23 r d Poland INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION FAIR Perspektywy g n i r Sp a r s a w, 2 7 - 2 8 F e b r u a r y W , 5 201 * COME MEET RECRUIT www.perspectives.pl Spring 2015 Warsaw, Palace of Culture and Science 27-28 February 2015 Why 23rd Poland International Education Fair n The International Educational Fair organized by Perspektywy is the most prestigious and well-known educational event in Poland. n Perspektywy is the unquestionable leader in educational fairs in Come to Poland! PERSPEKTYWY Poland International Education Fair is the biggest and best-known educational event in Poland. Held every year the fair is an information exchange forum for higher education in Poland and abroad, offering direct, comprehensive and precise information for students and parents. Each year PERSPEKTYWY fair attracts up to 50 thousand visitors: upper secondary school students and their parents, university students and teachers. The Fair serves as a good platform of communication between Polish students and foreign schools. The Fair is organized under the auspices of the Minister of Education and the President of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland. Come to our Fair and recruit Polish students! Poland: for 14 years the fair has been held twice a year, in Spring and Autumn. n Each year Perspektywy’s Educational Fair attracts from 40 to 50 thousand visitors: secondary school students, university students, teachers and parents. n Educational Fair is the best place to promote study-abroad programs among Polish youth and to inform them about courses, scholarships and study conditions. n Perspektywy provides direct contact with Polish secondary school and university students who are interested in studying abroad. Guests of our Fairs are determined to receive the best education. Studying abroad is a highly appreciated item in one’s curriculum vitae. n More and more Polish students speak English, German, French, Spanish or Russian. n Warsaw is the main academic centre in Poland – with an estimated 300 thousand students. n The XXIIIrd International Educational Fair will take place in a historical and unique site: the Palace of Culture and Science located in the very centre of Warsaw. n We offer professional organization of the Fair (assembly of stands tailored to customers’ requirements and provision of full fair infrastructure). n The fair is accompanied by a rich program of presentations, meetings and conferences for youth and teachers, as well as social events. The exhibitors will take part in the program of seminars organized during the fair. n The XXIIIrd International Educational Fair is the best way to increase the number of students from Poland in your campus. Wiesława Siwińska President PERSPEKTYWY PRESS * COME MEET RECRUIT www.perspectives.pl 23 r d Poland INTERNATIONAL Organizer Perspektywy Press – publishing & marketing company established in 1993, organizer of the Poland International Education Fairs and major educational events in Poland. n Initiates and supports programs promoting education in Poland and abroad n Organizes and supports projects evaluating quality of education n Publishes guides on education such as: Guide for High School Graduates, Guide to Postgraduate and MBA Studies, Guide to PhD Studies, Vocation and Career Guide n Publishes University and Best Secondary School Rankings in Poland n Supports creative initiatives in the field of education PERSPEKTYWY Spring 2014 – Statistics Number of exhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248 Space (sq. m) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7000 Number of participating countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Number of visitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 000 Participating countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, The Netherlands, Ukraine, Russia, Sweden. Visitors at the Poland International Education Fair PERSPEKTYWY Spring 2014 EDUCATION FAIR Perspektywy 2015 Fair’s Promotion A professional information campaign will proceed the event to ensure your contact with the target group. n Nationwide campaign in secondary schools, universities, language schools and other educational institutions n Prominent place in the website www.perspektywy.pl – addressed and visited by youth people n Presentation in dedicated portal www.perspektywy.pl/study-abroad n Promotion on universities websites, in cooperation with portals visited by students, on Facebook n Newsletters and posters destributed to high schools, universities and other educational institutions n Media promotion in cooperation with national television and radio n Advertising campaign in leading newspapers, magazines n Billboards and posters in Warsaw students — 15% upper secondary school graduates — 18% others — 2% teachers — 3% parents — 6% lower secondary school students — 28% upper secondary school students — 28% SPECIAL BONUS All exhibitors that sign up for the Fair will receive six months free advertisement space on the internet portal www.perspektywy.pl/study-abroad, the biggest Polish data base on opportunities to study outside Poland. * Country of 1.525.000 students! www.perspectives.pl Venue Palace of Culture and Science pl. Defilad 1 00-901 Warsaw Website: www.pkin.pl 23 r d Poland INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION FAIR Perspektywy 2015 27-28 FEBRUARY 2015 WARSAW Warsaw – a city of learning, a city of higher education Warsaw, the capital of Poland is the principal centre of higher education in the country, with a booming economy. Warsaw is a city of dynamic development and excellent prospects. The Polish capital is a truly European city, the pride of the Polish people, and popular destination for foreigners. There are more than 300 000 university students in the city. Thousands of young people are interested in studies abroad. Come to Warsaw recruit students Visitors l Students l Teachers l Parents l Professionals l Human Resources Managers l Publishers Exhibitors l l l l l l Universities l Colleges l Business Schools Secondary Schools l Language Schools Language Training Organizations Vocational Training Centres l Educational Centres Cultural Centres l Embassies l Ministries Travel Agencies l Publishers – Educational Books and Multimedia Deadlines 31 December 2014 – early bird special (10% discount) 31 January 2015 – late registration Contact * Julia Łysik, e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] + 48 22 628 58 62, fax +48 22 629 16 17 Assembly of stands 26 February 2015 – 4:00pm-7:00pm Disassembly of stands 28 February 2015 – 4:00pm-6:00pm Opening hours 9:00am – 4:00pm www.perspectives.pl COME MEET RECRU IT [email protected] Next event: Fall 2015 24 t h Poland INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION FAIR Warsaw, 10-11 September Venue: Warsaw University of Technology Perspektywy PERSPEKTYWY PRESS — 31 Nowogrodzka St., 00-511 Warsaw, Poland Tel.: +48 22 628 58 62; 621 75 26, Fax: +48 22 629 16 17, E-mail: [email protected], www.perspectives.pl
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