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[email protected]
Mon, 28 Sep 200914:13:59 EDT
Summary ofour conversation
Daniel R, Ibarra
Financial Consultant
Global Securities
Tele#: 54 II 4317-0121
You were recommended by Dr, Critto, It was my pleasure to talk to you on
Thursday, Septcmber 24, for about 35 minutcs, After our conversation, it appears
that you will be able to help me. Below is a summary of our conversation which
perhaps might be useful.
As stated, for many years I have been trying to obtain funds for myproposal to
devclop Fusion Energy. In the USA I have a company that does Science Research
and I am currently finalizing a contract with an international organization to
develop this projcct. Consequently, I am going to have a significant amount of
money if the project continues as planned. In particular I have to provide the
organization a bank account [number] as soon as possible so that the organization
can make a deposit as payment for my services. The organization should have
made the deposit last week to my bank here, but I asked them to wait a week for
another account outside the USA.
As I told you, I am from Tucuman, studied in Bariloche and I left Argentina in
1963 to pursue a Doctorate [degree] in Physics (UC Berkeley 1967). Due to the
situation in Argentina [at the time] I stayed here. My family in Argentina has
been in a very bad [economic] situation and now I would like to help them. The
best way is to invest in a business there, After talking with my financial
consultants (Merryll Lynch and Credit Suisse) I have learned that there are
problems due to taxes. One problem is that if! invest in Argentina I will pay
double the taxes. There is not an agreement between the USA and Argentina to
pay taxes, thus resulting in my paying double and after paying the fees for the
business that I would likc to have, there will be little profit made. One way of
resolving this matter would be to have a bank and savings account outside the
USA. I understand that this decision brings problems. So that you can better
understand what I told you, if you know English and have the time, you can look
at the Bloomberg article which is located on the Internet
(http://www.bloomberg.comlaps/news?pid=20601085&sid=a2hfM.k 130w),
The first thing we discussed was how to send $4,000 to Jose Bordon (my nephew)
under your name to an account at Towerkop (I am not familiar with it) through the
Standard Chartered Bank (which I do know). I understand that you (or your firm)
have an account with Towerkop. You would exchange the dollars to pesos and
then would deposit the money in Bordon's account (son of Marta Mascheroni
Bordon). I asked you to advise me how to do it. I do not know your bank account
number in Towerkop. You told me that you were going to send me information
on Global Securities.
The second thing that we discussed was to open a bank account in dollars under
the name that I use here, Leonardo Mascheroni (and my wife Marjorie) in a bank
in Bs. As. [Buenos Aires] or in Uruguay as soon as possible. I would like to give
my account number to the organization that pays me the money in about 10 days. I
would need for the bank to not report the interest paid on my savings or details on
my accounts to the IRS, or anybody else; in other words a bank that ensures
complete privacy of the account. I am an Argentine citizen and also a U. S.
citizen. If it appears on the account that I reside in the USA (in the USA my legal
name is Pedro Leonardo Mascheroni instead of Leonardo Mascheroni) perhaps in
the future the bank will have to advise the IRS that I have an account there. This
is bad for me. Therefore, I want for the account to reflect that I am a resident of
Argentina, that I reside in Argentina for a few months during the year (in the
beginning, the address will be my sister's, Estomba 3545, Cap Fed.) and the
remainder in South America and Europe and that I am visiting the USA. In
January or February I have plans to go to Argentina and arrange where I am going
to reside once I move there, set up the businesses, company, etc. that I will have
there. If necessary, in January or February I am going to legally change my name
from Pedro Leonardo to Leonardo. This change appears to be sut1icient in order
to not have any conflict with the IRS in the future.
During our conversation I advised you of the possible size of my account and a
little of the international organization.
I have an expired Argentine passport with my legal name (a provisional passport
from the Argentine Consulate in Houston valid through the end of October), my
enlistment card which is old (the photograph is detached) and an identity card
from Tucuman. I do not have the DNI. The consulate told me that it was going to
take months to obtain and it would be best to do it in Bs. As. Dr. Critto told me
that he did not have the DNI. At this moment I have to prepare complex
presentations in Technology and Physics for the organization and I do not have the
time to travel to Argentina. However, if there is no other solution I will make a
fast one day trip to Argentina or Uruguay.
I have met with two Directors of Credit Suisse (Houston and Florida) who are also
.financial advisors and they have told me that the USA wants to know about
investments ofresidents of the USA and that all European banks are going to
collaborate. They suggested banks in Uruguay, perhaps Panama, but not in
Argentina due to the history of banks there. They also told me that in a few years
all of the banks in South America will do what the IRS wants. Therefore, the
solution is to appear to not be a resident of the USA and make a slight change to
my name. The IRS has an array of formulas that all residents and organizations
have to abide by including the banks, etc. All the formulas are on the Internet,
therefore, anybody who has time and knows English can read them. I do not
advise you to waste time reading them.
Finally, tell me about your fees. In the USA the first meeting with a Financial
Advisor or Attorney is free. If after the meeting there is work to be done, it is paid
by the hour. I do not know how it is in Argentina. If it is the same way, our first
conversation perhaps would be free. The result now would be that you charge by
the hour for any work you have to do. Please let me know what your fees are and
I will send you a check to cover hours worked.
Having said that, I need to consult with Dr. Critto and my attorney here. If things
continue the way that I have planed, once in 135. As. in January or February, if you
are interested we will discuss about setting up a company in Argentina and the
type businesses that I am considering, your propos'al and your fees for your
services as Financial Adviser.
Please send me an e-mail advising me that you have received this e-mail and if
you have any questions/recommendations, and that being the case, when do you
want me to call you.
Thank you,
Leonardo Mascheroni
Tel: 5056623785