Saint Gabriel Parish CONTACT INFORMATION Parish Rectory 610-586-1225 Parish Fax 610-586-6068 Religious Education Office 610-586-1225 ext. 117 Website Parish Office E-mail [email protected] Like us on Facebook OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 9:00 am-8:00 pm Friday-Sunday 9:00 am-2:00 pm MASSES Monday through Friday: 8:00 am 233 Mohawk Avenue • Norwood, PA 19074 We, the Roman Catholic community of Saint Gabriel parish in response to our baptismal call and nourished by the Eucharist, seek to continue the mission of Jesus Christ by welcoming, supporting and guiding God’s family through prayer, sacramental celebration, service and education. Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30 pm Sunday: 9:00 am and 12:00 noon February 1, 2015 Holy Days: TBA RECONCILIATION Saturdays: 3:15 - 4:15pm ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 8:30am - 7:00pm Thursdays Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time ROSARY Mondays - Fridays, after 8:00am Mass Rev. Anthony F. Orth, Pastor Katherine Dancsecs, Director of Religious Education Page 1 of 5 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME BAPTISMS Parents must register beforehand for the Baptism and PreJordan class by contacting the Parish secretary. The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 1:00 p.m. Pre-Jordan classes are held in the rectory in the Russ Room on the second Wednesday of February, April, June, August, October and December, from 7:30-9:00 p.m. Parents must attend PreJordan prior to the Baptism. All godparents must be able to get a Letter of Eligibility from their parish where they are registered due one week before the Baptism. Note: A $50.00 contribution is requested on or before the day of Baptism; $25.00 if class is not required since class has been attended within last 5 years. Parish Rectory Staff ……………..………610-586-1225 Business Manager - Bill Doyle Director of Religious Education – Kathy Dancsecs RCIA Director – Kathy Dancsecs Music Director – Sr. Linda Jean Nadzan, RSM Administrative Support – Jeannette Horn Maintenance – Ed Pfaff Housekeeping – Pauline Mateu Pastoral Council Fr. Anthony F. Orth, Patti Connor, Vince Mallee, Mary Caulder, Kevin McClellan, Joan Marren, Donna Weidenmiller and Karen Willis SPONSORSHIP Any member of the parish who wishes to be a sponsor or godparent must be a practicing registered member of the parish and must meet the requirements for a Letter of Eligibility. Parish Committees and Chairpersons: Aid for Friends PARISH MEMBER A parishioner is one who belongs to the parish family. As such, he/she is formally registered in the parish and is committed to St. Gabriel’s through participation in the life of the parish community: spiritually, socially and financially. Bereavement Support Kitty Friel 610-586-1225 Barbara Schiavone 610-583-8011 \ Boy Scouts Russ Frymiare 610-583-3116 Building Crew Russ Frymiare 610-583-3116 R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R N E W F A M IL I E S New families that have recently moved into the parish can register at the Parish rectory Mondays-Thursdays 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Fridays 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. or by appointment. Casserole Program Rachael Doyle 610-586-1225 Catholic Scripture Study John Adams 610-213-6379 SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Consult the rectory early. Registration must occur at least six months prior to wedding date. Pre-marital instructions (PreCana) are necessary. No weddings can be held in the Church on Saturday after 2:00 p.m. Church Cleaning Patti Connor 610-532-3749 Church Décor Terri Dougherty 610-586-9005 Cub Scouts Adam Juliano 610-586-1225 CYO Bob Pescatore 610-761-1195 Eucharist Ministers Loretta Jones 610-461-5360 Finance Committee Vince Mallee 610-586-1225 Food Cupboard Rachel Doyle 610-586-1225 Girl Scouts Karen Willis 610-586-7009 Giving Tree George Melillo 610-586-1225 Lectors Eileen Baker 610-534-7751 Legion of Mary Mary Caulder 610-506-1389 Respect Life Helen Holroyd 610-532-3136 Scrip/Gift Cards Rainbow Giaquinto 610-724-6230 Senior Social Club Ann Dougherty 610-586-6097 Social Concerns Judy Anastasia 610-583-3002 (call either person) Lee Schlosser 610-532-1139 Ushers Ed Guzik 610-461-8326 Wheels Program Maryanne Pettit 610-532-1363 Worship Committee Patti Connor 610-532-3749 SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Please call and arrange anointing with the priest at the rectory. Please notify the Parish rectory when a neighbor, friend or relative is sick, hospitalized, or unable to attend Mass. The sacraments of Penance, Eucharist, or Anointing are our joy and privilege to administer. