Nano Research Nano Res DOI 10.1007/s12274-015-0724-z 1 Serum Induced Degradation of 3D DNA Box Origami Observed by High Speed Atomic Force Microscope Zaixing Jiang1,2,†, Shuai Zhang2,†, Chuanxu Yang2, Jørgen Kjems 2, Yudong Huang1,*, Flemming Besenbacher 2, Mingdong dong2,* Nano Res., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI 10.1007/s12274-015-0724-z http://www.thenanorese on January 28, 2015 © Tsinghua University Press 2015 Just Accepted This is a “Just Accepted” manuscript, which has been examined by the peer-review process and has been accepted for publication. A “Just Accepted” manuscript is published online shortly after its acceptance, which is prior to technical editing and formatting and author proofing. Tsinghua University Press (TUP) provides “Just Accepted” as an optional and free service which allows authors to make their results available to the research community as soon as possible after acceptance. 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Degradation of 3D DNA Box Origami Observed by High Speed Atomic Force Microscope Zaixing Jianga,b, Shuai b, Zhang Chuanxu Yang b, Jørgen Kjems b, Yudong Huanga, *, Flemming The degradation kinetics of 3D DNA box origami in serum using high speed atomic force b, Besenbacher Mingdong dong a b ,* Department microscope has been demonstrated. Our findings are valuable for the further modifications to improve the biocompatibility of DNA nanostructures in future applications. of Polymer Science and Technology, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Harbin Institute Technology, 150001, of Harbin People’s Republic of China b Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), Aarhus University, DK-8000, Aarhus C, Denmark Provide the authors’ webside if possible. Author 1, webside 1 Author 2, webside 2 Nano Research DOI (automatically inserted by the publisher) Review Article/Research Article Please choose one Serum Induced Degradation of 3D DNA Box Origami Observed by High Speed Atomic Force Microscope Zaixing Jiang1,2,†, Shuai Zhang2,†, Chuanxu Yang2, Jørgen Kjems 2, Yudong Huang1,*, Flemming Besenbacher 2, Mingdong dong2,* Received: day month year ABSTRACT Revised: day month year 3D DNA origami holds tremendous potential to encapsulate and selectively release therapeutic drugs. Observations of real-time performance of 3D DNA origami structures in physiological environment will contribute much to its further applications. Here, we investigate the degradation kinetics of 3D DNA box origami in serum using high-speed atomic force microscope optimized for imaging 3D DNA origami in real time. The time resolution allows characterizing the stages of serum effects on individual 3D DNA box origami with nanometer resolution. Our results indicate that the whole digest process is a combination of a rapid collapse phase and a slow degradation phase. The damages of box origami mainly happen in the collapse phase. Thus, the structure stability of 3D DNA box origami should be further improved, especially in the collapse phase, before clinical applications. Accepted: day month year (automatically inserted by the publisher) © Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 KEYWORDS 3D DNA box origami, high-speed AFM, stability, serum, kinetic 1 Introduction As being one recently developed high efficient simplicity to complicity, with high yields and self-assembly technique, the DNA origami is one applications, such as serving as nanoscale rulers for radically DNA single molecule imaging [8], templates for the nanotechnology [1-4]. By folding a long single DNA nanowire growth [9, 10], aid in the molecular strand into arbitrary shapes with hundreds of structure determination [11, 12], and new platforms synthetic staple strands, DNA origami has been for genomics applications [13, 14]. 3D DNA box [15], proved to form 2D and 3D nanostructure, from which was first designed and synthesized in 2009, is increased subgroup of accuracy [5-7]. These nanostructures have many 2 Nano Res. one kind of 3D DNA origami nanostructures with hollow core. Due to it has the lid, which can be opened by certain target gene sequence, it is considered as potential drug carrier in vivo. However, one of the major barriers towards the in vivo applications of DNA origami nanostructures, including 3D DNA box, is the susceptibility of their strands and structures towards nuclease degradation in physiological environments. As being one of nuclease degradation reagents, serum contains a mixture of nucleases and proteins, such as endo- and exo-nucleases, which have the degradation effect to DNA strands. And according to our best knowledge, serum has been applied as one kind of standard reagents to test the susceptibility of other synthesized DNA nanostructures in vivo [16-19]. Hence, serum is considered as an ideal touchstone to evaluate the stability of DNA origami in vivo. Recently, a number of methods have been used to study the stability of DNA origami, such as scanning electron microscope (SEM) [20, 21], atomic force microscope (AFM) [22, 23], transmission electron microscope (TEM) [24, 25] and agarose gel [26, 27]. Among them, AFM is the wide applied one; as it is of capability to evaluate the stability