St. Ann Parish “To Grow in Grace Through Jesus Christ” FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME • 502 South Main Street Phoenixville, PA 19460 • Phone: 610-933-3732 • Fax: 610-935-7958 • [email protected] • • Facebook St. Ann Parish Phoenixville Pastor Rev. John J. Newns Email: [email protected] Phone: 610-933-3732 Retired Priest in Residence Rev. Joseph A. Heim, M.M. Email: [email protected] Phone: 610-933-1733 Deacon Daniel T. Giblin Email: [email protected] Phone: 610-952-3765 Weekend Ministry Rev. Kail Ellis, O.S.A. Holy Family School 610-933-7562 Principal-Ann Marie Braca Chapel FEBRUARY 1, 2015 604 South Main Street Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM & 6:00 PM Sacred Heart Church 148 Church Street Saturday: 3:45 - 4:30 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 5:00 PM Vigil Mass Weekdays and Holy Days Mass schedule listed in the bulletin CEMETERIES St. Ann: 305 W. Pothouse Road, Hours 8 AM - 3PM Sacred Heart: 1261 Fillmore Street Liturgy & Sacramental Preparation Madelyn O’Hara, 610-639-0923 [email protected] PREP Julie Prichett, 610-755-1077 [email protected] Youth Ministry 610-304-6222 Brett Illig, [email protected] Spiritual Ministry 610-416-5431 Sr. Marie Rose Gibson, R.S.M. Pastoral Associate 215-866-6516 Sr. Rose Marie Martell, MSBT [email protected] Music Ministry 610-933-3732 Tom Denny, [email protected] Business Manager 610-933-3732 Lisa Burghardt [email protected] Church Main Street & Third Avenue Church is open: Mon - Fri: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM WEEKLY DEVOTIONS IN CHURCH Rosary: Monday thru Thursday 7:35 AM Miraculous Medal Novena: Tues after 8:00 AM Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation: Tues after 8:00 AM Mass or call the Rectory to make an appointment. Infant of Prague Novena: Wednesday 7:55 AM Eucharistic Adoration: Wednesday 8:30 AM - 7:30 PM CONTACT THE LITURGY AND SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION OFFICE AT 610-639-0923 FOR: CONTACT THE RECTORY FOR THE FOLLOWING AT 610-933-3732 PARISH OFFICE BUSINESS HOURS - 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, BAPTISM - Parents of children to be baptized are required to Mon - Fri. Submit all bulletin materials by Noon Monday. attend a Pre-Jordan session. Please make arrangements well CHANGES in address or phone number. in advance of the birth of your child. MARRIAGE - Make arrangements one year in advance. PARISH REGISTRATION takes place in the Rectory after the RCIA - To become a fully initiated member of the Catholic 11:30 AM Mass. Church. EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY - Eucharist is brought to those PREP CLASSES - All public school students Grades K-6 are expected to participate in PREP (Parish Religious Education Program). Classes are held on Sundays from 10:45 AM 12:05 PM and Tuesdays from 6:25 - 7:45 PM. Call Julie at 610-755-1077. unable to come to Mass because of sickness or age. ANOINTING OF PEOPLE WHO ARE SICK - In the event of an emergency contact the Rectory at any time. Anointings can be requested before a planned hospital visit. ROOTED IN NATURE - Wanting and needing to celebrate the birth of the Messiah, but not knowing the exact date of Jesus’ birth, our ancestors decided to celebrate the Nativity of the Lord on December 25 and in so doing “baptize” preexisting religious rites associated with the annual winter solstice. QUARTERS & MID-QUARTERS - Most of us, I think, have some vague sense of nature’s quarterly markers about every 90 days (winter solstice; spring equinox; summer solstice; fall equinox). I suspect, though, that few of us are aware of nature’s mid-quarter markers such as the one we will mark tomorrow, February 2nd, as the earth reaches the mid-point in its 2015 journey between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. GROUNDHOG DAY - This is the origin of tomorrow’s celebration of shadow and light known as Groundhog Day. As the days are getting longer and the nights shorter, we naturally wonder how much longer until we can really feel the warmth from the approaching sun. That said, tomorrow Punxsutawney Phil will not be the only one concerned with the interplay between shadow and light. DARKNESS & LIGHT – Superimposed