All Saints Catholic church & School January 31st & February 1st 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time We, the members of All Saints Parish, gather together to promote our lifelong faith journey. We are committed to gaining a greater understanding of God through Word and Sacrament, faith formation, responsible stewardship, and service to those in need. By reaching out to others and uniting as a family, we seek to make God the primary focus in our lives. CatholicChurchCedarRapids Church Website: School Website: All were amazed and asked one another, "What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him." His fame spread everywhere throughout the whole region of Galilee. Mk 1:27-28 Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm MASS TIMES Sunday 10:30 am Tuesday 8:00 am Wednesday 8:00 am Thursday 9:00 am Saturday 4:00 pm RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:00 - 3:45 pm or by appointment ADORATION Wednesday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm LITURGY OF THE HOURS Monday 6:45 am Friday 8:00 am All Saints Parish Staff Parish Office Center ~ 363-6130 Pastor Priest’s Residence Deacon Business Manager Bookkeeper Parish Secretary Pastoral Associate Dir. of Music Ministries Dir. of Communications Dir. of Formation Director of Youth Formation & Ministry RCIA Coordinator Scrip Coordinator Rev. John R. Flaherty (Emergency only) Mike Klappholz Tracy A. Huk Jenn Boyens Margene Rule Linda Stavropoulos Bev Gearhart Brian Conway Casey Bilodeau Dan Thraen [email protected] Ext. 116 362-1691 [email protected] Ext. 107 [email protected] Ext. 111 [email protected] Ext. 108 [email protected] Ext. 100 [email protected] Ext. 109 [email protected] Ext. 106 [email protected] Ext. 104 [email protected] Ext. 114 [email protected] Ext. 113 Jo Meister Sherri Tow-Selensky [email protected] [email protected] Ext. 112 378-0837 All Saints Parish School ~ 363-4110 School Principal School Office Manager Preschool Director Childcare Director Marlene Bartlett Elaine Collins Sheri Miller Carrie McArtor [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] All Saints Catholic Church 720 29th St. SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 Ext. 234 Ext. 233 298-9844 298-9844 Soup Social Haiti Mission Trip Join us for a fun, FREE, adult evening! Friday, February 6, All Saints Social Hall Social Hour with Hors D'oeuvres, 6:00, Soup Dinner 7:00 Live Music performed by Terry McCauley, 7-10 Beer and Wine provided Hosted by All Saints Women’s Guild Soups provided by many great cooks in our parish. If you would like to donate a crock pot of soup, (we still need cooks!) contact Renee Loushin at [email protected] or 319-4323517 Join us on February 7th & 8th for our welcome back and “State of our Sister Parish Address”. Our travel team will share pictures and stories during fellowship after both Masses in the social hall. Mick Erdman shares stories with Our team returned on Thursday parishioners from 2014 trip. January 29th. This year’s trip was filled with a variety of activities and experiences: Teacher meetings, teacher in-service sessions, Director and Teacher interviews and debrief regarding inservices. Teaching English Working at the hospital, Visiting with Sister Maria Farming, Meeting with different groups; a sister parish council, farmers Cultural exploration & learning about the community Top ten planning with Father Magloire, Brother Bellange and Sister Maria. Seed bank questions Walking tour Celebrating Mass, Relaxing, visiting Check out pictures and news at: https:// All Saints Scrip is available after weekend masses and in the parish office during business hours. Scrip Volunteers Needed For The Following Dates at the Scrip Table Saturday, February 14th-4:45-5:15 (2 Volunteers needed) Sunday, February 15th-11:15-12:15 (2 Volunteers needed) Saturday, February 28th-4:45-5:15 (2 Volunteers needed) Sunday, March 1st-11:15-12:15 (2 Volunteers needed) All Saints has a Scrip volunteer shortage and needs your help! This program raises over $25,000 a year for our church and school, yet costs us NOTHING!! You will be paired with an experienced scrip volunteer who will show you the ropes. Must be 18 or older to volunteer. Email us at [email protected] or sign up on VolunteerSpot at Gas & Auto SCRIP Not sure how to start using SCRIP? Gas station SCRIP gift cards are great way to start earning money back towards the area of your choice at All Saints, such as tuition, the church or the Haiti Fund. Swipe them at the pump just like your debit or credit card. SCRIP carries the following gas station cards in stock-Casey’s General Stores-$25/ $50, can also be used in conjunction with HyVee Fuel Saver cards! Kum N Go-$50 cards, Hawkeye Convenience Stores -$50 cards, and Walmart/Sam’s Club-$25/$100. More gas & auto retailers available to special order on our Scrip website at - Your Source For Fundraising With Scrip. Thank you for