of DNA origami based on 3D quantitative morphology, and provide in situ DNA origami response behaviors to different stimulates [28, 29]. However, the detailed evidences of the origami structure stabilities, direct visualization of the degradation process, and real-time analysis could not be achieved by standard AFM, because of its slow innate scan speed [30]. Currently, these drawbacks have been overcome gradually with the development of high-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM) [31-34]. HS-AFM had been employed to characterize dynamic process of some origami related materials [30, 34, 35]. But as far as we know, the kinetics of 3D DNA origami structural evolution in response to external stimuli has not been explored with HS-AFM. In this study, we intend to apply HS-AFM to directly in situ observe the degradation process of 3D DNA box origami in serum [15], which is meaningful and instructive to realize its final application in drug delivery. With the technical developments, the degradation process of 3D DNA box origami has been directly observed in real-time. The quantitative degradation kinetics of 3D DNA box origami has been then studied. And the critical degradation concentration for 3D DNA box origami structure damage is also determined. These data are valuable for future improvement of DNA origami based drug carrier. 2 Experimental 2.1 The synthesis of the DNA box The software package, used for the box design, consists of a sequence editor and an extendable algorithm toolbox [1]. A program for creating realistic 3D models has been developed, which facilitated the design of the 3D edge-to-edge staple strand crossovers. The software package is distributed as free software (the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)) are available at The m13mp18 DNA was prepared as described previously [1, 15]. The assembly reactions were performed in Tris-acetate-EDTA buffer with 12.5mM MgAc (TAEM), 1.6nM M13 and fivefold excess of each oligonucleotide. The samples were heated to 95℃ and cooled to 20℃ in steps of 0.1℃ every 6 s. Then, the staple strands that fold the box by bridging the edges are constructed, resulting in a ‘cuboid’ structure of external size 42×36×36 nm 3 (sequence map and more design details can be seen in reference 1 an 9 published by our group) [1, 15]. Finally, the lid was functionalized with a lock–key system to control its opening. The designed DNA structure formed by self-assembly after heated annealed the 220 staple strands onto the single-stranded M13 DNA, resulting in highly homogenous structures migrating as one distinct band in native gel electrophoresis. In an assembly reaction, 59 staple strands were used, connecting the edges, to form the box shape. 2.2 Prepare serum solution and inject it into the cell Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), heat inactivated, was supplied by Life Technologies company, and used as it obtained. The FBS was dilluted by the 1×TAE/Mg2+ | 3 Nano Res. buffer. The FBS was carefully injected into the AFM mM EDTA pH:8.0, 12.5 mM MgAc 2) was added. All cell by our homemade injection system. The injection measurements were performed in tapping mode in system was composed by syringe (1.0ml), syringe fluid. The experiment temperature is about 25℃. pump (Aladdin-1000, Word Precision Instruments Flow-through fluid exchange was achieved using a Programmable), rubber tube (Φ1.0mm), needle (4.5#) dual syringe pump. Height, amplitude and phase and needle holder. In order to avoid the bubble signals were recorded for both trace and retrace. interference, the FBS was full fill the rubber tube and The needle. The AFM was fistly begin to work, and after AnalysisTM, SPIPTM and Cinema 4DTM, using it had got at least two images, the injection system standard modification commands applied over the begin to work. The FBS was injected automatically by whole sample. 3 Results and discussion Imaging 3D hollow DNA box in a biological environment with high local line speed is one of the most challenging of bio-applications to AFM [36]. The interaction force between the probe and the sample is critical. If the force is too high, the 3D DNA box origami are damaged by the probe, confusing its own response to serum; if it is too low, resolution of the image is unsatisfactory due to the weak feedback. More thorny issue is that the interaction force should be controlled in high speed scanning process. It is known that the scanning speed of AFM is proportion to individual resonant frequency. The resonant frequency fc and the spring constant kc of a rectangular cantilever with thickness d, width w, and length L are expressed as [30]: the injection system. The DNA buffer should be also precisely added onto the AFM tip and cell, an the total amout of liquid is about 100μl including the FBS. 2.3 Survival percent defination Every data point of survival percent is counted from more than 50 3D DNA origami box. We define that the origami box is died when its height reduce to half of its original height according to the assumptio that if one of its surface is lost, the loadings in the box will be leaking; but the loadings will be greatly released if half of its original height is remained, i.e. it has been already collapsed. Thus, we define the above standard for whether the box is died or living. data were processed using NanoScope The height of the box is calculated from software of SPIPTM. 