Last date for submission:28.01.2015 Expression of Interest (EOI) For Empanelment of Training Institutes for the implementation of training and certification in IT literacy program BASIC COMPUTER COURSE (BCC) for the Panchayat Raj ER’s & PF’s NIELIT Chennai A Centre of NIELIT, New Delhi, An Autonomous Scientific Society of Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India NIELIT, ISTE COMPLEX, 25 GANDHI MANDAPAM ROAD, OPP. ANNA CENTENARY LIBRARY, ANNA UNIVERSITY CAMPUS, CHENNAI, TAMIL NADU, PIN 600025 Phone : (044) 24421445/46/47, Fax: (044) 24421441 Web: Contents Sl. No Title Page No. 1 Introduction 3 2 Objectives 3 3 Invitation for EoI 3 4 Scope of Work 4 5 Eligibility Criteria 4 6 Criteria for Empanelment 4 7 Procedure for Submission 5 8 Guidelines for Submission of EoI 6 9 Validity of EoI Submitted 6 10 Disclaimer 7 Annexure IA Details of Training 8 Annexure 1B Details of IT Literacy Certification Schemes (BCC) Annexure II Covering Letter Format 12 Annexure III Application Form 13 EOI for BCC Training to Panchayat Raj Institutions 9,10,11 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Introduction NIELIT Chennai, a Centre of NIELIT, New Delhi, an Autonomous Scientific Society of Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India is implementing various training and certification in IT literacy funded by DeitY and other government agencies for the states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh & Telangana and Union Territories of Puducherry and Andaman & Nicobar Island. NIELIT Chennai is interested in partnering with Training Institutions in Government and private sector for the implementation of the above programs. 2.0 Objectives NIELIT BCC/CCC courses are designed to impart basic level appreciation programme for the common man. These programmes have essentially been conceived with an idea of giving an opportunity to the common man to attain computer literacy thereby contributing to increased and speedy PC penetration in different walks of life. To train Panchayat Raj ER’s & PF’s in Basic Computer Course to handle computers as part of daily working and able work on ePanchayat Applications so that people can access information available in public domain. 3.0 Invitation for EoI 3.1 NIELIT Chennai invites Expression of Interest (EoI) from organizations/institutions to participate in Empanelment / Identification of training institutes to conduct IT literacy training and provide facilities for conduct of certification exams as per the requirement of funding agency and NIELIT more specifically to train Panchayat Raj ER’s & PF’s in Basic Computer Course to handle computers as part of daily working and able work on ePanchayat Applications so that people can access information available in public domain. 3.2 Interested applicants may download the format and other documents related to EoI from the website 3.3 Interested applicants at the time of submission of response to the EoI, should submit non-refundable demand draft of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees one thousand only) in-favor of NIELIT Chennai payable at Chennai. Failure to do so will result in rejection of the EoI. (Institutions run by the Government (State & Central) are exempted from the above fee). 3.4 The Expression of Interest must be delivered to the below address by 17.00 hrs. on 28.01.2015. The Director NIELIT, ISTE COMPLEX, 25 GANDHI MANDAPAM ROAD, OPP. ANNA CENTENARY LIBRARY,ANNA UNIVERSITY CAMPUS, CHENNAI, TAMIL NADU, PIN 600025 Contact details: Email: [email protected] Phone: 044-24421445/46/47, FAX:04424421441 EOI for BCC Training to Panchayat Raj Institutions 4.0 Scope of Work 4.1 The applicant would be required to study the objective of the proposed training programs and its deliverables. The broad areas of scope of work includes, joint identification of trainees, registration, imparting training. The areas of training, duration & estimated number of trainees and related information are given in Annexure IA & IB. 4.2 Provide / create required infrastructure and conduct the training program as per the course requirement & schedule decided 4.3 The selected / empanelled organization shall be considered for conducting the training initially for two years which may be extended depending on performance/requirement for the second and subsequent phase of training. 5.0 Eligibility Criteria 5.1 Firm/Company/organization/Educational Institutions (referred below as the applicant) should have appropriate registration with relevant act/society. 