United Methodist Church Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Upper Darby, PA 19082 Permit #77 The Messenger 1108 Steel Road Havertown, PA 19083-3211 Return Service Requested February 2015 Vision Team Update Joanne Miles, Lay Leader & Chair Church Council • After considerable prayer, time, effort and energy over the past year • Taking into account comments, suggestions of the congregation • Looking to our community and those we are trying to reach • Convinced that Hope UMC is not dying and is not in danger of closing its doors in the very near future • Discerning very clearly and confidently that God still has a vision for this congregation – that we know as Hope – in this community at this time Offered the following 5 recommendations to Church Council for its consideration with hopes and prayers that Church Council would: • Adopt immediately these 5 recommendations • Take seriously the potential for growth and strengthening of who and what Hope is • Create a team to rollout recommendations and educate the congregation as to how this can move Hope forward “The Messenger” is published 11 times a year by Hope United Methodist Church, located at Steel and Eagle Roads in Havertown. Worship each Sunday begins at 11:00 am and includes Childcare and Children’s Sunday School. Each week, Adult Sunday School meets at 9:45 a.m. and Youth Sunday School at 10:00 am. • Create a timeline that will hold us all accountable to the need for Hope to adapt to the pressing needs of current and potential members • Identify groups of people to focus on each specific recommendation With the submission of this report and recommenda to each of the five recommendations. pleted. Yet at the same time we each remain commit team we are hopeful you will respond with an enthu tions, the ad hoc Vison Team considers its work com Our Pastor, James F. McIntire, can be reached by calling the church office, 610.446.3351 or his cell phone, 267-257-9541 or by Email at [email protected]. The church office hours regularly are 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. All are welcome to join us at any service or special event. Learn more about us at our website: www.HavHopeUMC.org ted to Hope and it’s vision and its future. We know that each member of the Vision team may be called on – as will, we expect, every Hope member and friend – to implement these recommendations and to siastic YES! Please join me in thanking the Vision Team (now dis banded) for their time and dedication to this project: contribute to growing Hope. Together we continue to Barbara AmEisen Andy Merrell to pray for discernment, and we seek out God’s vision Alison Bausman Cassie Popky listen and look for God in all that we do, we continue for this congregation in this community in this time. Catch the Spirit! If you are iden tified as someone with the gifts and talent to join a The ad hoc Vision Team is grateful to Church Council who unanimously approved the recommendations as noted below on November 25, 2015. The next steps are that new teams will be identified to focus on details and implementation timelines related Richard AmEisen Gloria Downs John Emmett Mary Grey Emmett Sonja Kerr Dale McKelvey Joanne Miles Nick Stango Colleen Stango Nick Romero Donna Romero continued, next page Vision Team Update February Schedule 1 Communion Sunday Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Karyn Wiseman 3 Rehearsal for Hope Children & Youth Choir at 6:30 p.m. in Jones Chapel 8 Joanne Miles preaching 10 Rehearsal for Hope Children & Youth Choir at 6:30 p.m. 15 Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Karyn Wiseman 16 Trustees Meeting 7:00 p.m. 17 Rehearsal for Hope Children & Youth Choir at 6:30 p.m. 17 Finance Meeting 7:30 p.m. 18 Haverford Township Clergy will hold Ash Wednesday Services at St. Faith’s Episcopal Church, Brookline Blvd. & Alston Road, Havertown, 7:30 p.m. 21 Food Bank 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Wesleyan Circle Soup Sale pickup your soup from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 22 Mary Grey Emmett preaching – Baptism of Joseph Toriello 25 Lenten Study at Hope UMC – 7:00 p.m. Bible Study on Fridays at 1:00 p.m. in the Roush Room