your support of the Scrip program at All Saints - fundraising while you shop! Communal Anointing of the Sick During Mass February 14 & 15 During his ministry on earth, Jesus had a particular concern for sick people; he healed them not just with a word of power, but also with a human and compassionate touch. The anointing of the sick, like all sacraments, is one way that the church continues the ministry of Jesus. Through it, Christ continues to touch, heal, and comfort. The Letter of James attests that this practice has always been part of ministry: “Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters of the church, and they should pray over him and anoint [him] with oil in the name of the church” (5:14). While the sacrament is often administered individually, the church encourages celebrating it within Mass. Many parishes celebrate it on one or more Sundays each year. The sacrament may be received by a baptized person who “begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age,” according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1514)—seriously ill, but not necessarily near death—so it may not be apparent that someone receiving the sacrament is ill. The communal celebration reminds us that suffering is part of our human condition and may move us to look on each other with the compassion of Christ the healer. Celebrating this sacrament during Mass also helps us unite our sufferings with Christ’s as we recall his body broken and his blood poured out for us. Please Pray For the Following People (Why people want prayers isn't important, the prayers are!) Geraldine Richards, Donna Curtin, Lucille Walter, Ann Dwyer, John McIvor, Charles “Chip” Witcher, Pam Lillibridge, Mary Hill, Mike Barber, Margaret Harris, Kellyn Moeller, Emily Affeldt Patel, Kenneth & Louise Hebron, Dorothy Loehr, Taryn Ann O’Toole, Therese Cavin, Duncan Fabor, Charles Richart, Steve Richart, Caray Frank, Phyllis Simonin, Pete Bailey, Charles Quinn, Susan Benson, Charles Vermeersch, Marek Leo Rudzki, Marilyn Frank, Leon & Vera Mehring, Shirley Mulherin , Suzanne Stoeffler , Tommy Bolyn , Paul Valliere , Patricia Jennings Parishioners & Family Members on Active Duty - Ted Welch To add a name call Brian Conway, Communications Director, at 363-6130, ext. 104. Names will be listed for 4 weeks and may be renewed. Please do not call or email the people listed above for details regarding their request. Recently deceased will be listed for two weeks. Come Support Our Students Attending NCYC Butter Braid is back by popular demand! Our students attending National Catholic Youth Conference will be taking orders for Butter Braids February 21st, 22nd, 28th and March 1st after Mass. Please support our students as they try to raise money for a life changing experience through NCYC. We will be selling Apple, Blueberry & Cream Cheese, and Carmel Roll w/ Caramel Glaze, Cherry, Double Chocolate, Cinnamon, Raspberry, and Strawberry & Cream Cheese flavored Butter Braid for $14 apiece. Checks can be made out to All Saints Parish. The Butter Braid’s will be available for pick up on March 21st in the Social Hall. Please Remember Parishioner Patricia “Pat” Jennings died January 22. Her funeral mass was celebrated January 26. Parishioner Dennis Pfiffner died January 24. His funeral was January 29. Please pray for Pat, Dennis and their families. Stewardship Corner Moses told the people, “The Lord will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own kinsmen.” God still provides among His people the gifts and talents necessary to continue the work of His Church. What gifts are yours to share? What is Adoration? Why should I participate? What do I do in Adoration? WHAT? Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is part of the Church’s official liturgy. “Eucharistic adoration is one of the most important ways in which the presence of Christ continues...following the celebration of the Mass. What we do at the Eucharist is eat and drink deeply of the food of our salvation. Adoration outside of Mass is meant to stimulate our appetites for the next sacred meal.” (Fr. James Moroney, USCCB Secretariat for liturgy). WHY? “The Church and the world have a great need for Eucharistic worship. Jesus awaits us in this sacrament of love. Let us not refuse the time to go to meet Him in adoration, in contemplation full of faith, and open to making amends for the serious offenses and crimes of the world. Let our adoration never cease.” (St. John Paul II) WHAT DO I DO? Adoration is meant to be a time of prayer and meditation in the presence of Jesus. The focus is the Body of Christ in the monstrance. The atmosphere is peaceful and reverent. Silence allows for internal prayer without distractions. There is a clipboard on the pedestal by the door. Please sign in so that we know who is in the chapel. Turn off your cell phone before you enter the chapel. The proper reverence is to kneel on both knees before