1 A rabian The SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL Houston, texas FEBUARY 2015 Laris and Linda Nolan Asst. Rabban Tony and Rosa Macias Chief Rabban Ill. Sir David and Melissa Ashley Potentate 2015 David and Donna Janda H.P.& P Dennie and Elaine Jackson Treasurer John and Tracey Arnold Oriental Guide Imp. Sir Jerry and Lisa Gantt Deputy Imperial Potentate John and Grace Olivarri Recorder 2 Arabian Official Publication of ARABIA TEMPLE PO Box 420549 Houston Texas 77242 or 10510 Harwin Drive Houston Texas 77036 Telephone: 713-664-3437 Fax: 713-664-3439 www.shriners-houston.org Office Hours: 8:30 A.M. - 4:00 PM, M-F SHRINE CLUBS BAYTOWN Robert Parks 281-422-7112 BRAZOS VALLEY John Hale 713-851-8322 BRENHAM Keith Kilgore 979-777-8606 IMPERIAL DIVAN OFFICER Jerry Gantt, P. P. (Lisa)………...Deputy Imperial Potentate ARABIA SHRINE CENTER DIVAN COLORADO VALLEY Ralph "Corky" Bynum David Ashley(Melissa).....……………….....…Potentate 713-465-8839 Tony Macias (Rosa)….……...………...…Chief Rabban FORT BEND Laris Nolan (Linda)… .…..….……....Assistant Rabban Augustine Rangel David Janda (Donna)……..….High Priest and Prophet 832-434-7256 John Arnold (Tracey)….......….…….......Oriental Guide Dennie Jackson (Elaine)….…………..……. Treasurer GULF COAST John Olivarri, P.P.(Grace)…...……...…........ Recorder John Woolsey 979-245-4533 713-269-3869 SOUTHEAST Jim Hunt 281-804-4561 LAKE HOUSTON Fletcher Gray 281-361-6823 TOMBALL AREA Albert Hyde 832-266-8650 MONTGOMERY CNTY. David Cottrell 713-805-7242 WALLER COUNTY John McGaughy 281-770-5499 HOBBY Allen Kutschenreuter NASA AREA Don Billings 281-338-6676 NEW CANEY Jack Garrett 936-682-1440 WESTSIDE David Fernandez 713-253-5759 YABAN Bob Armentrout 512-644-4245 SAM HOUSTON Larry Fuchs 936-437-3558 SAN JACINTO Johnny Cobb 281-804-3474 IMPERIAL REPRESENTATIVES Jerry Gantt, P. P. .………..……..…Deputy Imperial Potentate David Ashley..……….……..……..…...................... Potentate Tony Macias. ..…………….…................……..Chief Rabban Laris Nolan………...…………….................Assistant Rabban David Janda..………………….….…… High Priest & Prophet UNIT HEADS ARABIAN KNIGHTS Bill McKeown 713-503-9264 GOLFERS Bruce Berger 713-306-4610 ORIENTAL BAND John Barron 832-443-9015 BOWLERS Rick Gallier 713-302-8463 GREETERS Jerry Pelczar 713-695-8193 PATROL John Weium 832-603-5687 ARABIA CIRCUS OFFICE HOT RODS Glenn Paxton 281-900-0041 ARABIA BUSINESS OFFICE LEGION OF HONOR James H.Martin 281-471-7452 PROVOST GUARD Todd Smith 832-654-6947 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Fred Lemieux…………………………………………2013-2015 Ed Hersh………………………………………………2013-2015 Dale Dickman…………..……………………………2014-2016 Rudy Staudt………………………………………….2014-2016 Phillip Christie………………….….……………..….2015-2017 David Harvey………….……….….……….….…… 2015-2017 CIRCUS ROUSTABOUTS Telephone 713.664.7210 Dale Dickman Tony Macias.…………………………………Circus Chairman 936-581-3347 Telephone 713-664-3437 Linda Teinert……………………………..……Office Manager [email protected] CLOWN JEWELS Paul Easley Sr 832-266-9480 DIRECTOR’S STAFF David Enderli 713-944-7073 To ensure your article is included, please submit your article to: [email protected],, no later than the 20th of the FLYING FEZ month. Contributions of photographs and news items of interest to the nobility are solicited and will be returned upon Gene Hightower 713-686-1694 request. MOTOR CORPS Paul Rickman 713-819-1082 OASIS CLUB Fred Verhine 281-448-0160 SHENANIGANS Rusty “Krusty” Mayfield 832-305-5772 SPORTSMEN Keith Ward 281-236-6644 Potentate’s Message 3 Dear Nobles and Ladies, It is my absolute pleasure and honor to serve as your Potentate for the year 2015. Lady Melissa and I are excited and ready to go to work on all the activities that we will be engaged with this special year. As many of you are aware, 2015 is Arabia’s 100th anniversary, and we will have some big things this year to celebrate. As I write this letter to you, I am in Tampa, Florida, at the Shriners Hospital Leadership Conference, a once a year gathering of the Imperial Divan, the Imperial Board of Trustees, the Executive officers of the Shriners Hospital System, Chiefs of Staff