Aon Benfield Analytics | Impact Forecasting 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On January 2015 Risk. Reinsurance. Human Resources. Table of Contents Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Event Recap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Impacts of the Tsunami on Infrastructure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Tsunami characteristics and sources in Indian Ocean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Indian Ocean tsunami warning systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Preparedness and communication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Aon Benfield’s tsunami modeling initiatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Tsunami insurance coverage in Asia Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Closing Remarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Appendix 1. Indian Ocean tsunami observations between 1900 and 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Appendix 2. Useful Internet Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Appendix 3. Availability of tsunami insurance cover in Asia Pacific region. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Appendix 4. Remnants and Reminders of 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Preface The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami (also called research carried out on the catastrophe and a large volume the Boxing Day tsunami) was a devastating catastrophe that of literature published on the subject. This publication marks caused extensive loss of life and damage. The people of the the completion of a decade following the event and aims affected territories experienced immense suffering due to the to reflect upon the event and the subsequent changes in event. Since then, there has been an enormous amount of several aspects regarding the peril, over the past ten years. Figure 1: Tsunami wave monument in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. years. Source: Impact Forecasting The document is organized into seven chapters. The first were not suitably prepared regarding the event. The chapter, titled ‘Event Recap’, provides some background unsuspecting communities, therefore, endured massive on how the event was triggered and provides a brief losses. Countries like India and Indonesia, which were commentary on the losses experienced as a result of the affected by the tsunami, established institutions and warning disaster. The second chapter is an invited commentary systems following the event that could advise the at-risk by Professor Iaon Nistor and Professor Tad Murthy, communities of impending tsunamis. Chapter four briefly internationally renowned experts on tsunami risk. The summarizes these warning systems. The changes in the chapter explores the impact of the tsunami on the preparedness towards similar events and the communication infrastructure present in the region at the time of the event, systems in place are discussed in the fifth chapter. based on the characteristics of the tsunami and general field observations after the event. The third chapter explores the The sixth chapter looks at the tsunami risk from an insurance sources and features of tsunamis in the Indian Ocean region. industry perspective, while the seventh chapter briefly The scale of damage due to the tsunami had not been modeling, through case studies from Japan and Chile. experienced before and the people of the affected regions Related appendices and references are included. discusses Impact Forecasting’s approach to tsunami Aon Benfield 3 Event Recap On December 26, 2004, a megathrust earthquake was perished as a result of the disaster – most estimates registered off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, which suggest a figure of around 230,000. The earthquake generated a huge tsunami that spread across the Indian of magnitude Mw9.1 (USGS) struck at 07:58 local time Ocean, killing and injuring hundreds of thousands of (00:58 UTC) with an epicenter 250 kilometers (155 people and causing devastating damage. There is still miles) south-southeast of Banda Aceh, Indonesia. no consensus as to the total number of people who Figure 2: Tectonic base map of the Sumatra subduction zone showing major faults and the location of main shock. The annual speed and direction of plate movement is also indicated. Source: 4 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On The earthquake, the third largest ever recorded The sudden vertical rise of the sea-floor due to the earthquake instrumentally and the largest known tremor to have struck displaced an enormous volume of water triggering the the Indonesian archipelago occurred as a result of thrust- tsunami. The wave immediately spread out in all directions faulting at the interface of the Indo-Australian tectonic plate from the earthquake epicenter, taking just 15 minutes to and the Burma tectonic plate. Figure 2 shows the tectonic reach the western coast of Sumatra. About 7 hours later, base map of the Sumatra subduction zone showing major the wave had traversed the Indian Ocean and had come faults and the location of the main shock. From the epicenter, ashore in eastern Africa. In total, the tsunami affected the the fault-rupture propagated northwestward for 500 coasts of 14 countries around the rim of the Indian Ocean: kilometers (310 miles) towards the southern Andaman and Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Nicobar Islands. (Some models suggest that the Maldives, Myanmar, Seychelles, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, fault-rupture may have propagated as far as 1,200 kilometers Thailand, and Yemen. The vast majority of the fatalities (745 miles) from the epicenter.) The width of the rupture and damage were a result of the tsunami rather than being zone was approximately 150 kilometers (95 miles), and directly caused by the earthquake. Post-event analysis the maximum displacement on the fault plane was about uncovered evidence that runup height reached as high as 49 20 meters (65 feet). The depth of the earthquake was meters (160 feet) as it came ashore near Banda Aceh (Figure only 30 kilometers (18.6 miles). The shallow depth 4b) and travelled as far as 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) inland. combined with the substantial movement on the fault In Thailand, runup heights of up to 10.6 meters (35 feet) plane meant that the sea-floor overlying the thrust were observed (source: National Geophysical Data Center, fault was uplifted by several meters. It was this sea- NOAA). Wherever the tsunami came ashore, buildings, floor uplift that triggered the catastrophic tsunami. structures, vegetation, and vehicles were destroyed. Figure 3a: 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami runup heights. Source: Aon Benfield 5 Figure 4b: Maximum runup height of 48.86 m was noticed in Rhitting, near Banda Aceh. Source: Prof. Tomoya Shibayama, Waseda University, Japan Economic Losses and Fatalities The most devastating effects of the tsunami were observed [Ref: Asian Disaster Prepared Center]. The combined cost in Indonesia, particularly in Banda Aceh Province, where of damage caused by the tsunami across the 14 affected almost 170,000 lives were lost. Total economic losses reached countries was USD14 billion. To cite one example of the USD4.5 billion (2004). In Sri Lanka, the death toll reached magnitude of the damage, a fishing boat (length: 25 meters almost 35,500 and economic losses totaled USD1.5 billion (82 feet), width: 5.5 meters (18 feet), and weight: 20 tonnes) (2004). In Thailand, the number of lives lost reached almost was carried several kilometers inland onto the roof of a house 8,500 and economic losses were USD2.2 billion (2004) (Figure 5) in Lampulo village, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Figure 5: Boat on the roof, Gampong Lampulo, Banda Aceh; 56 people survived from the disaster by taking shelter in the boat. Source: Impact Forecasting 6 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On The high number of fatalities caused by the tsunami has prevent many of the fatalities there. However, had a been attributed by many to be due to two main factors: warning system been deployed in Sri Lanka and India, it firstly, the large number of coastal communities around would have given the population there almost 3 hours the perimeter of the Indian Ocean on low-lying ground; to prepare and evacuate from low-lying areas, and in and, secondly, the lack of a tsunami warning system. all likelihood, would have prevented many thousands Given the short amount of time it took the tsunami to of deaths. Over 16,000 people were estimated to have strike the Banda Aceh coast, it is unlikely that a tsunami been killed in India and runup height above 5 meters (17 warning system would have been deployed in time to feet) was noticed at Nagapattinam in Tamil Nadu state. Insured Losses There were a wide range of insured loss estimates or concentrations of infrastructure in the affected from different sources following the event, a significant territories. Most of the property destroyed was in the component of which were attributed to losses in the regions with low insurance penetration. Losses were life insurance, personal accident and property lines also dispersed widely over many countries. Many of business. The insured losses were estimated to be properties including residential structures, motor, cargo, approximately USD3 billion (2004). The tsunami did industrial plants, tourist sites and resort hotels were not have a significant impact on major city centers destroyed or severely damaged during the event. Figure 6: Tsunami monument at Lhoknga beach, one of the severely affected sites in Indonesia. Source: Impact Forecasting Aon Benfield 7 Insurance penetration in