combinedBTS/NodeBcount of around sQp.^slaffs proposedfor aft BSS jobs includingRF o{'#119"il attnerever orrd/Soeincnr, and ii) lij i::::-30,.?_ItlL::::*:?_'L1:_.'iJ$[es il,'il;:,"#Thl3''.i circleswith difficulttenain (e.g. NE Region6ircret). on" *fiY?,f}'l[=n1gjoo_s qs,A/.n,"rrciiri";;hicle oer team i-snrnnnea, ceworks 3::: Network ?! of core lter;ns and associated worksinctudinl'6;"nt;#:l'iilil"i;,ffi;#"#t,"J TERM/TRAI/LEAs, rectification of HA/t'and sA|/ fauftsfor improvingKey eos parameters for the circleis theresponsibility of core Network reams. ReplacemenuUpgrade, icrappingand handingoverthe old/obsolete materials(e.g.MSc/BTy/pp) to thestoreIn-charge at ssA/cirite is the responsibility of core Networkream. staffsproposedfor all core NetworkJobsof arounosoo BTS/NodeBs are i) 2 executives levelof JTo/sDE/AGM, and ii) 2-3 TTA/PM(to be poriuowith science/engineering at the background); Minimumone executiveand two non-execuiive is.'proioseoper ssA. Additionalmanpoweris proposedat Area/circlelevel to combinethe mainienance activitiesof 2-3 small ssAs. core Network ream at co/Ao responsibte for maintenance of commonequipments likesGSN, MPBNnodes, "!9 d. Sa|esActivitiesrorc@ve|:EverySSAisproposedtohavededicatedSa|esTeamsfor CMTSvertical'ForsmallssAs the ssA i"trc mayreport to DGMsales at Area/circielevel.DGM Salesat Area/Circle level can.-bet"rponriblefor the sates -r"rponribifities of afl verticatsi.e. cM, cFA and Enterprise)' In additiolto jobs/functions as per existing 'safes issuedby s&M Unitsof BSNLco' o&M activitiesor ccrus are the responsibilii of Teamat sSA fevel.Excfusive riorniriooBrssitesarei)2 executives atthe l"tSlij'?fff:flj?l,ill,s:r:^f,?.Iult'*jljp.Is,ro' levelofJTo/sDE/AGM, andit)z-s.rrA/PM (tobeposteJ *itnmarr<etin;-s;ilaJr?."-;Hffi:ftff uehicf for "t salesTeams to be providedas pei exisiinqnorms of s&M unitsof BSNLco. "r" 2. Normsfor Staffsat Area/Gircle Levelin CMVertical a' Jobsof CMTSUnitsat circrerever:Ail worr andcore,and _o&Mfor Infra,.BSS s&M) for cM verticaris "ilcutions..(i.e. responsiuirity or-r""p"aive cM pranning, units tdn l*"r. .the Procurement, Tenderandothercommon wori<s rorctri verticalis theresponsibility "i of CMTSTeams atcircre Lever. Additionar G_gnga"u gr".ngr"o.t" roieffi;-dJ'ilu'"il when major expansion/upgrade works:j:ff_"* wjtl!9 -u1!9{afen( expansion projects). Numbers of Executives withappropriate numbers ofDGMy-G_Ms forpioi"eamonitoring is to beposteddepending onvolume or orstafra toa;;i,il'i" t p.i""tLitirj-GJiii'i# expenditure P-r)1o.rlq Pe.froiect.rrovision rsrobebooked inCApEX r"..p:q'y".projecr " (e.s. pl.tlq Fh_z"rplGrip;"il, iwi,;rqect,etc). b' Theexecutives undercM vertical at circd 6veiirE i""pon"iote ror:fil l+iibrviR works;(ii) resurar update of RFdatain.prannins toor,(iii)anarping ohu" tjJ o"i" ;1.rjg1ii.;'iii"aions ofRF optimisation Teamsat ssA.rever;'(it);il'rtl#:ffis term pranning for circre wise network upgrade/expansion e'g. decisionon nurirber of newBis/NodeBandtheirlocations; (v)operation in praceor.goingto oe estaorirreJiiand(vi) misc -(arready works (e.s.timelv.sisning ofagreement iorAtvtcl i"i drtiisl."ltliijiJj' :?iT?t ulrcle levelExecutives undercM Vertiialat circlelevelwillalsou" ,*p".riii" 1",i,i"rrssAand iu",on,,.r.rr" andredressing the grievances of the customers whobookedgorql"int [J"-tJto-nJworr issues; through callcentre'comDlaint relatedto s&Missueswirru" a""rt'oyd"i'e" i- M;ri;iirg Teamsat Area/circte rever. Around'3Gr ooJ""riiu"t p"i-.i-riil.o proposed fortheaboveiobs. Executives underBrs Infra,BSS,sares-inJcil N;t*;ri,;;;d;;;-;;J;fi;"re reverare responsible for planning, procurement, coordination andmonitoring the aaivities ioiiespective luncttons loo including: ' BTSInfrarerated commonyvo{s- pranning for repra^cemenvupgrade of Infrartems(e.g.BTy, life A/9,_9tc), render for.tnfra o&M outsourcins, rni[-s.r"., hi,i;"s;lp's;tE'rJ#rt colrection lP, fromallssAs andsubmission, etcarettrJrespln"ioiiity ot BTSlnfraTeamat Area/circte level. staffsproposed forall BTSInfrarelatedwo*Jhi Clr,|isatArea/circte levet for around s00 BTs sitesarei) oneexecutive at the reveror .nolsDe/Abru, and ii) 2 TTA/PM (to posted be with Science/Engineering background). . t,DUreraredcommonw9$9 lilg planningfor replacemenUupgrade of BSS ltems(e.g.BTS, NodeB, BSC,RNC,Mini-Link, etc),'tendeiior nr-dptimisation (if required to beoutsourced fora andmonitoring of circreleverNoc
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