and Administrators for all 22 hospitals, as well as the Chairman and Vice Chairman of each of hospital. It is a 4 day review of what is happening in our hospitals when everything is put on the table; the good and the bad. The good news is that we have great things happening, and it’s just going to keep getting better! I am proud to announce that the Houston hospital received the award for “most improved” in the hospital system. Bryan Corey, who was the Chairman of the Houston hospital for 2014, gets a big round of applause for his leadership, along with his team for helping Houston outshine the rest of the hospitals. On the home front, Arabia is gearing up a very busy year. The Divan will travel to El Paso to the annual Divan Mid-Winter in February and we will plan a lot of the TSA action and show off our new Oriental Guides. I am very happy that Arabia has elected a fantastic Oriental Guide team, John Arnold and his lovely wife, Tracey. They will make a great Potentate and First Lady in a few years. Construction will begin in February on our building, and I have expressed my desire to the contractors that the work should be swift, but quality craftsmanship is a must. It is expensive to go back and fix things that are not done right the first time, and that cost comes out of our pocket. Please make sure you and your units reach out to John Barron, our Housing Chairman, and make your reservations for TSA and Imperial. The hotel blocks will fill up quickly. RSVP to the Shrine Center (713)664-3437 for all stated meetings for the meals that are served! It is vital that we have a good headcount. The people who RSVP are going to eat first. Make sure we have your updated contact information including email. The Arabian newsletter will be sent out by email some months and mailed others in an effort to save you money. Let’s have a great year and FEZ IT UP IN 2015! Sincerely and Fraternally, David Ashley Potentate 2015 NOTICE OF STATED MEETING Notice is hereby given that the next regularly scheduled meeting of Arabia Temple is scheduled for Monday, February 16, 2015. The meal will be served at 6:00 PM, followed by the meeting at 7:00 PM. Please RSVP to the office if you plan to eat. Business to be conducted will include such business as may come before the Nobility. Wear your fez - 2015 dues card required. John Olivarri, PP Recorder David Ashley Potentate 4 Arabia Installation Illustrious Sir David and Lady Melissa being escorted by the Patrol Illustrious Sir being sworn in Nice!!! 5 Chief Rabban Tony Macias and Lady Rosa H.P.& P. David Janda and Lady Donna Treasurer Dennie Jackson and Lady Elaine Asst. Rabban Laris Nolan and Lady Linda Oriental Guide John Arnold and Lady Tracey Recorder John Olivarri, PP and Lady Grace This says it all!! New OG on the “Throne”!! 6 Assistant Rabban Laris Nolan Linda and I would like to thank everyone again, and we look forward to visiting all of the Units and Clubs. Thank all of you for the support and help you have given us this past year. We could not have accomplished the tasks given to us without your help. We are starting a new set of tasks this year and once again, we need your help and support to complete the goals set before us. It was my pleasure to install the 2015 Motor Corps officers at the Arabia Motor Corps meeting and assisting with several others. We, as Divan members, should have completed this task by the time you receive your Arabian. My lady and I are supporting our Chief Rabban and Circus Chairman Tony Macias and his lady, Rosa. It will be a fast, fun-filled year, and we will need the continued support of all our loyal, hard-working nobles, friends and their ladies. We cannot thank you enough. Lady Linda and I have already been out visiting Arabia’s Shrine Clubs and look forward to meeting everyone and having a Great Year. Fraternally yours, Laris Nolan Assistant Rabban By Norm Bates February 2015 – My my how time does fly. Our new Arabia Divan and The Patrol Officers have been installed and are now in charge of our future. Step up and give then some help and support! Unfortunately, our Annual Past