January, February, March 2015 P. O. Box 428 Chesapeake Beach, MD 20732 301-855-6466 410-257-9878 We are Family Greetings from the Commander I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday and that this coming New Year brings you happiness and prosperity. Our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner went well. We served well over fifty dinners and quite a bit of money was raised for Fisher House. Thank you to all the volunteers for making it such a success. It is very gratifying work and everyone seemed to enjoy their day. On December 12, 2014 after hosting dinner for the Tiger Scouts and their families, a few of our Legionnaires sat down to be interviewed by the young Scouts for one of their organization’s projects. The Legionnaires talked about their lives “back then” compared to “life now” and what changes they foresee in the future. Many thanks to Fred Bumgarner, Les Griffith, Rob Sybert, and Don Delaney for a “Job Well Done!” On a side note, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of each and every one of us doing our part and volunteering when needed. With everyone contributing to the continued success of Post 206, hopefully 2015 will be a prosperous year. In closing, please pray for all the brave men and women and their families who are still actively serving this great Country, both here and abroad. They are our freedom. God bless them all. For God and Country, Charles E. Choux Post 206 Commander 1st VICE COMMANDER’S MESSAGE MEMBERSHIP COUNTS!!!! The life blood of any organization is membership. This is particularly true of the American Legion. Not only are a lot of our older members passing away, there are a lot of younger ones not renewing their memberships. What the reasons are for the latter are varied. Some of our active duty members get transferred, some don’t get renewal notices and some just don’t get what the Legion is all about and what benefits accompany membership. I don’t know the answers to why some don’t renew. But I do know that each and every member must reach out and recruit new members and get our existing ones to renew. With this in mind, I would like to have each one of us to carry a Legion application in your car or your wallet. There is also an excellent brochure called, “Why You Should Belong”. I also urge you pick up one or two of these and keep them handy. Imagine if each one of us could recruit one new member! We could double the size of the Post in one year! Please keep in mind that we NEED new members to continue to exist as a healthy, growing Post. Also, please keep the Active Duty personnel in your thoughts and prayers. They are putting their lives on the line to keep this the greatest nation on earth. For God and Country. Jack Custis FROM THE DESK OF THE ADJUTANT MEMBERSHIP UPDATE As 2014 comes to a close I want to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR. Your Legion Post continues to work for Veterans, our community, and the area youth. From hosting Charlotte Hall veterans to working to support Toys for Tots, our post is about making a difference in this community, state and nation. It is my hope the members will take as a New Year’s resolution time to make a commitment to become involved and take a more active role in supporting the many programs of the American Legion. With close to 900 members, if each person volunteered to support one activity so much more could be accomplished. Don’t wait for someone to ask for your help. PLEASE VOLUNTEER. Membership is slightly behind pace to make goal. Thank you one and all who have sent in your renewal early. So far we have 612 into Department. This puts us at 70% of our goal of 873 members. NOW is the TIME to GET your RENEWAL IN. Yours in Legion Service, Robert K. Sybert, Adjutant 2 GREETINGS FROM THE AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Well, I sure hope your holidays were as good as mine. When I think of all the preparation to get ready for Christmas and it’s over in 30 minutes, it’s crazy, but when I watch my grandchildren’s faces while they open their presents together it’s worth it. This year we will be facing new challenges to meet the needs of our veterans and families. This