Santa Rosa de Lima Catholic Church Andice, Texas The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Picture Directories Still Available PARISH NEWS ‘Name Your Price’ SRLG Bake Sale: When? February 7 and 8. What is that?! The Ladies Group bakes up a storm and you tell us what you want to pay! What a deal! (Quick! Before Lent Starts!) Those calories you have been banking – wait no longer. Make room in your freezer. Our motto – "You name it – we baked it!" Back your car up and pop the trunk – you are not going to want to let any of these goodies escape! What a scrumptious array of baking; gluten free, sugar free, nut free, and then the good old fashioned lip smackin' cookies, brownies, cakes, coffee cakes, muffins, pies(those go quickly!), scones, breads (banana nut, strawberry, beer(? – yup!) poppy seed, rolls – whew – the list goes on. Best part? You name the price! 2014 Donation Letters If you need an official donation letter from the church listing your 2014 donations for the Internal Revenue Service tax filing this year, please call the church office at 254-793-0273 or email your request to [email protected]. Your donation letter will be mailed to you. Engaging the Struggles of Your Heart In your busy lives we are faced with a number of obstacles that aggravate us, discourage us, and can even hinder our relationship with Christ. Finding the time to address them is often overshadowed by the hectic pace of our life. How can we slow down, focus on these obstacles, and allow God to speak to our hearts? Engaging the Struggles of Your Heart, the second series by Jeff Cavins in the Walking Toward Eternity Program, is a challenging study that can open our eyes to obstacles in our Christian walk such as greed, envy, fear, and shame. Through prayer, reflection, guidance, and the aid of the Holy Spirit, we begin to engage these difficulties in a positive way as we continue toward our goal of a union with Christ. The Study introduces seven common struggles. You will learn how to engage your: Appetites – Shame – Envy – Anger – Fear – Loneliness – Hopelessness Eight week session starting February 5th, 2015 The sessions will be held at the Activity Center in Sun City Workbook cost $17.00. Twenty places are available. Contact Mary Manis: 512.864.7248 or [email protected] EIM BASIC WORKSHOP Saturday, February 7th, Carr Hall, 8:30-11:30 AM A 3-hour Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) Basic Workshop on child sexual abuse will be held February 7th, Saturday, 8:30-11:30 in Carr Hall. This workshop is part of the diocesan EIM policies that were adopted in January 2002 and revised in August 2008. All clergy and paid staff, and all volunteers working with youth and vulnerable adults, at any parish or diocesan location, are required to complete a onetime Application for Ministry prior to beginning their work/service and attend an EIM workshop within 60 days of submitting the application. Please login to your EIM account (use the Alternate Login option if needed) to pre-register to attend an EIM workshop. Please do not bring children to an EIM workshop. Materials used in the workshop include testimonies from victims and perpetrators of sexual abuse; if you have any concerns regarding your attendance at a workshop, please contact Emily Hurlimann at (512) 949-2447 to make an alternative arrangement to receive your training. Such inquiries shall remain confidential. For information on the workshop or assistance with registration, please contact Kathy Baker at 614.216.0216 or email at [email protected] February 1, 2015 If you had your picture taken for the directory and never picked up your FREE book, we still have it. Books can be found in the narthex of the church or you can pick up a copy in the RE building. If you did not