Birth Certificate, an up-to-date Immunization Record, Physical Exam, Dental Exam, a letter from pastor if registered with one of our three subsidizing parishes (St. Peter, St. Joseph West End, and Our Lady of the Rosary) or Our Lady of Consolation, a Certificate of Baptism or any other sacraments received, Social Security Number, and copy of the Current Report Card. A satisfactory academic and conduct record is essential. Tuition Assistance: Our school has received scholarship funds through the BLOCS (Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools) Program. Families meeting the income eligibility guidelines are encouraged to apply. Applications and requirements regarding this program can be found at or visit the school website. Additional Tuition Assistance Programs include;, and The Foundation for Catholic Education in Chester County. Registration Schedule New Family Registration: New PreK-6 Elementary Student Registration- February 11 and 12 by appt. only. Please call the school office between January 26 and February 6 to schedule appointment. New 7-8 Elementary Student Registration - By appointment only. Please call the school office. New Sibling Registration: PreK: January 21 by appt. only. Please call the school office between January 5 and January 16 to schedule appointment. Grades K through 6: January 22 by appt. only. Please call the school office between January 5 and January 16 to schedule appointment. Faithful Stewardship Saint Peter Catholic Elementary School Families at PJPII Monthly Contribution in Support of Saint Peter Parish November 2014 219 Families December 2014 219 Families No Contributions 77 Families No Contributions 65 Families $5. to $59. 40 Families $5. to $59. 35 Families $60 or more 102 Families $60 or more 119 Families Total Stewardship Gifts for September $13,593 Total Stewardship Gifts for October $20,277 Page 5 - 0146 Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible LIVE! Discover how you can make sense of the Bible and experience the lifechanging power of God’s Word! Join Jeff Cavins live for this exciting twonight event, February 3 & 4 at West Chester University from 6 - 9:30 p.m. For this FREE event, register at This is a rare opportunity to see Jeff Cavins live, and go behind the scenes as we produce this extraordinary Great Adventure Bible study. For all questions please email Cecilia at [email protected] Page 6 - 0146 Outreach Commission Because of your generous donations, the Saint Peter Parish Blood Drive was a big success. On behalf of your Blood Drive Committee and the American Red Cross—thank you. Not only did we reach our goal, we exceeded it. Your donations will make a difference to more than 100 folks who need blood. We’ll be back in August and look forward to your participation. Again, from all of us—thank you! Adoration: Please join us this Wednesday, February 4, for Adoration, Confession and Night Prayer at St. Agnes in West Chester starting at 7:30 p.m. Afterwards we will gather at Landmark Restaurant. For more info about CYACC’s social, service, and spiritual opportunities for young adults, check us out on Facebook, or request more info by emailing [email protected]. Hope for Today / Al-Anon meetings are held in Parish Meeting Rooms C & D on Wednesdays, at 7:30 p.m. The Serenity/AA Group meets every Thursday at 8 p.m. in Meeting Rooms C & D. Worship Commission Women of the Parish... Are you being called to a deeper relationship with Jesus? Everyone wants to grow closer to our Lord, but we all live busy lives and good intentions are just not enough! We need to be honest with ourselves…”Yes, my life is busy, but I do make time for what I believe is important.” Consider taking time away from your hectic life and attend the Women’s Cursillo Weekend to be held March 5 - 8 at the Immaculata Spirituality Center, Immaculata, PA. The weekend consists of a series of talks given by both clergy and lay people, Daily Mass, Adoration, and time to just be still. To