REVEILLE Jan/ Feb 2015 Issue 5003—52 Avenue PRESIDENTS REPORT Comrades and Ladies Auxiliary, Happy New Year. I hope all your wishes for 2015 will come true and that all your health issues will all be minor. The job as President has been very time consuming and very trying as we are negotiating with the new kitchen crew on a contract to provide food service. Also the new Executive is getting adjusted to their positions, new volunteers and the way we will be running the Branch as a business and not a club as persa. A new accounting system is being introduced where our bookkeeping system will be a lot easier and expenses, income will be up to daily balances. WETASKIWIN LEGION BRANCH # 86 Wetaskiwin, Alberta T9A 0W3 Needless to say it has been a challenge but I am confident that by the end of January we will see some improvement and with our new Sustainability Groups that we have created, we are hoping we can raise enough funds to repair our roof and do other repairs that are creeping up. We have been putting money into our building fund and watching it grow. If you can spare some extra cash we could sure use it. Robbie Burns night will be celebrated again this year so bring your Lassie or Laddie and make your way down to the Branch for some Haggis, scotch and a night of entertainment, Lots to do, so take care and God Bless. Barry Hawkes President Legion Branch #86 Visit our website at Follow us on Facebook Wetaskiwin Royal Canadian Legion Br. 86 (780)352-2662 2015 EXECUTIVE OFFICERS PRESIDENT Barry Hawkes PAST PRESIDENT Gloria Rogers TREASURER/SECRETARY Marlanne Kuzio 1st VICE PRESIDENT Mike Yargeau 2nd VICE PRESIDENT Kevin McCafferty SGT AT ARMS Bud Moan Grounds & Cenotaph CHAPLAIN Deacon Leo Farley EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES Arlene Greenwall Education & Publicity Cindy Ekkel Social Ken Schubert Membership Majority of members in attendance at the Special Meeting held November voted NO to selling the Legion’s building and land. The newly elected Executive look forward to working alongside Members ensuring Branch #86 has a sustainable future. “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”. Helen Keller Kevin McCafferty Ways & Means Cory Elgert Sports Laurie Fairlie Poppy John Newton House LADIES AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Janice Drader-Jamieson Page 2 REVEILLE Comrade Mike Yargeau, 1st Vice President I would like to take this opportunity to firstly, wish all of our members a most Happy New Year. The past six weeks have been a busy one for the Executive. My role as 1st VP is to oversee the financial aspect of the Branch’s activities. We continue working with Manluk and their representative, Glen Jackson on getting our financial reporting to a level where all members interested can read the reporting clearly and concisely. We are also keeping in mind that all financial dealings of the Legion are to be transparent in nature. There should be no grey areas when it comes to the Branches finances. Was kept apprised of the negotiation between NLCS and the Branch to begin the process of returning the Branch from where it was six weeks ago back to a “go to” location for food services. I have taken part in the monthly pancake breakfast and would like to thank Comrade Kay Grinde for such a great addition to our monthly funding initiatives. I have been meeting with the Sustainability Committee and have been actively taking part in initiatives that have been brought forward by this committee to further financially sustain our branch. We have now instituted a volunteer hours log book for the Branch. We need to keep track of our volunteer hours as they are worth $15.00/hour to us a “Donations-in-kind” when applying for certain funding grants. This policy will be ongoing. I have been directly involved with the development of a commerce aspect to our website. We will soon be able to submit donation to the Branch directly through the website. We are also looking at what the legion can offer on line for sale in an attempt to generate funds. This is a work in progress. If there are any members that have experience in website development, please contact me through the branch. I will continue to work and do my best in my role on the Executive and want to personally thank the past Executive for their hard work on behalf of the Branch. I also want to thank all volunteers for the unending help in all Branch functions. I would be remiss if I did not extend a special thank you to our Ladies Auxiliary. They have been the solid, mainstay through the changing personnel of the Branch