Verona Area High School Feb 2015 Newsletter 300 Richard St Verona WI 53593 Main Office Phone: (608) 845-4400 Fax: (608) 845-4420 K-wing Office Phone: Dates to Note: January 29—Homeroom Schedule—Start of scheduling January 30—Multicultural Showcase 7:00-9:00 PM February: 2-6: Homeroom Schedule for Course Selection 2: Science Club 3:40 PM 2: French Club 3:45 PM C111 2: COURSE INFORMATION FAIR 6:00-8:00 PM 2: Junior Prom Parent Planning Meeting 6:30 PM 3: PARENT/TEACHER/STUDENT CONFERENCES 4-8 PM 4: NHS Meeting in the PAC 7:45 AM 4: Science Olympiad Team Meeting 3:45 PM Upper LMC 5: Symphonic Band/Chorale/Jazz Concert 7:30 PM 7: ACT Test 8:00-12:00 8: FFA Farm Toy Show 9:00-3:00 8: Prom Fashion Show—PAC 1:00 PM 9: LATE START MONDAY 9: FFA Meeting 3:40 PM 9: Art Club B101 3:45 PM 9: Spanish Club 3:45 PM 11: Science Olympiad Team Meeting 3:45 PM Upper LMC 12: Freshman Ensembles Concert 7:30 PM 13: Deadline for submitting course requests 16: Science Club 3:40 PM 16: French Club 3:45 PM C111 16: Chamber/Concerto Concert 7:30 PM 17-18: Homeroom Schedule—Advisory 23: LATE START MONDAY 23: FFA Meeting 3:40 PM 23: Art Club B101 3:45 PM 24-25 Homeroom Schedule—Advisory 25: Science Olympiad Team Meeting 3:45 PM Upper LMC 26-27: NO SCHOOL (608) 845-4500 Fax: (608) 845-4570 February 2015 Did you can follow us on Twitter @VAHSwildcats ? You can also access our Twitter account on the VAHS homepage at the bottom right-hand side of the page or click on this link: https://twitter.comVAHSwildcats VAHS Wildcats VeronaAreaHighSchool Ms. Pam Hammen, Principal [email protected] (608) 845-4410 Ms. Mindy Breunig, Counselor Grades 9-12 Last Names Hp-M [email protected] (608) 845-4626 (845-4588 on Thursdays in K-wing) Ms. Theresa Brown Counselor Grades 9-12 Last Names Sf-Z [email protected] (608) 845-4429 (845-4588 on Tuesdays in K-wing) Mr. Daniel Kigeya Associate Principal Grades 10-12 Last Names A-L [email protected] (608) 845-4412 Ms. Carri Hale, Counselor Grades 9-12 Last Names D-Ho [email protected] (608) 845-4426 (845-4588 on Fridays in K-wing) Ms. Tamara Sutor Associate Principal Grades 10-12 Last Names M-Z [email protected] (608) 845-4411 Ms. Kaila Rabideau, Counselor Grades 9-12 Last Names N-Se [email protected] (608) 845-4491 (845-4588 on Mondays in K-wing) Ms. Alicia Ziolkowski, Counselor Grades 9 - 12 Last Names A-C [email protected] (608) 845-4427 (845-4588 on Fridays in K-wing) Mr. Pheng Lee Associate Principal Grade 9, Exploration Academy, GEDO Mr. Alan Buss, Dean of Students [email protected] (608) 845-4505 [email protected] (608) 845-4560 Ms. Robin Stalheim, Psychologist [email protected] (608) 845-4434 Office Hours are 8:00 - 4:00 PM School Day is 8:30 - 3:37 PM Late Start Mondays are 10:00 - 3:37 PM 845-4400 - Main High School Office 845-4500 - K-Wing Office 845-4430 or 4431—Student Services 845-4403 - Absence Call In (Grades 10-12) 845-4503 - Absence Call In (Gr 9, EA, GEDO) 845-4420 - Main Office FAX 845-4570 - K-Wing Office FAX February 2015 Mr. Cory Zimmerman, Social Worker Cory [email protected] (608) 845-4433 Ms. Amy Moschkau, School-to-Career Coord. [email protected] (608) 845-4482 Ms. Pat Lynam, Nurse [email protected] (608) 845-4415 Mr. Mark Kryka, Athletic & Activities Director [email protected] (608) 845-4490 Officer Aaron Truscott, Police Liaison [email protected] (608) 845-4483 VAHS Wildcats MEET THE VAHS ADMIN TEAM From left to right: Pheng Lee, Associate Principal Pam Hammen, Principal Tamara Sutor, Associate Principal Daniel Kigeya, Associate Principal Alan Buss, Dean of Students MEET THE VAHS COUNSELING TEAM Mindy Breunig Serving: Hp-M 845-4626 Kaila Rabideau Serving: N-Se 845-4491 Theresa Brown Serving: Sf-Z 845-4429 Alicia Ziolkowski Serving: A-C 845-4427 Carri Hale Serving: D-Ho 845-4426 February 2015 VAHS Wildcats ATTENTION!!! DID YOU KNOW…In addition to getting help from teachers after school, we have 7th hour assistance for ALL AP students?! Teachers available to support any students taking an AP course during 7th hour 2:44 – 3:37 PM: Teacher Room Number Course Kabby Hong Room F106 AP English Gwen Pennington Room F147 AP English Michael Ray Room G142 AP Psychology Jason Strauss Room C126 AP Science Attendance Hints & Reminders If you receive a message at home from our SchoolReach phone system saying that your child had an unexplained absence during the day, please check on PowerSchool to see what class your child was marked absent. Your child will then