GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / e ziTufT *Nct)it Directorate Elementary Education ft-ir 141(1v1 DR1T, 4Frtfi=1 ( r,4 41451-FT Educnion, Culture and Development alTra rfr ,:atfltrre. Lead me from . Darknel6 to Light [email protected] ORDER NO. 7/1-2015-HRM-II (3) DATED, PANCHKULA: 01/01/2015 The following Official(s) is/are hereby deputed for 120 days at the place of mentioned against his/her name(s) with immediate effect. Sr. No. Transfer Id Name , Designation 1 70271 Smt. Virander Virk Social Studies Mistress Employee ID: 038978 Present Place of Posting GSSS Farwain Kalan, (Sirsa) [29071 Place of Deputation Remarks GGSSS Panchkula (Sector 15), (Panchkula) [37051 Against vacancy Note: The Officials salary would be drawn from GSSS Farwain Kalan, (Sirsa) [2907) SUBHASH CHANDRA DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. 711 -2015-HRM- II (3) DATED PANCHKULA, 2— <0 9 / A copy is forwarded to the following for Information a d'Aetessary,action :1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concemed.It is directed that the official may be relieved after the expiry of the deputation period. 3 Official Concerned. It is directed that he/she will join his/her previous place of posting immediately after the expiry of deputation period and she will be treated absent from duty in case of non-joining his/her previous -ce of posting. 21a Technology 1 officer (HQ) t74 f6.44:11/.1 '- SUPERINTENDENT HRM-II forDIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION 1. HARYANA, PANCHKULA 914 . In4I*):.. TeI:. 9i (Oi72).256O246 Fax: 01(0172)-2560253 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA k Dated, Panchkula the 31-12-2014 Order No.12/73-2014 HRM-II (3) The following guest teachers are hereby adjusted with immediate effect:Sr. No. Name, Designation & present place of posting and earlier adjusted Now Adjusted Remarks 01. Smt. Murti, Science Mistress(Guest), GHS Indira Nagar (Faridabad) GGSSS Sector-15 (Panchkula)[3705] AN SUBHASH CHANDRA DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA Endst. No. Even Dated, Panchkula the 0?---/- A/3-- A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:- 3. District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned please ensure the vacancy/ workload before joining. Principal/Headmaster Concerned. Official Concerned. Technology Officer (I.T. Cell). f-,At,,!— So-4k./ SUPERINTENDENT HRM-II FOR DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA. OFFICE OF DIRECTORELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA Order No.5/2304-2014 HRM-II (4) Dated Panchkula the, 19.12.2014 As per provision contained in Haryana Govt. Finance Department's letter No. 1/83/2008/1 PR (FD), dated 07.01.2009 forwarding therewith notification dated 31.12.2008 and modify dated 04-03-2014 for implementation of Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 and 7(1) Haryana Civil Services (ACP) Rules, 2008 the following employees are hereby granted ACP in the grade as mentioned against their name on completion of their satisfactory service:- . SR. No. Name, Desig, Place of Posting ACP Gran ted Sh. Dushyant Kumar, ESHM, GSSS Shikarpur (Hisar) Sh. Ashok Kumar, S.S. Master, GHS Sahu (Hisar) Smt. Poonam Beniwal, S.S. Mistress, GHS Dhani Raipur (Hisar) Sh. Rattan Singh, Math Master, GHS Muzadpur (Hisar) Smt. Chander Kanta, ESHM, GSSS Jalwandi Rana (Hisar) Smt. Saroj, S.S. Mistress, GGMS Gangwa (Hisar) Smt. Sunita Popli, Science Mistress, GGSSS Mangali (Hisar) Sh. Shishpal Singh, Math Master, GHS Kharar Alipur (Hisar) Sh. Anoop Singh, S.S. Master, GHS Shamsuldi (Hisar) Sh. Tek Ram ESHM, GGHS Sisai Kalirawan (Hisar) Smt. Anju Bala, S.S. Mistress, GGSSS Mandi Adampur (Hisar) Smt. Usha Chauhan, ESHM, GGMS Kuleri (Hisar) Smt. Dimple Khanna, S.S. Mistress, GGHS Kalirawan (Hisar) Smt. Lalita ESHM, GSSS Jamawari (Hisar) Sh. Raj Kumar, S.S. Master, GSSS Gangwa (Hisar) Sh. Surender Beniwal, Science Master, GMS Kalwas (Hisar) 3rd 1st 1st 1st 3rd 1st 3rd 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 3rd 1st 3rd 1st 1st Functional pay revised as per HCS Rule 2008 9300-34800+GP 6000 9300-34800+GP 4800 9300-34800+GP 4800 9300-34800+GP 4800 9300-34800+GP 6000 9300-34800+GP 4800 9300-34800+GP 6000 9300-34800+GP 4800 9300-34800+GP 4800 9300-34800+GP 5400 9300-34800+GP 4800 As JBT 9300-34800+GP 6000 9300-34800+GP 4800 9300-34800+GP 6000 9300-34800+GP 4800 9300-34800+GP 4800 w.e.f. 01.04.2014 01.04.2014 01.04.2014 01.10.2013 01.04.2014 01.04.2014 01.04.2014 01.10.2013 01.08.2014 01.04.2014 