TENDER ENQUIRY [ WEB Tender No Purchasing Executive To : 1300000883 : Praful M Patil Telephone No: Fax No: Email ID: Tender Fee: 0.00 EMD Amount: 0.00 Pre Bid Meeting Date Tender Opening Date: 23.02.2015 Offer should be valid up to: 23.06.2015 Security Deposit: 0.00 % of PO TENDER ] Department: Purchasing Executive: Telephone No:+91 Fax No:+91 Email ID: EY COMMERCIAL Praful M Patil 23719158 23741386 [email protected] Tender Number: Tender Date: Tender Closing Date Tender Closing Time RFQ Number: 1300000883 28.01.2015 23.02.2015 15:00:00 2130000294 Pre Bid Meeting Time Tender Opening Time: 00:00:00 15:00:00 Perf. Bank Guarantee: 10.00 % of PO value ( Kindly read and refer relevant terms & conditions for further details. Do ensure to Quote Department Name, Purchase Executive's Name, Tender Number, Closing date & time and RFQ Number in your Quotation & related correspondence ) Dear Sir / Madam , SUB:- SUPPLY OF SOUND LEVEL METER TYPE 2250-B AS PER SPECIFICATION AT EASTYARD , MDL. Mazagon Dock Limited (MDL) invites Competitive - Bid from reputed suppliers for the following in TWO BID system (Part I Techno-Commercial Bid & Part II - Price Bid). Sl.No. 00100 Material/Service Details Quantity/Unit Delivery Date Material Number:- 510000000000002123 1 Number 14.04.2015 Sound Level Meter Type 2250-B Material Description :SOUND LEVEL METER- TYPE 2250-B, Make: Bruel & Kjaer With Calibration Certificates,Fitted with octave band filters, Integration on 31.5Hz to 8 KHz octave bands. Terms & Conditions as indicated in Part A of this tender and other enclosures / annexures form an integral part of this tender document. We look forward to receive your most competitive and reasonable offer against this Tender. For Mazagon Dock Ltd Page: 1 of 1 PART A for Tender No. 1300000883 E TENDER ENQUIRY (for TWO Bid System) MAZAGON DOCK LIMITED INVITES COMPETITIVE e BIDS in TWO BID SYSTEM (Part-I Techno Commercial Bid and Part-II Price Bid) for the following Work / Supplies; Issue of E - Tender Enquiry Document: This e-tender enquiry can be downloaded from our E-procurement website https://mdl.eproc.in. To login and quote against this e-tender on E-procurement portal, bidders should have Digital Signature Certificate (DSC). The details of DSC are available on the MDL website. For DSC you can contact Help Desk for upgrade to Premium Services, DSC Renewal & RESET process (+91-22-66865600 or [email protected]). For dedicated MDL support, please contact Mr. Chandan Pedamkar, Tel : +9122-66865610 or [email protected]. 1. Duplicate supply clause: In case of supply of duplicate/spurious/substandard items by the firm, MDL will resort to prosecution of the firm by taking legal action with all the stringent measures against the firm for supplying such items which leads to delay of the project of national importance and has endangered the national security. The firm will also be blacklisted in MDL and will be debarred from quoting in future MDL tenders and the same will be intimated to all other public sector undertakings and other Government organization 2. Description of Work / Supplies / Services: SUPPLY OF SOUND LEVEL METER TYPE 2250-B AS PER SPECIFICATIONS FOR EASTYARD,MDL. INSTRUCTIONS TO THE BIDDERS 3. Bidders should submit the following documents along with their offer: i) Bidders Company Profile and shop & establishment registration certificate/registration certificate from local body for conducting business. ii) The value of the similar supplies (i.e. Supply of MEASURING INSTRUMENTS) during last 3 years should not be less than Rs 2.5 Lakhs. Order copies & work completion certificates to be appended. Note: Sr i ) not required for permanent registered vendors with MDL. 4. Bidders registered with Mazagon Dock Limited should furnish copy of valid registration certificate. 5. Validity Period: Bids / Offers shall have the validity period of 120 Days from the tender closing date. A bid valid for a shorter period will be liable for rejection by MDL as non-responsive. 