r'i.-a9: I (r rrc.,.h,lrrrr,{ GOVERNMENT OF HARYI\NA / eRqToIT ${6R iarlrr, Directorate School Educatio" frqrdqfuqTrfr-krldq +r " lfAR cq fq6rF !,ru ffi www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in I [email protected] oRDERNO. DATED, PANCHKULA,: 2910r20t5 2/s7s-2014-HRL(3) The following olficial(s) is/are hereby transferred/adjusted with immediate effect. Sr. No. Transfer ld Designation Present Place of Posting Transfer/Adjusted to CCSSS Bachhod, Distt. CGSSS Narnaul, Distt. Mahendergarh [39021 Mahendergarh 70459 Sh. Bhupendra Kumar Lecturer in Chemistry Employee ID: 200808 GSSS Patodi, Distt GSSS Pali, Distt. Bhiwani Mahendergarh 70460 Sh. Deepak Gulyani Lecturer in Commerce Employee ID: 201267 GSSS Chatrdpur& Name . 70458 Smt. Manju Maru Lecturer in History Employee ID: 049367 14061 Lecturer in Economics Employee ID: 051791 Mahendcrgarh Distt. Rewari [2519] Distt. GMSSSS Mihendergarh, Distt. [3865.1 Mahendergarh l4l00l GSSS Hansaks, 70462 Sh. Satyabir Singh Lecturer in English Employee ID: 2M893 Distt Mahendergarh [3874] GHS Bidhwan, Distt. Bhiwani 15421 Disft. GSSS Pathera, Disft. Mah€rdergarh t38941 Sh. Jitender Chopra GSSS Rodhan, Lecturer in English Employee ID: 206480 Bhiwani Smt. Kamlesh Yadav Lecturer in Geography Employee lD: 096798 GSSS Taoru, Distt. Sh. Rajbir GSSS Panniwala Mota, Distt. Sirsa l4l48l GSSS Baghot, GSSS Budhwal, Distt. GSSS Mandola, Distt. Mahendergarh l39l5l Bhiwani Mandola, Distt. Mahendergarh I39841 GSSS [5501 Against vacancy by giving relaxation in policy. Against vacancy by giving relaxation in policy. Sh. Satender Singh [0336481 by giving Against guest lecturer and vice-versa by giving relaxation in policy. Against guest lecturer and vice-versa by giving relaration in policy. Mewat GSSS Mahendergarh, Distt. Mahendergarh 18661 138821 Mahendergarh Employee lD: 208788 70467 Sh. Sunil Kumar Lecturer in Hindi Employee ID: 208165 Against guest lecturer and vice-versa by giving relaxation in policy. relaxation in policy. Lecturer in English Employee ID: 206559 Lecturer in Hindi Agaiost guest lecturer and vic€-versa by giving relaxation in policy. Mutualwith GSSS KNnina, Distt. Reweri [24801 Sh. Pawan Kumar l0 138921 CSSS Bodia Kamalpur, Mahendergarh [39161 GSSS Bhojawas, 70461 Sh. Naresh Kumar Disft. 138881 Remarks Disft. lJ904l 143621 Against guest lecturer and vice-versa by giving relaxation in policy, Againstvacancy by giving relaxation in policy. Against guest lecturer and vice-versa by giving relaxation in policy. 70468 Sh. Karm Veer Lecturer in Hindi Employee lD: 2081l8 GSSS Kamania, Distt. GSSS Rewari, Distt. Mahendergarh Rewari 70469 Sh. Jagat Singh CSSS Sihma, Distt. GSSS Budhwal, Distt. Mahendergarh Mahendergarh l39l5l 139371 Against guest lecturer and [25401 vice-versa by giving relaxation in oolicv. Lecturer in Hindi Employee ID: 050791 Off.: Plot No. 18, Shikha Sadrn, S.ctor 4 sFlqii{q i-d-e r0 't fut 16, 138991 P.qd* lr; Hrydn|,tlrtot nw.q trai-+t&.@ Against vacancy by giving relaxation in policy. CodA,b""r",t (firdla) - Tot: 9rl0t72).25602,15 Fax: 91(0t7il-r560255 EtFs,st {0!?2) 2ss0216 *tr ei (0172) 2s60253 Sr. No. Transfer 13 Id Name, Designation 70471 Sh. Mukesh Kumar Lecturer in Mathematics Present Place of Postine Transfer/Adiusted to GSSS Pali, Disft. GSSS Mahendergarh, Mahendergarh Distt. Mahendergarh 138921 Employee ID: 092678 l4 138821 Against guest lecturer and vice-versa by giving relaxation in policv. 10472 Sh. Vikram Yadav Lecturer in Mathematics Employee ID: 203046 Under transfer from GSSS Gudha Distt. Mahendergarh ll93l I to GSSS Bewat Distr. Mahendergarh 138621 GSSS Bhojawas, Distt Mahendergarh [38651 Against guest lecturer and vice-versa by giving relaxation in policy. Note:- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The official will be relieved immediately and in any case with in 3 days failing which he/she will be liable for disciplinary aciton, Howev€r ii any official is working in Census auty, heTsne shall not be relieved till the Census duty is acmmptished. No TA/DA and joining Ume will be admissible to the ofTlcial if he/she has been shifted on his/her request after exercising option. No