Executive. I have always said that without our LA, this Legion Branch would be very, very different, and not in a good way. We are fortunate to have so many caring and “generous with their time and talents” members. Best Regards in 2015 Mike Yargeau 1st Vice President to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #86 Application for a Veterans' Licence Plate A Complete Application Form can be found at and click on the Documents tab then Application & Forms tab For the purpose of this application a Veteran means “any person who has honourably: Served in the Armed Forces of Canada, the Commonwealth or its wartime allies, for a minimum of three years (may still be serving); or Served in the Merchant Navy or Ferry Command during wartime; or Served in a theatre of war with the Armed Forces of Canada, the Commonwealth or its wartime allies; or Performed NATO service or Peacekeeping mission(s) with the Armed Forces of Canada” PLEASE NOTE: Veteran licence plates are only available for the purpose of registration in the name of the veteran on a passenger vehicle. REVEILLE Page 3 Lest we Forget NATIONAL CEREMONY—NOVEMBER 11, 2014—OTTAWA It was the largest Remembrance Day ceremonies in history as more than 50,000 Canadians gathered at the National War Memorial in Ottawa and thousands at local Cenotaphs across Canada to remember all who have served or died for their country. Some highlights included the Silver Cross Mother Gisele Michaud representing all mothers who have lost a child in the lime of duty, the Princess Royal who visited Ottawa for two days as part of her royal tour and the rededication of the memorial to add the dates of the south African War and Afghanistan Mission and the inscription “In Service to Canada”. THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Founded by Veterans and for Veterans, the primary pillar of Legion Activity is devoted to serving Canada’s Veterans The Royal Canadian Legion is Canada’s largest Veteran and community support organization, formed in 1926 following the unity of various World War 1 Veterans organizations. The Legion is a registered not for profit organization funded solely by membership dues. The Legion as a service organization, does contract services to the government such as the provision of wreaths to Members of Parliament and the Veterans’ Outreach and Visitation Program which ensures all Veterans receive the Care and benefits they deserve. In contracting these services, the Legion is filling a gap the government is not able to deliver on for Canada’s Veterans. Thanks to its more than 300,000 members and its footprint of 1441 branches across Canada, the Legion is able to stop up and ensure Veterans and their families receive the highest quality of service and care from the government throughout their lives. There is no profit derived from these contacted services to the Legion. They are solely provided on a cost recovery basis. Local branches across Canada do apply for infrastructure improvement grants that are sometimes made available by governments. These funds are often provided on a matching basis (the group receiving funds must match the funds received) and all monies are carefully accounted for. None of these funds can be used for Legion operations, programs or services. Legion Membership is open to all Canadians. At the end of 2012, almost 30% of our members are persons who have served. All other members are either the family of those who have served or are persons who support the Canadian Forces, RCMP, and traditions of Remembrance. All Legion members recognize and uphold the value of service to country. Legion volunteers whether they have served or not, raise funds and assist Veterans and their families. Without Legion volunteers, the tremendous programs and services provided to our Veterans and their families in communities across this country would disappear. If there was no Legion in Canada,, countless cities, towns and villages would lose the most iconic cornerstone of their community; a place where people come to support their community, support their families and support the military— that place is a Legion Branch. Page 4 REVEILLE BRANCH #86 RAFFLE The Branch would like to sincerely thank everyone that supported this fundraising initiative and would like to Congratulate the following winners 1st Prize $1,000 cash Fran Danyluk 2nd - $500 Meat Freezer Pack Tyler Schickerowski 3rd Prize Quilt Wall Hanging Patricia Sara Finchon The REVEILLE is now available 3 different ways! Can be emailed to you in a PDF format OR Mailed to you for a Small $20 yearly