DOCUMENT ASSISTING SUBMISSION OF EXPRESSION OF INTEREST INVITATION TO CONSULTANTS FOR PROVIDING BID PROCESS MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE FOR ‘‘SELECTION OF AGENCY FOR PREPARATION OF DEVELOPMENT PLAN/ VISION DOCUMENT FOR UNA DISTRICT, HIMACHAL PRADESH’’ Industrial Area Devel opment Agency, Gagret O/ O Dy. Director (Industries)-cum-Chairman, IADA, Gagret, Himachal Pradesh January, 2015 HAPPY NEW YEAR Industrial Area Development Agency, Gagret Expression of Interest (EOI) for Bid Process Management Consul tant for sel ection of agency for Devel opment Pl an/ Vision document Preparation The office of Deputy Director Industries-cum-Chairman, Industrial Area Devel opment Agency (IADA)-Gagret, is in the process for sel ection of Agency having a Devel opment Pl an/Vision Document in general for Una District of Himachal Pradesh and particul arl y for potential Industrial Zones and existing Industrial Cl usters in the district. It her eby invites expressions of interest from reputed consul tants for Bid Process Management assistance for sel ection of agency for preparation of Devel opment Pl an/Vision Document for Una District. Interested par ties may downl oad the EOI document from our website and accordingl y submit their EOI in a seal ed envel ope by 30/01/2015. The EOI shoul d be submitted to Deputy Director (Industries)-cum Chairman, IADA Gagret, DIC-Una. (T il ak R aj Shar ma) Dy. Director (Industries)-cum Chairman, IADA, Gagret DIC-Una-174303, (HP) Tel : 01975-223002 Mob: 94180-88078 E-mail : trsharma4@gmail .com Instructions to Bidders and General Conditions of Contract Sr No. 1 Particul ar Introduction Description Located in South Western part of Himachal Pradesh Una has emerged as the most favoured destination for investors due to availability of suitable land at reasonable rates, great rail & road connectivity and abundant availability of power. Its close proximity to Punjab; with common borders to Hoshiarpur & Ropar districts, and the State Government’s commitment to provide industry friendly environment for attracting new investors for investment in the State/District provides a further impetus to the district. It is located just about 375Kms from New Delhi & 120Kms from Chandigarh. GEOGRAPHIC AREA Spread over 1549Kms POPULATION 5,21,057 persons as per 2011 Census and about 50,000 migrant work force is existing in the District SEX RATIO 977/1000(F/M) indicating balanced demographic set up LITERACY RATE Average literacy rate 86.53 in 2011. Male & Female literacy: 91.89 and 81.11 respectively. CONNECTIVITY Roads: Well connected with Express Highways Rail road : Connected by a broad gauge Rail line Airport: Domestic airport at Chandigarh. INDUSTRIAL SCENARIO: Presently 2309 units are running and 6 Industrial Areas have been set up in the District with an Investment of more than Rs. 1709 Cr. Besides these many Industrial Projects worth Rs.1500 Cr. are in the pipeline. Industrial Infrastructure • State- of- the- art New Industr ial Township at Pandoga is coming up at a cost of Rs. 112 Cr. • State’s Fir st Textil e Par k with an investment of Rs.200 Cr. at Thathal (Amb) and State’s Fir st Food Par k with the proposed investment of Rs. 200 Cr. at Bathu are being set up. • Mega Industrial Infrastructure Projects like GAIL Gas Pipel ine, Workers hostel, ESI Hospital , Community Facility Centre, Tr ade Centr e and low cost housing etc. are upcoming in the district. With these developments envisaged, Agency is in the process of preparation of Development Plan/Vision Document in general for Una District and particularly for potential Industrial Zones and existing Clusters by engaging sector experts. Hence the Agency plans to select consultants to prepare Development Plan/Vision Document through competitive bidding process. 2 To manage the bid process efficiently, the Agency has issued the EOI to invite bid process management consultant to deliver on the Scope Of Wor k provided in this EOI. Broad Scope Broad scope of work for the bid process consultant is as follows ; Of Work Advise the Agency on the process for selection of consultant for preparation of Development Plan/Vision Document in general for Una District of H.P and particularly for potential Industrial Zones and existing clusters in the district. Prepare the terms of reference for preparation of Development Plan/Vision Document Preparation of detailed tender documents such as Request for proposal (RFP), Contract document, Work order/Letter of Award (LOA) for selection of consultant for preparation of Development Plan/Vision Document. Preparation of response to the pre bid queries 3 4 5 6. 