the Body of Christ. If you physically can’t do that, a deep bow is fine. The Body of Christ must never be left unattended. If you are the only person in the chapel, please wait until someone else comes to replace you. If you must leave, go to the office and let them know you are alone. Return to the chapel and wait for a staff member to take your place. Bring a favorite devotional, journal, rosary or use the prayers in the Breaking Bread book next to each chair. There is also a basket of devotional books by the door as you come in. Please return them before you leave. Children are welcome if they are old enough to be quiet. COME AND SPEND SOME TIME WITH JESUS HE’S WAITING FOR YOU! WEDNESDAYS 8:30 AM TO 4:30 PM Preparing for Lent Don’t forget to pick up your little black book filled with reflections for Lent. They will be available in the Narthex and by the South entrance February 14, 15 & 18. Also, keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for Lenten Reflections. Youth News Religious Education Schedule February 4th: No Class! City-Wide In- Service for Catechists February 11th: Regular Class February 18th: Ash Wednesday (RE goes to Mass!) February 25th: Regular Class March 4th: Regular Class Confirmation News Confirmation Students: If you haven’t signed up for a Confirmation exit interview with Fr. Jack & Casey then contact Casey by email ([email protected]) ASAP. Confirmation Schedule February 1st: Confirmation Class February 22nd: Confirmation Class March 1st: Confirmation Class March 15th: Confirmation Class NCYC News Please keep all of our students and chaperones in your prayers as we spend the year preparing for our journey to Indianapolis for NCYC. Before, After, and Lifelong! – The National Catholic Youth Conference is slated to take place in November of 2015. In the past, the Archdiocese has set the record for the largest diocesan delegation to attend this conference. We currently have over 1,700 people signed up to attend the conference from the Archdiocese, that's 250 more than in 2013 and approximately 20% of all teens active in Catholic schools, parish RE programs, and Confirmation preparation programs. NCYC is clearly a big deal. Parishes and Schools that are sending groups to attend the conference are challenged to make the most of the experience. NCYC Participant/Parent Meeting Schedule: If you are signed up to attend NCYC make sure you mark your calendars. These monthly meetings are mandatory for students and parents! Meetings will be held in the Lower Level of the Church. February 2nd: 6:00 PM March 9th: 6:00 PM April 6th: 6:00 PM May 4th: 6:00 PM High School Youth Event! Come join us for a social event filled with food, fun, games and prizes! We will be meeting in the lower level on February 15th from 5-6:30 pm. Don’t forget to bring your friends! Catholic Schools Week As Catholic Schools Week ends, several fifth graders would like to convey their thoughts about the school and offer special thanks to All Saints parishioners for their support of All Saints School. Thank you for supporting our school. I’m so glad you helped us get iPads, Smartboards, and computers. It was very nice. Hugh Thank you for supporting our school. We appreciate everything you do. All Saints is a fun and great school to go to. I love going to this school. Thank you for your support. Natalie Thank you for everything you do to support our school. You put so much work and generosity into everything! I love going to school here because of all the activities such as the Sock Hop, Carnival, and Walk-a-Thon. Again, thank you for everything you do. I really appreciate it. Emma Thank you for your commitment for serving in our church and teaching us to be God’s followers. Zach Thank you for supporting All Saints Catholic School. We appreciate everything you do for us. All Saints is a great place to learn! I really enjoy going here. Thank you for your support. Claire I enjoy All Saints School for many reasons. I enjoy the education and teachers. I enjoy the units in Science and Writing. I enjoy the projects in Reading and Math. I enjoy Mass on Thursdays and Father Jack. All Saints Parish and School has helped me learn for six years. Weston I would like to start with how thankful I am. I love this school because the teachers are nice. Masses are the BEST. Mrs. Bartlett is so nice and kind. I am so thankful! Yasmin Thank you for supporting our school. We have such a great place to work and learn, and we are all very grateful for it. Thank again! Olivia All Saints is a beautiful school with nice teachers, students, and staff. What I like best about All Saints are the teachers. They are so nice and make learning so much fun! Thank you for supporting All Saints School. THANK YOU!! Lucy The things I like best about All Saints are the ways they put fun things into our learning. I like the teachers, the iPads, and the computers. Thank you so much for everything. Meagan