learn more about this opportunity, please contact Stephanie Basile at 484-356-8378, Beth Goerlitz at 484-678-3416 or Pat Rugh at 610-9138618. And please visit us at the Parish Stewardship Spotlight on ‘Witness” in February! Next Cancer Support Group Meeting Saturday, February 14 at 11 a.m. in meeting rooms A & B. We meet socially in a relaxed, informal setting to offer support, share information and experiences, and help each other on our journey. MOM—Heart of the Home! Join us for the 21st Annual Spring Day of Renewal on March 21, from 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at SS Simon and Jude (The Meehan Center.) Morning Speaker...Kathy McCarthy is a widow and cancer survivor who has 12 children, 40 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. She is a published author, Catholic radio broadcaster, and has been a Catholic lay evangelist for almost 40 years. She has the gift of storytelling that readily touches the hearts of all individuals. Afternoon Speaker: Sandi Tronoski, a former business woman, a blessed wife, mother of two teenage daughters, and now… a speaker and unintentional entertainer who is thankful God can use her messes for HIS glory…and YOUR entertainment! Laugh and learn together how to live biblical truths while facing the everyday challenges and hot topics of today’s crazy world. Celebrant: Father Matt Guckin, resident of St. Joseph, Downingtown. Registration fee: $25 by March 14; $30 after March 14. To register visit Stewardship Spotlight on the Worship Commission. Our WORSHIP Ministries will greet you after all Masses on January 31 and February 1. Come and enjoy fellowship & refreshments: Sandwich bites & desserts after Saturday 5:00 Mass, Desserts & snacks on Sunday morning in Meeting Rooms A & B. The Worship Commission will have tables set up with displays, before and after all weekend Masses, so everyone can learn about the activities and ministries that help our parishioners and visitors recognize Worship as the center and focal point from which all else follows. Ministry opportunities include the Music Ministry representing Cantors and all Choirs; Extraordinary Ministers who assist the parish priest with distribution of Holy Communion; Lectors to proclaim the Word of God; Altar Servers to assist the priest at Mass; Ushers to greet parishioners, assist in seating and take up collections; Rosary Mission to pray the rosary together in community; and Gethsemane Prayer Group to offer Intercessory Prayer and the recitation of the Rosary on Tuesday evenings prior to Evening Prayer and Benediction; Art & Environment which includes Flowers/Seasonal Decorations for the church, chapel, and narthex; Cleaning Committee teams who clean the main church, chapel, altars; and Altar Linens volunteers who help maintain a clean supply of altar linens. You are invited to visit these displays to thank our Worship Commission Ministers & consider joining your talents with theirs. “Shout joyfully to the Lord, all you lands; serve the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful song.” Page 7 - 0146 PJPII Annual Report...The 2013-14 Annual Report can be viewed from the homepage of the school’s website at Thank you for supporting Catholic education! Youth Concert! The Immaculata Symphony will hold its annual Youth Concert on Sunday, February 15, at 3 p.m. in Alumnae Hall, on the campus of Immaculata University. The Immaculata Symphony is a university–community organization, with a long and outstanding tradition that goes back to the university's founding in 1920. This year’s Youth Concert features the fantastic works of Johann Strauss, Jr. and Benjamin Britten. Like Strauss, Benjamin Britten was known for his light-hearted compositions. His piece, The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, was composed as part of a music education program for youths with interest in music. Participants can download The Young Person’s Guide to Orchestra on iTunes before the concert. Cost: $10 for adults and free for children under 12. Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. More information and tickets are available by calling 610-647-4400, ext. 3473. Tailgate for the Turf!! Bishop Shanahan High School is hosting a Beef ’n Beer Tailgate for the Turf event in support of the Turf, Track, and Lights Campaign! Come out and support ALL of our BSHS current and future students! When: February 7 (snow date: February 13); Where: Bishop Shanahan High School; Time: 7 - 10 p.m.; Cost: $30 per person, only $50 per couple. RSVP: Christine O’Hare at [email protected] or 610-343-6244 by 2/1/15. Employment Opportunity Experienced Medical Office Receptionist (Exton) Part-time, approximately 25 - 30 hours per week, some evenings required. Busy, specialty office seeks a very organized, detailoriented individual to work the front desk. Good customer service and people skills a must. Individual must be dependable and able to multi-task. Applicants should have a positive and enthusiastic attitude, professional and courteous phone skills, and proficient computer skills. Candidates should live within 30 minutes travel time from Exton and have reliable transportation. Only candidates with medical office experience preferred but will train the right candidate. Duties: Answering phones and scheduling appointments; checking patients in and out; collecting payments; updating and maintaining electronic medical records; obtaining insurance verification and authorization; posting payments to patient accounts; and performing general administrative tasks. Please email resume to [email protected]. Man Up Philly! Save the date for the 2015 Men’s Spirituality Conference on Saturday, March 7, at St. Joseph's University Hagen Arena (2450 N. 54th Street, Phila.) Featuring: Dr. Scott Hahn, Author of Rome Sweet Rome; Devin Schadt, The glory, necessity, and power of fatherhood; Gus Lloyd, Host of “Seize the Day” on Sirius XM’s The Catholic Channel; Jim Longon, Steward of St. John Neumann and trustee of the Papal Foundation; Marie Joseph, Executive director of Legacy of Life Foundation, a pro-life non-profit organization and Author of “Faith on Fire.” Gentlemen, this is the 7th year of Man Up Philly and it’s seven times better then it was the first year. Don’t miss the likes of Scott Hahn, Archbishop Chaput, and Marie Joseph! Early Bird Pricing Ends February 7! Register at manupphilly,com or call 484-378-1036. SCRIP (gift cards) are a safe and easy way to make purchases. We sell SCRIP (gift cards) to Giant, Stauffer's, ACME, Shady Maple, Walmart, Dicks Sporting Goods, Cabella’s, Outback, Bonefish, Burger King, Dunkin Donuts, Panera Bread, Wawa, Regal Theater, Kohl's, Macys, Boscov’s, and many, many more. Questions? Call or stop in the parish office during regular business hours. Part-time Hospitality Coordinator at Malvern Retreat House Duties include setting up for Mass and working with our Rector Msgr. Joseph Marino. For more information call Jim Hall, Director of Hospitality at 484-321-2541 or [email protected]. Painting with a Twist! Getting tired of this weather and being indoors! Introducing “Painting With a Twist!” Join the fun at Our Lady of the Rosary Church Hall Sunday, March 1, from 1 - 4 p.m. Cost of the ticket is $40 and includes all supplies, wine, water, soda, and light appetizers! If you can finger paint, you will have fun at this social! Definitely no art experience necessary. Bring a friend. Call the rectory NOW for tickets at 610-384-1415. Space is limited. Baseball Coach...Bishop Shanahan High School is looking for a freshman baseball coach. Prior coaching experience required...please contact head coach Brian Boyko if you are interested at [email protected]. Don’t forget to keep collecting your “Box Tops for Education and Campbell product UPC labels!” You can help earn cash for Pope John Paul II Regional Elementary School simply by clipping “Box Tops” coupons from hundreds of participating products and UPC