5.2 The applicant should have a turnover of not less than Rs.20.00 Lakhs for the past 3 financial years. Copy of Balance Sheet should be furnished and copy of income tax return for the previous 3 years should be furnished. (Not applicable for government institutions). 5.3 The applicant should have the past experience of having conducted/imparted training at State/National level in IT sector. Copy of supporting documents should be furnished. 5.4 The applicant should have registered/head office for in the state of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Puduchery & Andman & Nichobar Island. Copy of supporting documents should be furnished. 5.5 The applicant should have the infrastructure (hardware and software) required for the conduction of courses. Minimum 12 systems (PC Pentium-II or III) with Window XP/Window07 Operating System and License Software of Microsoft office 2003 or above. 5.6 The applicant should have capacity to train a minimum 25 candidates at a time in a centre. 5.7 The applicant may be a single independent organization or a company with tieups/MoU/consortium with other organizations. Copy of the supporting documents to prove the existence of such association should be furnished along with the EOI. 5.8 The applicant should preferably have empanelled with Government of Tamil Nadu/Andhra Pradesh/Telangana/Puducherry/A&N Island for State Level training. Copy to be furnished. 5.9 The applicant should not have been blacklisted by the Government of Tamil Nadu/Andhra Pradesh/Telangana/Puducherry/A&N Island or any of its agencies or Central / any other State/UT Government or its agencies for indulging in corrupt or fraudulent practices or for indulging in unfair trade practices as on 1st of January 2015 EOI for BCC Training to Panchayat Raj Institutions 6.0 Criteria for Empanelment 6.1 Interested institutions should submit a letter of interest along with their infrastructure details in the specified format as given in Annexure II and III. 6.2 The information provided should be sufficient such that the infrastructure and other requirements are fulfilled as per the requirement to carry out the training. 6.3 The selection/empanelment will be in accordance with the criteria set by NIELIT and based on the evaluation by the committee constituted for the purpose. 6.4 The short-listed/empanelled institutions will be communicated and on agreeing the terms shall be invited to become an accredited Centre of NIELIT / enter into an agreement with NIELIT Chennai. 6.5 NIELIT Chennai will have the right to reject any or all EoIs, received in response to this invitation and its decision in this regard shall be final and binding. 6.6 It is reiterated that previous experience of carrying out similar work involving Government/Non-Government programme would be given due weightage 7.0 Procedure for submission 7.1 Download the detailed information along with application format available in our website 7.2 Covering letter along with information of contact person should be made strictly as per the format given in Annexure II 7.3 Provide information on infrastructure and other relevant information only in the format provided as Annexure- III. Information submitted in other formats/ in complete applications will be rejected. 7.4 Attach documentary proof where ever required in support of your claim. 7.5 Add as attachment additional information, if any. 7.6 Attach demand draft for Rs.1000/- drawn in-favor of “NIELIT Chennai” payable at Chennai. 8.0 Guidelines for submission of EoI 8.1 Agency must enclose a covering letter on Agency’s Letter Head while sending the application- Annexure II 8.2 The EOIs must be sent in sealed cover so as to reach NIELIT Chennai within the stipulated time. The EOIs will be evaluated strictly as per laid down criteria. Therefore, before sending the EOIs, the bidder agency must satisfy that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria. The related proof of experience, details of office set-up etc., as asked for, must be enclosed/detailed out for evaluating the EOIs. 8.3 The details must be furnished as per formats enclosed in this document and strictly as per serial order. The information intended to be supplied should be furnished in such a EOI for BCC Training to Panchayat Raj Institutions manner that the same satisfies the need/requirement of EOI under various heads and is self-explanatory. 8.4 In case desired documents/proofs are not enclosed, the EOI shall be rejected and no clarification/enquiry will be sought/made. 8.5 The last date of receiving the EOIs shall be adhered strictly. EOIs received after the last date will not be considered and no further action will be taken on such EOIs. However, if the last date is declared as holiday, the next working day on which office is opened will be treated as the last date of receiving the EOIs. The EOIs should be physically received in this office at NIELIT Chennai Centre. 