fee OR Can be picked up at the Branch at your convenience. NEW CANADIAN ANTI-SPAM LAW REQUIRES PEMISSION FROM EMAIL RECIPIENTS DOES THE BRANCH HAVE YOUR CORRECT CONTACT INFORMATION?? If you would like to receive future issues of the Reveille via email, you must send an electronic confirmation letter to [email protected] giving the Branch permission to forward the Reveille to you. *********************************** REVEILLE MAIL-OUT Membership Lists are compiled with each New Year which is over 1,200 Member entries and information being recorded. We want to be sure we have correct information. Members move, change phone numbers, get new or different email addresses etc. Since your initial Legion Application was submitted, has any of your contact information changed?? The Reveille can be mailed to you for a small fee of $20 per year payable by cash, credit As you renew your membership, please confirm that card or cheque. At the time we have correct contact information as well as of paying for this service, please an email address so the Reveille and other Confirm your address with staff. important Branch info can be forwarded to you.. REVEILLE Page 5 Thank you for all you support during the last two years! It was challenging and rewarding, however I did my best. I know that together we can support this Legion to be the best Legion in Canada! It’s going to be a lot of work and sacrifices and decisions made by the Executive that are for the betterment of this Legion. You elected this Executive to make decisions on your behalf, pease be patient and have an open mind. We are a community minded Legion. Please come down and support the social functions, sport functions or just grab a bite with friends and family! Respectfully, COMRADES WALL If you are interested in purchasing a plaque for the Comrades Wall, there are forms at the office in the Branch. The cost is $100. Payment plan is available if one chooses; $10 down followed by 3 consecutive monthly payments of $30. You may select the Brick on the wall where you would like your plaque placed. If you have a special medal that you wih to affix, we would be happy to attach it for you. A great gift idea for birthday or anniversary or just because…. Gloria Rogers, Past President Visit our website at Forrest Gump dies and goes to Heaven. He is at the Pearly Gates, met by St. Peter himself. How ever the gates are closed. Forrest approaches the gatekeeper. St.Peter said, “Well Forrest, it is certainly good to see you. We have heard a lot about you. I must tell you though, that the place is filling up fast and we have been administering an entrance examination for everyone. The test is short, but you’ll have to pass it before you can get into Heaven.” Forrest responds, “It sure is good to be here sir, but nobody ever told me about any entrance exam. I sure hope the test ain’t too hard. Life was a big enough test as it was.” St. Peter continued, “Yes I know Forrest, but the test is only three questions”. 1st: What 2 days of the week begin with the letter T? ADVERTISE HERE!!! Would you like to advertise your business card? Contact the Legion Office at 780-352-2662 for more information 2nd: How many seconds are there in a year? 3rd: What is God’s first name? Forrest replied, “Shucks, there’s got to be twelve; January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd……..” Forrest leaves to think the questions over. He returns the next day and sees St. Peter who waves him up. “Tell me your answers Forrest.” “Hold it,” interrupts St. Peter. “I see where you are going with this, and I see your point, though that was not quite what I had in mind...but will have to gibe you credit for that one too. Let us go on with the third and final question. Can you tell me God’s first name?” “Sure” Forrest replied. “It’s Andy”. Forrest replied, “The 1st one, well shucks, was easy. The answer woul be Today and Tomorrow.” The Saint’s eyes opened wide and he exclaimed, ‘Forrest, that is not what I was thinking but you do have a point, and I guess I did not specify, so I will give you credit for that answer. How about the 2nd question?’ “How many seconds in a year. Now that one is harder,” replied Forrest, “but I thunk and thunk about that and I guess the only answer can be twelve.” Astounded, St. Peter said, “Twelve? Twelve? Forrest, how in Heaven’s name could you come up with twelve seconds in a year?” “ANDY?” exclaimed an exasperated and frustrated St. Peter. “OK, I can understand how you came up with your answers to my first two questions, but just how in the world did you come up with the name Andy as the first name of God?” “Shucks, that was the easiest one of all”, replied Forrest. “I learnt it from the song, Andy he walks with me Andy talks with me Andy tells me I am his own St. Peter opened the Pearly Gates and said “Run Forrest, Run” : Page 6 REVEILLE LADIES AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Madam Janice Drader-Jamieson The Ladies Auxiliary had a very busy 2014. In addition to regular fundraising initiatives, the LA took pride in assisting the Branch in many areas during their difficult challenges this past year and continue to go above and beyond: assisting in the office and kitchen Covered costs for Halloween Party and Dance and worked along side of Joanne Cook in putting on another successful Scavenger Hunt. Assisted greatly in Poppy Sales and Remembrance Day Celebrations. Covered Ben Nevis Pipe Band costs Organized Branch’s Children’s Christmas party covering all costs (entertainment, snacks & gifts) With the vote not to sell the building and land, Branch 86 has many challenges ahead. It was great to see so many come out and vote, but just your vote is not enough.. The LA, who have no vote, have been stepping up again and again but we are few. The Branch have 10 times the membership and the LA are asking Branch Members to please contribute. Surely you have an hour or two a month you can spare to volunteer? The LA donated $8,000 to the Branch in December. $1,200 of this will go to pay for the Ben Nevis Band for Remembrance Day and remaining $6,800 we designated towards future entertainment; hopeful Branch Members and their families will come in and enjoy. The LA have removed all their important records, documents and necessary supplies from the Memorial Centre to the Branch. Because of numerous cupboard space available in the Laundry Room, the Branch has declared this to be the LA’s new home for all our belongings. The LA installed 17 new members in 2014. Our LA is one of the strongest Ladies Auxiliary in Alberta and without these wonderful ladies, I believe things would be much dire at the Branch than they are. Congratulations to the newly elected Branch Executive. The LA will continue to support your decisions and assist the Branch any way we can.. I wish our wonderful Ladies Auxiliary, Branch Executive and Legion 86 Members all the best in 2015. LA present $8,000 cheque to the Branch Janice Drader-Jamieson Branch 86 LA were proud recipients of the “Organization of the Year Award” LA member Minnie DeZutter (Centre) receives her Metorious Award. REVEILLE Page 7 LADIES AUXILIARY….A LOOK BACK LA Appreciation Day. Although rainy, the ladies thoroughly enjoyed the covered wagon trip around town.. Attendance to their special day was so great that Foss had to do two separate trips to accommodate everyone in attendance! Lunch , cocktails, prizes and favorable conversations was enjoyed after the ride. Halloween Dance & Scavenger Hunt another huge success! Lot of fun and enjoyment was had by many individuals & families dressed up in a wide variety of costumes . Over 200 elegantly dressed ladies enjoyed a fun-filled evening at the Ladies Dinner & Comedy Night Gala The Ladies organized and hosted the Branch’s Children's Christmas Party. Children enjoyed animal balloons, glitter art, snacks and a visit from Santa who came bearing gifts for them all. The Ladies Auxiliary is an organization of women formed to assist in the aims and objects of the Royal Canadian Legion in seeing to the maintenance and comfort of the disabled, sick, aged, needy ex-service personnel and their dependants. Coming together is the start and it matters not how each member works—but how they work together. Attitude, character, change, teamwork, challenge, focus, care, service, communication, goals, growth, success, achievement, persistence, determination, integrity, excellence, leadership and effort. These are characteristics of how any or all of the above qualities are found in the smallest or largest Ladies Auxiliary from one end of our Province to another including the Northwest Territories. Think change, think commitment, move forward together to meet all of the challenges facing our membership. Creating and supporting positive attitudes will lead us and sustain us in the future! Page 8 REVEILLE SOCIAL REPORT by Comrade Cindy Ekkel Happy New Year Comrades and Ladies Auxiliary! May 2015 bring Health, Happiness and Prosperity to you and your families. New Years Eve at the Branch was an absolute huge success! Before the Cocktail Hour was really underway, tables in the sporting area had to be set up! The Branch was