Potentates Ball has been “postponed” due to the flooding of the Temple. Progress is being made on the restoration and in due time, the Patrol will present the Past Potentates Ball. We are all anxiously looking forward to that time!!!! Be sure to come hear about I-HOP Hospital Benefit on Wednesday evening the 11th – we will be given all the details and instructions. This is an extremely important project, and it requires a great deal of support from the membership!!! The Patrol will man the IHOP on Westheimer, near the Galleria. Circus Report Meeting number 3 – comes on Wednesday evening the 18th – come see who is selling circus and pick up some “pointers” to assist you in your selling efforts! PATROL DRILL TEAM SIGN-UP will be at 6:30PM ON FRIDAY, February 20TH in the Patrol Room. Save the date on your calendar - for those that want to drill…come on out - those that want to support the team…come on out and those that want to have fun and fellowship…come on out. This is a great way for our new patrolmen to get involved, and EVERYONE is invited and encouraged to be a part of our 2015 Drill Team. The more participation we have, the more fun we have, and the more fun we have, the better we drill. This will be a fantastic year for Arabia Patrol, and we encourage everyone to help us “step off - into a new drill season”. February the 21st is the Conroe “Rodeo Kick Off” Parade – come up and help us show Conroe about Arabia Shrine – support their parade and support Arabia Shrine also!!!!! A fun time – be there!!!! EDITORS NOTE! We will publish the March edition of the Arabian to be available on the website. The deadline for submission of articles will be Tuesday, February 24, 2015. We encourage and sincerely urge all Units and Clubs to submit articles that promote their activities and fund raising events that benefit the Club or Unit, as well as our Hospitals. 7 High Priest & Prophet By Noble David Janda We invite you and your family to join in the fun that we have scheduled for 2015. As your High Priest & Prophet for 2015, our goal is to bring in as much as we can for our hospitals. We will have our Benefit Kickoff on Wednesday February 11th, at 7 pm at the temple, please RSVP to Jean Shaw at the temple, 713-664-3437 so that we will have enough food. On Tuesday March 3rd, we will have I-Hop Free Pancake Day from 6 am to 10 pm. I need Captains and workers for that day. Please contact me at 281-478-4368 or email me at [email protected]. The Willis Cook-off will be Friday night March 20th and Saturday March 21st at the American Legion Hall in Willis, Texas. I need cakes, plants and auction items and anyone who would like to enter in the cooking contest. Lady Donna and I would like to thank each noble and their lady for all the hard work, support and friendship you have given us. Please come out and enjoy in the fun. FEBRUARY EVENTS: Feb. 11th Benefit Kickoff - 7:00 pm at the temple in the Prairie Room MARCH EVENTS: March 3rd I-Hop Pancake Day - 6am - 10pm at your I-Hop March 20th & 21st Willis Cook-off Friday 6 pm till 10 pm Saturday 8 am till 5 pm Please RSVP to the Temple for the Benefit Kickoff at 713-664-3437. Oriental Guide by John Arnold MEMBERSHIP Our Illustrious Potentate, David Ashley, has assembled a very enthusiastic Membership Team as part of his 2015 Staff. This year, we are planning to utilize each and every member of the team to increase the growth of Arabia’s nobility. This has to be one of the top priorities for our Shrine Center. As Oriental Guide, I plan on working hand in hand with Mike Hatley and the team to achieve this task. We all know and need to remember that each and every Noble of Arabia is also a part of membership. Let’s get back to our roots. Take time, go out and visit your Blue Lodge. Make a new friend and bring in a new Shriner. Fraternally, John Arnold Oriental Guide 8 2015 Housing Information TSA will be here before you know. The information below is as current as possible. Please note that housing for Imperial is limited and you should book today to avoid problems. If you have trouble with booking either event