male teacher belorv the iiigb of 50 years be allowed to join in the girls schools. If there is no vacancy in the,destination school for any reason the incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous place of posting and also inform to concerned branctvmmputer cell at He. If any discrepancy is noticed:ih this order or there is a violation of transfer. policy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer Celyconcerned branch within three days and the orde; be not implemented. In case of mutual transfer, it is directed that before relieving/joining the officials concerned/ tt may be ensured that the dlstance between both the schools is not less than g km. In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. The mutual transfer would be effective only when both the employees seeking mutual transfer submit a consent document to their resDective PrinciDals. M.L, KAUSHIK DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. 2/575-20t 4-HRL(3) DATED. PANCHKULA. A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 =.\o1\s District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. Head of the institution, Concerned. It is hereby directed to check consent of both the emDlovees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving / joining. Official Concerned. Secy. OSD/CM Sr. PS/E.M. Sr. PS/PSSE PS/DSE Technology officer (HQ) for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA Off: Plot Io. lB, Shikeha S.dad, oiqimq, tdB ?o td. -Tel: 9l (0t721.256O24C F6x 91(0172).2560253 f@, 91 lo172l 2fl25x n?2) 1*60a6 Department of School Education Harya.n0 Appropriate Authority as prescribed under Rule 34 (1) of Haryana School Education Rules-2003) Memo No. 18/38-2014 PS(1) Dated :- 10.01.2015 In exercise of powers conferred under Rule 29 (3) read with Rule 3 of Haryana School Education Rules-2003 Education Department, Haryana hereby permit to add new proposed classes for higher stage. However, it is made dear that such lsc nlssionwdl not enable such school shall have to fulfill the required to get recognition automatically for which the ap cOnditions. This letter of permission is based on the uadertalring given by the applicant as per details given overleaf Any violation of the undertaWng automatically nullifies the permission. This permission is further subject to 'No Objection' from the 'Competent Authority' regulating the land use Of the peciPosed site.The permission to add new proposed classes for higher stage is on1.3i,'In-principle' approval allow of the EducatiOn Department to allowapplicanttio.initiatestepsandprovideinfisstructuretothe new proposed Classes of higher stage. Students should not be airmitteriAn13r on t is`pe rmission withOnt getting recognition. The gnition will be-granted R.T.E. Riales712 Appendix-II the Department on fulfillment of norms as provided in Haryana School Education Rules-2003, in the interest of safety, healthandwelfineof students andodierrecptirenients. * The =anew committee shall-abide Wthe prtivisionsof Haryana School Education Rules 2003 (amended) Rnels 203 slid aniendraents 1112Y thereafter. The Managing shall be liable for disciplinary acdon hacase of violation cif Any provisions of the rules. PARTICULARS OF THE SCHOOL FOR rriocii THIS PERMISSION TO ADD NEW PROPOSED CLAW, FOR HIGHER STAGE SCHOOL IS GRANTED Jan-2015 SS/KKR/BQSE/ENG&HND/ Ream N Sh. LaL Chand Mal Education Society, Vill. Jhansa, Teh. Name of the Individual , Pehowa, Distt. Kurukshetra Association of Individual, Trust or Company establishing the School Lal Chand Mal Public School, Jhansa (Kurukshetra) Name of the School Jhansa (Kurukshetra) Village/Town Panchayatlsector Kurukshetra District Name Stage 9th to 12th English & Hindi Medium BOSE Syllabus/Affiliation 176,144,188/122(7-2),23(8-0),24(8-0),25(8-0),1911/2/2(5-16),3(8Details of Land 0),4(13-0),5(3-2),(56-0) (Khasra/Kila) This Permission is valid upto next two academic sessions Address of the School .4aVAIN Superin dent P.S. For Director Secondary Education Haryana,Panchkula ucation Officer, Kurukshetra. Appropriate Authority as precribed under Rule-34(1)of Haryana School Education Rules - 