2.4 High-speed Atomic force microscopy AFM images were obtained using Dimension and FastScan AFM (Bruker, CA) with FastScan-C cantilevers. The FastScan-C cantilevers utilize a novel 40 μm long triangular Silicon Nitride cantilever to achieve a 70-150 kHz resonant Where E and ρ are Young’s modulus and the frequency in liquid with only a 0.4-1.2 N/m force density of the used material, respectively. To attain a constant. The Silicon tip has an extremely sharp high resonant frequency and a small spring constant with 5 nm tip radius, making it ideal for imaging a simultaneously, cantilevers with small dimensions wide variety of hard and soft materials. All must be fabricated. In addition to the advantage in FastScan cantilevers have less that 3 degrees of achieving a high imaging rate, small cantilevers have cantilever bend. other advantages, such as lower noise density, less During the experiment, the sample (1 μL) was affected by thermal noise and high sensitivity to the adsorbed onto a freshly cleaved mica plate (ϕ12 gradient of the force exerted between the tip and the mm, Bruker, CA) for 1min at room temperature, sample. Thus, only small cantilever can balance the and then 1×TAE/Mg2+ buffer (40 mM Tris pH:8.0, 2 high speed and low force on sample. In this work,∣ | Nano Research 4 Nano Res. the small cantilevers, made of silicon nitride and disruption of 3D DNA box origami structure caused coated with gold of about 20 nm thickness, are used. by AFM tip, the acquisition time will be doubled They have resonance frequencies in liquid at ~80 kHz after every ten images. Four images obtained at the and spring constants between 0.4 and 1.2 nN/nm. critical point in time are shown in Figure 3a (for the The higher resonance frequency, the lower mass, and full series see Supplementary movie 2). It is evident smaller spring constant enable the imaging speed in that most of 3D DNA boxes have a similar respond tapping mode to be increased while keeping the time to the addition of serum solution. Figure 3b imaging forces on the 3D DNA box origami small. shows the survival percent values for the 3D DNA Figure 1a shows a scanning electron microscopy box origami as a function of time after the addition of (SEM) image of the small cantilever used in this serum. Time of degradation is highly variable, with research. The inset is a comparison between a an conventional cantilever and the small one. Figure 1b concentration-dependent shows the thermal spectra of the two types of executed with lower (0.01 vol% and 0.001 vol%) and cantilevers. The resonance frequency of the small higher cantilever is almost 20 times higher than that of the corresponding results are shown in Figure 3c. At conventional cantilever in fluid. lower serum concentration, no degradation of the 3D average (1.0 vol%) of 62±26s. experiments Serum are also serum concentrations. The Before serum was injected, the morphology of DNA box origami is observed (for the full series see 3D DNA box was characterized in advance. The supplementary movie 3 and 4). The slope of the two sample was prepared and adsorbed onto a freshly plots almost has no change, i.e. the degradation cleaved mica substrate. After adding the observation speed approaching zero (see Figure S1 and S2 in the buffer Electronic containing Mg , 2+ the high-speed AFM Supplementary Material (ESM)). experiment was started with a larger scan area to Conversely, at 1 vol% serum addition, an abrupt investigate morphology of 3D DNA box origami. change is happened in the beginning, i.e. all of 3D These results are shown in Figure 2 (for the full series DNA boxes are destroyed immediately after the see Supplementary movie 1). As seen, there remains serum addition (for the full series see Supplementary lots of DNA sheets on mica surface, which, in most movie 5). The initial height degradation rate of 148.82 instances, is aligned in the shape of a cross (Figure nm/min is calculated through fitting for the curve 2b). They are supposed to be the precursors of DNA (see Figure S3 in the ESM). Furthermore, the DNA box [37]. 3D DNA box origami is also yielded in origami in 10 vol% serum is also observed. Because Figure 2a. Analysis of the high resolution AFM there is also a similar abrupt change in the beginning images of individual particles revealed x and y after >1 vol% serum addition, more information are dimensions that are in good agreement with the put into ESM (see Figure S4 in the ESM and shape and dimensions of the designed DNA box as Supplementary movie 6). As discussed above, the 3D we have reported (see Figure 2d) [13, 15]. DNA box origami exhibit a visible degradation After proving the successful synthesis of 3D process in 0.1 vol% serum solution. The initial slope DNA box, the stability of the 3D DNA box origami in is about -21.01 calculated from the explinear fitting serum was investigated using HS-AFM. At t=0s, the curve for addition of 0.1 vol% serum in Figure 3c imaging solution was exchanged with 0.1 vol% (more information can