on tomorrow’s celebration of the interplay of natural light and darkness, will be our Tradition’s annual celebration of the drama of light and darkness in our souls and on the world’s stage. Tomorrow, 40 days after having celebrated the Birth of the Lord, we will celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord when Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to the Temple for the first time. Simeon recognizes Jesus as the Light of the World and tells Mary that her son “is destined for the rising and falling of many, and that he (Jesus) would be a sign that would be opposed” (Luke 2:34). Dare we allow the Light who is Christ to illumine the parts of our own lives (as individuals and as groups) that are in the shadows? Psychologically some folks say that if we can discover our secrets we can discover our sickness, namely: those parts of us (as individuals and as groups) where we are stuck and where we repeat destructive behavior. By facing our shadow (as individuals and as groups), our hidden parts can be brought into the light and the door to healing and integration may be opened. Spiritually, our Catholic Tradition speaks of The Cross as the Tree of Life and of the process of the purification of desire. 1 026Ann cont. THE PURIFICATION OF DESIRE - The second part of Simeon’s message is that Mary herself would be “pierced by a sword so that the thoughts of many hearts may be laid bare” (Luke 2:35). Sometimes we think that being blessed by God means we won’t have to struggle, undergo hardship, or have our hearts broken. If Mary who is “full of grace” is not protected from suffering, then the unspoken covenant that lies deep in my heart is exposed and brought to the surface, to consciousness, namely: “God and I have this deal: If I do good, then I and those I love will be sheltered from suffering.” The revelation of the Cross is a sign that we all resist, oppose. And so we come to the first and oldest name for Monday’s feast: the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary, the Prime Disciple, will have her expectations exposed, realigned and purified. Being preserved from sin, being full of grace, being the Mother of God is no protection from having at times to suffer, to question, or having her heart broken. The crucified Christ resists multiple invitations to come down from his Cross. The Crucified Christ is a sign we all resist; a sign I oppose and do not want as God’s Suffering Servant and his Mother lay bare some deep unspoken expectations that need to be purified by being brought out of the shadows and into the Light. We all have secret fears to face, Our minds and motives to amend We seek your truth, we need your grace, Our living Lord and present Friend. World Meeting of Families: February 2015: Two Become One To prepare for the World Meeting of Families and Pope Francis’s visit, we are studying a catechesis on family life called Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive. Each month, our parish is reflecting on one chapter. Previous monthly reflections are online at You can order the catechesis and learn more about next year’s big event, at or by contacting the rectory. Chapter 4: Two Become One. Our first three chapters reviewed basic Christian faith. We saw how confidence in Jesus opens the door to faith, enabling us to know God and what God has done in history. God creates male and female in his image, and makes a covenant with Israel and the Church. God is faithful to his promises, even when we sin. Because God loved us in this way, we spend our lives trying to return our love to God and share it with our neighbor. In this month’s chapter and in the chapters to come, we will study the implications of these doctrines for marriage and the family. When husband and wife promise to love each other as God loves us all, they make a commitment to love not only romantically, but also with mercy and forgiveness. Our culture sometimes teaches us to think of marriage as a negotiable contract between two individuals who happen to feel sexual chemistry. This view of love is a recipe for instability, since it is still premised on individualism and the waxing and waning of romantic feelings. The Church’s alternative account of