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) RCIA takes place on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm in the Smith Room of the Rectory from September 23 through April 2015. All are welcome, but it is especially designed for adults who are not baptized or who have not completed First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation…or for adults who are considering converting from a Protestant faith. To register or with questions, contact Kathy Dancsecs (Pugh) at [email protected]. or 610-586-1225 x117. NA: Tuesdays at 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. in the Thomas Room NA: Saturdays at 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in the Thomas Room. NAR-ANON (for families/friends of drug abusers): Sundays 7 p.m. (6:15 p.m. for newcomers) Thomas Room. AL-ANON (support for families/friends of alcoholics): Fridays 10 - 11 a.m. in the Parish Rectory Thomas Room. FOOD CUPBOARD available for those who need help. Call the Parish Rectory at 610-586-1225. 205 Page 2 of 5 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME There will be NO PREP class on Sunday, 2/15, (as has been on the calendar) due to the large number of absences for the Presidents' day holiday weekend. W O R S H I P February 1 4:30 - K. Connor, C. Howat 9:00 - K. Clark, S. Mack 12:00 - D. Alexander, K. Hausner, N. Shippey The PREP snow-closing # is 1434. Parents are advised to sign up for both parish emails and text alerts by following the instructions in the flyers that have been sent home. February 7/8 4:30 - S. Curran, J. Racek 9:00 - C. Floyd, J. Floyd, N. Floyd 12:00 - A. Saunders, A. White We still really need someone to help direct cars on Wednesday afternoons, from 3-3:40 and/or from 4:405:05pm...only until the end of experience necessary! Please contact Kathy Dancsecs, if you might be willing to help, at [email protected] or 610586-1225x117. February 14/15 4:30 - G. MacManus, A. Trigg 9:00 - A. Boppell, C. Hagan 12:00 - D. Alexander, N. Shippey RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Classes continue on Tuesdays at 7pm, and for Youth at 10:30am on Sundays. Coming up: Rite of Sending at 4:30pm Mass on Saturday, 2/7, for those teens and adults who will be receiving any sacraments at the Easter Vigil, as well as their sponsors, and for unbaptized youth. Then at 2:30pm on Saturday, 2/21 (revised date), we (and sponsors) will meet at the Cathedral for the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion (not a Mass, but where you get to shake the Archbishop's hand!). Questions? Contact Kathy Dancsecs at 610-586-1225 x117 or RCIA@stgabriel . February 21/22 4:30 - S. Curran, J. Racek 9:00 - C. Floyd, J. Floyd, N. Floyd 12:00 - A. Saunders, A. White PREVIEW…VIEW…REVIEW Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – 2/8/15 First Reading – Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Psalm 147 Second Reading – 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Gospel – Mark 1:29-39 SACRAMENTAL NEWS Parents/Guardians of 1st Holy Communion candidates will have a meeting at 7pm on Monday, February 9, in the Parish Hall below the Church. Logistics, seating, photos, scheduling, etc. will be briefly reviewed, as well as the $45 communion preparation materials fee collected...or it can be paid online at any day before the meeting. Also, all those making 1st Holy Communion are asked to attend the noon Presentation Mass on Sunday, February 15 (sitting anywhere with their families), to stand and receive a special blessing from Fr. Orth! Questions? Contact Kathy Dancsecs at PREP@stgabriel or 610-586-1225 x117. PRIESTS SCHEDULE February 1 February 8 4:30 pm Fr. Orth Fr. Orth 9:00 am Fr. CJ Fr. CJ Fr. Orth Fr. Orth 12:00 pm The 2014 Catholic Charities Appeal Exceeds $10 Million Goal Earlier this week, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia announced that the 2014 Catholic Charities Appeal exceeded its $10 million goal. For the second year in a row, faithful donors pledged more than $10 million to provide services and programs to the most vulnerable people in the region. PREP/CCD NEWS Safe Environment lesson will be taught on Sunday, 2/1 (except for 3rd grade which will be on 2/8) and on Wednesday, 2/4. 