the affected areas was generally and uneconomically viable resulting in many insurers low, particularly with regard to residential properties and opting to reinsure their catastrophic perils via non- small businesses. The countries impacted by the tsunami proportional treaties. This significantly reduced the risk were characterized by a large number of small localized to the international reinsurers. Although the estimated insurance companies who spread their risk primarily total insured loss is large, for individual companies, through national and regionally based reinsurance and even national reinsurers, the losses were probably companies, generally by proportional reinsurance. generally not large relative to their retentions. As a Historically the insurance companies and national consequence, the estimated total insured loss would reinsurance companies also ceded a significant amount have been borne by the tens of local, national and of risk by proportional reinsurance to the international regional insurance and reinsurance companies, for some reinsurance market. Following the events of 9/11 and of whom it may have been a significant loss, but for very Typhoon Nari which hit Taiwan in September 2001, event few of whom it would have been a disastrous event. limitations were introduced in 2002 to South Korean and Taiwanese proportional treaties for catastrophic peril loss recoveries. In subsequent years Philippines and Indonesia also introduced such event limitations for catastrophic loss recovery from proportional treaties. Also catastrophic peril losses were excluded from Taiwanese surplus treaties. As a result of the adoption of these non-proportional restrictions on to proportional treaties, proportional reinsurance capacity became scarce Figure 7: Affected tourist sites in Thailand. Courtesy: Dr. Poh Poh Wong 8 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On Another characteristic feature of the regions impacted by the tsunami event was the significant concentration of international tourist resorts, especially in Thailand, Sri Lanka and the Maldives. These were probably largely insured offshore, so will have impacted on international insurers. However, they were reasonably well spread among a number of insurers, probably roughly in proportion to the size of the insurers. Impacts of the Tsunami on Infrastructure Dr. Ioan Nistor1 and Dr. Tad Murthy2 Introduction A team of Canadian engineers conducted a reconnaissance Indonesia’s Aceh Province at the northern tip of Sumatra. visit to Thailand and Indonesia . The visit focused on urban There was no damage observed in Medan, though the areas with engineered constructions, closest to the epicenter. earthquake was felt significantly, causing limited damage to Rawai Beach, Kata Noi Beach, Kata Beach, Patong Beach, building contents and creating fear among the residents. Nai Thon Beach and Kamala Beach on the Thai island of Banda Aceh, with a population of about 300,000 suffered Phuket were visited first, followed by Phi-Phi island, about extensive seismic damage. The city of Meulaboh, with a 48 km south east of Phuket and the coastal town of Khao population of about 40,000 along the west coast of Sumatra Lak about 100 km north of Phuket. Two locations were reportedly also suffered seismic damage, but could not be visited in Indonesia; the city of Medan located north-east visited because of difficulties in transportation. Figure 8 of the island of Sumatra and Banda Aceh, the capital of shows the areas where site investigations were carried out. 3 Figure 8: Locations visited in Thailand and Indonesia. (a) Phuket, Thailand (b) Khao Lak, Thailand (c) Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia Sources: Geocities, Khao Lak Promotions and Mapsoftworld 1 r. Ioan Nistor is an Associate Professor of Hydraulic and Coastal Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada. He is a coastal and hydraulic engineer researching D hazards associated with extreme hydrodynamic loading on infrastructure (tsunami impact on infrastructure, extreme wave and flood forces on structures, dam failure phenomena, etc.) and he is currently the Chair of the Maritime and Coastal Division of International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR). He is also a voting member of the new ASCE7 Subcommittee for the elaboration of New Design Guidelines for Tsunami-Resistant Buildings. 2 Dr. Tad Murty is an Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada. He is also the Vice-President, International Tsunami Society, Honolulu and Editor, Natural Hazards (published by Springer in the Netherlands). He retired as a Senior Research Scientist, Canadian Oceanographic service, Director of Australian National Tidal Facility, Prof of Earth Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia. He obtained his PhD from the University of Chicago, USA. The visit took place in January 2005 in Thailand and Indonesia and was under the auspices of the Canadian Earthquake Engineering Association. A report was issued as follows: Saatcioglu, M., Ghobarah, A., Nistor, I. (2005). The 26 December 2004 Sumatra earthquake and tsunami, Final Report prepared for Canadian Assoc. of Earthquake Engineering, Ottawa, Canada, 27 p * The views expressed in this chapter are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Aon Benfield. 3 Aon Benfield 9 General Field Observations Damage along southern Phuket beaches was limited to building inventory in Patong Beach consisted of a large coastal erosion and partial failures of non-engineered number of non-engineered one to two story reinforced reinforced concrete and timber frame structures along concrete and timber frame shops and hotels. There the coast. The runup height was measured to be were also a number of multistory engineered reinforced approximately 6meters (20 feet) from the sea in Kata concrete hotels. Extensive damage to masonry infill walls Beach, damaging low-rise buildings, including roof tiles, was observed. Limited damage occurred in reinforced as illustrated in Figure 9. The most populated beach concrete structural elements, though significant damage town along the west coast of Phuket was Patong Beach, was seen in timber structural elements. Most of the which suffered extensive damage to low-rise buildings. entire shopping district of Patong Beach was destroyed The water mark on buildings was measured to vary within an area extending approximately two kilometers between 4-6meters (13-20 feet) above sea level. The inland from the shore as illustrated in Figure 10. Figure 9: Damage to single story non-engineered buildings in Kata Beach. Figure 10: Observed damage in Patong Beach. 10 Nai Thon Beach, further north of Patong Beach on 10 meters (33 feet), especially in areas between the island of Phuket, suffered extensive structural the shore and the nearby hilly terrains, and led and non-structural damage to reinforced concrete to significant water run-ups. Figure 11 illustrates frame buildings. The water depth was in excess of the structural damage observed in this area. 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On Figure 11: Structural damage in Nai Thon Beach due to tsunami waves. An area that was heavily affected by the tsunami is Khao infill walls and structural collapse of low-rise reinforced Lak Beach, about 100 kilometers (62 miles) north of concrete frame buildings are shown in Figure 12. Many Phuket. The maximum water depth was measured to resort hotels were completely destroyed. Some multistory be in excess of 10 meters (33 feet), causing extensive reinforced concrete hotels survived the tsunami pressure, structural damage. The failure of first-story masonry with damage limited to the first-story infill walls. Figure 12: Structural and nonstructural damage in Khao Lak Beach. Further north of Khao Lak Beach is the harbor. This harbor and floating boats inland. The town near the area was also hard hit by the tsunami, destroying the harbor was devastated as shown in Figure 13. Figure 13: Damage to Khao Lak harbor town. Phi Phi Island is a small island located about 48 kilometers island were destroyed, with the exception of a few well- (30 miles) south east of Phuket. The topography of built reinforced concrete frame buildings, a steel frame the island is such that east and west sides are entirely building and some non-engineered construction. Many covered with steep hills, with a low lying area between of the one- and two-story non-engineered reinforced the two, where most of the island’s inhabitants live. This concrete and timber frame buildings of the island area is only a few meters above sea level and was hit collapsed entirely due to tsunami wave pressures. Figure by the tsunami from both sides. Most structures on the 14 illustrates the extent of damage on the island. Aon Benfield 11 Banda Aceh, Indonesia, was a city with a population of concrete buildings suffered structural damage, especially in about 300,000 inhabitants before the tsunami. It was their first floor columns. Multi-story engineered reinforced subjected to damaging forces of not only the tsunami but concrete government buildings suffered earthquake also the earthquake. The majority of casualties were in this damage due to poor seismic design and detailing practices. city. Coastal areas were entirely swept away by tsunami A large number of mosques survived the disaster, though waves, leaving piles of timber as the remains of building they also suffered damage to masonry walls. Figures 15 and infrastructure. A large number of non-engineered reinforced 16 illustrate the extent of damage observed in Banda Aceh. Figure 14: Phi Phi Island, Thailand. Figure 15: Tsunami damage in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Figure 16: Earthquake damage in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. 