contact me immediately. In any case there are cut off dates and cancellation dates we have no control over. The center needs to keep a tally on who is going and where so let either the Colonel of the Units, Chief of Staff or me know. John Barron 2015 Housing 832-443-9015 cell TSA: Hotel: Holiday Inn Downtown Marina (Rates are $122.00, single or double 707 North Shoreline Blvd. Corpus Christi, TX 78401 The Convention and Visitors Ctr. is handling all reservations and I have the forms. A microwave or refrigerator can be added for $10 each or $20 for your stay. Request these ahead of time with the hotel (PH# 361-882-1700). We have 65 rooms blocked (39 doubles & 26 kings). If you need to fax your forms to the CVB (Convention & Visitors Ctr), please call our contact first so she will be aware and not leave credit cards lying around to be seen. She will e-mail you a confirmation back. We have reserved the block for June 3rd through the 6th, but most will arrive on the 4th. You are welcome to arrive early and stay late (through the 7th); just indicate your preferences on your registration. A link to register is on the web, so get your reservations in early. That way we can assure everyone staying together. More info as it comes available and please call me if you have questions. John Barron From the Recorder John V. Olivarri P.P. As I write this message, I just received word that Arabia has made Gold in membership. The membership team and I worked alongside our nobles and accomplished a first. After my presentation about working to make gold, as always, Arabia nobles and ladies responded. We now have to continue our work to make this a culture we will embrace. Grace, Ill. Sir David, Melissa and I went to the East/West game in Florida in Janurary. Imp. Sir Dale Stauss, Imp. Sir Jerry Gantt and other Imp. Sirs were very proud of our accomplishment. Let’s keep up the great work. On another note, I want all units and clubs to know that I am chairman of programs for 2015 Imperial. Please check this Arabian to see the rates for all the ads. It is very important that we support our Imperial Sir and show the rest of Shrinedom how we feel. I’ll close for now and hope that all of you have a safe and happy year. 9 FULL PAGE AD 8 X 10 - $900.00 - HALF PAGE AD 7 ¾ X 5 - $650.00 ¼ PAGE AD 3 ½ X 4 ¾ - $325.00 Black and White FULL PAGE AD 8 X 10 - $750.00 - HALF PAGE AD 7 ¾ X 5 - $500.00 ¼ PAGE AD 3 ½ X 4 ¾ - $275.00 Other Ads BUSINESS CARD 3 ½ X 2 - $250.00 Artwork: For optimal print quality, please submit artwork at a resolution of at least 300 DPI in PDF, AI, or EPS formats and email to [email protected]. __________________________________________________________________________________ The undersigned agrees to purchase the above selected advertisement in the 2015 Imperial Session Program at a cost of $_______. A 25% deposit is required with this signed agreement and deadline for full payment and ad copy are due no later than March 31, 2015. Amount Paid _________ Balance __________ __________________________________________________________________________ APPROVED BY: SIGNATURE _______________________________________________________ PRINTED NAME ____________________________________________________ ADRESS ___________________________________________________________ CITY________________STATE_________________ZIP_____________________ ARABIA SHRINE CENTER C/O JOHN V. OLIVARRI 10510 HARWIN DRIVE HOUSTON, TEXAS 77036 PAYMENT: MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: 10 Arabia Hot Rods January came in with strong breezes bringing the winds of change to Arabia Temple. Our new Potentate, David Ashley, was installed January 12th, along with his Divian and, he in turn, installed the Unit leadership. Jim Owen was installed as Captain For the Hot Rods, Ben Lablanc as First Lieutenant, Richard Ventrca Jr. as Secretary/Treasurer and Vincent Ares as Lieutenant. Glenn Paxton was appointed Lt. Colonel. The installation was a huge success, and the following celebration was great for all in attendance. Thanks to those who helped set up everything, including Lady Susanne