6. Submission of offer in Two Bid System: Offer must be submitted online in Two parts . Part-I: Technical Bid consisting of i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Bidder’s Statement on their Company Letterhead indicating Tender No, Tender Date, confirming compliance and acceptance on the Scope of Supply and other Terms and conditions as included in this tender enquiry, duly signed, stamped and dated by bidder’s authorized person(s). Scan copy to be uploaded in e tendering. Acceptance on clauses of Tender Enquiry, STACS ,GT&C in the Prescribed Formats (as per Enclosure- 3 ,4 & 5) duly stamped, signed & filled ‘Accepted OR Not Accepted’ as applicable for each of the clause. To be filled in e tendering and also scanned copy to be attached in e tender. Price schedule BLANKING the PRICES but clearly indicating ‘QUOTED / NOT-QUOTED’ as applicable against each of the listed item in the prescribed format of e tender. Bidders / Vendors should submit additional documents indicated at Para 2 above and enclosed scan copy of required documents at e tender. Bidder should confirm the specifications of the offered item as per tender requirement. Firm should submit the detail catalogues (if any) for technical scrutiny. Firm should attach the scan copy of confirmatory matrix & deviation sheet Enclosure-6 at e tender. Copies of valid Registration or Approval certificates in case of Bidder’s firms registered with MDL/ NSIC. Tender No.1300000883 viii) Bank details for payment by NEFT in the prescribed format available at MDL website. Part-II : This should contain only the PRICES for each of the listed items strictly in the prescribed format provided with the e- tender. 7. Bid Rejection Criteria: A) Following bids shall be categorically rejected; 1) The Bids received not through e tender. B) Following bid rejection criteria shall also render the bids Liable for Rejection. 1) Bidder’s failure to submit sufficient or complete details for evaluation of the bids within the given period which may range in between two to three weeks depending on the deficiencies noticed in the drawings / technical data which shall not however conflict with validity period. 2) Incomplete / misleading / ambiguous bids in the considered opinion of TNC. 3) Bids with technical requirements and or terms not acceptable to MDL / Customers / External agency nominated as applicable. 4) Bids received without pre-qualification documents where required as per the tender. 5) Bids not meeting the pre-qualification parameters stipulated in the tender enquiry. 6) Unreasonably longer delivery period quoted by the firm. 7) Validity period indicated by bidders is shorter than that specified in the tender enquiry. 8) Bidders not agreeing to furnish required Security Deposit / Required Contract Performance Guarantee till completion of the supplies / services as per contract. 8. Delivery Period : Please note that delivery date shown in the tender document is indicative only. Sound meter as per specifications should be supplied within 6 weeks from the date of receipt of purchase order. 9. Pricing: Bidder shall quote the prices of all items listed in the price sheet format of the tender enquiry for delivery of the items in MDL store / completion of the work at MDL site. The prices quoted shall remain firm and fixed during the currency of the order / contract unless agreed otherwise by MDL. 10. Terms of Payment: No advance in any manner will be paid to the contractor. Our payment terms shall be as under: 90% Payment towards supply of Sound meter will be made through NEFT between 25-30 days for quantity supplied & tested on submission of documents such as invoices, QC Clearance certificate, acceptance certificate by user QA-EY and calibration certificate etc. as per the Order / Contract terms. 10% order value shall be retained towards performance security. Performance guarantee can be released after submission of Bank guarantee of 10% amount in prescribed format as per MDL. 11. Performance guarantee:Bidder will have to submit a performance guarantee of an amount equivalent to 10% on the value of the contract/order excluding taxes, duties, freight etc in a prescribed format for the period covering the guarantee of the product. The performance Bank Guarantee should be valid for additional 1 month beyond expiry of Guarantee period(i.e. 24 Months + one month). 