12 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On Effects of tsunami inundation Tsunami waves imposed dynamic water pressures on in Thailand was almost entirely due to water pressures coastal structures as well as buildings and bridges near the that varied from impulsive pressures of breaking waves at coastline, inducing serious damage to the entire surrounding the shore, to reduced dynamic pressures inland as water infrastructure located up to approximately 4 kilometers velocity decreased due to surface friction. There was some (2.5 miles) inland. The resulting impulsive pressures of impact loading generated by the floating debris, though breaking waves and hydro-dynamic pressures associated this was most pronounced in Banda Aceh, where large with water velocity inflicted partial and full collapses of non- objects were observed to have impacted on structures. structural and structural elements. The damage observed Performance of timber construction In both Thailand and Indonesia, coastal towns had a large floor systems. The roofs either had light corrugated iron number of low-rise timber frame buildings. These buildings coverage or clay roofing tiles. Figure 17 illustrates the had timber columns and beams, supporting timber joist framing system used and the types of damage observed. Figure 17: Damage to timber frame buildings in Phi Phi Island, Thailand. Aon Benfield 13 Performance of unreinforced masonry walls The majority of buildings in Thailand and Indonesia resulted in large holes in walls, sometimes removing had frames infilled with unreinforced masonry walls. the masonry almost entirely. The remaining walls The masonry units used were consistently of the same around the frames did not show any sign of diagonal type, with 50 millimeters (2 inches) in thickness. Both tension cracks, contrary to expectations, unless the hollow clay bricks and concrete masonry blocks of failure was caused by seismic excitations, which was the same thickness were used (Figure 18). These walls limited to Banda Aceh only. Figure 19 shows the type suffered punching shear failures due to the tsunami wave of punching failures observed in masonry infill walls. pressure, applied perpendicular to the wall plane. These Figure 18: Clay brick and concrete masonry block units with 50 mm thickness. Figure 19: Punching failure of masonry infill walls caused by tsunami wave pressure. (a) Kamala Beach 14 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On (b) Khao Lak Beach (c) Banda Aceh Performance of non-engineered reinforced concrete buildings The majority of one- to two-story low-rise buildings illustrates column failures in non-engineered reinforced were constructed using cast-in-situ concrete, without concrete frame buildings due to the tsunami wave pressure. much evidence of engineering design. The columns were of very small cross-section (about 200 millimeters (8 inches) square), containing 4 smooth or deformed corner bars with 8 millimeter (0.3 inch) diameter, resulting in approximately 0.5% reinforcement ratio. Their flexural capacity was computed to be significantly below the moments imposed by tsunami waves and slightly below the moments imposed by hydrostatic pressure. Figure 20 Observations on column behavior indicated that many failures occurred at mid-height, especially in Banda Aceh. This was attributed to the effects of debris impact, over and above the tsunami wave pressure. Indeed, floating building remains, as well as floating large objects like fishing boats and cars impacted on the columns, causing column failures near their mid-heights. This is illustrated in Figure 21. Figure 20: Column failures in non-engineered reinforced concrete construction. (a) Khao Lak Beach (b) Phi Phi Island (c) Banda Aceh Figure 21: Column failures due to debris impact in Banda Aceh. Performance of engineered reinforced concrete buildings There were many low- to mid-rise reinforced concrete hotel buildings in Thailand that survived the tsunami frame buildings which appeared to have been without any sign of structural damage, although engineered in the visited areas of Thailand and Indonesia. nearby non-engineered buildings were either partially These buildings survived the tsunami pressure without or fully collapsed. There were some exceptions to structural damage, though they suffered damage this observation in Nai Thon Beach, where water to non-structural elements, especially the first story runup affected slender reinforced concrete columns masonry walls. Figure 22 shows reinforced concrete of a shopping center, causing a partial collapse. Aon Benfield 15 A common precast slab system that was used in Thailand lifted up due to water pressure, causing slab failures. One consisted of prefabricated reinforced concrete strips, good example was a shopping center in Patong Beach supported by cast-in-place beams. These strips had 50 on Phuket Island, Thailand, where the lower level below millimeter (2 inch) thickness, 300 millimeter (12 inch) grade was filled up with water, lifting and destroying the width and 2.0 meters (79 inches) length, reinforced with first floor slab panels, as illustrated in Figure 23. A similar 4-6 millimeter (0.1-0.2 inch) diameter smooth wires, type of slab failure was also observed in the concrete dock equally spaced in the center of the section. Figure 23 of the Kao Lak Harbor, as shown in Figure 24, though the shows the specifics of the slab system. Because of lack of strips used in the harbor dock were slightly thicker. proper connection to the supporting beams, these strips Figure 22: Engineered concrete buildings survived tsunami forces without structural damage. (a) Hotel on Phi Phi Island (b) Hotel on Phi Phi Island Figure 23: Failure of precast slab strips in Patong Beach. Figure 24: Failure of Kao Lak Harbor dock. 16 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On (c) Hotel in Nai Thon Damage to lifelines There was extensive damage to bridges in the Aceh a two-lane, multi-span reinforced concrete bridge was province of Indonesia caused by tsunami wave forces, swept off its piers, as illustrated in Figure 25(a). Two of collapsing many and jeopardizing relief efforts. Figure the bridge piers were also destroyed while the others 25 shows a two-span steel truss bridge in western Banda remained in place. Another multi-span, reinforced concrete Aceh that failed and displaced approximately 50 meters bridge, over the same river further away from the ocean, (164 feet) from its piers and abutments which were not survived the tsunami wave pressure as shown in Figure damaged. The Indonesian army constructed a Bailey 26(b). This bridge is likely to be of the same type as that bridge on the same supports to maintain access to the collapsed (shown in Figure 26(a)), judging by the spans nearby cement plant. Similarly, in eastern Banda Aceh and the piers, though this point could not be confirmed. Figure 25: The failure of steel truss bridge in eastern Banda Aceh. Figure 26: Multi-span reinforced concrete bridges in eastern Banda Aceh. (a) Bridge, completely swept off by tsunami (b) Bridge that survived the tsunami Aon Benfield 17 The transportation system in Banda Aceh was completely The storm drainage system in Banda Aceh, as well as in paralyzed by the tsunami. Main arteries as well as small Medan, Indonesia consists of concrete open channels streets were massively blocked by debris, jeopardizing located along main streets. These channels are sometimes response and relief efforts. Foreign aid crews put in a covered with prefabricated concrete slabs, especially substantial effort to clean and open streets that had in populated regions. This drainage system suffered been covered by the debris of collapsed buildings extensive damage in Banda Aceh. Cover slabs were broken and destroyed trees. Access to urban areas was lost, in and displaced and the channels were blocked by mud and particular the 150 kilometer (93 mile) coastal road to debris, further contributing to flooding. A major part of Meulaboh was washed away and bridges on the way lost the clean-up operation was to clean the drainage channels their superstructure due to the tsunami wave pressure. to make them functional again, as illustrated in Figure 27. Figure 27: Open channel drainage system in Banda Aceh. Water supply in Banda Aceh was disrupted due to the failure through the city. These pipes were damaged either by the of water mains. A number of main pipelines were broken as floating debris or collapsed bridge components. Figure they were attached to bridges to cross the rivers that pass 28 illustrates damaged pipelines attached to bridges. Figure 28: Damage to pipeline attached to bridges in Banda Aceh. 18 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On Conclusions from the field-trip The following conclusions can be drawn from the • Engineered reinforced concrete frames often appear to reconnaissance visit conducted in Thailand and Indonesia have sufficient strength against tsunami forces. There was to assess engineering significance of the December 26, very little damage observed in structural components 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and earthquake disaster, of engineered concrete buildings. Often, nonstructural with lessons learned and re-learned, as stated below: elements failed before the effects of tsunami pressure • Lateral forces generated by tsunami wave pressure can be orders of magnitude higher than typical design wind pressures, generating out of plane forces high enough to damage unreinforced masonry walls within the tsunami height. The observations indicated widespread buildings, relieving pressure on structural elements. There was one steel frame building investigated, which survived the tsunami pressure without any sign of distress. • Prefabricated reinforced concrete slab strips, commonly failure of