C O NTR O LL ED FI LE PR O T E CTI ON WITH IN T HE P ERI ME TER AND B EY OND – A N ETI Q S O LU TI ON BRI EF In today’s vibrant business environment the information se curity paradigm has changed dramatically. It is no longer an option to protect just the perimeter of the organization, since information is frequently shared with many external users. Collaboration with third parties, workforce mobility and cloud computing contribute to this change and organizations need to ensure their data is protected, never misused and accessed only by the right people. People are Everywhere …and so is Your Data! Enterprise applications and storage are moving to the cloud, adoption of the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend is growing and mobility is here to stay. An organization’s confidential data is no longer used only within the organization and data protection solutions need to secure data anywhere, anytime whether it is at rest, in motion or in use. As the enterprise work environment evolves, so do the threat landscape and security needs. Cyber security threats race against protection tools and organizations need to ensure they remain on the winning end of that race, with their data protected, at all times. Compliance and regulations also adapt according to the speed of the race between cyber threats and security solutions, requiring persistent protection of data wherever it resides. As owners of their data, organizations are responsible for the protection of the data and as such, are accountable for it being breached. While the adoption of mobility and collaboration tools does increase productivity, it also carries new security challenges. How do you protect a piece of data once it leaves the person who created it? Can you guarantee it will not be copied, forwarded to a wrong person or edited without permission? Can you keep confidential files protected even in case of a data breach? Simply Control your Data NetIQ SmartCipher adds ongoing control and protection, securing confidential data that resides within, as well as outside of, the organization’s boundaries, independent of network, device, application or data type. SmartCipher provides seamless persistent file protection by wrapping the actual piece of data with a protection layer that secures the data itself be it in motion, at rest or in use SmartCipher allows this level of protection in a non-invasive manner, while enabling end users to continue working in the way they are used to, without changing behaviors or requiring extensive training. Its transparent integration into existing business driven processes with automated rules or manual override, allows complete control of each piece of data, delivering Key Benefits Control & Protection Persistent protection of any type of file and the data stored within, providing full control of access to and usage of the file, in motion, at rest or in use, inside or outside of the organization. Seamless and Transparent No changes are applied to users’ behavior and business flows. The organization’s employees, partners, customers etc., continue to use the collaboration tools they are used to, as protection is applied per file. Compliance & Security Control and secure regulated information and provide internal control and information integrity. Ensure files are protected even in the event of security breaches and data leaks. Integration & Administration Integration is made easy, via SmartCipher’s scalable API. Existing permissions are added to the SmartCipher rules and policies are set according to pre-defined rules based on user/library/file type and more. Monitoring & Intelligence Complete control of and visibility into activities performed on or with files. Be it for a specific file, user, file type and more. C O NTR O LL ED FI LE PR O T E CTI ON WITH IN T HE P ERI ME TER AND B EY OND – A N ETI Q S O LU TI ON BRI EF unmatched data protection, per file. The SmartCipher unique patented technology embeds its engine to an actual file. This “grip” keeps the file protected even in the events of data breaches, stolen devices and other unintentional or malicious capture of confidential data. Organizations can define and apply rules to best protect their data, based on their specific security needs. Such rules can define who can access a file and on what device, where and when a file can be accessed, what activities a user can perform on a file (copy, edit, print) etc. INFORMATION STEWARDSHIP Implementing SmartCipher contributes to what is often referred to as information Stewardship. This can best be defined as follows: Information stewardship pervades a business. The information steward oversees information throughout its life cycle, regardless of how it's used, who owns it, where it resides and more. Stewardship means dataquality management, data security, auditable compliance with privacy and disclosure guidelines, information life-cycle management (ILM), and businesscontinuity planning and disaster recovery. INTEGRATED APPROACH SmartCipher seamlessly integrates with the world’s most-used file systems Monitor, Analyze, Learn By placing an embedded layer onto a file, organizations gain extensive monitoring and tracing capabilities that provide complete visibility into what activities are performed with or on throughout a file. The information gathered through this process provides important audit input and facilitate various security related procedures/regulations. By collecting and analyzing data from the protected files (structured and unstructured), organizations can gather intelligence about how files are being used, which files are more prone to be breached or leaked, how files are used in different locations or on different devices and more. In addition, the pre-defined policies per file enable SmartCipher to act as a DLP (Data Loss Prevention) enhancement, delivering organizations complete control over a file’s locations and what actions are being performed with it. NetIQ takes an integrated approach towards Information Stewardship. SmartCipher can be seamlessly integrated with our Identity, Access and Security Management Solutions, comprising a solid and comprehensive Data Breach Protection solution. Learn More If you want to learn more about how NetIQ can help, reach out to us: E: [email protected] T: +31 172 505 555 W: www.NetIQ.com
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