205 Page 3 of 5 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The Annual Catholic Charities Appeal supplements other funding sources for its programs and services throughout all five counties of the Archdiocese, providing help and creating hope for the elderly and disabled, the hungry and homeless, children and families in need, and persons with disabilities. St. Gabriel Parish has electronic (online) giving! Sign up for electronic giving and enjoy the convenience of knowing your support is taken care of, automatically. To sign up, go to our website and follow the link on our homepage: Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M., Cap. expressed his appreciation to donors. “I would like to thank each and every person who supported the 2014 Catholic Charities Appeal. No matter how large or small your contribution may have been, you helped to support those who needed it most. Last year, you came forward with exceptional generosity and devotion to help feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, educate the vulnerable and special needs children, and support those in need. One of the Missionary Charity sisters from Kenya asked me why the upcoming NFL football game was called the Super Bowl. I answered by saying everything in America is super. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and we thank you for your continued support and dedication. You are helping to Give Hope to thousands in our area. May God Bless you abundantly.” The need throughout the Greater Philadelphia area is great. By achieving the 2014 goal of $10 million, the Catholic Charities Appeal is able to make substantial distributions to the services and charitable entities that depend on all of us. Your ongoing support in 2015 is essential to the continued success of these vital missions. Often the game doesn’t live up to the hype. But one nice thing about it is, in the dead of winter, it brings people together for Super Bowl parties. The ads, the halftime show, the Roman numerals, and parties have become a part of the culture. And it is good (super) when family and friends come together for a good time. Enjoy the game! Peace, Fr. Orth For more information, please visit our website at or call Sarah O. Hanley, Director of Development and Fundraising Services at 215.587.5650. The Catholic Charities Appeal is the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s single most important fundraising initiative. The 2015 Catholic Charities Appeal: GIVING HOPE continues to build on last year’s success and reach out to the entire Catholic community of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. \\ YEAR-END CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS As a cost saving measure, yearly contribution statements for 2014 will be sent out upon request. Please call the office Monday through Friday, 10:00-2:00 pm, at 610586-1225. EMMAUS HOME FUNDRAISER – Mass and Spaghetti Dinner immediately following 5:30 pm Mass at St. Margaret Mary church on Saturday, February 7. Dinner includes pasta and meatballs, bread, salad, coffee/tea, drinks and dessert. Entertainment by Marty Rotella. Tickets cost $10 each and are available after all Masses and also at the rectory at St. Gabriel. Please join us for this wonderful event!! Snow date: February 14. Emmaus Home website: A D M I N I S T R A T I O N \\ Mass 1/25 2015 2014 Attendance Donations Online Total 760 $6,149 NA 559 $4,686 $1,419 $6,105 Second Collection Catholic Relief Services $1,102 205 Page 4 of 5 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Please bring back your old palm to church and place in the purple baskets at the doors of the church before February 8. Thank you! If you wish to provide the hosts, altar wine, fresh flowers