past year we sent shoe boxes to our troops abroad and new coats and clothes to our veterans in the VA hospitals, and now we are going to be working with the U.S.O. After our short break from the kitchen diners, we will be starting up breakfast the 2nd Sunday of the month. We are going to try Italian nights on some of the Tuesdays…? If you would like to volunteer to help cook, or maybe even be the chef of a dinner, call me, my number is on the back of the newsletter and you know we always need desserts for Tuesday and Friday night dinners. Refer to the Auxiliary bulletin board for more information. For God and Country, Your President Judi Granados AUXILIARY MEMBERSHIP It’s hard to believe this administrative year is half over! Thanks to all who have paid their 2015 dues. We are just about 75% of our goal of 431 members, so if you have not paid your 2015 dues, please do so as soon as possible, as it is only through your generous support that we are able to maintain all of our programs to the community, our youth and our Veterans. Senior dues are $25 and Junior dues are $5. Please make your checks payable to ALA 206 and either leave with the bartender at the Post or mail to ALA 206, P. O. Box 353, Chesapeake Beach, MD 20732. In order to receive your new door card, you will need to present your 2015 membership card. Door cards can be obtained at any of our Auxiliary functions (our breakfast on the 2nd Sunday of the month, our January 20 general meeting, our dinners on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday or the 3rd Friday). Unfortunately, we are unable to mail the new door cards, so hopefully you can pick it up at one of our many events. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thanks for your support! Brenda Miller, Membership Chairman 2014-2015 [email protected] 3 Greetings from the SAL Commander I hope this report finds you with great memories of the past holiday season. The SAL has been busy as usual with the typical holiday events in and around the Post. We assisted the Ladies Auxiliary with a luncheon at the Post for the Charlotte Hall veterans. At that function the SAL provided a lasagna lunch with all the sides. We also presented the Hall staff that were present with personal items to distribute to the veterans this holiday season. The gifts included T-Shirts, wallets, sweat pants (male and female), handkerchiefs, pajama bottoms, etc. I am very proud of our membership for our participation in this very worthy endeavor. The veterans and the staff thanked everyone for a great event. During our December meeting the membership approved donations to Toys for Tots Program, Children’s Christmas Party, Young Marines, Nam Knights and the Swanson Foundation. All of these programs provide essential support to our local community programs. The SAL Membership totals are 211 paid for 2015 with 244 being our goal. If you haven’t paid your dues please do so ASAP. We want to continue with the spirit of donating to community based charities. Please check the Events Calendar for upcoming dinners and special events. Membership meetings are the 2nd. Tuesday of each month at 7PM. We look forward to seeing you there. Thanks and see ya at the Post. In Truth and Unity, God Bless America James F. Ward, SAL Commander _______________________________________________________________________________________ MOTOWN DANCES (sponsored by the SAL) WHEN: SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 and SATURDAY, MARCH 28 7 pm til midnight WHERE: POST 206, CHESAPEAKE BEACH COST: $10.00 (INCLUDES DRAFT BEER) Come listen and dance to the Motown songs of the 60’s and 70’s played by the DJ ! ____________________________________________________________________ HALL RENTALS The upstairs hall of our Post 206 home is available for weddings, parties, or other events at very reasonable prices. Please help us get out the word about this unique facility. Contact Ms Kyle Mansfield by e-mail - [email protected] - or call the Post at 301-855-6466. Check out the link to the Hall Rentals page on our website - www.alpost206.org - for pictures of the facility and a calendar showing available dates. 