labels from Campbell products. We have two collection boxes - one in the library next to the lost & found and one on the table outside the chapel. Page 8- 0146 Witness Commission The King’s Men meet every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Meeting Rooms A & B. The Little Flowers meet the 4th Saturday of each month at 3 p.m. in Meeting Rooms C & D. For more information call Debbie Kopec at 610-942-4617 or Eileen Christian 610-384-6029. The Knights of Columbus meet the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Meeting Rooms A & B. All men, 18 years or older, are welcome to come to a meeting. Invitation to All Parishioners with Family Members on Active Duty in the Military We are now updating our Prayer List of those on Active Duty. If your family member is on Active Duty and you wish to include his/her name on this list, please send us a note to that effect with your contact information to: Knights of Columbus c/o Parish Office - St. Peter Church ________________________________ Welcome Commission Silver Lining Seniors Invites you! February is bring a friend month! Please invite a friend or neighbor & join us for fun, fellowship, and prizes! Next Tuesday, February 10 at 1 p.m. (Monthly meeting) Additional forms in the literature rack in narthex. St. Peter Catholic Church Meeting Rooms C & D Page 9` - 0146 Party Rentals Tents and Events by 82 Rents WENTZ FUNERAL HOME All Souls Cemetery Embroidery • Screen Printing • Laser Engraving 610-384-0318 Trophies • Promotional Items • Signs 342 E. Chestnut St., Coatesville, PA 19320 Digital Printing • Banners M. Joye Wentz, Funeral Director In The Thorndale Acme Shopping Center Kirstin Wentz McElroy, Funeral Director 3529 Lincoln Hwy., Thorndale, PA 610-873-6075 • One Catholic Family Serving Another West Brandywine Twp. Lots Available - Free Literature (610) 525-0173 Tel Hai Retirement Community Tables • Chairs Tents & More 610-321-0282 Rt. 100 • Chester Springs Parishioner 15% OFF w/coupon Offers Personal Care • Adult Day Services Dedicated Short Term Rehab Neighborhood ANTHONY J. MASCHERINO, cpa 1200 Tel Hai Circle, Honey Brook, PA 19344 610.273.9333 x2446 Check Us Out On Facebook! FREE INSPECTION Accounting & Taxes • Business & Personal Licensed & Insured PA Lic. #006806 341 East Lancaster Ave. Downingtown, PA 610-269-6833 (Formerly Ruffin’s) 43 North Bailey Rd. Thorndale, PA RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-337-0988 610-384-6560 A SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY Parishioner Independent Living • Personal Care Month to Month Rentals, No Buy-In 3180 Horseshoe Pike Honey Brook, PA 19344 Phone: 610-273-9301 Save $$$ on Your Home Insurance! WE DO THE SHOPPING FOR YOU! Call Now 610-889-9300 PARISHIONER Math Tutoring Experienced in PRAXIS Papa SAT ACT all areas of Math, Pre-Algebra through Pre-Calculus Reasonable rates, call Nancy 610-715-1566 Reilly & Sons Inc. Gasoline . Heating Oils . Diesel Fuels Family Owned & Operated Since 1976 Exton, PA 610.363.7225 Parishioners Larry Beaver, LUTCF Agency Owner 24-Hour Customer Service Allstate Insurance Company 3498 Lincoln Hwy. • Thorndale, PA 19372 610-384-5300 • [email protected] 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Auto, Home, Life, Retirement Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED 146 - St. Peter, Honey Brook, PA (I) FX Check out our reviews on: Birthright International 112 S. High Street West Chester, PA 19382 “It is the right of every pregnant woman to give birth, and the right of every child to be born.” Birthright Charter 529 E. Lincoln Highway Coatesville, PA 19320 610-436-0773 610-384-3020 Free & Confidential Pregnancy Services 800-550-4900 (24 hour hotline) • John Patrick Publishing Company - 1-800-333-3166 • James J. Terry Funeral Home 736 E. Lancaster Ave., Downingtown (610) 269-6567 James J. Terry, Supervisor, Funeral Director Gregory C. Froio, Funeral Director FORD’S Esther Grandizio-Sward, RPh Traditional Funeral Cremation