No. 635 | 29 January 2015 The current map displays avian influenza events during the last month. Note: A map of avian influenza events during the latest six months is shown on the last page. Source: FAO’s Global Animal Health Information System (EMPRES-i) WHAT’S NEW in this issue? AFRICA Egypt - H5NI HPAI in poultry (Asyiut, Behera, Beni Suef, Cairo, Dakahlia, Gharbia, Ismailia, Luxor, Menia, Menoufia, Port Said and Sharkia) - H5N1 influenza infection in humans (Asyiut, Cairo, Gharbia, Matroh, Menia, Menoufia, Sharkia and Sohag) Nigeria - H5N1 HPAI in poultry (Delta, Edo, Gombe, Imo, Jigawa, Kano, Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, Plateau, Rivers) EURASIA China - H5N6 HPAI outbreak in quail (Hunan) -H5N1 infection in wild birds (Henan, Shanxi) - H5N1 influenza infection in a human (Jiangsu) - H5N2 and H5N6 HPAI outbreaks in poultry (Jiangsu) - H5N2, H5N3 and H5N8 HPAI outbreak in poultry (Taiwan) - Presence of H7N9 virus in market environment (Guangdong) - Presence of H7N9 virus in wetland environment (Taiwan) - H7N9 infection in humans (Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shanghai, Xinjiang, Zhejiang, Hong Kong SAR) - H7N9 infection in humans in December 2014 Japan - H5N8 HPAI outbreaks in poultry (Okayama, Saga) 1 - H5N8 infection in a wild bird (Kagoshima) Republic of Korea – H5N8 HPAI in poultry (Gyeonggi-do, Gyeongsangnam-do, Jeollanam-do, Jeollabuk-do) India - H5N1 HPAI in poultry (Kerala) Israel - H5N1 HPAI outbreak in poultry (Harifa) West Bank - H5N1 HPAI outbreak in poultry (Jenin, Qalqelia) Bulgaria - H5N1 infection in a wild bird (Burgas) Germany - H5N8 HPAI outbreak in poultry (Mecklenburg-vorpommern) AMERICA Belize - H5N2 LPAI in poultry (Cayo) Canada - H7N9 influenza infection in a human (British Columbia) United States of America - H5N1 HPAI outbreak in poultry (Washington State) - H5N2 HPAI outbreak in poultry and H5N2 HPAI infection in a wild bird (Idaho, Oregon, Washington States) - H5N8 HPAI outbreak in poultry and H5N8 HPAI infection in wild bird (California, Idaho) No. 635 | 29 January 2015 AFRICA EURASIA EGYPT «East Asia» 20 & 25/01/2015 H5N1 HPAI outbreaks in poultry in Asyiut, Behera, Beni Suef, Cairo, Dakahlia, Gharbia, Ismailia, Luxor, Menia, Menoufia, Port Said and Sharkia Source: FAO Field Officer CHINA Between 08 and 18 January 2015 a total of 27 H5N1 HPAI outbreaks were detected in 11 out of Egypt’s 27 governorates namely: Asyiut (1), Behera (4), Beni Suef (5), Cairo (4), Dakahlia (2), Gharbia (1), Ismailia (2), Luxor (1), Menia (1), Menoufia (3), Port Said (1) and Sharkia (2) Governorates. One outbreak was reported in vaccinated poultry (chickens) in commercial farm and 2 outbreaks were reported in unvaccinated commercial farms (chickens) through passive surveillance; of the 24 outbreaks in mostly un-vaccinated household poultry (chickens, ducks and geese) 9 were reported through passive surveillance, 10 were detected by Community-Based Animal Health Outreach (CAHO) and 5 were detected by active surveillance. 18 to 27/01/2015 - H5N1 infection in humans, Asyiut, Cairo, Gharbia, Matroh, Menia, Menoufia, Sharkia and Suhaj Source: FAO Field Officer The Ministry of Health reported 16 new cases of H5N1 infection in humans of which 6 have been fatal: - Cases were reported in 8 out of Egypt’s 27 governorates namely: Asyiut (6), Cairo (2), Gharbia (2), Matroh (1), Menia (2), Menoufia (1), Sharkia (1), Sohag (1); - Onset dates of symptoms were between 30 December 2014 and 15 January 2015; - Patients affected are aged between 7 months and 60 years old, 7 of them are children; - All cases, except for 2 whose source of infection is still under investigation, had contacts with backyard or market poultry few days prior to illness. Of the 230 confirmed human cases in Egypt since 2006, 86 were fatal, and at least 212 cases had contact with domestic poultry. NIGERIA 16-28/01/2015 – H5 HPAI in poultry in Delta, Edo, Gombe, Imo, Jigawa, Kano, Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, Plateau, Rivers Source: OIE, media Between 12 and 26 January 2015, a total of 23 outbreaks of H5N1 HPAI were reported to OIE in Delta (1), Edo (1), Kano (10) Lagos (4), Ogun (2), Oyo (2), Plateau (1), Rivers (2) States; in farms (16), backyards (2), live bird markets (4) and zoo(1). The earliest outbreak started in 24 December 2014 in a live bird market in Lagos State where birds (local/exotic) from different parts of the country are sold. 28/01/2015 – H5N1 infection in a human, Jiangsu Source: Local Authorities H5N1 infection has been confirmed in a woman aged 37 from Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province. Onset was on 14 January 2015, currently in critical condition. The patient had history of exposure to live poultry. 