SIR #142 NEWSLETTER Page 1 Editor: John Bernat 341-4045 Website: Assistant Editor: Bernie Olson 593-6423 Webmaster: Tom Malaspina 701-9100 February 2015 650-312-9414, [email protected] The January 8, 2015 meeting was a success. Little Sir, Peter Deutsch’s speaker, Jane Lehman gave an interesting presentation on four Federal buildings in San Francisco. They seem like an interesting outing when visiting San Francisco. A new member Al McKay was introduced at the luncheon; welcome Al. Past Big Sir, Mike McCann, brought a guest George Smith who will be sworn in at the February 5th meeting. Bob Smith explained the job responsibilities of the hospitality chairperson. If anyone is interested contact me, or Bob Smith. At this point Bob will continue as the contact person with the catering company planning luncheon meals. This is a good opportunity to get involved helping out SIR Branch 142. Dale Heiberger has volunteered to be on the nominating committee; we still need another volunteer to help him. It is an interesting job, and I am sure that Lee Borra and Al Armand will give you guidance about the job. As mentioned at the luncheon it would be appreciated that if you cannot make a luncheon that you let Joe Lysek, Jr. know prior to the luncheon by phone (650-578-9208) or by e-mail [email protected]. Annual fees of $25.00 are due by February 28, 2015. Get your dues in so that you are not placed on the inactive status list. If you are placed on the inactive list you cannot participate in SIR sponsored activities such as golf, bowling, bocce, etc. The annual dues replace the bucket list. Here is a list of the members involved in SIR activities honored at the January meeting. Remember that these men keep branch 142 going. Thanks Little Sir-Peter Deutsch Secretary-Joe Sheehan, assistant Mike McCann Treasurer-George Trelut, assistants John Kristovich &Bob Lockwood Attendance-Joe Lysek, Jr. Sunshine-Director Don Parrish Hospitality-Bob Smith Ladies Day Luncheon-Art Devoy & Bob Smith Gaming-Director Ken Mantoani & Harvey Harrison Memberships-Tom Malaspina, Dick Hogan & Ken Masry Membership-Recruitment-Dr. Jay Narayan Golf-Bob Chang, assistants Dan Scannell & John Wong Bocce-Dan Scannell Bowling-Ken Braband Newsletter Editor-John Bernat, assistant Bernie Olson Photography, Publication Distribution, State Sir Representative-Bernie Olson Roster & Website Editor-Tom Malaspina Travel-Harry Redlick Nominating Committee-Dale Heiberger SIR #142 NEWSLETTER Page 2 SUNSHINE Don Parrish SWEEPSTAKES TICKETS Ken Mantoani, 368-2009 Harvey Harrison, 341-7534 Check your Badge numbers for special deals! If your badge No. is 51-75 and if you purchase $5 in tickets, you will receive 3 extra tickets. SWEEPSTAKES TICKETS November winners were: 1. $60 Mike Dotterweich 2. $40 Bob Hanley 3. Jewelry Bob Hanley 4. Wine Don Del Carlo 5. Free Lunch Lou Poole 6. Free Lunch Paul Hennig Each luncheon there are six drawings. FEBRUARY HONOREES In February, we honor living past Big Sirs with a free lunch. The invitees are the following: Chuck Goodlet, Don Johnson, R.B. Owen, John Day, Bob Smith, Jr., Lee Borra, Bob Chang, Tom Malaspina, Rodger Hall, Mike Dotterweich, John Kristovich, Al Armand, Art Devoy, Dr. Jay Narayan, Bob Bertolina and Mike McCann. 583-5234 Our Fellow SIR Al Armand is getting medical help for his back. We wish him a quick recovery. Don Parrish will be having surgery in February. Wish me a quick recovery. May He Rest In Peace SIR Gene Lagomarsino has passed away in December. Gene was a member of Branch 142 since 2007. We extend our sympathies to Gene's wife Dorothy . February entertainment Fumblefingers the Astonishing For many years San Francisco attorney Jack Browne has performed magic shows as “Fumblefingers the Astonishing.” TREASURER’S DECEMBER REPORT George Trelut 996-0424 Beginning Balance $ 4,588.48 Income $ 3,215.00 Expenses $ 4,399.28 Ending Balance $ 3,404.20 All expenses have been reviewed and paid. All receipts collected at the luncheon have been deposited. As of December 31 , 2014, 143 members Known as one of California’s least annoying magicians, Jack is a Past International President of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. He also belongs to the Magic Castle in Hollywood and the Magic Circle in London. Jack has performed at the Pacific Union Club in San Francisco and at a number of other private clubs. He has also The latest edition of SIR Happenings has been posted: Would you like to travel? Here is the Travel link: travel.html performed for churches, the Boy Scouts of America and a number of charitable organizations. His style of stand up magic is guaranteed to amaze you, entertain you and make you laugh. Editor’s Note: Articles to be published in the Newsletter must be received by the 20th of the preceding month, so the Newsletter can be published on the Web site ,prior to the meeting. Thanks for your cooperation! Printed copies are available at the luncheon. NEWSLETTER ON THE WEB: If you are not receiving the monthly email broadcast announcing that the latest Newsletter is now available on the website, you should contact Tom at [email protected] email address. SIR #142 NEWSLETTER Page 3 'DOC' /Peter H. Deutsch Little SIR: Branch 142 Note to all SIR BRANCH members: If you know of someone who Branch 142 members might enjoy listening to for 20-25 minutes, please contact me with the pertinent information and I will reach out to them for a future meeting.. FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY BOYS Jane Lehman, Regional Historic Preservation Officer for the General Services Administration, Pacific Rim Region, spoke on January 8th on 'Historic Buildings in San Francisco's Civic Center Area. With a Powerpoint presentation, she shared historical information on GSA and