or vigil light in memory of a loved one for a week, that name and the name of the donor will be published in the Sunday bulletin. The offering for a week for the hosts and altar wine combined is $25 and the vigil light is $10. Please return completed form below to the Parish Rectory if you wish to arrange a memorial. Please remember: E D U C A T I O N Living ST. JAMES REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Deceased Offered by: ______________________________________ Monte Carlo: St. James Regional Catholic School is having a Monte Carlo on Saturday, February 7. Doors open at 6:30. Tickets are $20 which buys you a horse, food and beverage. For more information call the school office 610-583-3662. Address: ________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________________ Week of __________ (1st choice) or _________ (2nd choice) [You will be contacted if your choices are not available.] ST. JAMES ALUMNI ASSOCIATION is pleased to announce that they will once again be sponsoring high school scholarships to students who plan to attend an archdiocesan high school for the 2015-2016 school year. The scholarship applicant must be a practicing Catholic from a Delaware County parish. The students eligible are graduating 8th graders and current high school students. The scholarship applications are available upon request (phone: 610-876-2006 or email: stjdoghouse@ Applicants are evaluated on several categories, i.e., academic achievement, community service and financial need. The student is also required to write an essay on an assigned topic. All applications with the complete requested information must be returned by 2:00 pm Wednesday, April 8, 2015. Hosts & Altar Wine ($25) Vigil Light ($10) Church Hosts & Altar Wine ($25) Vigil Light ($10) Chapel \ Amount Enclosed : _________ ALTAR DONATIONS FOR WEEK OF FEBRUARY 1 In Memory of Hosts, AltarWine and Vigil Light Bernice Jones Requested by Keller Family CHAPEL DAILY MASS INTENTIONS There will be an informational scholarship workshop for 8th grade and high school student parents on Wednesday, February 18, at 7:00 pm. The Workshop will be held at St. James Alumni Headquarters, the "Doghouse", at 1499 East 9th Street, Eddystone. The agenda will address scholarship eligibility requirements and the program application and selection process. Workshop questions prior to the workshop can be directed to “Doghouse” at 610.876.2006 or stjdoghouse@ Monday, February 2 8:00 Alfonso Torres Tuesday, February 3 8:00 Frank Faramelli Wednesday, February 4 8:00 Suzanne Clapper Thursday, February 5 8: 00 Charles Smith III 18th Anniversary Friday, February 6 8:00 George and Grace Babe AS A CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY, we pray for our relatives and friends who are ill, especially, William Conner, Jr., Margaret Corbett; Jordan Dougherty, Josephine Fitz, Michael Gallagher, S.M.H., Chris Hargrave, Kim Hoffman, Patrick Hogan, Julianna G., Paul Jones, Sr., Marie Meighan, Baby Leah Muller, Joseph Naimoli, Rose Nardone, Dennis Parisano, Tony Semola, Bill Simon, Debbie Smyl, Chrissy Spector SPIRITUAL AND CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY Convert the sinner Feed the hungry Instruct the ignorant Give drink to the thirsty Counsel the doubtful Clothe the naked Comfort the sorrowful Shelter the homeless Bear wrongs patiently Visit the sick Forgive injuries Visit those in prison Pray for the living and the dead Bury the dead Please pray for our deceased members, relatives and friends, especially, Sr. Marian Paul, Joseph Poticco, Leslie McKeon 205 Page 5 of 5 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME S O C I A L THURSDAY – February 5 Rosary and Chaplet Devotions after 8:00 am Mass Exposition/Adoration from 8:30 am-7:00 pm Evening Prayer 7:00 pm Cub Scouts 7:00 pm Church Hall C O N C E R N S FOOD CUPBOARD – Please remember the Food Cupboard is open for at least 15 minutes after each Mass, excluding holidays. All clients are seen by appointment only. Please contact the rectory to schedule an appointment. FRIDAY – February 6 Al-Anon 10:00 am Thomas Room SATURDAY – February 7 N/A Meeting 11:00 am Thomas Room Confessions 3:15-4:15 pm Emmaus Home Mass/Spaghetti Dinner 5:30 pm