have your picture taken and would still like a copy feel free to take one. New to the parish and would like help putting names to faces? Feel free to take a directory. To Join the Santa Rosa News Email List Visit the parish website: and click on the link "Email Subscription Management" then click on "Click Here to Subscribe to Email News". Remember it is very important to check the email address you entered and follow the instructions in the email to confirm your account. Once your account is confirmed you are set. CALENDAR Sat-Sun 1/31-2/1: 2nd Collection: Parish Building Fund Sat 1/31: K of C Fish Dinner – Carr Hall – 5:00 PM–7:00 PM Sun 2/1: High School Youth Group – Carr Hall – 11:30 AM Wed 2/4: SVdP Food Pantry – Carr Hall – 9:00 -10:30 AM Thu 2/5: SVdP Meeting – Carr Hall, Rm B – 6:30 PM Fri 2/6: First Friday – Adoration/Reconciliation – 10:30 AM – Mass – 11:30 AM Sat-Sun 2/7-8: 2nd Collection: SVdP & Catholic Higher Education Sat-Sun 2/7-8: SRLG Bake Sale Sat 2/7: EIM Basic Workshop – Carr Hall – 8:30-11:30 AM Sun 2/8: First Communion Parent Meeting – 9 AM Sun 2/8: ACTS Corporate Communion – Church – 10:30 AM Mon 2/9: ACTS Core Group – RE Bldg – 7 PM Tues 2/10; K of C Meeting – Carr Hall – 7 PM Thu 2/12: DCCW – Carr Hall – 9 AM Thu 2/12: Finance and Pastoral Council Mtg – RE Library – 7 PM Sun 2/15: K of C Breakfast – Carr Hall – 8:30 – 10:00 AM Sun 2/15: Youth Mass – Church – 10:30 AM Sun 2/15: Mini-Vinnies – Carr Hall – 11:30 AM STEWARDSHIP LAST WEEK: Sat. Jan. 24: $ 5,447.50 Sun. Jan. 25: 8:00 AM: $ 3,453.00 Sun. Jan. 25: 10:30 AM: $ 3,999.05 Mailed In: $ 800.00 Building Fund: $ 25,570.00 SVdP: $ 375.00 PRAYER LIST PRAYER LIST FOR DEPLOYED MILITARY, PLEASE PRAY FOR: Sarah Hughes, Lt. USN Japan; Thomas Chamberas, Lt. USN, EOD, Japan; Eric Towal, Captain, USAF Special Forces; Shane Carroll, Maj., USA, Afghanistan; Billy Tompkins, Captain, USAF, Afghanistan; Col. Brian Hammer, USA, Iraq. Any family member in the deployed military may be added to the prayer request by contacting Bob Kelety, 512 864-0493 or e-mail [email protected] FOR ALL WHO HAVE ASKED FOR OUR PRAYERS: Ed Geroux; Brandon Thaxton; Judith Orduna; Jeremy Koval; Mike Jillson; Joseph Russo; Cliff Foulkes-Garcia; Paul Hamel; Darlene Davasligil; Rosemary Carlson; Lenore Rourke; Terry Moore; Robert Trigg; Theresa Dix; Bobby Dockal; Dale O’Connor; Liam; Mary Frye; Joel Rivera. Please let us know when names can be removed from this list. Thank you. MASS INTENTIONS Sat. Jan 24: † Barbara Murray; † Roland Martinez Sun. Jan 25: 8:00 AM: † Jenny Snoddy Sun. Jan 25: 10:30 AM: † Saverio Repoli Tues. Jan 27: 6:00 PM: Wed. Jan 28: 4:30 PM: (Wellspring): Wed. Jan 28: 6:00 PM: Thu. Jan 29: 6:00 PM: The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time If you would like to have a mass offered for intention forms are available in the entry of the Church. Mass cards are available at the Ladies Group counter and in the office. ** All intentions are subject to change as circumstances arise. Due to limitations of the number of mass intentions that can be done each week, when you request a specific date for a mass, it may not be available. The first available date will be used for your requested mass intention. If you want a specific date please plan ahead three months for your request. Thank you. ** RELIGIOUS EDUCATION We have a couple parent class/meeting coming up in a couple of weeks: • Sunday, Feb. 8 – RCIC/First Communion Parent Class -9-10:15 AM • Wednesday, Feb. 11 – First Communion Parent Class Mark your calendars: NO RE • Sunday, February 15 (Presidents’ Day) • Wednesday, Feb. 18 (Ash Wednesday) RCIA Our topic for THIS Sunday, February 1 is ““The First Commandment” Our topic for NEXT Sunday, February 8 is “The Second and Third Commandments” Anyone wishing