be seen in Figure S5 in the serum aqueous solution using a flow-through system ESM). That means the initial height degradation (the diluted liquid used is the 1×TAE/Mg2+ buffer). speed of 3D DNA box origami after serum injection One image was taken every 36s for the initial ten is about 21.01 nm/min after 0.1 vol% serum additions. images. And with the motivation to minimize the The degradation behaviors of 3D DNA box origami | 5 Nano Res. in serum with different concentrations are further raises the question of the difference behavior of 3D confirmed by agarose gel electrophoresis experiment DNA box origami between actual situation and test (Figure 3d). After immersion in 0.1 vol% or 1vol% conditions. Answering this could be important for serum, the 3D DNA box origami do not run as a understanding the mechanism by which 3D DNA single band but is smeared throughout the lane: the box origami can develop resistance to serum. The appearance of products with smeared faster mobility mica surface may have some stabilizing role for the indicates that some of the 3D DNA box origami is bottom side of box origami [29]. However, it is worth digested by serum enzymes; the products with noting that the damage of box origami in serum smeared slower mobility indicate severe protein solution may be due to its hollow structure. The binding and maybe some degradation. In the case of serum may firstly destroy its structural stability, and 0.01 vol% or 0.001 vol% serum addition, nearly the height collapse is then happened, in which more than entire sample of 3D DNA box origami remain in the 80% of the damages are completed (see Figure 3b). gel well, as evidenced by their representative bands, The stabilizing effect of mica surface almost has no comparing the gels from the untreated sample. influence on the structure of box origami. So it Finally, the kinetics of degradation process of indicates that there is same behavior of 3D DNA box single 3D DNA box origami was investigated. To origami quantify the kinetics, we follow the change in the situation and test conditions. Thus, the DNA box height profiles along the middle line of the top origami should have some essential modifications to surface of single 3D DNA box origami in every frame improve its stability. As discussed above, the most of the image, as shown in Figure 4a. The change in damages are happened in the collapse phase. So the 3D DNA box origami structure is visible ~36s after modifications to increase the strength or number of the addition of serum. Figure 4b shows the height the hybridization linkers between two nearby sheets variation of a single 3D DNA box origami as a are supposed to be the option to improve the function of time after injection of 0.1 vol% serum. The structure stability of the box origami in the collapse corresponding curve is fitted with a explinear phase. 4 Conclusions In conclusion, we have successfully investigated the dynamics behavior of 3D DNA box origami in serum with different concentration by monitoring the changes in the nanostructure by a high-speed AFM scanning system. The critical concentration of serum for 3D DNA box origami degradation is about 0.1 vol%. The lifetime of 3D DNA box origami in 0.1 vol% serum is 62±26s. The digest process is a combination of a rapid height collapse phase and a slow degradation phase (which takes half an hour to complete). And most of damages happen in the rapid collapse phase. These results indicate that DNA box origami should have some surface modifications to increase its stability before its clinical applications. Especially, to improve its structure stability in collapse phase will produce a better effect. It is noteworthy that this is the first report on the real-time observation of a degradation process for 3D function (see Figure S6 in ESM). Figure 4c shows the snap-shots of the HS-AFM imaging of singe box origami and schematics of the degradation events after serum action. From the analysis for above obtain data, we propose that the digest of the 3D DNA box origami by 0.1 vol% serum under testing condition is a two-stage process consisting of a height collapse phase, in which the height of 3D DNA box origami is suddenly decrease in less than 1.5min, followed by a slow degradation phase for 3D DNA box origami, which can last from several minutes to half an hour. The time to complete the slow degradation phase is far longer than that to complete the height collapse phase. This result suggests that the bulk degradation rate is dominated by the time it takes to complete the slow degradation phase, rather than the height collapse phase. It also after serum addition between∣ | Nano actual Research 6 Nano Res. DNA origami. We anticipate that our primary results could pave the way for the direct observation of various structural changes of origami, in real time, at the nanometer level. self-assembled from single-stranded DNA tiles. Nature 2012, 485, 623-626. 