and understand Reformed theology, while he continued to attend Assemblies of God churches. Jeff married Michelle in 1996; they moved to Greenville in 1997, where they raised Alexander and Madilynn. The Petric family began attending Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church in 2002; there Jeff taught Sunday School and served as a deacon (four years) and an elder (another four years). Jeff and Michelle have attended Covenant Community Church since 2012. out of consideration for your fellow worshipers—particularly during the preaching of the Word. LEADERSHIP TRAINING Pastor Van Doodewaard is teaching a Wednesday night class on Christian leadership. This class is intended for men interested in developing as Christian leaders both in their homes and in the church. Topics covered will include both general Christian leadership principles, and also specific teaching on leadership in the church, with particular focus on the offices of elder and deacon. The class will run from 7:45pm to 8:30pm. All interested men are invited to attend. FEBRUARY 1, 2014 CHILDREN IN WORSHIP Young children are welcome to join in our worship at Covenant Community Church. Both a nursery and training room are available as helps to families with young children. If you anticipate that your young child or children cannot exercise the necessary selfcontrol to remain relatively quiet and still, please consider making good use of either of these facilities SCHEDULES The Lord’s Day Sunday School ............................ 9:30 am Children Ages 2-3 ......Grace Balding, Jennifer Paputsa Ages 4-5 ......... Isobel Johnston, Prarie Gatlin Ages 6-7 ................Joseph Balding, Joey Pipa Ages 8-11 .....Adam Harris, Michael Spangler Adults ......................................... Lowell Ivey Morning Worship .................... 11:00 am Evening Worship ........................ 6:00pm COVENANT COMMUNITY CHURCH A CONGREGATION OF THE ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE LORD’S DAY February 1, 2015 Nursery Care AM.................. Martin & Lisa Dendekker PM ........... Heather Loring, Holly Loring Ushers .................Matt Curto, Jeff Petric Refreshments ..................... Harris/Ivey Hospitality ............................... Curto Sr. FEBRUARY 8, 2014 Nursery Care AM...........Brenda Benson, Prairie Gatlin PM ................ Chelsea Lauer, Charity V. Ushers ................... John Jolly, Joey Pipa Refreshments .............................Bullock Hospitality .................(fellowship meal) “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.” Philippians 4:23 Mid-Week Meeting (First four Wednesdays of month, unless otherwise noted) Fellowship Meal .......................... 6:00pm Prayer Meeting............................. 6:45pm Children’s Catechism.................. 6:45pm CHURCH INFORMATION Covenant Community Church 418 E. Main St. Taylors, SC 29687 (864) 416 7150 WWW.COVENANTTAYLORS.ORG COVENANT COMMUNITY CHURCH A CONGREGATION OF THE ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH February 1, 2015 – 11:00 am Welcome and Announcements................................................................. Silent Prayer ................................................................................................... The Order of Worship § Call to Worship......................................................................... Psalm 66:1-4 § Prayer of Adoration and Invocation ........................................................ § The Psalm of Adoration................................. “O Lord Most High” (Ps. 9) Trinity Hymnal#48 The Revelation of God’s Will ...................................... Colossians 3:12-17 Prayer of Confession.................................................................................... WELCOME Welcome to our worship and fellowship at Covenant Community Church. We are a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church; you can read more about us at and our denomination at “There are three things that earthly riches can never do; they can never satisfy divine justice, they can never pacify wrath, nor can they ever quiet a guilty conscience. And till these things are done man is undone.” —Thomas Brooks (1608-1680) The Assurance of Pardon ................................................... Ephesians 4:32 The Offering .................................................................................................. Prayer of Thanksgiving and Supplication............................................. § The Scripture Readings ............................ Psalm 133, Philippians 4:21-23 § The Hymn of Preparation ................................ “It Is Well with My Soul” Trinity Hymnal#691 The Preaching of the Word ........................................ Philippians 4:21-23 “Letter to Philippi: The Love of the Brethren & the Blessing of God” Pastor Van Doodewaard § The Psalm of Response .............................................. “For All the Saints” Trinity Hymnal#358 The Lord’s Supper........................................................................................ § Closing Hymn & Diaconal Offering ........... “How Sweet and Awesome” Trinity Hymnal#469 § The Benediction ........................................................................................... § The Doxology ........................ “Now Blessed Be the Lord Our God” (Ps. 72) Trinity Hymnal#11, v1-2 § Please stand, if you are able. PREPARING FOR WORSHIP We would ask that you find a seat and quietly prepare for worship once you hear the pianist begin playing the pre-service hymn selections. Please also ensure that your children are seated and quiet. THE LORD’S SUPPER This morning we celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper in our worship service. If you are a baptized member of a Biblebelieving church, under the authority of elders, and in good standing (permitted to attend the Lord’s Supper), we invite you to participate at the Supper with us; if not we ask you not to partake of either of the elements of bread or wine. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING You are invited to attend our annual congregational meeting on February 4, 2015 at 7:00pm at the church. At this meeting we hope to consider two items of business. First, we plan take some time to count God’s blessings toward us in 2014; the session and diaconate will also present plans for 2015. Second, the session continues to pray for and work toward the identifying and training of men for the offices of elder and deacon. As part of this work, the session has considered the suitability of Mr. Jeff Petric for service in the office of deacon at Covenant Community OPC. The result of this prayerful consideration has been (as announced in previous weeks) to present Mr. Petric to the congregation as a certified nominee for the office of deacon. The election for office of deacon, with Mr. Petric under consideration for that office, will be held at the same congregational meeting. Jeff Petric: A Brief Biography Jeff was born and raised in Wickliffe, Ohio (a suburb of Cleveland). There he came to know the Lord at the age of 16 in an Assemblies of God congregation. During this time Jeff also attended a Bible study where he began to learn
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