to join the discussion is welcome. We meet in Room 6, at 9 AM in the Religious Education building. For more information, call Terry Walters at 512-863-8563 or e-mail him at [email protected] MINISTRIES Santa Rosa Ladies Ladies Group Bake Sale: Check out news about the SRLG Bake Sale in the bulletin! January 300 Raffle Winners: #047 Carol Blickley, Georgetown, TX $75.00 Home Depot gift card; #140 Cindy Smith, Liberty Hill, TX $50.00 Wal-Mart gift card; #058 Julie Roberts, Georgetown, TX $25.00 Wal-Mart gift card. Look for your cards in the mail. Winner of the $5.00 Religious Articles Cabinet Certificate is Jean Plentl. Congratulations to each of you and thank you for your continuing support! Religious Articles Cabinet: Lots of new things and more to come! Visit the cabinet! Cabinet Questions? Call… • Judy Drummond at 512.869.8999 or • Marilyn Kelly at 512.868.9201 Next SRLG Meeting: Monday, February 23, 2015 Saint Vincent’s Corner Jesus said “If you love ME, feed MY lambs, feed MY sheep” By your generous support of SSVdP Food for Families programs you show your love of Jesus. Your generous support not only feeds thousands of people materially but also spiritually. Thanks to all our parishioners and friends who have shown their love of Jesus. SSVdP Food For Families Florence Schools Tuesday Feb 17, 2015 at Carr Hall Room B Packing of 116 backpacks of food at 9 AM and delivery to Florence Schools at 9:30 AM. SSVdP Food For Families Pantry Wednesday Feb. 4, 2015 at Carr Hall. Pantry setup at 8AM – Pantry open from 9 AM until 10:30 AM. Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus Fish Dinner Saturday, January 31st, 5:00 PM-7:00 PM in Carr Hall, for donations. Menu includes - Breaded deep fried and baked fish, hush puppies, Cole slaw, ranch beans, fries, desserts, lemonade, iced tea and water. All parishioners are welcome. Knights of Columbus Bingo Sunday, February 8th, doors open 5:00 PM, games start 6:00 PM in the Sun City Ballroom. Cash prizes, snacks and drinks available for purchase, or bring your own. Please, no children under 7 years old. All parishioners and friends are welcome. For information contact Robbie Licandro at 512.864.3678. Santa Rosa's Knights of Columbus Council 12522 meets on the second Tuesday of each month. Knights are encouraged to attend the 6:00 PM daily mass. There is a pre-meeting meal starting at 6:30 PM. The business meeting starts at 7:00 PM. If you are a K of C member, please remember to bring your membership card and join us. If you are interested in joining the Knights, please contact: • Robbie Licandro at 512.864.3678 • Carl Zimmerman at 512.966.8599 • Jay Livaudais at 512.868.0301 The Caring Place Thank You all for your January, 2015 food donations of 279 pounds to The Caring Place Food Pantry. We are off to a good start and we thank you for your generosity. With Lent coming up, it is a good time to do an extra effort to feed the less fortunate among us. Other 2014 Caring Place pantry information: Over 200,000 pounds of food was collected for the “Hunger-Free Holidays” campaign. Pantry usage was up over 31% from the prior year. The hungry are still with us. Let’s over fill the donation box! God bless you all. Pantry Needs The following items are currently in short supply: Jell-O/Pudding, Refried Beans, Canned Tomato Products, Peanut Butter, Catsup, Mustard, Mayonnaise, Canned Pasta, Stew, Chili, and Dry Beans (Steve Schlobohm, Santa Rosa's Alternate Member Representative The Caring Place Advisory Council) DIOCESAN HAPPENINGS St. Mary’s Convent Open House Febuary 8, 2015 from 2:00- 5:30 PM (people are free to come and go) Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist St. Mary’s Convent, 5501 E. State Hwy 29, Georgetown, TX 78626 Contact: Sister Elizabeth Ann O’Reilly, O.P. By