A congregation of the ELCA The Trumpet Vol. 36, Issue 2 February 2015 Reminders Blood Drive Feb 8 Western Weekend Feb 14-15 Ash Wednesday Feb 18 Lenten Services Begin Feb 25 In This Issue Pastor’s Message Worship Schedule Ministry Teams Around the Church Council Highlights Upcoming Events TLC Youth Getting To Know... Hong Kong Missionary The Good Steward Finance People Calendar 2 3 4-5 6 7 8-9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 “Triumphant Lutheran Church learns God’s way, worships Him, and shares His love through our everyday encounters so that, as His caring people, we and others grow in Christ.” Pastor’s Message He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” (Revelation 21:5) It seems that God is always about making things new. Out of the waters of chaos, he fashioned a world, the heaven, the sun and the moon, all manner of plants and animals, and us. After a major “doover” in the waters of the great flood, God created a new line of humans through Noah and his family. By establishing a covenant with Abraham, God made a new family of people his own. When Moses led the people through the Red Sea and gave them the 10 Commandments, God remade his covenant anew with his people. Using the words of the prophets, he reforged his relationship with his people again and again amid the reigns of bad kings, while in exile to foreign lands and even in bitter homecomings. In all of that, God made all things new. Finally, he sent His Son, Jesus Christ. John tells us that he was there in the beginning of all things, creating and making right alongside the Father. Yet there was more work to be done. Through his death and resurrection, he connected us forever with God the Father. In Christ, all things were made new; all relationships between humanity (you and I) and God were restored once again. But this time it was forever. Still, God’s recreating work was not finished, at least not yet. Through the Holy Spirit, God took a rag-tag group of believers and formed the church. It grew and spread and flourished. 1500 years later, he used a German monk to reform his great church on earth once again. He realigned it with God’s will, following the precepts of Christ and the early church leaders. As the church grew, denominations formed, again giving God’s people new understandings and new ways to worship and praise. But even today, God still isn’t finished. In this very church we call Triumphant, God is at it again. At last year’s annual meeting, you put in place the framework for everything to be made new here as well. In mid-January, work began on the bell tower, the sentinel which overlooks our neighborhood. It will be made new with a new (waterproof!) design, readying it to be a beacon calling future generations to this house of worship. More importantly, a new call committee has been seated which will begin the work of choosing an Associate Pastor for our congregation. When he or she comes among us, indeed all will be made new. We will experience new programs, a new way of relating, a new pattern of planning, a new way of hearing the Word, a new way of serving the same Christ who makes all things new. God will be working through us all to reshape and reform this ministry to better do God’s will across Garden Ridge, northeast San Antonio, and throughout the world. But God still won’t be finished. Revelation tells us that the restoring and renewing nature of God is simply that — His nature. It is who God is. Until the end of time, God will be making all things new, so get ready! God has great things in store for His people, His church, and for you and me! May we be 2 open to his renewing work! February Worship Schedule Jan 31 Feb 1 5:00pm 8:30am 11:00am Feb 7 Feb 8 5:00pm 8:30am 11:00am Feb 14 Feb 15 5:00pm 8:30am 11:00am Feb 18 Noon Ash Wed. 7:00pm Feb 21 Feb 22 5:00pm 8:30am 11:00am Feb 25 Feb 28 Mar 1 7:00pm 5:00pm 8:30am 11:00am Communion Asst Kachina Smith Reader Colin Smith Assisting Minister Collin Krauss Reader Suzanne Schroeder Assisting Minister Andrea Justice Reader David Salgado Communion Asst Mary Gandolfo Reader Mary Gandolfo Assisting Minister Tom O’Berg Reader Cheryl Martin Assisting Minister Natalie Weinhardt Reader Robin Titus Communion Asst Robin Koch Reader Barbara Abbott Assisting Minister Cathie Irons Reader Mary Langenes