My favorite parts of All Saints School are the teachers. They put in so much time to teach all of the kids in the school. The teachers are very kind to everyone, even if you are having a bad day. They always cheer you up. They make learning actually fun for us. Every student learns a new thing every day. They help you if you have a hard problem or a hard question. They plan fun projects so that we can enjoy school. In library, they help you find a book if you cannot find the book you are looking for. I would like to thank all of the teachers. Mostly, I want to thank everyone in All Saints Parish for supporting us. William WHEN AULD RESOLUTIONS BE FORGOT by Rachel Allen Copyright © Life Teen, Inc. All rights reserved. So… how’s that New Year’s Resolution holding up? I think the New Year is pretty overrated, as far as holidays go. What are we celebrating again? Oh, the passing of time? That thing that is constantly happening, but we only pay attention to once a year? Neat. But I do like the idea of making resolutions and trying to change some of my (many) bad habits. I’ve been known to keep a New Year’s Resolution well into February, sometimes March… probably because I don’t start them until January 15th, at the earliest. That way, when everyone else has called it quits by Valentine’s Day, I’m still going strong because I haven’t been at it nearly as long. And, if I happen to slip up and lose it somewhere along the way (there’s an extra-50%-off-sale sale, they add new shows to Netflix, Taco Bell is… open) and mess up, Lenten resolutions, thankfully, are always right around the corner. If you didn’t make a resolution this year, or if you’ve made one and already broken it, it isn’t too late to reconsider. Pope Francis has some suggestions –his top ten list for Vatican employees is full of excellent advice for any of us. I think Papa Frank might be on to something, here… As much fun as it is to talk about a new diet or an exercise routine, or finally sticking to a budget and getting some organization in that rat’s nest you call a bedroom/locker/backseat (all admirable goals), let’s step outside the box for a minute. This life isn’t going to last nearly as long as the life to come. Maybe there ought to be more to this New Year’s Resolution thing than just looking like we have it all together on the outside… But we’re made up of so much more than just our exterior. How are things looking on the inside? Have you ever asked Jesus what He would resolve for you, if He could? Think about it: no one knows you better than He does. He has seen every moment of your life, known your every fault, cheered on your every triumph. And I bet that no one knows better than He, what your next victory ought to be. What about letting Christ make us into something new? If we could just place ourselves into His hands, with honest and humble hearts, He can and will change us. He makes all things new (Revelation 21:5) – that’s you, and me. Rather than coming up with our own lists on what we’d like to improve or change on ourselves, maybe we ought to come to Him in prayer and ask what He would like to do in our hearts, our relationships, our families, etc. This year, I’ve resolved not to make any resolutions, except one: to spend more time with the One who knows what I most need, and has the power to help me achieve it. Go to prayer, however you pray best (whether that’s journaling, hiking, playing music, sitting in Adoration, or something else entirely) and ask Jesus some questions about what kind of home improvements He’d like to make on your heart. He should know – He lives there. A couple ideas to get you started: Is there a particular virtue (honesty, charity, chastity, etc.) where I feel especially weak? How can I grow stronger in it? Is there someone difficult I have been avoiding? How can I love him/her better? Have I done what I can to help take care of the poor? Do I have time, talent, or treasure that You would like me to spend on others? Am I disciplined in my prayer life? Am I a gossip? Do I think about others or myself more? Do I only feel confident based on what others think of me (Is anyone crushing on me? How many likes did that get? Did anyone see me do that thing well?) or what You think of me? Do I spend more time being jealous, or grateful? Those are some tough questions – and please don’t take this to mean that I think you are struggling in each of those areas and need God to do a total overhaul on your life (although, I don’t know you, so maybe that’s true…). But when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions, we generally try to make some big changes. And if we work at them, we might achieve one. So why not ask God to help you tackle one of those areas? If anyone can make it happen, it’s Him. Just ask: Ezekiel 36:26 – I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. Habakkuk 1:5 – Look over the nations and see! Be utterly amazed! For a work is being done in your days that you would not believe, were it told. Isaiah 43:18-19 – Remember not the events of the past, the things of long ago consider not; See, I am doing something new! Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? 2 Corinthians 5:17 – So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come. New Year, new you – in Him. Now that’s a resolution worth keeping. Living a Stewardship Life There are many ways to be a steward of what we have been given. Our journey together began a new understanding of our relationship, not only with God, but with our church community and especially each other. When we were first Casey, Ericka & Mikayla married, we made the decision that Mushrush with our new relationship, came the responsibility of giving back a portion to God what is his. We decided to give the first 10% that came into our household. While we had to give up some of the material things that we wanted, we were able to focus on our relationship with each other with fewer distractions. We also learned how putting together a working budget that focused on both of our goals, rather than just our current wants, drove us to be more intentional and disciplined, not only with our finances, but in other aspects of our lives and marriage as well. Shortly following our move to Cedar Rapids, and joining the All Saints faith community, we learned of several opportunities to become involved in the church parish beyond financially. We found that giving of our time and talents were foundational building blocks of living a stewardship way of life. We also want to continue to teach this way of life to our child, Mikayla. Recently, we have decided to help as Hospitality Ministers before and after mass. Our hope is this allows her to learn that there are ways to become involved that simply take a few extra minutes and a smile. We want to instill in her the idea that Stewardship is not simply placing money in a basket at collection time, but rather it is a mindset that must continually be nourished and fostered. Stewardship is following the call of the gospel to serve others with all of the gifts that we have been given. ~Casey & Ericka Mushrush Bruins Beat Kindergarten students are learning about communities and those people who help us. What a perfect time for a visit from Police Pal Glenn! May God bless each and every one of us. ~ Parnell Etteldorf The MarriageYou've Always Wanted Led by Dr. Gary Chapman, author of the best-selling The Five Love Languages. March 21, 2015, 9 AM- 3:30 PM St. Columbkille Church, 1240 Rush St., Dubuque Many parishes in the Archdiocese have been participating in the Archdiocesan program, Caring For Your Marriage using Dr. Chapman's book, The Five Love Languages. Find out YOUR Love Language in advance of the conference:, then join us to find out just how to show your spouse love in the way that they need to receive it. The conference is not a formal, dry, marriage conference - it's a time of fun and discovery to help you build the love relationship of your dreams. Whether you're getting married in 6 months - or you've been married 60 years, you'll get solutions you can use. With biblical advice and laughter, Dr. Chapman will give you valuable tips to break unhealthy patterns and to choose steps to develop a God-honoring, happy marriage. Tickets are available by calling St. Columbkille @ 563-5839117 or St. Joseph The Worker @ 563-588-1433. Register online at & mail in your check today! Tickets in advance are $35 each/$70 per couple. Pricing goes to $50 each/$100 per couple just prior to the conference. Contact Pat Derby, [email protected], 563-451-3557 or Gina Burkart, [email protected]. 563-542-6393. The tickets make great gifts for: weddings, engagements, Valentine's Day, birthdays, OR just because. Call today! Why Do I go to Haiti? Why do we go all the way to Haiti to help the poor when we have poor people right here in our parish, city, state and country? It is an excellent question and one that has many answers. It is a question I have been asked and I think is sometimes on the minds of people when I discuss my work for our brothers and sisters in Haiti. In preparing for my third trip to Haiti, I am forced to reflect on this very question. My first answer is this: We are so extremely lucky to have been born in the United States. We have wealth and opportunity here. We have many wonderful people and organizations that support those in need in our parish, city, state, and country through taxes, governmental programs, and non-profits. This does not mean that all needs are met and no one is hungry, homeless, sick or dying without proper care. But we are planning, working, giving and sacrificing for our neighbors here in the United States every minute of every day. Those opportunities are not available – AT ALL – in our sister parish. There are no food stamps, food kitchens, discounted transportation, medicine, doctors, free