01.04.2014 01.04.2014 01.10.2013 01.04.2014 01.10.2013 01.10.2013 Completion of service as 8/16/20/24/30 years 24 [31.08.2012] 8 [13.12.2012] 8 [14.12.2012] 10 [01.10.2013] 24 [31.08.2012] 8 [14.12.2012] 24 [31.10.2010] 10 [01.10.2013] 8 [17.07.20141 16 [02.01.2009] 16 [05.10.2008] 24 [05.07.2008] 10 [30.09.2013] 24 [29.09.2012] 10 [01.10.2013] 10 [30.09.2013] RITU, HCS ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMN. 0/o DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA ENDST NO. EVEN DATED PANCHKULA THE, S. LI A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:Regd. District Elementary Education Officer, Hisar w.r.t. his memo Nil dated Nil. Provide a copy of order to the Head of the institution and official concerned. The Accountant General (A&E) Haryana, Chandigarh. Treasury Officer, Hisar Head of the institution, Concerned. icial, Concerned. I.T. Cell. ,1-1. • ff Sue tehdent HRM-II for Director Elementary Education Haryana Panchkula OFFICE OF DIRECTORELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA Order No.5/1989-2014 HRM-II (1) Dated Panchkula the, 29-11-2014 As per provision contained in Haryana Govt. Finance Department's letter No. 1/83/2008/1 PR (FD), dated 07.01.2009 forwarding therewith notification dated 31.12.2008 and modify dated 04-032014 for implementation of Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 and 7(1) Haryana Civil Services (ACP) Rules, 2008 the following employees are hereby granted ACP in the grade as mentioned against their name on completion of their satisfactory service:SR. No. Name, Desig, Place of Posting ACP Granted Functional pay revised as per HCS Rule 2008 w.e.f. Completion of service as 8/16/20/24/30 years 1, Sh. Gaje Singh, ESHM, GSSS Bupania (Jhajjar) 3rd 9300-34800+GP 6000 01.04.2014 24 RITU, HCS ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMN. 0/o DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA ENDST NO. EVEN DATED PANCHKULA THE, A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:Regd. District Elementary Education Officer, Jhajjar w.r.t. his memo Nil dated Nil. Provide a copy of order to the Head of the institution and official concerned. The original Service Book & Personal File are hereby attached. The Accountant General (A&E) Haryana, Chandigarh. Treasury Officer, Jhajjar. Head of the institution, Concerned. 5. Official, Concerned. ‘..yrT. Cell. Superintendent HRM-II for Director Elementary Education Haryana Panchkula (d — 16 7 1TeeM 02- o I OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYAN PANCHKULA Order No.3/38-2014 HRM-1(1) Dated, Panchkula, the 31.12.2014 Smt. Suman, Math Mistress, GHS Sector-19, Panchkula is hereby, sanctioned the following leave: Sr. No. 1 Name of Leave From Rule applicable Child Care Leave 01.01.2015 to 30.06.2016 C.S. Instruction No. 11/102/2009 -3FR dated 05-07-2012 It is also certified that the official would have continued to officiate in class-III during her proceeding on leave. With permission to Affix / Suffix holidays. She is permitted to draw the usual city compensatory allowance during the period of leave and she is likely to return to the post mentioned above to which these allowances are applicable. It is also certified that the officer/official would have continued to officiate in Class-Ill during her proceedings on leave as above. The sanction is hereby granted with the condition that earned leave if any due in her account, the same may be included with CCL. RITU (HCS) ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMINSTRATION 0/0 DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA. Endst. No. Even: Dated, Panchkula, the -rq A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:Regd: District Elementary Education officer, Panchkula w.e.f. his Memo No. E-3 /14/ 2262 dated 19.12.2014. Headmaster, GHS Sector-19, Panchkula. 3. Smt. Suman, Math Mistress, GHS Sector-19, Panchkula. 4 Technology Officer (I.T Cell). /r6-"t SUPERINTENDENT HRM-1 FOR DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION -L-HARYANA, PANCHKULA ( )1.58 sr-cr.