SIR #142 NEWSLETTER Editor: John Bernat 341-4045 Website: Page 1 Assistant Editor: Bernie Olson 593-6423 Webmaster: Tom Malaspina 701-9100 January 2015 Mike Lazzari Big Sir 2015, SIR Branch 142. As a new year begins in 2015, I would like to thank Mike McCann for all the effort that he put in as Big SIR in 2014. Mike you did a great job! I would, also like to thank all the members of the board, activity chairmen, and all those who put in the time and the effort to make SIRs branch 142 a viable organization. I would, also, like to give special thank to John Kristovich and Bob Lockwood for the great Christmas Luncheon. To prepare for Big SIR I attended a regional meeting for Big & Little SIRs. The meeting was very informative. The push is to get retired men to join SIRs. We were given ideas to get the message out on what SIRs has to offer retired men. For any organization to survive it has to offer something that members want. We offer that at branch 142; if we don't have an activity you like you only need two members to start a new activity that you want. Let's get some new activities started in 2015. You can also attend activity groups of other branches. See the notice on page 4 of this newsletter. At the luncheons besides the outside speaker I would like people that are involved in keeping Branch 142 running to tell the members what they do. I believe that if members know what others do to keep branch 142 they will want to get involved. 2015 ANNUAL DUES Dues are due January 31, 2015. Make your check for $25.00 payable to: SIR Branch #142. George Trelut (Treasurer) will be available to collect your 2015 annual dues at the January 2015 luncheon or you can mail it to: George Trelut 705 Celestial Lane Foster City, CA 94404. LUNCHEONS Luncheons are held at 12:00 noon, on the 1st Thursday of each month at the San Mateo Elks Lodge on 20th Ave. Come & enjoy a hot lunch, listen to an interesting speaker and socialize with your other members. Bring a friend. January and February meeting menus are shown on page 2. Thanks for being a member of this great organization! Peter “Doc” Deutsch Little Sir 2015, SIR Branch 142. Our January guest Speaker will be Jane Lehman on "Federal Buildings in the San Francisco Civic Center." Jane Lehman is the Regional Historic Preservation Officer for the General Services Administration’s Pacific Rim Region. Jane is a licensed architect with a specialty in Historic Preservation and has over 20 years of experience in federal historic preservation work. In addition to GSA, she has worked for the National Park Service and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. In February, we are scheduled to have John R. Browne III prestidigitator. JANUARY BIRTHDAY BOYS John Baylo Lee Borra Bob Churma Louie Dadalt Angelo Fanucchi Rick Hawkins Dick Hogan John Kristovich Dan Ping Bob Smith SIR #142 NEWSLETTER SUNSHINE Don Parrish 583-5234 SWEEPSTAKES TICKETS Ken Mantoani, 368-2009 Harvey Harrison, 341-7534 Check your Badge numbers for special deals! If your badge No. is 26-50 and if you purchase $5 in tickets, you will receive 3 extra tickets. SWEEPSTAKES TICKETS November winners were: 1. $60 2. $40 3. Jewelry 4. Wine 5. Free Lunch 6. Free Lunch Art Lavezzo John Galli Ben Gage Louie Dadalt Bernie Olson Peter Deutsch We have no recent reports of SIR Members in Branch # 142 who are ill. Many have returned to good health and back at our meetings. Information about those who need our support are always welcome. Let me know when you have information we can share in the Sunshine WEBSITE UPDATED!. Our web site has been updated with all the new officers, activities and member information. Please take a moment and visit the site and let our new Webmaster, Tom Malaspina, know your impressions. We thank Al Armand for this work over the past years as the Webmaster. Each luncheon there are six drawings. The latest edition of SIR Happenings has been posted: TREASURER’S NOVEMBER REPORT George Trelut 996-0424 Beginning Balance $ 2,182.93 Income $ 4,105.00 Expenses $ 1,694.45 Ending Balance $ 4,593.48 All expenses have been reviewed and paid. All receipts collected at the luncheon have been deposited. As of November 30 , 2014, 143 members Membership data changes The following changes: address, phone number, E-mail, medical status information and any other changes that are recorded in our roster should be communicated to Tom Malaspina at the monthly luncheon or call (650) 7019100 or email Tom at [email protected] BOCCE (The Little Balls) Dan Scannel 341-1245 Menu for January Would you like to travel? Here is the Travel link: Salad Station Lamb Stew Chicken Piccatta Vegetable Cream Éclair January 2015 Lunch Meeting Menu for February January 8th will be the first meeting in 2015 due to prevent a conflict with New Years Day. Page 2 Salad Station Pork Loin w/apple glace Cod Fish w/ capers Vegetable Bread Pudding The rain has slowed us down a bit. Weather permitting, we play at Beresford Park (San Mateo) on Thursdays Coffee & doughnuts at 9:30 AM with games starting at 10:00 AM. Teams are determined by a drawing to prevent creating super teams. Some players need a ride to the games. If you can provide, let me know so we can make arrangements. Editor’s Note: Articles to be published in the Newsletter must be received by the 20th of the preceding month, so the Newsletter can be published on the Web site ,prior to the meeting. Thanks for your cooperation! Printed copies are available at the luncheon. NEWSLETTER ON THE WEB: If you are not receiving the monthly email broadcast announcing that the latest Newsletter is now available on the website, you should contact Tom at [email protected] email address. SIR #142 NEWSLETTER Page 3 GOLF (The wee small balls) Bob Chang, 703-2342 .Golf Report – January 2015 Our 2014 golf program ended on somewhat of a down note as our Dec. 2nd date was rained