Ultimate Wellness held every Tuesday and Thursday 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. Serving in February LAY READER 1 J. Miles 8 P. Cutillo 15 J. Emmett 22 D. AmEisen ACOLYTES 1 TJ Osborne 8 M. G. Popky 15 N. Stango 22 E. Wojnovich USHERS 1 W. Irving 8 J. Engler, R. Brunner, J. Deegan 15 M. Cosgrove, N. Lewandowski 22 W. Hoyle, W. Irving GREETERS - “We need Volunteers to be Greeters!” Are you available for 15 minutes before worship to greet? Thank you! 1 • 8 • 15 • 22 T.B.A. OFFERING COUNTERS 1 J. Engler, C. Hoffmann 8 P. Jacobs, R. Brunner 15 M. Cosgrove, L. Magro, D. AmEisen 22 L. Medica, H. Scheck CHILDCARE: K. Kramer COMMUNION STEWARD FOR MARCH: Pat Evans Thank you for Volunteering! February continued from page 1 Recommendation 1: A Vision for the Future Birthdays … adoption and use of the following vision statement for Hope All People. Many Views. One Spirit We care. We share. We play. We pray. Recommendation 2: Telling our Story … developing new and innovative ways to tell the story of Hope UMC which is committed to sharing God’s Good News for the world Recommendation 3: Looking Ahead … that we invest in the creation of a multiyear strategic plan that will enable us to look intentionally at the future of our church and it’s potential for growth, expansion, development, and the next generation Recommendation 4: Many People. Different Views … the creation of innovative and creative opportunities for a variety of people to explore and act on their faith 1 2 6 7 8 10 13 15 17 18 21 25 28 Evelyn Guest Evelyn Eldridge Elizabeth Reiley Nathan Grob Lily Stango Brady Carlin Jackie Engler Miriam Billingsley Matthew Wojnovich Sarah Sneddon Brian Grob Gloria Down Andrew Molnar Michelle Sears Nate Stango Nancy Redman Alma Williams Recommendation 5: Leading Us Forward … review of our staffing configuration to see that it is designed to Ash Wednesday February 18, 2015 implement vision recommendations and a redeveloped church for the next generation Ash Wednesday Haverford Community Clergy Association Service will be held at St. Faith’s Episcopal Church, Alston Road and Brookline Blvd., Havertown at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome! Lenten Study Reverend Mary Grey Emmett will present a Lenten Study beginning Wednesday, February 25th thru March 25th, 2015. The study presentation will begin at 7:00 p.m. with Communion afterward. Anniversary Condolences We wish to express our deepest sympathy to the family of Donna and Mark Wren in the passing of Donna’s father Denny Reitz. Please keep the family in your prayers at this time. Wishes Michael & Pat Cutillo will be celebrating their 48th Wedding Anniversary on February 18th w Blanket Sunday w News From Outreach We will be participating in this project beginning February 8th and February 15th, through Church World Service. When disaster strikes, people need blankets – and much more. They need food, shelter, safe water. And, as the recovery process unfolds, they need tools, training and other resources to help them rebuild their lives. Contributions to Blankets Plus mean that Church World Service is there for the long haul as families recover from a disaster or struggle against grinding poverty. Through your contributions, you can make this ministry of hope as reality for people in need the world over. As we start another year, the Outreach Committee looks forward to once again being able to rely on your help in reaching out to the less fortunate in our community. You all have been so supportive in the past. S UNDAY GIVI NG E NVELOPE S are available for pick-up in the back of the Narthex. If you are able to deliver envelopes to shut-ins or anyone you know that does not attend services regularly we would be most grateful. Envelopes are used so all contributions can be recorded and credited to your end of year contribution statement. Thank you. Over the holidays, I heard from several of our shut-ins and folks in retirement facilities. Esther Hickman wanted to be remembered to all the ladies at Hope, said that she is very busy with all of the activities in her community. Ellen Gardiner’s daughter, wrote and said thanks for all the cards for her Mother. I saw Dottie Hey and she