four distinct buildings: 50 United Nations Plaza, The Old Main Post Office, now the home of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, the Philip Burton Federal Building and the New Federal Building, across the street from the court house, which now houses Social Security and the offices of Nancy Pelosi, as well as interesting anecdotes on the buildings and the role of GSA. Menu for February Salad Station Pork Loin w/apple glace Cod Fish w/ capers Vegetable Bread Pudding March menu Corn Beef & Cabbage Chicken Snitzel IMPORTANT NEW FLASH LUNCHEONS Luncheons are held at 12:00 noon, on the 1st Thursday of each month at the San Mateo Elks Lodge on 20th Ave. Come & enjoy a hot lunch, listen to an interesting speaker and socialize with your other members. Bring a friend. New Member installed at the January lunch meeting. I am sorry to report that the SIR approved Golden Gate Travel Agency has declared bankruptcy. State Travel Chairman, Bob Spellman has removed them from the authorized list of travel agents and has sent a message about this to all Branch Travel Chairmen. Unfortunately not all branches have a Travel Chair, so this email is to advise all concerned of the situation. BOCCE (The Little Balls) Dan Scannel 341-1245 Allen McKay, San Carlos, #11 Production Manager at Litton NON-RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSE: All tr avel events and other activities sponsor ed by SONS IN RETIREMENT, INC., or its branches are for the convenience and pleasure of the members and guests who desire to participate. SONS IN RETIREMENT, INC., and its Branches do not assume any responsibility for the well-being or safety of the participants or passengers, or their property, or any damages whatsoever, in any manner pertaining to said travel or other activities. SIR #142 NEWSLETTER Page 4 Interest Groups Interest groups continue to have their normal meetings. Since future newsletters will now be electronic, we suggest you look into the two computer meetings. Both are now chaired by Branch 1 members, but all SIRs are welcome. Meetings are held at the Charles Schwab/Silicon Valley Foundation building a 1300 El Camino., San Mateo. Unless indicated otherwise Ralph Ravillo (Branch 1) has a monthly meeting. on the 4th Tuesday of the month Meetings start at 9:30 AM –11:00 AM. A $5.00 contribution for coffee & donuts is suggested but not collected at each meeting. Attendees share their experiences with computers and help those with questions. A great place to get answers to your computer or electronics questions ☺ Collections and Stamp Group - Rick Zanardi 343-2917 The next meeting of this group will be on 3rd Monday, 10:00 AM, Bring your favorite antique, stamps, coins or bullion to discuss and find out what it is worth. Call Roy or Rick if you have any questions. Roy Hansen (Branch142) 583-4657 Bill Bromley, has a monthly technology meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the IHOP restaurant at 1510 El Camino in Belmont.. A no host breakfast is available. Meetings start at 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM. Bill publishes by email a very interesting monthly newsletter on the fast changing industry. Attendees informally share their experiences and solutions with computers and personal electronics. This is an excellent place for beginners to get their questions answered. Did you know that you can attend the interest group meeting of other SIR branches. There are several activities within the SIR's organization, which everyone may take advantage of, by participating in one or more of them. Involvement with the SIR's activities is another benefit of membership. One may belong to as many as one wishes. There is no mandatory attendance required at any of the various activities, but it would be polite to notify the Chairman a few days in advance, if one can not attend. Because the facilities in which some of these activities meet require a rental fee, there may be a charge each time a certain activity meets. The amount of such charge varies with the activity. A listing of activities can be found at:: BOWLING (The Big Balls) Ken Braband 650 572-1250 SIR members, if any of you are interested in BOWLING in our SIR bowling league now is a good time to join. There is plenty of room for anybody that is interested in joining the SIR Bowling League. You’ll also meet a bunch of nice guys (Sir’s) from other branches, and you’ll have a lot of fun and a nice change of pace for you. We bowl at Bel-Mateo on Fridays from 9:45 A.M. to 12:15 P.M. If interested contact me. GOLF (The wee small balls) Bob Chang, 703-2342 Golf Report – February 2015 Our golf program is on Winter Break but we have scheduled two “off season” tournaments in January and February. On January 20 we play Callippe Preserve in Pleasanton and on February 17 at Monarch Bay in San Leandro. Our regular season play starts on March 3 at Santa Clara. All our regular season tournaments are on Tuesdays. There will be signup sheets for the February and March tournaments at the February meeting. If you have any questions about our golf club, feel free to call me at 650-703-2342 to find out more about the golf club or to arrange to play in 2015. We welcome anyone who likes golf or is interested in getting started. Note: Required Attendance Rule 100 states, “Any member who misses (3) consecutive meetings without proper ly notifying the Attendance Chair man, or attends less than five (5) meetings within the last 12 months, will be notified in the prescr ibed for m of his pending member ship ter mination”. If you must miss a meeting, phone Joe Lysek, Attendance Chair, at 650-578-9208. Otherwise, email him at [email protected] by the Monday before the lunch date.
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