1 ISSUE NO. 5 February 1, 2015 February Highlights Block House Creek Elementary 401 Creek Run Leander, TX 78641 Phone: (512) 570570-7600 Fax: (512) 570570-7605 Attendance: (512) 570570-7628 bhc.leanderisd.org Those Bears are at it again! Count the paws and check your answer on the back What’s Insid e: From The Principal P. 2 Library News P. 3 Upcoming Events P. 5 Bear Essentials P. 6-7 Counselor Corner P. 9 PTA Positions P.12-13 Movie Night P. 14 Valentine’s Flowers P. 15 PTA Board Members P. 12 What an amazing half of the year. I cannot believe February is already here. I want to thank our PTA Board and all of our awesome volunteers for all they have done. The teachers, staff and PTA would like to thank all our volunteers with a breakfast on February 13th. Without you we would not be able to put on events or support our teachers in the classrooms. So keep up the good work. It is that time again to start thinking about our 2015 – 2016 PTA Board. If you or someone you know is interested in getting more involved now is the time to join. There are many board positions open so you can pick the level of involvement you would like. Most of the current board members are full time working parents and some are even students furthering their education. Please check out this newsletter and your Wednesday folders to see what we have available. It is vital to the success of our BHC PTA to have new members each year. Our nominating committee consists of Ashlea Lee, Shannon Skolaut, Christina Hansanuwat and Macy Beauchamp. If you have any questions regarding the board positions please contact them or anyone else on the board. Our next General meeting and movie night will be March 27th at 6:30 p.m. Please come and find out what you can do to help our school. I truly hope you consider joining our fun group of parents. WE NEED YOU!!! Keep saving your Box Tops!! The next Box Top Collection Contest ends on February 20th. Our school earns 10 cents for every Box Top we turn in. Those dimes add up fast! We made $1,148.00 for our Art Department last fall. Let’s push for more during our spring collection. Proceeds will go to help the school get new radios for safety. Our next event is Valentine’s Day Flowers. Valentine Flowers are on sale now! The deadline for ordering flowers is February 11th, no exceptions. There are a limited number of flowers available, so be sure to order yours ASAP. All flower orders will be delivered on Friday, February 13th, at the end of the day. Order yours today! Thank you for a great year! Tori Kenney PTA President Reminder from School Administration: After the 7:45 tardy bell, students MUST be dropped off at the front of the school. The parent drive through doors lock automatically at that time. School Administration has observed numerous students being dropped off only to be locked out of the building. 2 FROM THE DESK OF DR. CADY . . . Wow! I can’t believe how quickly the first semester has gone by. I have just a couple of reminders for this month’s news. To begin, all classrooms have just completed their first semester benchmark tests. Please review your student’s testing data that is coming home so you are able to provide additional support for areas needing continued work. Another mid-year reminder is to encourage all parents dropping students off at school in the morning to remember that the front drive through area is for day care vans and buses only. Students are to be dropped off either in back parent drive through lanes (where safety patrol members assist exiting cars) or in the front of the school along the curb near flag poles. In February we will practice all our yearly drills again. Students will practice lock down, tornado and fire drill at different dates during the month. As an additional reminder, in the event of bad weather during the school day only those individuals listed on your student’s emergency list will be able to check students out from school. Please go to TxConnect to update your current information as well as the people listed for emergency purposes. Dr. Deana Cady Principal Send BOX TOPS in by Feb 20th! Order your Valentine’s Day Flowers by Feb. 11th. Supplies are limited. Order TODAY! 10 cents for every one collected!!! Proceeds will go to new 2-way radios for the school’s safety updates. Last collection raised $1,148 for the Art Department! Way to go BHCE!! Please make sure they are trimmed and not expired. PTA members: Don’t Forget— Bhc Pta Spirit Day Friday!!! Spirit Wear On-Sale Now!!! GET YOUR NEW BHC SPIRIT WEAR! Order ONON-LINE or watch for order forms with prices & details! 