masonry infill walls within the first story level used in the area, suffered from uplift forces caused of most frame buildings. These failures were often in by hydrostatic pressures. Lack of proper anchorage the form of large circular holes in the masonry walls. to the supporting beams was blamed for the failure • While the relative level of forces will change from one building to another, depending on the characteristics of these slab systems. • Bridge infrastructure was devastated by tsunami forces. of the building, the type of exterior enclosure, Many bridges were swept away from their supports, proximity to shoreline, topography of the region and disabling the transportation network. other seismic and tsunami characteristics, tsunami generated base shear in buildings can be at a level that is comparable to seismic induced base shears. • Non-engineered low-rise reinforced concrete frame buildings, with small size structural elements, are vulnerable to partial or full collapse due to lateral tsunami pressures. Columns of such buildings are further vulnerable to impact forces generated by floating debris caused by tsunami, often leading to flexural failures of columns within their mid-heights. reached a critical level for structural components of such • Storage tanks should be well anchored to their foundations to resist tsunami pressures. Many steel storage tanks, as well as other unanchored structures floated away long distances due to the uplift pressure generated by tsunami. • Light timber frame buildings are extremely vulnerable to tsunami wave pressures. Many residential districts with timber residential buildings in Banda Aceh were entirely wiped out by tsunami waves. Aon Benfield 19 Tsunami characteristics and sources in Indian Ocean General Characteristics of tsunami Tsunamis (Japanese: “harbor wave”) are giant waves Addressing the Risk of Tsunami in the Indian Ocean, due to the sudden displacement of a large volume of Journal of South East Asia Disaster Studies). the water in the sea or in the lake. These displacements are most often caused by earthquakes; other caused of tsunamis include submarine and coastal landslides, The energy released from a tsunami is constant, which is the function of wave speed and wave height. Tsunami volcanic eruptions or meteoric impacts. waves form only a small hump on the open sea, barely Devastating tsunamis have been historically generated on very high speed of 500-1,000 kph (310-620 mph). faults which are located offshore or inland at small distance from shore. Tsunamis can be generated when the sea floor abruptly deforms and vertically displaces the overlying water. Tsunamis often occur following under-sea earthquakes, due to the destabilization of the water above the deformed area. Tsunamis are also generated by volcanic eruptions and undersea and coastal landslides. (Ref: Nayak S., Kumar S.T. (2008) noticeable and harmless, which generally travels at a As the wave travels towards the shore (shallower water) the speed decreases and in order to conserve the energy the wave height increases. Distant-tsunamis or tele-tsunamis (or far-field tsunamis) are those that travel a long distance and strike far from the original source, whereas local-tsunamis (or near-field tsunamis) affect regions close to the source. Figure 29: The figure shows local tsunami intensity (a function of maximum tsunami runup) plotted against the moment magnitude of the earthquake (Mw) for a number of tsunamis that occurred in the past century. The size of the 2004 Sumatra local tsunami is consistent with the size of tsunamis generated by other earthquakes of similar magnitude. It is also clear that this is one of the largest earthquakes to have been recorded. Source: 20 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On Tsunami characteristics are highly influenced by the orientation of the fault and direction of fault slip. earthquake parameters such as seismic moment, source Earthquakes which have larger vertical fault movement mechanism and hypo central depth. The seismic moment (dip-slip events) are more effective in triggering represents the energy released by the earthquake tsunamis compared to earthquakes which have larger which indicates the magnitude of the earthquake. horizontal fault movement (strike-slip events). Also, Major tsunamis have been invariably the result of larger shallower hypocentral earthquakes are more capable of earthquakes. The earthquake mechanism is defined by triggering tsunamis compared to deeper earthquakes. Tsunamigenic earthquake sources in the Indian Ocean When compared to Pacific Ocean tsunamis, those in the Seychelles, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand. Indian Ocean occur less often. However, a large number (Ref: Department of Ocean Development, Integrated of countries are vulnerable, including (in alphabetical Coastal and Marine Area Management, Project Directorate, order) Australia, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Iran, Chennai, India (2005) Preliminary Assessment of Impact Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, of Tsunami in Selected Coastal Areas of India). Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, Reunion Island (France), Figure 30: Location of the origin of tsunamis in Indian Ocean between 1900 and 2014. (source: NOAA) Aon Benfield 21 Destructive tsunamis largely originate from earthquakes plate and Southeast Asia. The Sunda Arc consists of three that occur along the following principal tectonic sources. primary segments; the Sumatra segment, the Sunda Strait In the western part of Indian Ocean, the Makran coast Segment and the Java Segment. These locations represent is an east-west subduction zone running from the Strait the area of greatest seismic exposure, with earthquake of Hormuz to the Ornach-Nal Fault in Pakistan. The best magnitudes of 8 or higher on the Richter scale - as the 26 known historical tsunami in the region was generated by December 2004 proved. Among these tectonic features, the great earthquake of November 28, 1945 off Pakistan’s the Makran and Sunda Arc subduction zones are the Makran Coast (Balochistan) in the Northern Arabian Sea. primary tsunamigenic sources in the Indian Ocean. The destructive tsunami killed more than 4,000 people in Southern Pakistan but also caused great loss of life and devastation along the coasts of Western India, Iran, Oman and possibly elsewhere. Further south on the western side the Indian tectonic plate is bounded by the Central Indian and Carlsberg mid-ocean ridges, a region of shallow seismicity. To the east, the Sunda Arc extends over 5,600 kilometers (3,480 miles) between the Andaman Islands to the northwest and the Banda Arc to the east, resulting from convergence between the Indo-Australian Figure 31: Areas prone to Tsunami in and around Indonesia. Source: InaTEWS 22 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On A tsunami catalogue for last 100 years is given in Appendix 1 indicating that several major events were generated in the Indian Ocean. The runup heights range between few centimeters and several meters with the maximum 49 meters (160 feet) resulting from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami event. The same data are illustrated in Figure 29 which shows evidence for highest activity in the Sunda Arc subduction region, especially the islands of Indonesia and Andaman Islands. Tsunami Hazard Assessment The hazard parameter of interest from a tsunami is require specifying all relevant tsunami sources that may typically runup height which is a measurement of the affect the site, performing time demanding numerical maximum height of the water that the tsunami pushed hydrodynamic modeling for each source, and aggregating onshore above a reference sea level. The goal of the the results to form the hazard curve which expresses the hazard assessment is to determine the runup height of a frequency of occurrence as a function of the runup height. tsunami striking an area. Traditionally, tsunami hazards have been assessed deterministically using the concept of a maximum credible event or worst-case scenario. There is, however, no single accepted way of determining this scenario. In some cases, the physically largest earthquake is used to assess the tsunami hazard at a coastal site, whereas in other approaches, the largest historical event The geographical extent of Indian Ocean is smaller compared to the Pacific Ocean and therefore the tsunami reaches the coast earlier in Indian Ocean. To capture the scenarios in a more realistic fashion, it is critical that the models should use good quality bathymetry and coastal bathymetry data. is defined as the worst-case scenario. The methods Aon Benfield 23 Indian Ocean tsunami warning systems UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Committee and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWS) in 2005. It became (IOC) coordinated and established the Intergovernmental fully operational in 2011 in twenty eight countries that Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning form the Intergovernmental Coordination Group (ICG). Figure 32: Seismic Network in Indian Ocean, 2004 (left) and 2014 (right). Source: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission The aim of the system is to provide information regarding Many Indian Ocean countries now have established National approaching tsunami waves. The system works by detecting Tsunami Warning Centers that are capable of receiving and tsunamigenic earthquakes more quickly and precisely than distributing tsunami advisories. Australia, India, and Indonesia was possible before as several new seismograph stations have act as Regional Tsunami Service Providers (RTSP) under the been added to the pre-existing network. It then confirms if IOTWS and are the primary source of tsunami advisories for a tsunami wave has been generated and issues appropriate the basin. The following sections discuss the tsunami warning warnings. While there were only a few real-time seismometers systems developed in India and Indonesia since the event. prior to 2004, there are now several countries in the region which operate real-time seismic networks (Figure 32). Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) In response to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami event, The National Tsunami Early Warning Centre at INCOIS has the Indian government, via the Ministry of Earth been operational since October 2007 (Ref: Addressing Sciences, established the Indian Tsunami Early Warning the Risk of Tsunami in the Indian Ocean: Shailesh Nayak System. It is based at and operated by Indian National and T. Srinivasa Kumar) and has been issuing tsunami Center for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), advisories for all under-sea earthquakes of ≥ 6.5-magnitude. Hyderabad (operational set-up is shown in Figure Information regarding earthquakes is received from a 33). The main objective of the Indian Tsunami Early network of 17 broadband seismic monitoring stations Warning Centre is to detect, locate, and determine the and more than 300 international stations. A database of magnitude of potentially tsunamigenic earthquakes all possible earthquake scenarios for the Indian Ocean is occurring in the Indian Ocean Basin, and subsequently used to identify the regions at risk at the time of event. issue warnings regarding any potential event. Significant changes in sea level are monitored at the time of occurrence of tsunamigenic earthquakes. 24 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On Figure 33: Operational set-up at INCOIS office, Hyderabad, India. Source: Impact Forecasting The change in sea level needs to be measured close to the data is also received from international stations as well as fault zone with high accuracy. The Indian Tsunami Early Indian Meteorological Department (Ref: Indian Tsunami Warning Centre’s sea level network comprises 7 tsunami Warning System by Shailesh Nayak and T. Srinivasa Kumar). buoys (5 in Bay of Bengal & 2 in North Arabian Sea) and tide Necessary software for real-time reception, display and gauge stations at 21 locations. The location of the ocean archiving of tide gauge data has also been developed. buoys and tide gauges is shown in Figure 34. Near-real time Aon Benfield 25 Figure 34: Map showing the network of seismic stations, tsunami buoys and tidal gauges surrounding India. Source: INCOIS In addition to real time monitoring of the natural emergency centers and the general public. Timely tsunami phenomena, INCOIS also uses modeling software in order advisories (Warning/ Alerts/ Watches) are disseminated to assess the possibility of a tsunami after an earthquake. to the vulnerable communities following a Standard Further modeling software is also being developed in Operating Procedure (SOP), shown in Figure 35, by means order to better determine the possibility of tsunami. of various available communication methods like global INCOIS and its subsidiaries collect information regarding 26 telecommunication systems, fax, phone, SMS and others. seismic events in real time, study the possibility of a tsunami The center, along with other such warning centers in the after a seismic event and disseminate warnings to both region also provides regular training and conducts drills 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On Figure 35: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre. Source: Figure INCOIS 35: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre (source: INCOIS) to study the preparedness of the systems in place. India improvements have been made in seismic monitoring is a Regional Tsunami Service Provider and also issues networks, sea level monitoring, tsunami modeling, warnings and advice to surrounding countries in the standard operating procedures, international network Indian Ocean which could be affected by a tsunami. development and capacity building. Improvements are There are still challenges in modeling, estimation of tsunami wave heights and dissemination of information to remote regions, among others. However, the systems in place are much improved now, when compared to 2004; happening in the development of denser seismic networks, modeling and visualization software, utilization of satellite networks for faster dissemination of information and the integration of storm surge forecasting system. Aon Benfield 27 Indonesia Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS) The Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS) convergence zone between the Indo-Australian tectonic is the official tsunami early warning system in Indonesia. plate and the Eurasian plate. This subduction area is It was set up with a mandate to produce tsunami prone to severe earthquakes and hence, also tsunamis. warning within 5 minutes of an earthquake occurring Therefore, Indonesia is well placed to host a tsunami (Ref: Development of Indonesia Tsunami Early Warning warning system. To help achieve this purpose, a series System towards Regional Tsunami Watch Provider by P.J of broadband seismograph stations, accelerographs, Prih Hajadi, Fauzi) and was officially launched on 11th tide gauges and GPS stations have been installed at November 2008. Parts of Indonesia are located at the tsunami and earthquake prone regions in Indonesia. Figure 36: Operational set-up of InaTEWS at Jakarta, Indonesia. Source: Impact Forecasting 28 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On The operational component is denoted by agencies like the Earthquake monitoring is performed via a network BMKG (Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical of seismographs (163 broadband stations), and 259 Agency), Indonesian Geospatial Information Agency accelerographs, while land deformation is assessed by (Badan Informasi Geospasial, BIG) and BPPT (Agency for 30 GPS stations. Sea level is monitored by DART–buoys the assessment and application of technology). These (Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis) departments are primarily involved in monitoring the and tide gauges (113 stations). The information from the situation, processing and analyzing information, and different monitoring stations and networks is transmitted issuing and disseminating warnings in case of an event. to a central monitoring center via satellite communication. Figure 37: Network of seismic stations in and around Indonesia. Source: InaTEWS Aon Benfield 29 Figure 38: Network of tsunami sirens in Indonesia. Source: InaTEWS Figure 39: CCTV monitoring at InaTEWS office. Source: InaTEWS 30 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On The mitigation and emergency response is undertaken Institute of Technology) which assist in research and by BNPB (Indonesia’s National Disaster Relief Agency) development and in building human and other resources and other government and private agencies (such as to tackle the tsunami risk in the region. Based on local governments at provincial, district and municipal previous tsunamis and their characteristics, tsunami levels, national and local television and radio stations, modeling is also pursued at these institutions. the Indonesian military, the National Indonesian Police, communities at risk, cellular service providers, managers of hotels/tourist sites) which can respond appropriately after an event and keep the public aware and prepared at other times. Satellite communications are useful here as well. Once it is confirmed that a tsunami has been generated, other devices of mass communication, such as sirens (Figure 38), are deployed to inform a large number of people about the danger and warning them to relocate to higher ground. The capacity building component comprises of LIPI In addition to being an effort at a multi-institutional level, InaTEWS has been developed with assistance at the multi-national level. InaTEWS is also a regional tsunami watch provider and provides warnings to other nations in the ASEAN region. Other Countries: It is to be noted that several countries in the region operate their own tsunami warning systems: like the National Disaster Warning Centre in Thailand, Malaysia Meteorological Services in Malaysia and Department of Meteorology and Hydrology in Myanmar. (Indonesian Institute of Sciences) and ITB (Bandung Aon Benfield 31 Preparedness and communication Given the very short warning lead time, preparedness response (such as following the instructions/signs, is key to mitigating the losses from a tsunami event. As reaching higher grounds and tsunami shelters etc.) such, creating public awareness about the appropriate and education about the peril is essential. Figure 40: Tsunami evacuation sign and escape building in Banda Aceh. Source: Impact Forecasting 32 Prior to 2004, there was no real-time earthquake monitoring territories and coordination activities among different in Indian Ocean; but now, several countries operate real- agencies in disseminating the information stands out as a time seismic networks and are capable of estimating the marked improvement from the past. Television, radio, phone, event parameters within 10 minutes of the occurrence. fax, email, SMS, etc. are all now used to issue warnings and Establishment of monitoring and warning systems in different advisories to the general public and communities at risk. 