www.sacsess.eu First SACSESS International Workshop Warsaw, Poland April 22‐24, 2015 Towards safe and optimized separation processes, a challenge for nuclear scientists In the continuation of the ACSEPT international workshop series * Draft Program deadline for registration: 20 March 2015 http://www.sacsess.eu/home‐international‐workshop.php Venue Primate's Palace (Palac Prymasowski) ul. Senatorska 13/15 00‐075 Warsaw, Poland * The first ACSEPT international workshop gathered more than 120 people in Lisbon in March 2010 The second one was organized as a specific session of the ATALANTE 2012 Conference in Montpellier Thanks to the “International Workshop”, SACSESS gives not only the floor to its “Young Generation” but also allows you to meet internationally renowned researchers. SACSESS is an EU collaborative project under the FP7 EURATOM framework and gathers 26 Partners. It aims at optimizing chemical separation processes previously selected within the FP7 ACSEPT project by focusing on all the safety issues related to the industrial implementation of a chemical process involving actinides. In SACSESS, Education and Training is a key issue for preparing the next generation of actinide scientists. www.sacsess.eu WEDNESDAY, 22 APRIL 2015 08:45 08:55 09:20 09:45 Opening session Fuel cycle options 10:10 10:35 11:00 11:25 11:50 12:15 12:40 13:05 13:30 Actinides and fission products chemistry Ananlysis Basic research 13:55 14:20 15:20 15:45 16:10 16:35 17:00 17:25 19:00 Welcome address TBD TERRY TODD, INL, USA TBD EMMANUEL TOURON, CEA, France Status on the R&D activities on Pyroreprocessing Technology at KAERI IN TAE KIM, KAERI, South Korea Status and Results of Reseach on Pyrosmany Coordinated Project ANDREY LIZIN, RIAR, Russia Recent R&Ds of CRIEPI on pyroprocess technology for the future of nuclear fuel cycle KOICHI UOZUMI, CRIEPI, Japan Waste management KASTRIOT SPAHIU, SKB, Sweden COFFEE BREAK Why recycling minor actinides? A sustainable approach of nuclear fuel cycles CHRISTOPHE POINSSOT, CEA, France Are diglycolamide ligands hard or soft Lewis bases? Implications on their complexation and solvent extraction separation of lanthanides and actinides JERZY NARBUTT, INCT, Poland Development of V‐shaped BTPhen based ligands as precursors for supramolecular ligands PAVLE MOCILAC, University of Manchester, UK Studies on Extraction Behaviour of U(VI) to [bmim][NfO] Ionic Liquid and Its Recovery Using Hydrogen Peroxide KOICHIRO TAKAO, TITECH, Japan TBD Analytical techniques SUE CLARK, Washington State University, USA TBD R&D in ALSEP GREGG LUMETTA, PNNL, USA LUNCH Molecular dynamics and quantum chemical investigation of N‐donor ligands interacting with Ln(III)/An(III) ions MICHAEL TRUMM, KIT, Germany Complexation and extraction studies of high valency actinides by Schiff base‐ligands MIKAEL NILSSON, University of California Irvine, Phenyl trifluoromethyl sulfone as diluent in a grouped actinide extraction process JENNY HALLEROD, CHALMERS, Sweden Complex structure of An and Ln complexes with modified diglycolamides in solution and solid state using different analytical techniques ANDREAS WILDEN, JUELICH, Germany Inferred Pa(V) complex formation via selective extraction by aliphatic alcohols and mesoporous carbon materials ANDREW KNIGHT, University of Iowa, USA Dissolution studies on molybdenum‐based inert matrix fuels for the transmutation of minor actinides ELENA EBERT, JUELICH, Germany International Workshop Dinner www.sacsess.eu THURSDAY 23 APRIL 2015 08:30 Interface transfer kinetics 08:55 09:20 09:45 10:10 Americium separation 10:35 11:00 11:25 11:50 12:15 Actinides/ lanthanides separation 12:40 13:05 13:30 13:55 14:20 15:20 17:30 Active interface in liquid/liquid extraction processes probed by Neutron and x‐ray reflectivity OLIVIER DIAT, CEA/ICSM, France Performance Optimisation of Chemical Systems with the Rotating Diffusion Cell (RDC) MICHAEL BROMLEY, Lancaster University, UK A comparative study of uranium and plutonium transfer during liquid‐liquid extraction ANNE LELIAS, CEA, France Am(VI) BRUCE MINCHER, INL, USA Development of a selective americium separation process using TPAEN as a water‐ soluble stripping agent CECILE MARIE, CEA, France Selective Separation of Americium from PUREX Raffinate CHRISTOPH WAGNER, KIT, Germany Downstream Effects of Aqueous Effluents Generated by the EXAm Separation Process NOEL OUVRIER, CEA, France COFFEE BREAK R&D in ALSEP ALENA PAULENOVA, Oregon State University, USA Progress towards the Development of Ligands for Separating Actinides from Lanthanides ASHFAQ AFSAR, University of Reading, UK Modelling of Acid Extraction in the i‐SANEX System DAVID WOODHEAD, NNL, UK Laboratory demonstration of trivalent actinide partitioning using modifier‐free diglycolamide derivatives KA VENKATESAN, IGCAR, India Actinide stripping by a hydrophilic BTP ligand in aqueous HNO3 from TODGA‐ containing organic phase. LUCASZ STEKZEC, INCT, Poland Safety of Chemical