2003 la maseise of the panels conferred by sob-aection (1) read with suli-aiction (2) of section 24 of the Harms Sdsool behal4 the Government of Haryana vide No. Education Act, 1995 (let 12 of 1999),aod all other ponces ambling in Ruin-2003 to regulate edncadon fin ati neeGSH 7/H.A. 12/99. . S.24(1)/2003 notified the Hamm School Government schools. to promote bents clegmbadon and development Of school education, the manner of admission to facilities lobe secopixed schools, fee structure, unifosineesta of service conditions for Imployessosiaguate provided to pupil and to follow approved cameof stadkoln due Sete of flazysm. see see the beck of this document S.No Description Details a The area in which the new school is proposed to be established 18049 Sq.Ft. b The approximate number of students likely to be enrolled in that school 59 c The stage of education intended to be imparted in the new school Sr. Sec. d The particulars including measurements of the building or other structures in which the school is proposed to be run e The Financial resources from which the expenses for the establishment and running of the school shall to be met. f The proposed procedure untill its recognition under these rules, for the selection of the head of the school and other teachers and non-teaching staff and the minimum qualification for the recruitment. The proposed salary of the staff to be notified g h Admission, tuition and other fees and funds which would be levied and collected until its recognition under these rules, from the students of the proposed new school The selection procedure will be adopted to appoint teaching and nonteaching staff as per the provisions under Rule 163 of Haryana School Education Rules,2003 by constituting a selection committee. Selection Procedure would be as provided in Rule 163 of Haryana Education Rules 2003 and other relevant provisions. The minimum qualification would also be as given in Appendix A attached with Haryana School Education Rule-2003 CLASS I-V VI-VIII IX-X XI-XII Admission Fee Tuition Fee Other Fee Total Funds i i Any other facility which is proposed to be provided for students of the proposed new school The composition of managing committee of the proposed new school until the new school is recognized and a new managing committee is constituted in accordance with the scheme of managing committee made under these rules. Name (Sh./ Smt.) Amit Kumar Designation President Virender Singh Gutam Parkash Rajender Kumar Narender Mancanda Vice-President Secretary Cashier Manager Note:- The Permission is granted that on the subject to the condition that the documents/ Information furnished by the School authorities are factual and not devoid of truth in any way. However, if any information, at any stage, is found contrary to the facts the permission would be revoked forthwith. Department of School Education Haryana 0* Appropriate Authority (as prescribed under Rule 34 (1) of Haryana School Education Rules-2003) Memo No. 31/47-2014 PS(3) Dated :- 02.01.2015 In exercise of powers conferred under Rule 29 (3) read with Rule 3 of Haryana School Education Rules 2003 Education Department, Haryana hereby permit to add new proposed classes forhigher stage. However, it is made clear that such petnaission will not enable such school to get recognition automatically for which the applicant shall have to fulfill the required conditions. This letter of permission is based on the undertaking given by the applicant as per details given overleaf Any violation of the undertaking automatically nullifies the permission. This permission is further subject to 1•Io Objection' from the 'Competent Authority' regaled% the land use of the proposed site. The permission to add new proposed classes for higher stage is only In-principle' approval of the EducationDepartment to allovrapplicsint to initiate steps and provide infrastructure to the newproposied classes of higher stage. Students should not be admitted.oOnly n-ads permission without getting recognition. The recognition will be granted R.T.E. Rules-12 Appendix-II by the Department on fulfdknent of prescribed norms as