8.6 The envelopes should be super scribed with “EoI for Empanelment of Training Institutes to train Panchayat Raj ER’s & PF’s in Basic Computer Course /Tamil Nadu/Andhra Pradesh/Telangana/Puducherry/Andman & Nicobar Island ”. 9.0 Validity of EoI submitted The EoI submitted by the applicant shall remain valid for a period of 60 days after the closing date (deadline) for submission of EoI prescribed in this document. EoI valid for shorter period may be rejected as non-responsive. NIELIT Chennai may solicit the applicants’ consent to an extension of EoI validity (but without the modification in their EoI). 10.0 Disclaimer 10.1 The information submitted in response to this EoI may be subject to public release (as per RTI norms). Therefore, do not include proprietary or confidential business information in your response. Applicants responding to this invitation assume the risk of public disclosure if confidential information is included. 10.2 This invitation is for information purposes only and does not constitute a solicitation or Request for Proposal (RFP). This notice is not to be construed as a commitment by the NIELIT to contract for services. Please be advised that NIELIT Chennai will not pay for any information provided as a result of this invitation and will not recognize or reimburse any cost associated with any EoI submission. 10.3 This EoI does not entail any commitment on the part of NIELIT Chennai, either financial or otherwise. 10.4 NIELIT Chennai reserves the right to accept or reject any or all EoI without incurring any obligation to inform the affected applicant/s of the reasons. 10.5 NIELIT Chennai empanelment as Training Institute does not create any obligation on the part of NIELIT Chennai in terms of providing business or in any other area. 10.6 At any time prior to deadline for submission of EoIs, NIELIT Chennai may for any reason, modify the EoI document. The amendment document shall be notified through website and such amendments shall be binding on them. EOI for BCC Training to Panchayat Raj Institutions Annexure 1A Details of Training (BCC Training for PRI ) A. Project Objective The objective of this program is to imparting digital literacy amongst the Panchayat Raj ER’s & PF’s for an estimated candidates count state wise 13610 from Andhra Pradesh, 8155 from Telangana, 11790 from Tamil Nadu, 90 candidates from A&N Island and 40 candidates from Puducherry (UT) to train them in Basic Computer Course to handle computers as part of daily working and able work on ePanchyat Applications so that people can access information available in public domain. This training be implemented through the training partners B. Target participants State Panchayat Raj Elected Representatives (ER’s) & Functionaries (PFs) from all the districts of the concern state. C. Project Duration : Initially for the period of one Year 2015-16, May be extended for another year, if the project gets extended. D. Financial details: NIELIT Chennai may release payment as per PRI project norms after successfully completion of training and examination @ Rs.925/- Per Candidate for BCC module and @Rs1500/- for BCC+ Plus module. The fee towards examination per candidate is Rs.225/- including Service tax (Two Hundred Twenty five only), the same will also be funded by Project. As per operating guideline, the respective training partner shall make provisional payment of examination fees on behalf of the candidate and the same can be reimbursed from the NIELIT Chennai, with supporting document. NIELIT Chennai shall be providing Hardcopy/Softcopy of Course material and training related documents to the Training center /Training partner at single centralized location of the respective District or State only. EOI for BCC Training to Panchayat Raj Institutions Annexure IB Details of IT literacy Certification Schemes Objective To train Panchayat Raj ER’s & PF’s in Basic Computer Course to handle computers as part of daily working and able work on ePanchyat Applications so that people can access information available in public domain. NIELIT BCC/CC courses are designed to impart a basic level appreciation programme for the common man. These programmes have essentially been conceived with an idea of giving an opportunity to the common man to attain computer literacy thereby contributing to increased and speedy PC penetration in different walks of life. Certification in IT literacy has become a mandatory eligibility criteria for