school, free books…I could go on – oops, I did. For most, they are lucky to have a small plot of land – smaller than our yards, a pick ax and some seeds with which they must eek out food enough for their families. School is not free, so not available to everyone and many teachers are minimally educated. Life is a continual camping trip (without the fun) with a few hurricanes, earthquakes and epidemics thrown in. I think they could use some help, don’t you? Secondly, and on a more personal level, we are lucky if, at Mary’s Mantle February 21, 2015, 9:15-10:30AM,Scotus Hall, Immaculate Conception Parish Pray, Fast, Give: “Practically” Living Lent with Trish Lokmer, Director of Faith Formation, from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Mary’s Mantle is held monthly, every third Saturday. Gather with women to learn, pray and fellowship as we invite exciting speakers and solid teaching to provide support for living out our Catholic Faith. Christian Experience Weekend (CEW) 2015 Now is the time to mark your calendars for the Feb. 2015 CEW weekends. The women's weekend is Feb. 13 - 15 and the men's is Feb. 27 - Mar. 1 at LaSalle Middle School. This would be a great gift idea for a loved one. Take this opportunity to grow in your relationship with God and learn more about your faith. For more information, contact Mary or Dan Goiffon at 365-0614 or [email protected], or go to some time in our life, something hits us enough to cause real emotion…enough to move us to action. When I first heard we were partnering with a parish in Haiti, I felt that pull. I had small children at the time The Loeffelholz Family so it took a while, but I finally just did it – with the great support of Chris, my children and the other dedicated members of the Haiti committee. If you feel something pull at your heart and mind, maybe that is a little sign that God wants you to – “just do it.” So, when I pray on what is the right thing, it comes to me that there are MANY right things, MANY ways to help. This just happens to be the one that pulls at me with the biggest tug to my heart. I am so very grateful that so many in our parish (along with St. Mary’s and St. John’s) have felt the same tug. I hope more people continue to grow our efforts. We are trying to support educational efforts for 4,000 students with the donations of only 1200 families. It is a big effort, one that we don’t come close to meeting. I will keep working, keep traveling and keep asking for more – for those wonderful people who don’t have anyone to ask for help. We are a lucky people, and much of that is because we happened to be born in this country – by no choice of our own. God is good. I think he is giving me a nudge. If you feel it, come on aboard! Bondye se bon – God is good. ~ Kelly Loeffelholz (1 cup of Starbucks coffee = 5 days income for the average Haitian adult) St. Matthew Mardi Gras All are welcome to join in the fun at St. Matthew Mardi Gras on Saturday, February 14th from 6:30 p.m. to midnight! This is the biggest fundraiser of the year for St. Matthew Church and School. The evening includes dinner (catered by Winifreds), drinks, dancing, a live and silent auction and games of chance. Tickets are $50 per person and reservation forms can be downloaded from the St. Matthew website at Senior Luncheon Immaculate Conception, Monday, Feb. 9, in Scotus Hall after the 12:05 pm mass. We will play bingo following the dinner. All are welcome! Bring a friend! METRO CATHOLIC OUTREACH We had an energetic group of volunteers this week who packed 116 boxes of food which will feed about 354 people. Thank you to all of you for your support in this ministry. Our most needed pantry items this week are: Jelly Pasta Sauce Spagettios Canned Soup Pork & Beans Hamburger Helper Boxed Potatoes Cake & Cookie Mixes Muffin Mix Crackers Rice Thank you all for everything you do for MCO! Young Adult SOUPer Bowl Party! Adults in their 20s & 30s are invited to a citywide SOUPer Bowl party to watch the big game on Sunday, February 1st at 5:00 PM. The party will be held at the St. Pius X Catholic Church Youth Room (4949 Council Street Northeast, Cedar Rapids). Please bring a soup or other dish to share and a nonperishable food donation. For more information, please visit Birthright Dance for Life Saturday, Feb. 7, 6 pm - 10:00 pm, St. Pius X Church Hall Please join the 26th annual Dance for Life, our great family fun event. The evening will include a variety of dance music with DJ Bill Kauffman, along with food, silent auction, door prizes & face painting, courtesy of the Knights of Columbus. Tickets are only $8 per person, in advance or at the door (age 4 and under are free). All proceeds benefit Birthright! For tickets or information, call Birthright at 393-3251. YOU, ME and GOD, Prayer A Thon 2015 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Hiawatha The Feb. 27-28 Prayer A Thon offers stand-alone hour-long sessions