CHI RHO February 2015 In confirmation class, we have been discussing discipleship. Epiphany is the season where we are all invited to follow Jesus, just like Nathaniel and Philip did in our Gospel story from Epiphany Two. Like Jesus’ disciples, we must ask ourselves if we believe, and if so, will we follow Jesus on a difficult and life-altering journey? One chapter from our confirmation materials posed an interesting question to that end, “Can it be proven that God exists?” The Chi Rho is published monthly by St. John Submissions are requested by the 19th of the month preceding publication. Inside this issue: A Word from the 1 Important Dates/ 2 Birthdays Stewardship/Council 3 WELCA /NEWS 4-6 Worship 7 Youth 8 Church Council Minutes 9 Asst. Schedule / Calendar-February Pink Asst. Schedule / Calendar-March Green It seemed a reasonable thing to want to prove before heading off with Jesus. So how can we prove that God exists? The reality is that we can’t, but we don’t really need to. Even Jesus’ disciples, who literally followed him throughout his earthly mission, had their moments of great faith and doubt. There was no scientific evidence that could prove God existed and that Jesus was God’s Son. Yet, they didn’t need such proof. They needed faith, and that’s what God gave them. When Rabbi Mendel was a small child, his grandfather, Rabbi Shneur, held him on his lap and asked the child, “Where is grandfather?” The child touched his grandfather’s nose. “No,” the rabbi said, “That is grandfather’s nose. But where is grandfather?” The child touched the grandfather’s beard. “No, that is grandfather’s beard. But where is grandfather?” The child descended, ran to the next room and shouted; “Grandfather” and Rabbi Shneur went into the room. Gleefully the child pointed, “There is grandfather!” The message of the story is a powerful one. Grandfather is the one who responds when called. Likewise, we believe that God exists, and is our father, because God responds to our call and need for salvation in Jesus. If you could touch God’s nose or beard would that prove God’s existence? I think not. The disciples could do this and it did not remove their doubts. The good news is that we don’t need to prove God’s existence, and we don’t need to remove all our doubts. We need God to respond to our cry for justice and peace, to redeem us from the pit of death, and give us eternal life. In Jesus, God answered that call. God responds, and that is all the proof we need to believe and follow Jesus in our ministry here at St. John Lutheran. See you in church! Pastor Joe Woodward 1st…Sunday School & Confirmation @ 9:15am Worship @ 10:30am Youth Bake Sale 2nd...Will-O-Bell with Communion @ 10am 1 Kody Janke Lauren Janke 2 Ethan Botts Kaylyn Cammack 3 Alan Spiegelhauer Worship @ 10:30am 5 Garland Kneten 9th..Dominoes @12:30am 6 Aidan Botts Walt Saverse Paula Unberhagen 7 Mikala Blake Kaitlyn Randig 8 Ronnie Rafay 9 Megan Gersbach Tyler Ramthun 10 Jessica Stroud Cammack 11 David Patterson 15 Audrey Rafay Emma Young 16 Martha Muegge 18 Dotty Kneten Jordan Thaler 19 Marie Janke 23 Kelleigh Lange 25 Caity Gunn Lonnie Shepherd 26 Cynthia Gersbach Dominoes @12:30am 4th…Men’s Bible Study (Lois&Jerrys)@7:15am 5th…..Piecemakers @ 1pm 8th…Sunday School & Confirmation @ 9:15am 10th….American Legion Meeting @7pm 11th…Men’s Bible Study (Lois&Jerrys)@7:15am 12th..Piecemakers @ 1pm 15th...Sunday School & Confirmation @ 9:15am Worship @ 10:30am 16th.. Dominoes @ 12:30pm Church Council Meeting @ 6:30pm 17th..Women’s Bible Study @9:15am Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper 5pm-7pm 18th..Men’s Bible Study (Lois&Jerrys)@7:15am Ash Wednesday Service @ 7pm (Church) 19th..Piecemakers @1pm 22nd..Sunday School & Confirmation @ 9:15am Worship @ 10:30am 23rd..Dominoes @ 12:30pm 25th..Men’s Bible Study (Lois&Jerrys)@7:15am Crafting @ 9am 26th..Piecemakers @1pm 30650 State Hwy 95 P.O. Box 70 Bartlett, TX 76511 1 mile north of Bartlett on State Highway 95 Phone 254-527-3341 Fax 254-527-4522 Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. M-Th Email [email protected] Web STAFF Pastor Joe Woodward Organist Garland Kneten Secretary Sherry Kell COUNCIL OFFICERS President Vice President/Evangelism Secretary Treasurer Financial Secretary 254-289-4454 (cell) 527-4235 Hm 512-913-5900 (cell) HOME Duane Kurtin Walt Saverse Rick Fleming Dorothy Marwitz Sharon Koonsen ACTION TEAM LEADERS Property Property Worship Membership/Fellowship Public Relations Parrish Education Youth Stewardship W-ELCA 527-3898 983-2050 657-2369 657-2568 HOME Steven Wentrcek Lynn Stroud Joann Zieschang Jennifer Starke J.R. Gersbach Vacant Debra Martin Mila Wegner Sandra Jones Nelwyn Persky [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CELL [email protected] 770-8381 [email protected] 217-3462 [email protected] 718-6061 [email protected] [email protected] CELL 718-3106 [email protected] 541-4390 [email