7 Evaluation of technical and financial bids and preparation of evaluation reports Assist Agency in final selection process. Submission of It should be in the form of physical submission of supporting Documents with Expression of Technical capabilities and Experience for the same. Interest Eligibility Interested party should: Be technically Qualified registered firm with any State or Central Government Organization Have experience of at least five years in field of Infrastructure Planning . (Provide mandate/completion certificates) Have worked with any Development Agency in India on Development Plan/Town Planning Scheme through direct contract or through sub- contract arrangements Have detailed understanding of preparation of Development Plan/Vision document with logical projection. EOI Validity 90 days from the submission date. However, the validity period could be Period extended maximum for a period of another two months, if the request primafacie appears to be justified. EOI Fee The bidder shall submit R s. 10,000/ - in the shape of Demand Dr aft in favour of Chairman, IADA Gagret payable at Una as EOI fee along- with submission of EOI. Right of The Agency will accept the EOI which will be best suited in all aspects. The Agency to decision of the Agency shall be final in theses aspects. The Agency also accept or reject any EOI 8 reserves following rights without any kind of liability: (1) To accept or reject any or part of any EOI /entire EOI or all the EOIs without assigning any reason thereof. (2) Not to proceed ahead in the EOI process at any stage without assigning any reason thereof. Evaluation of Offers received in response of this invitation would be scrutinized to evaluate offers whether they meet the eligibility criteria and requirements of the Agency specified above. The short- listed parties shall have to quote the lump sum consultancy fee as per the Price Bid format provided in Annexure- I of the EOI. The bidding firm who quotes the lowest consultancy charges shall be declared as selected bidder. 9 Documents to be submitted. The Agency shall issue a Letter of Acceptance to the selected bidder as an indication for acceptance of the offer made by the bidder and to commencement of work. Details of Party including identity proof , registered office, copy of CV of company’s detailed profile and evidence of registration . Supporting document for preparation of Development Plan/Vision Document Town Planning assignments completed and in hand etc. Document showing firm’s understanding for preparation of Development Plan /Vision Document for a city/district. Chartered Accountant’s certificate/supporting evidences specifying that the bidder firm is involved in Planning Sector for the last _____years. Any other document/information which enhance credentials 10 Last date of receipt of EOI Price proposal as per Annexure- I. Proposals may be submitted on or before 30th January 2015 till 14.00 hrs (only by speed post, registered post or courier AD strictly to:Chairman, IADA Gagret ---cum-Deputy Director, (Industry) DIC Una District Una (HP) Pin- 174303. The same will be opened before the Committee on the same day at 15.00 hrs in the presence of bidders their representatives who may wish to participate in the process. For further queries please contact the following :1.Sh.T.R Sharma, Chairman, IADA, Gagret 01975-223002 e- mail: [email protected] Mb : 91- 9418088078 e- mail: [email protected] 2. Sh.Amin Chand Attri, Manager: 91- 9418640796 3. K.C. Sharma, Coordinator :91- 9418306237 (Til ak Raj Sharma) Dy. Director (Industries) cum Chairman, IADA, Gagret, DIC- Una-174303, (HP) Tel : 01975-223002; Mob: 94180-88078 E-mail : trsharma4@gmail .com Annexure-I: Format of Price Proposal PRICE PROPOSAL To The Chairman IADA- cum-Dy. Director, (Industries) DIC-Una District Una - 174303 Himachal Pradesh Subject: Expression of Interest (EOI) for Process Management Consultant for selection of agency for preparation of Development Plan/ Vision Document for Una District. Dear Sir, We have examined the EOI conditions. Our consultancy fees for the captioned assignment shall be as under: Consultancy Fees Amount Rs. _________________/-(exclusive of Service Tax) Assuring best of our services, Yours sincerely, Signatures of Authorized signatory
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