email: [email protected] or Phone: 512.863.4824 Have you ever wondered what the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist do all day? In response to Pope Francis’ announcement of this special year of Consecrated Life, the Sisters will be hosting an Open House at St. Mary’s convent in Georgetown. You will be able to learn more about the sisters, who they are, what they do, and why they have promised to follow Christ through the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. The Sisters will be giving tours of the convent and the Texas Priory Prayer Garden. They will also be sharing the history of the community and their plans for the future in the U. S. and Texas. This event will be open to all. We hope to see you there! BULLETIN INFORMATION: Articles for the Sunday, February 8 bulletin are due Tuesday, February 3rd by 1:00 PM. Please limit your articles to no more than 200 words. Articles for the bulletin should be sent to: [email protected] Liturgical Schedules USHERS Saturday 5:00 PM: Bill Hagen; Paul Mack; Sherry Martinez; Joe Mullen; Paul Pratt Sunday 8:00 AM: Eddie Girvan; Joey Girvan George Nabb; Dennis Pribbernow 10:30 AM: Jasmine Baker; Ashlynn Clawson; Vic Figurelli; Gabe Lensing; Jaret Martinez; Alan Medina; Michelle Medina; Roxanna Medina; Ron Peck; Alberto Sandoval; Mallory Schacherl; Madison Schacherl; Dennis Siple EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS Sat. Jan. 31: Dot Absnaider(L); Louis Absnaider(L); Ann Barry(L); Paul Barry; Ron Davidson; Nell Ficken; Bill Freitag Sun. Feb 1: 8:00 AM: Cindy Smith(L); Dom Dobias(L); Mary Ann Dobias(L); Angela Gimbert; Maggie Hoogerheide; Kelly Kimbrel; Pam Kimbrel Sun. Feb 1: 10:30 AM: Elsie Parrish; Mona Parrish(L); Joyce Pond(L); Deanna Ramirez(L); Earnest Ramirez(L); Cheryl Tatro; Tony Theriot Sat. Feb 7: Kathryn Hart(L); Gerald Hardner; Sara Hardner; Clara Licandro(L); Robbie Licandro(L); Noel Livadais; Terry Mack Sun. Feb 8: 8:00 AM: Patty Magee(L); Nancy Osuna, Jean Plentl(L); Jan Saenz; Cindy Smith(L); Dom Dobias; Mary Ann Dobias Sun. Feb 8: 10:30 AM: Betty Calcote; Byron Calcote; Marnie Finan(L); Gloria Johnson; Mark Johnson; Jerry Kelly(L); Pam Kelly(L) Scheduler: Elsie Parrish HOMEBOUND COMMUNION SERVICE Dolores Ascona, 512.863.3108; Mary Manis, 512.864.7246; Sharon McEntee, 512.868.9575; Substitutes: Martin Ramirez: 512.508.0467; Terry Walters: 512.863.8563 GREETERS Sat. Jan 31: Frank and Karen Pettey Sun. Feb 1: 8:00 AM: Angela Gimbert and Pat Oliver Sun. Feb 1: 10:30 AM: Elinor Siple and Ellen Etheredge Sat. Feb 7: Lydia Rives and Carol Martucci Sun. Feb 8: 8:00 AM: Cheryl and Joseph Schmid Sun. Feb 8: 10:30 AM: Duane and Pat Walsh Scheduler: Pam Kelly LECTORS Sat. Jan 31: Matt Manis; Frank Chalaire Sun. Feb 1: 8:00 AM: Joe Kish; Jane Mick Sun. Feb 1: 10:30 AM: Terry Walters; Thomas Peña Sat. Feb 7: Nell Ficken; Patty Rooney Sun. Feb 8: 8:00 AM: Linda Reinhardt; David Burkley Sun. Feb 8: 10:30 AM: Vince Weiss; Duane Walsh Scheduler: Bea Burrell ALTAR SERVERS Sat. Jan 31: Daniel Ortiz; John Harrison; Matthew Harrison Sun. Feb 1: 8:00 AM: Joseph Brousseau; William Brousseau; Jorge Leija Sun. Feb 1: 10:30 AM: Lauren Clawson; Gary Lensing; Lauryn Ramirez; Matthew Johnson Sat. Feb 7: Daniel Ortiz; Tristen Brunson; John Harrison; Matthew Harrison Sun. Feb 8: 8:00 AM: Heather Smith; Joseph Brousseau; William Brousseau Sun. Feb 8: 10:30 AM: Daniel Ortiz; Daniela Sandoval; Jerry Kurtin; Emily Stobbs Scheduler: David Burrell Santa Rosa de Lima Councils Gospel Meditation Finance: David Burrell; George Frederick; Matt Manis(chair); Tom Meyers; Today’s Gospel tells us that Jesus taught in the synagogue “as one having authority.” Can you recall a favorite catechism or religious education teacher? Say a prayer for that person and