Issue 61 Schuyler Area Chamber of Commerce February Newsletter Outstanding Educators of Schuyler Upcoming Events Celebration Banquet Oak Ballroom Sat, Feb 21 - 6 pm Library Silent Auction Sat, Feb 21 - Ballroom After Hours - 5:30 pm Thursday, Feb 26th Schuyler Golf Club Community Happenings Read Pages 4 & 5 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Organization of the Month 2 Cop A Beard 2 Alumni Honoree 3 Library News 3 Upcoming Events 4-5 Chamber News 6 Chamber Members 7 Each Monday through Friday at 6:45 am you can hear me saying “Good Morning! Time to wake up.” to two sleepy girls. It’s time for them to start their morning routine before heading off to school. I’m fortunate that they aren’t crabby and are good about getting up and getting ready. We pile into the car and follow the same route to drop the kids off each morning. It’s then “Have a good day! Do your best! I love you!” before heading off to the next school. At the end of the day, my route is reversed to pick the kids up and hear about their day. I hear about what they learned, who they played with, what they ate for lunch and more. It’s great to hear what they have to say! What I don’t hear about are all the things that their teachers did that day, that my kids didn’t notice. So many things our educators do are behind the scenes to the rest of us. I know what my kids’ days consist of, but I don’t know what their educators did to make their day part of the success my kids will have in life. We received another round of great letters for our educators in Schuyler and I’m sure this makes for a hard decision for our deciding board. I’ve enjoyed reading the nomination letters submitted for our Outstanding Educators and would encourage you all to write one for our 3rd quarter! The letters from our students are filled with lots of love and the letters from teachers about teachers really show us a behind the scenes look. CONGRATULATIONS to our 2nd Quarter Teacher - Tom Wheeldon! Tom is the Ag teacher at Schuyler High School. I’d love to print the whole letter written about Tom, but I will just highlight it. “He has taught just about everything under the sun when it comes to this field. Many of the classes have led to real world jobs for many of his students. He challenges students and brings out their best. Tom has made the FFA program a model for the state with so many district, state and national awards for the program and for the students who have had success for decades. He is involved with several school activities, community boards, his church, his local business and his family. He would make a great choice.” Please also help me CONGRATULATE Ana Pardo, who is our 2nd Quarter Para Professional! Ana has worked for the Schuyler District for 2 years and had lots of great things said about her! “To me she is the amazing, awesome Ana Pardo who is such a pleasure and a privilege to work with. Ana is caring, supportive and so positive with the children in the classroom. She is an active participant in helping these children learn. Mrs. Pardo is an asset to our district!” Thank You to our January Chamber Investors! Anytime Fitness Arps Ready Mix Burrito House Cada Electric Columbus Telegram Dry Creek Farms Gerald & Alma Krejci Gold Mine Family Rest. Golden Living Jorge’s Auto Detail Keep Schuyler Beautiful Kracl Garage Moore Excavating NE Extension - Colfax Co Pekny & Assoc Roberto Lopez Q Graphics Schuyler Insurance Schuyler Lumber Co Schuyler Sun Sertoma Tom Healy VFW PAGE 2 F EB RUARY N EW SLE TTER Organization of the Month - Project S Schuyler’s Project “S” was founded on the principal of “Serving those who helped form our community” Since the fall of 2011 the students have come a long way in making decisions about the activities in which they volunteer. In 2013 Project “S” was asked to be Nebraska’s only Serteen; which is a youth version of Serto- ma. Serteen promotes service to the less fortunate, service to local communities, good citizenship and good government, opportunities for everyone, mutual understanding and tolerance for all people, positive peer association and friendship, and fellowship. Most recently Serteen / Project “S” completed its 3rd year of the Angel Warrior Tree, which the proceeds are distributed through the Schuyler Toy Drive. The club is starting to look toward the spring to help in South Park again. The main project that will be starting