Assisting Minister Debbie Roberts Reader Jennifer Spreen Assisting Minister Ken Weber Reader Suzanne Schroeder Assisting Minister Gordon Hengst Reader John Hargis Communion Asst Cindy McCaffrey Reader Lana Mardon Assisting Minister Brian Krauss Reader Chris Teague Assisting Minister Doug Hammerstrom Reader Ted Royston Reader Tom O’Berg Reader Jackie Mitchell Communion Asst Mary Langenes Reader Bobbie White Assisting Minister Tom O’Berg Reader Dave Titus Assisting Minister Debbie Crum Reader Aric Steinmann This Month’s Scripture Lessons Feb 1: Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm 111 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28 Feb 8: Isaiah 40:21-31 Psalm 147:1-11, 20c 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 Mark 1:29-39 Feb 15: 2 Kings 2:1-12 Psalm 50:1-6 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 Mark 9:2-9 Feb 18: Joel 2:1-2, 12-17 Psalm 51:1-17 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10 Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 Feb 22: Genesis 9:8-17 Psalm 25:1-10 1 Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:9-15 Mar 1: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 Psalm 22:23-31 Romans 4:13-25 Mark 8:31-38 Click the Audio Icon to listen to the latest sermon. 3 Triumphant Ministry Teams Ministry Support Jerry Guebard TLC finished the year with a balance of $120K which has been placed in various holding accounts. - $40,000 Capital Improvement Fund - $ 5,000 2015 Opening General Operating Balance - $24,000 Non-Discretionary Standing Reserve - $18,000 Associate Pastor Reserve - $13,000 Additional allotment to Capital Improvement Fund - $10,000 Additional allotment to Associate Pastor Reserve - $10,061.59 Additional Non-Discretionary Standing Reserve Sharon Hopkins, the church Administrator, and I met with the Toshiba copier representative because we have had a few problems with our current machine — not in copying but in the folding and stapling part. We discussed two options, a new color copier or a new black and white machine. The color machine has so many capabilities that could be used down the road, but we feel we are not ready yet to take on those tasks and expenses. We have signed a contract for the new black and white copier. The machine is basically 50% faster (85 copies/minute vs 55) and allows us 25,000 copies per month versus the 18,000 we have now. It also has many new features that we can eventually use. The best thing about this machine is it costs less than the current machine. We have now had 4 straight months that our Building Fund giving has been down. We can still cover the mortgage, but we 4 have not been able to pay down our principle by any significant amount. We will continue to monitor that along with how the General Operating (white envelope) giving goes over the next 3 months. Since we had such a strong 2014, we are looking very closely at 2015 and frankly, we hope we have a repeat. Servant Outreach Debbie Roberts Operation Backpack — We are collecting financial donations for the backpack food kits. Our congregation has been very generous in supporting this project. Please look for the envelopes in the Narthex. Funds of $54 will provide a child with a food kit each week during the spring semester. Habitat for Humanity — This spring, we are joining the Apostle’s Build with Comal County Habitat for Humanity. We will be recruiting builders in February and March and will also accept financial donations. The build gets going February 21 and runs for 15 Saturdays. Asante Children’s Choir — The Asante Choir visit was a great success! We had over 180 in attendance, despite the lousy weather. At last report, we had collected around $1800 in donations for the group and seven children are being sponsored by some members of our congregation. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! The children were happy, grateful, loving, helpful and a joy to have. The families that hosted the children were truly blessed by the experience. Seven of our members hosted children and chaperones. A huge thank you to our host families and to all who worked to make the program a success! Triumphant Ministry Teams We will be filling suitcases for three of the children to take home with them in May. Deborah (the 5 year old princess), Luke-12 and Arthur -10 will need supplies and clothing. Look for shopping lists and suitcases to fill later this spring. Please be generous in your support of these children. Please join us in supporting these outreach programs to help children and families in need. If you are interested in any of our Servant Outreach projects, please contact me. Worship and Music Paula Salazar Wow, here I am the Church Council person for the Worship and Music Team. How did this happen? I am still a fairly new Lutheran. I kept saying I might get a job so I guess God heard me. I now have a great job serving Triumphant Lutheran Church. I know there is much I have to learn, but one of my mottos is, “Bloom Where You Are Planted.” With God’s help, I will endeavor to do a good job. I also have the previous W&M Team Leader Mary Langenes, who has given me her notes and has promised to help and guide me. Already, I have found there is a whole network of folks quietly working behind the scenes to maintain, decorate and make sure that all is ready for church services. Just this past December, Sam Dennis and Neil Craigmile and crew built the poinsettia tree that decorated our altar during our Christmas services. Our special thanks go out to Sam and Neil for their hard work. Our special thanks also go out to Debbie Crum and her nephew, Mary Langenes, and Michelle Salazar who came in to unpack the poinsettias and place them on the tree. I am still in awe and experiencing the joy of the wonderful Cantata. I have no words to express my appreciation for the effort that went in to that production! And such a cute puppet show! As we continue into 2015, we look forward to our Western Weekend. The Congregational Life and Worship and Music Teams are requesting volunteers to help set up and clean up for this event. This is a great opportunity for people of all ages to serve TLC. Please contact me or Kachina Smith if you wish to volunteer. Resources and Property Sam Dennis Early Childhood Programs Susan Gonzales Discipleship Rod Lleverino Congregational Life Kachina Smith Evangelism Jackie Mitchell Stewardship Cory Wegner 5 Around the Church Acolyte Schedule Children’s Chapel Schedule 8:30 11:00 Feb 1 Brit St.Clair Monica Howe Feb 8 Nancy Hendricks Caryn Skaggs Feb 15 Dave Titus Karen Denton Feb 22 Sarah Mattison Melanie Lleverino Feb 1 Feb 8 Feb 15 Creative Blessings The Creative Blessings group meets each Tuesday from 7:00pm — 9:00pm in the church library. Assistance and supplies are available. Our main goal is to provide prayer shawls for anyone in need of comfort. If you know of anyone in need of a prayer shawl, or if you have questions, please call Sharon St.Clair at (210)651-9090. New Baby Jeremy Grant Wegner was born to Cory and Rachel Wegner on January 15, 2015. Emily Wegner is his proud big sister. Jeremy was born at 10:35am and weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz. and was 19.5 inches long. Welcome to the world, Baby Jeremy! New Eagle Scout Kudos to Connor Crane for earning the rank of Eagle Scout. Connor is the grandson of TLC member Barbara Abbott. His parents are David and Kathy Crane of O’Fallon, Illinois, The ceremony was held at O’Fallon Church of Christ on January 4, 2015. Congratulations, Connor! 6 Feb 22 8:30 11:00 Matthew Teague William Cuddy Evan Erickson Nicolas Etheridge Cassidy Sasser Isabella Garcia Travis Zipp Harrison Fowler Katie O’Berg Courtney Hargis Tristan Lee Alaina Justice Brandon Cantwell Evan Johnson Megan Langrehr Nicolas Etheridge From TLC member Debbie Silvas: Dear TLC Family, Thank you sooo very much for all your love and support during this most sad time of the loss of my daddy. I loved him with ALL OF MY HEART and I couldn't have asked for a better dad here on earth. He LIVED...he was 94. You all embraced me and welcomed me into your family two years ago and I am so blessed and grateful to have found such a caring congregation. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God's peace, His love and blessings to you and yours, and my love, Debbie Silvas p.s. smiles and hugs... :-) Wanna Get Plugged In? The TLC Christmas Party was a huge success! Thank you to all the volunteers who made it possible. The menu was fabulous and everyone who attended enjoyed the live painting performance by the JesusPainter artist. TLC Website: www.triumphantlutheran.org TLC on Facebook: www.facebook.com/TriumphantLutheran TLC Youth on Facebook: www.facebook.com/TriumphantLutheranYouth The church was given one of the paintings as part of the event. Thank you to those who donated funds to purchase the additional two paintings. The collection of three will grace the Fellowship Hall as soon as they are framed. CLICK HERE to see photos of how God used JesusPainter to visually present the Gospel as the artist became the brush of God. Use the drop-down menu to choose the photos you want to see. Council News Unofficial Church Council Highlights January 19, 2015 Meeting Renovation of the church bell tower has begun. Sheetrock removal revealed some superficial water damage and some stud damage. Luckily, the damage was not as extensive as expected. Scaffolding will be erected in the near future in preparation for the work to be done. First, the exterior rock will be removed. Once the tower is completely dried out, the outside will be finished with stucco to match the rest of the building, followed by the addition of the flashing. Council approved the current Responsibility List. Council Retreat is scheduled for January 31 — February 1. The Susan G. Komen Foundation has donated several Sea World passes to the church in thanks for our past support. The Associate Pastor Call Committee has been seated. The members are Rebecca Mattison, Chris Williams, Chris Crawford, Ken Smith, Margaret Robinson, Alyssa Weinhardt, and Pastor Bill Irons. 7 Upcoming Events 2015 Church Council Retreat January 31 — February 1 February 14 - 15 The new 2015 Church Council will meet at Camp Chrysalis over the weekend to plan for the upcoming year at Triumphant. Please keep our church leadership in your prayers for a productive weekend of team building and planning. Howdy, Ya’ll! It is fixin’ to be Rodeo time in San Antonio and everyone is invited to celebrate here at TLC! Gather ‘round the Sanctuary for a special western-style worship at all three services. Blood Drive Sunday, February 8 8:00am — 11:00am Giving blood bridges the space between a life of illness and trauma and a life of health and vibrancy. The South Texas Blood and Tissue Center (STBTC) is honored to be the bridge between those two lives. Healthy donors at least 16 years old can help ensure blood is available whenever and wherever it is needed. “Extraordinary people dedicated to life, hope, and safety.” Primetimers’ Luncheon Monday, February 9 at noon Love is in the air! And who doesn’t love pasta?!? All pasta lovers who are 60 or better are invited to the Primetimers monthly meal. 8 Western Weekend Between services on Sunday, mosey on over to the Fellowship Hall for entertainment by a trick roper and for a delicious Cowboy Breakfast of biscuits, sausages, gravy, doughnuts and fruit. Outside, the kids can ride the horses and kids of all ages can sit atop Redneck, a real longhorn steer! Yee Haw! Ash Wednesday Wednesday, February 18 Services at noon and 7:00pm Join us at a special worship service for this first day of the season of Lent. Ashes are applied to the forehead as a witness that all people are sinners in need of repentance AND that all sins are forgiven through faith in Jesus Christ. Wednesday Nite Live (WNL) will not be held, but will resume the following week. More Upcoming Events Lenten Services Holy Week Palm Sunday Sunday, March 29 Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service Thursday, April 2 at 7:00pm Good Friday Services Friday, April 3 at noon and 7:00pm Easter Vigil Saturday, April 4 at 5:00pm Wednesdays, February 25 — March 25 Easter Sunday Dinner at 5:45pm Sunday, April 5 Lenten Service at 6:30pm Sunrise Service at 6:30am Easter Breakfast at 7:15am Traditional Service at 8:30am Easter Breakfast at 9:45am Egg Hunt at 10:00am Contemporary Service at 11:00am WNL 7:00 — 8:00pm (no WNL on Mar. 11) Triumphant Lutheran Church presents the Holden Evening Prayer for this year’s Lenten services. Written in the 1980s, Holden Evening Prayer was composed by Marty Haugen as an evening prayer setting of contemporary hymns and liturgical music for Lutheran use. CLICK HERE to listen to a sample of the music. The Lenten Meal on February 25 will be hosted by the TLC Church Council. Free-will donations accepted. Young Family Retreat Register by March 1 If you have a child in 5th grade or younger, you are invited to join us at our 2nd annual Family Retreat at T Bar M Resort in New Braunfels on April 10-12. The estimated cost is $40 per person, including meals, lodging, snack, and all scheduled activities. Kids 3 and under are free. The $50 deposit per family is non-refundable. Please send an email to Amy Beierle if you are interested. 