15, 16/01/2015 – H5N1 infection in wild birds, Henan, Shanxi Source: National Authorities and media - Recently, unusual numbers of whooper Swan (Cygnus cygnus), common pochard (Aythya ferina), and other wild ducks have died in Sanmenxia yellow river wetland in Henan Province. As of 14 January 2015, a total of 93 wild birds deceased. National Avian Influenza Reference Laboratory confirmed that H5N1 was the cause. The Pinglu Wetland resort on Yellow River in Shanxi Province was temporarily closed after a dozen swans were hit by the H5N1 virus and died, according to the local forestry authority. The swans, as well as an undisclosed number of wild ducks, have been found dead on wetland property since 4 January 2015. The wetland is a major winter habitat for swans that migrate from Siberia in Russia. 28/01/2015 – H5N2 and H5N6 HPAI outbreaks in poultry, Jiangsu Source: Local Authorities - On 24 January 2015, an outbreak of H5N2 HPAI occurred in a chicken farm in Taixing City, Jiangsu Province where 1 616 birds showed clinical signs and died. - On 25 January, an outbreak of H5N6 HPAI occurred in a goose farm in Changshu City, Jiangsu Province where 1 185 birds developed clinical signs of which 582 died. The outbreaks were confirmed by the National Avian Influenza Reference Laboratory. 28/01/2015 – H5N2 and H5N6 HPAI outbreaks in poultry, Jiangsu Source: Local Authorities - On 24 January 2015, an outbreak of H5N2 HPAI occurred in a chicken farm in Taixing City, Jiangsu Province where 1 616 birds showed clinical signs and died. - On 25 January, an outbreak of H5N6 HPAI occurred in a goose farm in Changshu City, Jiangsu Province where 1 185 birds developed clinical signs of which 582 died. The outbreaks were confirmed by the National Avian Influenza Reference Laboratory. 23/01/2015 –H5N6 HPAI outbreak in quail, Hunan Source: National Authorities According to a news media, the Federal Government on 28 January 2015 confirmed the presence of H5N1 Avian Influenza virus in four other states – Oyo, Jigawa, Gombe and Imo apart from the seven states earlier reported. The government said that the total number of birds exposed has risen to 232, 385 with 51, 444 mortalities recorded. The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development also announced a compensation of N145.145 million to 39 farmers in 11 affected states [out of Nigeria’s 36 states] where depopulation has been carried out by the government. 2 On 14 January, H5N2 HPAI outbreak occurred in a quail farm in Xinhua County, Loudi City, Hunan Province. Some 5 400 quail showed clinical signs, of which 1 200 died. 15-21/01/2015 – H5N2, H5N3 and H5N8 HPAI outbreak in poultry, Taiwan Source: National Authorities - H5N2 HPAI outbreak was reported in a chicken farm in Shengang Township, Changhua County on 15 January 2015. No. 635 | 29 January 2015 The Agriculture animal Health Research Institute confirmed that the outbreak was caused by a new type of H5N2 virus. - A new type H5N3 avian influenza virus was also detected in dead bulbuls found in a poultry farm in Miaoli County. entReport&reportid=16988 - As of 28 January 2015 18:00, H5 infection confirmed in a total of 551 places in 13 counties/cities, including poultry farms infected with H5N8 (148 farms), the novel H5N3 (17), the novel H5N2 (246), H5N8 and H5N2 (59), H5N2 and H5N3 (2), slaughterhouse and mooring yard which infection was confirmed (9), poultry yard infected with the novel H5N2 and H5N8 (25), poultry yard infected with traditional H5N2 (10), waterfowl farm where H5 was detected (29), poultry yard where H5 was detected (6), 1 582 992 birds have been culled. 20/01/2015 – Presence of H7N9 virus in wetland environment, Taiwan Source: Local Authorities H7N9 avian influenza virus was detected in migratory birds’ excrement collected in Kaohsiung Jiading wetlands. Sequence analysis bu the Animal Health Research Institute confirmed that this H7N9 influenza virus is different from the H7N9 virus has been circulating in China’s mainland. 