Sunday, 1 February 2015 News Bulletin Making disciples by connecting, growing & serving Welcome! If you are visiting us for the first time today, welcome! Please do introduce yourself during the break at the end of the gathering. After many years of Ikea construction, I have learned the hard way to follow the instructions precisely. I now open the pack, find the instruction sheet and perfectly complete every task as outlined in the instruction procedure booklet. Katherine’s Baptism Join us for an outdoor service next Sunday as we rejoice with Katherine in her public declaration of following the Lord Jesus. Sunday, 8th Feb 5pm I have learnt to do this because of my failure to obey Mr Ikea in the past. This has resulted in disaster—disaster which has been difficult on every level of my life— relationally with my family, financially, and also affected my health (both physically and emotionally) - and, ask my family, I am NOT Joking. What is lacking in the Ikea instructions are the disasters WILL result from not following Mr Ikea. God, however, is much more loving than Mr Ikea… not only does he offer us the best life in relationship with him (best in part now but the perfection of heaven). And, as we shall see today, he also explains with clarity the result of failing to keep his commands, and Israel’s blatant disregard to honour God leads God to keep his word—bringing upon them the results of their disobedience—both in a practical earthly way through the disaster that results from failing to obey the makers instructions, and in a spiritual way as they damage their relationship with him. Growth Groups Our groups are getting underway over the next two weeks. Watch your inbox for the new prospectus arriving this week. Will we learn from the mistakes of the past? Lets learn afresh that the endurance and encouragement of the scriptures and the history of the past was written so that we, God’s people today, may have hope. Our Friday afternoon / night youth groups got off to a great start on Friday. I was greatly encouraged by the new leaders and programs. Continue to spread the word! Chat in the playground, make the personal invitation. Like our facebook page with updated Blast / 57 / Rev Information. Yours in Christ, Join us as we reflect on the Israelites as the next chapter of their lives commences—what can we learn as 2015 commences? 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Jesus. Matthew 28:18-20 North Ryde Anglican is passionately endeavouring to focus on the great commission of Jesus through connecting, growMaking disciples by connecting, growing & serving ing and serving. As a community of believers we are committed to a church that reflects: Genuine Connection. The colour blue captures a safe and helpful environment allowing connection with each other, our local community and beyond. Genuine Growth. The colour green captures our vision to be a community growing in our love and knowledge of God and in the development of our skills and gifts in the service of God and each other. Genuine Service. The colour red captures true service reflected in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Our community desires to serve one another and our suburb with both the proclamation of Jesus and in practical care. Church logo. The Church logo captures our vision. One arrow points to our focus on God and his glory, the other points to our service of each other and our community. The intersection point makes the shape of a cross transposed on a sphere representing our suburb of North Ryde and our world. Our church community is learning how to let this vision shape and mould every facet of church life. 2015 Wardens Student Minister Youth and Young adults pastor Talar Khatchoyan Simon & Kathryn Holmes Chris Aspland Mob: 0415 169 831 Ph: 9887 2663 Peter Bliss Ph: 9878 3978 Francis Gosling SERVICES 152 Coxs’s Rd (opposite Mall) Ph: 9878 3840 9am Family service & Morning Tea Assistant Minister James & Hanri Delanty Mob: 0424 779 700 Lead Pastor: John Chappell (Kylie, Joseph, Tara, Nathaniel & Jacob) Ph: 9878 3974 & 0403 812 782. 5pm Family service & optional $2 dinner Monthly Communion: 9am (2nd Sunday) 5pm (4th Sunday) 3pm SOMA church (Macquarie Centre) Lead Pastor: Rev. John Chappell Safe Ministry Representative Ph: 9878 3974 Mobile: 0403 812 782 Eireann Cameron 0419 240 260 Minister in Training: Martin & Emma Robinson Mob: 0431 556 888 ST JOHN’S NORTH RYDE ANGLICAN Office Phone: (02) 8004 0513 [email protected] 152 Cox’s Rd North Ryde 2113 (Opposite Coxs Rd Shopping Mall) SUNDAY SERVICES 10am 5pm Family Service in hall Lord’s Supper 2nd Sunday of Month Family service $3 dinner Lord’s Supper 4th Sunday of Month 10:30am Monday Aged Care Service New Horizons fortnightly What has been happening at church this week? Clockwise from top Sarah, Tim & Joseph attended LIT—Leaders in Training conference at port hacking, Friday night you leaders dinner, BLAST gets underway with our new leaders, Maddison’s Birthday Children and youth Ministries 2015 PRAYER POINTS WHAT DO CHRISTIANS BELIEVE? The bible explains that our world is God’s good creation, a display of his honour and majesty. However, humanity has chosen to try to run life independently from God. This has disastrous consequences. Life lived in opposition to the maker naturally breaks down—we cannot control God’s world without him. We begin to experience the just judgement from the maker we have rebelled against. Creation no longer reflects the majesty and honour of God. God could justly put an end to his rebellious creatures, but in his love, treats us differently to what we deserve. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” John, Chapter 3 verse 16 Prayer points are compiled in the church office. Please email [email protected] or phone 02 8004 0513 (John 3:16 Mandarin) (John 3:16 Japanese) Jesus, the Son of God, is God’s rescue plan for his rebellious creatures. Jesus did not rebel against God—he was perfect. He is God’s gift to us in that he, being the perfect human, can be punished or judged in our place. On the cross Jesus Christ dies taking the punishment of separation from God that we all deserve. Therefore, anyone who believes in him can escape God’s anger. But that is not all, they can reconnect with God and start to experience life the way it should be, finding true freedom in obediently serving our creator. The bible explains that this sacrificial action of Jesus brings great honour to God. All who believe in Jesus continue to bring honour to God. But God’s patience with ongoing rebels who bring him dishonour will run out, and Jesus will soon return to eternally punish. Christians are eternally thankful to Jesus as our saviour, and strive to live rightly under him as Lord and master. The bible explains that we need supernatural help to do this. We can never be thankful enough or good enough to earn ‘saved’ status. We must be saved first, then thankfulness and obedience rightly follow. James Delanty attending ordination retreat this week and ordination on Saturday For our new staff, James and Hanri along with Talar as they commence as begin their ministries Our friends mourning the loss of loved ones— Francis Gosling mourning Marjorie, Brenda Knock following her husband Ken’s death Catherine Read endeavouring awaiting processing of her visa application. May take 5 months. Katherine Maurer—Baptism 8th Feb 5pm Liz and Dave preparing for wedding early March Bob Chappell, Dorothy Michalk, Val Dransfield (Kylie’s Mother), Rusty Russell, Dorothy Kenning, Brenda Knock, Joyce Small Parish council as we meet with Peter Mayrick from Moore College’s centre for ministry development. RACE events this month—AGM this week and teachers commission on the 22nd Training events—Kids ministry today and Music ministry next Saturday. Jesusbrings Prayer Our Gracious God, help us to proclaim our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ during the Jesus Brings mission, so that everyone around us will hear his call to repent, trust him, serve him in love and be established in the fellowship of his disciples while we await his return.Strengthen us to pray, to depend on your Holy Spirit and use the Jesus Brings mission to glorify you. Amen Catherine Read Will you accept God’s rescue plan in Jesus right now ? Giving @ St John’s Can you partner with others in our church in helping to meet our target? The best way to do this is via establishing an electronic transfer with your bank. BSB: 032 088 Account: 810054 Currently over 50% of all offertory is given electronically. Church Facility Diagram Please contact Francis via email ([email protected]) to confidentially notify him that arrangements are in place. For more details speak to our treasurer Francis Gosling on 9878 3840. RACE stands for Ryde Area Christian Education but it also conveys the biblical concept that life is like a running race. We believe that, in the race of life, faith is key and that Jesus is the source and perfecter of true faith. RACE is a sub-committee of Generate Ministries and as such we uphold their statements of faith and seek the same values: be dependent on God, prayerful and faithful, looking for Godhonouring results work in cooperation with the local Christian community respect and act with integrity towards the government, schools, parents and other caregivers and their children humbly provide a trustworthy and reliable service with integrity model courageous, entrepreneurial, servant-hearted leadership Our goal is to provide a program that allows every student access, in a peer group-learning context, to: The opportunity to engage with the Bible from a Christian perspective The opportunity to apply Christian faith to their lives The opportunity to translate their learning into active expression in a worshipping community We aim to achieve these goals through: High quality scripture lessons based upon biblical teaching, structured through the Generate curriculum and taught in a way the connects the relevance of the Bible’s teaching to students' lives Facilitating a peer group-learning context of mutual respect and encouragement Providing access to information about Christian lunch time groups and local church youth groups If you share our vision for young lives transformed in this Christian ministry