3 All classes will be conducting some aspect of research this 9 wks. Some of the research skills to be taught (depending on the grade level) are: Navigating the library databases, evaluating valid & credible online resources, using a book’s text features such as table of contents, index, captions, glossary, etc. to find information. Other research skills are note taking, summarizing, keyboard shortcuts, searching strategies. 5th grade is exploring possible careers with Ms. Mercer & Ms. Rausch. After choosing one career to research, the students will be presenting their info. in a Google Presentation. 4th grade is choosing a famous Texan to research. The biography facts they find out will be used to write a speech in their Lang. Arts class. This will be their biographical character to be presented in the Spring 4th grade Show-Off play with Ms. Loesch. 3rd grade researching a Science topic in lib. classes. 2nd grade will be researching biographies 1st grade will researching animals, using the library’s new database, PebbleGo. Kindergarten will be researching Rainforest animals. Newsletter Available Online at www.bhc.leanderisd.org 4 Watch for info on Dine-Out Nights Supporting BHC ! 5 BHC Bulletin Board UPCOMING EVENTS STAFF BIRTHDAYS Feb 3 Feb Suzie Marksbury (PT) 10 Angela Newberry (PE) 2-3 No School! Staff Development Days 2-6 Counselor Appreciation Week 19 Wendy Mask (3rd) 6 K-2 Rouse HS Play 20 Kelly Elliott (Secretary) 10 PTA Mtg 6pm in Portables 11 Valentine’s Day Flowers Orders DUE 13 Spring Picture Day 13 Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast 20 Libby Reeves (2nd) 22 Donna Reynolds (Dyslexia) 23 Jennifer Wellbrock (Kinder) Classroom Valentine’s Day Parties 13 Flowers delivered 19 Fuel Up to Play 360 Meeting 20 Box Tops Collection Date PTA members: Bhc Pta http://bhce.my-pta.org/ Newsletter Online at : www.bhc.leanderisd.org 6 Kinder Team: Greetings, Kindergarten Parents! Thank you to all of the Kinder parents who volunteered their time and resources for our holiday celebration! We hope that you had a fun and relaxing winter break with your students. This month in math, we will continue to explore teen numbers. We will learn multiple methods of solving addition and subtraction problems within 10. We will classify and sort two- and three-dimensional shapes. We will also collect, sort, and organize data into three categories and use this data to create picture graphs. In phonics, we will continue to sound out and write words using letter sounds and begin exploring word families. We will complete a Jan Brett author study in Language Arts this month and utilize her books to make predictions and retell the main events and important facts in text. This month in science, we will begin our new module, "Move It!" Students will explore objects in order to understand that matter has properties and can be manipulated through force, motion, and energy. In social studies, students will explore our state and national heritage by examining the celebration of patriotic holidays and the contributions of individuals. Students will learn about historical figures that have contributed to the community, state, and nation and how good citizens shape the community. We hope to see you at our Valentine's Day party on February 13th. First Grade: First graders worked hard in com- Third Grade:Hello Parents! Here are some of pleting the middle of the year testing. Each child strived to do their best during this testing period. This month First Graders will be learning about: * Science: Fur, Feet, Feathers and Fins * Social Studies: National Patriotism * Writing: Descriptive words in our writing. the skills we’ll be working on to begin our 3rd 9 weeks! Our BIG Math goals for this 9 weeks are for students to... * write numbers in expanded notation (129= 100+20+9) * relationships amongst coins (i.e using different coins to equal 10 cents) • How do people, organisms, and events change the envi ment? • Why is it important to interact responsibly with the environment? In Social Studies we’ll be starting an integrated unit with science called “Earth’s Interactions.” The Social Studies part of this unit will focus on the people, and how they adapt to the physical environment they live in, as well as, how people affect the environment. Some questions to ask your child during this unit are: ron- The Science part of “Earth’s Interactions” will focus on the physical You can practice these skills at home to help your child be success- land and the different natural events that cause it to change. . Some questions to ask your child during this unit are: ful! • What impact do rapid changes in the Earth’s surface have on land Second Grade: So much has been going on in 2 and communities? nd grade already in 2015! The students are having a great time as civil engineers exploring the engineering design process while learning about types and properties