Hamrick, and Lady Marsha Owen from the Hot Rods. The Hot Rods first meeting in 2015 was held at Valley Ranch Bar-B-Q. We had a full house in attendance. Dinner was enjoyed by all, and a business meeting followed dinner. It was decided to hold the February meeting at Valley Ranch with the hope of holding our March meeting at Arabia Temple and, with luck, in our unit room. We would like to THANK the Hot Rods outgoing Leadership for a job well done in the 2014 year. We saw an increase in membership and renewed participation in all Hot Rod activities. March the 3rd will be the IHOP Pancake Day, and the Hot Rods have been asked to man the IHOP at FM 1960 and Hwy 290. We ask that anyone who can, to please come by the location with your FEZ and support this important effort to raise donations for our Shrine Hospitals. IHOP has been a supporter for several years, and we owe it to them to fully support these efforts. For those Arabia Shriners who would like to drive a Hot Rod/Mini- Rod and enjoy all the fun activities with our unit, we invite you to join us. We have several options for Hot Rods and Mini-Rods, so now isthe time to join our team. You could be enjoying driving your own Hot Rod/Mini-Rod in the parades planned for 2015 and be a participant at TSA. Not a Driver? Come join us as a Social Member and enjoy the fellowship. We currently meet at 6:30 p.m. the first Thursday of each month in our Unit Room at the Shrine Center. Families are welcomed and we enjoy dinner together and then break into a short business meeting. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by; become a Hot Rod! If you have questions, please call Jim Owen, 281-900-6862, or see any Hot Rod Member for information on the “Pride of Arabia” Provost Guard The Provost Guard Shotgun and Pistol Team Captains and Lieutenants are ready to recruit and begin shotgun and pistol team practices leading to Arabia Shrine’s sharp shooters and trophy winners for the upcoming shooting competitions at Texas Shrine Association in June 2015 and Houston Imperial Session in July 2015. If you have an interest to participate as a pistol and/or shotgun team member, please contact the following: Provost Guard Marshal - Bill Hawkins - [email protected] Shotgun Team Captain - Claude Eichenour - E-mail - [email protected] Shotgun Team Lieutenant - Sherman Markowitz - [email protected] Pistol Team Captain - BJ Spalding - [email protected] Pistol Team Lieutenant - Jerry Parrish, P.P. - [email protected] 11 Chief Rabban’s Corner Dear Nobles and Ladies, I'm taking this opportunity to extend our thanks to everyone on behalf of the 2015 Shrine Circus. All committees are doing an excellent job, working every area of the organization to ensure things are in place to make the Circus a success. The Circus turn in on Jan. 14 was amazing. We had an excellent turn in and sold several shirts and other Circus merchandise. Those in attendance commented favorably on the food. We had many nice door prizes for those in attendance, and a special drawing for the ladies who wore their Circus vests. Ladies’ outfits are available from Lady Rosa Macias. Men’s shirts are available from Tony Macias. The Circus office has many tools to help you increase your sales. We have a new and impressive Circus jacket for those who qualify. You can also support your Circus by purchasing Circus T-Shirts and Hats. We also have new pieces of jewelry for the Ladies. Thank you for supporting your Circus 2015!!!! Tony and Rosa Macias COLONEL's CORNER by Clarence Witwer WOW! Can you believe that it's February already? Installation has come and gone and my Lady Cheryl and I are not only excited for our new Potentate David Ashley and Lady Melissa, but I'm also proud to welcome our new Oriental Guide, John Arnold and his Lady Tracey. John and Tracey have left some big shoes for us to fill, but here we go! February will be a busy month so please check your calendars. Here is a rundown: February 5-7th Divan Mid-Winter February 11th Benefit Kick-Off at the Temple at 7PM. PLEASE RSVP. February 12th Official Visit to the San Jacinto Shrine Club. Please