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On Figure 41: Tsunami evacuation route map, warning tower, height marker and shelter in Thailand. Courtesy: Dr. Poh Poh Wong The first real test of the system was when a Mw8.6 that, ten years on from the event that inspired the earthquake struck to the southwest of Banda Aceh in development of the basin-wide tsunami warning system, April 2012. The RTSPs in India, Indonesia and Australia the region is now much better prepared for such incidents. issued the warnings within a few minutes of the occurrence of the event. Ultimately no tsunami was generated by the quake but it provided an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the system and identify Some challenges in tsunami risk management include issuing quick and accurate warnings to regions near the source, maintenance of expensive equipment and the areas where improvements were still required. improvement in public response to the warnings. For More recently, a mock test of the system was undertaken Aceh in 2012, people did not approach higher elevations or in September 2014 when the three RTSPs issued warnings evacuation buildings but instead they ran farther inland. This based on computer-simulated earthquake and tsunami highlights the need for creating further safety awareness, scenarios. 24 countries took part in the exercise with active community participation and the effective last many countries undertaking public evacuation exercises. mile connectivity for warning dissemination. The recent The test was designed to assess the effectiveness of “Indian Ocean Wave 14” tsunami simulation exercises communication flows between the agencies involved, involving 24 nations in the region during September 2014 country readiness, and the efficiency of emergency and the evacuation drill in Banda Aceh on 26th October procedures. Preliminary results from the exercise suggest 2014 (Figure 42) are positive steps in this direction. example, when an earthquake of Mw8.5 occurred near Aon Benfield 33 Figure 42: A poster announcement of tsunami evacuation drill on 26th October, 2014 at Banda Aceh. Source: Impact Forecasting 34 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On Aon Benfield’s tsunami modeling initiatives Due to the low insurance penetration in the regions with Deltares (one of the research partners of Aon affected by 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the insured losses Benfield) on different tsunami risk assessment projects. were relatively low. However, the recent devastating The following paragraphs discuss some of the tsunami tsunami events such as 2010 Maule in Chile and 2011 risk assessment initiatives undertaken by Aon Benfield. Tohoku in Japan caused significant industry losses leading to a need to understand and quantify the risk from this secondary peril, in particular in the APAC region as the exposures continue to grow rapidly. Impact Forecasting, Aon Benfield’s catastrophe model development center of excellence, has developed tsunami models for Japan and Chile, and implemented them on its proprietary loss calculation platform 1. Japan tsunami scenario model The Japan tsunami scenario model is based on information gathered from scientific publications and the Japanese Government Cabinet office. The model has been developed in-house but evaluated together with local academics from Japan. The following scenario events are available for analyses: ELEMENTS. Impact Forecasting recently collaborated List of events. Event ID Event name Magnitude (Mw) Source 1 Kanto 1923 8.0 Kobayashi and Koketsu 2005 2 1703 Genroku-Kanto 8.2 Shishikura et al 2005 3 Tohoku 9.1 IISEE 4 – 15 Nankai 9.0 Government Cabinet’s office 2012 Aon Benfield 35 Figure 43: 2011 Tohoku event slip distribution tsunami. Source model (IISEE) 36 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On 2.Chile Tsunami probabilistic and scenario model Impact Forecasting’s Chile earthquake and tsunami model is the first model on the market that includes both probabilistic and scenario tsunami components as the secondary peril to the earthquake component (Ref: A Probabilistic model for Chile: Rara V et al, 2014). The tsunami probabilistic event set contains 3,700 events and the historical includes 1960 Mw9.5 Valdivia and 5 variations of 2010 Mw8.8 Maule event. The tsunami hazard is defined in terms of inundation depth and velocity. Wave propagation and inland inundation (flooding) is modelled using 2-D hydraulic software Delft3D (Deltares). An original set of tsunami damage curves is developed for general and detailed construction and occupancy classes reflecting the particularities of the Chilean construction practice. Figure 44: Validation of the simulated and observed tsunami extent for 2010 Maule event in Talcahuano. Source: GEER team report, SRTM, Impact Forecasting Aon Benfield 37 3. Jakarta tsunami scenario As part of the Jakarta Coastal Defence Strategy (JCDS, Deltares 2009-2012) a tsunami model was developed by Deltares for Jakarta based on the worst case hypothetical tsunamigenic earthquake along the Sunda Strait. Figure 45 shows the inundation depths generated using the hypothetical scenario. Aon Benfield will examine further to implement a scenario on ELEMENTS. Figure 45: Screenshot showing the simulated inundation depths using a hypothetical worst case scenario for Jakarta. Source: Deltares; background imagery: Google Earth 4. Hong Kong and PRD Tsunami study Aon Benfield engaged an external agency to investigate the probabilistic tsunami hazard for Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region caused by earthquake sources around the 38 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On South China Sea. As shown in Figures 46 and 47, the Manila Trench is determined as the dominant tsunami source in the South China Sea for Hong Kong and Shenzen while sources from the Indonesian archipelago were also considered. Figure 46: Source and magnitude disaggregation map of Hong Kong, 475 average return period; the northern section of Manila Trench poses the most significant risk to Hong Kong. Figure 47: Source and magnitude disaggregation map of Shenzhen, 475 average return period; the southern section of the Manila trench has greater impact while Hong Kong islands provide sheltering effect. Aon Benfield 39 5. 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Event The inundated areas from 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami are available on ImpactOnDemand, Aon Benfield’s proprietary mapping visualization platform. An overview of the exposure within the affected areas can be obtained using this information. Figure 48: Inundated areas (in blue) in Banda Aceh, Indonesia from 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami as visualized in ImpactOnDemand. Sources: USGS, Pacific Disaster Center, NOAA, ReliefWeb and Aon Benfield Commentary from Impact Forecasting “The December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami provided a catastrophic reminder that South East Asia is far from being immune to tsunamis. The region traversed by almost one-third of the world’s subduction zones, capable of producing the world’s largest earthquakes and tsunamis, requires systematic and continuous understanding and quantification of the tsunami risk. A lot of research has been done based on this event and the next steps in tsunami modeling should include the use of high resolution and detailed input data (bathymetry, topography, land use) and state-of-the-art software for 2D hydraulic modeling, should understand and quantify better the building contents vulnerability and business interruption and of course should have in-depth consideration of the market needs. Now, ten years after this catastrophic event, in these new economic conditions, we are committed to work with our clients to examine such need and to define our model development strategy accordingly.” Dr. Goran Trendafiloski, Head of Earthquake Model Development, Impact Forecasting 40 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On Tsunami insurance coverage in Asia Pacific One aspect of tsunamis that make them different to other for losses resulting from tsunamis appears to be widely insured hazards is the potential for wide geographical extent available. A summary of the general availability of insurance of their impact, as well as their impact on a wide range of cover for tsunami losses from insurance companies in insurance classes. With some exceptions, insurance cover select territories in Asia Pacific is given in Appendix 3. Catastrophe Reinsurance Reinsurance for catastrophe losses arising from tsunamis includes it in their policy terms, since a reinsurance appears to be fully available without any significant contract is subject to the policy conditions used by the exclusions. However in line with normal practice, reinsurance primary company being followed in the event of losses. only covers tsunami losses if the primary insurance company Property Insurance In most Asian countries indemnity is usually provided for and industrial policies cover it. A common proviso indicating tsunami losses under named perils policies in association that should the damage be ‘caused by or arising out of an with either earthquake or flood cover, depending on the earthquake or seismological disturbance’ may be the cause of country, or covered under an all risk policy in the case contention in the event of losses from earthquake-generated of larger commercial and industrial businesses. In Asian tsunami, with insurers arguing that the proximate cause is the countries it is most commonly associated with flood tsunami and not the earthquake or seismological disturbance. cover; however in Malaysia and Indonesia, it is clubbed However by excluding ‘tidal wave’, the old colloquial term with earthquake coverage. The relatively low levels of for tsunami, but including the phrase ‘or seismological insurance losses in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was disturbance’, which many would interpret as including primarily due to the low penetration of insurance cover tsunamis, some insurance companies may find themselves