various jobs in Govt and private sector. NIELIT conducts various IT literacy examinations like BCC/CCC etc., some of which are recognised by various State Governments and Central Government Departments. A. BCC – Basic Computer Course Duration: Theory: 10 hrs + Practical: 22 hrs. + Tutorial: 04 hrs. This course can also be offered as 06 days full time intensive course or 12 Days , 3hrs per day Part Time. Educational Qualification: No minimum qualification is required for applying and appearing for the examination in BCC Examination : Online test 60 minutes shall be conducted twice in a month (1st Sat. and 3rd Saturday of each month ) Training center has to fill online BCC Examination forms of PR candidates at very first Day of training. Examination fees shall be reimbursed to respective Training center after completion of Examination. Syllabus A. Basic Computer Course (BCC) 1. Knowing computer: What is Computer, Basic Applications of Computer; Components of Computer System, Central Processing Unit (CPU), VDU, Keyboard and Mouse, Other input/output Devices, Computer Memory, Concepts of Hardware and Software; Concept of Computing, Data and Information; Applications of IECT; Connecting keyboard, mouse, monitor and printer to CPU and checking power supply. 2. Operating Computer using GUI Based Operating System: What is an Operating System; Basics of Popular Operating Systems; The User Interface, Using Mouse; Using right Button of the Mouse and Moving Icons on the screen, Use of Common Icons, Status Bar, Using Menu and Menu-selection, Running an Application, Viewing of File, Folders and EOI for BCC Training to Panchayat Raj Institutions Directories, Creating and Renaming of files and folders, Opening and closing of different Windows; Using help; Creating Short cuts, Basics of O.S Setup; Common utilities. 3. Understanding Word Processing: Word Processing Basics; Opening and Closing of documents; Text creation and Manipulation; Formatting of text; Table handling; Spell check, language setting and thesaurus; Printing of word document. 4. Using Spread Sheet: Basics of Spreadsheet; Manipulation of cells; Formulas and Functions; Editing of Spread Sheet, printing of Spread Sheet. 5. Communication using the Internet: Basic of Computer networks; LAN, WAN; Concept of Internet; Applications of Internet; connecting to internet; What is ISP; Knowing the Internet; Basics of internet connectivity related troubleshooting. 6. WWW and Web Browsers: World Wide Web; Web Browsing softwares, Search Engines; Understanding URL; Domain name; IP Address; Using e-governance website. 7. Communications and collaboration: Basics of electronic mail; Getting an email account; Sending and receiving emails; Accessing sent emails; Using Emails; Document collaboration; Instant Messaging; Netiquettes. 8. Making Small Presentation: Basics of presentation software; Creating Presentation; Preparation and Presentation of Slides; Slide Show; Taking printouts of presentation / handouts. Syllabus Outline 1. Knowing computer 2 Operating Computer using GUI Based Operating System 3. Understanding Word Processing 4. Using Spread Sheet 5. Communicating using the Internet 6. WWW and web browsers 7. Communications And Collaboration 8. Making small presentation Grand Total Theory 1 2 Tutorials 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 0 0 0 1 4 Practical 1 4 6 4 2 2 2 1 22 PR Elected Representative must be trained in only (36 Hrs course full time or Full time or Part time mode. EOI for BCC Training to Panchayat Raj Institutions B: BCC + Orientation to e-Panchyat & e-Governace (50 Hrs.) (a) Orientation to e-Governance: 8 hrs. 1. Definition of e-Governance. 2. Pillars of e-Governance. 3. Infrastructure for e-Governance. 4. Mission Mode Projects 5. How to search topics on web portal? 6. Knowledge about digital signatures and certificates. 7. Cloud computing. 8.Familiarization with terminology like change management, processing engineering, Govt. Processing engineering and Governance, e-Governance project life cycle, electronically delivery of services, messaging system and case study of any 5 public utility portal related with the Department (especially, public grievance redressal system, RTI, Vigilance, Department working and financial inclusion, linkage with Aadhar etc.) b. Orientation to e-Panchayat MMP 6 hrs. Panchayat Enterprise Suite comprises of 11 Core Common Applications developed as a part of e-Panchayat Mission Mode Project. These include: 1. Local Government Directory (LGD) 2. Area Profiler 3. PRIASoft 4. ActionSoft 5. National Asset Directory (NAD) 6. Service Delivery 7. Social Audit 8. Training 9. National