12. Guarantee / Warranty: The supplied instrument shall be guaranteed for a minimum period of 24 months from the date of acceptance by MDL. The contractor will have to rectify any defects noticed in the work either by way of bad material during guarantee Period at no extra cost to MDL. 13. Bidders shall abide by all standard Terms & Conditions of Supply (STACS), GT&C and acceptance formats As per enclosure 3,13 & 14 contained therein should be properly filled, signed & returned by the bidder along with techno-commercial (Part-I) bid The bidder shall also abide statutory requirements, Official secret act 1923 and safety clauses as per annexure (iv) Tender No.1300000883 14. Taxes& Duties: Bidders must indicate the nature of taxes & duties applicable for the work and quote the amounts of Taxes and Duties as applicable separately as shown in the Part-II price bid format at e tender. The items/service-wise rates quoted in the Rate sheet should exclude Taxes and Duties. Bidder should indicate Taxes and Duties as applicable separately under each of the head in the same Rate sheet, which will be paid extra. 15. Loading Criteria: Deviations sought by the bidder in respect of Freight, Insurance, Delivery terms & Payment terms shall be loaded on the bidder/s quoted prices during price evaluation by MDL. An illustration of the loading criteria that will be adopted is at Enclosure 3. Among the equal bids, bidders with ISO 9000 series accreditation over nonISO bidders. Evaluation of offer: Bids will be evaluated based on lowest total price for instrument inclusive of taxes, levies, freight , packing forwarding if any and normalized after loading for deviations as detailed in Enclosure - 3. 16. Consignee:- The Supplier shall arrange dispatch of goods by appropriate Rail / Road / Sea / Air Transport mode as per the order and consign the same to; Chief Manager (Stores-EY) EAST YARD, MDL An advance intimation with copy of invoices along with other relevant documents shall be forwarded to the purchaser. In this case of door delivery, the supplier shall categorically direct the transporter to deliver the ordered items without insisting for consignee copy of the Lorry Receipt. 17. NO PRICE PREFERENCE SHALL BE GIVEN TO ANY BIDDER IRRESPECTIVE OF THEIR STATUS. 18. Modifications to the Bids: Bidders desirous of submitting modified bids prior to the closing date & time may do so by submitting revised bid online not later than the deadline for submission of bids. Please note that modified bids shall be submitted through E-Procurement system only. 19. Public Grievance Cell: A Public Grievance Cell headed by Mr. S.D. Kajawe GM (F-CA) has been set up in the Company. Members of public having complaints or grievances are advised to contact him on Wednesday between 10.00 hours and 12.30 hours in his office on 3rd floor, FOB Building or send their complaints / grievances to him in writing for redressal. His Telephone No. is 022 23762121 20. Liquidated Damages:Time is an essence of the contract therefore the job, as ordered, should be completed on the dates mutually agreed upon in accordance with the delivery schedule. In cases of delay not attributable to Purchaser beyond the agreed schedule, the Vendor / Contractor shall pay liquidated damages, a sum representing 0.5% (Half per cent) per week or part thereof, subject to maximum of 5% of the order value. 21. Bidders can view the offers submitted after tender opening. 22. MDL shall not be bound by any printed conditions or provisions in the sellers bid forms or acknowledgement of contract, invoices, packing list and any other documents which purport to impose any conditions at variance with the tender terms / final negotiated & accepted terms. Inspection:Inspection will be carried out by MDL (EY-QA). You shall submit relevant calibration certificate /test certificates to QA-EY. Items will be inspected upon receipt of instrument in MDL. 23. We look forward to receive your most competitive and reasonable offer against this tender. Yours faithfully, Tender No.1300000883 For MAZAGON DOCK LIMITED, Praful Patil MANAGER, (COMMERCIAL –EAST YARD) Enclosures: Enclosure - 1 Enclosure - 2 Enclosure - 3 Enclosure - 4 Enclosure - 5 Enclosure - 6 - Part-II Price Bid Prescribed Format Illustration