9 TLC Youth Chris St.Clair, Youth Director (210) 651-9090 [email protected] Sea World Passes February 8 at 1pm Last week, I was given over 100 passes for free admission to Sea World for what I can only assume is my award-winning smile. Rather than using them all on myself, I am gathering 100 of my closest friends and inviting them to go to Sea World for "free,” Oprah-style. (They are actually a wonderful gift from the Susan G. Komen Foundation.) TLC families are invited to meet me at Sea World on Sunday, Feb 8 at 1pm. We will meet at the picnic tables outside of the park where you can bring lunch and get your passes. All you have to do is pay for parking. You are free to stay as long as you would like. To sign up, send me an email with the number of passes you would like. They are first-come, first-served so respond soon. You are welcome to invite friends. Warrior Dash Saturday, March 21 from 8am — 5pm All High School youth are invited to join us for the second annual Warrior Dash near Bastrop, Texas. Warrior Dash is the world’s largest obstacle course, consisting of a 3.2 mile race with 15-20 obstacles. It is an absolute blast. Youth of all abilities can race. The cost is $50 if you register by January 28, and it increases to $60 until February 8. To register, turn in the payment and race waiver to Chris. Elementary Summer Camp June 7-12, 2015 This year's camp will be at Camp Chrysalis and it will be open to all 2nd-5th graders. (Camps for 1st graders are available on various other weeks. Email Chris to work out details.) Registration deadline is February 22. Youth are free to invite a friend. To sign up, turn in the Camp Registration Form and the payment of $125 to Chris. For more information, read the Parent Letter and the Camp Brochure. Confirmation Camp June 7-12, 2015 10 Confirmation Camp for 6th—8th graders will be at Ebert Ranch. Activities will include a ropes course, horseback riding, swimming and more. The cost will be $125 per person. Forms for camp will be available at the church and on the website soon. Getting to Know… Doug Hammerstrom, Your Church Council President Doug Hammerstrom has been a member of Triumphant since he and his wife, Lindy, joined in 1998. But his life with the US Air Force took him all over the world before he finally landed in our area. Life as an ELCA Missionary in Hong Kong (Continued from the January Trumpet) Dear Friends and Companions in Mission, The second celebration was just last week, November 28. Annually, the seminary hosts “Founders’ Day” to commemorate its anniversary. This was year #101. The Born and raised in Sioux City, Iowa as the 2nd seminary began in Hubei, China in 1913, but war caused of 5 children, Doug attended the University of it (and thousands of refugees) to move to Hong Kong in Iowa, earned an Accounting degree while in the 1948, where it had two other homes before the present ROTC, and then joined the Air Force to serve his campus was built in 1992. Included in the present design country. He and Lindy met at a discotheque in were the 121 steps that I climb each morning to get to December 1977 while he was stationed here at the campus. Randolph, and they married the following The 121 steps are meant to be a reminder of Psalm 121, August. They have 2 sons, Todd and Troy, and which we also remembered as we spoke the psalm during four grandchildren. our worship last Friday night. It is a good blessing with In addition to being stationed at bases all over which to leave you as you go about your daily lives, the continental United States, Doug was also perhaps with a mix of protest and celebration. sent to England, Japan, and Germany, eventually retiring with the rank of Colonel Psalm 121: after serving as Commander at three different I lift up my eyes to the hills—from where will my help assignments. He has designed one of his own come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven Command emblems, and