}-1 0140/11C TO BT SUSTITUTED BEARING SAME NO & DATE OFFICE OF DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA Order No.5/1385-2014 HRM-I (5) Dated Panchkula the, 22.11.2014 As per provision contained in Haryana Govt. Finance Department's letter No. 1/83/2008/1 PR (FD), dated 07.01.2009 forwarding therewith notification dated 31.12.2008 and modify dated 04-03-2014 for implementation of Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 and 7(2) Haryana Civil Services (ACP) Rules, 2008 Sh.Ram Kumar, as JBT now S.S. Master, GHS Surehli (Rewari) is hereby granted 2nd ACP in the grade of Rs.9300-34800+GP 4800 w.e.f. 01.04.2014 on completion of 16 years regular satisfactory service. RITU, HCS ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMN. 0/o DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA ENDST NO. EVEN DATED PANCHKULA THE, 51,1 2 %1 A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:Regd. District Elementary Education Officer, Rewari w.r.t. his memo No. E-2-2014/4228 dated 12.12.2014. Headmaster, GHS Surehli (Rewari). 3. Sh.Ram Kumar, as JBT now S.S. Master, GHS Surehli (Rewari). 1)1.T. Cell. (144.41 Superintendent HRM-I for Director Elementary Education Haryana Panchkula )469 s-rei-)/ TO BT SUSTITUTED BEARING SAME NO & DATE OFFICE OF DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA Dated Panchkula the, 27-10-2014 Order No.5/1062-2014 HRM-I (5) As per provision contained in Haryana Govt. Finance Department's letter No. 1/83/2008/1 PR (FD), dated 07.01.2009 forwarding therewith notification dated 31.12.2008 and modify dated 04-03-2014 for implementation of Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 and 7(2) Haryana Civil Services (ACP) Rules, 2008 Sh. Raj Singh, S.S Master, GSSS Nangli Godha (Rewari) is hereby granted 1 51 ACP in the grade of Rs.9300-34800+GP 4800 w.e.f. 01-04-2014 on completion of 8 years regular satisfactory service. RITU, HCS ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMN. 0/o DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA ENDST NO. EVEN DATED PANCHKULA THE, 3) • t2- . r `.1 A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:Regd. District Elementary Education Officer, Rewari w.r.t. his memo No. E-2-2014/4228 dated 12.12.2014. Head of Institution concerned. 3. Official Concerned. ‘,,VIT CELL. Superintendent HRM-I for Director Elementary Education Haryana Panchkula 44: /z-riceli c o/ TO BT SUSTITUTED BEARING SAME NO & DATE OFFICE OF DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA Order No.5/1609-2014 HRM-I (5) Dated Panchkula the, 22.11.2014 As per provision contained in Haryana Govt. Finance Department's letter No. 1/83/2008/1 PR (FD), dated 07.01.2009 forwarding therewith notification dated 31.12.2008 and modify dated 04-032014 for implementation of Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 and 7(2) Haryana Civil Services (ACP) Rules, 2008 Sh.Ved Parkash Yadav, as JBT now S.S. Master, GSSS Jailaf (Mahendergarh) is hereby granted 2 nd ACP in the grade of Rs.9300-34800+GP 4800 w.e.f. 01.04.2014 on completion of 16 years regular satisfactory service. RITU, HCS ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMN. 0/o DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA ENDST NO. EVEN DATED PANCHKULA THE, A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:Regd. District Elementary Education Officer, Narnaul. Principal, GSSS Jailaf (Mahendergarh). 3. Sh.Ved Parkash Yadav, S.S. Master, GSSS Jailaf (Mahendergarh) t. fT" CELL. Superintendent HRM-1 for Director Elementary Education Haryana na Panchkula / 140 -reit)t) 0,101 ► c TO BT SUSTITUTED BEARING SAME NO & DATE OFFICE OF DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA Dated Panchkula the, 22.11.2014 Order No.5/391-2014 HRM-I (5) As per provision contained in Haryana Govt. Finance Department's letter No. 1/83/2008/1 PR (FD), dated 07.01.2009 forwarding therewith notification dated 31.12.2008 and modify dated 04-03-2014 for implementation of Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 and 7(1) Haryana Civil Services (ACP) Rules, 2008 Sh. Arvin Kumar, Math Master, GHS Shyam Nagar (Rewari) is hereby granted 1st ACP in the grade of Rs.9300-34800+GP 4800w.e.f. 01.10.2013 on completion of lOyears regular satisfactory service. RITU, HCS ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMN. 0/o DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA ENDST NO. EVEN DATED PANCHKULA THE, 11 r C2- A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:Regd. District Elementary Education Officer, Rewari. Headmaster, GHS Shyam Nagar (Rewari). 3. Sh. Arvin Kumar, Math Master, GHS Shyam Nagar (Rewari). 