16-29/01/2015 – H7N9 infection in humans, Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shanghai, Xinjiang, Zhejiang, Hong Kong SAR Source: Local Authorities Between 16 and 29 January 2015, 48 cases of H7N9 avian influenza virus infection seem to have been confirmed in in China: Guangdong (16 cases), Fujian (13), Zhejiang (5), Jiangsu (5), Shanghai (2), Xinjiang (1), Jiangxi (1) and Hong Kong SAR* (1). [*: imported case included]. 13/01/2015 – H7N9 infection in humans in December 2014 Source: National Authorities National Health and Family Planning Commission released the National Notifiable Infectious Diseases Overview for December 2014. During December, in China (excluding Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan Province) there were 19 cases of H7N9 human infection with 4 deaths. 13/01/2015 – Presence of H7N9 virus in market environment, Guangdong Source: Local Authorities According to the Guangzhou City CDC since Dec 2014, the CDC strengthened H7N9 surveillance in markets collecting more than 100 samples weekly, but the positive rate (H7N9 positive sample rate). Although there is no human case reported in Guangzhou City so far, recently H7N9 virus was found in environmental samples collected from markets selling meat products in Yuexiu, Tianhe and Haizhu Districts. 14/01/2015 – H5N8 infection in a wild bird, Kagoshima Source: MoE A dead mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) was found in Izumi City, Kagoshima Prefecture on 14 January 2015, the specimen tested positive for a rapid test and a genetic test, and H5N8 HPAI was confirmed on 19 January. REPUBLIC OF KOREA 19, 21 & 20/01/2015 – H5N8 HPAI in poultry, Gyeonggi-do, Gyeongsangnam-do, Jeollanam-do, Jeollabuk-do Source: National Authorities H5N8 HPAI outbreaks occurred in Busan City, Gyeongsangnam-do on 13 January 2015 in geese and chickens, and Anseong City and Yeoju City, Gyeonggi-do on 14 January 2015 in chickens were caused by a virus having same genotype with the virus has been circulating in wild birds since November 2014. H5N8 HPAI also occurred in poultry farms in Naju City, Jeollanam-do.§ion_id=b_sec_1&pageNo=1&ye ar=2015&listcnt=10&board_kind=C&board_skin_id=C3&depth=1&division=B&group_id=3 &menu_id=1125&reference=2&parent_code=3&popup_yn=N&tab_yn=N According to news media, an avian influenza outbreak is suspected in a chicken farm with 300 000 birds in Jeongeup City, Jeollabuk-do. After a sudden death of 150 birds, specimens tested positive for a rapid test; H5N8 HPAI outbreak was confirmed in 3 meat duck farms in Jeongeup City, Jeollabuk-do. Investigation revealed that a same vehicle have been used to deliver feed to the three farms. «South Asia» INDIA 28/01/2015 – H5N1 HPAI in poultry, Kerala Source: OIE An outbreak of H5N1 HPAI occurred in Kureepuzha Regional Poultry Farm, Kureepuzha, Kollam City, Kerala State. A total of 10 513 turkeys 1 628 have died and 6 475 birds were culled. entReport&reportid=17075 «Middle East» ISRAEL 18 and 25/01/2015 – H5N1 HPAI outbreak in poultry, Harifa Source: National Authorities Between 6 and 25 January 2015, three outbreaks of H5N1 HPAI occurred in poultry (broiler chicken and turkey) in Moshav Aviel, Binyamina, and Kibbutz Magal in Harifa District. htm htm JAPAN 15, 17/01/2015 – H5N8 HPAI outbreaks in poultry, Okayama, Saga Source: National and Local Authorities, OIE WEST BANK H5N8 HPAI outbreaks occurred in a layer chicken farm (200 000 birds) in Kasaoka City, Okayama Prefecture on 15 January 2015 and in a chicken broiler farm (45 000 birds) in Nishimatsuura County, Saga Prefecture on 17 January 2015. 3 20 and 24/01/2015 – H5N1 HPAI outbreak in poultry, Jenin and Qalqelia Source: OIE Between 17 and 20 January 2015, two outbreaks of H5N1 HPAI were reported in poultry (layer chicken and turkey) in Jenin and Qalqelia Governorates. No. 635 | 29 January 2015 «Europe» UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BULGARIA 20/01/2015 – H5N1 HPAI outbreak in poultry, Washington State Source: National Authorities, OIE 26, 27/01/2015 – H5N1 infection in a wild bird, Burgas Source: National Authorities, EU A Dalmatian pelicans (Pelecans crispus) was found dead on 22 January 2015 in Poda protected area in Burgas Province and it was confirmed to be infected with H5N1 HPAI. GERMANY 20/12/2014 – H5N8 HPAI outbreak in poultry, MecklenburgVorpommern Source: National Authorities, EU H5N8 HPAI outbreaks were detected in two localities in Anklam, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State. -On 16 January 2015 four chickens died in a non-commercial poultry holding with 98 birds of 6 species (chicken, geese, ducks, pigeons, psittacides, quails) and subsequently H5N8 HPAI was confirmed. 