for loading criteria Tender enquiry terms Acceptance Format STACS Acceptance Format General Terms & Conditions acceptance format (GT& C) Deviation Format The following Annexure to be down loaded from our website (www.mazagondock.gov.in) under heading ’Tender’ and subheading ‘EY submarine’ i) NEFT Format. ii) Statutory requirements, Official Secret Act 1923 & Safety clause. iii) Standard Terms & Conditions (STACS). iv) General Terms & Conditions of the Tender Enquiry. Tender No.1300000883 Enclosure-1 PART-II - PRICE BID PRESCRIBED FORMAT FOR TO BE FILLED AT E TENDER (Please quote on your letter head only) Tender No. 1300000883 QTY Sr no Description of Items 01 SOUND LEVEL METER- TYPE 2250-B, Make: Bruel & Kjaer With Calibration Certificates, Fitted with octave band filters, Integration on 31.5Hz to 8 KHz octave bands. Unit Rate In Rs. 01 Nos Note: i) The Prices indicated in the Price Bid shall be exclusive of Taxes and Duties considering door delivery till MDL stores. ii) Rate of all the Taxes & duties applicable are separately indicated against each head as below. Taxation Details Tax head 1 Excise Duty 2 Sales tax 3 VAT 4 Others (Bidders to specify) Rate applicable On amount Name: …………………………………. Designation: …………………………………. Date: ……………… Bidders Company Seal Tender No.1300000883 Enclosure-2 LOADING CRITERIA FOR NORMALISING THE PRICE BIDS DUE TO DEVIATIONS 1. The bidder shall quote the rates excluding the taxes & duties. Applicable taxes/duties and the rates shall be separately indicated in Rate Sheet. 2. MDL may consider to provide the following certificates where exemption is considered applicable based on the rates of taxes included by the bidder in the price bid format : Issue of “C” / “D” Form with regard to Sales Tax Bidder to quote accordingly. 3. It is desirable that the bidder accepts the payment terms indicated by the company in the Tender document. Varied payment terms quoted by indigenous bidders as compared to the terms stated in the Tender document shall be normalized by adopting the Prime Lending Rate of State Bank of India + 2% thereon on the amount (s) at variation and/or for the period (no. of days) at variation and LIBOR /EURIBOR rates in case of foreign bidders. 4. For additional delivery period sought by bidder over the stipulated date of delivery/completion of tender, 0.50% per completed week may be loaded to the quoted price. 5. Deviation sought in respect of rate per week and/or maximum ceiling in respect of Liquidated Damages shall be loaded on the quoted price. For e.g., the maximum ceiling towards L.D. stipulated in tender is 5% and bidder seeks to limit it to say 3.5%, then price quoted will be loaded by 1.5%. If rate of L.D. per week in tender is 0.5% per week or part thereof and bidder seeks it as, say, 0.40% per week or part thereof, the maximum ceiling on L.D. as per tender will be equated to weeks (10 weeks in this case) and rate proposed by bidder, i.e. 0.4% will be multiplied by the so equated maximum period (which works to 4%) and the quoted price will be loaded accordingly by 1%. 6. Delivery, being the essence of the contract, it is desirable for the bidders to adhere to the stipulated clause of delivery. Tender No.1300000883 Enclosure-3 TEF (Tender Enquiry Format) ACCEPTANCE FORMAT (Bidders to fill, sign, stamp and RETURN this form in PART- I bid) To, MAZAGON DOCK LIMITED East Yard Commercial Department Tender No. 1300000883 TEF CLAUSE No. BIDDER’S REMARK TEF CLAUSE No. BIDDER’S REMARK TEF CLAUSE No. BIDDER’S REMARK ACC. / DEV 01 ACC. / DEV. 10 ACC. / DEV 19 02 ACC. / DEV. 11 ACC. / DEV. 20 ACC. / DEV. 03 ACC. / DEV. 12 ACC. / DEV. 21 ACC. / DEV. 04 ACC. / DEV. 13 ACC. / DEV. 22 ACC. / DEV. 05 ACC. / DEV. 14 ACC. / DEV. 23 ACC. / DEV. 06 ACC. / DEV. 15 ACC. / DEV. 07 ACC. / DEV. 16 ACC. / DEV. 08 ACC. / DEV. 17 ACC. / DEV. 09 ACC. / DEV. 18 ACC. / DEV. COMPANY’S NAME & ADDRESS: _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ SIGNATURE DATE NAME DESIGNATION BIDDER’S COMPANY SEAL : : : : : NOTES: 1. Bidders should carefully read the Terms & Conditions of the Tender Enquiry Form (TEF) prior to filling up this acceptance format. 