protected] 527-3948 512-563-3591 [email protected] 718-6215 [email protected] 913-7736 [email protected] 913-2752 512-633-4070 541-9056 527-4344 231-5296 OFFERINGS FOR MONTH OF JANUARY Date Attendance Offering January 4, 2015 72 $2975 January 11, 2015 85 $2155 January 18, 2015 92 $2814 January 28, 2015 96 $2182 345 $10,126 January Totals [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] As we conclude our post-Christmas celebration of Epiphany and approach the Season of Lent this month, may God continue to bless each of you and your support of WELCA throughout the coming year. Thank you especially for your prayers for the benevolence ministries we assist, and for all those in need. Coming Up! W-ELCA Thursdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:00-3:00 p.m. PieceMakers work on Lutheran World Relief Quilts Feb 17 Tuesday . . . . . . 9:15 a.m. Morning Bible Study in the TRC - Dorothy Marwitz, study leader Feb 25 Wednesday . . 9:00 a.m. Crafting - all hands needed to assist PieceMakers with LWR Quilts Reminders Will-o-Bell - You're always invited to visit, including attending monthly WoB Socials. Please don't forget to check the 2015 Yearbook for YOUR turn to help with the Socials hostessed by St. John's Women of the ELCA. Morning Bible Study - Join us the third Tuesday of every month at 9:00 a.m. for coffee; study begins at 9:15. ***************************************** AT Is it Spring yet? With another successful Chili Luncheon meeting completed last month, our organization is set for a prayerful -- and busy! -- year in service to our Lord. Special thanks to the 22 members of St. John WELCA who attended our January 18 general meeting to provide support and input in planning so many important aspects in the life of our congregation. During the meeting we adopted our 2015 WELCA calendar, elected 2015 Audit and Nominating Committee members, and adopted a budget totaling $20,685, including $11,285 for Mission/Outreach Benevolence projects. Following discussion, it was agreed to continue the recent success of including quarterly WELCA Activities Directors to assist with the year's activities; past & current Activities Directors are listed with additional information about this service opportunity later in this column. WORK! Calendar, budget, committee and other important WELCA information for the upcoming year will be published in the 2015 Yearbook, thanks to the dedicated work of immediate past-chair Pat Stroud. As soon as the yearbooks have been printed, you can pick up your copy in the TRC or the back of the Sanctuary. We appreciate and need all our WELCA members to help in the ways they feel called to assist throughout this busy year. Many thanks to those of you who agreed to work on a committee or other leadership role in the coming year, and to our 2015 WELCA officers: Co-chair Sandra Jones & Nelwyn Persky Vice President Sharon Kurtin Secretary Linda Ferguson Treasurer Judy Gersbach ***************************************** Monthly WELCA Morning Bible Study. After a special January start to our 2015 Bible Study sessions, capped with a luncheon at the home of Esterleen Fischer, the monthly Bible study sessions continue in the TRC. Monthly Bible Study is held starting at 9:15 on the third Tuesday of the month. The next date is February 17, 2015. Each study is taken from Gather, a magazine for faith and action, published 10 times a year for $16 ($3 for single copies) by Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in partnership with Augsburg Fortress. The following editor's note tells a little about this national WELCA publication: Blessings, Kate Elliott, editor Regardless of whether you are able to attend the monthly Morning Bible Study in the TRC, you are invited to subscribe to this faith-filled monthly publication. To view digital content, monthly Bible studies, back issues, and subscription information, go to: ***************************************** Read all about … us. Our Synodical Women's Organization elected new officers at the SWO meeting in Abilene last October and have resumed every-other-month publication of the Tapestry newsletter, now in online format only. The November 2014 issue included a brief history of our Advent Fair. A recap of our latest Ornament Exchange & Brunch is published in the January 2015 edition. Tapestry is published on the St. John web page for easy access. To read about activities of our sisters throughout the North Texas-Northern Louisiana (NT-NL) Synod/Mission Area, check the most recent issues posted on our church website at and click on Tapestry Newsletter in the column to the right of the group photo of our congregational members. To receive an email with the latest issue when it is released, contact our current WELCA Secretary, Judy Gersbach, to be added to the distribution list. ***************************************** Never done . . . Whatever the season, our charitable efforts keep rolling around. And the thank-you notes keep coming in, too. Recently received and posted on the WELCA bulletin St. John Lutheran Church WELCA 12-15-14 The Bartlett VFD would like to acknowledge your donation of $200. Bartlett VFD & First Responders {Service Through Community Support.