February, 2015 "As For Me and My House" PRAISE THE LORD! Alex Ferguson was baptized into Christ by his father, Steve, on Sunday, January 25. Alex is 11 years old. WELCOME! Building a strong FAMILY BUILDING A STRONG MARRIAGE bUILDING STRONG cHILDREN BUILDING A STRONG LEGACY Dates To Remember. . . Beyond These Walls February 1 - Soup-er Bowl Outreach Event Don’t forget your cans of soup for Big Walnut Friends Who Share! Place the cans in your favorite team’s box (located in the gym foyer). This Year. . . For each month in 2015, the SCC leadership will choose an area of focus as we go out and serve our community— “Beyond These Walls.” THANK YOU to those who submitted ideas! For February, we will focus on our local schools! SCC will bless and encourage the staff at each of the Big Walnut school buildings by providing treats or goodies, a colored picture or card, or a craft item. Include the family in this project! The items will be taken to the school on MONDAY, February 23, and placed in the school’s break/lunch room. You can decide, as a family, what school you want your item to go to! Items will be collected in the gym on the morning of SUNDAY, February 22 (there will be a table set up for each of the schools). Leadership Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Leadership Sunday, February 8 | 7-8:15 P.M. Contact: Mike Bratten|[email protected]|740.965.3821 All Staff, Elders, Deacons, and Ministry Leaders are encouraged to attend this important meeting. This will be the first of three meetings for 2015. Men’s Bible Study & Breakfast. . . . . . . . . . .Men Friday, February 13 | 6:30 - 7:30 A.M. | SCC Gym Contact: Tom Hatfield |[email protected]| 740.965.3909 All men are invited to come for this weekly time together to study God’s Word. The February 13th study will include a breakfast, too! Lit n’ Latte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Women Thursday, February 26 |1:45 P.M. at Sunbury Library Contact: Shirley Dunahugh|[email protected] Do you love to read? This group is for you! All ladies are welcome to come. February’s Book is by John Grisham—The Innocent Man. 2 February Calendar 1 - “Soup-er” Bowl Outreach - Don’t forget your cans of soup 1 - Jr. & Sr. High Super Bowl XLVIX Party | 6 - 8 p.m. 8 - Leadership Meeting | 7 - 8:15 p.m. | SCC Gym 9 - Elders’ Meeting | 7 p.m. 9-14 - Upward Break Week 11 - Special FEAST - Packing meals for the hungry | 6 - 7:40 13 - Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study | 6:30 a.m. | SCC Gym 14 - Valentine’s Day 15 - Jr. High Youth Group | 6 - 8 P.M. | Swanks’ Home 20-21 - Jr. High—CIY Believe Conference 22 - Sr. High Youth Group | 6 - 8 P.M. | Huffers’ Home 22 - Outreach Opportunity | For the staff at BW schools 26 - Women’s Lit n’ Latte | 1:45 p.m. | Sunbury Library WEEKLY Sunday: Men’s Basketball—Open Gym | 6 - 8 p.m. (No Open Gym on 1/8/13) Sun. - Sat.: Small Groups (See Bulletin Board) Meet on Various Nights Through the Week Mon., Tues. & Thurs.: Upward Basketball & Cheer Prac. | 6 - 9 p.m. Monday: Women’s Bible Study | 5:30 a.m. (Maxeiner’s home) Wednesday: Wednesday Night FEAST | 6 - 7:40 p.m. Friday: Men’s Bible Study | 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. 2015 Vacation Bible School Believe it or not, VBS planning has begun! So now is the time to speak up if you would like to be involved in a leadership role for our 2015 program. The participation of our members is what makes our program great and brings children from across the community to our church. For those who are “VBS veterans,” please let us know if you would like a new role, the same role, or if you would like to take a break in 2015. Please contact Karyl Shirkey at [email protected] or 614.309.7784. January Attendance Averages 1st Worship Service 2nd Worship Service Total Worship Service 180 276 456 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." - Matthew 28:19, 20 Hearing From Our Leadership. . . 3 “What A Great Place To Be!” By Mike Bratten, Sr. Minister I caught myself bragging on you the other day. . . yes, YOU, the church. YOU make this a great place to be! You desire to know the Word of God; you want others to find what you've found; you sacrifice and laugh and pray and. . . you want Jesus Christ to be seen above all else. . . and I love it! We have such an opportunity to be involved in the lives of other people. Upward Basketball and Cheerleading is making contact with people who do not have a church home. The Preschool is making an impact within the families of the 70 children who come our way every week. The letters and prayers that you are sending to those in our community, letting them know that you appreciate who they are, what they do, and that you're lifting them to the Lord. An email came from one of our local ministers who had received a letter from me and from one of you! Along with expressing his appreciation for our prayers, he was convicted that he should also be doing more of the same. He then suggested that we get together sometime soon and even offered to let me buy him lunch. Now THAT'S my kind of preacher! I also received a letter of thanks from one of our Police Departments. Let me ask you a question: Are you building Bridges or building Fences? This question came to me as I sat in a Ministers' Meeting this morning. As the presenter was sharing some valuable things, I believe the Holy Spirit impressed this question on my heart. . . and I believe He wants me to ask you the same thing. No one remains