February 2015 Economic Update This is Richard Hoey, Chief Economist at BNY Mellon, with a summary of my February 2015 report. Our expectation is that global economic activity will run somewhat faster in 2015 than it has for the last several years. For one thing, we don’t have some special factors that dragged the global economy last year. We had a very terrible winter in the United States in early 2014. And we had a big fiscal tightening in Japan which sure isn’t going to be repeated. But in addition, the lagged effect of all the past monetary easing is going to be working to help the global economy. And the decline in oil prices should be a positive on balance. Although, obviously there are some winner and some losers. The oil exporters are the losers. The oil importers are the winners. The big decline in oil prices is a very powerful factor. The U.S. economy is very sensitive to oil prices. In the past, when we’ve had a big upsurge, we’ve often had a recession. When we have a big decline, we often have a good expansion. And while we’re a big producer of oil, we’re still a net importer, so it should net benefit the United States. The cause of the big drop in oil prices is not some giant weakness in the global economy. The cause is a supply shock coming from technological innovation. The private sector, the U.S. oil and gas industry, has engineered an improvement in ability to produce oil, and the result has been the production of U.S. crude oil and associated liquids has been rising at about a million barrels a day a year. We’ve come from five million barrels a day to nine million barrels a day. And that’s the supply shock, the positive supply shock, that has caused this decline in oil prices. Faced with that, Saudi Arabia looked at the idea that they would cut back production, and said, “Well gee, if we cut back production that will just mean more room for the American expansion to take market share.” And so they changed the policy in OPEC, and they said, “We’re just going to keep out market share. We’re not going to cut back and make room, because this looks like a permanent increase in production coming out of the United States. Not a temporary one.” But because it is a positive supply shock, I believe the overall impact is going to be positive. And I don’t think it’s a symptom of weak economic activity. In many different countries, this oil price decline is going to hold down reported inflation in the near term. And it may somewhat contribute to a cooling of core inflation, which is the inflation rate excluding energy, but not by very much. In the U.S., the economy is growing above trend. It’s growing strongly. And I think that the Federal Reserve is likely to raise interest rates later in 2015. The Bank of England probably is also likely to do the same. But it’s a challenge for the, what I call the ZIRP central banks, the zero interest-rate policy central banks, the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank. And the result is that in Japan they’ve increased the size of their quantitative easing. And so, I see the global economy rebalancing where the weakness is occurring in the right place, in the countries which have a weak economy, and the currency strength is occurring in the economy that is in fundamentally stronger shape. Thank you very much. BNY Mellon Investment Management is one of the world’s leading investment management organizations and one of the top U.S. wealth managers, encompassing BNY Mellon’s affiliated investment management firms, wealth management organization and global distribution companies. 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