need to contact this teacher if they feel this is an error. The Attendance Office cannot change absences without the permission of the teacher who originally marked the absence. Please call 845-4403 for grades 10-12 and 845-4503 for Freshmen, EA & GEDO to report absences or students arriving late to school. Notes vs. Calls If you know ahead of time that your student needs to leave for an appointment it is preferred to PLEASE send a note with them. Calling the Attendance Office to have a pass delivered to the student takes extra time and resources to deliver the note. This also disrupts the class when delivering the pass or calling into the classroom if needed. February 2015 VAHS Wildcats items if they are not going to be directly in your pocket. Also please encourage students to not by Officer Truscott, PSL An unfortunate part of our society is theft. While keep these items in their backpacks especially in stealing is wrong in itself, prevention is the num- the outer mesh pockets as they invite thieves to ber one way to avoid going through this unfortu- take them when out in plain view. nate circumstance. As we begin our school year, I also ask that you take the time to write down I would like to take time to remind parents to en- the Make, Model and Serial Number of all valuables, especially electronic devices, which courage and stress to their students the importance of locking up valuables while at school. We will be brought to school. Having these items often see cell phones, IPODs, and other valuables plays a critical role in the Police Department’s ability to track down, locate and return these left unattended around the school. Particularly items to their rightful owners. in the gym locker rooms items are left in bags and unsecured. Unsecured items create opportu- Thank you for time, and remember prevention is nities for those that are looking to take things the number one w ay to combat thefts. that are not theirs. Personal Property Security, Please help prevent thefts by securing your personal Aaron Truscott, Verona Police Department Police School Liaison Officer SENIOR PARENTS - 2015 SENIOR CLASS TRIP MEETINGS Meetings to plan the 2015 Senior Class trip are fast approaching. On Friday, June 5, the entire senior class will be going to the Green Lake Convention Center for the day. Senior parents are needed to assist in the planning and coordination of the trip. Below are the meeting dates for planning the trip. It is my hope that you will attend the first meeting to volunteer in making this another traditionally great trip! February 11 March 11 April 1 April 29 May 13 May 27 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 If you have questions – please contact Greg Verhelst at 845-4498 or [email protected] February 2015 VAHS Wildcats Deal on Friday Night Skiing & Snowboarding at Devil's Head Attn: Skiers & Snowboarders The Badger Ridge Middle School Ski and Snowboard Club would like to extend our special group rates to High School Students. GROUP RATE LIFT TICKET RENTAL $20.00 $10.00 For comparison, the Regular rate for a lift ticket is $37.00 and Rentals $29.00. This group rate pricing is available to you the following Friday nights in January 9, 16, 23, 30 and in February 6, 13, 20. Just Google Badger Ridge Middle School Ski & Snow Club to access our web page. Click on High School and fill out your order form. NOTE: you will need to be logged in to your Verona account to access. You will be able to pick up your tickets, after 5 pm, in the lodge room off the cafeteria, from Ms. Spencer or Mr. Rohlfing. At this time, we will expect payment for the exact amount due in cash or check. Thank you, Lynn Spencer Badger Ridge Middle School Ski/Snowboard Club Advisor February 2015 VAHS Wildcats Open gyms for anyone interested in trying out for baseball teams in the spring: Saturday mornings in the main high school gym from 7:00-8:00 am Saturday February 21st Saturday February 28th Saturday March 7th Saturday March 14th Thanks, Brad D'Orazio Varsity Baseball Coach Questions? Call Smiles 4 Life at 262-896-9891 February is National Children’s Dental Health Month! Did you know? The second most common disease in the United States is tooth decay. The first is the common cold. Say cheese! The calcium and phosphorous found in cheese is healthy for your teeth - it reduces the pH level in plaque and re-mineralizes the enamel. More than 51 million hours of school are lost