out. We will now be on Winter Break until early March. However, we are planning on holding two tournaments in the “off season” for those that are interested in keeping their game sharp. Off-season tournaments are tentatively scheduled for Jan. 20 at Calippe and Feb. 17 at Monarch Bay. Sign ups for these events will be at the January meeting. Our big event in December was our annual Golf Luncheon which was held at Crystal Springs Golf Course on Dec 11 – right on the stormiest day of the year. Nevertheless, we had a great turnout and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Pictures from the event are posted on the Branch web site. A big part of the golf club is the social aspect of membership so I hope you will consider joining us in 2015. It’s a great group of guys! There were lots of awards (see recap of Best performances) given out as well as lots of golf related (wine is essential for golf isn’t it!) items raffled off. The big winner of the day was Ken Masry who won the award for the most improved golfer, first or second place trophies for closest to the pin, low gross, and low net, and to top it off - the McLaughlin Trophy – emblematic of our Club Champion. Other notables included Bob Lockwood who was closest to the pin for the year; Bob Ulrich, Bob Lockwood, and Mike Dotterweich who were closest to the pin in their respective flights; Joe Pierce, Lee Borra, and Ken Masry – Low Net, and Rick Hawkins, Lee Borra, and Geno Medina – Low Gross. The golf schedule for the “regular” season has been finalized and is posted on the Branch 142 web site. We begin on March 3 and end on December 8. For 2015 we’ve added five new courses – Coyote Creek, Wente, Lake Chabot, Moffett, and Poppy Ridge – and retained most of the courses from 2014. Schedules will also be available at the January meeting. Give me a call at 650-703-2342 to find out more about the golf club or to arrange to play in 2015. The web site contains the 2014 awards. Be sure and visit it and congratulate the awardees. Thanks to Tom Malaspina, our new Webmaster for posting the pictures and award categories. Photos can be enlarged NON-RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSE: All travel events and other activities sponsored by SONS IN RETIREMENT, INC., or its branches are for the convenience and pleasure of the members and guests who desire to participate. SONS IN RETIREMENT, INC., and its Branches do not assume any responsibility for the well-being or safety of the participants or passengers, or their property, or any damages whatsoever, in any manner pertaining to said travel or other activities. SIR #142 NEWSLETTER Page 4 Interest Groups Interest groups continue to have their normal meetings. Since future newsletters will now be electronic, we suggest you look into the two computer meetings. Both are now chaired by Branch 1 members, but all SIRs are welcome. Meetings are held at the Charles Schwab/Silicon Valley Foundation building a 1300 El Camino., San Mateo. Unless indicated otherwise Ralph Ravillo (Branch 1) has a monthly meeting. on the 4th Tuesday of the month Meetings start at 9:30 AM –11:00 AM. A $5.00 contribution for coffee & donuts is suggested but not collected at each meeting. Attendees share their experiences with computers and help those with questions. A great place to get answers to your computer or electronics questions Collections and Stamp Group - Rick Zanardi 343-2917 The next meeting of this group will be on 3rd Monday, 10:00 AM, Bring your favorite antique, stamps, coins or bullion to discuss and find out what it is worth. Call Roy or Rick if you have any questions. Roy Hansen (Branch142) 583-4657 Bill Bromley, has a monthly technology meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the IHOP restaurant at 1510 El Camino in Belmont.. A no host breakfast is available. Meetings start at 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM. Bill publishes by email a very interesting monthly newsletter on the fast changing industry. Attendees informally share their experiences and solutions with computers and personal electronics. This is an excellent place for beginners to get their questions answered. Did you know that you can attend the interest group meeting of other SIR branches. There are several activities within the SIR's organization, which everyone may take advantage of, by participating in one or more of them. Involvement with the SIR's activities is another benefit of membership. One may belong to as many as one wishes. There is no mandatory attendance required at any of the various activities, but it would be polite to notify the Chairman a few days in advance, if one can not attend. Because the facilities in which some of these activities meet require a rental fee, there may be a charge each time a certain activity meets. The amount of such charge varies with the activity. A listing of activities can be found at:: BOWLING (The Big Balls) Ken Braband 650 572-1250 SIR members, if any of you are interested in BOWLING in our SIR bowling league now is a good time to join. There is plenty of room for anybody that is interested in joining the SIR Bowling League. You’ll also meet a bunch of nice guys (Sir’s) from other branches, and you’ll have a lot of fun and a nice change of pace for you. We bowl at Bel-Mateo on Fridays from 9:45 A.M. to 12:15 P.M. If interested contact me. Note: Required Attendance Rule 100 states, “Any member who misses (3) consecutive meetings without properly notifying the Attendance Chairman, or attends less than five (5) meetings within the last 12 months, will be notified in the prescribed form of his pending membership termination”. If you must miss a meeting, phone Joe Lysek, Attendance Chair, at 650-578-9208. Otherwise, email him at [email protected] by the Monday before the lunch date.
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