4 News from our Post and Members In this Newsletter I’d like to include a brief profile of one of our Ladies Auxiliary members who has contributed so much to our organization and has deep roots to our history. CLARA MAE BUCKMASTER Interviewed December 9, 2014 Clara Mae Stallings was born in North Beach on February 24, 1937, the daughter of Wallace and Sadie Stallings. As a child she remembers the air raid sirens and drills that took place during World War II and how they would have to put up black curtains in the windows during the blackouts. Her father was stationed at Fort Meade during the war. She clearly remembers the grieving that accompanied the death of her uncle, Private James. F. Stallings, who was killed when his aircraft was shot down over Holland in 1944. Clara Mae is very proud of the role her parents played in 1946 as charter members of Post 206, and in the naming honor bestowed on her uncle for his ultimate sacrifice. Noting that her parents were very active in Post activities, she said she often babysat so they could participate. In 1955 Clara Mae married James Buckmaster and they eventually had six children. Today she has six grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Her husband was the Fire Chief of North Beach Volunteer Fire Department and in her 56 years of volunteering for the NBVFD, Clara Mae has held many of the offices including that of Chaplain several times. She is most proud of her time as the Maryland State VFD Ladies Auxiliary President, in which role she traveled throughout Maryland, meeting other fire department volunteers. Her husband, who worked for the town of North Beach as a sanitation engineer, died of a heart attack in 1970, leaving Clara Mae with six children aged 19 months to 14 years old. She somehow managed to raise the children and still be involved in volunteer activities throughout the community. Clara Mae said she tended bar, was a waitress, and even cleaned Post Offices on weekends to make ends meet. She also worked for the Calvert County Health Department for more than 20 years. Having quit school in the 11th grade to get a job to help her family, she proudly earned her GED at the age of 36. Clara Mae is full of stories about the beach communities. She noted that back in the 40’s and 50’s the area was packed with tourists from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The dance halls, boardwalks, bars, and slot machine parlors attracted crowds, as did the amusement park on the hill above the Rod ‘N Reel. She remembers the steamships docking in Chesapeake Beach and the motorcyclists that always seemed to be in the area. One story she told me was about the large Christmas tree that would be placed at the intersection of Third Street and Bay Avenue (Route 261) in North Beach each holiday season. The power for the tree was provided by Grunds Drug Store, which was on the first floor of the Miramar Hotel. A town native, she sadly relates, drove into the Christmas tree one year after having one too many at a local watering hole. We at Post 206 are most grateful for Clara Mae’s 26 years of service to the Ladies Auxiliary. In that time she has served in many capacities, including as President for a term of five years, and as Chaplain several times, including her current stint in that position. She says she is most proud of the 50th Anniversary of the Post 206 Ladies Auxiliary which was held in 1996 when she was President. Clara Mae said the Post didn’t have much money back then, but due to the dedicated volunteers they were able to put on a great event that was attended by most of the former Auxiliary presidents. There wasn’t enough money to provide real corsages for the guests, so one of the ladies made beautiful paper napkin corsages. Current activities of the Auxiliary that Clara Mae enjoys are the monthly visits to the V.A. Hospital in D.C., and the Charlotte Hall veterans’ visits here at the Post home, where they are served lunch and get to socialize. She emphasizes “I always remember there is no ’I” in ‘team’ - it takes us all!” Clara Mae reminds me of the Energizer Bunny. Most who know her are amazed at her capacity to juggle multiple volunteer jobs with no apparent need to come up for air. Her enthusiasm is infectious and she is a treasure to those who are fortunate enough to be in her orbit. As we ended our talk, she said she had just finished serving as the Grand Marshall for the North Beach Christmas Parade. You go girl ! 