soon will be the International Pay It Forward contribution to help spread the good will of doing good deeds for others. They will be organizing a campaign to raise money for Mercy Meals which provides food sources for people in need around the world. It is only by the charitable donations of such a strong community that keeps the kids eager to help keep their community thriving for the future. Cop a Beard Things in Schuyler are about to get a little hairy! Over the next two months, the officers at the Schuyler Police Department are joining with other local law enforcement agencies in the area to help raise money for the fight against childhood cancer. Participating officers have made a donation to Sammy Superheroes, a local charity with the goals of raising awareness of childhood cancer and funding promising research aimed at finding a cure for childhood cancer. ness hours. Schuyler officers will be able to accept donations in the form of a check. Any donation needing a receipt will need to be made at the office. There are several ways in which the public can show their support for this cause. Donations may be dropped off at the Schuyler Police Department during busi- In order to increase awareness for this event, participating officers will be growing beards. Towards the end of the event, Schuyler Celebration Banquet Saturday, February 21, 2015 Oak Ballroom 6 pm - Social * 6:45 - Banquet Awards & Entertainment of the Creightones following the meal. Prime Rib Dinner Tickets - $15 each Tickets available until February 13, 2015 at the Chamber Office, Homestead Bank & Pinnacle Bank Come Celebrate the Community and People of Schuyler! opportunities will be provided for the public to get even more involved. At that time, anyone that is interested will be encouraged to make a donation for the opportunity to vote for the best or worst beard grown by participating officers. Gift Basket Silent Auction In conjunction with the Schuyler Celebration Banquet, the Schuyler Public Library Foundation will be raising funds for the public library. Please consider creating and donating a basket filled with goodies to the silent auction. Please contact Kim Parsons at 402-615-2685 or take your basket to the library by Friday, February 20th ISSUE 6 1 PAGE 3 SCHUYLER COMMUNITY SCHOOLS FOUNDATION ANNUAL DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD DO YOU KNOW AN ACCOMPLISHED OR DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS OF SCHUYLER COMMUNITY SCHOOLS? The Schuyler Community Schools Foundation is seeking nominations for a Distinguished Alumni Award recipient. If you know someone whom you believe deserves this honor, visit click on the “Foundation” tab and complete a nomination form. Forms are also available from the Office of the Superintendent, 401 Adam Street, Schuyler, NE 68661 or by contacting Shelley Friesz at 402-352-3527 or [email protected]. The purpose of the Schuyler Community Schools Foundation Distinguished Alumni Award is to celebrate and acknowledge outstanding Schuyler alumni and to inspire and empower current students to strive for high achievement. The criteria for this award are outstanding leadership, service, and/or scholarship and significant contributions to community, state and/or nation. Only nominees who attended Schuyler Community Schools ten or more years ago are eligible for this award. Nominees may be living or may be honored after death. Nominations may be submitted by individuals or groups and should include biographical information, date of graduation, list of achievements, nominee's or family representative's contact information and at least two signed letters of recommendation. Nominations must be received March 1, 2015 at the Office of the Superintendent by mail or online. The Schuyler Community Schools Foundation Distinguished Alumni Award will be presented at the May, 2015 Graduation Ceremony. Schuyler Public Library - February 2015 Valentines Youth Activities Adult Activities Craft Lunch Time Mobile Device Craft Day-Thursday, Feb. 5, 12 Help, 12:00-1:00 p.m. Fridays. Come learn how to work with your tablet, load apps, and download eBooks, audio books, and magazines. Library Board MeetingTuesday, Feb. 10 @ 5:15 p.m. Book Discussion GroupTuesday, Feb. 10 @ 7 p.m. – Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D. James. Come into the Children’s Library after school on Thursday, Feb. 