Department of Economics Weekly programme 2-6 February 2015 Courses The Thursday session of the course on Macroeconomics (Ramon Marimon) is moved to Wednesday at 8.45, while the Exercise class for Macroeconomics (Francesca Loria, João Brogueira and Fabian Schütze) on Thursday is moved from 17.15 to 13.30. The Exercise class for Microeconomics (Giovanni Andreottola) is moved from Wednesday to Friday at 14.00 in the VSP 1. Microeconomics Research Workshop – note different day and time from usual! Wednesday 4 February, 9.30, VSP 2 Andrea Attar, Toulouse School of Economics (IDEI) Multiple Contracting in Insurance Markets: Cross-Subsidies and Quantity Discounts (with Thomas Mariotti and François Salanié) Macro working group Thursday 5 February, 13.30, VSP 1 CANCELLED Luis Rojas, tba Econometrics Research Workshop Friday 6 February, 14.30, Priests' room David Dorn, University of Zurich Import Competition and the Great U.S. Employment Sag of the 2000s (with Daron Acemoglu, David Autor, Gordon Hanson and Brendan Price) Thesis defence Silvia Albrizio will defend her thesis entitled “The Investment Effect of Fiscal Consolidation”on Friday 6 February at 13.30 in VSP 2. The thesis committee is composed of Profs. Jérôme Adda, EUI & Bocconi University, Supervisor; Emmanuelle Auriol, University of Toulouse; Christian Bayer, University of Bonn and Evi Pappa, EUI. Coffee get-together, Tuesdays at 16.00 in the VSP garden or bar Time 8.45 – 10.45 11-13 Monday Week 2-6 February Tuesday Course on Statistics & Econometrics (Peter Hansen) VSP 1 Course on Macroeconomics (Ramon Marimon) VSP 1 17.15 19.15 Thursday Course on Statistics & Econometrics (Peter Hansen) VSP 1 Exercise class for Statistics & Econometrics (Ilya Archakov/ Gabriela Galassi) VSP 1 ---------------16.00 coffee get-together, VSP bar Friday Course on Microeconomics (Andrea Mattozzi) VSP 1 13.30 Macro working group Luis Rojas tba VSP 1 CANCELLED -----------------13.30 Exercise class for Macroeconomics (Francesca Loria, João Brogueira Fabian Schütze) VSP 1 (moved from 17.15) 13 15 15-17 Wednesday Course on Macroeconomics (Ramon Marimon) VSP 1 -------------------9.30 Microeconomics Research Workshop Andrea Attar Multiple Contracting in Insurance Markets: Cross-Subsidies and Quantity Discounts VSP 2 Course on Microeconomics (Andrea Mattozzi) VSP 1 13.30 Thesis defence Silvia Albrizio VSP 2 -------------------14.00 Exercise class for Microeconomics (Giovanni Andreottola) VSP 1 ----------------------14.30 Econometrics Research Workshop David Dorn Import Competition and the Great U.S. Employment Sag of the 2000s Priests' room Thesis defence (cont’d) VSP 2 -------------------Exercise class for Microeconomics (cont’d) Priests’ room ---------------Econometrics Research Workshop (cont’d) VSP 1 Department of Economics Weekly programme 9-13 February 2015 Departmental Seminar Monday 9 February, 11.00, Priests’ room Libertad Gonzalez, Universitat Pompeu Fabra The Impact of Eliminating a Child Benefit on Birth Timing and Infant Health (joint with Cristina Borra and Almudena Sevilla) MWP Inequality and Efficiency in Education and Labour Markets thematic group Monday 9 February, 13.00, VSP 1 Presenter: Diederik Boertien; Discussant: Ricardo Estrada Job market presentation Monday 9 February, 15.00, VSP 2 Antoine Camous, tba Introduction to KNITRO Tuesday 10 February, 11.00, VSP 1 Pawel Doligalski and Dominik Thaler Econometrics & beyond working group Thursday 12 February, 11.00, VSP 1 Ada Gonzalez-Torres, tba Macro reading group – note different time from usual! Thursday 12 February, 13.30, VSP 1 Viktor Marinkov (presenting Firm Heterogeneity, Endogenous Entry, and the Business Cycle) Coffee get-together, Tuesdays at 16.00 in the VSP garden or bar Week 9-13 February Time Monday Tuesday Departmental Seminar Libertad Gonzalez The Impact of Eliminating a Child Benefit on Birth Timing and Infant Health Priests’ room MWP Inequality and Efficiency in Education and Labour Markets thematic group VSP 1 Introduction to KNITRO (Pawel Doligalski /Dominik Thaler VSP 1 Job market presentation Antoine Camous tba VSP 2 Exercise class for Statistics & Econometrics (Ilya Archakov/ Gabriela Galassi) VSP 1 ---------------16.00 coffee gettogether, VSP bar Wednesday Thursday 8.45 – 10.45 11-13 13 - 15 15-17 17.1519.15 Econometrics & beyond working group Ada GonzalezTorres tba VSP 1 13.30 Macro reading group Viktor Marinkov (presenting Firm Heterogeneity, Endogenous Entry, and the Business Cycle) VSP 1 Revision class for Microeconomics (Giovanni Andreottola) VSP 1 Revision class for Macroeconomics (Francesca Loria, João Brogueira Fabian Schütze) VSP 1 Friday
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