47 birds (chickens, geese, and ducks) have been culled and safely disposed of. -On 26 January 2015, another outbreak of H5N8 HPAI was confirmed in poultry in a small entertainment farm with 36 birds (35 chickens, 1 duck) in Anklam, MecklenburgVorpommern State which is located about 1,400 metres from the above mentioned non-commercial poultry farm. The 36 birds have been culled and safely disposed of. Epidemiological investigations have started. semitteilungen/index.jsp?pid=91013 semitteilungen/index.jsp?pid=91218 semitteilungen/index.jsp?pid=91491 semitteilungen/index.jsp?pid=91524 egelpest/index.jsp AMERICA The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) confirmed avian influenza virus H5N1 HPAI in a American green-winged teal (Anas carolinensis) shot by a hunter in Whatcom County, Washington State. This H5N1 subtype is different from strain circulating in Asia but a combination of Eurasian and North American strains. The gene constellation is as follows: Eurasian lineage genes (PB2, H5, NP, MP >99% identical to A/gyrfalcon/WA/41088/2014 H5N8); North American lineage genes (PB1 {98% identical to A/Northern pintail/Washington/40964/2014 H5N2}, PA, N1, NS of North American LPAI wild bird lineage (reported in previous AI Updates). entReport&reportid=17014 14, 20 & 22/01/2015 – H5N2 HPAI outbreak in poultry and H5N2 infection in wild bird, Idaho, Oregon, Washington States Source: Local and National Authorities, OIE H5N2 HPAI was confirmed in 118 birds in a poultry flock in Port Angels, Washington State. The affected premises are a small mixed free-range backyard flock of geese, ducks, and chickens that are allowed access to the outdoors and regularly exposed to wild migratory waterfowl. All backyard premises have been under quarantine, and enhanced active surveillance is being initiated in and around the backyard flocks. entReport&reportid=17030 - Avian influenza strain H5N2 HPAI has been found in a mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) harvested by a hunter at Fern Ridge Wildlife Area near Eugene, Oregon State. The female mallard was sampled on 20 December 2014 as part of routine testing by ODFW, USDA/APHIS, USGS and USFWS. ODFW was notified of positive test results for the H5N2 HPAI found in the Fern Ridge mallard yesterday. It is the same strain that was detected in a pintail duck in north-western Washington state last month (reported in previous AI Updates). BELIZE 23/01/2015 – H5N2 LPAI in poultry, Cayo Source: OIE - The USDA APHIS NVSL confirmed avian influenza virus H5N2 in three falcons from a private, non-commercial flock in Canyon County, Idaho State and was a result of recent contact with wild waterfowl. The flock is currently under quarantine and additional viral testing is being conducted on the remaining birds. Additionally, a small backyard poultry flock in Canyon County, Idaho was identified as having chickens positive for H5N2. That flock was immediately put under quarantine and the birds have been depopulated. An outbreak of H5N2 LPAI was reported in poultry in Spanish Lookout, Spanish Lookout, Cayo District, a major poultry production area in Belize. All breeder flocks are routinely sampled for avian influenza under the Belize Poultry Improvement Plan Avian Influenza Programme. The affected flock was detected under routine monitoring 3 December 2014, a total of 11 572 birds were found to be affected out of a susceptible population of 17 400. The affected flocks have not shown any clinical signs. entReport&reportid=17037 CANADA 26/01/2015 - H7N9 infection in a human Source: National Authorities On 26 January 2015 the Public Health Agency of Canada confirmed the first imported case of influenza A (H7N9) virus in Canada, and the first to be reported in North America. An individual from British Columbia returned from China on 12 January 2015 tested positive for the H7N9 avian influenza virus. The individual was not symptomatic during travel and only developed symptoms after returning to Canada. 