generally in the areas affected and even lower levels of liable for earthquake-generated tsunami losses even if this is extensions to earthquake, flood and other major perils. not their intention. Special policies for larger commercial and While most residential property insurance policies in the industrial business often do not have the seawater exclusion. region exclude tsunami cover, most standard commercial Aon Benfield 41 Closing Remarks Revisiting and learning from the devastating event can [e.g. TDMRC (Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research offer opportunities to reduce vulnerabilities and risks. The Centre, Banda Aceh)] have been specifically set up to destruction caused by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami study and explore potential ways to mitigate the risk underlined the under-preparedness of the region in the from tsunamis. It is now generally known that tsunamis event of such massive disaster. There was no organized are not as rare as they were formerly perceived to be. approach to alert communities across the Indian Ocean that a calamitous wave was approaching their coasts. However, after a decade, several countries in the region are now equipped with the scientific know-how and instruments to forewarn the public in case of a possible disaster and are better prepared to face such events. But, as ever, challenges like effective maintenance of the warning systems which requires continuous funding, information dissemination to all the vulnerable groups, 42 The insurance industry can play a vital role in rebuilding after such catastrophic events. The insured losses were relatively small when compared to the large economic losses during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and rebuilding has largely depended on external funding and aid; however, as the insurance penetration rates continue to grow in the region, one could expect more resilience against economic disruptions arising from such disaster response and infrastructure resilience remain. events which would alleviate the loss burden. In this There has been a substantial amount of work from research approaches, development of suitable products and risk and academic institutions to understand more about transfer mechanisms can support loss mitigation and the tsunami peril in recent years. Various institutions economic recovery following such natural disasters. 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On milieu, the insurance industry, via better risk assessment Appendix 1. Indian Ocean tsunami observations between 1900 and 2014 Year Magnitude Country Name Latitude Longitude Runup Height 1908 7.5 INDONESIA SW. SUMATRA -2 100 1.4 1917 6.6 INDONESIA BALI SEA -7 116 2 1921 7.5 INDONESIA JAVA -11 111 0.1 1930 6 INDONESIA SOUTH OF JAVA -5.6 105.3 1.5 1930 6.5 INDONESIA SOUTH OF JAVA -9.3 114.3 0.1 1931 7.4 INDONESIA SW. SUMATRA -5 102.7 1 1941 7.6 INDIA ANDAMAN SEA, E. COAST INDIA 12.5 92.5 1.5 1945 8 PAKISTAN MAKRAN COAST 24.5 63 17 1957 5.5 INDONESIA SOUTH OF JAVA -8.2 107.3 0.7 1977 8 INDONESIA SUNDA ISLANDS -11.1 118.4 15 1982 5.4 INDONESIA JAVA TRENCH 4.3 97.7 0.1 1982 6.6 INDONESIA SUMBAWA ISLAND -9.2 118.4 0.1 1983 7.7 UK TERRITORY CHAGOS ARCHIPELAGO REGION -6.8 72.1 1.5 1985 6.2 INDONESIA BALI ISLAND -9.2 114.1 2 1987 6.6 INDONESIA TIMOR SEA -8.2 124.1 0.1 1992 7.8 INDONESIA FLORES SEA -8.4 121.8 26.2 1994 7.8 INDONESIA SOUTH OF JAVA -10.4 112.8 13.9 1994 6.6 INDONESIA SOUTH OF JAVA -10.3 112.8 3.7 1994 6.1 INDONESIA SOUTH OF JAVA -10.3 113.3 3 1995 6.9 INDONESIA TIMOR SEA -8.4 125 4 2000 7.9 AUSTRALIA SOUTH INDIAN OCEAN -13.8 97.4 0.3 2004 9.1 INDONESIA OFF W. COAST OF SUMATRA 3.3 95.8 50.9 2005 8.7 INDONESIA INDONESIA 2 97.1 4.2 2005 6.7 INDONESIA KEPULAUAN MENTAWAI -1.6 99.6 0.4 2006 7.7 INDONESIA SOUTH OF JAVA -9.2 107.4 20.9 2007 8.4 INDONESIA SUMATRA -4.4 101.3 5 2008 6.5 INDONESIA SUMATRA -2.4 99.9 0.12 2009 7.5 INDIA ANDAMAN ISLANDS 14.1 92.8 0.01 2009 6.7 INDONESIA SUMATRA -1.4 99.4 0.18 2009 7.5 INDONESIA SUMATRA -0.7 99.8 0.27 2010 7.8 INDONESIA SUMATRA 2.3 97.1 0.44 2010 7.5 INDIA LITTLE NICOBAR ISLAND 7.8 91.9 0.03 2010 7.8 INDONESIA SUMATRA -3.4 100.1 9.3 (Source: NOAA) Aon Benfield 43 Appendix 2. Useful Internet Links Web Link Information on Tsunamis and 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami US NOAA web site containing extensive links to reports and studies on 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami Extensive links to reports and studies of 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and general information on tsunamis Website contains information about 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami Tsunami Databases World-wide historical database of tsunami events maintained by the national Geophysical Data centre of NOAA, the US government meteorological organization. Historical tsunami database compiled by Institute of Computational and Mathematical Geophysics, Novosibirsh, Russia. Includes 1490 Pacific Ocean events dating from 47BC, 260 Atlantic Ocean events dating from 60BC, and 548 Mediterranean Sea events dating from 1628BC – but no Indian Ocean events. Tsunami Warning Centers The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre (JATWC) is operated by the Bureau of Meteorology (Bureau) and Geoscience Australia (GA). Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Sciences (INCOIS) based in Hyderabad, India Indonesia Tsunami Early Warning System, Jakarta, Indonesia Others – General Information on tsunami occurrences and risk US Geological Survey tsunami site. US NOAA tsunami site. Extensive information on nature of tsunamis, studies of different tsunamis, and emergency response. Web site of the International Tsunami Information Centre (ITIC) established by the International Oceanic Commission (IOC) Information on tsunami modeling and research from NOAA Center for Tsunami Research Link to Indian Ocean page of Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) 44 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On Web site of the International Co-ordination Group for the Tsunami Warning System in the Pacific Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre located in UNESCO office at Jakarta, Indonesia; established by The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO Website of ITC, Netherlands to publications and websites containing information on tsunamis Earth Observatory of Singapore; an institution with research focus on the geohazards in and around Southeast Asia Others – Indian Ocean Tsunami US Geological Survey studies and reports on 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Wikipedia encyclopedia report. Aon Benfield 45 Appendix 3. Availability of tsunami insurance cover in Asia Pacific region While an attempt has been made to provide a general overview of tsunami insurance coverage in different territories via the following tables, there might a few exceptions (or deviations from) to the information outlined below. Country Domestic property policies Not Covered Bangladesh Standard Cover Earthquake Extension Flood Extension X Comments Policy excludes loss caused as a direct result of earthquake. China X Tsunami is a standard exclusion in all domestic policies but it can be covered by Tsunami Extension with sub-limit around 80% of sum insured. India X Earthquake Extension covers Tsunami losses. Indonesia X Not covered under Indonesian Fire standard policy. Will be covered under the EQ Pool scheme. Korea X Exclusion under local standard policies. Malaysia X Earthquake Extension covers Tsunami losses; extension requires additional premium. Maldives Philippines X Earthquake Extension covers Tsunami losses. X By specific exclusion, but cover may be re-purchased. Sri Lanka X Taiwan Earthquake Extension covers Tsunami losses. X Definition of Flood is including surge and therefore presumed to be covered. Thailand X Vietnam X Earthquake Extension covers Tsunami losses. X Extension possible using the Flood and Earthquake extensions. Earthquake extensions are rarely used. Japan Australia X X Earthquake Extension covers Tsunami losses. Provides explicit coverage for: Earthquake, Tsunami that happens as a result of an earthquake, Landslide or subsidence that happens immediately as a result of an earthquake. New Zealand X Covered by combination of national government earthquake insurance scheme (EQC) and private sector 46 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On Country Small & medium commercial & industrial property Not Covered Standard Cover Bangladesh Earthquake Extension Flood Extension X Comments Not covered but Earthquake Extension has recently been extended to cover tsunami, landslip, volcanic eruption etc. and can be purchased for an additional premium. China X Tsunami is a standard exclusion in all domestic policies but it can be covered by Tsunami Extension with sub-limit around 80% of sum insured. India X 1 X 1. Standard cover under an all risk policy. 2 2. Earthquake Extension covers tsunami losses in a Fire & Allied Perils policy. Indonesia X Korea Will be covered under the EQ Pool scheme. X Standard Cover under an All Risk policy (Korean Package Policy). Malaysia X Earthquake Extension covers tsunami losses. Maldives X Earthquake Extension covers tsunami losses. Philippines X By specific exclusion, but cover may be re-purchased. Sri Lanka X 1 X 1. Standard cover under an All Risk policy. 2 2. Earthquake Extension covers tsunami losses in a Fire & Allied Perils policy. Taiwan X Definition of flood is including surge and therefore presumed to be covered. Thailand X1 X2 1. Standard cover under an All Risk policy. 2. Earthquake Extension covers tsunami losses in a Fire & Allied Perils policy. Vietnam X1 X2 X2 1. Standard cover under an All Risk policy. 