provided in Haryana School Education Rules-2003, in the interest of safety, healda and welfareof students and:ther requirements. * The managing committee shall abide by theprovisions of Haryana School Education Rules 2003 (amended) & R.T.E. Ruck 2011 and araenilmentstitany thereafter. The Managing shall be liable for disciplinary action.in.case of violation of anyprovisions of the hdes. PARTICUJA1RS OF THESCHOOL FOR WHICH THIS PERMISSION NEW PROPOSED CLASSES FOR HIGHER STAG ADD SCHOOL IS GRANTED SS/MWT/BOSE/ENG&HND/ .21 Jan-2015 Regn. N Jan Vikas AVAM Shiksha Samiti, Vill. Dungeja, Distt. Name of the Individual , Association of Individual, Mewat Trust or Company establishing the School Name of the School Ashref Memorial Sr. Sec. School, Dungeja (Mewat) Address of the School Village/Town Panchayat/sector Mewat 9th to 12th Dungeja (Mewat) District Name Stage Medium English & Hindi Syllabus/Affiliation BOSE Details of Land 144/166,142/164,82/93,195/226,20116/1(5-13),1413(4-13),15(7(Khasra/Kila) 9),25//3(1-7), This Permission is valid upto next two academic sessions .411 401FAI Superin dent P.S. For Director Secondary Education Haryana,Panchkula District Education Officer, Mewat. T.O. Appropriate Authority as precribed under Rule-34(1)of Haryana School Education Rules - 2003 In exordia of the powers confessed by rub-lieetion (1) read with sub-section p). of semion 24 of the Haryana School Education Act, 1995 (Act 12 of 1999), and all other powen enabling in this baud& the Government of Haryana vide No. GU 7/HA. 12/99. &24(1)/2003 notified the Haryana Sdmol Edneadon Rules-2003 to regulate education in ail non Government schools, to promote better rugsnisation and development of school education, the manner of adndssion to recognised schools, fee oteuctate, =Noun code of service co'for employees, adequate infiastructural facades to be edidos prodded to pupils end or follow approvedcrame of studies,in the Same a( Halmos. • Please see the back of this document -”1. n ;" • S.No Description a The area in which the new school is proposed to be established b The approximate number of students likely to be enrolled in that school 644 The stage of education intended to be imparted in the new school Sr. Sec. d The particulars including measurements of the building or other structures in which the school is proposed to be run e The Financial resources from which the expenses for the establishment and running of the school shall to be met. f The proposed procedure until! its recognition under these rules, for the selection of the head of the school and other teachers and non-teaching staff and the minimum qualification for the recruitment. The proposed salary of the staff to be notified g h Admission, tuition and other fees and funds which would be levied and collected until its recognition under these rules, from the students of the proposed new school ' • , • Details 12183 Sq.Ft. The selection procedure will be adopted to appoint teaching and nonteaching staff as per the provisions under Rule 163 of Haryana School Education Rules,2003 by constituting a selection committee. Selection Procedure would be as provided in Rule 163 of Haryana Education Rules 2003 and other relevant provisions. The minimum qualification would also be as given in Appendix A attached with Haryana School Education Rule-2003 CLASS Admission Fee I-V VI-VIII IX-X XI-XII Tuition Fee Other Fee Total Funds Any other facility which is proposed to be provided for students of the proposed new school The composition of managing committee of the proposed new school until the new school is recognized and a new managing committee is constituted in accordance with the scheme of managing committee made under these rules. Name (Sh./ Smt.) Zakir Hussain Jiyulhaq Sahun Hamid Noor Mohd. Haruni Sher Mohd. Khurshid Ahmed Fakhru Designation President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Member Member Member Member Member Note:- The Permission is granted that on the subject to the condition that the documents/ Information furnished by the School authorities are factual and not devoid of truth in any way. However, if any information, at any stage, is found contrary to the facts the permission would be revoked forthwith. vi Department of School Education Haryan0 ApprgpriateAuhority (as prescribed under Rule.