on numerous Catholic ways to worship. Come learn about and try Visio or Lectio Divina, pray with Monsignor Bleich, or spend time in silence with the Holy Eucharist. We’ll offer over 25 ways to pray and companions for your journey. Make this Lent something special by selecting a session or two from our Prayer A Thon offerings. Go to SEASP.ORG for more details. Martha Mary Women's Conference One day conference for women on Saturday, February 21st at the Grand River Center in Dubuque. Women and teens are invited to attend. The day includes dynamic Catholic speakers who will call us to holiness and encourage us on our faith walk. Special sessions for teens! Sign up today and bring a friend! Register by Feb 7th and take $5 off registration fee! To register call 563-580-9373 or go online at Catholic Evangelization Outreach St. Matthew Catholic Church Tuesday, February 17, 2015, 6:30-8:00 PM Come and hear how Mary Beth Helgens allowed the “Light of Christ” to help her heal from her brokenness. God’s Grace has helped her through some very difficult life challenges. Through these challenges she has encountered Christ in a very powerful way. A light meal will be served and free daycare will be provided. There is no charge and all are welcome Lenten Retreat at Shalom Spirituality Center From Ashes to a Garland (Is 61: 3) Director: Anthony Gittins C.S.Sp. Fr. Gittins has taught at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, IL since 1984. He is currently Professor of Theology and Culture. Fr. Gittins has taught and given retreats/workshops in more than 35 countries and he is the author of 15 books on theological and anthropological topics, and on mission and spirituality. He is a member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit and was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1967. Option 1: Ash Wednesday Retreat Day. $65, includes lunch. Register by Feb. 13. Wednesday, Feb. 18, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Option 2: Three-Day Retreat – Wednesday, Feb. 18, 9:00 am – Friday, Feb. 20, 1:30 pm. Overnight $230 / Commuter $150. Registration deadline: Feb. 13. Includes the following meals: Wednesday lunch & supper, Thursday 3 meals, Friday - breakfast & lunch. Register by Feb. 13. $50 nonrefundable deposit secures your registration. Daily Themes: Ash Wednesday: "Into the Desert: Why Bother?" Thursday: "Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me." Friday: "Becoming an Easter People" As we enter Lent once again, we have the opportunity to think positively, about the "Beautiful Things" Jesus speaks of (Wednesday), about the Call to the Cross and Discipleship (Thursday), and about the Transformation from the Good Friday Failure to the Easter Sunday Promise (Friday). Daily Eucharistic liturgy. Catholic Daughters will meet Tuesday February 10th at 6:30 PM at St. Patrick's Parish Building. We will make Valentine Favors for the Sisters of Mercy. All are welcome. Scripture for the Week of February 1, 2015 Sun: Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28 Mon: Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 Tues: Heb 12:1-4/Mk 5:21-43 Wed: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15/Mk 6:1-6 Thurs: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24/Mk 6:7-13 Fri: Heb 13:1-8/Mk 6:14-29 Sat: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21/Mk 6:30-34 Sun: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23/Mk 1:29-39 Mass Intentions Day Tues Wed Thurs Sat Sun Date Feb 03 Feb 04 Feb 05 Feb 07 Feb 08 Time 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 10:30 AM Mass Intention Joe Schimberg Ed & Viola Drees Lena Eischeid Joseph Vandewalle For the People In the event of a funeral, daily Mass will be canceled. Updates will be posted at Opportunities for Prayer Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesdays, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM and the 4th Sunday of the month from 1 to 4 PM in the Queen of All Saints Chapel. Devotions to the Blessed Virgin 1st Saturday of the month at 3:35 PM. Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion Tues after the 8:00 AM Mass. All Saints Prayer Group Tuesdays at 7:30 PM. Prayer Tree available to anyone who would like us to pray for their intentions. Please call Ramona Welsh at 366-1770. Women’s Prayer Group Tuesday mornings after Mass. Rosary 30 minutes prior to the 4:00 PM Mass on Saturday. Rosary for the Pilgrim Virgin February 1st - 6th, Pat and Pam Geraghty; 2325 Springbrook Dr NE M.O.M.S. Rosary 7:30 PM 1st Monday of the month, Queen of All Saints Chapel Rosary at Planned Parenthood All Saints will pray every Monday at 11:00 AM (Corner of 1st Ave SE & 35th St DR SE). Liturgy of the Hours Chapel, Monday 6:45 AM & Friday 8:00 AM. Liturgical Ministry Schedule February 7 & 8 Saturday, 4:00 pm Sunday, 10:30 am Michelle Simoneau Norma Waters February 14 & 15 February 18 Saturday, 4:00 pm Sunday, 10:30 