of matter. Be sure to ask your child to tell you what he/she has learned about matter, bridges, types of bridges and other structures. Students have recently designed, built, modified and tested bridge models to hold as much weight as possible. This month, students are currently in the process of choosing and researching an important person in history, or a person still living, that has made a positive impact on society in some way. This research project will culminate with our 2nd Grade Living Museum Night on February 26th from 6:007:00. Students will be presenting, in character, all they have learned from their research. • What changes the environment (patterns)? During Reading, we’ll begin learning about tall tales, fables, legends, and myths. Some questions to ask during this unit are: • How are cultural beliefs and values portrayed in traditional literature? • In what ways do folktales, tall tales, fables, myths, and legends impact cultures? Finally, in Math we’ll begin our 9 weeks by reviewing multiplication, and bringing in and focusing on how it relates division. Here are a couple of questions to ask your child during this unit: As you read with your children each day, be sure to engage them in discus- • sions about what they are reading including the setting, character names and listing events of the story in order. Much time will be spent this semester helping our 2nd grade readers to be able to effectively communicate, • in writing, about what they are reading. How does knowing my multiplication facts help me with division facts? How are sharing and grouping in division the same and different? 7 Fourth Grade: Fifth Grade: Look What’s Going on in Fifth Grade: “Children must be taught HOW to think, not WHAT to think.” In Social Studies, your child will be learning about the conflicts —Margaret Mead that led up to the Revolutionary War. Students will understand that Be sure to be asking your fourth grader “Why?” questions. It is assistance from allies, knowledge of terrain, military tactics, and the surest way to get them thinking and possibly come up with motivation allowed a weaker and less powerful army to win and their own answers. We, as teachers, spend a lot of time teaching the result of this war had global implications. children HOW to think. Thinking is the driving force in educaIn Science, students will develop a deeper understanding of the tion. Earth and its relationship with the Sun and Moon. Students will During the months of January and February, fourth graders will build on their understanding of how forces cause change to the continue to work on mastery of math facts (0-12). Flash cards, Earth’s surface over time. They will also construct knowledge practice sheets, card games, etc. are some great ways to reinabout Earth’s resources and their responsibility to preserve them force those basic skills. You can even visit some of the fourth for future generations. grade teachers’ websites for some interactive games and practice for math skills, science concepts and reading/writing prac- Language Arts will be focusing on biographies and autobiographies. Authors of biographies gather insight on their topic by ustice. The more they practice their skills, the better. ing a collection of information from interviews, journals and letEvery child should be reading and writing daily. Although we ters. Authors write an autobiography based on a personal aspect of spend lots of time on both of these at school, it never hurts to get their life in which they may look at letters, journals, and diaries to in that extra practice at home. Keep telling your students child- include as snippets within their autobiography. hood memories of your own or refresh their memory of imporIn Math, your child will be extending their learning of multiplicatant events in their lives. tion and division of fractions. They will also work on graphing, Fourth graders will hear from some authors in the next few geometry and volume. A huge focal area this 9-weeks, will also months and hopefully be inspired with some great ideas and be personal financial literacy. The students will gain a better unmore writing tools to add to their toolkits! derstanding of how to manage one’s financial resources effectively in order to be financially secure when they get out into the real world. Some of these areas will be to understand different types P.E.: Jump Rope for Heart gets started this month! We are of taxes, types of income, the advantages and disadvantages of different payment methods, keeping financial records and balancjoining schools across the country to focus our students, staff ing a simple budget. These concepts could really lead to some and families around Heart Disease. Students and their families great conversations at home and the opportunity for your child to can raise money for the American Heart Association online at www.heart.org/jump or by downloading the app. On your smart learn from your personal experiences. phone or tablet, search jump/hoops in your App Store. We also Arts 5th grade has launched into an exearn PE equipment that helps us keep fitness fun for your kids! Performing Arts: citing (and loud) recorder unit! You can still buy recorders from Thank you for your participation! Ms. Loesch for $5. Art: 5th grade is tackling Picasso cubism style self portraits with acrylic paint. 