wanted to be remembered to all the ladies at Hope. I did not hear from Marion and Joe Barber this year and I was wondering if anyone else happened to hear from them? They are both over 100 years old. There are probably not too many folks that remember the Barbers, they were old time Ebenezer folks that moved to Jupiter Beach, FL. Altar Flowers Request for 2015 If you have missed the signup sheet in the Narthex for Altar Flowers please fill out this form and either mail/or bring to the Church Office. Come February, we will be waging a campaign for funds in support of supplying blankets for Church World Services. These blankets are used everywhere in the United States and the rest of the world. Whenever disaster strikes these blankets are used in so many ways, i.e. for shelter, protection against the elements, carrying children, household objects, etc. There will be a Blanket Sunday on February 8th and February 15th. All monies collected will be forwarded to CWS for blankets. This is an annual benevolence of this committee. Please remember the Adopt-A-Soldier program and if you have any questions, please contact Linda Gonzales. Doris Peabody & Pat Cutillo DATE REQUESTED: _____________ Co-Chairpersons • Outreach Committee PRESENTED BY: ___________________________________ IN HONOR OF: ___________________________________ If the Altar is not available for the date you request, the Church Office will contact you for an alter native date. The cost of flowers is $35.00 unless notified otherwise. th e F u for t e HOPE UMC IS SELLING GIFT CARDS TO SUPPORT OUR CAPITAL CAMPAIGN e! ur IN MEMORY OF: Hop ___________________________________ Please consider support of the Capital Campaign through use of the Shop With Script Program. You can benefit Hope through purchase of a large inventory of Gift Cards. It’s a win for all. No extra cost to you and benefit to Hope. Purchase can be made by one of three methods: Sign up for a Family Account at http://www.shopwithscrip.com/ Enrollment Code – 73A8EB3D34865 E-mail your order to [email protected] or call Joanne Miles 610-449-9864 or the church office 610-446-3351 Easter Flowers & Plants ALL EASTER PLANT ORDERS MUST BE PLACED WITH CAROLYN SHAW, OR THE CHURCH OFFICE BY SUNDAY, March 29, 2015. The cost this year is still just $9.00 per plant. Please indicate your preference(s) below. YOUR PAYMENT MUST BE INCLUDED WITH YOUR ORDER! ALL CHECKS SHOULD BE MADE PAYABLE TO: HOPE U.M.C. AND MARKED “FOR EASTER PLANTS.” PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM COMPLETELY. PLEASE NOTE THE DEADLINE! Questions? Contact the church office (446-3351) #_____ of EASTER LILLIES . . . x $9.00 each = ($ amount) __________________ #_____ of HYACINTHS . . . x $9.00 each = ($ amount) __________________ #_____ of TULIPS . . . x $9.00 each = ($ amount) __________________ . . . x $9.00 each = ($ amount) __________________ Weslyan Circle Annual Home-Made Soup Sale P r e -Or de r s ! #_____ of AZALEAS In addition to and/or instead of a plant, please accept my donation to be used ($ amount) mtoward decorations. TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED ___________________ $ __________________ Split P e a & Ha m $ 8 . 0 0 qu a r t All Ot h e r s $ 7 . 0 0 qu a r t __________ Chicken Noodle Pickup Times Saturday, February 21st 10:00 a.m. ~ 12:00 p.m. or Sunday, February 22nd after Church *** PLEASE INDICATE *** __________ Split Pea w/Ham PLEASE COMPLETE! ( ) I WILL PICK UP MY PLANT AFTER EASTER SUNDAY WORSHIP ( ) PLEASE HOLD MY PLANT (S) FOR LATER PICK-UP PLANT PRESENTED BY: __________________________________________________________________ ( ) IN MEMORY OF: __________________________________________________________________ ( ) IN HONOR OF: __________________________________________________________________ Please note: Additional Easter Plant forms are available in the Narthex __________ Vegetable Beef Total Quarts ___________ __________ Broccoli Cheese Total Paid _________________ Name ________________________________________________________________ Tel: ___________________________________________________________________ Give orders to June Hoyle by Friday, February 15th
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