RSVP February 14th Valentine Dance at the Baytown Shrine Club. (Please contact a member for details). February 16th Stated Meeting. If you plan on eating, you must RSVP to the office. February 18th 3rd Circus Turn In. PLEASE RSVP for the meal head count. February 19th Official Visit to the Lake Houston Shrine Club. PLEASE RSVP February 21st Annual Go Texan Parade in Conroe. Details and directions follow. March 3rd IHOP Benefit. Please attend the Benefit Kick-Off for assignment. I plan to attend nearly every unit and club meeting as my schedule allows. I want to hear your needs, concerns, ideas and mostly I just want to hear from you! Remember I'm always a phone call away at 832-221-0506 12 Third Circus Turn - in Wednesday, February 18, 2015 6:30 PM Food, Games, Prizes Braeswood Room 13 Sportsmen Duck Hunt The Sportsmen (including Potentate Ashley) had a good day! (Not so good for the ducks) 14 February 2015 Monthly Planner Sunday 1 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA Monday 2 6:30 PM DTS Braeswood RM Tuesday Wednesday 3 4 6:30 PM FTB Thursday Friday Saturday 5 6 7 6:30 PM GRE Prairie RM 7:00 PM 7:00 6:30 PM SOE PM SAM 7:00 PM AHR Braeswood Rm 7:00 PM WAL PAT M idWinter Austin 8 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA 9 6:00 PM PRO Braeswood Rm 10 6:30 PM ARK Braeswood Rm 6:30 PM GOL Prairie Rm 11 12 10:00 AM WIDOW S/GRN ROOM 10:00 AM ORB/BRAES RM 13 14 6:30 PM MOC Braeswood Rm 6:30 PM SAJ 6:30 PM SAJ PAT M idWint er Austin 15 16 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA 6:00 PM FOOD/7:00 PM TEMPLE STATED PRAIRE / BRAESWO OD RSVP 22 3:30 PM BOW 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA 1 23 6:00 PM BAT AT 6:30 PM P 17 19 18 6:30 PM FEZ 6:30 PM 3RD CIRCUS REPORT MEETING/BRAES RM 6:30 PM GUL 7:30 PM CLJ Braeswood Rm 24 25 6:30 PM MGC 20 6:30 PM LAH 6:00 PM DRC 26 27 6:30 PM BRA 6:00 PM WES 6:30 PM BRE 6:30 PM MGC 6:30 PM NCS 6:30 PM NAS 6:30 PM TOM Jan 2015 S M T W Mar 2015 T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 Printed by Calendar Creator for W indows on 1/1/2015 21 11:30 AM WHC 28 15 March 2015 Monthly Planner Sunday 1 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA Monday 2 6:30 PM DTS Braeswood RM Tuesday Wednesday 3 4 7:00 AM -10:00 PM IHOP Day Thursday Friday 5 6 Saturday 7 8:00 AM ARK/BLRM/BRAES RM/MID-W INTER 6:30 PM GRE Prairie RM 6:30 PM FTB 6:30 PM SOE 7:00 PM 7:00 PM AHR Braeswood Rm 7:00 PM SAM 7:00 PM WAL 8 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA 9 6:00 PM PRO Braeswood Rm 10 6:30 PM ARK Braeswood Rm 6:30 PM GOL Prairie Rm 11 12 10:00 AM WIDOW S/GRN ROOM 10:00 AM ORB/BRAES RM 15 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA 16 6:00 PM FOOD/7:00 PM TEMPLE STATED PRAIRE / BRAESWO OD RSVP 17 6:30 PM FEZ 6:30 PM GUL 7:30 PM CLJ Braeswood Rm 14 8:00 AM DON INSTLN./BLRM/OASIS RM/K 6:30 PM MOC Braeswood Rm 6:30 PM SAJ 8:00 AM DON INSTLN./BLRM/OASIS RM/K 13 6:30 PM SAJ 19 18 20 6:30 PM LAH 6:30 PM 4TH CIRCUS REPORT MEETING/BRAES RM 21 6:00 PM DRC 11:30 AM WHC 7:30 PM HOB 6:00 PM Willis Cook Off 22 3:30 PM BOW 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA 23 6:00 PM BAT AT 6:30 PM P 24 6:30 PM MGC 25 26 27 6:30 PM BRA 6:00 PM WES 6:30 PM BRE 6:30 PM MGC 28 6:30 PM NAS 6:30 PM TOM 29 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA 30 31 Feb 2015 Apr 2015 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 26 Printed by Calendar Creator for Windows on 1/21/2015 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 16 Arabia Temple PO Box 420549 Houston TX 77242 NonProfit Org. US Postage Paid Permit 53 Houston Texas Address Service Requested WORKERS NEEDED!! IHOP NATIONAL PANCAKE DAY March 3, 2015 7:00 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. We need all Nobles and Ladies to work at all local neighborhood IHOP Restaurants to help collect money. Please sign up to work as many hours as you can to ensure a successful National Pancake Day. Please contact David Janda, High Priest & Prophet for local assignments and details. (281)478-4368 [email protected]
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