St. Margaret Mary WHEELS PROGRAM – If you are in need of a ride to the doctor, food shopping, Church or the bank, for the week of February 2, call 610-583-1437. For the week of February 2, call 610-586-3638 . Please give 48 hours notice to enable us to make arrangements. SUNDAY – February 8 PREP/CCD 10:30 am Baptisms 1:00 pm Girl Scouts 6:00 pm School Nar-Anon Meeting 7:00 pm Thomas Room AID FOR FRIENDS is a volunteer parish effort to visit and deliver home cooked meals to isolated, homebound folks who are very often elderly. PLEASE help us enrich another’s life. Aid for Friends trays are at all the entrances of the church and all you have to do to help is put a serving of your delicious leftovers in the tray(s), cover, label, freeze it and bring them to the church trailer fifteen minutes before or after Mass. Volunteer visitors (you can become one also) take 7 meals to our shut ins and spend a half an hour visiting. It takes 21 meals (minimum) per week in the freezer to make our parish program work. CAN YOU HELP? Call Kitty or Tom Friel at 610-5861225 for info. God bless you. O U T W E E K ’ S P A R I S H E V E N T S CARDINAL O'HARA FASHION SHOW – The annual Fashion Show will be held at the Drexelbrook on Sunday, February 15. The luncheon show is at 1:00pm. The dinner show is at 6:30 pm. Seniors will be performing to various hits that have been #1 on the Billboard Charts from the 1950s through today. Tickets are $45 and may be purchased in the main office at O'Hara or by calling Kathleen Ryan at 610-246-6406. CASSEROLES – Each month, parishioners donate casseroles to St. John's Hospice in Philadelphia. Did you know that it takes 50 casseroles a day to feed the homeless? Last month we collected 22 casseroles. Many thanks to all who participate in this program. Casseroles is an ongoing project to provide a hot meal to the homeless. Tins supplied by St. John’s can be found at all entrances to the Church and in the Chapel and can be dropped off at the trailer after any Sunday Mass. Please mark on the casserole the date it was cooked! Next pickup: Tuesday, February 3 T H I S O F WOMEN OF GRACE - A powerful Catholic study just for you. This study is based on Johnette Benkovic’s book “Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life”. You will learn about the lives of women, saints and how our Blessed Mother can bring you closer to her Son. You’ll learn lessons from Sacred Scripture, the Church, the Catechism and writings of the Holy Fathers. Classes are offered in a small group environment starting Wednesday, Feb. 11, through Wednesday, April 8, in the intimacy of a private home in Our Lady of Perpetual Parish. Morning (10am-12pm) or evening (7pm-9pm). For more info on AM classes, call Mary Ann McGill 610-328-0562. For more info on PM classes, call Patricia Kelly 610-3280554. S C H E D U L E MONDAY – February 2 Boy Scouts 6:30 pm Russ Room Legion of Mary 7:00 pm Smith Room ST. JOSEPH’S PARISH, Collingdale will kick off its year long 100th Anniversary Celebration on February 15 with the 12:00 noon Mass and a Social to follow in the parish hall. Former and current parishioners are invited to attend and to bring pictures/memorabilia to the Social to be copied that day for the parish archives. Most Rev. John J. McIntyre, Auxiliary Bishop of Phila., will be the main celebrant. Follow on facebook at St. Joseph/Collingdale 100th anniversary for more info and updates. TUESDAY – February 3 N/A Meeting 5:30 pm Thomas Room RCIA 7:00 pm Smith Room WEDNESDAY – February 4 Legion of Mary 9:30am St. Margaret Mary School Hall PREP/CCD 3:30 PM Catholic Scriptural Study 7:00 pm Smith Room 205 610-532-4200 Fax: 610-532-6005 Peter P. Tozer Esquire as only a neighbor can. A good neighbor is someone you can always count on to be there. We’ll be there when you need us most. P.O. Box 187, 505 Chester Pike Prospect Park, PA 19076 Serving PA, NJ & DE Exclusive “Service Guarantee” If you are not satisfied with any aspect of our service you will not be charged for that service. 301 Chester Pike • Norwood • (610) 532-3120 Prospect Park Health & Rehabilitation Residence 610-696-0100 FAMILY FUNERAL HOME & PRIVATE CREMATORY Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Bart H Cavanagh Sr., Supervisor K EVIN M. L YONS F UNERAL S ERVICE , L TD . 