1:171T CELL. Superintendent H. NC/I-I for Director Elementary Education Haryana Panchkula 11 cc:7 1J ORDER NO. 5/1-2015 HRM-I (2) DATED, PANCHKULA, THE 02.01.2015 As per provisions contained in Haryana Govt. Finance Department notification No. 1/83/2008/1 PR (FD) dated 07-01-2009 forwarding therewith notification dated 30.12.2008 for implementation of Haryana Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 and Haryana Civil Services (ACP) Rules, 2008, Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, S.S. Master, GSSS Pasiala (Ambala) is hereby granted 1st ACP in the grade of 9300-34800+G.P 4800 w.e.f. 01.10.2013 on completion of 10 years regular satisfactory service. RITU ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATION 0/o DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. EVEN DATED, PANCHKULA, a -) Regd. A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:District Elementary Education Officer, Ambala w.r.t. his Memo no. E-1114/7025 dated 24.12.2014. Head of Institution concerned. 3. Cjfficial Concerned. t4I.T. Cell SUPERINTENDENT HRM-I FOR DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANICHKULA To be substitute bearing same no. and date tLi3 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA ORDER NO. 5/1060-2014 HRM-I (5) DATED, PANCHKULA, THE 12.09.2014 As per provisions contained in Haryana Govt. Finance Department notification No. 1/83/2008/1 PR (FD) dated 07-01-2009 forwarding therewith notification dated 30.12.2008 for implementation of Haryana Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 and Haryana Civil Services (ACP) Rules, 2008, Smt. Suman Yadav, JBT now S.S. Mistress, GSSS Kapriwas (Rewari) is hereby granted 2nd ACP in the grade of 9300-34800+G.P 4800 w.e.f. 01.04.2014 on completion of 16 years regular satisfactory service. RITU ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATION 0/o DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. EVEN DATED, PANCHKULA, Regd. A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:District Elementary Education Officer, Rewari. Head of Institution concerned. 3. Official Concerned. ‘.3 . IT Cell SUPERINTENDENT HRM-I FOR DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYAWANCHKULA Directorate Elementary Education / 4rOb fast GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / i liuti *MPH Directorate Elementary Education tAT ft9T NMYIe4 I fatal Matt, knt threktki Education. culture and Development wiotr itt Lead me from Darkness to Light I [email protected] ORDER NO. 6/87-2014-HRM4(1) tag DATED, PANCHKULA: 31/12/2014 The following official(s) is/are hereby transferred/adjusted with immediate effect. Sr. No. Transfer Id Name , Designation Present Place of Posting GMS Bhilwara, Distt. I 70263 Sh. Mani Ram Yadav Mahendergarh [5831] Elementary School Head Master Employee ID: 050973 2 70264 Sh. Manoj Kumar Elementary School Head Master Employee ID: 055162 ..... GSSS Khentawas, Distt. Gurgaon [855] Transfer/Adjusted to Remarks GGMS Sihma, Distt. Mahendergarh [4678] Against vacancy by giving relaxation in policy GHS Dochana, Distt. Mahendergarh [3987] Against vacancy by giving relaxation in policy. Note :- 1 The official will be relieved immediately and In any case with in 3 days failing which he/she will be liable for disciplinary action, However if any official Is working in Census duty, he/she shall not be relieved till the Census duty is accomplished. 2 No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to the official if he/she has been shifted on his/her request after exercising option. 3 No male teacher below the age of 50 years be allowed to join in the girls schools. 4 If there is no vacancy in the destination school for any reason the incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous place of posting and also inform to concerned branch/computer cell at HQ. If any discrepancy is noticed , in this order or there is a violation of transfer policy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch within three days and the order be not implemented. 5 In case of mutual transfer, it is directed that before relieving/joining the officials concerned, it may be ensured that the distance between both the schools is not less than 8 km. 6 In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer. policy. 7 The mutual transfer would be effective only when both the employees seeking mutual transfer submit a consent document to their respective Principals. SUBHASH CHANDRA DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. 6/87-2014-HRM-I(1) DATED, PANCHKULA, 02 , 01 • 2-0/ . A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned. It is hereby directed to check consent of both the employees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving / joining. 3 Official Concerned. 