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The inset shows the thermal noise power spectra of a normal one (PNP-TR-TL-Au, Olympus) with resonance frequencies of ~20 kHz in air (blue solid line) and ~4 kHz in aqueous solution (blue | 9 Nano Res. dashed line). Figure 2 a, HS-AFM image of the 3D DNA box origami. b, HS-AFM image of the 2D DNA sheet origami. c, HS-AFM image of the single 3D DNA box origami. Samples were prepared in 20mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.6) containing 10 mM Mg2+, and the images were recorded in the same buffer. Scan speed: 8 line/s; image size: 2×2 μm. d, Height distribution of 2D DNA sheet origami (light gray histogram) and the 3D DNA box origami (dark gray histogram). Figure 3 a, Successive HS-AFM images of 3D DNA box origami at the critical point in time. b, Survaial persent variation of the 3D DNA box origami as a function of time after injection of serum. c, Bulk measurement of serum activity with different injection dose. d, Agarose gel electrophoresis of 3D DNA box origami in serum: lane 1, 1000 bp DNA ladder; lane 2, 3D DNA box origami only; lane 3, 3D DNA box origami in 1 vol% serum; lane 4, 3D DNA box origami in 0.1 vol% serum; lane 5, 3D DNA box origami in 0.01 vol% serum; lane 6, 3D DNA box origami in 0.001 vol% serum.∣ | Nano Research 10 Nano Res. Figure 4 a, Cross-sections of 3D DNA box origami showing the time progression of the structure variation. Each slice represents data extracted from one image in the full time series. b, Height variation of a single 3D DNA box origami as a function of time after injection of 0.1 vol% serum. The gray dash line divided the fitting curve into two parts. The left part is belonging to the collapse phase, and the right part is the slow degradation phase. In addition, the x error is the time for every image. It is found that the height variation of origami box is not sensitive to the time after 4.5min. So it is reasonably to double the acquisition time for images every ten images. c, Snapshots of the HS-AFM imaging and schematics of the degradation events after serum action. | 11 Nano Res. COVER FIGURE: DNA origami-box degradation kinetics∣ | Nano Research Nano Res. Electronic Supplementary Material Serum Induced Degradation of 3D DNA Box Origami Observed by High Speed Atomic Force Microscope Zaixing Jiang1,2,†, Shuai Zhang2,†, Chuanxu Yang2, Jørgen Kjems 2, Yudong Huang1,*, Flemming Besenbacher 2, Mingdong dong2,* Supporting information to DOI 10.1007/s12274-****-****-* (automatically inserted by the publisher) 25 20 Hz (nm) 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time after serum injection (min) Figure S1 Linear fitting for the height variation curve of 3D DNA box origami after 0.001 vol% serum injection. The fitting formula is y=a+bx , where a=19.72622, b=-0.00631.∣ | Nano Research Nano Res. 25 20 Hz (nm) 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time after serum injection (min) Figure S2 Linear fitting for the height variation curve of 3D DNA box origami after 0.01 vol% serum injection. The fitting formula is y=a+bx, where a=20.20739, b=-0.01548. 25 20 Hz (nm) 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time after serum injection (min) Figure S3 Explinear fitting for the height variation curve of 3D DNA box origami after 1 vol% serum injection. The fitting formula is y=a·exp(-x/b)+c+dx, where a=17.81782, b=0.11972, c=1.08128 d=-0.00136. The initial degradation speed is a/b, i.e. the first derivative for the exponential part of the fitting formula. | Nano Res. 20 Hz (nm) 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time after serum injection (min) Figure S4 Logistic fitting for the height variation curve of 3D DNA box origami after 10 vol% serum injection. The fitting formula is y=a·exp(-x/b)+c+dx, where a=18.4837, b=0.10759, c=0 d=0. The initial degradation speed is a/b, i.e. the first derivative for the exponential part of the fitting formula. 25 20 Hz (nm) 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time after serum injection (min) Figure S5 Explinear fitting for the height variation curve of 3D DNA box origami after 0.1 vol% serum injection. The fitting formula is y=a·exp(-x/b)+c+dx, where a=9.8228; b=0.46743; c=8.06492; d=-0.16239. The initial degradation speed is a/b, i.e. the first derivative for the exponential part of the fitting formula.∣ | Nano Research Nano Res. 18 16 Hm (nm) 14 12 10 8 6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time after addition of serum (min) Figure S6 Explinear fitting for the height variation curve of single 3D DNA box origami after 0.1 vol% serum injection. The fitting formula is y=a·exp(-x/b)+c+dx, where a=11.21636; b=0.30384; c=6.74917; d=-0.01131. The initial degradation speed is a/b, i.e. the first derivative for the exponential part of the fitting formula. Supplementary movie 1, the movie of the 3D DNA box obtained by HS-AFM. | Nano Res. Supplementary movie 2, the degradation movie of the 3D DNA box in 0.1 vol% serum obtained by HS-AFM. Supplementary movie 3, the degradation movie of the 3D DNA box in 0.01 vol% serum obtained by HS-AFM. Supplementary movie 4, the degradation movie of the 3D DNA box in 0.001 vol% obtained by HS-AFM. Supplementary movie 5, the degradation movie of the 3D DNA box in 1 vol% serum obtained by HS-AFM.∣ | Nano Research Nano Res. Supplementary movie 6, the degradation movie of the 3D DNA box in 10 vol% serum obtained by HS-AFM. |
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