* (1) of Haryana School Education Rules-2003) Memo No. 31/44-2014 PS(3) Dated :- 10.01.2015 In exercise of powers conferred under Rule 29 (3) tread with Rule 3 of Haryana School Education Rules-2003 Education Department, Haryana hereby permit to add new proposed on will not enable such school classes for higher stage. However, it is made clear that such • t shall have to 64631 the tequired to get recognition automatically for which the conditions. This letter of permission is based on the undertaking given by the applicant as per details given overleaf Any violation of the undertaking automatically nullifies the permission. This permission is further subject to 'No Objection' from the 'Competent AuthotIti regulating the land use of the proposed site. The permission to add new prti*tsed classes for higher stage is only 'In-principle' approval of the EducationDepartment to alkwapplicant to initia step* and provide infrastructure to the new proposed aspics of higher stageStudenni should not beidmIttedonly on this pa:mi./Won ivithOur getting reeugmhon. The recognition will'be granted R.T.E. Rates-12 Appeadix-IIIy the Department on fiilfillroent of prescribed norms as provided in Hatyana School Education Rules-2003,in the interest of safety, healthandwelfureof students end other requirements. * The managing committee shall abide by the provisions oil Haryana School Education Rules 2003 (amended) & R.T.E. Ruch 2011 and amendments it anyThe Managing shall be liable for disciplinary acdon in case of violation of anyprovisiOns of rules. FARTICVLARS OF THE SCHOO FOIE TfilS PERMISSION TO ADD NEW PROPOSED CLASSES FOR HIGHER STPOE SCHOOL IS GRANTED .11 Jan-2015 SS/MWT/BOSE/HND/ Regn. N Name of the Individual , Gramin Vikas & Shiksha Sudhar Samiti, VPO Kalakhera, Association of Individual, Tehsil Ferozepur Jhirka, Distt. Mewat Trust or Company establishing the School Mewat Vikash Sr. Sec. School, Mahun Chopra (Mewat) Name of the School Mahun Chopra (Mewat) Village/Town Panchayat/sector Mewat District Name Stage 9th to 12th Hindi Medium Syllabus/Affiliation BOSE Details of Land 1367/1623,115//4/2(7-10),492,567,114/15/1(416),449,536,114/1512(7-4),26/7/2(2-3) (Khasra/Kila) This Permission is valid upto next two academic sessions Address of the School Superintendent P.S. For Dijector Secondary Education Haryana,Panchkula District Education Officer, Mewat. T.O. AppropdateAuthority as precribed under.Rule-34(1)of Haryana School Education Rules - 2003 a eaoo (1) seed with .sab-sacdrin (2) of sec on 24 of the Haryana School In exercise of thepirwate confriced dr. Education Act, 1995 (Act 1201:1999), and all other powers enabling . in this behalf; the Goveronrent of Haryana vide No. GM 7 /KA, 12/99. 5.24(1)/200:11041144 Mt:camas* School Education Rules-2003 to regulate education 14 .11 11011Government schools. is promote better orgimisadon and development school education, the manner of admission to alkmateinfnutructural facilities to be secognissi schooh, fee wetter; utifotercode of service condbione of preeckd to pupils and to follow approvedcomee of stuiSmia dstState of • Please sae the back of this document s S.No a Description The area in which the new school is proposed to be established Details 15139.10 Sq.Ft. b The approximate number of students likely to be enrolled in that school 361 c The stage of education intended to be imparted in the new school Sr. Sec. d The particulars including measurements of the building or other structures in which the school is proposed to be run e The Financial resources from which the expenses for the establishment and running of the school shall to be met. f The proposed procedure until! its recognition under these rules, for the selection of the head of the school and other teachers and non-teaching staff and the minimum qualification for the recruitment. The proposed salary of the staff to be notified g h Admission, tuition and other fees and funds which would be levied