4th grade is beginning the early stages of researching and learning about their character for our Texas themed Show Off Night in May. 4th grade is studying chuck Close style abstract self portraits using a grid. 3rd grade is learning about Technical Designers in Performing Arts such as, Scene Design, Choreographer, Directing, Composing, and Costume Design. 3rd and 2nd grade are wrapping up the Sleeping Gypsy mixed media project. 2nd grade is studying Carnival of the Animals and the poetry of Ogden Nash in preparation for a unit on public speaking. K and 1st grade are finishing Jim Dine Valentine Art before starting to work with clay. First Grade is studying Peter and the Wolf to learn about instruments and their voices, as well as, dynamics! http://bhce.my-pta.org/ Kindergarten is studying Carnival of the Animals as an introduction to the musical families. We are also talking about dynamics like Presto/Largo, Piano/ Forte. 8 Newsletter Online at : www.bhc.leanderisd.org The LISD "Clothes Closet" is a service program supported by the generous donations of businesses or individuals from our community and LISD school PTA drives. The Clothes Closet operates by friendly, helpful LISD PTA volunteers. The Purpose of the Clothes Closet is to provide gently worn, clean, school clothing as well as brand new underwear and socks to students that will appropriately fit a child between the ages of 4-18 or pre-K thru high school. LISD Clothes Closet Coordinator: Abbie Williams [email protected] Find us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/LeanderISD-Clothes-Closet/190480951015679 Address: 300 West Drive, Leander, TX 78641 Normal hours of operation during the school year are every Tuesday from 10am - 12pm and one Saturday a month, from 10am-12pm. The Clothes Closet is closed on school holidays and bad weather days. 9 School Counselor Notes: In February, BHC students will be doing the “Fill the Bucket Challenge”. Students will have a sheet of buckets to color in when they fill others’ buckets. If they complete the sheet in the month of February, their sheet will be added to the “BHC Bucket Hall of Fame” and they will receive a small prize. The challenge is based on the book, Have You Filled a Bucket Today? Students have learned how kindness fills others’ buckets as well as their own. Meanness dips into others’ buckets as well as their own. I encourage families to continue this concept at home. Discuss ways that you fill and dip into buckets at home. Kindness Week is February 9-13. The C2 Club will be doing fun activities with the school to celebrate this week! MIDDLE SCHOOL ORIENTATION The 5 Grade students will be visiting Wiley Middle School on March 12th for the 5th Grade M.S. Orientation. Students will be transported by bus to Wiley M.S. They will learn about the school, experience lunch, and create their schedule for next year. More information will be coming home prior to the visit. If your student will be attending a different middle school, please contact Ms. Mercer as soon as possible. She will make sure you have information regarding that school’s orientation. (Parents must provide transportation for students attending another school’s orientation.) th TESTING DAYS- *please note that there has been a change in 5th grade Math testing days: March 30 & 31: 4th Grade Writing STAAR Testing (two days) March 31: 5th Grade Reading STAAR Testing April 21: 3rd & 4th & 5th Grades Math* STAAR Testing April 22: 3rd & 4th Grades Reading STAAR Testing, 5th Grade Science STAAR Testing May 12- 5th Grade Reading STAAR Re-Testing Make-up testing for absent students will be during the 1-2 days after the regular testing days Please be aware that on STAAR testing days we will not be able to have visitors on campus. This affects all grade levels. Please do not plan on eating with your children or volunteering on these days, except for STAAR Hallway Monitors. If you are interested in being a hallway monitor, please contact Ms. Mercer at [email protected]. If a student leaves school once testing has begun, they will not be able to finish the test later. If a student arrives late, they