packed and hopping with excitement all evening. Many Branch Executives, Ladies Auxiliary and Members helped with organizing, decorating, throughout the evening and next day with cleanup. Thank you so much. This is surely an indication that 2015 will indeed be a very busy year for Branch Social events and activities! In addition to the weekly Meat Draws, Capture the Joker, Wing Night, Horserace's, and monthly Pancake breakfast, something will be planned for the following and the Branch looks forward to continued support from it’s members: -Malanka Celebrations -Robbie Burns Day -Valentine’s Day -St. Patrick’s Day -Honor’s & Awards Night -Mothers Day -Father’s Day -Pioneer Days -Canada Day -Legion Annual Golf Tournament -Poppy Campaign -Halloween Party & Scavenger Hunt -Remembrance Day -Christmas -New Years Eve Party A BIG Thank you to our Ladies Auxiliary’s for their financial donation towards entertainment for the year! This generous contribution will without a doubt make these events even more enjoyable! For the Sport enthusiasts, February 1st come on down to the Branch and enjoy the Super Bowl excitement with us. Time TBA. We intend on making available other special sporting events telecasted on TV on the Sporting Side of the Branch such as the Stanley Cup Playoffs, Tim Horton’s Brier and more. Exact times and dates may not be available at time of printing of editions of the Reveille, so just call into the Branch for more information as event time gets closer. New this year will be a Family Day ONCE a month. A special children’s menu will be available. Come out as a family and enjoy dinner. At 6:30 the children will go to the Les Brady Room and watch a movie while parents enjoy some social time in the Branch. If this proves to be well attended &/or received by members & guests, the kitchen will in future do a family buffet for Family Night which may include sliders, hotdogs, mac & cheese, pizza and other goodies that the children (and adults) will enjoy! It was really great to see so many members show up for the vote and for the debate regarding the sale of the Branch’s land and building! Was also as impressive to see so many accept nominations for Executive Positions at the November General Meeting!! You made it very clear that the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #86 and it’s future is very significant and important to you and you were ready to step up to preserve it. You help is still needed!! Please continue to step up and volunteer to help the new Executive sustain this Branch and remain in this Building. Are you good at decorating or event organizing? If the Branch had problems in maintenance &/or repairs, plumbing or electrical, could we call on you? Do you have a snow blower and could you help with snow removal on side walks occasionally? There are so many areas whereby volunteer help would substantially assist the Branch financially. If everyone volunteered just 2-3 hours one day a month, this would greatly help out. Please call the office at 352-2662 and tell them you would like to help YOUR Branch by Volunteering and I will follow up with a call to you and see what area you may be able to assist in. Thank you in advance in advance!! Volunteering is the act of giving your time and services to another person or organization and discussing the ways in which your skills and experiences can be beneficial. HOW IS NORMA? A sweet grandmother telephoned St. Joseph’s Hospital. She timidly asked, “Is it possible to speak to someone who can tell me how a patient is doing?” The operator said, “I’ll be glad to help dear. What’s the name and room number of the patient?” The grandmother in her weak, tremulous voice said, Norma Findlay, Room 302.’ The operator replied, “let me put you on hold while I check with the nurse’s station for that room”. After a few minutes the operator returned to the phone and said, “I have good news. Her nurse just told me that Norma is doing well. Her blood pressure is fine; her blood work just came back normal and her Physician, Dr. Cohen has scheduled her to be discharged tomorrow.” The grandmother said, “Thank you. That’s wonderful. I was so worried. God bless you for the good news.” The operator replied, “You’re more than welcome. Is Norma your daughter?” The grandmother said, “No, I’m Norma Findlay in Room 302 and no one will tell me diddly squat! REVEILLE Page 9 BRANCH MEAT DRAWS EVERY THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY January 2015 LA MEAT DRAWS EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Sun 4 Mon 5 CLOSED Tue 6 Wed 7 CLOSED 7:30 