2. This format should be properly filled, signed and returned by the bidder(s) along with their technical offer for considering their Bid. 3. Bidder(s) should indicate “ACC” for Accepted, “DEV” for Deviation Taken for each clause number in the above table. 4. Bidder(s) to attach Separate Sheet indicating all relevant details such as Number & description of the Clause, Reasons for Deviation and Alternative suggested for any deviations taken by them. 5. Clause numbers shown in the above format also includes the sub-clauses under these clauses. For example Clause no. 3 means – Clause nos. 3, 3.1, 3.2 a), b), I), ii) & iii). Tender No.1300000883 Enclosure-4 STACS ACCEPTANCE FORMAT (Bidders to fill, sign, stamp and RETURN this form in PART- I bid) To, MAZAGON DOCK LIMITED East Yard Commercial Department Tender No. 1300000883 STACS CLAUSE No. BIDDER’S REMARK STACS CLAUSE No. BIDDER’S REMARK 101 ACC. / DEV 260 ACC. / DEV. 102 ACC. / DEV 270 ACC. / DEV. 103 ACC. / DEV 280 120 ACC. / DEV 290 ACC. / DEV. ACC. / DEV. 300 ACC. / DEV. 210 ACC. / DEV. 310 ACC. / DEV. 220 ACC. / DEV. 320 230 ACC. / DEV. 330 ACC. / DEV. 340 ACC. / DEV. 350 ACC. / DEV. 250 ACC. / DEV. ACC. / DEV. BIDDER’S REMARK 360 ACC. / DEV. ACC. / DEV. 200 240 STACS CLAUSE No. NA COMPANY’S NAME & ADDRESS: _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ 1. 1 2 3 5. SIGNATURE DATE NAME DESIGNATION BIDDER’S COMPANY SEAL : : : : : NOTES: Bidder(s) should carefully read the Standard Terms & Conditions (STACS) included in the tender prior to filling up this acceptance format. This format should be properly filled, signed and returned by the bidder(s) along with their technical offer for considering their Bid. Bidder(s) should indicate “ACC” for Accepted, “DEV” for Deviation Taken for each clause number in the above table. Bidder(s) to attach Separate Sheet indicating all relevant details such as Number & description of the Clause, Reasons for Deviation and Alternative suggested for any deviations taken by them. STACS clause numbers shown in the above format also includes the sub-clauses under these clauses. For example 220 means – clause nos. 220, 221, 222. Tender No.1300000883 Enclosure-5 ACCEPTANCE FORM FOR GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Bidders to fill, sign, stamp and RETURN this form in PART- I bid) To, MAZAGON DOCK LIMITED East Yard Commercial Department Tender No. 1300000883 GT&C CLAUSE No. BIDDER’S REMARK GT&C CLAUSE No. BIDDER’S REMARK GT&C CLAUSE No. BIDDER’S REMARK A10 ACC. / DEV. A80 ACC. / DEV A150 ACC. / DEV A20 NA A90 NA. A160 NA A30 NA A100 ACC. / DEV. A170 A40 NA A110 ACC. / DEV. A180 A50 ACC. / DEV. A120 ACC. / DEV. A190 A60 ACC. / DEV. A130 ACC. / DEV. A200 A70 ACC. / DEV. A140 ACC. / DEV. ACC. / DEV. NA ACC. / DEV. NA COMPANY’S NAME & ADDRESS: _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ SIGNATURE DATE NAME DESIGNATION BIDDER’S COMPANY SEAL : : : : : NOTES: 1. Bidders should carefully read the General Terms & Conditions (GT&C) of the Tender Enquiry prior to filling up this acceptance format.. 2. This format should be properly filled, signed and returned by the bidder(s) along with their technical offer for considering their Bid. 3. Bidder(s) should indicate “ACC” for Accepted, “DEV” for Deviation Taken for each clause number in the above table. 4. Bidder(s) to attach Separate Sheet indicating all relevant details such as Number & description of the Clause, Reasons for Deviation and Alternative suggested for any deviations taken by them. 5. Clause numbers shown in the above format also includes the sub-clauses under these clauses. For example Clause no. A10 means – Clause nos. A11, A12, A13. Tender No.1300000883 Enclosure-6 DEVIATION FORMAT (Bidders to fill, sign, stamp and RETURN this form in PART- I bid) To, MAZAGON DOCK LIMITED East Yard Commercial Department Tender No. 1300000883 Deviation Sr. No. Page Sr. No. or Enclosure Reference of the Tender Enquiry Clause Number for Which the Deviation is Sought Brief Text Description of the Clause Reasons for Suggested Deviation Alternative 1. 2. & so on… COMPANY’S NAME & ADDRESS: _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Tender No.1300000883 SIGNATURE DATE NAME DESIGNATION BIDDER’S COMPANY SEAL : : : : :
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