may not be able to take the test. Please do not plan any appointments for your child on testing dates. To help your child have a successful testing day: Limit activities the night before Get a good night’s sleep Eat a healthy breakfast (don’t load up on carbs like pancakes that put the mind to sleep) Wear comfortable clothes Arrive to school on time Bring a water bottle and books to read if finished with testing (we are unable to disturb classrooms so please don’t bring items to be delivered during the day) Thank you for helping BHC have successful testing days! BACKPACK PROGRAM DONATIONS We continue to collect items for the Leander ISD Backpack Program. Please consider donating to this program that provides food for our students who might otherwise go hungry over the weekend. Items may be dropped off at the front office. When donating items, please keep in mind that individual servings and easy open (or pop-top) cans are preferable. Starred (*) items are the most needed items. *Cereal (individual servings that can be eaten without milk), Instant oatmeal, Nutrigrain bars, *Pop-tarts, Fruit cups / Applesauce cups, Individually wrapped snack items (goldfish, granola bars, crackers), Ramen Noodles (with or without vegetables), *Easy Mac (macaroni & cheese), *Hormel microwave meals, *Canned soup / stew (pop-tops preferred), *Chili (pop-tops preferred), *Spaghettio’s / Ravioli (pop-tops preferred), Instant rice / potatoes, Canned chicken / tuna, Peanut butter (no glass), Jelly (no glass) 10 Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day For more info go to: http://www.engr.utexas.edu/wep/k12/girlday 11 The PTA needs YOU! Joining does not require a huge time commitment. Give as much of your time and talents as you are able to. Everything helps! Support your school in a meaningful way. Be part of the decision making process. Help decide on events and where raised funds go. You can make a difference! Grandparents welcome! Being a PTA member comes with perks! Here are some companies that provide discounts to members! Check out the positions that make up the PTA on the following pages. See if one fits your areas of interests. Make use of your unique talents and gifts! 12 PTA Board Elections for the 2015-2016 School Year Nominations to be made at the March 27th General Meeting Elections to be held at the April 13th General Meeting If you are interested in a board position please let one of our Nomination Committee members know or contact any board member. All nominations need to be turned in by March 20th. The Nomination Committee consists of the following people: Ashlea Lee [email protected] Shannon Skolaut [email protected] Christine Hansanuwat [email protected] Alternate Macy Beauchamp [email protected] Here is a list of positions and a little about each position. Each board member takes on other responsibilities on top of what is said below. The board meets about once per month starting in May 2015 and in the summer months has planning meetings to decide what activities to do during the year and who will help with the activities. You must be a current PTA member to be elected and all board members must join PTA for the year in which they serve on the board. The following are positions that are elected by the General membership at the meeting. Also listed are the Committee Coordinator positions the new board appoints at their May meeting. All Coordinator positions can have committee members with them to help out. President - The presiding officer of the PTA, directing the executive and the general meetings and will oversee Plans of Work from the board members. The President accepts fiduciary responsibility of the PTA. We prefer that the incoming President be familiar with PTA procedures and it would be most beneficial if they have served on a PTA board. Vice Presidents - We can have up to 4 Vice Presidents. They act as an aid to the President and support each other. Secretary - Responsible for keeping accurate records of all business transacted at each executive and general meeting of the PTA Treasurer - The custodian of the funds for the PTA, receiving and distributing all funds according to the bylaws and approved budget. This officer will keep detailed records of sales tax due and file all appropriate forms with the IRS. The Treasurer will prepare reports for each executive and general meeting of the PTA's financial records. We also have several positions who are appointed by the new board at the May meeting. They are as follows: Historian - Keeps a history of the PTA year in photographs and information. Will compile a memory book at the end of the year. Parliamentarian - Keeps the meetings running smoothly, advise the presiding officer on questions of parliamentary procedure. Membership Coordinator - Promotes PTA, sells memberships, compiles a database of members, and submits membership to TX PTA. Room Parent Coordinator – The BHC line of communication with all the room parents. Keep room parents current on all events and needs of the PTA and staff. 