Cribbage Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 8 9 10 Wing Night Steak Night Ukrainian Buffet Entertainment 11 CLOSED 12 13 CLOSED 14 7:30 Cribbage 15 Wing Night 16 17 Steak Night Family Day/ Movie Night 18 Pancake Breakfast 25 CLOSED 19 CLOSED 26 CLOSED 20 7:00 BRANCHGENERAL MEETING 27 21 7:30 Cribbage 22 Wing Night 23 Steak Night 24 5:00 Robbie Burns Day Celebrations Entertainment 28 7:30 Ladies Auxiliary General Mtg 7:30 Cribbage 29 Wing Night 30 Steak Night 31 Page 10 REVEILLE MEMBER BENEFITS “LEGION PARTNERS” ——-EXCLUSIVE BENEFITS—— Best Western 1-800-WESTERN (ask for rate code 01497850) Premier Care In Bathing 1-800-519-2049 We Care Home Services 1-855-229-3227 Starkey Hearing Technologies 1-800-387-9353 Lifeline Canada 1-800-543-3546 Arbot Memorial 1-877-301-8066 Medipac 1-888-939-0001 Carlson Wagonlit Travel 1-800-227-5766 Shaw Direct 1-855-587-0759 BEST WESTERN® is the newest partner to join the ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION’S MEMBER BENEFITS PACKAGE offering 10% off the best available rates at nearly 2,200 hotels in Canada and the United States. Legionnaires signing up for the Best Western Service Rewards Program will be automatically upgraded to Gold Elite Status which offers 10 percent bonus points on all qualified stays, In addition to the points they earned, Best Western will DONATE 10% of all accumulated points to military charities including the Royal Canadian Legion. PREMIUM CARE. Save now on a Walk-In-Bath or an Easy Access Shower. Exclusive Offer for Legion Members $1,925 OFF. Promo Code 20947 Limited time offer. Limited LIFETIME Warranty. _____EXCLUSIVE PARTNERSHIPS_____ MBNA Canada Bank. Legion MasterCard Corby Spirit and Wine Ltd. Partner of the Dominion Command Darts Championship. Home Hardward Stores Ltd. Partner of the Legion National Youth Track and Field Championships For more information on Member Benefits Package Partners, visit 90th ANNIVERSARY MEDAL The claret and white bands on this medal are in tribute to The Royal Newfoundland Regiment. 2016 marks the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Beaumont-Hamel. In 2016, The Royal Canadian Legion will commemorate our 90th Anniversary. To recognize this significant event, we have produced a medal for wear by all Legion Members. This special edition medal may be purchased by Legion members and Branches starting January 1, 2015. The medal may be worn on Legion dress from June 1st, 2015 forward. WE WILL REMEMBER THEM Medal is $25 and comes in a commemorative box. Available today! Call toll-free 1-888-301-2268 or Members can shop on line at REVEILLE Page 11 Page 12 REVEILLE IT’S AN HONOUR Order of Merit The Order of Merit was instituted by King Edward VII in 1902, on the occasion of his coronation. This award is conferred by the Sovereign in exercise of the Royal Prerogative to persons who have rendered exceptionally meritorious service to the Crown, in armed services or towards the advancement or to persons upon whom the Sovereign sees fit to confer the honour. Only four Canadians have been appointed to the Order of Merit: the Right Honourable William Lyon Mackenzie King (1947); Colonel Dr. Wilder Penfield (1953); and the Right Honourable Lester B. Pearson (1971). On October 20, 2009, the Right Honourable Jean Chrétien was presented with the Order of Merit. Military Valour Decorations Military Valour Decorations are national honours awarded to recognize acts of valour, selfsacrifice or devotion to duty in the presence of the enemy. The decorations were approved by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1993. The Victoria Cross (V.C.) was created by Queen Victoria in 1856, and was awarded to Canadians in all wars until 1945. The Canadian Victoria Cross retains the same design and the same awarding criteria as the British Victoria Cross. The Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, the governor general of Canada, unveiled the Canadian Victoria Cross at Rideau Hall on Friday, May 16, 2008, in the presence of the Prime Minister of Canada, parliamentarians, members of the Canadian Forces, veterans and other distinguished guests. The Victoria Cross recognizes the most conspicuous bravery, a daring or pre-eminent act of valour or self-sacrifice or extreme devotion to duty, in the presence of the enemy. The Star of Military Valour (S.M.V.) recognizes distinguished and valiant service in the presence of the enemy. The Medal of Military Valour (M.M.V.) recognizes an act of valour or devotion to duty in the presence of the enemy.
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