PO Box 125, Tumby Bay SA 5605 Ph: 8688 2003; Fax: 8688 2608; E-MAIL: [email protected] WEB: www.tbas.sa.edu.au MOBILE: 0428 668 815 Date: Thursday 5 February, Term 1 Wk. 2 TEXT Message Mobile: 0428 937 348 BSB# 105 072 ACC# 282 171 140 Acc. Name: Tumby Bay Area School Council Inc (Consol) Acc PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Rod Sutherland LEADERS’ REPORTS Welcome to our new receptions and also new students Harley, Patrick, Chad, Taryn, Lili, Catie, Shannen Tyson and their families. We hope you enjoy your time at Tumby Bay Area School. Week 2 in the Senior School has resulted in some fantastic learning occurring. I have loved hearing about some of the innovative teaching ideas staff at our school are delivering, students fully engaged in their learning and willing to share and utilize their knowledge. There are plenty of events on our calendar already and this term looks to be jam packed, it is wonderful to see so many opportunities presented for students at TBAS. On the flip side, they will need to be working extremely hard within lesson times to ensure everything is covered. I am looking forward to our ‘Meet and Greet’ night to welcome all parents to the school year, ensure our lines of communication are open and outline some of the important aspects in 2015 for the Senior School. Teachers are available for any questions on subjects taught and this night is a great way to share expectations and information with each other. Our most exciting news for the Senior School is the amazing Journey Through Leadership program that Lesley Warren has successfully received funding for and is implementing throughout the year. The first aspect of this is a leadership camp and students will be bringing information for this home today. We can’t wait to share the fun and learning journey with our students in years 10-12! Nicky Prosser Robina Collings TBAS Meet & Greet Night In last week’s newsletter we advertised our ‘Meet & Greet’ night to be held next Tuesday. Please note there has been a change of time for this event, please see revised information below. When: Tuesday 10th Feb Classrooms open from 5:30 – 6:30 pm Sausage & Steak sizzle from 6:30 pm Governing School Council AGM 7:30 pm All classrooms will be open and maps will be displayed around the school to help you find the people you need. Term Dates 2015 Term 1 ~ Term 2 ~ Term 3 ~ Term 4 ~ 27 January 27 April 20 July 12 October 10 April 3 July 25 September 11 December TBAS Newsletter : Thursday 5th February Term 1 Week 2 CANTEEN NEWS This will be a valuable opportunity for you to meet staff, have a look at learning spaces and interact with other school staff and families. Students are encouraged to take the lead on ‘Meet and Greet’ night and take their parents/caregivers around to meet different staff and have a look at learning spaces in the school. We look forward to seeing many of you at ‘Meet & Greet’ night. If you are unable to make it at this time, please know you are welcome to pop in at another time, teachers value these initial meetings to set up open lines of communication throughout the year. On the passports there will also be space for feedback MANAGERS: LISA GRANEY – 8688-4240/0428-884-240 NADINE BERLOW– 8688-0005/0478-228-189 Next Friday 13th the canteen will be catering for the swimming carnival, it is a major fundraiser for the canteen so please help support us. We will have Pies, Pasties, Sausage rolls, Toasted Sandwhiches, Rolls & Sandwhiches with meat and salad or just salad, snacks, drinks, tea & coffee & cakes. If anybody would like to donate cake/slice it would be greatly appreciated. The Canteen will be closed at the school on Friday the 13th due to swim carnival . Thankyou Monday 9th Feb– Tuesday 10th Feb– Wednesday 11th Feb – Thursday 12th Feb – Friday 13th Feb– Prue McPharlin about ‘Meet & Greet’ night. If you have suggestions or ideas on how we can involve more parents/caregivers in these events please let us know. OSHC & Vacation Care Laurette Waddell-Smith Director/Nominated Supervisor FINANCE NEWS Julie Fischer Mitch pursued his interest in model planes As published in last week’s School News, many thanks to all those families who have paid their school fees so promptly, it is very much appreciated. Please note: If you currently pay via direct deposits into the school’s bank account (e.g. for OSHC/VAC, uniforms, school fees, camps, magazines, etc.) would you please deposit your payments into our