Systems ‐ Selective An Stripping Reagents RICHARD WILBRAHAM, NNL, UK LUNCH POSTER SESSION End of the Poster Session www.sacsess.eu FRIDAY 24 APRIL 2015 08:30 08:55 09:20 09:45 Radiolysis 10:10 10:35 11:00 11:25 11:50 12:15 12:40 Pyro chemistry 13:05 13:30 13:55 14:20 14:30 15:30 AN EXPERIMENTAL AND COMPUTATIONAL INVESTIGATION INTO THE RADIOLYSIS OF PUREX SOLVENT SYSTEMS GREGORY HORNE, University of Manchester, UK Hydrogen yields from alpha‐radiolysis of nitrate solutions ROBIN ORR, NNL, UK The Role of Organic Solvent Radical Cations in Separation Ligand Degradation STEPHEN MEZYK, California State University at Long Beach, USA INVESTIGATION INTO THE RADIOLYSIS OF PUREX SOLVENT SYSTEMS SIMON PIMBLOTT, University of Manchester, UK INFLUENCE OF DEGRADATION COMPOUNDS FORMED AFTER GAMMA RADIATION ON EXTRACTION SYSTEMS ANA NUNEZ, CIEMAT, Spain Radiolytic and hydrolytic stabilitiy of the highly selective nitrogen donor ligands CyMe4BTBP and CyMe4BTPhen HOLGER SCHMIDT, JUELICH, Germany Euro‐GANEX SYSTEM BEHAVIOR UNDER GAMMA RADIATION HITOS GALAN, CIEMAT, Spain COFFEE BREAK Development of robust microelectrodes for application in online monitoring of pyrochemical processing DAMION CORRIGAN, University of Edinburgh, UK Actinides / lanthanides separation in molten salt media. Application to the liquid fuel reprocessing of molten salt fast reactor (MSFR) system DAVIDE RODRIGUES, Institut de Physique Nucléaire, France Electroreduction of CerMet transmutation targets PAVEL SOUCEK, JRC‐ITU, Germany Mo and MgO behavior in selected melts SERGII NICHENKO, PSI, Switzerland Electrochemical recovery of uranium from solid wastes contaminated with uranium using deep eutectic as electrolyte YUZUKE OHASHI, JAEA, Japan Optimising fission product extraction from nuclear fuel reprocessing (Li,K)Cl molten salt wastes using aluminosilicate zeolite ion exchange. HENRY FOXHALL, NNL, UK Conclusions LUNCH End of the Meeting www.sacsess.eu POSTER SESSION, 23 APRIL 2015, 15h30 – 17h30 CHRISTOPHER ANWYL Lancaster University, UK Corrosion of AGR Fuel Pin Steel under Conditions Relevant To Permanent Disposal KATHERINE BATES University of Manchester, UK Investigating the Radiolytic Hydrogen Production of TODGA (N,N,N’,N’‐ tetraoctyl diglycolamide hydrogen MAURO CAPONE ENEA, Italy Conditioning of chloride salt waste from pyroprocesses through SAP matrix OLIVIER DIAT CEA/ICSM, France Active interface in liquid/liquid extraction processes probed by non‐linear optics (SHG): Static and dynamics SUKHRAAJ JOHAL Lancaster University, UK Ruthenium volatilisation in spent nuclear fuel reprocessing PIERRE JOLY LGI Consulting, France A worldwide overview of the P&T processes ARFON JONES AWE, UK Overview of Plutonium Recycle, Storage and Waste‐forms PAWEL KALBARCZYK INCT, Poland Separation of Pa and U from neutron irradiated thorium PETER KAUFHOLZ JUELICH, Germany Investigations on a TODGA‐based Liquid‐Liquid Extraction System using PhSO3‐BTPhen for the Selective Separation of Americium(III) from PUREX Raffinate KATARZYNA KIEGIEL INCT, Poland Analysis of the Possibility of Uranium Supply from Polish Resources KRZYSZTOF LYCZKO INCT, Poland CyMe4‐BTBP – crystal structures and conformers ELENA MACERATA POLIMI, Italy An alternative to TODGA in the An and Ln co‐extraction? ELENA MACERATA POLIMI, Italy A new complexing agent for selective Am(III) stripping in i‐SANEX or GANEX processes STANISLAS MELCHAKOV Ural University, Russia Lanthanides and actinides partitioning in pyrochemical processes employing low‐melting binary alloys Ga‐X (X = In, Sn) VINCENT MOROSINI CNRS‐PHENIX, France Deviations from Ideality in Aqueous Solutions of Trivalent Actinides (An(III)). EROS MOSSINI POLIMI, Italy Physico chemical modifications of irradiated i‐SANEX diluents JERZY NARBUTT INCT, Poland The effect of acetophenone modifier on the kinetics of solvent extraction of Eu3+ ions with BTBP ligands AGATA OSZCZAK INCT, Poland Sorption of selected radionuclides from liquid radioactive wastes by wares of the b MADELINE PERTERSON University of Iowa, USA Mesoporous Carbon Materials for Separation and Purification of Metals NADYA RAUFF‐NISTHAR Lancaster University, UK Interactions of Americium with Stainless Steel Surfaces MAGDALENA REJNIS INCT, Poland Solvent extraction of TcO4‐ ions by N,N,N′,N′‐tetraoctyl‐diglycolamide MARCIN ROGOWSKI INCT, Poland Co‐conversion from solution to uranium dioxide or uranium carbide by powder‐free ICHTJ methods TOMASZ SZREDER INCT, Poland Radiation chemistry of benzyl substituted ionic liquids (potential solvent in nuclear fuel cycle) TOMASZ SZREDER INCT, Poland Radiation chemistry of r‐SANEX and i‐SANEX system. Gaseous product analysis DAN WHITTAKER NNL, UK Speciation in Next‐Generation Separations Processes Using CyMe4‐Appended Ligands SEAN WOODALL NNL, UK Spent Fuel and Minor Actinide Partitioning Safety Related Research at NNL www.sacsess.eu www.sacsess.eu [email protected]
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