has all three Command and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; he who emblems set in latch hook designs and displayed keeps you will not slumber. He who keeps Israel will at his and Lindy’s home. neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the Upon retiring from the Air Force after 28 years, Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not Doug continued to serve others as the Executive strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The Lord Director for the United Way and was also a will keep your going out and your coming in from this substitute teacher. time on and forevermore. Now, you can find him on the golf course, either playing golf or golf marshaling, at — Northcliffe Golf Club. He also coordinates TLC’s Fantasy Football League and enjoys reading. Carolyn Schneider Doug has served on Church Council for many years and felt God was telling him that now was the time to take on a bigger role for our congregation. You can read about Doug’s experience leading to this realization and decision in last month’s edition of the Trumpet. We thank you, Doug. 11 The Good Steward By Mary Gandolfo Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. Luke 2:11 -12 NIV December 25th. Without much hesitation, we know what this date signifies. Our traditions and history have taught us that this is Christmas Day. We celebrate the birth of Jesus on this day, along with the gifts of family and friends. This may or may not be the true date of His birth, but it is what we claim as the day that Jesus entered our world to walk with us in human form. Jan 7th. That is my birthday. I celebrate it each year as a marker for the day that I entered into this world to walk and interact with my fellow humans. Jesus knows who his mother and father are. Mary and Joseph and God! I include all three because although God is his heavenly father, Joseph is his earthly father. I know who my mother and father are too — DJ and Lou. They provided guidance and protection for me as I grew and came to understand my unique place in this world. When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love: with you I am well pleased.” Luke 3:21 – 22 NIV January 11th. This date is a little trickier. This year, on this Sunday, we celebrated the baptism of Jesus. According to the church calendar, this date falls on the first Sunday after Epiphany. Again, our tradition and history has set this date for us. It is also the day that his heavenly father claimed him publicly as His Son. In other passages, another line is added: “...listen to Him.” March 27th. The date of my baptism and my being claimed as a sister in the Kingdom of God. This is the day my future was secured as a child of God and sibling to the King of the Jews. I can honestly tell you that I didn’t see a dove descend or hear words spoken that I remember, but I would like to think that when God spoke to me it would have gone something like this: “You are welcome to the family, I love you and always will, I am so happy you are here!” The Good Steward is aware of his/her membership in a much larger family. We belong to so many others as a product of our baptism. The words spoken over us in baptism place responsibilities to our congregations in helping the newly baptized grow in faith. We may not always know what that is going to look like but the life challenge is still there. We don’t run from it or hide from it — we embrace it as a gift from our brother Jesus. And who among us doesn’t like to share our favorite gifts!!! All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:18b – 20 NIV 12 See you at the sharing table! 13 February Anniversaries 3 Robert & Rose Carlson 7 Curtis & Penni Scheh 9 Bill & Janet Weeper 10 David & Keli Beck 14 Christopher & Andrea Reidy 16 Brian & Sharilyn Krauss 1 Scott Gould, Abel Salazar 19 Daniel & Lauren Jimenez 2 Allie Farris 19 Brian & Dione McDowell 3 22 William & Peggy Madison Adam Braaten, Kelli Haug, Cary Syamken 24 Rodney & Liz Lee 5 27 Andy & Debbie Still 27 Will & Wendy Wilmunen Brooke Bashara, Tobin Hoffmann, Caleb Hoffmann, Jacob Mattison, Kristin Miller 7 Nancy DuParc, Nicolas Etheridge 10 William Cuddy, Athan Rivard 11 Mary Feuge, Ella Jean Holland 15 Rhonda Barsalou 16 Laura Koch Delroy Froboese (Friend of the Baumanns) +12-13-14 Gary Vassaur (Friend of the Robinsons) +12-15-14 Jerry Lynn Belver (Friend of Carol Snyder) +12-18-14 Rose Vallance (Mother of Kathy Beierle) +12-23-14 Louis C.F. Silvas (Father of Debbie Silvas) +12-26-14 Charlie J. Buck (Godson of the DuParcs) +1-2-15 Andrew Dalton (Mayor of Garden Ridge) +1-8-15 17 James Heineke, Josef Leachman 18 Garett Cortez, Rachel Jimenez, Maegan Lleverino, Nancy Deason 19 Adelyn Bazaldua, Brian Schlameus 20 Danny Coronado, Olive Horne 21 Samuel Bashara, Don Braun, Violet Horne, Ted Royston, Laura Salgado 23 Austin Blackwell, Ellie Scoggins Deadline for the March Newsletter Tuesday, February 17, 2015 24 Finn Barsalou, Michael Fernandez, Angel Garcia 26 Shellie Garman 27 Cecil Sorsby 29 Tom Potter PLEASE NOTE THE DATE Tuesday Triumphant Lutheran Church February, 2015 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 7 Monday 5:00 PM - Casual Serv ice Sunday 5 6 4 3 1 8:15 AM - Cong Prayer Group 6:00 AM - Men's Bible Study 9:00 AM - Preschool 9:00 AM - Preschool 9:30 AM - Ladies' Bible Study 9:30 AM - Art Class 6:30 PM - Praise Band 2 9:00 AM - Preschool 8:30 AM - Traditional Service 9:00 AM - Preschool 9:00 AM - Mothers Day Out 9:45 AM - Sunday School 10:00 AM - Staff Meeting 11:00 AM - Contemporary Svc 6:00 PM - Finance Committee 6:30 PM - Zumba 7:00 PM - Creative Blessings 9:00 AM - Preschool 9:00 AM - Mothers Day Out 6:00 PM - Wednesday Nite Live 6:30 PM - Evangelism Team 6:30 PM - Handbells 6:30 PM - Choir 5:00 PM - Western Worship Council Retreat Council Retreat 12 9:00 AM - Quilting Bees 9:00 AM - Preschool 8:00 AM - Blood Drive 8:30 AM - Traditional Service 9:00 AM - Mothers Day Out 9:00 AM - Preschool 12:00 PM - Primetimer's Lunch 10:00 AM - Staff Meeting 9:45 AM - Sunday School 11:00 AM - Contemporary Svc 7:00 PM - Council Meeting 2:00 PM - Autumn Winds 6:30 PM - Zumba 7:00 PM - Creative Blessings 20 27 28 21 14 Western Weekend 11 8:15 AM - Cong Prayer Group 6:00 AM - Men's Bible Study 9:00 AM - Preschool 9:00 AM - Preschool 9:30 AM - Ladies' Bible Study 6:30 PM - Blended Spirits 9:30 AM - Art Class 6:30 PM - Praise Band 5:00 PM - Casual Serv ice 17 9:00 AM - Preschool 10:00 AM - Staff Meeting 6:30 PM - Zumba 7:00 PM - Creative Blessings 7:15 PM - Discipleship Team 24 9:00 AM - Preschool 9:00 AM - Mothers Day Out 5:45 PM - Lenten Supper 6:30 PM - Lenten Service 7:00 PM - Wednesday Nite Live 7:00 PM - Choir 13 9:00 AM - Preschool 9:00 AM - Mothers Day Out 6:00 PM - Wednesday Nite Live 6:30 PM - Handbells 6:30 PM - Choir 19 15 Western Weekend 16 President's Day 23 9:00 AM - Preschool 8:30 AM - Western Worship 9:45 AM - Cowboy Breakfast & 9:00 AM - Mothers Day Out 6:00 PM - ECP Board Activities 11:00 AM - Western Worship 22 8:30 AM - Traditional Service 9:00 AM - Preschool 9:00 AM - Mothers Day Out 9:45 AM - Sunday School 11:00 AM - Contemporary Svc 10 18 Ash Wednesday 8:15 AM - Cong Prayer Group 6:00 AM - Men's Bible Study 9:00 AM - Preschool 9:00 AM - Preschool 9:30 AM - Ladies' Bible Study 9:30 AM - Art Class 6:30 PM - Praise Band 5:00 PM - Casual Serv ice 9 9:00 AM - Preschool 9:00 AM - Mothers Day Out 12:00 PM - Ash Wed. Service 7:00 PM - Ash Wed. Service 8:00 PM - Choir 26 8 25 8:15 AM - Cong Prayer Group 6:00 AM - Men's Bible Study 9:00 AM - Preschool 9:00 AM - Preschool 9:30 AM - Ladies' Bible Study 6:30 PM - Blended Spirits 9:30 AM - Art Class 6:30 PM - Praise Band 9:00 AM - Quilting Bees 9:00 AM - Preschool 10:00 AM - Staff Meeting 6:30 PM - Zumba 7:00 PM - Creative Blessings Healing Service Healing Service Growing people in Christ 21315 Bat Cave Road San Antonio, TX 78266 TLC OFFICE EMAIL Pastor Bill Irons [email protected] Sharon Hopkins [email protected] Renee Ginn [email protected] Chris St.Clair [email protected] Carol Snyder [email protected] Sharilyn Krauss [email protected] Kristin Miller [email protected] Ruth Garcia [email protected] Sam Dennis [email protected] Jim Moreland [email protected] Jackie Mitchell [email protected] Marilyn Winters [email protected] Triumphant Lutheran Worship Services Holy Communion at every service. Saturday: Casual Worship 5:00pm Sunday: Traditional Worship 8:30am Sunday School 9:45am Contemporary Worship Preschool: Monday-Friday MDO: 11:00am 9:00am-Noon Monday & Wednesday 9:00am-2:00pm www.triumphantlutheran.org (210)651-9090
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