Panchayat Portal 10. PlanPlus 11. GIS Panchayat Raj Functionaries (PF’s) only must be trained in BCC Plus module (10 Day, 50 Hrs course full time or 20 Days Part time mode) EOI for BCC Training to Panchayat Raj Institutions Annexure II - Covering Letter Format Format for covering letter (To be submitted on the Letter head of the applicant institution) Ref: ____________________________. Date. To The Director NIELIT Chennai Subject: EoI for Empanelment of Training Institutes for BCC for Panchayat Raj Institutions (IT literacy Schemes) Dear Sir, 1. Having examined the EoI document, we, the undersigned herewith submit our response to your EoI for Empanelment of Training Institutes for BCC for Panchayat Raj under IT literacy Schemes (strike off whichever is not applicable). 2. We have read the provisions of the EoI document and confirm that these are acceptable to us. We further declare that additional conditions, variations, deviations, if any, found in our EoI shall not be given effect to. 3. We would like to declare that we are not involved in any litigation with any Government in India and we are not under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt or fraudulent practices. 4. We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this EoI are true and accept that any misrepresentation contained in it may lead to our disqualification. 5. We understand that NIELIT Chennai is not bound to short-list / accept any proposal received in response to this EoI. 6. We understand that Empanelment with NIELIT Chennai does not guarantee that every /any of the applicants shall be invited to bid for, or be awarded a project /assignment. Our correspondence details / authorised person to deal with regard to this EoI is: Information Details 1 2 3 4 5 Name of the Contact Person Designation and contact address of the person to whom all references shall be made regarding this EoI Telephone , FAX number Mobile number & e mail of the Contact Person Corporate website URL We hereby declare that our proposal submitted in response to this EoI is made in good faith and the Information contained is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. Sincerely, Signature: [Authorised person) Name,title with seal EOI for BCC Training to Panchayat Raj Institutions Encl: Duly filled Application form. Annexure III Application Performa for Expression of Interest for Empanelment of Training Institutes For BCC / IT literacy for Panchayat Raj Institutions 1 NAME OF THE INSTITUTE 2 FULL ADDRESS WITH PHONE/FAX/E.MAIL 3 4 EOI SUBMITTED FOR DATE / YEAR OF ESTABLISHMENT 5 LEGAL STATUS / REGISTERED UNDER 6 AFFIILIATION 7 NATURE OF ACTIVITY 8 COURSES OFFERED AT PRESENT 9 INFRASTRUCTURE DETAILS (HARDWAREIT) 10 INFRASTRUCTURE DETAILS (SOFTWARE) 11 NO. OF COMPUTER LABORATORIES & DEATILS OF INTERNET CONNECTIVITY PROXIMITY / NEAR BY TOWNS , TALUK HQ, DISTRICT HQ 12 13 DETAILS OF ELECTRONICS LABORATORIES 14 DETAILS OF SIMILAR PROGRAMS CONDUCTED& GOVT. SCHEMES IF ANY 15 DETAILS OF FACULTIES IN THE AREA OF IT & ELECTRONICS WHO CAN BE SPARED FOR THIS PROGRAM 16 CONTACT PERSON 17 DATE FROM WHICH THE PROGRAMS CAN BE LAUNCHED. 18 IS IT POSSIBLE TO CONDUCT THE TRAINING ON HOLIDAYS & EVENINGS. Conduction of BCC training to ER’s & PF’s Attach additional sheet, if the space is not sufficient and mark as Annexure --- (with Sr. No) Attach documentary proof wherever necessary EOI for BCC Training to Panchayat Raj Institutions 19. Details of registration fee paid Amount Bank DD No Date Rs. 1000/- 20. Signature of Authorized person with Name 21. Declaration (i) I, __________________ son of __________________have read and understood the RULES / GUIDELINES for Empanelment of Training Institutes for the implementation of IT literacy schemes. (ii) I certify that I am the competent authority, by virtue of the administrative and financial powers vested in me by__________________________________to furnish the above information and to undertake the above stated commitment on behalf of my /our institution. (iii) I am aware that in case any information given by me is false or misleading, the Institute would be debarred from the conduction of training programs and / or debarred besides being subjected to any other action that may be deemed fit by NIELIT Chennai. (iv) I agree to abide by the decisions of the NIELIT Chennai in respect of my application for permission to Empanel our Institute for the implementation of IT literacy (BCC) for MoPR’s Panchayat Raj ER’S & PF’s . Signature : Name : Designation: Seal of the organization EOI for BCC Training to Panchayat Raj Institutions
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