12, and create a Valentine’s Day card for Mom, Dad or that special someone. Bring your creativity and we’ll provide the rest! and 26. Winter-themed items will be made. Activities begin at 4:30. Game Day-Friday, Feb. 6,13, 20 and 27. Wii and XBOX 360 games beginning at 3. Movie Night is scheduled for Thursday, Feb.19, at 5 p.m. President’s Day - Schuyler Public Library will be closed Monday, Feb. 16 for President’s Day. PAGE 4 F EB RUARY N EW SLE TTER Colfax Theatre Feb. 6th - 8th Feb. 13th - 15th Feb. 20th - 22nd Feb. 27th - Mar 1st Disney - Into the Woods Taken Paddington Strange Magic Theater Hours: Friday & Saturday 7:00 PM Adults $6 and Students $5 Sunday 2:00 PM Everyone $5 PG PG13 PG PG Living Heart Healthy Tips and education on diet, exercise, and stressmanagement. We will offer prizes and snacks. This will be taught by Tammy Dunn, RN and will be held in our Golden Living Assisted Living, 120 W 20th Street, on Friday, February 13th at 2 pm. This is a free seminar. We encourage an RSVP to Tammy Dunn, RN at (402) 352-3977. SCHUYLER FFA ALUMNI PANCAKE BREAKFAST Sunday, February 15th 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM At Schuyler Central High School East Gym Adults $7 Students (Age 6 to 12) $3 Children 5 and Younger Eat Free ALL YOU CAN EAT PANCAKES - SAUSAGE - EGGS Hours Monday - Thursday 4-8 pm Friday, Saturday & Sunday 1-8 pm 1 FREE Movie for New Customers New Release Movie Rentals - $2.75 Rent 9 Movies - Get the 10th FREE 2015 Schuyler Youth Baseball Registration Baseball Sign up Thursday, February 5th 5 - 7 PM Saturday, February 7th 9 - 11 AM At Schuyler Middle School All boys in pre-school to 8th grade may sign up. Contact David Johnson 402-270-3129 or Brian Bywater 402-352-3601 for questions. ISSUE 6 1 PAGE 5 New Hours at the recycling center beginning the week of February 1, 2015 Mondays 3 PM to 6 PM * Wednesdays Noon to 6 PM Saturdays 9 AM to Noon Schuyler Blood Drive Location: Oak Ballroom Tuesday, February 17th 11 AM to 5 PM For an appointment, call Catherine Novacek @ 402-352-5231 or Deanna Pokorny @ 402-666-2460 Or go online to (search sponsor code: 009272) Bring donor card or photo id. Be sure to eat breakfast/lunch and drink plenty of water prior to donating blood. American Red Cross PAGE 6 F EB RUARY N EW SLE TTER Schuyler Area Chamber of Commerce 1107 B Street Schuyler, NE 68661 Tel: 402-352-5472 E-mail: [email protected] We’re on the web Stay up to date! Like us on Facebook! Schuyler Area Chamber of Commerce Schuyler, Nebraska A Great Place to Live and Grow! Next Chamber Board Meeting will be February 17th, at noon at the Chamber Office. Minutes of all meetings available at the Chamber Office. Are We Having Fun Yet?!.... :) You Bet! 60 days... That was the original amount of time the Chamber and I had decided on that I would work here until they found a new employee to fill the position. Wellll 91, 92, ninety.. Just Kidding! Who’s counting?! I really don’t know how many days I’ve worked here now, but I do know it’s been more than 60 and guess what, I’m having fun! I love my job here at the Chamber and Thank the Board for giving me this opportunity! Thank you for all of the positive feedback I’ve gotten! Often, I feel I am behind, but I know, there is always a learning curve with a new job and that’s part of it. I have had great support and guidance. So, what do I do all day while I’m here? Sometimes when we are quiet is when our biggest amount of work gets done! Right now, I have 6 file folders that get attention from me each day! We appreciate your Membership Investments that continue to pour in to my office. Without your dues, we wouldn’t be able to host all that we do in our community. Your dues also help me keep my “Bills to be Paid” file empty! Our Celebration Banquet is coming up February 21st. I got to experience such a GREAT feeling of Joy, when I visited with our award recipients. They are all amazing and have contributed so much to our community! I look forward to celebrating Schuyler with all of you. Tickets are still available. The bright red Weekly Update & Newsletter folder always gets the front and center position in the file rack. This is a great opportunity for you to advertise with us and get your event out to the community. And of course, there is the After Hours file! I love that one! Thank you to Gold Mine & Schuyler Insurance & Real Estate for hosting in January! We had