5 News from our Post and Members MORE UNTOLD STORIES Fred Bumgarner, Editor In the process of helping the adjutant clean up some old membership files, as I reviewed piles of DD-214’s and honorable discharge certificates for those who have gone to the post everlasting or have not renewed their memberships, I was struck by the untold stories contained on those pieces of paper. While most of us performed our honorable military service in fairly routine and unexceptional circumstances, others were involved in activities that resonate a little more strongly in the historical narrative of our conflicts. Below are some additional “stories” gleaned from those records. As in previous issues, I’ll keep the names anonymous, but know that these former Post 206 members’ service— whether routine or heroic— are part of the fabric of our organization and its’ heritage. - I was a World War II veteran who served in the Army as an infantry private from May 1942 until September 1943. I was born in Chesapeake Beach and was a truck driver before the war. I was 22 years old when inducted and was wounded in combat at Fondouk, Tunisia, in North Africa. I was honorably discharged from Woodrow Wilson US Army General Hospital near Staunton, VA. (Editor’s note: the hospital at Staunton had just opened in September 1943 as a rehabilitation facility for wounded soldiers. An eyewitness at the time described the arrival of the wounded soldiers who came by train from the port of Hampton Roads, VA. “They would bring in the wounded soldiers on Sunday at 9 p.m. at night. They blocked Route 250 and loaded them in lines of ambulances and took them to the hospital. No traffic was allowed through until they were finished. I sat down there and watched them many a time.”) - I was a World War II veteran. I served in the Navy from 1938 to 1945 as a machinist mate. Before the war I was a messenger for the American Red Cross in Washington, D.C. After the war I wanted to work for the Post Office. I served on several vessels including the USS Goff (DD-247). (Editor’s note: On May 24, 1942 the Goff picked up 48 survivors from the American tanker Samuel Q. Brown that was torpedoed and sunk the previous day by German U-boat U-103 about 100 miles south of Cape Corrientes, Cuba) - I was a World War II veteran. I served in the Army Air Corps as a private from June 1942 until December 1945. I was an airplane engine mechanic with the 1264th Army AFB Unit. My awards included the Good Conduct Medal, WWII Victory Ribbon, American Theater Service Ribbon, and the European-AfricanMiddle East Ribbon. (Editor’s note: the 1264th conducted aircraft ferrying operations from Cairo, Egypt, to supply the British 8th Army and Desert Air Force with Lend-Lease aircraft and supplies, and later to ferry aircraft to Russia and India) - I was a World War II veteran. I served in the Army infantry from December 1943 until January 1946. I was from Mars, PA. I was a private and parachute packer with the 30th Infantry Regiment of the 3rd Division. I participated in the Southern France and Rhineland campaigns. My awards included the Purple Heart, Good Conduct Medal, European-African-Middle East Theater Medal, the Victory Medal, and I wore the Combat Infantry Badge. (Editor’s note: During Operation Anvil, the invasion of southern France, which occurred in August and September 1944, the 30th Infantry Regiment suffered 457 casualties, 95 killed and 345 wounded, 17 MIAs) 6 News from our Post and Members MORE UNTOLD STORIES (continued) - I was a Korean war veteran. I served as an Army sergeant from September 1948 to May 1952. Before the war I worked as a chauffeur in Washington, D.C. I attended basic airborne training at Ft. Benning, GA. My awards included the Bronze Star (with Valor), United Nations Service Medal, the Korean Service Medal and the Parachute Badge. - I was a Marine veteran who served from 1958 to 1964. I was a sergeant and worked as a supply clerk