each year by children due to dental related illness. Please remember to brush 2 times a day for 2 minutes! February 2015 VAHS Wildcats The Verona Lacrosse Spring 2015 Registration is now open! Boys & Girls Grades 2nd‐12th – New players welcome! Youth Boys & Girls Parent/Player Kick – Off Meeting January 20th 6:00 PM Badger Ridge Commons High School Girls Parent/Player Kick‐Off Meeting January 14th 6:30 PM Badger Ridge Commons High School Boys Parent/Player Kick‐ Off Meeting February 4th 6:30 PM Badger Ridge Commons ‐ Registration and Information online at Photo Finish! Verona High School’s own, Ryan Nameth, placed 24th in the NATION at the Nike Nationals in Portland, OR on December 6! Ryan is the school record holder at VAHS with a time of 15:10, 34 seconds faster than any runner in Verona’s proud history. Go Ryan! February 2015 VAHS Wildcats Verona Area High School Implements New Schedule for 2015 Next year, Verona Area High School will be moving to a block schedule that will include many additional learning opportunities for our students. Classes will be 93 minutes in length. There will also be a 30 minute period each day for students to get academic support, participate in clubs and other enrichment opportunities or have a built in study hall! We are excited to share this important information with you and answer any questions you may have. We will be sharing information on the following three dates and times. Join us to learn more and have questions answered. Monday, February 2 (6:00 p.m.) VAHS PAC- Incoming Freshmen Orientation Tuesday, February 3 (6:00 p.m.) VAHS PAC- Current and Incoming Parents and Students Thursday, February 5 (5:30 p.m.) Fitchburg Boy’s and Girl’s Club - Current and Incoming Parents and Students Questions or need additional information? Check out the high school website for more information - Also, please see the February newsletter posted under “Announcements” on the high school website. Please call 845-4405 for questions. Please Join Us VAHS THEATRE Presents You Can’t Take It With You By Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman VAHS Theatre Arts will present three performances of the classic comedy You Can’t Take It With You on March 26-28, 2015 in the VAHS Performing Arts Center. The original production of the play opened at the Booth Theatre on Dec. 14, 1936, and played for 837 performances. The play won the 1937 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. The story revolves around the escapades of the eccentric and colorful Sycamore family. At first the Sycamores seem mad, but it is not long before we realize that if they are mad, the rest of the world is madder still. They are a happily eccentric gang of snake collectors, cunning revolutionaries, ballet dancers and skyrocket makers. With its spirited defense of living life for the sheer joy of living, the play has been a stalwart of the American theatre for over 75 years. The VAHS Theatre cast includes Molly Kempfer, Zoe Hansen, Makena Meyers, Randy Kessenich, Caulden Parkel, Sam Schultz, Tomas Endter, Kanu Shenoi, Maggie Ferguson, Chayank, Ben Kaeder, Will Schroeder, Natalie Long, Patrick Desmond, Mary Schroeder, Damien Sagopolu, Max Luke, and Emily Marckesano. The production is directed by Steve Nibbe. Carmen Berkan and Harry Ireland will stage manage. Tickets for the production are $10.00 for general admission and $5.00 for students and seniors and can be obtained by calling the VAHS Theatre box office at 845-4488. Scheduling Reminders Starting January 29th, students will begin getting information about scheduling for next year’s classes. Students will receive a course request form along with a course prospectus (a document explaining all courses offered at VAHS). Students should bring this information home to discuss class options with parents/guardians. Each student will fill out their course request form, enter their class requests online in PowerSchool and then turn in their course request form to their 2nd hour teacher on or before Friday, February 13th. Students who have specific questions about class options for next year can either talk to their current teacher in that subject area and/or schedule a meeting to meet with their counselor. Counselors will be available in the computer lab every night after school from Monday, February 9-Thursday, February 13th until 4:30 and all day on Thursday and Friday to help students enter their courses online. The