4 Secy. OSD/CM 5 Sr. PS/E.M. 6 Sr. PS/PSSE 7 P5/136E so)‘4, /22echnology officer (HQ) SUPERINTENDENT HRM-I for DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA 1- at GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / Rion Directonne Elannuary Education / 411$141f19i meal OK favor, xiteeftt Izt ftswir Education, Culture and Dove Directorate Elementary Education - 4f 1 faTr ms/PPiors trivait Lead me from Darkness to Light eduprimaryhryagmail.corn CO DATED, PANCHKULA: 31/12/2014 ORDER NO. 6/84-2014-HRM-1(1) The following official(s) is/are hereby transferred/adjusted with immediate effect. Sr. No. Transfer Id Name , Designation Present Place of Posting GSSS Chandeni, Distt. 1 70265 Sh. Hari Ram Elementary School Head Bhiwani [391] Master Employee ID: 049794 GHS Badrai, Distt. 2 70266 Sh. Radhe Shyam Elementary School Head Bhiwani [509] Master Employee ID: 049965 3 70267 Sh. Rajender Singh Elementary School Head Master Employee ID: 051404 GHS Jaindapur, Distt. Palwal [1146] GGSSS Bhiwani, Distt. 4 70268 Smt. Indu 1317] Elementary School Head Bhiwani Mistress Employee ID: 006384 Transfer/Adjusted to GSSS Kanwi, Distt. Mahendergarh [3877] Remarks Against vacancy by giving relaxation in policy. GMSSSS Mahendergarh, Distt. Mahendergarh [4100] Against vacancy by giving relaxation in policy. GSSS Sihma, Distt. Against vacancy by giving relaxation in policy. Mahendergarh [3899] GSSS Pahladgarh, Distt. Bhiwani [409] Against vacancy by giving relaxation in policy. Note: The official will be relieved immediately and In any case with in 7 days failing which he/she will be liable for disciplinary aciton. No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to the official if he/she has been shifted on his/her request after exercising option. No male official below the age of 50 years be allowed to join in the girls schools. If there is no vacancy in the destination school for any reason the incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous place of posting and also infonn to concerned branch/computer cell at HQ. If any discrepancy is noticed in this order or there is a violation of transfer policy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch within three days and the order be not implemented. In case of mutual transfer, it is directed that before relieving/joining the officials concerned, it may be ensured that the distance between both the schools is not less than 8 km by shortest route. In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. The mutual transfer would be effective only when both the employees seeking mutual transfer submit a consent document to their respective Principals. If work load is not available In the schools or guest teacher is working there, the official may not be allowed to join and information to be send to IT Cell at [email protected] SUBHASH CHANDRA DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA DATED, PANCHKULA, ENDST. NO. 6/84-2014-HRM-1(1) Oj 2_0/S A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :District Education Officer concerned. District Elementary Education Officer concerned. Head of the institution concerned. It is hereby directed to check consent of both the employees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving / joining. Official concerned. Secy. OSD/CM Sr. PS/E.M. Sr. PS/CEL PS/ EE chnology Officer (HQ) SUPErith‘%;1/4 RINTEND&NILI for DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA • Off.: PIOLNO.113,Sh141ta:5 • Pa cuss. lot ttv 3 tt4w1 wial.34149 (India) : ..3:)...:44(017;)454102,48 Fax: 91(0172)72560253 9,1 tot rao244...„:00/t 41..(0172) 2560253 ‘, Directente Flareatary Education / 015 GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / eorr n 'Maw( o ftwr• Ontft Directorate Elementary Education traT ftrffr NUeiei I OM ilftrga 14,41rw EMomm, Clifton cadDmelopmem Mr* toviNerimr Lead me from Darkness to Light 141 [email protected] DATED, PANCHKULA: 30/12/2014 ORDER NO. 6/85-20144111M4(1) The following official(s) Ware hereby traasferred/adjusted with immediate effect. Present Place of Posting Sr. No. Transfer Id Name , Designation GMS Ilan, Distt. Bkiwani 1 70269 Sh. Rajender Pd Elementary School Head 156751 Master Employee ID: 051334 GHS Mks Par, Distt. 2 70270 Sb. Ramesh Kumar Gurgaon 17481 Elementary School Head Master Employee ID: 051130 Transfer/Adjusted to GSSS Pathera, Distt. Mabendergarh 138941 Remarks Against vacancy by giving relaxation in policy. GMS Bhandor Unehi, Dist. Mabendergarh H6841 Against vacancy by giving relaxation in Policy Note :- The official will be relieved immediately and in any case with in 3 days failing which he/she will be liable for disciplinary adton, However if any official Is working in Census duty, he/she shall not be relieved till the Census duty is accomplished. he/she has been shifted on his/her 2 No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to the official request after exercising option. 