at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, NC. I was from West Beach, Calvert County. My awards included the Good Conduct Medal and I was rated as a Rifle Expert and Pistol Marksman. - I was a Vietnam era veteran. I served a 25-year career in the Air Force and retired in August 1977 as a senior master sergeant (SMSgt) manpower management superintendent with the 4228th Strategic Wing at Columbus AFB, MS. My decorations included the AF Good Conduct Medal with 4 oak leaf clusters, the AF Longevity Service Medal with silver oak leaf cluster, and the Meritorious Service Medal. (Editor’s note: the 4228th was part of the Strategic Air Command and flew B-52 bombers and KC-135 tankers as part of the SAC’s mission to maintain aircraft on 15-minute alert, fully fueled and ready for combat) - I was a Vietnam veteran. I served in the Army and was drafted in November 1968. I was discharged in June 1970, as a Specialist 5 legal clerk. I was from Washington, D.C. I was stationed with the 1st Army Logistics Command in Vietnam. My awards included the Bronze Star, Vietnam Service and Vietnam Campaign Medals, the Army Commendation Medal, and the Good Conduct Medal. (Editor’s note: the 1st Log was activated in Saigon in April 1965 and became the largest Army organization in Vietnam growing to over 50,000 personnel. According to the Army Quartermaster Museum “almost every piece of Army equipment sent to Vietnam was processed, transported, issued, and maintained by the 1st Log.”) - I was a WWII Navy veteran from Moline, Illinois, serving from September 1943 until December 1945. Before the war I was a sheet metal worker. When discharged I was a Metalsmith 1st Class. My assignments included the 106th and 58th Naval Construction Battalions. I also worked as a bulldozer operator and a barber. My awards included the American Area, Asiatic-Pacific, and Victory Medals. - I was a Cold War veteran serving with the Air Force as an airman second class from May 1960 until February 1964. I was a morse code intercept operator with the 6945th Security Squadron. I was born in Latrobe, PA, and was stationed at Goodfellow AFB, San Angelo, TX. - I was an Air Force veteran serving as a sergeant from May 1986 until September 1990. I was from Palm Harbor, FL, and was assigned to Detachment 11, Second Weather Squadron (Military Airlift Command) at Patrick AFB, FL. I was a weather specialist. My awards included the AF Overseas Service Short Tour Ribbon, AF Good Conduct and AF Longevity Service Awards. - I was a Vietnam era veteran from Chesapeake Beach. I served in the Marine Corps as a sergeant from July 1971 until June 1974. I was a mortarman and assigned to Company D, Marine Corps Security Guard Battalion, American Embassy, Panama. My awards included the National Defense Service Medal and the Meritorious Unit Commendation. 7 News from our Post and Members EAGLE CARVING DONATION Thanks to the generosity of local artist and Post 206 member Bob Arscott, the Post has a new addition to our facility. On October 17 a short dedication ceremony was conducted before our regular meeting at which we took formal possession of a magnificent carved bald eagle. Attending the ceremony with Bob were his wife, one of his three sons, and some friends. A retired DC Metropolitan Police detective, four year Navy veteran, and Dunkirk resident, Bob explained that his creation took more than 3000 hours of work over a three year period. He said he has been carving wildlife for more then 40 years, and that after he entered the eagle in the World Carving Show in Ocean City in April of this year, he knew that it was too big to keep in his home. When Bob approached the Post with the idea of donating the eagle for display, we enthusiastically agreed. As Commander Charlie Choux remarked at the ceremony, “The eagle is just the kind of thing to display at an American Legion post… It stands for freedom… It’s a symbol for our country and who we are.” If you have not yet seen the carving, it is located in the entryway to the upstairs hall. Take the time to view this wonderful creation and if you see Bob around the Post home, please thank him for sharing his talent with us—we are truly grateful. Check out the slide show of the dedication ceremony and a more detailed biography of Bob on our Post 206 website— www.alpost206.org . ROBERT JEROW, SFC SAL Member Jerry Jerow’s son will soon be heading to Afghanistan for his fourth deployment. We wish him a safe journey and tour, and appreciate his service! 