teachers from each academic department will be creating informational videos about course offerings that will be shared with students. The videos will also be available on the VAHS website under the Student Services Tab. FREE Help Filling out Financial Aid Paperwork College Goal Wisconsin is an event that assists high school seniors in completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Filling out this form is the first step to receiving financial aid to help pay for college. The dates of the events offered in our area are below. Please also note the important list of documents you must bring with you. EVENT LOCATION Wednesday, February 26, 2015 at 6pm – Edgewood College, 1000 Edgewood College Ave, Madison , WI WHAT TO BRING WITH YOU – most of this is information that parents will have - 2013 Federal Tax Return and W2’s, or income estimates - You don’t have to wait until after you file your taxes! You are allowed to use estimates. - 2013 Untaxed Income Records such as child support or veteran’s non-education benefits - Information on savings, investments, business assets, and farm assets (if applicable) - Driver’s License (if you have one) - Social Security Number - Alien Registration Card or Permanent Resident Card (if you are not a U.S. Citizen) Financial Aid Night When: Wednesday, January 28, 7:00-8:30pm Where: Performing Arts Center, VAHS What: This meeting is for Senior families who are interested in learning more about applying for Financial Aid for college. Junior Conferences Each year the counseling team meets with each Junior student and their parents/guardians. This is an opportunity for us to talk about post-high school planning and to get students ready for their senior year. This year conferences will start sometime in March. Please watch your mail for more details about the date/time your conference is scheduled. NCAA Updates If you are registered with the NCAA, please make an appointment with your counselor to ensure your courses for next year meet eligibility requirements. Local Scholarship Application Information for Seniors Attention Seniors! The application for Local Scholarships will be available on February 1st via an online application. Students will have until February 27th to complete the application. The Local Scholarship Application allows students to apply for scholarships from local community members and businesses. These awards will be presented at Scholarship Night in the Spring. More details will be presented to Seniors during a homeroom meeting at the end of January. For more information, please contact Alicia Ziolkowski at 845-4427. From the Desk of Student Council February edition Getting to Know the Student Council Co-Presidents Maddie Weston & What do you value about being a Student Council President? I love being able to see all of the changes that we are able to make within our school and community and know that I help make those changes happen. What legacy do you hope to leave here? I hope to leave the legacy that anyone is able to be a leader. I was outspoken as an underclassman, but I forced myself to leave my comfort zone and applied for Executive Board on Student Council, which is one of the best decisions I made throughout all of high school. Why should others join Student Council? Student Council is a great place to meet new people, volunteer, and grow as a leader. We also plan homecoming which is pretty fun, too! If you could describe Student Council in one word, what would it be? Fulfilling. Claire Kramer What are you passionate about? I’m really passionate about service and activities within the school! I love spirit activities and when students get really involved in the fundraisers we are running. I also love being involved in helping make the school a better place. It’s great being able to change things for the good. What was or is your favorite Student Council activity? My favorite Student Council activity from last year was the Pennies for Patients fundraiser because it combined getting students involved (through Penny Wars and ‘Stick it to Cancer’) and raising money for a great cause. Why should others join Student Council? Others should join Student Council because they can voice their opinion and try to improve the school. Plus, it’s really fun! F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 BUSINESS, MARKETING & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY VERONA AREA HIGH SCHOOL