love enables us to transcend the culture of individualism and become who we were created to be. Founded on Christ, sustained in the sacraments, Catholic marriage builds humility and self-sacrifice into the dynamic between male and female. As this month’s chapter explains in more detail, sacramental marriage creates intimate communion even in times of suffering and hardship. “Love is our mission,” as our catechism’s title declares, because Christ’s love frees us from false, shrunken accounts of love and makes us fully alive. Christopher C. Roberts, catechism editor Did you know? The World Meeting of Families is for everyone, whether you are married, single, celibate, or consecrated! Talk topics include marriage, parenting, grandparenting, celibacy, dating, fostering vocations, family life and much more. Visit the website for the list of speakers and talk titles: 2 026Ann THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 1, 2015 THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time TUESDAY St. Blaise/St. Ansgar 7:30 AM Mass in Chapel 9:30 AM Mass in Chapel 11:30 AM Mass in Chapel with ASL Interpreter 6:00 PM Mass in Chapel 8:00 AM Mass in St. Ann Church followed by Blessing of Throats 9:30 AM - Children’s Liturgy (602) 10:45 AM - PREP K-6 (School) 7:00 PM - Sr. High Youth Group (Church Hall) Meals for St. Mary’s Shelter provided by St. Ann Parishioners February 2 - 6. If you would like to prepare a meal and drop it off at the Shelter, contact Patti Phillips at 610-935-2687 or [email protected]. 8:30 AM - Confessions (Church) 6:25 PM - PREP K-6 (Church, School) 6:30 PM - Jr. High Youth Group (Church Hall) WEDNESDAY Seasonal Weekday 8:00 AM Mass in St. Ann Church 8:30 AM - 7:30 PM - Eucharistic Adoration (Church) 6:15 PM - ESL Classes (Church Hall, 1, 3 & 4) 7:00 PM - Charismatic Prayer (Church Hall 2) 7:00 PM - RCIA (Rectory 2) MONDAY Presentation of the Lord THURSDAY St. Agatha 8:00 AM Mass in St. Ann Church 7:00 PM - Women at the Well (Rectory) 7:30 PM - Legion of Mary (Church Hall 2) Consecrated Life – In Monday’s Gospel we will hear of two people (Simeon and Anna) whose deep immersion in the cultic life of the Temple enabled them to recognize the infant as the Messiah. With Simeon and Anna as touchstones, each year Catholics observe February 2nd as the World Day for Consecrated Life as a day of prayer for women and men who make public vows to “imitate Christ more closely, striving for the perfection of charity in the service of the Kingdom of God.” Further, Pope Francis has designated the period from November 30, 2014 through February 2, 2016 as the Year of Consecrated Life with the theme “Wake Up the World!” We give thanks for the witness in our own parish of: Fr. Joe Heim, M.M. (Maryknoll Mission Society), Fr. Kail Elis O.S.A. (Order of St. Augustine), Sr. Marie Rose Gibson, R.S.M. (Religious Sisters of Mercy) and Sr. Rose Marie Martell, M.S.B.T. (Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity). 8:00 AM Mass in St. Ann Church 8:30 AM - Church Cleaners (Church) 5:45 PM - Youth Choir (Chapel) 7:00 PM - Adult Choir (Chapel) 7:00 PM - ESL Classes (Church Hall 1, 2, 3 & 4) 7:00 PM - Scripture Study (Rectory) FRIDAY St. Paul Miki and Companions 9:00 AM - Rosary Makers Guild (Church Hall) SATURDAY Seasonal Weekday 7:00 AM - Men’s Bible Study (Church Hall) 9:00 AM - 1st Communion Parent Meeting (Chapel) 3:45 PM - Confessions (Sacred Heart Church) Vigil of The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 PM Mass in Sacred Heart Church Sun: Mon: Tues: Wed: Thu: Fri: Sat: Next Sun: Ascension Press will be hosting Jeff Cavins, a renowned Catholic speaker on Scripture, for a special event: The Great Adventure Bible Study, two nights only: Tues., Feb. 3 and Wed., Feb. 4, with different content each night at West Chester University, Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall, 700 S High St, West Chester from 5:30 - 9:30 PM. Register for FREE at -mystery-of-the-bible. 