and collected until its recognition under these rules, from the students of the proposed new school The selection procedure will be adopted to appoint teaching and nonteaching staff as per the provisions under Rule 163 of Haryana School Education Rules,2003 , by constituting a selection committee. Selection Procedure would be as provided in Rule 163 of Haryana Education Rules 2003 and other relevant provisions. The minimum qualification would also be as given in Appendix A attached with Haryana School Education Rule-2003 CLASS I-V VI-VIII IX-X XI-XII Admission Fee Tuition Fee Other Fee Total Funds i i Any other facility which is proposed to be provided for students of the proposed new school The composition of managing committee of the proposed new school until the new school is recognized and a new managing committee is constituted in accordance with the scheme of managing committee made under these rules. Name (Sh./ Smt.) Sari Mohammad Irshad Abbas Ali Isa Khan Mohd. Khalid Shahid Piroza Designation President Secretary Treasurer Advisor Member Member Member Note:- The Permission is granted that on the subject to the condition that the documents/ Information furnished by the School authorities are factual and not devoid of truth in any way. However, if any information, at any stage, is found contrary to the facts the permission would be revoked forthwith. covERNmerr OF HARYANA I alum W1 Office of Director School Education ThEllel4 ftwk e-mail: edusecondstyChry.nic.in Dated, Panchkula The 28-Jan-2015 ORDER NO.25/21-2014PS(21 The Managing Commitee of Delhi Public School, VIII. Keorak (Kaithal) is hereby approved with the — - following members :- 1 Satish Kumar Chairman 2 L.M. Bindlish Secretary 3 Saji Jacob Ex-Officio Member(Head Master) 4 Jaspreet. Mittel Teacher Representative 5 Menu Sebastian Teacher Member 6 Madhu Bhalla Educationists 7 . Kapil Jain Parent Member 8 Deepak Garr Member 9 Tarlok Chand PTA Member 10 Madhu Dalai Female Member 11 CA Kemal Choudhary Member M.L.ICAUSHIK DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA,PANCHKULA Dated, Panchkula the EVEN ENDST NO: Read. A copy of the same is send to the following for information & necessary action :District Elemen Education Offibei, Kaithal District Ed ..• on Officer, Kaithal P Education Society. H.No. 340/11. ICamal Road (Kaithal) H .1,1 : , Delhi Public School. VilL ICeonik (Kaithal) 5 ethnology Officer (I.T.) lowas SUPERINTENDENT PS FOR DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA , PrIKULA GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT.. DATED, CHANDIGARH, THE 28-01-2015 ORDER NO, 16/91-2011 HRL (3) In compliance of the order dated: 21/04/2014 passed by the Hon'ble Additional Civil Judge, Fatehabad in Civil Suit titled as Sh. Manish Sharma v/s State of Haryana & others, the period of suspension of the plaintiff i.e. from 30/09/2011 to 02/12/2012 is hereby treated as regular period for all intents and purposes. All due benefits of said period be paid to him. Further the interest @ 6% per annum will be admissible to the plaintiff from the date of order i.e. 21/04/2014 to till the date of actual payment. T.C. GUPTA PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. OF HARYANA, SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA Dated, Panchkula, The 3.9—/--/ Endst. No. 16/91-2011 HRL (3) A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:1. The Principal Accountant General (A&E), Haryana, Chandigarh. District Education Officer, Fatehabad. Principal, Govt. Senior Secondary School, Rattakhera (Fatehabad). Official concerned. DEPUTY DIRECTOR HRL For DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCAITON, HARYANA, PACHKULA. Br&nr -, ..:71.71,.