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We Offer: Short Term Rehab Long Term Care Trachestomy Care Ventilator Care • Respite Care Hospice Care Communion Weekly Mass Held Monthly Our Residents Are Parishioners Bonner & Prendie Wishes To Thank You For Supporting Our Students and School Dona ons can be made to our 2014-15 Annual Appeal via our website: WWW.BONNERPRENDIE.COM For more informa on please contact the Advancement Office at 610-259-0280 ext 3275 Johnny’s Pizza The Best Tasting Pizza & Platters 610-461-8600 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. (610) 532-5813 Free Estimates Over 20 Yrs. Exp. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 547 Chester Pike Prospect Park ALL DAY DELIVERY ½ OFF ANY 1 PIZZA (pick up only w/ coupon; not to be combined w/ other offers; 1 per customer) Piazza Honda Springfield Ray Mancini, General Manager Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 205 St. Gabriel, Norwood, PA (I) Rte. E Parishioners Discount for mention of ad. NEW & USED • PARTS • BODY SHOP • SERVICE 610-789-9420 780 Baltimore Pike • Springfield, PA 19064 John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • Individual and Business Taxes and Accounting Center for Sight of Delaware County 520 Chester Pike • Norwood, PA 19074 Medical Director, Eye Physician & Surgeon Tax and Accounting Service Eye Physician & Contact Lens Specialist 220 Chester Pike, Norwood, PA Kerri E. Bakker, OD The Ridley Professional Building 610-522-2822 1553 Chester Pike, Suite 101 Fax 610-522-2880 Crum Lynne, PA 19022 Office Hours by Appointment Memorial Tree Program Bereavement Counseling Legal Assistance Funeral Pre-planning 610-586-2142 COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Bob & Peggy Glenn Parishioners AND Serving the Parish and its Members Since 1898 $50.00 donated to St. Gabriel Parish for every Heating or Cooling System installed 3 Industrial Highway, Essington, PA 610-532-8744 • MECCA Just Member FDIC SPECIALIZING IN ITALIAN FOOD COCKTAILS $4.00 OFF Any Two Adult Meals One Coupon Per Table (Not available w/ Senior or Tuesday Special) 641 Chester Pk., Prospect Pk. Why Cook - Call Us Local Service, Measurable Savings PERSONAL ATTENTION. GREAT RATES. CALL NOW! Barkery, Boutique & Bubble Bath • Certified Dog & Cat Grooming • • Boarding Services • Birthday Cakes, Gourmet Treats & More! 15 E. Winoa Ave • 484-494-6364 484-472-6451 Salvatore Lauri Your Local Agent 129 Chester Pike Norwood, PA 19074 Funeral Homes, ltd. Independently Owned & Operated Harold J. Whartnaby, L.F.D., Supervisor 311 N. Swarthmore Ave., Ridley Park, PA 19078 (610)532-9606 Bruce M. Ertwine, Jr., L.F.D., Supervisor 3551 Concord Road, Aston, PA 19014 (610)494-3424 Jason B. Ertwine, L.F.D. $ CASH FOR GOLD $ GOLDEN HIPPO BLAKE'S BODY SHOP, I NC. Buying Silver & Gold Coins jewelry ~ flatware ~ platinum watches ~ estate collections 614 Chester Pike Norwood (Next to Arby’s) Additional 15% with ad PLUMBING - HEATING CO. INC. (610) 58-DALEY E-mail: [email protected] 610-534-8191 White-Luttrell INC. We Specialize Walk in Residential & Commercial In Barber Phone 610-583-1417 Cuts Fax 610-583-7144 649 Chester Pk., Prospect Park • 610-586-4747 Bill Mecca Parishioner 353 Baltimore Pk., Springfield • 610-328-9850 MICHAEL P. 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RIDLEY PARK CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY FRAME & UNIBODY REPAIR EXPERT COLOR MATCHING • FREE LOANER CAR • RON WISE ST. GABE GRAD 1968 Mention Ad For Discount RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST Or go to for free 610-789-3717 planning kit. Numerous locations. Present this ad to save up to $2,500.00 on a complete burial. William Penn Realty Group APARTMENTS • Residential & Commercial • Kitchens & Baths • Windows & Doors • Log Home Dealer/Builder • Additions • Decks (610) 461-2559 • Basement Renovation 205 St. Gabriel, Norwood, PA (B) Rte. E • New Home Const. • Siding • A.D.A. Work FUNERAL HOME, GLENOLDEN 15 Locations throughout Norwood & Delco! “Ask about Parishioner’s Specials” 610-532-4100 John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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