GOVERNING BODY OF THE SHADOW CCG (Hammersmith and Fulham) QUALITY, PATIENT SAFETY & RISK COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday 28th October, 11.30 am – 2.30 pm St Paul’s Church, Hammersmith Present: Trish Longdon Peter Fermie Susan McGoldrick Vanessa Andreae Michele Davison Jane Wilmot Paul Ferguson In attendance: Rachel Stanfield Sam Wallace Mary Mullix Patricia Grant Toby Hyde Julie Fuller Peter Beard Julie Dalphinis Clare Lyons Collins Helen Mangan Christopher MullerPollard Parminder Sahota Steve Buckerfield H&F Clinical Commissioning Group – Lay member (chair) H&F Clinical Commissioning Group – GP Vice Chair, H&F Clinical Commissioning Group H&F Clinical Commissioning Group – Practice Nurse H&F Clinical Commissioning Group – GP H&F Clinical Commissioning Group – Lay member H&F Clinical Commissioning Group – Practice Manager TL PF SM VA MD JAW PFA Head of OD and Governance, H&FCCG Borough Manager, Healthwatch Central West London Deputy Director of Quality and Nursing, CWHHE Designated Nurse Safeguarding Children, CWHHE Complaints Manager, CWHHE Senior Commissioning Officer Learning Disabilities and Carers Safeguarding Adults Lead, CWHHE Out of Hospital Project Lead (Mental Health) Associate Director, Business Planning Consultant Psychiatrist RS SW MM PG TH JF PB JD CLC HM CMP Inpatient Nurse Manager PS Acting Head of Children’s Joint Commissioning SB Strategic Implementation Manager Nandini Ganesh Parents Active Adrian Hegenbarth Knowledge and Delivery Manager, PPWT Chakshu Sharma Senior IFR Business Manager, PPWT Gina Gerrard Parents Active Margaret Kelly Business Support Manager, H&FCCG (minutes) Item Agenda Item /Discussion 1. Welcome & Apologies 1.1 2. 2.1 Introductions were provided. No apologies were received. Conflicts of Interest The general conflict of GPs as commissioners and providers was noted. 3. 3.1 Minutes of the last meeting th The Committee approved the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 26 August. 4. Matters Arising 4.1 See the actions table for updates. NG AH CS GG MK Action Owner 1. 1.1 a) LD SAF Action Plan Update b) Winterbourne View update c) Carer Primary Care Navigator Project PB introduced the a) LD SAF Action Plan Update, b) Winterbourne View update and c) the Carer Primary Care Navigator project. PB reported that a workshop is currently being set up to assist with the LD SAF assessment process. Data is currently being collected with two mandatory questions to be answered by the service users and carers, making sure people are invested in the process, with the draft submission to be taken to December’s Quality, Patient Safety and Risk Committee. PB explained that the evidence would sit on the HFCCG website so members of the Committee are able to view the evidence. TL stated that we need to be signposted to the evidence but it does not need to be reproduced in paper form for the meeting. PB th specified that the final assessment must be submitted by the 30 January 2015. PB explained that there is a provider referral form and that an addendum has been developed with capacity and consent checklist, which will accompany the form on SystmOne, and asked the Committee to approve it. He explained that it was developed with Primary Care Information to flag the status of patients with a Learning Disability, and to allow GPs to plan for what reasonable adjustments these patients need in order to access effective health care services from community and acute providers in H&F. JAW asked if the referral form was discussed with Parents Active. PB clarified that the GP will use the referral form and it will differ for each patient. It will accompany the referral form on SystmOne and will act as a checklist. PB explained that Winterbourne View monitors all health-funded placements and reports to NHSE on in-patient placements. There are currently 3 patients in in-patient placements, with 2 placements under the mental health act, with one review not completed within the timescale. The target to be achieved is 50% and it is anticipated with we will achieve 66%, with quarterly reports to be submitted to NHSE. PB reported that the 12 month primary care navigator pilot has finished and some of the key messages are that data cleanse requires significant resource, protected time and support is required for the carer leads and carer information in other languages is a clear gap and the quality of BME data varies. The next steps are to look at the lessons learnt, review the data plans and consider whether to extend the service for a further year, before going out to a full procurement process. JAW asked which areas require the most support for the carers and if the practices selected are the correct practices to pilot the service. PB explained that he worked with the network co-ordinators to identify the practices. The Committee: Noted and supported the process for the 2013/14 LD SAF submission and the progress, challenges and planning timetable of the current LD SAF action plans in 2013/14 Approved the “reasonable adjustments addendum” to the provider referral form Approved the “decisions for consent” document to accompany the reasonable adjustments addendum Noted the progress of implementation of the key recommendations from the Winterbourne View Review at the end of Quarter 2 2014/15 Noted the progress of the carers Primary Care Navigator and support the delivery of the service in the next Twelve months
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