2. Extension possible using the flood and earthquake extensions. Earthquake extensions are rarely used. Japan Australia X X Tsunami is covered by flood extension. Tsunami coverage is provided alongside the EQ peril New Zealand X Tsunami coverage is provided alongside the EQ peril Aon Benfield 47 Country Large commercial & industrial property (including ISR) Not Covered Standard Cover Bangladesh Earthquake Extension Flood Extension X Comments Not covered but Earthquake Extension has recently been extended to cover tsunami, landslip, volcanic eruption etc. and can be purchased for an additional premium. China X Tsunami is a standard exclusion in all domestic policies but it can be covered by Tsunami Extension with sub-limit around 80% of sum insured. India X1 X2 1. Standard cover under an All Risk policy. 2. Earthquake Extension covers tsunami losses in a Fire & Allied Perils policy. Indonesia X Korea Will be covered under the EQ Pool scheme. X Standard cover under an All Risk policy (Korean Package Policy). Malaysia X Earthquake Extension covers tsunami losses. Maldives X Earthquake Extension covers tsunami losses. Philippines X By specific exclusion, but cover may be re-purchased. Sri Lanka X1 X2 1. Standard cover under an All Risk policy. 2. Earthquake Extension covers tsunami losses in a Fire & Allied Perils policy. Taiwan X Thailand X1 Covered under All Risk policy. X2 1. Standard cover under an All Risk policy. 2. Earthquake Extension covers tsunami losses in a Fire & Allied Perils policy. Vietnam X 1 X 2 X 2 1. Standard cover under an All Risk policy. 2. Extension possible using the flood and earthquake extensions. Earthquake extensions are rarely used. Japan 48 X Australia X New Zealand X 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On Tsunami is covered by flood extension. ISR Country Motor Not Covered Bangladesh Standard Cover Earthquake Extension Flood Extension X Comments Policy does not exclude tsunami. Presumed to be covered. China X Policy does not exclude tsunami. Presumed to be covered. India Indonesia X X Tsunami and earthquake are covered under Act of God extension. Korea X Malaysia X X Both earthquake and flood extensions cover tsunami losses; extension requires additional premium. Maldives Philippines X X By specific exclusion, but cover may be re-purchased. Sri Lanka X Taiwan X X Earthquake and flood extension are included under the same extension. Thailand Vietnam Japan X X X Some policies cover tsunami as indemnity and some cover it as expense. Australia X New Zealand X Aon Benfield 49 Country Workers’ Compensation Not Covered Bangladesh Standard Cover Earthquake Extension X Flood Extension Comments Policy does not exclude tsunami. Presumed to be covered. China X Policy does not exclude tsunami. Presumed to be covered. India X Indonesia X Korea X It appears to be absolute exclusion under local standard policies. Malaysia X Policy does not exclude tsunami. Presumed to be covered. Maldives X Philippines X Sri Lanka X Taiwan X Policy does not exclude tsunami. Presumed to be covered. Thailand X Policy does not exclude tsunami. Presumed to be covered. Vietnam X Japan 50 X Australia X New Zealand X 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On Presumed to be covered. Country Medical (Accidental injury or death) Not Covered Bangladesh Standard Cover X Earthquake Extension Flood Extension Comments Policy does not exclude tsunami. Presumed to be covered. China X Policy does not exclude tsunami. Presumed to be covered. India X Indonesia X Policy does not exclude tsunami. Presumed to be covered. Korea X Malaysia X Policy does not exclude tsunami. Presumed to be covered. Maldives X Philippines X Sri Lanka X Taiwan X Thailand X Policy does not exclude tsunami. Presumed to be covered. Vietnam Japan X X Medical policies do not cover but “natural perils extension” covers tsunami. Australia X New Zealand X Aon Benfield 51 Appendix 4. Remnants and Reminders of 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami Figure 49: Top: ‘Aceh Thanks to the World’ monument at Blang Padang in Banda Aceh; it is a symbol of gratitude to the support extended after the disaster. Down: Tsunami museum at Banda Aceh (left picture); the museum houses many photos and videos related to the event including the names of the victims (picture on the right). Source: Impact Forecasting Figure 50: Recent (Oct 2014) views of Lampuk (left) and Lhoknga (right) beaches, Indonesia which were affected during the event. Source: Impact Forecasting 52 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On Figure 51: Snapshots of the disaster: - PLTD Apung 1, an electrical generator ship weighing 2600 tons was moved 2 to 3 km inland during the event (left) and a wrecked helicopter from the catastrophe (right). Source: Impact Forecasting Figure 52: Left: - Battered Mercedes, beachfront road, Patong, Thailand. Right: - Flood damage to an electricity generating unit in a substation on Maafushi Island, Maldives. Both connections and wiring were damaged due to inadequate insulation. Source: Aon Benfield Source: Dr. Dale Dominey-Howes Aon Benfield 53 Figure 53: One of the tsunami sirens installed at Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Source: Impact Forecasting 54 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On References [1]Asian Disaster Prepared Center, economic_impact_of_december_2004_tsunami_apdc.pdf [2]Department of Ocean Development (2005) Preliminary Assessment of Impact of Tsunami in Selected Coastal Areas of India compiled by Department of Ocean Development, Integrated Coastal and Marine Area Management, Project Directorate, Chennai, India. [3]Geocities, [4]Haque C. E., Nirupama N., Murty T. S., (2006) Nature itself does not cause a disaster, In Natural Hazards & Disaster Mitigation pp 79:103 [5]Harjadi P.J.P., Fauzi (2009): Development of Indonesia Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS) toward Regional Tsunami Watch Provider (RTWP). - In: (Ed.), -DEWS-MidtermConference 2009, DEWS Midterm Conference 2009 (Potsdam 2009), p. 10-10. [6]Harjadi P.J.P., Fuazi, (2010) InaTEWS Concept and Implementation, from Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics, Jakarta, Indonesia [7]Mapsoftworld, [8] National Geophysical Data Center, [9] National Science Foundation, [10]Nayak S., Kumar S.T. (2008) Addressing the Risk of Tsunami in the Indian Ocean, J South Asia Disaster Stud. 1(1): 45-57 [11]Nayak S., and Kumar S.T. (2008) Indian Tsunami Warning System, In: International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Part B4, Beijing, XXXVII. pp 1501-1506 [12]Rara V., Arango C., Puncochar P., Trendafiloski G., Ewing Ch., Vatvani D., Chandler A. (2014) A Probabilistic model for Chile, 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, New York City, USA, August 2014 [13] U.S. Geological Survey, Aon Benfield 55 Acknowledgements We would like to thank Mr. Nicolas Arcos (NOAA), Prof Russell Blong, Dr. Patrick Daley, Dr. Dale DomineyHowes, Mr. Shubharoop Ghosh, Mr. Ibnu Mundzir, Prof Tad Murty, Prof Ioan Nistor, Dr Mochammed Riyadi (InaTEWS), Dr. T. Srinivas Kumar (INCOIS), Ms. M V Sunanda (INCOIS), Dr. George Walker, Dr. Poh Poh Wong and the staff members at the following organizations: INCOIS, InaTEWS and TDMRC (Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Centre, Banda Aceh) for their support during the various stages of publication. 56 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On Contacts Adityam Krovvidi Head of Impact Forecasting Asia Pacific Singapore +65 6239 7651 adityam.krovvidi@ Sastry Dhara Director, Impact Forecasting Singapore +65 6645 0137 sastry.dhara@ About Aon Benfield Aon Benfield, a division of Aon plc (NYSE: AON), is the world’s leading reinsurance intermediary and full-service capital advisor. We empower our clients to better understand, manage and transfer risk through innovative solutions and personalized access to all forms of global reinsurance capital across treaty, facultative and capital markets. As a trusted advocate, we deliver local reach to the world’s markets, an unparalleled investment in innovative analytics, including catastrophe management, actuarial and rating agency advisory. Through our professionals’ expertise and experience, we advise clients in making optimal capital choices that will empower results and improve operational effectiveness for their business. With more than 80 offices in 50 countries, our worldwide client base has access to the broadest portfolio of integrated capital solutions and services. To learn how Aon Benfield helps empower results, please visit © Impact Forecasting®. No claim to original government works. The text and graphics of this publication are provided for informational purposes only. While Impact Forecasting® has tried to provide accurate and timely information, inadvertent technical inaccuracies and typographical errors may exist, and Impact Forecasting® does not warrant that the information is accurate, complete or current. The data presented at this site is intended to convey only general information on current natural perils and must not be used to make life-or-death decisions or decisions relating to the protection of property, as the data may not be accurate. Please listen to official information sources for current storm information. This data has no official status and should not be used for emergency response decision-making under any circumstances. © Aon plc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, tored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise. Impact Forecasting® is a wholly owned subsidiary of Aon plc. Notes 58 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: 10 Years On Notes Aon Benfield 59 About Aon Aon plc (NYSE:AON) is the leading global provider of risk management, insurance and reinsurance brokerage, and human resources solutions and outsourcing services. 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