3 No male teacher below the age of 50 years be allowed to join in the girls schools. 4 If there is no vacancy in the destination school for any reason the incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous place of pasting : and also Inform to concerned branch/computer cell at HQ. If any discrepancy is noticed in this order or there Is a violation of transfer policy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch within three days and the order be not implemented. 5 In case of mutual transfer, it Is directed that before relieving/joining the officials concerned, it may be ensured that the distance between both the Schools is not less than 8 km. 6 In case of urban area stations while Implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. 7 The mutual transfer would be effective only when both the employees seeking mutual transfer submit a consent document to their respective Principals. 1 SUBHASH CHANDRA DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ' DATED, PANCHKULA, ENDST. NO. 6/85-201441RM-1R1) A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :- oz . al. zolS" 1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned. It is hereby directed to check consent of both the employees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving / joining. 3 Offidal Concerned. 4 Secy. OSD/CM 5 Sr. PS/E.M. 6 Sr. PS/PSSE 7 PS/D$E _482,echnology officer (HQ) (2tier Dr›,41, ;:s.1 SUPERINTENDENT FIRM-I for DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA CK: Pl t No. t • . • • ' .; . $40100819t0r4T1P 7 #610k „ .ta . ** f41 01frr.:16,tT, S *Pri .T.0lliPt?*2560244 fax: !1(0772)-2560253. 9( *10 210f844: 0:72)2s6g4 , „ „„ /647C-eil 005 OFFICE OF DIRECTORELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA Order No.5/260-2014 HRM-II (1) Dated Panchkula the, 19-12-2014 As per provision contained in Haryana Govt. Finance Department's letter No. 1/83/2008/1 PR (FD), dated 07.01.2009 forwarding therewith notification dated 31.12.2008 and modify dated 04-03-2014 for implementation of Haryana Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 and 7(1) Haryana Civil Services (ACP) Rules, 2008 the following employees are hereby granted ACP in the grade as mentioned against their name on completion of their satisfactory service:SR. No. 1. Name, Desig, Place of Posting ACP Granted Sh. Ambuj Kumar, S.S. Master, GSSS Daha (Karnal) 1st Functional pay revised as per HCS Rule 2008 930034800+GP 4800 w.e.f. Completion of service as 8/10/16/20/24/30 years 01.10.2013 10 [30.09.2013] RITU, HCS ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMN. 0/o DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA ENDST NO. EVEN DATED PANCHKULA THE, A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary acta:.C1 /1 0111 V./ Regd. District Elementary Education Officer, Karnal w.r.t. his memo Nil dated Nil. Provide a copy of order to the Head of the institution and official concerned. The original Service Book & Personal File are hereby attached. The Accountant General (A&E) Haryana, Chandigarh. Treasury Officer, Karnal Head of the institution, Concerned. 5. Official, Concerned. v6!" I.T. Cell. 'upergartigent for Director Elementary Education Haryana Panchkula OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTRY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA ORDER No.13/73-2012 ET-1(3) Dated Panchkula, the 01.01.2015 Sh. Ganander Singh , Academic Assistant (J.B.T. Tr.) is hereby relieved from his duties as an Academic Assistant at Directorate of Elementary Education, Haryana, Panchkula today i.e. 01-01-2015 A.N. and directed to join his parent school i.e. G.P.S. Boh, Ambala-II, Ambala. Subhash Chandra Director General Elementary Education, Haryana, Panchkula Endst.No.Even Dated Panchkula, the 01.01.2015 A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:District Elementary Education Officer, Ambala. Elementary School Headmistress, GMS Boh, Ambala-II, Ambala. Head Teacher, GPS Boh, Ambala-II, Ambala. Official Concerned. Superintendent Administration. R Branch. Technology Officer (I.T.Cell) 5-14/1461 Dy. Superintendent ET-I for Director General Elementary Education, Haryana, Panchkula.
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