3 THIS WEEK’S SCRIPTURES Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28 Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40 Heb 12:1-4/Mk 5:21-43 Heb 12:4-7,11-15/Mk 6:1-6 Heb 12:18-19,21-24/Mk 6:7-13 Heb 13:1-8/Mk 6:14-29 Heb 13:15-17,k20-21/Mk 6:30-34 Jb 7:1-4,6-7/1 Cor 9:16-19,22-23/Mk 1:29-39 026Ann Table Fellowship for the Week of February 1 HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR FEBRUARY 2015 If you or anyone you know could use a hot meal and some company this week, you are invited to St. Peter’s Church, 121 Church St. to the Table for: Universal: That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild their lives with dignity. Lunch - Monday - Saturday: Noon to 1:00 PM For Evangelization: That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. Monday - Dinner 5:00 - 6:00 PM Pantry: 6:00 - 7:00 PM UPCOMING EVENTS SOUPER SUNDAY This weekend’s Super Bowl means that it’s time for our annual St. Ann “Soup-er Bowl” when we collect non-perishable food items to help our neighbors through PACS (Phoenixville Area Community Services). While each of us can support PACS at any time throughout the year (even with perishable food items), this is one of the three occasions each year when we as a parish come together to feed those who are hungry. Food donations next Saturday, February 7 may be placed in the lobby of Sacred Heart Church and next Sunday, February 8 donations may be placed on the front porch to 602 S. Main Street (the building next to Chapel). will take place next Sunday after the 11:30 Mass in the Rectory. Join us as we say Farewell and Good Luck or Auf Wiedersehen und viel Glück! to Brett Illig on February 8 from 4:00 - 6:00 PM in St. Ann Church Hall Brett and his family will be leaving to spend a few years in Switzerland. All those who have worked with Brett or who have enjoyed Youth Groups, Confirmation Prep, or After School Sports Programs, etc. are welcome to come and wish the Illigs well. SPECIAL COLLECTION - Next weekend will be the opening of the 2015 Catholic Charities Appeal. More details to follow…. RENEWAL OF MARRIAGE VOWS – We will have a renewal of marriage vows for our married couples within the 5:00 PM Vigil Mass at Sacred Heart Church on Saturday, February 14. Registration is not required. BAPTISMS - Next Sunday we will welcome Jase Allen Frack during the 11:30 Mass, Lia Mary Piazza at 1:00 PM and Guadalupe and Juan Carlos during the 6:00 PM Spanish Mass into the Church and our parish community through the sacrament of Baptism. HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL - Now is the time to provide your Preschooler with a great start to his/her educational career. HFS is accepting registrations in both our Preschool and Pre K classes. Our certified teachers welcome our youngest students to an engaging and developmentally appropriate educational program that offers more than Day Care. We recognize and celebrate creativity and individuality. Our children develop socially, spiritually, emotionally and academically in a nurturing and familiar environment. Space is limited, so we encourage you to call now for a tour at 610-933-7562 or [email protected]. SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM for children age 3 and 4 will resume during the 9:30 Mass next Sunday, February 8 in Holy Family School’s Pre-School room. If you would like to enroll your child in this 8-week program, please contact Madelyn O’Hara at [email protected] or 610-639-0923. There are a few more spots available. 4 026Ann ST. VINCENT DE PAUL AND GREENDROP There are now a variety of ways to make donations of gently used clothing and small household goods. You can arrange for Home Pickups by calling 1-888-944-3767 or visit or you can visit various drop-off sites (such as the one near Redner’s in Phoenixville on Route 724) which is manned from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM every day. Further, there will be announced future clothing drives at various area churches. GreenDrop’s parent company, 2nd Avenue Value Stores also has thrift shops in the general area. Go on line for locations. By calling, you can also make special arrangements for emptying an entire household. This new arrangement with GreenDrop ensures many of the goods will remain in our local area. Please mention St. Vincent DePaul when making donations and you will be given a tax receipt. REMEMBER OUR SICK Alicia Andrews, David Annable, Gioconda Annable, Chad Berish, Jean Bertucci, Beth Booth, Ashley Rose Bukay, Ed Cain, Leroy