12th Old World Conference in Phonology Main conference (28-30 January 2015, Universitat de Barcelona) Provisional program MAIN SESSION Wednesday, January 28th 8.45-9.15 9.15-9.30 9.30-10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00-11.30 11.30-12.00 12.00-12.30 12.30-13.00 13.00-15.00 15.00-15.30 15.30-16.00 16.00-16.30 16.30-17.00 17.00-17.30 17.30-18.00 18.00-18.30 Registration Opening remarks Invited speaker PAUL DE LACY (Rutgers University) Coffee break Nancy Kula (University of Essex) and Bettina Braun (University of Konstanz) Siri Moen Gjersøe (Humboldt University of Berlin) Jeroen Breteler (University of Amsterdam) John Joseph Perry (University of Cambridge) Lunch Elan Dresher (University of Toronto) and Andrew Nevins (University College of London) Kevin Ryan (Harvard University) Eva Zimmermann and Jochen Trommer (Leipzig University) Coffee break Laurence Voeltzel (Université de Nantes) Sławomir Zdziebko (Catholic University of Lublin) Birgit Alber (University of Verona) The theory of Generative evidence The mental representation of ternary spreading: How are derived tones processed? Downstep and phonological phrases in Kikuyu Metrical tone shift and spread in Harmonic Serialism Cyclically conditioned prosodic constituency in Gyalsumdo and beyond Undergoers are harmony sources: Maintaining iterative harmony in Oroqen dialects Weak triggers and gang effects in Sanskrit retroflex harmony Exocentric Mutation as argument for Generalized Nonlinear Affixation Preaspiration of singletons in Faroese Polish palatalizations as element addition Dialectal variation and typological properties 1 Thursday, January 29th 9.00-9.30 9.30-10.00 10.00-10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00-11.30 11.30-12.00 12.00-12.30 12.30-13.00 13.00-15.30 15.30-16.00 16.00-16.30 16.30-17.00 17.00-17.30 17.30-18.00 18.00-18.30 18.30-19.00 20.30 Savithry Namboodiripad, Marc Garellek and Eric Bakovic (University of California, San Diego) Mathilde Hutin and Samantha Ruvoletto (Université Paris VIII Vincennes-Saint-Denis) Giorgio Magri (CNRS, Université Paris 8) Evan-Gary Cohen (Tel-Aviv University) Coffee break Paul Boersma (University of Amsterdam) Silke Hamann and David W. L. Li (University of Amsterdam) Ross Godfrey (University of Toronto) POSTER SESSION & Lunch Michael Dow (Université de Montréal) Benjamin Storme (MIT) Christina Bjorndahl (Cornell University, CMU) Coffee break Ranjan Sen (University of Sheffield) Shih-Chi Yeh (National Kaohsiung Normal University) Ben Hermans (Meertens Institute & VU University Amsterdam) and Francesc Torres-Tamarit (VU University Amsterdam) Moraic geminates in Malayalam: Evidence from minimal word effects and loanword adaptation For the importance of fine-grained phonetic detail in phonology Idempotency and the early acquisition of phonotactics Phoneme consistency vs. lexical frequency in Hebrew rhotic acquisition OCP and Line-Crossing Constraint as aids to word segmentation Diachronic changes in loanword adaptation: Loan doublets in Cantonese Morphologically conditioned lengthening as a processing effect Issues in unifying nasal vowel markedness Closed Syllable Vowel Laxing: A strategy to enhance coda consonant place contrasts The cross-linguistic phonological and phonetic identity of /v/ Pre-Classical Prevarication in Latin Feet: Stratal synchronic structure and discretionary diachronic development Sonority-driven stress in Paiwan: Phonological or phonetic factors? On the variable parsing of long vowels Conference dinner 2 Friday, January 30th 9.30-10.00 10.00-10.30 Marko Simonovic (Utrecht University) Gretchen Kern (MIT) 10.30-11.00 Adam Albright (MIT) 11.00-11.30 11.30-12.00 Coffee break Heather Newell (UQAM) 12.30-12.30 Jonathan Bucci (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis-BCL UMR 7320) 12.30-12.45 12.45-13.45 Break Invited speaker MARC VAN OOSTENDORP (Meertens Why syntax and phonology touch Institute & Leiden University) Closing remarks and Business meeting 13.45-14.00 Surface bases and Lexical conservatism. The case of the Serbo-Croatian -ovaSyntactically unjustified morphs and other strategies for hiatus resolution in Irish prepositions Faithfulness to non-contrastive phonetic properties in Lakhota Structural Sensitivity in Phonology: Phonological Persistence Vowel reduction and Raddoppiamento Fonosintattico induced by stress: The virtual length analysis POSTER SESSION Poster session (Thursday, January 29th, 13.00-15.30h during lunch time) Cristina Albareda (Universitat de Barcelona) Begüm Avar (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi) Jieun Bark (University of Nantes) Semra Baturay (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi) Karolina Bros (University of Warsaw) Guillaume Enguehard (Université Paris 7) Guilherme D. Garcia (McGill University ) and Natália B. Guzzo (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul) Christopher Green and Michelle Morrison (University of Maryland) Natália B. Guzzo (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul) Linda Heimisdóttir (Cornell University) The contextual allomorphy and paradigmatic pressure of the prepositions a, en and amb in Catalan Save Harmony: Rebellious roots troubling GP How to represent the Korean consonants: A GP2.0. Perspective Stress, suffixes and domain boundary in Turkish In search of the default Spanish vowel: Evidence from perception Segmental representation of Livonian stød The prosodization of neoclassical elements in Brazilian Portuguese: Evidence from vowel reduction On the realization, representation, and prosodic function of Somali topic-marking Prosodic recursion and the Composite Group: Can they reconcile? Aspiration as a temporally coordinated gesture: Evidence from Icelandic 3 Yujing Huang (Harvard University) Paul John (Université du Québec à TroisRivières) Pavel Koval (Lomonosov Moscow State University) Mohamed Lahrouchi (CNRS, University Paris 8) and Sophie Kern (CNRS, University Lyon 2) Mairym Lloréns Monteserín (University of Southern California) Maria Mitsiaki and Anthi Reviathiadou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) Charlie O’Hara (University of Southern California) Diana Passino (Università di Padova) Nuria Polo (UNED) Markus Pöchtrager (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi) Peter Rebrus and Miklós Törkenczy (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) Ellenor Shoemaker (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3) Ellenor Shoemaker (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3) and Sophie Wauquier (Université Paris 8) Anne-Michelle Tessier and Kayla Day (University of Alberta) Alexandre Vaxman (University of Connecticut) Position-sensitive sandhi: A case study of Jinan Tone 4 sandhi On the representation of empty categories Tone and syllable structure in Akebu Polar Questions From babbling to first words in Tashlhiyt Berber: A longitudinal two-case study Resolving contradictions in the Puerto Rican Spanish syllable coda Phonological gradience in Greek ##CC and grammatical modeling Vowel Raising and Positional Privilege in Klamath Progressive and regressive metaphony in an Upper-Southern dialect of Italy: Some implications for phonological theory First approach to Phonological Phrase in Spanish Prosodic Hierarchy Alveolars on the verge of a nervous breakdown Variation and subpatterns of disharmony in Hungarian The acquisition of non-native contrasts at first exposure Processing liaison in L2 French: The case of non-traditional learners Grammatical restrictions on lexical avoidance in children’s phonological acquisition Diacritic weight scales: A novel approach to lexical accent systems 4
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