4 -20-15.pdf 20, 22 & 24/01/2015 - H5N8 HPAI outbreak in poultry, California; H5N8 HPAI infection in wild birds, California, Idaho Source: National Authorities, OIE - The USDA APHIS has confirmed the presence of H5N8 HPAI in a commercial turkey flock in Stanislaus County, California. 4 500 birds were infected and died out of a susceptible population of 14 500. This is the first finding of HPAI in commercial poultry during the ongoing disease incident in the Pacific Flyway.!ut/p/a1/hY7LDoIwEEW_hQVbOiACugN JpIiSaKLQjQGDBVMoKQi_byVuTHzMbu6ckzuIoASRJhsqmvUVbzL23Il1DuPA0D0wcLzBFuDdc Q9e4OtwmEkglQB8GRf-SdEJmS1dgPTjqRjOgZgX97txRYAWy_gR0WICGU8n95N3SafORQRUVwLUQjtLmRc9n3bLVVQ YRxHjXJOWaFdeK3CJ6XkXYSdxK1dQK3ORsiV1Eei_8Grw!!/?1dmy&urile=wcm%3apath%3a%2Faphis_content_library% 2Fsa_newsroom%2Fsa_news%2Fsa_by_date%2Fsa_2015%2Fsa_01%2Fct_hpai_california No. 635 | 29 January 2015 - USDA Wildlife Services and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game to increase routine disease surveillance of wild waterfowl in common migratory regions of Idaho. Surveillance conducted in Gooding County identified several cases of H5N8 avian influenza in wild ducks. On 16 January 2015 a hunter harvested a wild mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) in Gooding County, Idaho State that was then reported infected with H5N8 HPAI. -20-15.pdf entReport&reportid=17031 - The USDA APHIS, in conjunction with State Departments of Agriculture and Wildlife, confirmed avian influenza virus H5N8 HPAI in an American green-winged teal (Anas carolinensis) harvested on 9 January in Yolo County, California State. entReport&reportid=17031 5 No. 635 | 29 January 2015 6 No. 635 | 29 January 2015 CONTACTS DISCLAIMER The EMPRES Animal Influenza Update compiles data on relevant Animal Influenza cases/outbreaks. It is updated weekly, published in PDF format and automatically sent by email to a list of subscribers. We have received many requests to join the Animal Influenza Situation Update distribution list. While we highly value the growing interest and wider distribution, it is hard for us to manage the increasing list of contacts. We would therefore appreciate if the contacts in each organisation/country could forward the document to all relevant people within their organisation/country. FAO compiles information from numerous sources (FAO representatives or country missions, FAO reports, OIE, official government sources, European Commission, FAO reference centres, laboratories and FAO collaborators) and produces these composite maps in a representative effort to provide full and accurate information. The EMPRES Animal Influenza is prepared by the GLEWS (Global Early Warning)/EMPRES (Emergency Prevention System for Animal Health) team of the Animal Production and Health Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Additional information on influenza cases/outbreaks can be found in EMPRES-i ( For further information about the EMPRES Animal Influenza Situation Update please contact FAO AGAH/GLEWS team at [email protected] FAO welcomes information to clarify disease or infection occurrence in areas that have not been properly depicted (with supporting documentation to make the required changes based on FAO validation and verification procedures). If you want to share relevant information on animal diseases events with FAO AGAH/GLEWS please send messages to [email protected] MAP: The text should be: The maps represent occurrences of confirmed or suspected cases avian influenza reported over the last 30 days (1st map) and the last six months (2nd map). H5 cases are represented only for countries where N-subtype characterization is not being performed for secondary cases or when laboratory results are still pending. The maps also show cases of H5N1, H5N6 and H7N9 infection in humans. TEXT: The text represents information obtained within the past 14 days indicating the original date of reporting or publishing of the information. Official and non-official sources of information are included for easy reference. FAO does not guarantee the accuracy of information of reports included in this update. 7
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