stagnant for long. We move in one direction or another. We have to move; it's in our nature. When we make the choice to move, Do we build fences? defend what's ours? keep others out? OR Do we build bridges? allow God to work through us? include those around us, especially those who are hurting? I think this is a great place to be because we are helping people cross the bridge from sinfulness to holiness, from feelings of inferiority to those of value because of who God has made them to be. People are looking for hope and encouragement. They need someone to truly care. Oh, may God help us to be that kind of church. . . to look past the income, the occupation, the house, the clothes, the phones, and all the things of this world to what is really important. . . the eternal souls of men and women who need to be born again, from above. What a great place to be! “Jesus Didn’t Own Running Shoes” By Casey Shofner, Youth Minister As I write this article, I’m keenly aware of everything that needs my attention. Emails to respond to, meetings to be at (in 15 minutes), shopping list to fulfill, sporting events to attend, car to pick up at the shop on my way home, etc., etc. Lately it feels like I am running from one thing to the next. Knowing the rapid pace that I catch myself in, I thought it would be interesting to research verses in the Gospels, which help us understand the tempo at which Jesus led His life. Here’s what I found: As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. (Mark 1:16) As He walked along, He saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector’s booth. (Mark 2:14) One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and as His disciples walked along, they began to pick some heads of grain. (Mark 2:23) As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus Himself came up and walked along with them. (Luke 24:15) Jesus was in the temple courts walking in Solomon’s Colonnade. (John 10:23) Now while this is not meant to be an anti-running commercial (because physical running is something we all should do from time to time), it is meant to be a helpful reminder as to the rhythm and pace at which Jesus conducted himself. Throughout the gospels it seems as though Jesus moved along on a steady course from one encounter to another. Nowhere do we read about the disciples being out of breath trying to keep up with their hyper-speed rabbi. (Con’t. on back page) “Building meaningful relationships with Jesus Christ and those we meet” Sunbury Christian Church 250 Rainbow Ave. Sunbury, OH 43074 First Service: 9:00 A.M. Sunday School 9:00 A.M. Coffee & Fellowship 10 - 10:20 A.M. Second Ser vice: 10:30 A.M. Nursery - Grade 6 | Classes & Kids Club Michael Bratten, Senior Minister Ken Muller, Associate Minister Casey Shofner, Youth Minister Lloyd Huffer II, Teen Minister Dawn Boehm, Childr en’s Coor dinator Debbie Clem, Secr etar y Trish Stewart, Office Assistant Church Office - (740) 965-3821 *** NOTICE: If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, please cut out the above label, write “remove” on it, and send to the above address. Or, you may e-mail Debbie Clem, [email protected], with your address information. *** Jan Erndt, Administr ator Sonshine Preschool - (740) 965-2630 Visit our Web Site: www.sunburychristian.com E-mail addresses are available. Youth And Misc. Wednesday Night FEAST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All Casey’s Article—Con’t. Wednesdays |Dinner: 6 P.M. |Classes: 6:40 P.M. Perhaps it would be a good thing for us to consider our pace. Are we moving too fast to see what God wants us to see—and might we be limiting ourselves in the process? Could it be that time management starts with me doing some sort of pace-of-life analysis? How different would our perspective be if Jesus had said to the lame man in John chapter 5, “Get up. Pick up your mat and run”? Contact: Mike Bratten |[email protected]| 740.965.3821 Join us for a mid-week refreshment, both spiritually and physically! We begin with dinner for the family followed by classes for all ages. Dinner cost: Adults: $3, Children:$2 (age 3—6th Grade) and Family Max: $10. On February 11 SCC will sponsor a food packing session in collaboration with Lifeline Christian Mission. This is a family friendly activity that has a big impact. All ages are welcome! You and your family will literally be feeding hundreds of people. Super Bowl XLIX Party. . . . . . . . . . . . . Jr. & Sr. High Sunday, February 1 | 6 - 8 P.M. (or until halftime) Contact: Casey Shofner | [email protected] |740.965.3821 Two adult classes available on Weds.—6:40 P.M. Adult Class (Sanctuary) Led by: Mike Bratten “Bible Basics” - Includes one general principle which helps to understand the Bible and two specific ways to apply that principle. Come and cheer on your favorite team! Food, Football, and Fun! Jr. and Sr. High will meet at the Swanks’ home (13821 Ulery Rd., Sunbury). Women’s Study (Rm. 6) Led by: Erica Maxeiner “What Love Is” - A Bible Study of I, II, III John— Author: Kelly Minter. This class includes a DVD, discussion, and study guide. Contact: Casey Shofner |[email protected]| 740.965.3821 Youth Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jr. and Sr. High Sunday, February 15 and 22 | 6 - 8 P.M. February 15 | Sr. High will meet at the Swanks’ home. (13821 Ulery Rd., Sunbury) February 22 | Jr. High will meet at the Huffers’ home. (360 Fox Trail Dr., Sunbury)
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