New Name, New Opportunities - By Ms. Makovec, Mr. Maurer and Ms. Mortenson Since last May, the Business Education Department members, consisting of Tammy Makovec, Joe Maurer and Rita Mortenson have been busy working on revising and making BIG changes in their department to meet the needs of all students. Meeting over 12 times with a consultant, the department looked to make innovative changes - including many new course offerings. At this time, we are excited to share the new opportunities that are available for all students for the upcoming school year! The first change was in the name. Starting in the 2015 school year, we will now be the Business, Marketing & Information Technology Department (BMIT). This name best reflects the new course offerings that we have, including several marketing courses. We also started an Advisory Committee consisting of business and community members and parents, This committee provides valuable insight and ideas as we introduce our new offerings. The biggest changes are that in the course offerings for next year. During the 2015-2016 school year, there will be many new and exciting courses, providing students with more opportunities to explore their future. For a complete and detailed list of all courses and their descriptions, see the Verona Area High School course prospectus that each student receives. 2015-2016 Business, Marketing & Information Technology Offerings • Business, Marketing, and Finance • College Accounting (Dual credit) • Digital Visual Communication • Economics • eTechnology • Law & Ethics • Layout & Design • Managing Your Financial Life • Social Media and Advertising • Web Design • Yearbook Production • Your Money 2015 PROM PLANNING & FUNDRAISING Prom Fundraisers Call for Dresses & Dress Sale Questions: [email protected] Dress Drop-off K-Wing Room K-157 Monday, 2/2 – Wednesday, 2/4 During Lunch & 3:45p – 6:00p Dress Sale Friday, February 6 : 11:00a-3:45p VAHS Performing Arts Center Sunday, February 8 : 9:00a-4:00p K-Wing Commons Fashion Show Parent Planning Meetings Feb 2, March 2, April 13, May 4 6:30 – 7:45 PM KITC (Kwing library) Committees: Food, Promotions, Entertainment, Fashion Show, Treasurer, Decorations VAHS Prom Advisor: Sarah Greenlaw [email protected] Come see the latest prom styles Mark your calendars Sunday, February 8 : 1:00p Bake Sale : 9:00a-4:00p : Main Building Dress Sale*Bake Sale*Silent Auction Schwan’s Foods Dec 15th – Jan 29th On-line: Campaign ID: 17497 Boston Store Days February 27 & 28 Coupon Books: $5 Buy your Coupon Book at the Fashion Show OR contact Michele Knueppel at [email protected] Dine-out Nights Orange Leaf – Feb 3rd 4p-9p Dairy Queen – March 3rd 4p-8p Orange Leaf – March 31st 4-9p Others TBD Prom February 8, 2015 Show starts at 1:00pm Prom Fashions Latest and Greatest •Dress Sale •Silent Auction •Bake Sale $ 5 Adults • $3 Students WE NEED YOUR DRESSES!! 2015 Junior Prom Fundraiser DRESS DROP OFF February 2nd – 4th 11:15a-12:45p 3:45p-6:00p VAHS K-Wing Rm K-157 DRESS SALE February 6th VAHS Students Only 11:00a-4:00p VAHS PAC DRESS SALE DETAILS: Clean, gently used Prom or Homecoming dresses are welcome. You can either: 1) Consign your dress(es) with us: you set the price and if your dress sells you get 50% of the sale price of the dress* and the other 50% gets donated to Junior Prom. *Payment in the form of a check will be mailed to you within 2 weeks after the sale. Dresses that are not sold need to be picked up by 4:00p on 2/8 or they will be considered donated. 2) Donate your dress(es): they will either be sold with proceeds benefitting Junior Prom or donated to a student. February 8th Open to the Public 9:00a-4:00p K-Wing Follow us: Questions: [email protected] Don't forget to check out the Junior Prom Fashion Show Sunday, February 8th starting at 1:00 PM. Support Our Organization VAHS 2015 Prom Purchase a Boston Store Community Days coupon booklet for $5 & receive an exclusive coupon booklet with money saving offers Each booklet contains: One $10 off coupon, one 30% early bird coupon, a 25% off shopping pass which can be used on top of the bonus buy prices! Plus, exclusive merchandise offers and a web-exclusive offer & coupon. Coupon booklets are available for sale: Sunday, February 8th At the VAHS Dress Sale: 9:00a-4:00p K-wing Commons At the Fashion Show: 1:00p-3:00p Performing Arts Center At the Bake Sale: 9:00a-3:00p VAHS Main Building OR Contact Michele Knueppel at [email