} Thank you for your support. Thank You Scott L. Janke Treasurer Dear Lutherans, 12-31-14 Thanks so much for the very generous gift to Food For Friends. Donations like yours keep us cooking! As our rolls have increased so has the price of all food, so donations are precious to us. At about noon on Fridays you can pat yourself on the back because you have helped provide meals to "the least of these my brethren." May God continue to bless you. Love, Joyce 90th Birthday Rose Planting March 22, 2015 after Worship Celebrating Marie Janke and Mary Helen Goodnight’s Birthday’s Old-fashion lunch will be served W-ELCA AT WORK Bold, thoughtful women read Gather. … each issue serves up articles that inform, inspire, and comfort, along with our award-winning Bible study. Don't miss an issue or a Bible study session! Thank you for reading our magazine and joining other women who think, pray, and care. You are very important to us. Dear St John Lutheran Church, On behalf of the children and families we serve, thank you for the $500.00 you gave to the Ronald McDonald House. This generous gift will help provide a home away from home for families of children being treated for serious illnesses in Temple area hospitals. We wish you and your loved ones a healthy, blessed, & happy 2015. Leilani Kitchings - House Operations Manager - [email protected] Ronald McDonald House Charities of Temple, Texas Light a Light, Share a Night Note: This letter was received with the following personal note from the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Temple, Texas, Executive Director. What a lovely surprise. Thank you for your friendship & generous check! Happy 2015! Susan Bolton *************************************** Job Description - Quarterly WELCA Activities Directors W-ELCA AT WORK January 6, 2015 The role of Activities Directors was successfully developed beginning in 2010 to help spread the responsibilities of the organization to allow more involvement by the women in our church. It was decided to use Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall Activities Directors. Each director is in charge of the activities planned during that season, working with the chairwomen of events held during the quarter. It would also be useful for each Activities Director to help involve other churchwomen in the events of the season. If possible, the Activities Directors are also asked to prayerfully consider and offer suggestions to the current year's officers regarding members to include as the following year's committee chairwomen and Activities Directors. The consensus of those involved was that Activities Directors brought new vigor and creativity to our year. Past Activities Directors are listed below as a resource: Past Activities Directors 2010 Winter - Cynthia Gersbach & Linda Ferguson Spring - Janice Wentrcek, Sherry Kell & Kristy Decker Summer - Cedalia Kurtz & Sharon Koonsen Fall - Ruth Janke & Sharon Kurtin 2011 Winter - Cynthia Gersbach & Mona Smalley Spring - Cedalia Kurtz & Paula Unberhagen Summer - Melinda Kurtz, Sharon Randig & Sharon Koonsen Fall - Janice Wentrcek & Shirley Fischer 2015 Activities Directors Winter [Jan-Mar] - Janice Wentrcek & Janice Atchison Summer [Jul-Sep] - Pam Fleming & Pat Bruggman Spring [Apr-Jun] - Ruth Janke & Shirley Fischer Fall [Oct-Dec] - Peggy Kurtz & Paula Unberhagen February 17th – Youth Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper 5pm-7pm 18th - Ash Wednesday Service @ 7pm (Church) 25th- Lenten Meal @6pm Service @7pm (TRC) March 4th - Lenten Meal @6pm 11th - Lenten Meal @6pm 18th - Lenten Meal @6pm 25th - Lenten Meal @6pm Service @7pm (TRC) Service @7pm (TRC) Service @7pm (TRC) Service @7pm (TRC) 2nd – Maundy Thursday @7pm (Church) no meal 3rd – Good Friday @ 7pm (Church) no meal Easter 5th – Sunrise Service @ 6:30am with breakfast to follow April If you would like to furnish an Easter lily for our Easter Service, please fill out this form and place it in the offering plate with your payment, or give it to the church secretary. Cost is $10.00 per plant. Deadline to order is March 25th. —- —- —- —- —- —- —- —- —- —- —- —- — — —- —- —- —- —- —- —- —- —Please Print: —- —- —- —- —- —- —- —- —- —- —- —- Bulletin Wording: YOUR NAME _____________________________________________ In Loving Memory of_________________________________________________ Phone and/or E-Mail Address _______________________________ In Memory of_______________________________________________________ Number of Plants ___________ @ $10.00 each = $___________ In Honor of_________________________________________________________ To the Glory of God __________________________________________________ **Plants not picked up on Easter Sunday Will be taken to our sick and homebound. There will be a Youth Committee meeting on February 18th at 6:00pm. It’s for anyone who would like to be on the Youth Committee, to discuss the future, or anyone who would like to give some input/ideas. If this is not a good day for you but you would like to participate, please give me a call or email me. Remember, the youth are our present! Thanks, Deborah 254-913-2752 [email protected] Don’t Forget that every first Sunday we have a youth bake sale! The proceed go toward youth activities! Please show your support by donating or buying something yummy . Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper Please mark your calendar for Tuesday, February 17th 5pm-7pm Pancakes, bacon, and sausage with assorted toppings. The December 15, 2014 meeting was called to order at 6:34 PM by the President Weldon Kurtz Members present: Darrell Marek, Rick Fleming, Weldon Kurtz, Janice Atchison, Pastor Joe Woodward, Sharon Randig, Jennifer Starke, Joann Zieschang, and Steven Wentrcek Members absent: Kristi Dague, Lynn Stroud, Jay Don Gommert, Gayle Bielss Guests: Dorothy Marwitz, Duane Kurtin, Mila Wegner Pastor's Report: Handout Treasurers' report: Janice AtchisonGeneral- 4568.00 Cemetery- $8485.26 Secretary's report: Rick Fleming- No report Special- $62,986.89 Beyer- $1659.86 All bills had been paid Youth had made $215.69 off pecan sales. It was moved by Sharon and seconded by Darrell to accept the Treasurer's report as it was written. Action committee report Property: Steven- Roof leaking over the preacher’s area in the church. A possible work day to work on the upstairs storage area in mid- January. Youth/ Parish Education: Kristi and Sharon- Working on fundraisers and transportation to Detroit. Sunday school is better. Sharon suggested handing out bags with some of the left over materials in the storage/Sunday school room at Christmas Eve. Plan for 50 bag of materials. Evangelism: New members will be welcomed and added to the congregation on Sunday 12/21/2014. Public Relations: No Report Membership/Fellowship: Working on the membership list. Worship: Joann- Advent Worship service committee will meet on 12/16/2014 A few volunteers are needed to work as assistants. Stewardship: No report. Sharon asked if the gym could be used during the holidays for a basketball league to practice. It was discussed and determined that there was not a problem. OLD BUSINESS: Bids were opened for Cemetery and custodial care. Cemetery Care: Bobby Bartlett ( only bid received) Bid of $275.00 per month for care of the cemetery. Motion made to accept the bid by Janice Atchison and seconded by Darrell Marek. The motion passed. Custodial Care: Walt Saverse (only bid turned in by the deadline) of $750.00 per month. This would be an increase on $50.00 per month. After some discussion it was moved by Darrell Marek and seconded by Janice Atchison to have a member of the property committee renegotiate the price for the custodial care, and have published by the council. Have him work closer to the job descriptions that the council had established. Also, to renegotiate the salary to stay at the $700.00 that had been set. The motion passed. The Annual Congregational meeting would be on January 18, 2015 along with the new officer installation. All reports are due by January 4, 2015. Nursery: Going well, one family is using the service and they are coming on a more regular basis. NEW BUSINESS: Weldon read a letter from Briarwood Retreat about the need for financial assistance. Weldon suggested that the church donate some of the funds from the Lenten and Advent services to help out Briarwood Retreat. It was moved by Sharon and seconded by Joann to donate $500.00 of the Lenten offering to Briarwood. The motion passed. Garland Kneten asked for a donation to be made to the Holland Band for donating instruments to the church in the amount of $200.00.Darrell Marek made the motion to donate $200.00 to the Holland Band from the Worship committee's budget money. The motion was seconded by Janice Atchison. The motion passed. The motion to adjourn was made by Janice Atchison, and seconded by Sharon Randig. The motion passed. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. Respectfully submitted Rick Fleming, Council Secretary - St. John's Lutheran Church OUR MISSION To Gather as God’s People To Grow Spiritually To Go Empowered by the Holy Spirit To Share the Gospel as We Serve You’re Always Welcome at St. John Lutheran Church… Sunday Mornings Sunday School 9:15am February 2015 Worship 10:30am Join Us and Bring a Friend! Bartlett, TX 76511 P. O. Box 70 Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Permit #7 Bartlett TX 76511 30650 State Hwy 95 St. John Lutheran Church Address Service Requested
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