•.p.11€1117prf. "74AYSTr. . OFFICE OF DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA Order No. 21/6-2015 HRG-I (4) Dated, Panchkula the 28.01.2015 In terms of Haryana Govt notification dated 26.04.2011, Sh. Satyavir Singh, Principal, Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Ateli (Narnaul) is hereby re-employed in the same school after his retirement with immediate effect upto 31.03.2015 or till the new incumbent joins the post by way of new recruitment whichever is earlier. He will be paid salary as per provisions of CSR Vol-II i.e. last pay drawn minus pension. He will also exercise Drawing and Disbursing powers of the school. M.L. KAUSHIK DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA Endst. No. Even Dated, Panchkula the 3e,--/-61". A copy is forwarded to the, following for information and necess ry action: The Accountant General (A&E), Haryana, Chandigarh. District Education Officer, Narnaul w.r.t. to his Memo No. E-1-2014-Reemployment- 563 dated 29.12.2014. 3. Treasury Officer, Narnaul. . Satyavir Singh, Principal, Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Ateli (Narnaul) 5. Technology Officer, I.T. Cell. 40//r 4(C\I Superintendent HRG-I for Director Secondary Education, Haryanaeanchkula. • . • Dinctorste of School Education / *VW Rot fttlf311 GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / .gfOrrurr *Ho p( Directorate School EducatioU I 48) Rat PM/4 and o ratarr, ktfartit Educattort, Cult ft-Fzi fkm. t MI* la me from Darlmosa to Lieu www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in edusecondaryhryegmail.com ORDER NO. 4/2-2015-HRME(2) DATED, PANCHKULA: 30/01/2015 The following Clerk is hereby transferred/adjusted with immediate effect. Sr. No Transferld Name , Designation Present Place of Posting Transfer/Adjusted to Remarks 1 70473 Sh. Sushil Kumar Clerk Employee ID: 056224 GSSS Shamlo /Calm, (Jind)116881 0/o DEO Jind (Jind) 141151 Against vacancy by giving relaxation in policy. Note :- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The official will be relieved immediately and in any case with in 3 days failing which he/she will be liable for disciplinary aciton, However if any offidal is working in Census duty, he/she shall not be relieved till the Census duty is accomplished. No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to the official if he/she has been shifted on his/her request after exercising option. No male teacher below the age of 50 years be allowed to join in the girls schools. If there is no vacancy in the destination school for any reason the incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous place of posting and also inform to concerned branch/computer cell at HQ. If any discrepancy is noticed in this order or there is a violation of transfer policy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch within three days and the order be not implemented. In case of mutual transfer, it is directed that before relieving/joining the officials concerned, it may be ensured that the distance between both the schools is not less than 8 km. In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. The mutual transfer would be effective only when both the employees seeking mutual transfer submit a consent document to their respective Principals. 7. Consent/affidevit of the official be taken that he is willing to loose his seniority in case of requested transfer orders. M.L KAUSHIK DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. 4/2-20/5-HRME(2) DATED PANCHKULA, 3 /-2p Lr A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned. It is hereby directed to check consent of both the employees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving / joining. 3 Official Concerned. 4 Secy. OSD/CM 5 Sr. PS/E.M. 6 Sr. PS/PSSE E ethnology officer (HQ) SUPERINTENDENT HRME for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA Off.: Plot No. 113, Shikabe Settee, Sector 5, Pattchltula. Ha ryarm_pipoe itntulu • Tel: 91(0172)-2 45 Fax: 91(0172)-2569253 omi,m 6tre AO 1t, *IV 7371, *42‘ 5 WWI-13410S tin!q 1,1141. 91 (D172) 2560246 ttint 91 L(oin) 2560253 j"76ill GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / zftlfitl►t 'MON ttvt Oriffirp Edocation, Cohn!. soilOti‘loptotiot Directorate School Education ftiffzir ftffr froth Dark to Light www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in edusecondaryhryagmail.com ORDER NO. 5/8-2013-AD(2) Transfer Id 70474 DATED, PANCHKULA: 29/01/2015 In partial modification of this office order no. 12/99-2014-AD-(1) dated 01/01/2015 Sh. Virender Kumar [037841] BEEO who was transferred from DEE Panchkula Distt. Head Office [5003] to BEEO Shehzadpur Distt. Ambala [6715] is hereby adjusted in 0/o BEO Mania Distt. Sirsa [5100] Against vacancy provided that he has not joined his previous place of posting. Note :1 The official will be relieved immediately and in any case with in 7 days failing which he/she will be liable for disciplinary action. 