Pre-Planning Service Largest On-Site Parking Potted Plants • Bedding Plants POINSETTIAS (across from church) 610-384-6536 610-273-3900 Open 7 Days FREE Delivery Heating Oil - Propane Furnaces-Boilers Air Conditioners Sales / Service / Installation “Our Roots are here, COMMUNION DRESSES AND SUITS others only have Branches” RELIGIOUS GIFTS AND BOOKS 592 Schuylkill Rd. - Rt. 724, Phoenixville Call today for a price quote 610-917-9470 SHARE MY CLOSET of Downingtown 601 E. Lancaster Ave., Downingtown, PA 19335 610-269-5569 ~ Beth Pearson Buying & selling pre-worn clothes for kids Infants to Size 14 Clothing, Shoes & More Fax 484-237-3118 • [email protected] (610) 269-1046 FAX (610) 269-7416 2503 Conestoga Ave. Honeybrook, PA 19344 Angels of Our Lady Luminella Memorials GREENHOUSES PA4240 Parishioner [email protected] • Parishioner 610-692-3388 VISITING NURSES Serving Chester County since 1917 RN, Therapy, and Aide Services Ph. 610-384-4200 Parishioner F.H. SWISHER PLUMBING & HEATING CO. RESERVATIONS: 610-273-0207 HONEYBROOK G O L F C L U B THE PUB AT THE CLUB GOULDS WATER SYSTEMS BATH REMODELING Joel F. Swisher • Jeffrey F. Swisher RENNY S. SARDELLA, O.D. 1810 E. Lincoln Hwy. • Coatesville, PA 19320 277-279 • Norwood Rd., Downingtown, PA 19335 Jason Reed, Realtor DELICIOUS SUNDAY BRUNCH 10-2 P.M. LUNCH DAILY 11-2 FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER & ENTERTAINMENT Kelly’s Keller Williams Real Estate Exton Market Center Direct: 484-995-0402 • Broker: 610-363-4300 REAL ESTATE Parishioner • Catechist [email protected] Come See Us After Mass on Sunday! JAMES H. MULRY, P.G. Breakfast & Lunch Kathryn’s Hair Salon 3303 Lincoln Hwy. Thorndale, PA 484-288-8322 Mon-Fri: 630-230 Sat-Sun: 630-200 (610) 466-9909 • Tom Foley 877-285-5495 Make Appointments Online Caln Computer In-Home Computer Training, Setup and Repair Hydrogeologist/President Parishioner 610-942-9010 [email protected] MULRY AND CRESSWELL ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 656 E. Reeceville Rd., Coatesville (610) 466-7524 Specializing in Foil HiLites Creative Cuts ~ Men’s Cuts Designer Perm Wraps First Time Clients 20% OFF John Wm. Lauer, CLTC®, FIC Financial Associate Office: 610-286-5986 Cell: 610-213-4596 3821 Main Street Morgantown, PA 19543 ConnecƟng faith & finances for good™ Licensed agent/producer of Thrivent Financial, marke ng name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Registered representa ve of Thrivent Investment Management Inc., Minneapolis, MN. Member FINRA and SIPC. 27193 R3-14 Wet Basement? Call today 484-410-4110 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING, MOLD REMOVAL, REMOVAL, FOUNDATION REPAIR FUNERAL HOME LTD. “A Life Celebration Home” Personalized Funeral and Cremation Services Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto Jonathan P. Fedora Funeral Director-Supervisor 107 West Lancaster Avenue, Downingtown, PA 19335 610-269-3041 Like a Good Neighbor Joe Feeney, Agent conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Stephen & Barbara Swarcheck Realtor® 610-942-4170 (0) Parishioners Buyer Agency Specialist Save Hundreds of Dollars! [email protected] Web Page 146 - St. Peter, Honey Brook, PA (back) FX STATE FARM When you need more than just a guy with a chainsaw. Michael Martorana ISA Certified Arborist Longwood Gardens Cert. of Merit Diagnosis Treatment Pruning Removal 610.269.TREE (8733) Lic.#PA022068 Providing Insurance & Financial Services 610-459-4403 parishioner Sunday Brunch 10:30am to 3pm Dinner Tuesday through Sunday 4:30pm to 9pm Holiday Gatherings, Weddings and Funeral Luncheons 610-273-2444 APA Tax Accountants, Inc. Albert P. Abdala, III 1224 West Lincoln Highway Coatesville, PA 19320 610-384-6425 • Fax: 610-380-1753 • Personal • Business • Estates • Corporations • ITIN’s • LLC • Partnerships ***Specializing in Tax Issues Offer & Compromise (OIC) *** John Patrick Publishing Company - 1-800-333-3166 •
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