another great turnout and a good time! My goal is to have 100 members at our After Hours events each month. We are getting close! Invite a coworker that hasn’t been to one to come with you next month. Then there’s my board meeting file. Schuyler is fortunate to have such a supportive and active Chamber Board that gives of their time, in spite of full time jobs. Can you name our Board Members? Would you like to be a Board Member? This job is always looking ahead and planning for the future! So, I keep shuffling file folders around and planning what’s next. While you may not hear from me each day, know that I am working for you and your business to be part of a strong Chamber of Commerce. I’m always open to suggestions for events for our town. Just like I wrote with the teachers and I know with our award recipients and with each of you, there is so much more to our jobs than others see. Keep up the good work! I believe someone is noticing! You bet we are having fun!! Patty Schmidt ISSUE 6 1 PAGE 7 Current 2015 Schuyler Area Chamber of Commerce Members 3D Laundromat H & R Block Schuyler Insurance 99¢ Store John & Judy Healy Schuyler Lumber Agri-City Insurance Healy Agri Service Schuyler Pharmacy All Systems Heating & Air Conditioning Homestead Bank Schuyler Physical Therapy American Family Insurance Honest John's Used Cars Schuyler Sun American Heartland Insurance J & B Auto Sertoma Anytime Fitness JEO Consulting Skyhawk Transfer Arps Ready Mix J P Construction State Farm Ins. Awards and Engraving Jackson Services Sharan Stoltenberg Paul Baker Jorge’s Auto Detail Studio A Dance Academy BankFirst Lance & Stacie Johnson Subway Roger and Sheryl Barry Karel and Seckman Law Offices Dr. Merlin Sucha Mel and Joyce Baumert Keep Schuyler Beautiful Francis and Mary Svoboda Benedictine Mission House Knights of Columbus Svoboda Funeral Home Manuel Del Cid Kobza Ag & Home The UPS Store Best PC - Reparaciones Lavern and Isabelle Kracl Val Theisen Donn Bieber Kracl Funeral Chapel Tienda Mexicana Chichihualco Bieber Law Offices Kracl Garage Tiny's Bar Black Hills Energy Allan and Shirley Krejci Tom Healy Bruegger's Trucking, LLC Lonnie's Homes Tri County Ag Service, Inc. Burrito House Lower Platte North NRD Trinity Lutheran Church Cada Electric Curt & Teresa Mentzer Versatile Support Services Inc. Kathleen Cantlon Chuck & Glenetta Misek VFW Marv & Clarice Capoun Marlene Moore Jeffrey & Peggy Wachal Cargill Meat Solutions Moses Merrill Camp & Conference Center Dan & Chris Wisnieski CASA Connection Don and Joan Muehlich Eunice Woods Casey's General Store M & R Video Kem and Merry Cavanah Marie & W.O. Myrick Dr. Matt Gotschall - Moore Excavating Central Community College NE Extension - Colfax County City of Schuyler NOR-AM Cold Storage Cobblestone Inn & Suites Ronald & Shelley Papa Colfax County Senior Citizens Center Parkview One Stop Colfax Theater Parolek Construction Columbus Telegram Pazzaz Hair Salon & Tanning Steve Bailey Culligan Water Conditioning Pedersen Dental John Crouch Gene & Del Cunningham Pekny & Associates Deano's Drive-In Liquor, Inc. Pinnacle Apartments Department of Utilities Pinnacle Bank Lyle & Nicholas Dostal Pizza Hut Dr. David and Maxine Roberts Power Wash USA Dry Creek Custom Application, LLC Q Graphics Dry Creek Farms Q C Supply Claire Ehernberger Reinecke Motor Company El Paisano Richard's Garage Eyecare Associates Roberto Lopez Cleo Fayman Paul and Peg Rupprecht Richard Folda Schuyler Community Development Fraternal Order of Eagles Schuyler Community Schools Gall's Lawn Service, LLC Schuyler Community Schools Foundation George Repair Schuyler Education Association Gerald & Alma Krejci Schuyler Fire & Rescue Department Gold Mine Family Restaurant Schuyler Fireman's Auxiliary Golden Living Schuyler Golf Club Great Plains Taxidermy Schuyler Historical Society Groene Chiropractic Schuyler Housing Agency Maryln Grubbs Schuyler Inn SACC Board of Directors John Rice, President David Hild Gwen Mach Don Meister Connie Peters Barbara Pokorny John Sayer Chamber Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30 A.M.-11:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M.-2:00 P.M. Thursday 11:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M. Friday 8:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Contact Patty Schmidt at 352-5472 or email at [email protected]
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