new account at the: TUMBY BAY COMMUNITY (BENDIGO) BANK BSB: 633 000 A/C NO.: 153 475 983 A/C NAME: TUMBY BAY AREA SCHOOL GOVERNING COUNCIL INC (CONSOL) Our Bank SA account will be closing soon, so any payments you make to it will be rejected. If you wish to pay via instalments, DECD’s new ‘Direct Deposit’ applications are available from the Front Office. If you believe you qualify for School Card, the 2015 forms are also available from the Front Office. Again many thanks everyone for organising payment in such a timely fashion. OSHC OSHC educators have been discussing with children what they would like to do at OSHC this term. Children have given us many ideas and views on how they would like to spend their time at OSHC. The Week 3 program is full of their ideas and interests that they gave us. Through the term we will incorporate the children's ideas into all programs and expand on this to facilitate children's learning and experiences. As parents if you would like to share with us more about your child's interests, please feel welcome to speak to any OSHC educator on the night you pick up your child, we would enjoy learning more about your children from you 2015 My time, Our place programming with Children Term 1 week 3 Mon 9th Feb Rette, Sarah Tues 10th Feb Rette, Kaz Wed Thur 12th 11th Feb Feb Rette Rette, Fri 13th Feb Pei, Oshc Café opens Science reactions ,3 layer float Sighns to 3D cylinder laminate towers African safari animals Teacake & Oranges Honey crackles Fruit Kebabs 3D cookie animal moulds Tuna salad wraps TBAS Newsletter : Thursday 5th February Term 1 Week 2 Catch Up with an Old Scholar Interviewed by Shane Masson Tumby Bay Area School has a proud tradition of students completing their secondary schooling, achieving their SACE and then travelling a range of pathways to achieve success in the wider community. Every fortnight we will meet up with an old scholar to see where their journey has taken them and discuss how their experience at Tumby Bay has assisted with their development. Rebecca Roberts (Pugsley) Rebecca attended TBAS from 1995-1999 to complete year 8-12 after attending primary school at Ungarra. She willingly took on numerous leadership roles whilst at school including being house captain for Pintaboo for 3 years (1997-99), school captain for EEPASSA in 1999, SRC leader in 1998 and won inter/senior medals during swimming carnivals and sports day. She was actively involved within the community playing netball for Eyre United and Eyre Peninsula, tennis and youth group. Now aged 33, she reflected on her time at TBAS and was very happy with her decision to stay at Tumby Bay to complete her senior secondary Sports Day 1997 schooling after being given the option to move to another school. Swimming Carnival Rebecca highlighted the community feel of the school, being able to do all the subjects she needed to do in year 12 and staying within the 1998 community (as she has never been back living permanently since) assisting her with her decision. She also enjoyed participating in sport within the school and community. In year 12 she studied Maths 1, English, PE, Geography and Biology. After Rebecca completed year 12, she took a gap year as a Rotary Exchange student for 12 months in USA. When she returned to Australia she moved to Adelaide where she attended Flinders University studying a double degree in a Bachelor of Health Science and Nursing. She is now employed as a cardiac specialist registered nurse in Adelaide. Rebecca is happily married with 4 children aged 9, 7, 4 and 16 months with her biggest challenge juggling her career with her family commitments. Her advice for students at TBAS is that university is not the only option as other people she knows have been successful in their careers without going down this option. Pursue what you are interested in, do what you enjoy, do what you love and you will get the rewards. Finally, Rebecca valued the community feel at Tumby Bay Area School which affected her family’s decision to move suburbs in Adelaide, so her children can attend a state school with similar values. Family photo: Josiah 9, Micah 16 months, Rebecca, Abigail 7 and Evangeline 4. HOUSE CAPTAINS 2015 Meringa (red) Captains Montana Watson Cooper Watson Vice Captains Courtney Richter Adam Brown Pintaboo ( yellow) Captains Kassidy McCallum Vice Captains Elise Carmody Mitchell Partington Lachy Gale Yarranyacka (green) Captains Tayla Hill Vice Captains Sarah White