protected] FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 & SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 CAREER DAYS POSTER CONTEST • See your creative talents on the walls of VAHS. • Win a Prize –iPad Mini – Courtesy of TDS Telecom. • Get your picture in the Verona Press and VAHS Newsletter. • Looks great on your resume! Sign Up Today! - Contact Ms. Moschkau for more information. Poster Requirements: 2013 Winning Design Amber Kleijwegt The poster must include the following components: Use 2015 slogan: “The Best Way to Predict Your Future is to Create it.” - Abraham Lincoln The event: VAHS Career Days Dates: April 21, 22, 2015 and May 19, 20, 21, 2015 Appropriate graphics must meet these requirements: Students pictured are sophomores or juniors You have permission to take their picture, and they are aware of what the picture will be used for Include logos from the sponsoring companies (the larger the contribution, the larger the logo-Ms. Moschkau will get you these) Aesthetically pleasing color layout with easy to read font, no dead space The final product must be emailed to Ms. Moschkau in a .jpg file on or before the end of March. Youth Apprenticeship Applications Now Available Are you a sophomore or junior interested in a unique opportunity that allows you to get hands-on, paid, work experience while still in high school? Have you taken classes or are you interested in classes in Ag, Tech Ed, Business Ed, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health, or Project Lead The Way? If so, Verona’s Youth Apprentice program might be for you. Verona offers Youth Apprenticeships in the following areas: • • • • • • • • • • • Accounting/Finance Automotive Tech Bio Technology Construction Hospitality and Tourism IT Manufacturing Nursing Pharmacy Tech Veterinary Tech Welding To learn more about our Youth Apprentice program, stop in by Ms. Moschkau, B175, Student Services. Applications will be accepted for the 2015/16 school year starting in January 2014. February, 2015 CELEBRATE February is National CTE Month February is National Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month. It is a great time to celebrate all the amazing things that are happening in the CTE Departments at Verona Area High School. These departments include Agriculture, Business Education, Family and Consumer Science and Technology Education and Engineering. Many people might not realize that Career and Technical Education is the forefront of preparing students to be “college and career ready.” CTE programs can equip students with core academic skills, employability skills, and job-specific technical skills related to a specific career pathway. In fact, students who complete a rigorous academic core coupled with a career concentration are more likely to pursue college and are less likely to drop out in the first year. Career and technical education students significantly report that they developed problem-solving, project completion, research, math, college application, work-related, communication, time management, and critical thinking skills during high school. According to the U.S. Department of Education, almost all high school students take at least one career and technical education course, and one in four students take three or more courses in a single program area. In the CTE course offerings at VAHS, you can find so many innovative courses. Career and technical education can prepare you for a wide range of careers and further educational opportunities. Varying levels of education – including industry-recognized credentials, postsecondary certificates, and two- and four-year degrees connect to these careers. Check out the career and technical education choices in your course description information. Wisconsin high schools have incredible courses in Career and Technical Education and are taking a lead in preparing students for a productive workforce and successful careers. VAHS is a part of this. Read your course description information carefully for courses to help prepare you for your future career. Across the Nation In the United States one third of college students are involved in career and technical education programs, and as many as 40 million adults engage in short-term occupational training. Approximately 14 million students participated in college CTE programs in high school or college last year.
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