would you consider praying for us and donating generously to enable RACE to pursue this vision under God? Support Simon Holmes (RACE Coordinator), James Delanty (teacher) and other teachers / board members through attending the teachers commissioning service here at St John’s on Sunday afternoon 22nd February at 2.00-3.00pm. You can find out more at the brand new website: Rosters SUNDAY SERVICE WARDEN LEADER 10.00 am 1-Feb-15 FS C. Aspland James D Septuagesima/ OS4 5.00 pm FS P. Bliss S. Holmes 10.00 am 8-Feb-15 TLS F. Gosling Septuagesima/ OS5 5.00 pm FS P. Bliss WELCOME TEA COFFEE S&D Turnbull D.Lee DINNER 1st READ- 2ndREADING ING G. Walker Psalm 62 L. ThomH&A R. Chappell son M. Simon C & S Heap Curdie 1 Sam 13 Psalm 62 Service S. Turnbull Leader Matt 28:1James D K. Chappell A. Chidjian 1 Sam 16 30 J. Harrison S. RobertA. Curdie Matt 28:1S. Holmes son M. Simon K. Chappell 1 Sam 16 20 SOUND DESK COMPUTER KIDS' SPOT P. Bliss 1 Sam 13 R. Li J. Shin N. Chappell K.Maurer Service Leader Service Leader PREACHER PRAYER John C Service Leader John C L. Hawke John C P. Bliss John C K. Holmes Jesus understood the longings in our heart and reminded us that we’ll never be satisfied with what comes from this world. One day, while speaking to a woman at a well, He spoke of a spiritual drink that would change a person forever. He said: “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” The drink Jesus spoke of was the Holy Spirit. He promised that whoever repented of their sins and came to Him would have God’s Holy Spirit poured into them and receive the gift of eternal life. Imagine having true satisfaction! Well God is the answer. Thirsty for love? – Then get to know God! Thirsty for forgiveness? – God is willing. Thirsty for meaning in life? – God has clear purpose for you. How about justice and peace? – Well you’ll have to wait for heaven to experience those fully. Fear of death? – Jesus died on the cross so that you can live. All of this satisfaction is forever! Those crazy Finlanders! If hubby is strong and wifey weighs more than 49kg they can enter as a team in the 'Wife-Carrying World Championships'. The rules are simple: carry your wife along a 253m obstacle course traversing land and water. The first couple to the finish line (hopefully with marriage intact) is crowned winner. The prize? The woman’s weight in beer! What a way to quench a thirst! Whether it’s sporting glory, money, marriage, holidays, a successful career, a nice home or even just good health, we all thirst for something, don’t we? But have you ever stopped to think if you can be truly satisfied in life? Or will you spend the rest of your years running an obstacle course, always chasing happiness? If these promises are stirring up your thirst then you may be wondering how you can discover the details? The answer is that you need to get a Bible and read it. And this is because the Bible is God’s word. It’s extraordinary how timeless the Bible is. It speaks to people in every age and culture and it was given to help us make sense of those longings and desires that fill our daily thoughts. In a restless world, only God can satisfy. He promises security and long-lasting happiness. He acts for your goodness and quenches your thirsts... but only if you invite Jesus into your life. So, why not get a Bible and start reading about this astounding good news? Prayer: Dear God, I seek and trust you to meet my every desire, and to remove those that are unhealthy to me. Amen. Verse: Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:1314 Dates for Race onsite here at St John’s AGM—Thursday 5th Teachers Commissioning Sunday 22nd 2-3pm New Horizon’s Service Commences this week Join the team at 10:30am in the New Horizon’s Dining room (Badajoz Rd North Ryde) for our prayerbook hymns and communion service. Our service runs on the First and Third Mondays of the month. IF you would like to know more, or need transport, contact John Chappell 0403 812 782or Peter Bliss 9878 3978 James is to be ordained at St Andews Cathedral next Saturday, 10:30am. If you would like transport, speak to John Chappell. Contact Card Date: Sunday, 1 February 2015 Activity Attended: 10am5pmOther_____________ I am glad to have come today and may come again I will explore keeping in touch through ‘liking’ the church on facebook I am happy to share the following details with a staff or welcoming team member Name: __________________________________ Address: __________________________________ Phone: __________________________________ __________________________________ Mobile: Email: __________________________________ __________________________________ Date of Birth: ____/____/_______ This is my first time here I would like to know about activities for children I would like to investigate Christianity further I would like to speak to a staff member Please add further comments or questions below. Please place completed from in the Perspex ‘Everything Box’ on the church rear wall or return to a member of staff or the welcoming team Information provided will only be used by North Ryde ministry leaders.
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