the good things they taught you. Jean Plentl; Marjorie Strickland; Cheryl Tatro Pastoral: Louis Brousseau; Bea Burrell; Byron Calcote; John Day; Kathryn Hart; Terry Mack; Ed Pastor (chair); Deanna Ramirez; Sergio Ramirez; Betty Jean Steinke; Sophia Torres; Carl Zimmerman A Message from Pope Francis “Practicing charity is the best way to evangelize.” Tweet by Pope Francis; January 24, 2015 (You can follow the Holy Father on Twitter @PONTIFEX) International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking February 8: International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the International Union of Superiors General has designated February 8 as an annual day of prayer and awareness against human trafficking. February 8 is the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, who was kidnapped as a child and sold into slavery in Sudan and Italy. Once Josephine was freed, she became a Canossian nun and dedicated her life to sharing her testament of deliverance from slavery and comforting the poor and suffering. She was declared a Saint in 2000. On February 8, Catholics all over the world are encouraged to host or attend prayer services to create greater awareness about this phenomenon. Through prayer, we not only reflect on the experiences of those that have suffered through this affront to human dignity, but also comfort, strengthen, and help empower survivors. ( Prayer to St. Josephine Bakhita St. Josephine Bakhita, you were sold into slavery as a child and endured untold hardship and suffering. Once liberated from your physical enslavement, you found true redemption in your encounter with Christ and his Church. O St. Bakhita, assist all those who are trapped in a state of slavery; Intercede with God on their behalf so that they will be released from their chains of captivity. Those whom man enslaves, let God set free. Provide comfort to survivors of slavery and let them look to you as an example of hope and faith. Help all survivors find healing from their wounds. We ask for your prayers and intercessions for those enslaved among us. Amen. El Evangelio de hoy nos dice que Jesús enseñó en la sinagoga "como alguien con autoridad." ¿Puede recordar a su catequista o maestro de educación religiosa favorito? Ore por esa persona y las cosas buenas que le enseñó. Catholic Social Teaching Corner The Gospel today tells us that the crowds were spellbound by Jesus’ teaching “…because he taught with authority…” As a church, we share the privilege and responsibility of living God’s truth with authority so that the whole world might hear and believe. Under the leadership of Pope Francis and Bishop Vásquez we call all to protect and defend every person throughout their lives; to promote the dignity of every person by ensuring they have what they need to live with dignity; to grow in solidarity by recognizing our common humanity with everyone. These authoritative teachings are challenging. How are you called to grow in understanding and proclaiming them? El Evangelio de hoy nos dice que las masas estaban fascinadas con las enseñanzas de Jesús “…porque Él enseñaba con autoridad…” Como una iglesia, compartimos el privilegio y la responsabilidad de vivir la verdad de Dios con autoridad de manera que el mundo entero escuche y crea. Bajo el liderazgo del Papa Francisco y del Obispo Vásquez, llamamos a todos a proteger y defender a cada persona a lo largo de sus vidas; a promover la dignidad de cada persona asegurándonos de que tengan lo que necesitan para vivir con dignidad; para crecer en solidaridad al reconocer nuestra humanidad en común con todos. Estas enseñanzas autoritarias son desafiantes ¿Cómo está usted llamado a crecer en su entendimiento y su proclamación?
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