2 No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to the official if he/she has been shifted on his/her request after exercising option. 3 No male teacher below the age of 50 years be allowed to join in the girls schools. 4 If there is no vacancy in the destination school for any reason the incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous of posting and also inform to concerned branch/computer cell at HQ. If any discrepancy is noticed in this order or there is a violation of transfer pOlicy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch within three days and the order be not implemented. 5 In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it May be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. 6 Head of the Institution may obtain the consent/affidevit of the official that he/she is willing to loose his/her seniority in case of requested transfer orders. M.L. KAUSHIK DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. EVEN DATED PANCHKULA, A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :vi District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned. It is hereby directed to check consent of both the employees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving / joining. 3 Official Concerned. 4 Secy. OSD/CM 5 Sr. PS/E.M. 6 Sr. PS/PSSE 7 PA/DSE 8 Technology officer (HQ) Satito at& - f-t _ r ASSISTANftglrESOR ADM N for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA 4.-- GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / iftziTuTT 3ttc1)1.1 Directorate School Education fttITM4 ft&LIT Nnei4 ftvar, 74,011 vet *low }Amnion, Cohere sad Devekpmeat Lead me tromIliDarkness to Light - www.schboleducationharyana.gov.in I [email protected] ORDER NO. Transfer Id 12/47-2011-Admn.(2) 70457 DATED, PANCHKULA: 28/01/2015 In partial modification of this office order no. 12/47-2011-ADMN(2) dated 02/01/2015 Sh. Dayanand Sharma [053036] • Lecturer in English who was transferred from DSE, Haryana Panchkula Distt. Head Office [4139] to GSSS Thandog Distt. Panchkula [3736] is hereby adjusted in GSSS Pinjore, Distt. Panchkula [3706] Against vacancy provided that he has not joined his previous place of posting. Note :- 1 2 3 4 5 6 The official will be relieved immediately and in any case with in 7 days failing which he/she will be liable for disciplinary action. No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to the official if he/she has been shifted on his/her request after exercising option. No male teacher below the age of 50 years be allowed to join in the girls schools. If there is no vacancy in the destination school for any reason the incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous of posting and also inform to concerned branch/computer cell at HQ. If any discrepancy is noticed in this order or there is a violation of transfer policy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch within three days and the order be not implemented. In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. Head of the Institution may obtain the consent/affidevit of the official that he/she is willing to loose his/her seniority in case of requested transfer orders. M.L. KAUSHIK DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. EVEN DATED PANCHKULA, A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1. District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned. It is hereby directed to check consent of both the employees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving / joining. 3 Official Concerned. 4 Secy. OSD/CM 5 Sr. PS/E.M. 6 Sr. PS/PSSE 7 PS/DSE 8 Technology officer (HQ) SUPERINTENDENT Admn: for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA 30. 01. 2010
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