NWO-CMCell,1" Floor, BharatSancharBhawanJanpath N e wD e l h-i 11 0 0 0 0 1 PhoneNo:23734305 Fax No: 23734304 r{nirCqnffirqftTFT}s (|naf,srlilr|r) BHARAT S'IIICHIRIIIOAT{ TIIIITEO AGqto,hfltn5ond No. F.NO MOB-14/NWO-CM-||l/QoS(Structural Revamp)12014-1il*L Dated:28-01-2015 Sub: Norms for Staff and Vehicle at SSA/Area/CircleLevel - CM Vertical Revamp)nfl4-15155 Dated:02-12-2014 Ref: 1) MOB-14/NWO-CM-Ill/QoS(Structural Dated:19-01-2015 Revamp)12014-15156 2) MOB-14/NWO-CM-|ll/QoS(Structural 3) No 4-212014-Restg. Dated23-01-15 procedurein ERPfor CMTSnetworkmaintenance VideRef 1 instructions wereissuedfor implementing the duidelines CM verticaland vide Ref 2 detailedguidelineswere issuedfor uniformimplementation by Mobile following normsare desired Customers the the acrossall circles.In order to deliver QoS proposed network Area/ maintenance at SS{ Proposed vehicles for CMTS to befollowedfor Staffsand required vertical at SSA and Area/Circle for CM Circlelevel.Numberof Executivesand Non-Executives receivedfrom levelis calculated basedon Dir/CM'sDO letterdated1&0$2014 and initialsuggestions few Circles.lt will be finalizedafter receivingfeedbacksfrom Ckcles and final numberswill be authority. communicated shortlyafterthe approvalof competent 1. Normsfor Staffsand Vehiclesat SSA Level worksof BTSlnfraltems Jobsat SSA level:Day-toDayrepair/maintenance a. BTSInfraMaintenance and sectrity is the rent, diesel, hous+keeping payment for elec'tricity, works like and associated which includes maintenance that BTS Infra responsibility of BTS Infra Teams. lt is envisaged BTS siteswill be Diesel, for non-exchange of etc activities suih as O&M of BTY/PP,DG,A/C,filling the out ensure that responsible to out sourced.For out sourcedactivities8TS Infrateam will be contain invariably should sourcedagencyis givingserviceas per SLA contracts.The contrac{s relevantclausesso as to protect BSNL in the event contractorfaits to deliver some of the obligationswhich may affectBTS availabili$.As an example,tlg_conlractshouldbe contractual madein suchiway that if ageniy fails to achievethe desiredup time,the BTS.lnfrateamwill be to mainiainthe u-ptim6on their outnorby engagingthird pgrtyvendorat the risk and responsible scrappingand handing .o.t of th" agencywith whom contractis signed.ReplacemenUUpgrade, andA,/Tof Infta SSA'/Circle store In-charge at the materials(e.g.Bfi/PPfto overthe old/obsolete Team. of BTSInfra items(e.g.BTY/PP)is the responsibility foi maintenanceof lrifrafor around100 BTSs are i) 1 executivesat the levelof Staffs'pr6posed 50%extra background): JTo/sbE/AcM,and ii) 2-3 TTA/PM(to be postedwithscience/engineering per team is vehiclg orovisionis madefor bircleswith difficulttdnain(e.g.NE RegionCircles).One oroposed. works of BSS ltems and b. E!$-M-iiitenance Jobs at SSA level: Day-te.Dayrepair/maintenance of FiM/anciSM/ faults,regularsite checks.suchas VSWR issociateoworksincludingrectification clock calibration,handoververification,antenna azimuth/orientation measuremenvreAificationf per check.activitiesrelatedio EMF compliance,measurementand submissionof reportsas BSS Teams' of etc is the responsibili$ of TERM/TRAI, requirement jobs of Mini-Link repair/maintenancervorks bay-to.Day like maintenance System M1,ry and Mini-Unt antenna faults, 5111\7 and and assotiated works including reclificationof FI711\; S'rt.rr BSSteam' check,etc areto be doneby respective aiimuth/orientation (e'9.BTs/Bsc'Mini' mate,ials anatrangrls'91fheold/obsolete n"pi"."r"ruupgr"oe, jt Team. of.BSS "cr-ffiSS-lrcircte, Rrf-ofBsSitemsistheresponsibility t_in'i; totnestorbin-charge atCircle Team RF Planning to feedback giving.dav-toiiry worrst-GJrivetesting, ni 6ptiriration, orientation (e.9. antenna Team of RF Planning grfanc" i"""i?rJ i"rii"g ".ttni""li1 Team.RFplinningT99mqt Circlelevelwill "ppropri"i" ot nF Otdmisation ,".pon"iOifii' etc is the change), procured by all (already toolslikeGladiator/Actix theDriveTestr""uftt iri Jo.i processing analyse planning) power (e.g' optiIization/frequency tlbt"iuent actions circlesof BSNL)and is "rgg;tt Team.ontoptimisationTeamper500BTS/NodeB opiitid"tion -optiri'risjtion dini *ni.n *ilr beundertaxen with SSAs for twothreesmall teamcanbe responsible oneir Therefore orooosed.
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