am Wednesday, 6:45 pm Joan Fishburn John Michael Volunteer Now Bob Bembenek Barrie Ernst Mary Goiffon Cindy Lyness LeElyn Metz Dale Metz Tracy Scieszinski Kathy Ulrich Morgan Simoneau Matthew Simoneau Michael Simoneau Karly Weiss Jeanne Amosson Tom Harrington Marilyn Malloy Dennis Mullarkey Daniel Prentice Cory Rath Bea Rethwisch Nicole Waters William Grainger Claire Haefner Jessica Moore Carlee Netolicky Casey Bilodeau Jack Cosgrove Dilla Cosgrove Mary Ducey Mary Goiffon Aaron Kelly Jenny Tursi Kathy Ulrich Michelle Favorite Kate McCartan Lauren Netz Anna Netz Cate Biro Ashley Gase Ann Hunter Larry Hunter Caroline Kelly Dianne Knapp Bill Knapp Curran Rosser Jack Bergquist Sam Cooper Brennan Lloyd McKenna Lloyd Lector Deb Hagedorn Dolores Reisinger Chris Conway Mick Erdman Forrest Rosser Lynne Sullivan Hospitality Minister Elie AbouRaad Charles Beusch Daniel Greene Joni Musel Mike Votroubek Marlene Wilson Melissa Beckius Sue Bright Rick Feeney Jim Hall Sean Harschnek Bill Hunter Theresa Harker Sr.Carol Anne Heitgen,OSF Charles Beusch Daniel Greene Joni Musel Mike Votroubek Bonnie Yount Russell Yount Sacristan Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Altar Server Homebound Minister Jeani Murtha Scott Murtha Patricia Duffy Rick Feeney Jim Hall Bill Hunter Dorothy Zaugg Nick Zaugg Mary Ann Boardman Stacy Cataldo Sherry Casey Kathy Ulrich Volunteer Now Volunteer Now Volunteer Now Parish Committees & Ministries For more information, or to volunteer please call the contact listed below Casey Bilodeau 363-6130 Men of the Eucharist Larry Hunter Deacon Mike Klappholz 363-6130 Metro Catholic Outreach Bob Bembenek Ann Tow 362-4498 Mother Cabrini Circle Terrie Huff Amy Shipley 270-4191 Beth Hennessy Stephanie Felland 504-4316 Newcomers Marlene Wilson Bereavement Kathy Nelson 362-7695 Pastoral Council Tim Kennedy Boy Scouts Nick Klein 360-6029 Parish Life Brian Talyat Catholic School Board Brian Talyat 213-1334 Parish Plant Bill Knapp Cub Scouts Katie Walton 361-1985 Prayer Group Gerald Sullivan Eucharistic Ministers Deacon Mike Klappholz 363-6130 Prayer Shawl Peg Schmitz Faith Formation Comm. Marvin Stallman 365-3748 R.C.I.A Jo Meister Finance Council James Barry 365-3056 Respect Life Patty Kauffman Foundation Lisa Wallerstedt 365-7746 Sacristans Sherry Casey Girl Scouts Michelle Green 329-7698 Social Justice Tina Lampe Haiti Committee Steve Schmitz 362-6989 Sponsor Couple Tom & Mary Takes Homebound Ministry Stacy Cataldo 363-0493 St. Anne Circle Luann Lutkenhaus Hospital Visitation Ann Hunter 366-6873 St. Marguerite Circle Renee Loushin Hospitality Ministry Sue Bright 247-4844 St. Monica Circle Mary Jo Rater Interchurch Marv & Lydia Stallman 365-3748 Jeanne Amosson Kids Against Hunger Ann Hunter 366-6873 Stewardship Chris Conway Colleen Waldron 366-3188 The Marthas Michelle Green Lectors Deacon Mike Klappholz 363-6130 Tues. Women’s Prayer Sandy Murphy Liturgy Committee Sandy Putman 362-3376 Women’s Guild Barb Hunt M.O.M.S. Carmen Welch 364-1948 Young at Heart Overmanns Adult Formation Altar Servers All Saints Quilters APT Save the Date Event Parish Soup Social Communal Anointing of the Sick Ash Wednesday Parish Mission Loaves & Fish agencies after Mass 1st Communion Confirmation Volunteer Appreciation Brunch 366-6873 981-1240 365-4791 362-2533 363-5244 355-8606 213-1334 366-7145 362-6576 362-6989 363-6130 310-6083 270-0500 366-2684 364-8955 365-0274 432-3517 364-0804 363-7573 298-1219 329-7698 365-9839 365-1357 363-8316 February Meetings Date Feb 06 Feb 14 & 15 Feb 18 Mar 01-03 Mar 07 & 08 Apr 11 & 12 Apr 22 Apr 26 Date 03 03 05 05 09 09 10 11 17 18 19 19 24 26 Group Haiti Committee Stewardship Respect Life Parish Plant Social Justice Women’s Guild Catholic School Board Liturgy Committee St. Anne Circle Young at Heart Finance Council Pastoral Council Parish Life Faith Formation Place Social Hall Library Library Library Lower Level Library School Library Lower Level Social Hall Social Hall Social Hall Library Library Time 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 AM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 5:30 PM 1:00 PM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM Parish Guidelines Sacrament of Reconciliation: Tuesday through Thursday before the daily Mass and Saturday from 3 to 3:45 pm. Sacrament of Baptism: Baptism preparation is required. Contact the parish office to schedule (some date restrictions may apply). Newcomer Registration: Call the Parish Office at 3636130, ext. 100, or register on line at Sacrament of Matrimony: Couples are to make arrangements with a parish priest or deacon at least six months before the intended date of the wedding in order to fulfill the necessary requirements. Please call the parish office for an appointment. Bulletin Deadline: Items must be submitted in writing to the parish office by Noon on the preceding Monday to: [email protected].
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