Brett Cooper Zahli Liddicoat Tyson Berlow TBAS Newsletter : Thursday 5th February Term 1 Week 2 2015Swimming Carnival The Inter-House Swimming Carnival for students in Years 4 to 12 will be held FRIDAY, 13 FEBRUARY, at the Cummins Pool, with buses leaving at 9.00 a.m. and returning by 3.00 p.m. The Carnival commences at 9.45 a.m. and students are asked to be present 15 minutes prior to this if arriving in private transport. Parents are welcome to attend. During the day, breaks will be taken so that students and members of the public can have a swim. Please note that there will be no teacher supervision for the toddlers’ pool, except during the Sub-Junior events and parents are asked to supervise their own children in this area. Students attending the carnival will be expected to remain on the grassed area in their House groups. A family swim may be enjoyed after the Carnival when the pool is open to the public. Students and parents will be able to buy their lunch from the Pool’s Canteen as in the past. Parents may prefer to bring a packed or picnic lunch. The canteen will provide a range of healthy eating options. Students and parents are reminded to bring bathers (Student/Parent annual Relay), sun protection gear and hats. We also ask that parents provide umbrella or beach shelter if possible. We would like to provide as much shade as possible in the House areas. School classes will continue for those younger students not involved in the carnival (R-3). We look forward to an enjoyable day of competition. SHANE MASSON (PE & Sport Coordinator) Vacancy for a School Bus Driver TUMBY BAY AREA SCHOOL A written application is invited from all eligible persons, for the position of Bus driver: Tumby Bay – Ungarra run Applications should address the Person Specification and include the names of two referees. Job and Person specifications are available from Joy Cox at the Front Office of the Tumby Bay Area School. Please provide a copy of the application to arrive no later than 5.00 pm Friday 13th February, marked “Confidential”, to: Mr Rod Sutherland Tumby Bay Area School PO Box 125 TUMBY BAY SA 5605 Phone: 8688 2003 Fax: 8688 2608 MILO in2CRICKET Program MILO in2CRICKET is the national grass root program for cricket in Australia, with the aim of introducing kids aged 58 to the great Australian game. It provides children with an opportunity to develop their motor skills and meet new friends in a fun, safe and interactive environment. Your nearest Centre/s will be run at Port Lincoln CA, Centenary Oval, starting Monday 2nd February at 4:00pm Cricket this term will be a very popular sport with the ICC Cricket World Cup starting on the 14th of February. By registering and paying for the Program not only will you enjoy some great cricket fun this term but every registered child receives an in2CRICKET Participant Pack including bat, ball, t-shirt, bucket hat, backpack, drink bottle and other goodies! They will look just like their Aussie Cricket heroes! To find out more details about your nearest Centre and to register for this season, log on to www.in2cricket.com.au and type in your post code. TBAS Newsletter : Thursday 5th February Term 1 Week 2 Tumby Bay Netball Club Registration Night Thursday Feb 12th from 5 – 6pm Friday Feb 13th from 5 - 6pm All juniors and seniors are encouraged to attend. Come along and register your interest in playing. Uniforms orders will also be taken these nights, or you can bring along your old uniform if you want to sell it second hand. Pre-season Training Will be commencing Thursday 12th of February Meeting 6:00pm at the courts Please wear comfortable clothing and sandshoes, and BYO water. Pre-season is free and everyone is welcome. Come and get your fitness kick started before the season is in full swing! Apologies to Charmaine on 0427 557 272 For Sale 1 med size dog kennel $40.00 1 fin (3) Electric Oil heater $20.00 1 Mirror in a frame $20.00 (Ideal for a patio) All Ex Condition Ph: 0429 002257 WANTED – Coaches All coaching positions are open A Grade A Reserves B Grade B Reserves D Grade E Grade E Reserves Please forward your applications to: [email protected] Or TBNC, PO Box 97, Tumby Bay SA 5605 Application closing date February 27 th For further information on coaching positions please contact Karlee on 0428 518 419, or the above email address. Jon Hunt Mb 0437166335 Fax 86881993 5 Wishart St, Tumby Bay SA 5605
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