8 SUPPORTING OUR COMMUNITY Did you know that your active support and patronage for our many programs and events at Post 206 helps us contribute to various youth, charitable and community service organizations throughout the year? Well it does, and the next time you attend a breakfast or dinner, or show up for a country or motown dance, or help out with our many functions, know that you have made our generosity possible. Below are a few more examples of the kinds of donations the Legion, Auxiliary and SAL make on a routine basis throughout the year thanks to your participation. - Legion donated $1000 to the North Beach Volunteer Fire Department - Legion donated $275 to the Perry Point VA Medical Center - Legion donated $1000 to Liberty, Inc., a non-profit for girls in lacrosse and field hockey programs - Legion donated $300 to the Calvert County “Shop With a Cop” Program - Legion donated $500 to the Calvert County Nursing Center Auxiliary - Legion donated $2500 to the Hometown to Heroes organization - SAL made donations to Toys for Tots, Young Marines, Nam Knights, and Swanson Foundation - SAL donated various items for holiday distribution to Charlotte Hall veterans “HONOR FLIGHT, THE MOVIE” The 90-minute film “Honor Flight, The Movie” will be shown Friday, February 6 at 7:00p.m. at the Post following the regular Friday night dinner. Reservations are recommended for the dinner ($10 a person, served from 5:30 - 7 p.m.). Registration for the 7:00p.m. film-only (free) is not required, but encouraged for groups, so adequate accommodations will be provided. This event is not limited to military or Post members and the general public is encouraged to attend. Primary contact is Andy Charland, Post Service Officer, at 301-855-6466 or email [email protected] regarding the meal or bringing a group to the film. Alternate contact is Linzy Laughhunn with Calvert Hospice at 410-535-0892 or email [email protected]. The film chronicles four World War II veterans from Wisconsin who are able to visit the WWII Memorial in Washington, DC, through the generosity of Honor Flight, an organization dedicated to honoring the service of such veterans. In a related press release, Calvert Hospice’s Executive Director Brenda Laughhunn states “We are proud to collaborate with … Post 206 in bringing this message to our Calvert County Veterans.” Information about Post 206 and Calvert Hospice’s “We Honor Veterans” program will be available. 9 OPERATION SHOE BOX Action continues to slow down in Afghanistan, but rest assured that Rosalie will be sending out care packages till the last one comes home or she runs out of names to send them to.! Don’t forget to check out the list of supplies needed and if able drop off a couple of items on the list. Know a deployed Service Member serving in a war zone? Drop off their name, military address, when they are expected to return to the States and we will add them to our list so they can begin to receive some of these goodies for them and their fellow servicemen and women. Rosalie would be happy to add them to her list, she treats each one as if they where part of her family and ours! Below are more testimonials to the effort: On Sunday, September 28, Rosalie received a phone call from Sgt Aaron Zills, stationed in South Korea, 15 miles south of the DMZ. He said he had been in Korea for four years and would return home in December when he retires. He wanted to personally thank Rosalie and the American Legion for all the boxes they have been receiving. He told her how much the boxes are appreciated by all the troops, adding that it really helps boost the morale for them to receive such packages from home. Referring to the call, Rosalie said “That was such a special call for me to have received. I was told it was 2:15 in the morning when he was making the call… This call was such a great reward for the job I am doing (Operation Shoe Box)...I was blessed today to have talked to one of our recipients who is defending us and for him to call and thank the American Legion and myself.” —————————————————————————— Oct 1, 2014 (aboard the USS George H. W. Bush, CVN-77) “Thank you for the wonderful package, it was more than enough. There is no way to explain the excitement of receiving mail. The lotions smelled wonderful and I can’t wait to try the loofahs. I will definitely share with all the girls in my berthing, all 50 of us. We will be returning late October / early November. Please take me off the mailing list. I would feel horrible if I got mailed something that could have went to somebody else who needs it. I appreciate all the care that went into this package. I know that everyone thinks that we are heroes, but really you are too.” Very Respectfully, ET3 Patricia Tures, USN —————————————————————————————— Oct 2, 2014 Dear Rosalie, Thank you so much for the care packages! We can tell you put a lot of thought and effort into them. I especially like the Kind Bars and the Cave Man Bars. It’s also pretty cool that they’re from Maryland, because I am from Maryland too! I’m from Silver Spring and we have a place in Ocean City that we escape to whenever we get a chance. (Smiley Face). Thanks again for the support! Love, ET3 (SW/AW) Courtney Deluca, USN ROSALIE, THANK YOU AND YOUR HELPERS FOR ALL YOU DO FOR THOSE WHO SERVE US !! 10 Our Local Hero’s Members and Family Members Who are Protecting Our FreedomsToday Thank You ! James Abner Kevin Archer Jeff Bouton Steve Bradley John Booker William Bright F. Calvetrecktenwall Elvrich Castane Dylan Chadbourne John Currie Doug Dixon Nathan Dennes R. Early Joshua Erhard Zachary Gay Michall Glaze Joseph Halikman Johnny Hamm Dale Heaton Douglas Hickok Joshua Hickson Max Hudgins Nathan Klein Jerome Kline C. Lankford John Leonatti Brian Lucero Nicholas Magers Albert Meriano D. Morrison Charles Morgan Andrea McKellar May Noe Matthew Noe Michael Perkins Steve Proper Derek Rea Joshua Rea John Rudd Gordon Runyon Chris Sleeter Chad Sheets Benjamin Stein Gary Stroud Harley Sturdevant Sara Schecter Robert Tobler Michael Turner Urban West Robert Willis Michael Zeruto Charles Grierson F. J. Argeles Roger Brannon Brian Case N. De La Cruz Devin Banks Travis Brownlow R. A. Cotton Jason Carter J. DiGiovanni John Doyle Eric Donato David Frankel Devin Gallier Marlisa Girard D. Humphrey Danielle Harris Michael Harrison Logan Hicks Evan Hess Ronald Jones Robert Jerow Michael Kosco Monte Lane Josh Levendosky Bill Long K. MacDowell Dustin Mathis Eric Musgrove Chris Moore Doug Miller Denise Munch Ryan Nolen Matthew Norvel Robert Pryke L. Poteras Chris Rainey Jeff Rice Richard Rose Nick Santandrea Ryan Sherbondy Paul Shields Paul Sciole Gary Smith Nick Sandoval Steve Tatro Jr Emile Vaccaro Jackie Vanovost Joshua Wray Bill Wroble Justin Hickman James Hardesty II James Beeman Mark Branch Robert Crow Jeff Coles Jonathan DelongDaylan Donato P. J. Gallagher Tony Hubbert Jr William Hawley Brian Howren Mark Karman Charles Lane Jody Lucas Sean McCanna Amy Midgett Kirk Mosley June Page Jonathan Plew Richard Rose J. Scheidmeier Jeromy Smith Joseph Smith Tom Tippit Robert Vincent Gary Winton ___________________________________________________________________________ The Members listed above are currently serving in the Military, Reserves, and National Guard. If you know of a member or family member who should be added please let me know. My email address is [email protected]. This list has been updated with names provided by the adjutant. If I removed someone who should be on the list please let me know. Thank you in advance for everyone’s help with this. 11 POST EVERLASTING This list includes Legionnaires, Auxiliary, and SAL Members of Post 206. Please keep these members and their families in your thoughts and prayers. Please contact the appropriate unit and let us know if you would like a Legion Service at the Funeral Home. Hendricks “Artie” Lyons John Horan John W. “Jack” Shivers, Jr. Willard G. Gould __________________________________________________________________________ SICK CALL Post 206 Members (None reported this period) This list includes Legionnaires, Auxiliary, and SAL Members of Post 206. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery . If I missed anyone please let me know and I’ll be sure to include them in the next newsletter. _______________________________________________________________________________________ BERNARD “BERNIE” “RAY” SHATZER, JR. Post 206 lost an old friend when Bernie passed away on October 14. An Army veteran and retired DC Metropolitan Police Officer, he was the “DJ” (along with his buddy Steve) at the hand dances held here at the Post for many years. He will be missed. 12 January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR ! 2 Dinner, 5:30 -7 pm Pork Loin Sat 3 4 5 6 Steak Night 5:30-7 pm 7 8 9 Dinner, 5:30 -7 pm Ham & Cabbage, Potatoes,Carrots 10 Country Dance 7-12 pm 11 Auxiliary Breakfast 8-11 am (Charlotte Hall Vets as guests) 12 13 Italian Night 5:30-7 pm 14 Post Exec Cmte Mtg 7 pm 15 Charlotte Hall Vets’ Lunch, 12n 16 17 Texas Hold’Em 4 pm 18 19 Dr. M. L. King, Jr. Day SAL Mtg, 7 pm 20 Steak Night 5:30-7 pm Aux Exec Mtg, 7 pm Post Meeting 7 pm Dinner, 5:30 - 7 pm, Chicken pot pie Karaoke, 8 pm 21 22 23 Dinner, 5:307 pm Meatloaf ** 24 28 29 30 Dinner, 5:307 pm TBA ? 31 Aux Mtg, 7 pm 25 26 27 Shrimp Dinner, 5:307 pm ** Dinner proceeds to benefit the Auxiliary Emergency Fund—a grant program to benefit members in times of financial crisis. 13 February 2015 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 Steak Night 5:30-7 pm Wed 4 Thu 5 Fri 6 Dinner, 5:307 pm, Baked Chicken Sat 7 Honor Flight Movie, 78:30 pm 8 Auxiliary Breakfast 8-11 pm 9 15 16 President’s Day 10 SAL Mtg, 7 pm 11 12 13 Dinner, 5:307 pm Lasagna 14 Country & Valentine’s Day Dance, 7-12 pm 18 Post Exec Cmte Mtg, 7 pm 19 Charlotte Hall Vets’ Lunch, 12n 20 21 Italian Night 5:30-7 pm 17 Steak Night 5:30-7 pm Dinner, 5:307 pm, Seafood Post Meeting, 7 pm Karaoke, 8 pm 22 23 24 Shrimp Dinner 5:30-7 pm 25 26 14 27 Dinner, 5:307 pm, Potluck Night 28 Texas Hold’Em 4 pm March 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Steak Night 5:30-7 pm 4 5 6 7 Dinner, 5:307pm, Baked Chicken 8 Auxiliary Breakfast 8-11 am 9 10 Italian Night, 5:30—7pm 11 12 13 Dinner, 5:30—7 pm Baked Haddock 14 Country Dance, 7-12 pm 18 Post Exec Cmte Mtg 7 pm 19 Charlotte Hall Vets’ Lunch, 12n 20 Post Meeting 7 pm 21 Texas Hold’Em 4 pm SAL Mtg, 7 pm 15 16 17 Steak Night 5:30-7 pm ————- Dinner, 5:307 pm, Seafood Night 22 23 24 Shrimp Dinner 5:30-7 pm 25 29 Palm Sunday 30 31 31 26 15 27 28 Dinner, 5:307 pm ??? Stallings-Williams Post 206 The American Legion P. O. Box 428 Chesapeake Beach, MD 20732-0428 Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Chesapeake Bch. Maryland 20732 Permit #2628 Return Requested STALLINGS-WILLIAMS POST 206 2014 - 2015 OFFICERS LEGION Commander: Charlie Choux 1st Vice Cmdr: Jack Custis 2nd Vice Cmdr: Denise Munch Service Off: Andy Charland Adjutant: Rob Sybert Sgt@Arms: Altie Miller Chaplain: Harry Hill Historian: Les Griffith Judge Advocate: Frank Purdy Finance Officer: Russ Mogel 240-687-6745 410-610-3870 240-994-7743 301-509-5940 301-855-2479 301-855-0188 410-257-7662 443-949-5602 410-257-9878 443-964-4524 Exec. Committee: Fred Bumgarner Dave Coull Jack Gregory Nick Sandoval Bar Chairman: Denise Munch 410-535-5517 301-648-7099 301-928-6456 210-667-3212 240-994-7743 Web Page: www.ALpost206.org AUXILIARY President: Judi Granados 301-775-9195 Vice Pres: Janice Marcellas 301-399-7995 Secretary: Norma Leitz 301-855-5054 Treasurer: Brenda Miller 301-855-4926 Historian: Charlotte Hebrank 410-257-6566 Chaplain: Clara Mae Buckmaster 410-257-6517 Sgt@Arms: Ramona Hamby 301-399-7854 Membership: Brenda Miller 443-964-5722 SONS of the AMERICAN LEGION Commander: James Ward 410-610-7217 1st Vice Cmdr: Kenny Hamby 301-609-1209 2nd Vice Cmdr: Jim Radisch 410-495-8498 Finance Officer: Phil Hebrank 410-610-1457 Adjutant: Jack Dohony 443-975-4872 Sgt@Arms: Larry Dumire 301-512-6068 Chaplain: Bill Collinson 443-481-2648 Membership; Jerry Jerow 410-231-0137 Email: [email protected] Webmaster: Les Griffith 443-949-5602 [email protected] Newsletter: Fred Bumgarner 410-535-5517 [email protected] 16
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