Campbell, Dave Cocci, Angeline Costello, John Daly, Joe Demyan, Michael DiArcangelo, Lucille Dickson, Lida Dickinson, Lucille Dickson, Barbara Douglas, Marie Dvorak, Tom Fedick, Daniel Flores, Maria Foerster, Chris Fuga, Ryan Gerhold, Joe Gibson, Gordon Gladden, Desiree F. Hennessey, Sister Pat Hoey, Jean Hoffman, Joseph Hohenleitner, Angela Hogan, Michael J. Hudak, Jeanette Jelus, Ann Johnson, Irene King, John Koch, Theresa Kraynak, Irene Layden, Denise Long, Ray Long, Claire Maestrale, Pat Malarkey, Steve and Joanne Mardi, Marie Marosek, Helen McElroy, Rebecca Melvin, Ann Metscher, Ron Motzer, Gary Moyer, Tom Moyer, Diane Murray, Karen Nesspor, Georgene O’Donnell, Marcelo Opiela, Steve Pannella, Cindy Patton, Joan Pendergast, Sherman Perkins, Dianne Litishin Ponzio, Anne Winnick Rabenold, Christine Radoiss, Katherine Raggazino, Jerry Ratchford, John Riegel, Linda Rodenbaugh, Raymond Rodenbaugh, Robert Scarangi, Pat Scott, Helen Shoemaker, Lee Shrawder, Margaret Sim, Jane Sloan, James Smith, Ronald Spitz Sr., Eleanor Stecz, Marc Stevenson, Debbie Stonier, Aly Taylor, Ethel Thomas, Glenn Thomas, Lisa Toscani, Don Troncelliti, Helen Twargoski, Doris Valerio, Jeff Vance, Joe Vargo, Betty Welde, Charles Wertz, Paul Wright, our homebound, parishioners in Nursing Homes, Hospitals and all serving in the Armed Forces. NEED A RIDE - HOPE volunteers drive people in need to appointments or on essential errands, Monday - Friday, 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Schedule a ride 4 days in advance. HOPE CAPTAINS: February 1 - 15: Pat Solomon at 610-933-8693 February 16 - 28: Carol Daly at 610-933-5291 Necesita un “RIDE” - Nuestro Ministerio HOPE tiene voluntaries disponibles para llevarlo a citas esenciales de lunes a liernes, de 7 AM a 4 PM. Para coordinar esta actividad por favor llame a Rosa Padilla al 484-302-6056 con 4 días de anticipación. AID FOR FRIENDS - If you can assist us by creating single-serving meals with leftovers for the homebound in our community, you can pick up empty trays and supplies and meals can be dropped off at: 602 S. Main St. Sunday 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM and 5:30 - 7:00 PM For more information call Kate at 610-933-3814 or [email protected]. 5 026Ann DEVLIN ROSMOS KEPP & GATCHA FUNERAL HOME & Cremation Services, Inc. George Michael T. Gatcha, Supervisor • J. Richard Rosmos, F.D. Funeral Pre-Planning 517 S. Main St. at Fourth Ave., Phoenixville 610-933-3012 AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY! 610-933-3770 347 BRIDGE ST., SUITE 300, PHOENIXVILLE • Medicare (Medical Plans, Prescription Plans - PDP) • Affordable Care Act Plans (ACA) *Medicare AEP Oct 15-Dec 7 • Individual & Family Health Plans *ACA Open enrollment Nov 15-Feb15 *SEP Election-Anytime • Vision, Dental & Hearing Aids Partners: Chas Pires & Matt Mink, St. Ann Parishioners $650 OFF 10% OFF JOBS OVER $2000.00 CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT FREE INSPECTION JAMES JOHNS PAINTING Deck Refinishing Power Washing Free Estimates•Fully Insured PARISHIONER 935-2924 • 948-2327 SUBURBAN ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS, INC. Residential • Commercial Industrial • Installations Troubleshooting References Available 610-792-2600 Cell: 610-256-4688 Thomas J. Michinock - Parishioner [email protected] For all of your flooring needs... ...right here in town: 10% OFF SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT AAA COSMETIC INC. 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COONRADT PUB & RESTAURANT GENERAL CONTRACTOR 231 Bridge St., Phoenixville 610-933-5600 ~ Parishioner ~ Adults $11.95 • Child (under 12) $4.95 10am to 1pm OFF Brunch with this ad IMPROVEMENTS • REPAIRS • MAINTENANCE 10% RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED 610-415-1137 610-731-6806 Cell Licensed & Insured Commercial Residential REHAB & NURSING CENTER St. Eleanor Parishioner 202 Bridge Street, Phoenixville 610/933-6320 Tel. 610-296-4170 Fax. 610-296-0514 STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES • HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: 026 St. Ann, Phoenixville, PA (b) FX Plumbing & Heating Mark Beaudoin 283 E. 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