13 Theme Basket Coordinator – Contacts the Bear Fest theme basket parents regarding the very popular theme basket ticket drawing held each year at BHC. Hold a meeting with theme basket parents to help them understand what the theme baskets are, help them pick their theme and advertise for the all important drawing at Bear Fest. Volunteer Coordinator – Solicit and advertise for volunteers for all events at BHC, record volunteer hours to Leander, Contact High school volunteer programs to get volunteers for our events. Fundraising Coordinator - Research fundraisers and find the best one for our school. Promote, run and problem solve the fundraiser. Go to local businesses and ask for donations or food and or prizes for our carnivals, book fair and other events throughout the year. Family Dine Out Night Coordinator – Ask local businesses to consider hosting a dine out night for BHC where the school gets a percentage of the profits from that night’s sales. Newsletter Coordinator – Create a monthly newsletter for the PTA, find advertisers, get submissions and pictures to be added into the newsletter, copy and distribute the newsletter. Reflections Coordinator - Coordinate with TX PTA and their Reflections program to get it up and running at BHC. Reflections is an arts contest with areas like: choreography, art, composition, and many more. Hospitality Coordinator – Coordinate hospitality for school staff from PTA (i.e. lunches, birthday table) Teacher Appreciation – Coordinates the week of gifts and treats for the school staff from PTA. Carnival Coordinator – Coordinate with committee co-chairs to set up and run carnivals and events at BHC (Bear Fest, Cookies & Cocoa with Santa, Secret Santa Store, Valentine Flowers, Movie Night) Website Coordinator - Update website with events, news, pictures, forms and other information. Budget Committee Coordinator – Establish a budget for the PTA's fiscal year Cares and Concerns Coordinator - Help the counselor with the Sock, Coat and Underwear Drive, the Giving Tree, the Penny Drive, The food drive. Coordinate Clothes Closet volunteers, Lost and Found days. Kinder Camp Coordinator - Organize Kinder Camp and host events during the summer. Contact new kinder parents inviting their new Bears to Kinder Camp. Spirit Wear Coordinator - Create a logo and secure a vendor for our spirit wear. T-shirts, sweatshirts, bags, lunch boxes, and other logo items. Book Fair Coordinator - Plan, set up, and run the fall and spring book fairs for the school. Label Collection Contest Coordinator - Collect, process, and mail off all labels that we collect in a timely fashion. Report contest results to teachers and coordinate prizes with the winning teachers. Kona Ice Coordinator – Contact Kona Ice and schedule Kona Ice Days at BHC. Schedule people to meet the trucks, hang signs to advertise the fundraiser and make sure the dates get in the newsletter and on the morning announcements. Marquee – Update the school marquee as needed with current events. 14 MARCH 27th Admission is FREE Concession items $1 15 16 The P TA needs YOU! Bhc Pta Answer: 27 paws! 2014-2015 PTA BOARD Tori Kenney President 512-809-1187 [email protected] Naysa DollingerDollinger-Tidey 1st Vice President 512-799-4380 [email protected] Shannon Skolaut 2nd Vice President 512-917-4799 [email protected] Michelle Kuhn 3rd Vice President 512-422-0740 [email protected] Nicole Wells 4th Vice President &Newsletter Coordinator 619-208-2628 [email protected] Tanya Clarkson Secretary 512-633-6992 [email protected] Greta Walsh Membership Coordinator 659-7638 [email protected] Tina Reckaway Historian & Room Parent Coordinator 512-986-4975 [email protected] Ashlea Lee Volunteer Coordinator & Parliamentarian 501-658-6762 [email protected] Teresa Stover Spirit Wear Coordinator 512-922-0598 [email protected] MaryAnn Navarrete Cares & Concerns 512-947-8285 [email protected] Elizabeth Guerrero Reflections Coordinator 512-775-7215 [email protected] Kathy Madden Teacher Liaison 512-570-7600 [email protected] Katie Bartow Book Fair & Spirit Wear Coordinator 512-736-4102 [email protected] Macy Beauchamp Label Collection Coordinator 512-786-6007 [email protected] Don’t Forget!!! Now you can purchase your PTA Membership, Spirit Wear, Event Tickets and much more on line through the PTA ONON-Line Store!! Visit http://bhce.myhttp://bhce.my-pta.org/ and click on Store for more details.
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